STIFF SENTENCES IN THE FOWNES CASE. WARNING TO SMALLER FIRMS. The three Rigdens, father and sons, partners in the well-known firm of Fownes Bros. and Co., glove manu- facturers, pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to the charge of trading with the enemy, and Mr Justice Low im- posed the following sentences: Wm. Gardiner Rigden, the father, a fine of £500. Wm. Fownes Rigden. 12 months in the second division. Stanley Fownes Rigden, 4 months in the second division. The prosecution, it will be remem- bered, alleged that since the outbreak of war goods to the value of £6,000 had been sent from Germany to the New York braneb of the firm, and al- though the gooda were used in America the invoices were sent to London. There was a sensational develop- ment when the caoe was resumed on Monday. Defendants withdrew their plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty, acting on the advice of their counsel. Mr Justice Low, in discharging the jury, said that the defendants had only anticipated what must have been the result of the trial. THE FATAL LETTER I Mr Travers Humphreys, alluding to the letter written by William Fownes Rigden, containing a suggestion that the goods should be consigned to "Murphy'' in New York, said that it was a disgraceful letter for a business man to write. Mr Hewart pointed out that with regard to the senior defendant for some time before the outbreak of war his relation to the business had been of a casual nature, the business being carried on really under the direction of the other partners. In September, 1914, he went for his holiday, and he was not consulted about the letter which had been referred to, nor did he becomQ aware of it until the hearing at the police court. With regard to Stanley Fownes Rigden, he was married a few days before the letter was written, and went away for his honeymoon. With regard to the other defendant William Fownes Rigden, it was right to consider the circumstances in which the matter was presented to him. The suggestions made in the letter were not suggestions for action, but for dis- cussion, and the suggestion about Murphy was capable of more interpre- tations than one, and counsel hoped that the Judge would not set the worst interpretation upon it. The business, deplorable and inexcusable as it was, was carried out in a perfectly normal way. No part. of the goods came to London; it was only the question of continuing the New York branch. Mr Justice Low, in passing sentenco said defendants were the principals in a great firm which was one of those firms that, in the exigencies of modern trade, had thought it right to have factories in various countries—of course, for obvious reasons. TO WARN OTHERS. I "It is just that type of firm," con- tinued his Lord&htp, "and I say it not only with reference to this case, but to warn others, which renders the enforcement of the law so difficult a,nd the evasion of it so comparatively easy. It has been urged that I might give different consideration to the cube because of the position and extent of the firm's operations. It seems to me that it is just that which renders this case such a grave one, because if per- sons of the commercial distinction of yourselves are caught infringing this legislation and are not dealt with severely how is it possible for the law to deal with small and comparatively obscure persons who break the law ? Trading with the enemy at the present time is merely a species of treachery. I eapnot deal with this matter len- iently," his Lordship announced. In imposing a fine only on Wm. Gardiner Rigden his lordship said he took into consideration his age and the fact that his part was compara- tively small. The position of Wm. Fownes Rigden was aggravated by reason of the letter. In the light of common-sense it was impossible to say that he entered upon that transaction with any other view than that of getting if possible goods from Germany and, if possible, for them. His lordship felt bound to pass sentence of 12 xionthd in the sooond division. Defendants were ordered to pay the costs of the prosecution. —————
STIPENDIARY'S ADVICE I 'I had bec-i working h-t-rl was! wet though md ckld, (ILOP of boor," 6&1 John Edwards a native of Aberystwyth, when charged at Ystrad on Monday with having been drunk and disorderly. Defendant was bound over for twelve months and placed on probation for six months. The Stipendiary Mr Lleufer Thomas) suggested that the defendant should purchase a Thermos flask; he then could have hot ooffee instead of in- toxicants. I
To Be In Training By Middle of April. EARLY CALL TO THE YOUNGER MARRIED GROUPS. Lord Kitchener is determined to lose no time in getting his reserves trained and ready to take the field. The remaining groups and classes of single men will be called up very shortly by means of another Pro- clamation, so that, by the middle of April, all the single men will have been called up for training. It is probable that some of the younger groups of married men who have attested under the Derby scheme will also be oalled up for training in I the near future. The coming Proclamation will ap- parently include in the summons Group I and Class I., which consist of men born in 1897. The undertaking given in the House of Commons some months ago was that no recruit under the Der- by scheme should be summoned to the colours until he had attained the age of 19 years. Most of these men will now have reached that age. Under the Military Service Act single men .engaged in reserved occupa- tions, who fail to attest before March 1, instead of becoming automatically starred, will be obliged to make ap- plication to the local tribunal for. a certificate of exemption. This will be made clear in an official notice to be posted during the next few days and addressed to "starred or badged single men in reserved occupations.
