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(Bpiloira of Ucfas.I


(Bpiloira of Ucfas. I THE MUNICIPALITY OF MADRID has already provided work for 15,000 men. THE Gourrier de Bayonne announces the arrival in that place of General Calonge, coming from Spain. MARFORI HAS RESIGNED HIS POST in the house- hold of Queen Isabella. CAPTAIN LOCKHART, deputy assistant adjutant general at Aldershot, is about to retire from the service, having accepted an appointment in the police. A COMPANY of volunteer firemen has been established in Lisbon, the' honorary captain of which is the Infant Prince Dom Carlos. A SEED WAREHOUSE in Rigby-street, Liver- pool, fell on Friday afternoon, killing four men and injuring many others. DR. LANE, R.N., of Worthen, Shropshire, is a claimant of the Irish title of Viscount Lanesborougb, which has been in abeyance for 200 years. SIR RICHARD PAY N HAM, who retired from the diplomatic service in 1846, died on Wednesday at his residence, Castle pel inrd. AN ANNUAL GRANT of 12,000rs. has been sanc- tioned by the Secretary of State for female schools in the towns of Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay. IT APPEARS the floods in Guzerat have not been so destructive as was at first reported. The crops are said to be excellent. A REGULAR SYSTEM of bribery has been dis- covered amongst the judicial authorities of, the Nizam's Courts at Hyderabad. THE REGISTRATION APPEAL COURT of Scot- land has decided against the claim of women to vote at Parliamentary elections. THE FORMER PROFESSORS of the Madrid Uni- versity dismissed by Gonzales Bravo and Narvaez, have resumed possession of their chairs. A FORCE OF CAVALRY in Western Kansas has routed a band of 700 Indians, and another large band has been surrounded. THE QUESTION of a woman's right to vote is, we (Times) believe, one of the first for adjudication before the Court of Common Pleas. THE ALL ENGLAND ELEVEN," after winning every cricket match they had played with American or Canadian players, are returning this week to England. AMONGST THE SUBSCRIBERS to the Wilberforce fund for the maintenance of the Theological College of Cuddesdon as a permanent institution, is Mr. Disraeli for £50. THE SALES OF ENGLISH WHEAT noted last week were 68,106 qrs. at 53s. 4d., against 80,165 qrs. in 1867 at 70s. 5d. The London averages were 56s 2d. on 5,417 qrs. As A PROOF of the extreme mildness of the season, Mr. Boyer, of Aldermaston, Berks, has a second crop of raspberries in his garden, the fruit being much finer than the first crop. VESUVIUS is comparatively quiet again, th' agh during the past week it has thrown out fire on one or two nights, and consequently sends forth great volumes of smoke. SEVERAL AMERICAN JOURNALS, sympathising with Fenianism, condemn the amicable speeches of Mr. Reverdy Johnson, while the press generally expresses approval. DR. HOUNAU has just died at Pau in his 88th year. The deceased practitioner, who was formerly in the army, was exceedingly popular in the whole depart- ment of the Basses-Pyrenees. THE DEATH OF MISS WALTERS, who, under a well-known sobriquet, attained some notoriety as an equestrian both in the hunting-field and in Rotten-row, is announced. She died at Paris last week. THE South London Press says that the water supply in the borough is so deficient that premiums on fire insurance in that district have risen 75 per cent. during the last ten months. AN ENTERPRISING PUBLISHER in Glasgow has introduced a new kind of note into music printing the head of the note, whether closed or open, bears a letter signifying the name of the note. THE DIRECTORS of the Anglo-American Tele- graph Company have resolved to declare a further in- terim quarterly dividend of 10s, per share, free of income tax, payable on the 1st December. THE London Review states that the Rev. J Montesquieu Bellew, whose readings and other appear- ances before the public have g'ven him some notoriety, is about to be received into the Church of Rome. THE NEW YOBK PAPJSKS publish intelligence stating that the captain of an English gunboat had bombarded the city of Choachi on account of insults offered to the British flag. ADVICES FROM CUBA state that small bands of insurgents are still prowling about in the mountain parts of the island. Captain General Lersundi had ordered the trial of all insurgents by court-martial. MR. GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN has telegraphed to America (from Ireland) that he will accept a nomina- tion as an independent member for Congress for the fifth New York district. THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF RECRUITING has issued a notification that the standard height for recruits for regiments of the line is to be raised from 5 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. 