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PRIMROSE L1 AGUE SOCIAL MEETING AT WELSHPOOL. On Thursday the members of the Powia Habitation of the Primrose League held a social eveuing at Welshpool. The proceedings opened at 6 p.m. with a tea, which was provided in the Corn Exchange. The tables were adorned with vases of flowers, and a large number of people sat down. The post of tea- maker was by no means an easy one, and the energies of Mrs Mytton, Mrs Broadberry, Powis Castle, Miss Parry, Mansion House, Miss Davies, High Street, Miss M. Morris, Mrs Genth, Goilsfield, Miss Thomas, High-street, Miss Ciarke, Lion, Mra Shuker, Miss Morgan, Mrs Salter, Mrs Yearsley, Miss Hill, The Cottage, Miss Hole, Garth Hail, and Miss Ouver, Grapes Inn, were taxed to the utmost. These ladies were ably assisted by Miss Mytton, Garth, the Misses Davies, Miss Hurst, Berriew-street, Miss Morgan, Mrs Jones, near Station, and Miss Waine, High-street. The meal concluded, an adjournment was made into the large hall upstairs, where a capital entertainment, consisting of tableaux, songs, and instrumental selections were given. Tne oommo- dious room was literally packed, among the audience being the Earl of Powis (Ruling Councillor), the Coiiiitess of Powis, General Herbert, Capt. and Mrs D. H. Mytton aud family, Mr J. E. Fincham (pro- vincial secretary of the North Wales District ot the Primrose League), the Mayor of Welshpool (Coun- cillor E. O. Jones), Rev Grimaldi and Mrs Davis, Rev Llewelyn Jones, Mr aud Mrs Forraster Addie, Mr G. D. and Mrs Harrison and family. Hev J. S. Lewis, Guilsfield, Dr Gill, Dr Murston, Dr HaWks- worth, Mr J. Ghent, Mrs Ghent and family, Mrs Westby, Mr and Miss Lane, Capt. and Mrs Tigar, Mr Winnall, Mr Fitzhugh, Mr and Mrs Farmer, Mr D. Richards, Mr and Mrs Ireland, Mr and Mrs J. P. Morris, Miss Thomas, Mrs D. P. Uwen, Mr R Owen, MI8 Wall, etc. At the top of the room a temporary stage had been erected. The trout was adorned withchrysanthtmums in bloom, varied ferns, grasses and geraniums, kindly lent by Lord Powis, and tastefully arian^ed by Mr Lamb«rt. Flowers were also kindly sent by Mr* Hawksworth, Miss Parry, Ma: sion House, and other ladies. The whole of tIe arrangements were successfully superintended by a. cjmmi.tee coueisting of Mrs Addie, Miss Parry, Mrs Salter, Mr Parfy (Church Bank), Mr M. Shuker, and Mrs ishuker (hoa. sec.), assisted by Messrs Turner, W. M Iseiand ana Peacock. Lord"Powis presided, and he briefly called upon Mrs Hawksworth and Miss Hi:l to open th* programme with a pianoforte duet. The artiste one and ail performed spie:ldid!y, while the table-tux were exceedingly effective. fi.e bdied and gtsnriii- lllell taking part in the taoleaux were Mrs Kerr, M s tiawksworth, Mrs Pryce, Vliss Davidson, L aii- dysilio, Miss Amy Lewis, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Add, Mr Simpson Jones, Mr RAVVSOI aud Air Wa d, PLL k- lane. The following was the programmme :-Dnet, Mrs Hawksworth and Miss Hid song and chorus Land of my Fathers." Miss Francis tableau King Lesr and Cordelia"; song The Village Blacksmith," Mr E. Lewis: s.ng "Dearie," Mms Jet-man; musical lableau (by kind permission ot V Oyiey Carte) The three little maids from school lectia- :,ion The signaiman," Mr Peacock; eong "Tne Spring legend," Mrs J. Morris tableau of heartscomic song with bango Sav.Lin&c home," Messrs xieed aud Arthur; fairy beds Se- lected," Mr C. Sapple song h I love the merry sunshine," Miss A. Pryca tableau Wooing ot llenry V. song Trie death of Nelson," Mr E. Lewis; 8on The rivr of years," Miss Francis; musical tableau The three fishers" song In the elumney corner," Miss Jerinan; comic soug D^iwii [in tie valiey," Messrs Reed and Arthur; chorus '•John Brown finalo Go 1 save the Queen." Daring the ovening the noble CHAIRMAN calimi upon Mr J. E. F.ncha-u to deliver an address upon the principles and objects of the Primrose League." In d >ing so his lord.sbip saiu that the Primrose Le iguo that night was e/i but he would remind thtiin that they we>-e not always giving theuistlves up to pleasure, but they had reai a-nd seii us work to i do. On that v,rlc Ntv Fiiieb im would give them a short address. Mr Fincham WIlS the provincial sec- rotary for North Wales, and he was glad to be ab-c to inform him than the Powis Habitation was doing real good work (cheeis.) Mr FINCHAM, who was cordially greeted, said his first daty was to congratulate aud comp-twent the | hor. secretary, the executive