a I LESS LUXURY AFTER THE I WAR. I HARMONY BETWEEN LABOUR AND CAPITAL, SAYS MR LONG. Mr Walter Long has been telli ng an America.n journalist-Mr F. A. Wray, of the "New York Tri bune" --bow the war is affecting life in England—as he sees it. The President of the Local Government Board sees old boundary lintas disappearing; neither socially, politically, nor industrially will the country be the same after the war. "All our standards of life are ohanging," he told the interviewer. The nation must go back to the simple life, to tbe less luxurious method of our ancestors. We shall have to abolish all useless luxury; we must dispense with every form of extravagance. "This war is going to be the great leveller. Money must no longer be the criterion of power. Wealth must no longer be the proof of superiority. Henceforth the citizens of this country have to pull together. "Already we see signs of the change in living that the war has brought. We have changed all our habits in eating and drinking. We no longer hny expensive clothes or expensive cars. The man who formerly would not go to dinner at the Ritz unless driven there in his own car now con- tentedly takes a penny omnibus. An- other man who would not be seen smoking anything but expensive cigars now walks the streets smoking a pipe." "Do you think that peace will bring about a social upheaval which is likely to cause a clash between Capital and Labour?" "I do not," &aid Mr Long. "Agon- ising as this war is, yet in many ways I believe it will act as a social re- generator and healer. Speaking broadly, I believe the relations between Capit,al ancl Labour are exceedingly harmonious at T)r-Int, and I see no roawn why peace should alter this state of affairs; in fact, I think it will intensify it."
BOARD OF TRADE COMPENSA- TION FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. Information has been recei ved at Grimsby that the Board of Trade have adopted a scheme, to become operative almost immediately, under which widows of fishermen killed through war risk will be entitled to JE300 compensa- tion, plus JE26 for each child under 14 years, while the wife of any fisherman who is interned will receive 20s. per week compensation. A local advisory committee has been appointed to con- sider claims.
HEROINE AT SEVEN. "She was a little heroine," said the ju ry an ijw<u3st at London Hoa- pitaa Y-,i Lily Lucy Ray, aged the daughter of a dock labourer, of Mile Rnd. Lighting a small lamp to Nklarm f., some milk to please some youngs- ones, her clothing caught fire. A little sister was about to try and extinguish the flames, but, Lily told her and the other children not to come near her. Then she rushed into the street to get help. "Accidental death" was the verdict, and the coroner said the knowledge they had once possessed such a brave child should prove a consolation to the parents.