7 in. till further orders. THE RUMOUR that the body of Dr. Powell, of Chelsea, had been found at Wiilesden Railway Station is false. The body found there has been identified as that of Mr. Hardesley, of Duke-street, Smithfield. It was frightfully mutilated by the train which passed over it. A SPLENDID SPECIMEN of the golden eagle has lately been captured in the little isle of Herm, one of the islets opposite Guernsey. This eagle weighs 7 lb. 12 oz., measuring 3 ft. from beak to tail, and 7 ft. 2 in. from wing to wing. A FATAL ALTERCATION, very probably arising out of election excitement, is reported from Cashel. A man named Kerrisey has been mortally stabbed by a person named Hickey, who fled when he found he had killed his opponent, and has not been arrested. Taa SHuCKS UK EARTHQUAKE at San Francisco caused a tremendous vibration and were very prolonged. Several streets are in complete ruins, and others have sunk several feet. It has not been ascertained whether any lives were lost. A MAN NAMED JOHN TnoMpaonhasbeen com- mitted for trial at the Southampton Assizes for publish- ing a certain scandalous, impious, blasphemous, and profane libel of, or concerning, the Holy Scriptures and the Christian religion." THERE ARE THREE LADY VOTERS on the recently-published list for the borough of Portsmouth, and the whole of them have pledged themselves to support and vote for the Liberal candidates, Messrs. Stone and Gaselee. AT A MANUFACTORY of detonating paper in Commercial-road East, a quantity of the material, on being pressed, exploded, and set the place on fire. A good deal of damage was done by the flames, but no one appears to have been hurt. THE INSURGENTS in Cuba have disbanded, and are depredating in small parties. It is reported that the inhabitants of Luento Principe have furnished aid to the insurgents, whose number is believed not to exceed 200. THE Unita Cattolica states that Mgr. Macchi, bishop of Reggio, having gone a few days back on a pastoral visit to Correggio, was insulted and menaced. Daring the night an Oraini bomb exploded in front of e wllldow of his eminence's bedchamber. THE ITALIAN PAPtRs state that the English evolutionary squadron, commanded by Lord Clarence Paget, recently cast anchor in Maddalena Roads, on the coast of Sardinia, and that on the following day Lord Clarence Paget paid a visit to General Garibaldi at Caprera, and was received with much cordiality. A BIRMINGHAM PAPER states that at two o clock on Sunday morning a policeman found a flask of gunpowder near the doorstep of the residence of the Mayor of Kidderminster. A quantity 0f i008e powder was scattered about the flas-k, and several lncifer matches were thrown down upon the powder. uc er SOME MISUNDERSTANING prevails as to the pre- sent phase of the Rachel case. Before a fiat can be obtained for a writ of error the Attorney-General must give his sanction, and on that being granted an applica- tion to cut in bail can be made until the case is decided. Th« fiat issued was to amend the record. POISONED BY MCSHROOMS.—An inquest has been held in Rockingham-street, Newington-causeway, on George Thomas Ryland. It appeared that the de- ceased had been eating mushrooms which proved to be poisonous. A medical man was called in, but his efforts to save life were unavailing. A veidict was returned to the effect that death had resulted from eating poisonous | mushrooms. f FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN MADRILENE LADIES have presented an address to the President of the Ceuncil, requesting the preservation of those churches which have been ordered to be pulled down, and also the maintenance of other religious establish- ments. THE ARIADNE, a sister ship to the Galatea, is about to be fitted up at Portsmouth for the use of the Prince and Princess of Wales. No Royal yacht is at present available for sea service, the Victoria and Albert being under repairs, and the Osborne having been broken up. ON SATURDAY MORNING a destructive fire broke out on the premises in the Waterloo-road where the boiler explosion took place on the previous after- noon. All the persons who suffered through the explo- sion are reported by the