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Labour Notes. I Lab9urNotes.I

I" Breeding of Loafers."

Electric TheatreI

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Election Registers


What does it Profit a Man…

Minnie Pallister in Merthyr


Minnie Pallister in Merthyr ENTHUSIASTIC h:K. MEETING. THE INSPIRATION OF A GREAT IDEAL. Miss Minnie Pallister, our South Wales or- ganiser, held a splendid meeting in the Rink, Merthyr. on Sunday. Full of revolutionary fer- vour—not the anarchic, chaotic, blood-letting that is the common view of revolution, but the -ciystalline pure translation that Socialism stands foi an economic and intellectual revoltitloll,- and the high lIloral tOile that has always char- acterised her rebel speeches, she moved her audience deeply, Few of us possess her grlt faith in the truth of the lines: I' or the cause alone is \vorthy, 1 ill the good days bring the best," but we all vibrate responsively to the splendid enthusiasm of one whost. whole life is enwrapt with tIw heautilS nidiance of that great ideal. It is that absorbidness in our movement that marked Miss Pallister out as the one organiser we have produced in our area, it is that which has made her organising work so successful. The contagion of her enthusiasm is magnetic, hence her success in the polls, apart from work or house to house visitation and persuasion, or the more spectacular platform thundering of oratorv. Her theme on Sunday was the olf]. ol(i one oi thf common p<'op)e, a.nd more e-sj>ecially of the common everyday wife of the common everydav man, hut it was treated different. Treated so that one realised that to Minnie Lincoln's remark that (od must love the common people or he would not have made so many of them, is some- thing more than .a clever sentence—it is to her a vital truth. THE HUSBANDS. Of course, she had something to say of the selfishness of the superiority of the everyday husband, but it. was all taken in good part, be- cause even the husband who reahstnl the truth of her cliargess recognised that here was no carp- ing critic, but a comrade who sought from a square facing of the facts a philosophy of truth which is right. And the women, women who since the day of the passing of the matriarchy have been ground down to the level of the domes- tic animals, by their common owner, lordly man, the private property right established and holder, she, too, was taught'a. lesson of emanci- pation, not a sex emancipation, but a broader and more glorious huiuan emancipation in which the woman would complement the man, and as comrade and colleague work out with him her own emancipation and his. And it was militant too, that speech. Not by the old, old devices of flattery and fawning, begging gr praying, is this new world to be established on earth: but by fighting, shoulder to shoulder, steady a.nd un- flinchingly. remorselessly and' without compro- mise. That alone was the way to salvation. The task seemed hard, and mayhap to the individual consciousness not worth while, but playing around the feet of such an one were the chil- dren, and in shadowy outline beside them were the children of the generations unborn. There was the prize. The turmoil of to-day meant that those little ones and their progeny should es- cape; the horror of it all: should miss the dehu- manising ministrations of capitalism, and should emerge men and women for the first time in his- tory. Real men and women, shining gloriously in their splendid robes of individuality, un smear- ed by the unsightly blotch of selfishness. Mrs. Follard made a remarkable debut as chairman.