lfELSH LEADERS' REPORT ON EXPERIMENTS. WORKMEN ON PARTIAL COM- PENSATION. Mr James Winstone presided over a meeting of the executive council of the South Wales Miners' Federation held at Cardiff on Saturday. The at- tendance included the Right Hon. W. Abraham (Mabon), M.P., Mr A. Onions, and Mr Evan Thomas (assist- ant secretary). Mr T. Richards, M.P. (the general secretary), being indis- posed. At the outset of the proceedings the Chairman paid a tribute to the memory of the late Mr William V yce, miners' agent, Ebbw Vale, and on his motion a vote of condolence was passed with the family and relatives of the deceased gentleman. It was decided that the council he officially repre- sented at the funeral. The Chairman welcomed Mr Owen Powell, the new Aberdare representa- tive, who has been elected as success- or to Mr C. B. Stanton. M.P. Mr Winston.e and Mr Barker gave a report bearing upon the Home Office order regarding stone-dusting in steam coal mines. They stated that they had witnessed the experiments carried out at Eskmeal. Experimental coal dust explosions were made, and it was found tha.t when stone-dust was mixed with coal dust in the proportion of one to one there was no sign of an ex- plosion. Notwithstanding the fact that it had thus been demonstrated that stone dust effectively counter- acted the explosive nature of coal dust, the Home Office had been reques- ted to refrain for the time being from issuing any order for the stone-dusting of mines until the matter had received further consideration by the executive committee of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, the fear being ex- pressed that the stone-dusting of mines might be to the health of the workmen. The, matter will, therefore, receive the attention of the national committee from the health point of view. It. was decided that the proposed bal- lot on the provision of an ambulance convoy for the front should take place on March 8 and 9. A SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENT I References were made to the decis- ion of his Honour Judge Bryn R-oberts in regard to the adjustment of war bonus allowances to men in receipt of partial compensation. Mr W. P. Nicholas (the Federation solicitor) for- warded a letter t0 the council en- closing a copy of a letter from Messrs. C. and W. K-enshole and Prosser (the owners' solicitors) in which it was ex- plained that "in reference to the claims now being made by your various clients in his Honour Judge Bryn Roberts's area for increased partial compensation on account of the reduc- tion made when the war bonus came into force we should be glad to hear, in the event of any further claims being made, that you will send us a detailed list of same, with the names of the applicants and the separate companies involved, in accordance with the direction of his Honour Judge Bryn Roberts made at the Pontypridd County-court when the matter was mentioned bv your Mr Parry and our- selves. in order that some guidance might be obtained in so far as the future is concerned. Immediately we obtain th ese details we can take the matter up with your various clients so that amicable arrangements c.,in-if possible—be come to in any of such cases where the circumstances permit. The council viewed the conditions indicated in Messrs. Kenshole's letter as satisfactory, and it was decided that Mr Nicholas, as well as the miners' agents in the different districts, be communicated with to this effect. MEDICAL REFEREES. I •SUGGESTIONS BY AVON VALLEY MINERS' AGENT. The monthly meeting of the Avon Valley Miners' Association was held at the Dockers' Hall, Port Talbot, on Saturday evening, Mr W. E. Gregory (Resolven) presiding. Mr William Jenkins. J.P. (miners' agent), reported that the Aberp-ergwm dispute had occupied considerable at- tention, and even the Board of Trade had intervened and had adjudged favourably to the workmen on all points except one. Dealing with the question of medical referees, the agent expressed himself very strongly that the Government should appoint re- ferees solely for the purpose relegated to them, which would do away to a gT< extent with local referees, who were very often interested in the cases dealt with. A proposal was discussed that a fund ho -established towards providing arti- ficial limbs to members of the associa- tion w here required. It was resolved to call a levy of 6d. per member to- wards this object.
CARDIFF WOMAN'S RECORD A woman of 40 years of age, who was brought before the Cardiff bench on Monday, was stated by Detective- inspector Jones to hav- been before the court 88 times previously. "A staggering list of convictions," was the comment of Mr Joseph Stanfiold, j who presided on the bench.
PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF A LABOUR COLLEGE. The proposed establishment of a Labour College for Scotland was dis- cussed at a conference held in Glas- gow attended by nearly 500 delegates and a provisional committee was ap- pointed to work out details. It was stated that voluntary Sunday classes in economical and industrial history were attended by 4 persons in Glas- gow. Mr Robert (nillie, president of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, who was prevented by indis- position from presiding, wrote that he was strongly in favour of the establish- ment of a college, in vhich "a few at least of our young men might have an opportunity of getting a ground- ing in economics, industrial war, etc., which would enable them to assist their fellow-workers in the great class struggle which is bound to come in the near future."