hospital authorities as lying in a very critical state. THE Memorial Diplomatique says there is no truth in the report that Isabella of Spain ever intended to take up her residence at Brighton. Some luggage of the Count and Countess of Girgenti which was sent there, and which bore the ex-Queen's name upon it, gave rise to the rumour. IN THE FIRST NINE MONTHS of the present year we have sent abroad 2,188,591,288 yards of cotton piece goods manufactured in this country-a larger quantity by nearly 150,000,000 yards than in the corre- sponding period of 1867, the year of the largest export of cotton manufactures ever known. Saunders' News Letter says: A woman named Aune Lowham, aged 107 years, died at Swords on I Thursday. She was born in the year 1761. She was the mother of five sons and three daughters. One of her great-grand-children is now a constable in the metro- politan police." THE LAST OF THE MEMBERS of the Long Firm in the hands of the police, one William Barnes, has been sentenced to nine months' hard labour, for receiving goods by means of false pretences. He pleaded guilty, and the lightness of his sentence was due to his having given valuable information to the police. ON WEDNESDAY the new Roman Catholic Church at Whitehaven was solemnly opened by the Right Rev. Dr. Chadwick, Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle. The church will hold 1,000 persons, and is a handsome Gothic structure from tke designs of Mr. E. Welby Pugin. JUDGMENT HAS BEEN GIVEN at Brussels in the affaire Doulton. The charge was that Mr. Doulton had been guilty of "fraudulent manoeuvres." The court found it proved, but decided that nothing could be done to Mr. Doulton, as the new Belgian Penal Code does not apply to offences committed against foreign interests, A GAS EXPLOSION took place at the office of the European Mail," in Cannon-street, City. Consider- able damage was done to the premises, but no person was seriously hurt. In this case there had been a strong smell of gas perceptible all the morning, but the warning seems to have been unheeded. Two BROTHERS named Bennett have been con- victed, at the Central Criminal Court, the one of stealing cheques from his employers, and the other of receiving them. The younger, who was the thief, was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment, and the elder, who received the stolen cheques and negotiated them, to five years' penal servitude. THE COMIC SINGER BOHNKE of Hamburg, who sung at a private party at Kiel some verses hostile to the Emperor of the French, was afterwards summoned to the police-office, where he was told that at the de- mand of the Consul of France he was ordered to quit the town immediately. A request for a respite of a few hours to settle his private affairs was refused. SHOCKS OF EARTHQUAKE are reported as having been felt at a late hour on Friday night at Leamington, at several places in South Wales, and at Worcester and at Bristol. Advices from Leamington state that about a quarter to eleven three distinct shocks were experienced, at intervals of a second, and that both oscillation and rumbling were distinctly perceptible. ON FRIDAY EVENING, between seven and eight o'clock, nearly the whole of the public footway and boarding which extends from King-street to the new Foreign-office in Downing-street, Westminster, fell in with a fearful crash. Fortunately, no one was passing at the time, and the large number of workmen employed were all absent from the works. MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION.—A mysterious ex- I plosion occurred on Wednesday at Trinity Chambers, Dame-street, Dublin. Patrick Hogan, a porter, on ¡ opening the letter-box of Craig and Gardiner, solicitors, found a brandy flask, which, about twelve o'clock, he proceeded to open, when it exploded, inflicting serious injuries on his face; it is feared his sight is destroyed. THE BATTLE OF SADOWA.-The New Free Press of Vienna says :— We have now authentic reports of the Austrian artillery firing at the battle of Sadowa. There were in action in that great conflict 672 guns on the side of the Imperialists 46,535 rounds were fired; that is to say, an average of 69 each. The battle lasted nine hours, and therefore the Austrians fired 5,200 shots an hour, and 86 the minute." CULTIVATED LAND IN AUSTRALIA.