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I LONDON. SATURDAY, DECEMBERS. We have received this morning New York Papers to tho 24th ult. from which extract the following Vera Cm^OU, 7.—We are still in the- war, and things remain in the same state as when I last wrote. The fcity is nearly abandoned, and almost all the merchandize is removed to Zalupa.— he Governor has confined all the Spa- iiish merchants who were in the castle, and refuses to allow any communication ^vith them. Goods are landed at Mo- narabe where the Mexicans have thrown a small battery. Porto Cabello.—The besieging army Wilder General Paez, with Genaral Ber- mudez, second in command, has made considerable progress in the siege of Puerto abello. The town and all the approaches bad been taken. The Spanish garrison had been forced to retire to the fortress ill tile isla nd, upon which a battery of 24 guns played almost incessantly. On the 4th of October a division of 2000 men, under the command of Colonel Luyster, parched from Caraccas to reinforce the be. sieging army. Two sloops of war already blockaded the harbour of Puerto Cabello a naval expedition to attack the place y sea was fitting- out at La Guayra and Cumana. The ship which had arrived from Holland was to lead the expedition. ♦i m^rno^c'We hear from Athens that that city is now defended by 2000 Greeks. All the gates have been walled up except that which is close to the citadel; new batteries have been erected, and the Greeks are full of confidence. We learn from the Morea that Constantine Botzaris, the brother of Marcus, who was killed, lias attacked the 15,000 Turks who had advanced to Missolonghi. Before com- mencing he was joined by Cariaskiski, from Romelia, who commanded a corps of 800 Sulitfts. This second battle was "ot followed by any definitive results, ( but it proves that the Greeks do not limit h;tnsel¥es to acting on the defensive be hind the walls of MissolonghiJbut go forth with ardour to seek the enemy. The island of Egina is defended by two Greek vessels, both of which are commanded by women. According to the latest ac- counts from Ipsara, the Greek combined flaet entered that harbour to procure Water, and is to go again to sea. The Greeks say they only lost two fire ships near Mount Athos, and they blew up be- fore reaching the Turkish vessels. It is said that the Austrian and Russian Ambassadors to the Court of London have received instructions from their re. gpictive Governments, relative to dis- patches from Lisbon, transmitted by Baron Binder, the Austrian Minister to the Court of Portugal. These instructions are said to have been communicated to the British Csbinetj for the purpose of ascertaining the views of that Court, if the present Emperor of the Brazils should persist in retaining his title, wkich would force the Great Powers to adopt measures for re- ducing it under the domination of Portu- gal, in conformity to a resolution which is said to have been taken at Cernowitl by the Emperors of Austria and Russia not to recognise the independence of the Brazilians. Paris, Dec. 16.-We-read in the Res taurador that 50 armed men, who had traversed Castile without any obstacle, were tracked like wild beasts in the neigh- bourhood of Burgos, and were made pri- soners, which we take to be another proof that Spain enjoys profound peace, that all hearts are united, and that absolute power is the best of all possible Govern- ments. A petition has appeared (irawn up by certain inhabitants of the State of New York, against the enactment of prohibitory duties against English manufactured goods. The document is drawn up with great judgment, and leaves little to be said upon that side of the argument which it supports. It is, however, truly astonish- ing, that such arguments should be ne- cessary in the United States. In a thinly-peopled country like North America, manufactories can never be car- (>d on to any considerable extent. La- the great material of manufacturing .s'r/, wiil be always dearer, because ke less plentiful than in populous fo^e, Men will not desert the iields ste- le '0FSes' an(^ smoke of lie M*en^'nes' w^e demand for rus- io °Ur a^°rds.that occupation natural man; which is almost an enjoyment. The Journal de Toulouse gives the fol- lowing account of the late Ministerial Re- volution in Spain Madrid, Dec. 5.—Don Victor Saez has just been exiled. He was allowed only 24 hours to leave Madrid. His Majesty appointed him Bishop of Tortosa. On the evening of the 3d the King summoned his Ministers to meet him, and spoke to them, it is said, in the following words —" You occupy yourselves very little with the afrairs of my kingdom, and very much with your own intrigues, your own passions, and your vengeances. The present King is not the King of former times; you shall know me. I have no need of you." Oh the instant the oniy Minister, who is retained, the Minister of the Marine, countersigned the Decree which formed the new Ministry." Haarlem, Dec. 8—Letters from Bata- via, of Aug. 2,bring the following news :— To promote the direct trade from Europe and America with the Dutch East India possessions, the Government has deter- mined, that from September 1, 1824, all woollen and cotton goods manufactured in Europe, and coming from a port to the east of the Cape of Good Hope, shall pay a duty of 15 per cent. if imported in Ne- theriand ships, and 20 per cent. in foreign ships. It is also resolved, that from the 1st of August, coftee exported by foreign 1st of August, coftee exported by foreign vessels to any port not in the Nether- lands, shall pay an export duty of live florins per pikel.. 1 Frankfort Nov. 30.- Thë Police of Munich has seized Dr. Tschimer's pamph- let, rtte Return of Catholic Christians in the Grand Duchy of Baden, to Evan- gelical Christianity,' because it contains observations derogatory to the dogmas and regulations of the Catholic Church. A new sect has appeared in the Swiss vat- leyg of Griiidetwaid, &c. to the follow- ers of which, if what is related of them be true, it would beidoing too much honour, to call religious visionaries. As they wouid not listen to any expostulations, the Magistrates have, with great propriety sent them to a mad-house. Rio de Janeiro, Oct. 21 The Diario contains a despatch from Gen. J. de Li- ma Silva, the Commander-in-Chief, dated from his head-quarters, Sept. 16, in which he tays, the 4th, 5th, and 6th of that month, had beeu fixed upon by some evvl-minded persons, to cause a revolt tion in that city. They had first endea- voured to excite jealousy between the troops of the country and the Battalion of the Emperor. The General, though labouring under severe indisposition, hav. ing been made acquainted with their in. tentions, concerted measures with the Provisional Government, by means of which the malcontents ware alarmed, seeing their evil intentions were known' and order was preserved. The General had wished the troops of the line to be sent away, till they could be embarked for Rio, and proposed to lay down biil command. This the Provisional Go- vernment begged him not to do, and see- ing that the danger was passed, he had retaiued it. Irelamd.Distur-bed Districts.-We are sorry to understand, that Capt. Rock's men are beginning to show themselves in the South. On the evening of Sunday week, lights were perceived on the moun- tains near the barrack of Glanisheeu, county of Limerick. Patrols from the 39th regiment searched several houses.— About two o'clock on Monday morning, the guard perceived about 20 men, whom they pursued into the wood of Castle erj where it was impossible to follow em» Within a mile of Tipperary, a re- spectabie farmer, named Callaghan, was e » erately an(j brutally murdered.—He was returning from the fair on horseback, with a man sitting behind hirn.-The lat- ter was ordered to dismount and go off. ome people accompanying Callaghan were pelted with stones and forced to withdraw, when the murderers delibe- rately sacrificed the victim of their re- venge. On Tuesday night, a horrid murder was committed in the western part of the county 0f Cork, near the residence of R. O. Donovan, Esq. A man of the name of Mahony canted his nephew out of a farm, who entered the house where his uncle was, and beat him on the head in a ferocious manner until he killed him, ill the presence of his two young chil- dren, The police next III orning searched the country, but without learning where he could be found.


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