-0- P DOTATIONS AFTER THE WAR. MIRACLE WHICH IS TO OCCUR IN NATIONAL LIFE. Among the preachers who are oc- cupying the puipit of the City Temple until a .successor to the Rev. R. J. Campbell has been appointed, is the Rev. George Adam, of Forest-gate, who preached on Sunday at the morn- ing and evening services to large con- gregations. At the morning service he spoke of the part played by t-he Church with regard to the war, and said it had lost much of its courage. At the outbreak of the war the people led the way and the Church followed; it had become too respectful to the powers of the world. Everyone was hoping that something great was going to happen in the national life, and that we were going to be raised to the rank of the first nation on earth. But is was no use dreammg, or praying, for something wonderful or mysterious to happen we must get down to the practical path of life and i-ealiso our wishes by "strengthening the 1, ,gs tha.t re- mained. Our love of righteousness remained, and while that was so there was great hope for the nation. There was also the flower of sacrifice that was bloom- ing so abundantly, and had wrought the miracle of unitv. If we had be-en a united people two years ago the war would have not taken place. because it I was engineered owing to the Lack of unity among the British people.
FOR RELIEF IN BELGIUM A WELSH DONATION AND TWO J PATHETIC GIFTS. I Amongst the latest subscriptions acknowledged by the National Com- mittee for Relief in Belgium is a sum of CS4 2s. lid. from Pontyrhyl, being the proceeds of a Christmas Day col- I lection. The committee has recently been the recipients of two pathetic gifts—a pair of pigeons and a wedding ring. The pigeons were brought to the offices in Trafalgar-square, London, by a poor woman, who explained that the birds belonged to her son fighting in France, and that she wanted them to I lie sold for the benefit of the fund. The wedding ring-the gold thin with wear—was sent by an anonymous don- or with the message:—"It's all I have of any value. I send it in the hope that it may provide food for some suffering Belgian woman and child." The pigeons have been disposed of, but, the wedding ring is available to the highest bidder.
COPPER PIT MEN BACK AT WORK. In accordance with the terms of the settlement affect-ed between Mr John Williams, M.P., Western District miners' chief agent, and the officials' and representatives of the Copper Pit CO. at Swansea. on Friday evening last, the workmen, about 300 in number, re- turned to work on Monday morning. As will be remembered, outstanding questions are to be dealt with while the men are at work. some by arbitra- tion and some by mutual agreement. The settlement is regarded as highly satisfactory, and there is much re- in the Morriston district at the resumption of work, minor ques- tions being hft, in the h-fuidu- of Mr D. L. Thomas, the manager on the one side, and Mr John Williams, M.P., on the other.
'j».! ni1 f. | WOMAN AS TOWN SERGEANT, Miss Ruth Davis has been appointed Town Sergeant of Colchester, the former sergeant having enlisted. The duties have been modified, and she will not carry the mace nor act as toast- master. Miss Davis has five brothers at the front, and another brother was killed in action.
