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PECREE OF THE FRINCK REGENT OF PORTU- GAl, DATED RIO JANlilHO, JULY 6. 1S09. 44 Governors of the Kingdom of Portugal, and the ^lgarves the Prince Regent, unto JOu, greeting, as unto those 1 love and pi iZe-} it fleingniy principal, care to secure, •very weans possible, the "independence of my dominions, and tir deliver them completely from the cruel enemy, who so nitiiiiiiiarily,and contrary to the jjooil ftttttt of treaties, has invaded Jhe Slätt:S of iU) Crown,-in iiurope, and bat. never Ceiiktu siaktug-upoa "theia the most unjust war I "1' and as it is on the one hand adaww lodged, that in such a difficult crisis, more con- tribute to the defence of the kingdom than a Government composed of a smalt number of indi- viduals, and 00 the other it is tndispensthle to preserve, with our ancient and faithful ally the King of Great Britain, not only the best under- standing, but likewise to prove to him, in the most evident manner, that my intentions are not different from those by which he is animated, in the promotion of the common cause, that his Britannic Majesty may continue in the same efficacious manner to succour Portugal and the whole Peninsula; and as it cannot be doubted that this glorious purpose which I so ardently desire to effect can only be attained by the most extensive, linn, and reciprocal confidence; and his Britannic Majesty haying made known his principles on this subject, and what he judges will most contribute to a happy result, and is most essential to the defence of the Kingdom and of the Peninsula, I have seen fit to order that you shall be immediately reduced to the number of 3 or 4 governors, having a deliberative vote on all objects of the public administration, and that those shall be the Patriarch Elect of Lisbon, the Marquis Des Minas, and the Marquis Mou- teiro Mor, President of the Board de Coiisciencia^ e Ordene, Don Francis Xavica in Cunha e JVIene- ger, performing the functions of President, wf the- Privy Counsel, to which pl.icehe is appointed by the present Decree. It is further my pleasure to direct you to acknowledge Sir A. Wellesley as Marshal General of my armies, as long as he shall continue in the cornnJiJ nd of the allied Portuguese and English forces; taking, then, his rank over Marshal Beresford, as Commander in Chief: aud as soon as he shaU have been recognised as such, you will invite him to afl the sittings of Government in which matters come under discus- sion which concern (he organization of the army, or important detenuinaupu, whetherfinaucial or others, which if may he necessary to adopt for ¡he defence of the kingdom, a,illl of the whole Peninsula, taking liii' Lo Piisior) and advice on all subject's of that nature and should be be absent in such cases, not be able to assist at your deli- .derations,' you are to for his advice in writinr:if possible, giving hiui flill il)f(rmat¡()1! of the subject under'discussion, in order, tli.it he may he perfectly acqiiaiiVted with your dWnssion •ind determinationof natters of (he -ab»ve des- cription. In, this maimer the affairs of Govern- ment shall be-conducted -with the utmost, energ;, and harmony, as loltg ;rs unfortunately it shall not be possible to conclude á permanent aÚrl gene- ral pealt. ffis Britannic Ma jesty will then b' convinced it is tiiy, e;iriicit wish to eradkate Ib" general view t)fci),tlitio;is, of opinion* he tween the powers who make common canst', and he wi!! he made perfectly acquainted with the orders which I have given, arid shall continue I' live, that the most strenuous efforts shall be made to attain that safe and permanent p'eaec" universally desjred, by means of a grand display of all the forces and resources of my fciugfloiri. which I can only flatter ihyself completely to recover, by the most powerifil means and exer- tions. T PRINCE. To the Governors of the Kingdoms of Portugal andAlgrave. t ti,- Palace of Rio Janeiro, July"6,1809. — (Lisbon Gazette, Noo. 2i.)


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