council, and the com- mittee of management, who haa carried out so suc- cessfully this, he might say, great entertainment. He might also inform them that it would pive him very gieat pleasure on his return home to report to the Grand Council that not only were they able to get up so large a demonstration as he saw before him, but also that the officers of the Habi: ation under- stood what real organization of their great League meant. He was in London a short time back and saw Mr Lane-Fox, vice-chancellor of the Primrose League, and the first question he put to him (the speaker) was How is Welshpool getting on P He was pleased to inform him of the great strides the Powis Habitation had made during tne last year, and when he told Mr Lane-Fox that ho was going to Welshpool shortly, Mr Lane-Fox desired him to say that he was pleased and delighted to hear such good news as to the flourishing and heaithy condition of the League. For the accomplishment of this suocess great c,edit rested upon Lord Powis and the officers of the Le gue (cheers.) He would briefly exp ain to them the principles of the League, so that in coming to tne meeting they could not ouly get amusement but instruction. Thera were many men in the room who did nut belong to the League, and he would try to give them tin outline of its history. Ten years ago their great League was formed by some gentle- men who had assembled in a room in Victoria-street, London. The League from that moment to the pre- sent time had never looked back. He wou:d tell them why lie thought it had never looked back, and that was because at the time of starting the nn ve- ment was not taken up by the leaders of the party. The gentlemen connected with the League appealed to the peoplejof England, Scotland and Wales, and the result was that to-day they had 1,040,000 mem- bers, with 2,020 habitations, distributed over Eng. land, Scotland. Wales, and he was pleased to say, Ireland (cheers.) A short time ago, at the instance I of the Grand Council, he went to Ireland. It was not onen teas ne accepted the advice given by Mr Gladstone, but when he went to Ireland he did re- member Miohelstown" (laughter.) He went to that town, and with the great help of Lady Mary Alworth one of the hardest workers for the U nion in Ireland, they were able to found a habitation in Michelstown (cheers.) At the start they had about 50 members, and when he was over there a short time ago the membership had increased to 400 (renewed cneers). What was the principles or teaching of iheir great league? They were very simple. All they wanted to do was to make men and women good and honest citizens. They maintained that religion was the first thing a Government should be founded on, and no Government could exist which was not founded upon religion (cheers). If they looked back on past history they would find his words perfectly true. Immediately France gave up her religion there came the time of terrorism. If they went back to the time when thd Athenians gave up the worship of their gods, even then they were carried off captives at the wheels of their enemies. The Primrose League was not a sectarian association, fo- they had in their ranks Churchmen, Nonconformists, and even Salva- tionists, altogether a thorough mixture. Thtoy must believe in a God. They said that no man could be a good citizen without he believed in a Deity. They were fighting tooth and nail against afchei;m(cheers). He believed that if they did not give their chiioien a religious education, the time would coma when this great empire would sink back into a second rate power. When a country gave up its religion tLen it began to go back. He would tell them why they were fighting against the Disestablishment and Dis- endowment of the Church. What they Paid was that they were trying to do. away with something which was the property of a religious body, and were not setting anything in that religious body's place. It was simply, to use a strong word, sacrilege, if they were taking away property which had been dedicated to God, ana not putting anything in its place. The sec nd principle was they must maintain the con- sti ution in all its greatness and its grandeur. He though tat the present time they had their work cut out to hold up the constitution. If Mr Gladstone could have his way he would have a slap at the House of Lords, but he was thankful to say that the people of England were far too sensible to agree to that, tor they saw whit