TRYING TIME IN HANDS OF AUSTRIANS. SIX WEEKS WITH RETREATING SERBIAN ARMY. Amongst the nurses who have arrived in this country after being captured by the Germans and imprisoned in Austria and Serbia. for over two months was Nurse Clement, of the Coopers' ArLs, Lanaore. Nurse Clement, whose absence at one time (as already reported) gave rise to serious apprehension in her iamily, appeared to be little the worse for her experiences. About August last she joined the Scottish Red Coss Association, and was sent with a number of other nurses to Serbia. During the Serbian retreat a party of them fell into the hands of the Austrians A number of them remained at Krushe- vatz, after it had been evacuated by the Serbians, and were under fire of aero- plantu. and heavy artillery for some horns. The windows of the hospital were broken by the concussion of the explo- sions, but no one in the building was in- jured. Three nurses who had gone up to the Rest House were not so lucky, that house being struck. They suffered many hardships during their incarcera- tion, but appear to make light of their adventures now that they were over. WITH THE SERBIAN ARMY. For six weeks they were with the re- treating Serbian Army, and did their best to relieve the suffering of our wounded allies, and had to suffer many hardships. One hospital was captured by the Aus- trians, and they kept on abusing the Serbian wounded, until one day the Aus- trians turned them all out—wounded and all—and made them clear off for six miles in the &now as best they could. Eventually they got to Kriestejetz, and the nurses were housed at an hotel, but had to sleep on the floor of the dining- room after the German officers had re- tired. From, here the party were sent in a German transport to Staletch, and were jeered at by the Germans. Prisoners' rations were allowed them. The next morning they were eent to Semendria, and had no food for a whole day before they were sent across the Danube into Hungairy. The whole party were locked up in a guardroom, and a German boy actually gave them a loaf of bread between 36. Whilst they weire prisoners here they had no food or fresh water for some time, and when they wanted tea they had to get water from the River Danube to boil for the tea. ASKED TO NURSE CHOLERA I PATIENTS. "One of my least relished experiences," said Miss Clements to a reporter, "was when I and about thirty other nurses had to sleep in a room where there were I fourt-een German guards one night. "The day after this I had no food, and had to walk five miles to get some more I water from the River Danube to wash with and also to make tea. "At Kevara (Hungary) I was kept 30 hours without food, and then I had sour I black bread and prison food for five weeks. For five solid days I was not al- lowed outside the place where I was kept prisoner, and later on I was allowed to go out accompanied by one of the guards. I had to do everything for my- self. Eventually I, with others, was hand- ed over by the military authorities to the police, and seventeen of us had to sleep in a room 17ft. by 16ft. for three weeks. "One incident stands out vividly in my memory," added Miss Clement, "and I must tell it to you. When I was at Kevavara we were asked to nurse cholera cases, and said we were prepared to do so if we were inoculated against cholera, a& there were as many as 50 deaths a day from this dreaded disease. "The authorities refused to inoculate us and threatened to starve us if we refured to do as they required. Eventually one of the doctors agreed that we should be inoculated. He was a German, by the way, and we shall always remember him. The effects of the inoculation took fifteen days before we were ready for duty, and by that time the cholera had subsided, I for the worst cases are either dead or cured in six days." Prior to volunteering for active service, Miss Clement was head nurse at Llanelly Workhouse for eight months, and left England on September 11, arriving in ) Valievo on October 5, together with about two dozen other nurses.
MATCHES BY POST. I Safety matches may be sent to the Expeditionary Force in France by par- eel (but not by letter) post. Each box must be separately enclosed in a single wrapper of tissue paper, and the boxes must then bo packc-d in a. sealed via so lightly that they do not shift when the tin is shaken. The parcels must be marked "Safety Matches—each box wrapped in tissue paper." Transmission of matches through the post to any other destination or in any other way is strictly prohibited. Disregard of these conditions has re- sulted in dama.g.e to the mails, and on more than one occasion a considerable quantity of letters and parcels has been destroyed by fire. The Postmaster- General therefore gives notice that persons contravening these regulations will be prosecuted without further warning.
I I PREDICTED DRASTIC CURTAIL- MENT OF SUPPLIES. I Mr John Foster Fraser, writing ia I the "Umpire," says:—We are much nearer the compulsion of wealth than some people imagine. You may take it that we are on the threshold of economies, not voluntary, but compulsory, which are going to make us feel the sharp pinch of the, war. All that the Government is now doing is preliminary to the drastic curtailment of supplies, and is indica- tive of the- recognition in high quarters that the end of the war is still a long way off. I anticipate that before the end of 1916. not only will the authorities regulate all imports into the countrv, but that there will be regulation of supplies to households. This will be imperative if we are not to have internal trouble. The Te- sponse to Government Loans has been magnificent, but compar.ed with our national wealth the amount has been insignificant. There must be higher and higher taxation, heavy on luxuries from musquash coats to cheap kinemas.