—The agri- cultural report of Mr. Josiah Boothby, Government statist, shows that the land under cultivation in South Aus- tralia has increased from 269,462 acres in 1858 to 810,734 in 1867 whilst in Victoria during the same period the increase has only been from 237,728 to 592,915, and in New South Wales from 223,295 to 451,225. THE LAW COURTS.—Monday being the first day of term, the Lord Chancellor received the Judges and leading members of the bar, following the old fashion, at his private residence in South Kensington. It is only on this occasion that the Lord Chancellor appears at Westminster, taking his seat for a few moments in the Probate Court, which may be said to be within his more immediate jurisdiction. A YOUNG MAN, son of a Thatay, and four of his companions-the eldest was not 14-have been flogged to death in the streets of Mandalay, in Burmah. The crime of the principal was that he had an intrigue with a courtesan who had found favour with one of the princes. The others suffered simply because they were his companions. AT THE HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the Great Central Gas Consumers Company, Mr. Alderman Dakin in the chair, the usual dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum was declared, and authority was given to the Board to apply to Parliament for power to raise 2100,000 additional share capital to meet the require- ments of an increased business. DEATH OF A NOTED CHARACTER.—Mr. Wil- liam Cresswell, better krown as "Cotton Ball Billy," lately died at Mexbro', at the age of 68, leaving a fortune of some 28,000. He owned property at Mexbro', Kiln- hurst, Gawber, Barnsley, Swinton, Pogmoor, and other places. Years ago he hawked cotton balls and matches in the district. THE MANCHESTER NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE held its first annual meeting on Friday in the Manchester Town-hall. The audience was composed chiefly of ladies. Mrs. Max Kyllmann pre- sided, and a long report of the proceedings of the asso- ciation during the past year was read by Miss Lydia Becker. SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM.—Visitors during the week ending Oct. 31, 1868 :-On Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, free, from ten a.m. to ten p.m., 12,963 on Wednesday Thursday, and Friday (admission 6d.), from ten a.m. till five p m. 1,907-total, 14,870. Average of corresponding week in former years, 10,696; total from the opening of the museum, 7,878,969. THE FREE CHURCH SOCIETY has issued an address to municipal and parliamentary electors, calling upon them to insist upon the restoration of absolute freedom of worshik)-a principle formerly universal, and a practice injurious to none, but beneficial to all, agree- able to the law of God, and to the pr "cepts of Christ and His apostles. r PIRACY.—-A schooner, sailing under the British flag, and belonging to a British subject, Lee Cheng Ho, a Chinese trader of Labuan, was attacked near Mailtidu Bay, by a number of pirates, in 15 prabus, who captured the schooner, tore down the British flag, and killed three of her crew. When intelligence of this outrage reached Labuan, by means of five of the crew who bad escaped, Governor Hennessy started in pursuit, in her Majesty's gunboat Dwarf, which had arrived oppor- tunely from Hong-Kong. AN INQUEST has been held at the Prince of Wales Tavern, Willesden-Jane, Wiilesden, respecting the death of Mr. Edward Haidesby, aged 48 years, an ac- countant, residing in Duke-street, West Smithfield, who was found dead and frightiuDy mutilated on the North London Railway. The case excited some interest, in I consequence of its having been rumoured that the de ceased was Dr. Powell, of King's-road, Chelsea., It is supposed that the unfortunate man got over the fence for some purpose, and was killed by accident. A verdict to that effect was roturned, SEE OF PETERBOROUGH.—The Conge d'Elire and Letter Recommendatory was received by the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough early last week. The Dean and Canons assembled in their Cbapter-house on Friday morning, and unanimously elected to the Bishopric of Peterborough the Very Rev. William Connor Magee, D.D., Dean of the Cathedral Church of Cork, and of her Ma- jesty's Chapel Royal, within Dublin Castle. DRUGGING.