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i ¡'¡,¡1- :{; The latfe Uev. Mr. Harrison held mnrly years the Living Ince, in Wirral, a trian of rood clal,sj(a Iar\ fuJlpf temper very tiritable, which had frjjcuently engaged hin II disputes with nts parishioners, who had ii L'onteniplalion'to apply to the Bislitol) for Ju J.'6 11 IVal. Jlr. Harrison resided in Chesler ;Iut had an intimation of their design's, nlA; look the folloAvilig method 16 thel)]. He had for some time restrained his emper, and at a Visitation dinner, when they .vere all jolly and in good humour, he tolo them, that he had a friend who hud a good I-iring in his gift, and would prevent him i:o it, provided thai he could'gel..his parish- ioners to sign a testimonial to his character,' which he had already drawn up, and produced tor their perusal. They rejoiced at" this nj). (lortunity, as they conceived, of getting rw! <»t him, and all ehearfujly subscribed ihe.ii IlhlCllolt," and wished him success.—u tre.^ Cteuliemen," he said, I have succeedcti, arid now you niay, as soon as you please, ap- ply for m'y roinoval to the Bishop, and L. shall produce this testimonial of my very; good behaviour,, which you have all just signed." They looked very foolish at being so com- pletely duped, and he held the Living quietly y till h..deàth.wlll.t;h happened about 1768. Whilst Doctor Peploc was Bishop of Ches- j ter, who died about 1750, lie had frequent disputes with Key. Mr. held the living of J$t.'Bridgets iu:tljat ctty..bn, one. time tl)« bishop g^ve Mr'. Parry notice that id It i s'C h u rc'],i e fph, towite Stind> £ » *0^ dwYi'ig the M^nje^of siqg- mg tjif -^yi^ *bp Churchwardens lauded;' the Bnmtm freM'Kis test toward* lb« pal^it— h,it ]|r. Wtfrx.h«d-throw« of Ws mitplice aiid- -the pulpit himsetf^-and his pvO_k-li&ej to rettlmo bis seat. ,ary made a Tioteob^hairangHer-lfdllt^d^ direct^di'fo tht Biirl«)^»i'jrnd chose^fot'liis text f.* B*war^pf^dogr^'»-Parry wroid an anb^y^- inom letter to the Bishop, full of;4busfcV end" 14s h||ndf!KEit»»g pius plan ed to afteji^ tfhe Bishop at the Palace, wftifere the aoclnhltid UpÓft- ^c$MiNte^5rhe'fii8hfo|)i;beld '^h'e"-leltfer W his. ha 'r apd ibarged Pairy as bfeiiig the an- chor of;tbe tebel. Parry said he could not tell vhether -tbtd,better iwaql-of. liii wri Hog 61; not, unless he read it, and then he would let his Lordship know-—the.'Bishop ga ve it "into Iiis hand, saying* Tbere.-iSiF, look at it, deny it if y OH can." Pan y instant ly clapt it into the Iofthe it was instant) v iponsijixi^d before any person present could ^ttempt to,^prevent it—saying, where i# yoiir tlibel now my Lord ? I suppose you have now no farthecvCommands with me—good morh- ing. gentlemen," and walked laughing out of = tlie room,feaving the company in no small surprise. He was, I believe, a singutar in- stance, of a clergyman being convicted of profane swearing, and paying the penalty before the chief Magistrate, auno 1162.


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