 WELSH SING-;RS iN TilE I TRENCHES. I The following interesting paragraph is I' an extract from a letter written by a chaplain to the Forces in France, to the Rev. W. Samuel, Troon (a native of New- port, Pam.) "In the evenings we hold littJe smoking concerts—little, because the hut could II only accommodate 120 men at most, al- though with windows and door open three hundred could hear. The battalion, in the II midst of which I was, was the 1st Rhon- dda Valleys, K.'s Army, mostly com- posed of miners, and they can sing. I never heard glee singing like it. Simply I marvellous They sang 'Aberystwyth' and 'There's a land that is fairer than day' as I shall never forget. Among them is a sergeant named Godfrey James, who is known as the Welsh Caruso, but who is, in my judgment, much superior to his namesake. He sang, Let me like a 1\ soldier fall" to us one night, and I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that there was not a dry eye in the whole audience. It waa the most dramatic and the most pathetic, yes, and the most ap- propriately topical song I ever heard sung. "These little Welshmen are wonderful fellows—much smaller and less hefty than our miners—full of life and humour, and if the Bosche only knew of the cheerful contempt with which they regard him, I am sure he would add a fresh verse to the Hymn of Hate. Speaking of which I heard rather an amusing story lately. Opposite the Welsh, and only a hundred yards or so away the Bosche chose to give » concert one night. The chief item was the Hymn of Hate. Afterwards the Ger- mans shouted across for a song from our side. Our men complied with the request. and what the Welsh sung was a beauti- fully harmonised version of the Hymn of Hate, finishing up with a burst of hearty laughter So much for the Hymn of Hate!"
COAL COSTING ITALY L6 A TON. I The Glasgow Chamber of Commerce! have discussed the question of shipping freights, and a prominent coal exporter eaixd he did considerab le trade with Italy and altogether it cost £6 or £ 7 per ton of coal going into munition factories in that country, and a shipping member said it was nearly all foreign shipping that was getting these abnormal freights to ) Italy. Many were Italian and Greek i ships. This had been pointed out, and the Italian Government had now oomman- deered their ships. Freights were improv- ing. The Chairman said the grasping ship- owners, as they were called, were not to blame. They were helpless. There were not enough ships to go round. It was de- cided that as the Government is seriously considering the prc. ilem nothing practical could be done by the Chamber. —————
GOVERNMENT TO TAKE OVER I WHISKY DISTILLERIES. j All the large whisky distilleries are to be taken over by the Government for war work until tho end of the war. This sweeping proposal is not, however, likely to have such serious effects upon the whis- ky trade as would appear at first sight, Asked if the price of spirit would go up, the representative of a well-known "firm replied :—"I should think not, but it is impossible to forecast what will happen." Distillers will, cf course, be unable to make any more whisky while the distil- lories are control. Fc-t j still distilleries will not be affected. These distill up to 10 over proof, while grain distilleries distill up to 66 over proof. "If the Government want the alcohol for the manufacture of high explosives," said an official of another firm, "there will be enough to float a Dreadnought."
BIRCH FOR CARDIFF BOY. A boy thirteen years old was order- ed 'by the magistrates at Ca rdiff on Monday to receive three strokes with -a birch rod for stealing a bicycle of the value of L3.