-On Saturday John Newing, the seaman charged with having caused the death of a Mr. Doar, by putting snuff into his beer, with intent to enable him to commit a felony, was committed for trial. On this occasion the prisoner made a statement, in which he admitted all the facts proved, except that it was he who put the snuff into the deceased's beer. That he said was done by a young man who was in the public- house for a bit of fun. A REPORT that the whole of the C division of metropolitan police is about to be transferred from Vine-street to an East-end station is at least premature; but the inquiries by the chief commissioner into alleged malpractices would seem to have already resulted in the discovery that complaint has not been made without a cause. Three inspectors and a sergeant, who have made some very notable appearances at various times in the witness box, are to be sent into the east of London. AT THE BRIGHTON POLICE-COURT Edward Martin, a middle-aged man was charged with having disturbed the congregation of St. James's Chapel on Sunday, by shouting "Protestants, to the rescue!" while the procession was passing along the aisles. The defendant, who expressed his regret, pleaded" Guilty," and was fined 20s. and costs. In future the admission to St, James's Chapel is to be by ticket. AT THE CLERKENWELL POLICE-COURT, Samuel Moyes, a town traveller, in the employ of Messrs. Betts, brandy distillers, has been finally examined on a series of charges of embezzlement. The operations of the accused appear to have been remarkably extensive, and the gross amount of which his employers have been d'efrauded is more than X300. He was committed for trial. Another collector in the same service is accused of defalcations to the extent of £ 1,000. CRETINISM.-—According to a recent official return, cretinism is by no means on the decline in Switzerland. The cases of this sad and mysterious disease at the beginning of this year, among a population of 2,032,119 in the 19 cantons of Switzerland amounted to 3,431, and it further appears that there were at the same period 6,258 cases of insanity thus showing that there is one mentally diseased person to every 202 inhabitants in that country. FATAL ACCIDENT AT r' rOGMORF-iiousig.-A shocking accident has occurred at Frogmore-house, Windsor-park, the residence of their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. A bricklayer, named Andrew Starr, an aged man, about 66, was at work on the roof of the house, doing some repairs for his employer, Mr. Genge, when he suddenly fell a distance of about 40 feet to the ground. He died soon after the occurrence. A CABINET COUNCIL was held on Saturday. It is understood that the date of the dissolution of Par- liament was one of the subjects brought forward for decision. The result will not be made public until the issue of the proclamation by the Queen dissolving Par- liament. The general opinion at the clubs on Saturday night was that the dissolution will take place on the 12th inst. The writs for the new elections will, of course, be issued immediately after the date fixed. INHERITED NOBILITY.-An advertisement in a London contemporary gives us a perfect little romance of the peerage Mysteriously missing since Octsber 1st, when he left England en route for the Continent, an English noblemon, 64 years of age, but looks younger, tall and of aristocratic appearance, sallow complexion, grey whiskers and moustache, thin iron grey hair, bald on crown of the head, good teeth, the two front ones widely apart. Supposed to have departed in company with a French lady, about 28 years of age." THE NIAGARA BRIDGE.—The new suspension bridge at Niagara Falls, commenced over a year ago, will be completed about the end of November. The bridge extends from a point just below the American Falls to a point on the Canadian side just below the Clifton- house. The span is 1,264 feet and four inches, and the two cables are 1,900 feet long. In each cable there are seven wire ropes, each two and a half inches in diameter. The span is said to be longer than that of any other suspension bridge in the world. OFFENBACH IN THE ORCHESTRA.-Offenbacb is at present in Vienna. A few nights back he was present at the performance of one of his pieces, when a player of the violoncello in the orchestra was taken suddenly ill. The maestro seized the instrument, and replaced the musician. At the close of the representa- tion the manager came and gravely presented him with a florin as the price of his labour. He took the money gaily in remembrance of his former occupation. PRINCE NAPOLEON IN ENGLAND.