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WELSHPOOL. It will pay you to pay a visit to the Music Salon, 8, Broad Street, Newtown. GRAND DISPLAY of new goods on show at. BOWEN'S, the well-known Cash drapers, Berriew- street. FOR Guns, Rifles, Cartridges, Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Glopes and Mantles, try Wm. Thomas, Ironmonger, Welshpool. [ADVT. THE DAIRY.—Our "Princess" Separator has been awarded over 100 medals. The most reliable; easiest to work; British made.-Cali and inspect at HUMPHREY JONES & SON, Hall- street. [Ad vt. ANSWER TO A CORRESPONDENT.-Yes. Many townspeople believe that Councillor Hiles would make a most popular and progressive Mayor, if he consented to accept the office. A FEATHERED DUETT.-Christ Church was the scene of an unusual incident at yesterday morn- ing's service. When the organist began to play a piece by Schumann, a robin and a sparrow which had found their way into Church, began an accompaniment. Later the feathered songsters added to the sweetness of the choral singing. HAMLET was discussed after the Sunday morn- ing service by the English Presbyterian Christian Endeavourers. Mr Joseph Davies took the in- itiative, with Mr J. E. Roberts presiding, and the other speakers were Mrs Howell Williams, Ex- Sergt. Thomas 'Morgans, Messrs A. Williams. W. Roberts, B.Sc, Bert Reece, Ithel Davies, William Evans (Buttington Hall), and Rees James. THE PEW-RENTS PROBLEM.—Pew-rents are not conducive to the progress of the Church. Thus the majority of members of the Wesley Guild decided last Wednesday night, when Mr G. H. BradJey opposed, and Mr E. C. Bishop supported the present system. The Chairman (the Rev C. A. Sheppard and Mrs Sheppard, Messrs H. Gledhill, Gomer Roberts, and Maldwyn Evans also expressed their views on the subject. INTERESTING TO FARMERS.—When the North Wales Agricultural Organization and Credit Banks Committee asked the Montgomery County Council last Tuesday to appoint a representative on a joint committee, Mr Hugh Lewis said they had better appoint their chairman of the Agricul- tural Committee-Mr Addie. Mi Addie remarked that he could not pos3ibly attend a meeting of the committee on the Thursday, but Mr Edward Jones seconded the motion, which was adopted, WHAT ARBITRATION MEANS.—Alderman G. D. Harrison suggested at the last Town Council meeting that land can be got for sanitary pur- poses by means of arbitration. Last Friday week Shrewsbury had an object-lesson in arbitration after the Corporation had compulsory acquired 130 yards of land for their river improvement scheme. The umpire awarded i5129 6s, and this being considerably in excess of the amount offered by the Corporation the award carried costs. So that arbitration" meant Severn-side land at .£1 a yard. SHOULD DIVORCE BE MADE EASIER?—By a large majority the Literary and Debating Society, which met in Now-street School-room last Friday night decided No." Mr E. C. Bishop was the leading speaker in favour of further facilities for cutting the nuptial knot, and he bad supporters in Messrs Barrow Evans, J. M. Pearson and W. A Jones Mr Fred Bluck opened for the negative, and was seconded by Messrs G. H. Fenter, H. Fowles, D. J. Jones, H. Gledhill, and the Rev C. A. Sheppard. The Rev. J. Stroud Williams presided. How (writes a correspondent) are the Corpora- tion explaining away the smell which is making its presence felt along the public footpath at the side of the County School (when the wind is in a certain quarter) ? Can it be the bad state of the drains at Traethlawn ? Or is it not more possibly the effluvia which comes from the adjacent "refuse heap," with nothing between to stop the smell coming in at the back windows of the school? What do the Governors say? Do they put it down to the drains at Traethlawn or not? Possibly the Chairman of the Governors will be able to explain matters satisfactorily, and so set the parents-of-the-children's minds at rest on the subject. ANSWER TO A CORRESPONDENT.—Yes, the Corporation did break their faith with the Vicar. The provisional contract for the purchase of Honfaea was officially sealed by the Mayor and the Town Clerk on December 17th, 1908. Clause 10 of that document stated: Thel purchasers will forthwith apply for and use their best en- deavours to obtain without delay an order of the Local Government Board sanctioning the raising of the purchase money." Apart from the merits of the Henfaes, the parishioners have, this week, the opportunity of expressing in the polling booth (as they did at the Town's meetings), their personal appreciation of the patient consideration shown by the Vicar of Welshpool, and their condemnation of the dishonourable manner in which the council treated him. BAD BusiNicss. -11 Shops and Families supplied Wholesale and Retail. New Laid Eggs" is the notice on the notepaper of a Manchester dairyman, who has been buying eggs from the Welshpool market. The following letter to his local agent shows how short-Righted country folk damage their own interests by selling suspicious eggs :—" The box before this has been awful; I cannot call it anything else," wrote the Lancashire man. At the leaet, quarter of the box has been bad. I have never had such a box. Several timfS we have sold two, and they have fetched both back bad. We had three in the house for tea one night, and two out of the three were bad. Of course, it has spoilt my trade. It would hava paid me better to have thrown all the box away. I will let you know when I want any more." "BEWARE OF AMATEUR LAWYERS."—Which will the electors of the Guilsfield Ward believe on a point of law-their retiring councillor, Mr W. A. Rogers, or the Local Government Board ? In his election address Mr Rogers says that any alteration of the present method of sewage disposal will do away with our rights, which is the most valuable property we have got, pro- tected as it is by the Sewers Amendment Act, 1883, and which I can never agree to, because the Act gives us a perfect right to this disposal." A Welshpool ratepayer submitted this point to the Local Government Board, and received the following reply, which fully justifies the warning given in Mr A. J. Giles' election address, Beware of amateurs advising you upon law, and remember the Welshpool Corporation law suit, 19"4." Local Government Board, Whitehall, S.W.. 21st Ootober, 1910. Sir,-I am directed by the Looal Government Board to advert to your letter of the 17th inst. with reference to the question of the disposal of the sewage of Welshpool, and to state that the Board are not aware that the Town Council have any legal right, by virtue of long usage or otherwise, to discharge untreated sewage into the River Severn. On the contrary it appears to the Board that the discharge of untreated sewage into a stream is an infraction of the Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts, 1876 and 1893.-1 am, Sir. your obedient servant, NOEL KERR, Assistant Secretary.


CAERSWS. ------












Children Who Missed the Treat.



[No title]




Municipal Election at Llanidloes.



[No title]