a great benefit they had be-in to the country in stopping Mr Gladstone's pet scheme being carried into law. The constitution was not a con- stitution which had been built in a minute, or in four or five days, or in a month, but our constitution has been growing through the history of 1000 years and with the requirements of the oountry. Their third great principle was the integrity of the empire. T.1 ii an empire was pujied to pieces, that empire must surely fall. It was difficult to break a bundle of sticks when tied together, but if the band were broken the sticks were easily L-eparat ed, and that was tile case with Ireland. If the bond which bound that country to England was broken, there would be some other friends ou the Continent having a slap at them. They had also to tight against the agitators of the day. if a wcrking- man had various opinions he had a perfect rLht if he pleased to lay them before his fellow workmen. He maintained that they must, not oncourasre those agitators who weut about the country te ch:ng the working-men doctrines which they kn -w t be wrong, while their only object was to put their hi-d* in the workmen's pockets, and then fay Good-bye." Having related all anecdote bearing un tl-ii- point, he said all they asked the Radicals to do was to read both sides, and by the organisation i hey could make them do that. lo the ladies and gentlemen who took an irterest, in the Primrose l,eigue he wauie; give a word of advice. When they were going cbout doing good, distributing literature, Uuionist papers, he asked them never to say anything to h ort, the feelings of any per sons who- did not hold the same principles as themselves. They might depend that they would never get any converts if they flew at thdm on the first occasion of meeting and told them tnat they were blackguards (laughter). They should simply place the lSSlhs before them, and if thira was any doubt on any point to send for certain leaflets. He was quite sure that having truth, right and justice on their side they would win (cheers,) Tr,e Primrose League wished to fight against Socialism. They would often see agitators on a tub outside a public house on Sunday mornings in large towrs. He listened to one of these gentlemen holding forth on one occasion, and he heard him tell the poor unfortu- nate working man .that if the Queen, die House of Lords were abolished, all the members of the HouQe of Commons should be paid, and they would have no magistrates or policeman, they would be better off. As soon as halfpast twelve came, an i tli3 pubiiehouse opened, the orator lost his audience, and at the same time his umbrella disappeared; and the oian then called out for a policeman, one of the very men he had been abusing (loud laughter.) The speaker con- eluded by stating that he should have much pleasure in recommending Lord Powis to the Grand Council for the Grand Star (loud cheers.) Hi, Lordship had done good service, and he hoped he would continue to render them his great assistance. H.. should also bo pleased to report the success of Mrs Shuker's labours as hon. secretary to the Grand Lodge (loud cheers.) Captain MYTTON said they were g'rd indeed to h?ar that Lord FowiB was to be recommended to the Grmd C uucil for the Grand Star ( car, hear). It wmb canTe Lord Powis had brought before them the promise of a useful life that they esteemed him so highlv (appl iu-e). He thought ,oi"e ai.d all must be extremely gratified at the ulpasanf. pv^nin.-r thoT had spent, whrjti they attributed entirely to the abU- conduct of hi* loidship in the chair. lie beggud to propose a vote of thanks to him. Mr ROBERT JONES seconded the proposal, which wa- carrii d ami :st, pplause. The Noble CHAIRMAN, in reply, sail In though' C;lp- Mytt in fcad placed the cap on the w,oni! per- eo«, for the s-ucc^s of the mee'ing w.a« u it due to hini, b-it to the committer and secret n-y o had oarrit-d Cêlt the a-r:i1"A'ementil so ably. He f It it a great honour th-t Mr Fincham had i,im worthy of the Grind Star, an I he coul i onie say that h>i thought iv was a great incentive t1 them a:l to fssiat the Le igue w ten they found they cu,t rec ivp dec trati as for ta-ks so easy as hi3 Tlau-hter and a.»plan.~e). He proposed a vote of thsr.ks» to the committee and performers, who had given them the very greatest pleasure. Dr GrLL seconded the vote of thank3, which was accorded with three hearty rounds of cheers, Lord Pow t, being honoured in a similar nan iet.