—It would seem from the Paris journal, La Liberte, that Prince Napoleon, who is now in England, has come over on a mission of some importance, as he does not propose to leave until he has had an interview with the Queen, and has announced his intention of remaining a week or ten days here. According to the Liberie, the Prince had a terribly rough voyage across the Channel, his yacht, al- though one of the best, being compelled to put in to New Romney in consequence of the bad weather. A STORY is going the rounds of gossip in Paris (says the Post) about a Russian countess having received a magnificent bouquet of violets, en which were inge- niously placed some small topazes to represent dewdrops. The lady naturally imbibed the sweet odours of the mysterious bouquet, and shortly after was taken ill, and seized with fever. The flowers were poisoned Here the story ends by declaring that the lady lives and is more beautiful than ever, as her face now discovers an exquisite vein of melancholy. HONORARY DISTINCTIONS IN THE ARMY.— Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to sanction the following regiments bearing the word Abyssinia" on their colours, in commemoration of their services during the Abyssinian expedition of 1867-8: —The 3rd (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, the 4th (King's own Royal), the 33rd (Duke of Wellington's), the 26th (Cameronians), and the 45th (Nottinghamshire Sherwood Foresters) Regiments of Infantry. DESTRUCTION OF GAME.-The Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge, and the rest of the noble and distinguished guests of General Hall, have shot through the Chili-hill preserves, making a bag of the following proportions :—MS pheasants, 101 hares, 34 partridges, and 59 rabbits total, 886. The shooting party comprised the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cam- bridge, the Duke of Rutland, Lord Colville, the Hon. T. De Grey, Lord Huntingfield, Colonel Bateson, Major Grey, and General Hall. AN ACCIDENT in which two platelayers lost their lives occurred on the South-Eastern Railway, near the New-cross station. The men, while repairing the permanent way, seeing an up-train in sight, stepped on to the COwn line. At that moment a test engine, which is usually despatched from London to insure the freedom of the nails from obstruction, suddenly came down and killed tàem. The driver had made every effort to warn the unfortunate men of their danger, but the unexpected appearance of the locomotive seemed to have rendered them powerless to move, and they were crushed to death. ACCIDENT AT A THEATRE.—A serious acci- dent has happened at the Exeter Theatre Royal to the leading actress, Miss Reignolds, who has a twelve nights' .engagement there. In the play of Stolen; or, the Sweet Ballad-singer, she sustained the character of Jenny Milsome. In the course of the drama she had to cross a draw-bridge, which broke under her, and she fell to the stage, a distance of about eight feet, several pieces of scenery falling upon her. The curtain was instantly lowered, and Miss Reignolds, who had sustained severe injury, was removed to her lodgings. ANOTHER ATLANTIC CABLIE.-The New York Times is informed that negotiations are being carried on with the American Atlantic Cable Telegraph Com- pany, of New York (who have by act of Congress the exclusive right of landing a cable on the coast of the United States, except the coast of Florida), and some foreign capitalists, to join them in laying a cable direct to Belgium—arrangements having been perfected for securing a most liberal concession from the Government of that country. It is said responsible parties have signified their readiness to enter into a contract to put down a cable for £ 500,000. INSULT TO A PRUSSIAN CHARGE D'AFFAIRES. —The latest news from Japan gives some particulars of an if suit offered to the Prussian charge d'affaires, Von Brandt, who, when driving through the main street of the Japanese town with his betto, or groom, a Japanese, behind him) was stopped by the retainers of Higashi Kuse Saki no Chiiijo, an assistant secretary for foreign affairs, and his betto compelled to alight and prostrate himself in the dust before the feudal noble. Van Brandt was compelled to submit at the moment, although loudly protesting, and has since demanded and received from the Japanese minister an apology. I SOMETHING N,,w. William Alexauuer w" charged with stealing a scarf pin from John Sparrow, in the Walworth-road. The prisoner was going about selling tracts, and upon the prosecutor refusing to take one he thrust it into the breast of his coat, which was buttoned up, and then the scarf pin was missed. A policeman came up, and the prosecutor gave prisoner into custody, when he let the pin fall on the ground and denied the robbery. He now pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to two months' hard labour. A MARINE PHENOMENON.