I GERMANY FROM INSIDE. —— ——- WOMEN STEEL WORKERS. GERMANS NOT SO "LOUD" ABQUT THE WAR. The Press Association has received the following interesting communication from Danish gentleman who lately returned to London from a visit to Scandinavia There is no doubt in Scandinavia about the question as to who started the war. Numerous proofs of German preparations are too well known for instance, in the great Austrian works for big guns, Skoda- werke (Austria's "Krupps"), in the town of PiLsen, near the German border-line, great enlargements took place in 1913. The power station was increased three- fold, the large forges equally so; the small forges were made many time big- ger, and the manufacture of field guns commenced. One machine shop, contain- ing 1,000 lathee, was erected and put to work on ammunition, which they had never made before at these works. A public road separated the works from the adjoining fields, which Skoda- werke had endeavoure d to buv. but with- out succc owing to the existence of the public n 1. Suddeinly, however, all in- terest disappeared, the road was fenced in and stopped as a public thoroughfare, the adjoining fields were soon covered with machine shops, and my informant— who, to commence with, thought the management had gone mad—soon real- ised that the increased activity meant war; and all this happened one year before the war actually broke out. FOOD RIOTS. J spoke to many in regard to the food question of Germany, and the general feeling was that the shortage—which un- doubtedly exists, particularly of fat-is very serious. There have been serious riots in many towns, including Berlin and Prague, and many women have been killed during such riots. Only children under six years of age are allowed milk. The use of cream is prohibited. Although in Socialistic circles there is a growing undercurrent of hate and dis- trust towards the military rulers of Ger- many, yet the German people as a whole, alter all their sacrifices, are too-well-dis- ciplined and perhaps too patriotic to give open expression to their dissatisfaction. Any revolution, if it ia to come, will be after the war. GERMAN SHIPPING. German shipping is deid--the great port of Hamburg is silent. I spoke to a Norwegian who bol& a prominent posi- tion in a Hamburg firm of shipbrokers. I asked him about the German shipping shares, and he gave me the surprising answer that they all stood about par, some above, the justification toeing that the value of the German ships interned abroad was increasing very oonsiderably, and also that their earning capacities after the war would be increased. In other words, the Germans assume that they will again be able to trade with British and Colonial ports. STEEL WORKERS. Industries in Germany are working in full swing. An enormous number of wo- men workers are employed in all trades, the dirtiest and hardest work not ex- cluded. A friend of mine, for instance, told me that at the Phoenix Steel Works he eaw thousands of strong German wo- men, wearing men's elothes, and doing hard work. At this works, he told me, the German ehemista have manged to produce from coal tar not only benzol for motor-car purposes but also certain greasy ingredients by whiah they manage to lubricate their hot took and rough mach- inery. THE BRITISH BLOCKADE. Owing to the absence of cylinder, oile for superheated steam, which can only be obtained from America, the steam engines in Germany previously employing superheated steam are now working with saturated steam or very moderate super- heat and consequently the coal consump- tion of such works has increased 15 to 20 per cent. This again shows the effec- tiveness of the British blockade. There has come a change in the atti- tude of the Germase visiting Scandinavia they are more modest and are not so "loud" as before the war. A German engineering representative told another friend of mine that there was a great change in the mind of the better educated Germans. They felt that at the best the war oould only be a draw, due to England's sea power and growing influence on land. There was no more talk of territorial gains, or even war indemnities, and he did not know how they were going to carry the huge expenditure of the war. He hoped that they would be able to keep their oolonies, but felt that after the war, if it went against them, there would be no Kaiser- ism. My friend said they would at any rate have to rebuild Belgium, to which he replied he did not know where the monev was to come from.
M.P.'S SALARIES SAVED. As the result of Parliamentary vfu- cenc-ies and certain members declining to receive their salaries, a saving of £ 4.988 v,-aa caused in the vote for salaries account for the year ended last March. ONLY GOLD WATCHES MENDED. Ir is repf rwyl that owing to every available skilled hand being'called up to undertake Government mechanical work. Glasgow jewellers and watch- makers announce tb?y will not under- take to repair watches unless in gold (uses and of special value.