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Family Notices



EXECUTION OF EDiTH MOUREY. Chester.—On Friday morning last, the 23d, at wrefebed woman was delivered :>y Mr. Hudson,constable of the Castle, in to.the Hands of Messrs. Thomas and Bonnet, the City Sheriffs, for execution. She walked from the tiold of rludson's arm, with the utmost firmness, amidst an unusual pressure.- from the immense crowd assembled she then got info (he cart, and irn- niedialely laid herself down on one side, conceal- ing her face with her handkerchief, which she has invariably (lone when in public, from her first appearance before the Judges to.her "final-disso- ititiori, aiil we ti) ;inii-iii- that no person obtained a view or her face out of the Ca:1 Ie since her commitment, except the ordinary, &c. Upon her arrival at. the City gaol, she continued in prayer with the Rev.-SV. Fish till oneo'eiock, when she ascended the scaffold with a firm and undaunted step, with her face covered with a. ha-nd'korchief, and she immediately turned her' back to the populace. After continning in prayer A s-hort time, the clergyman withdrew, and the executioner prepared to finish the qtwfubsentence of the law.' At this period, when tlie cit-rgyijjan had recommended her to dismiss, all wprldly thoughts, and fix her whole soul on ,her. Re- 'leelflef, tht'ongh whom a/tine she could hope for mercy, she twice called for the turnkey (John Robinson) to hid itiot farewell—-he came at the | second call, and having talceu leave of her she remained about half a minute, when she dropped the handkerchief and was immediately launched into eternity. She was very much convulsed for four minutes, wilen her pangs ceased in this world. After hanging Ihe usual time her body was delivered 'o the .surgeons .for dissection, and was open to public inspection during all Satur- day. There appeared an apa'hy in this woman which is truly asto lishing—when the Judges came mto town, she asked permission to go on the errace of Ihe castle to see the processiolit illo, she knew their eoming- was the signal of her fate. On the mornitw the Rev. vlr. Fish preached what is usually d nominated the condemned ser- noti she was sufFased in tears, and her convul- sive sohs clerc heard throughout the chapel- yet, an hour after, the impression seemed entirely erased. She slept very sound the night previous to the morning of her execution, and eat a hearty )i,e,,jl(fast upon tier awakc-nitjw. It is worthy of remark, tha.1 on the 23d day of April, )763, one Mary Heald was strangled and burnt to ashes, in this city, for poisoning her .husband,-—exactly 50 years, to the'day and year, when Edith Morrey was executed. Dr. Thornton has paid a happy compliment I to thc feelings of the British Nation, and at the sa me I í me handsomely testified his grati- tude 10 his august Patron, the EMPEROR I ALEXANDER, by presenting (gratis) a strong likeness of that illustrious Personage, sup- ported by two Russian soldiers, a Cossack and Grenadier, to every purchaser of a Botanical Ticket the only apprehension is-that he will not he able to g-ela sufficient quantity ready, as Ihe demand for the Tickets is very great, and the Drawing is fixed by Govern- ment for the 61h of May. Bow STREET.— ihe Marchioness of Down. shire1 s txobberi/, — Monday being the time ap- pointed tor a public and gcneral examination ol the ten persons in custody, on charge of being concerned in rhis exiellsve robbery, the office was crowded before twelve o'clock, I)i.lilcil)ililv I)V I)Crsonsoftl Ist.i,)Clioit. Aitioii,st them were his Royal Highness the Duke'"of Sussex, and the Marchioness of Downsljire. At twelve o'clock the examination com- menced before Mr. Read his Royal High- ness the Duke of Sussex sat to the lefi of The examining Magistrate, and the Marchioness next to his Royal Highness. The following- persons were then placcd at Ihe bar, viz. Jos. Richardson, Levi Hart, Mary Hart, Sarah Cohen, James Frl ti li I ill, I)CII Joseph,Dinah Joseph, James Simons, Sarah Simons, and Nathan Simons-, The whole of them appear- ed lo be implicated, but whether Ihe evidence will be siitficienl to. send them lo trial remains to he further investigated. The Prisoner Richardson, it appeared, had been the principal perpetrator of this robbery, ci- C), i i.1, a's although not the planner of it, as there is no doubt but it was vvhat is termed a pal up rob- bery. Although he is but a young man. he is supposed to have committed a number of dar- ing robberies, and has broke out of two of the best, secured and strongest prisons in this country. He is a native of Chester. A gentleman present yesterday, who has seen Bonaparte,said,therrisoner Richardson was the strongest resemblance of him he ever saw. Some time since he committed a verv great burglary m Lancashire, for which he c was taken and lodged in the Jicw Bailey Prison in Manchester, and was confined in a cell which was secured by cast iron