—A waterspout is reported between Noirmont Point, Jersey, and the cluster of rocks known as the Minquiers. On the morn- ing of the 15th, at about ten a.m., a dense mass of yellow clouds was observed east of Noirmont Point. At eleven an unusual disturbance occurred in the portion of the sea underneath this cloud bank, and by degrees a conical mass of water arose, assuming the form of a semi- circle, one extremity of which passed above the clouds. The waterspout lasted but a few seconds. MANSLAUGHTER OF A FATHER-IN-LAW.—A the Westminster Police-court, on Thursday, Charles Templeman, a gentleman's coachman, was charged with the manslaughter of Stephen Brake, his father-in-law. It will be remembered that in a family quarrel the prisoner, who was much excited by drink, attacked the deceased, shook him violently, and eventually threw him upon the edge of a sink so as to break three of his ribs. The injuries inflicted upon the old man proved fatal in two or three days. The accused was committed for trial. PREPARATIONS FOR LORD MAYOR'S DAY.- The Guildhall will be lit up on Friday evening next, and the public will be admitted by ticket, in the usual way, between the hours of seven and nine. The state coach of the Lord Mayor, with its trappings and the elaborate harness for the six horses, has been thoroughly overhauled during the week, and the crest of the Lord Mayor elect is being painted on the customary panel, the present making the 110th of the arms of Lord Mayors painted thereon since the carriage was first used by Sir Richard Carr Glyn, in 1757.-City Press. DEATH OF A DIPLOMATIST.—The Right Hon. Sir Richard Pakenham, K.C.B., died on Wednesday, at his residence, Coolure, Castle Pollard. Sir Richard was the fifth son of Admiral the Hon. Thomas Paken- ham, C. B., and began his diplomatic life as attaché to his uncle, the late Earl of Clancarty. He rose to be Envoy for several years in Mexico, and was afterwards promoted to the head of the Legation at Washington. He then became her Majesty's Minister at the Court of Lisbon, and finally terminated his diplomatic career as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to his Portuguese Majesty. TOBACCO.—An official publication, emanating from the French Government, gives the following figures as representing the present annual produce of tobacco in the world, and the quantity consumed in France Asia, 155,000,000 kilogrammes; Europe, 141,000,000 America, 124,000,000 Africa, 12,000,000; and Australia, 400,000. The present annual consumption in France is, in snuff, 7,799,471 kilogrammes; in tobacco for smoking, 18,440,919; for chewing, 756,025. The consumption of cigars is, of cigars at 20 cents, 28,000 kilogrammes; at 15 cents, 63,000 at 10 cents, 178,000 and at 5 cents, 2,734,585. THE FOUNDATION STONE of the first asylum for the imbecile poor of the metropolis has been laid at Leavesden, about four miles from 'Watford. The building is to be erected under the provisions of the Metropolitan Poor Act of 1867, and its estimated cost is £ 128,000. Amongst those who took part in the cere- mony of laying the foundation stone were the Earl of Verulam, Lord-Lieutenant of Herts; the Earl of Devon, President of the Poor-law Board the Bishop of Rochester, Lord W. Lennox, Sir W. H. Bodkin, Sir John Thwaites, and Dr. Brewer, the chairman of the Metropolitan Asylum District Board, by whom the stone was laid. IN CHICAGO two weekly papers have recently been established, conducted entirely by ladies. One fof them, curiously enough, is called the Legal ivews, and is wholly devoted to legal intelligence from the courts of the North-western States. Its editor is Mrs. Myra Bradwell, the wife of an attorney of the Chicago bar. The other journal is called the Soresis (which is likewise the somewhat mystical name of a ladies' club in New York), and is devoted to "women generally." A MISHAP.-An amusing incident occurred on Sunday last in a church at Peckham. A reverend gentleman, to the great surprise of his congregation, suddenly paused for some minutes' duration, during which he appeared to be struggling with his manuscript notes, and it was feared that his sermon would come to an abrupt termination. In a few minutes, however, the countenance of the previously agitated divine as- sumed its usual imposing solemnity, and the discourse proceeded, but not until he had informed his hearers that he had found out where he had left off.-South London Press. A TWICE-CAUGHT FisTT.-A letter from Nijni- Novgorod, in the Bankers' Gazette of St. Petersburg, mentions that a sturgeon has just been taken in the Volga, which was found to b9 the same that was caught in 1866, and presented to the Hereditary Prince, but at his desire, recommitted to the river. A silver ring inserted in the right gill, and on which the date of the first capture is engraved, establishes the identity; another similar ring, which had been placed on the left side, is missing. The probability is that this fish will be again returned to the water, with a new mark, indi- cating the period when it was taken the second time. FANCY BREAD.—The question whether what is known as a cottage loaf comes under the denomination of fancy bread again came before the magistrate at Westminster Police-court on Wednesday. A baker had refused to weigh such a loaf on demand, contending that it came within the description of fancy," to which the Act of Parliament rendering the weighing compulsory did not apply. He had secured the services of the Hon. George Deoman, Q C., to argue the case on his side, and in the result the hearing was adjourned for a week. CHOOSING A PATRON SAINT.—We have from Valparaiso an extraordinary account of the election of a patron saint to one of the churches there, which was concluded on the 6th of September. The Murcurio says the favourite candidate was the Adorable Saviour of the World," who polled 19,946 votes "the Most Holy Virgin 4,132. Sundry odd saints put in a poor show, polling in the aggregate 384 votes. After the election a Te Deum was sung and a sermon pro- nounced in celebration of the joyful event. UNDUE INFLUENCE IN DERBYSHIRE. The Burton on Trent magistrates have just committed Mr. H. Brookes, of Winshill, near Burton on Trent, for trial on a charge of having intimi- dated a voter, named George Thoraley, of Stan- ton, near Derby. Brookes, a Tory, had lent Thorn- ley, a Liberal, X180 on a mortgage on property worth 4C400, and on Thornley refusing on conscientious grounds to vote Tory, he threatened to foreclose the mortgage, kindly offering his victim a choice of auc- tioneers. THE FOLLIES OF FEMALE FASHIONS.—A con- ference of German ladies has been held at Stuttgart, at which a motion was agreed to declaring the necessity of modifying women's toilettes, with a view to check the extravagance, the bad taste, and incessant changes of their vestments. The conference then directed the Association for the Education and Amelioration of the Condition of Women to organise a commission com- posed of painters, doctors, tailors, and modistes, for the purpose of suggesting new toilettes. The Gazette des Femmes will publish the recommendations of the com- ission. THE MEDICAL COUNCIL.—Professor Christison and Dr. Paikes have been solicited to serve again as the Crown representatives in the Medical Council, and have consented to do so. The College of Surgeons of Edin- burgh has re-elected Dr. Andrew Wood as its repre- sentative for a period of two years, and this will give great satisfaction in all quarters. The University of Edinburgh and Aberdeen returns one joint representative The latter body has nominated Dr. Macrobin, the dean of the medical faculty and it is the general opinion that Edinburgh will again select Professor Syme. The choice of the two rivals will fall to the lot of the Privy Council. EXTRAORDINARY LONGEVITY.—Tn the obituary of the Times of the 27th inst., the deaths of four ladies and three gentlemen are recorded whose united ages amounted to 613 years, giving an average of 87 years and nearly seven months to each. Of these seven persons the oldest was a gentleman, who had reached the patriarchal age of 93 years, the youngest being 81. Of the opposite sex the oldest had also reached the venerable age of 92 the youngest was 82 years of age. MR. GLADSTONE, in reply to a note from Mrs. Butler, of Liverpool, says: Madam,-Pray be good enough to inform my constituents on whose behalf you write that I am favourable in general to an effective pro- tection of the earnings of married women, and that I think it deserves consideration in what way property in female bands can advantageously be represented in the constituencies. Beyond these points I must ask to reserve my full discretion."






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