bars. He contrived to have a tailor's goose'brought into ititii his object was to break the iron bars with iI, but when he had got it, was afraid to use it, ou account of the noise it would make j he at kmglh, however, hit upon Ihe stratagem of striking the bars with the goose exaci ly at the time a very large clock there was striking the hours, and after en- countering a variety of other ditlicullics, lie at length effected Ins escape, and he was not heard any more of till he was taken iuto cus- tody for breaking open and robbing lh» houses 11 liouses oftheliailof Besborough and Lord Crewe, for which lie was committed lo the Mouse of Correction iu Coldiiath-field•), where he was .confined- iu a cell m the upper part of Ihe prison. He, being a sloue-mason by trade, contrives] to take up a slone of the floor, and worked his way through into ihe hemp- room from thence into the yard, garden, and oakum room, he there lied some ropes to others which he procured in the oakum room, and plaited them together. He contrived to ihi o\v them lo the lop of the waitl ot the pri- sms, where there is a chcvanx de frieze I lien hung ou the iron spikes sufficiently Jong to enable him to raise liiiiisel" three limes several yauls, but hlling eaeltlime, lie found himself much injured by the falls.— to to Ills cell, ill despair. when he discovered a ladder locked and chain- i e:J, I)oifi of which he broke, and ascended fo the top of the wall, and effected his escape, about two mouths ago, between five and six o'clock iu the morning, after an exertion of live hours since which lime lie is supposed to have committed six burglaries. After I is from this prison, Mr. Adkins, the Governor, received IlIlormallOlI that Rich- ardson frequently went to a shoemaker's in the neighbourhood of the Seven Dial, and having ti<> doubt of the correctness of il, di reeled Beckct, one ofdlis turnkeys, Io attend and watch the shoemaker's house, his brother Harry Adkins, the otiicer being out of Lou- of tile Slotr- bridge murderer. Becket attended repeatedly t. ()!I tile 6th instant, about teu o'clock <.llnighl. | he saw Richardson approaching him near the t corner of Tower sireet, disguised. He turned !dowti Tower-slrctet, and after walking a few yards he looked behind him, and observed ¡jecketfollow¡¡W him;, he threw ofT his lwo great coats, and set off running very fast; oil liiin, Ile tilt-ew liis hat ai iiitu, supposed lo'be for the purpose of striking him in the eyes; he continued run ning hit he got iulo Little Red Lion street, when a man coming out of a public-house ran againsl him by accident .anil knocked him down-Beckel I hen seizedhiru, and Rjchard sou was so extremely agitated at I.he instant, that lie actually did not know Becket, and asked vvhat he wanted with hii-n I Becketim- mediately secured him, and took himiuto a publichollse, searched him, aud found Bank of England Notes to the amount of 523/. which he offered to give to fiecket, if he would le. him go Becket, however, refused lo accept of the bribe, and conveyed him to the House of Correction. On bis arrival there, Ihe Go- vernor said, Well, Richardson, I am lad lo see you buck iu the House of Correction, 1 fear you have been doing a deal of mischief since yÍJn have been out from the manner in which the Mardnoness of Downshire'.s..rob. bery was committed, 1 suspect you was in that." Richardson replied, Master, you have behaved so well to me, I will not tell you an untruth; I acknowledge I was in the robbery, and I will tell you all about it." The Governor then asked him if any or the whole of the robbery could be recovered he replied it could, if the Governor Would ac- company him to a Mr. Joseph's, as he could neither tell Ihe name of the street, or the number of the house where he lived, which the Governor agreed to, and went without delay, in a coach with him accompanied bv Becket, and another of the turnkeys, and proceeded to Adkins, the officer, he having been employed by :hc M irclnotiess of Dowir shire to investigate the circumstances of the robbery, and all-of them were the whole of thi.t nig lit in the business. They proceeded as directed by Richanlsoil to Chand- ler-street, Grosvenor-square, and used t!i" private signal at the door of a house occupied by Joseph, a Jew the door was opened hv Joseph, expecting it to be Richardson only. A light heing procured, Mrs. Joseph was asked for two diamond rings, which Richard- son said she had, and they were part cf the property stolen from the Marchioness of Uownshire's house. She positively denied having them. The houe wa earchcd. bat I he rings were not found. The Governor and his brother officers then proceeded agreeably to the directions and instructions of Richard- son, in search of others concerned iu this robbery. The prisoners were committed for further examination.

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SHIP Pisa.

Fairs in the ensuing (VeeTc.

,4 LON HON M. i U tiB / W.