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''" Aberystwyth Town Council.


Aberystwyth Town Council. A Short Meeting. A meeting of the Aberystwyth Town Council was held on Tuesday at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, when there were pre- sent the Major (Councillor C. M. Williams) ja the. chair; Aldermen Robert Doughton "V, (ox-Mavor), Peter Jones, and E. P. Wynne Councillors. T. J • Samuel, Daniel Thomas, .Edwin Morris, J. T. Davies, G. Wilkinson, L Rufus Wiltiams, R. J. Jones, J. Gibson, 1. Hopkins ,and F. Morgan, with Mr. A. J. Hughes (town ckrk), Mr. Meync Hughes (assistant clerk) Mr. Rees Jones (borough surveyor), Mr. C. Massey (borough account- ant), and Mr. Jas Evans (sanitary inspector). Sympathy. The. Mayor proposed a vote of sympathy with Mr. Llovd George, M.P., and Mrs. George in their ad bereavement through the death of their eldest daughter, adding that they regarded the right hon. gentle- man as a neighbour and friend. Mr. H. J. Jones seconded, and the mem- hers rose in hken of assent. TERMS ACCEPTED, A letter was read from Dr. Harries ae- cepting the terms and conditions offered for the renewal of the lease of his stable and coachhouse in Bath-street. FEAR. v. MORGAN. The, Clerk reported he had received a letter from Mr. Hugh Hughes, solicitor, in reference to this action, and had shown ;j it to those members of the. Council deputed to act in the matter. He, however, sug- gBstod that the letter be read in Cbnimittoo. The suggestion was adopted. PUBLIC HEALTH ACT. The Clerk referred to the Public Health (Amendment) Act, 1907, and said there were, several points in it to wirch he wished to draw the attention of the, Council. It was agreed to refer the matter to the Public Works Committee, the Clerk being .,Also requested to report upon other Acts passed last Session. CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES. It was reported that Mr. Daniel Thon.as had been appointed chairman of the Foot paths Committee for the ensuing year; Mr. G. Wilkinson chairman of the Slaughter House and Markets Committee; Mr. J. T. Davies chairman of the General Purposes Committee; fr. T. J. Samuel chairman of the Finance Committee; and Alderman Peter Jones chairman of the Public Works committee. PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMITTEE. This committee reported having appointed Capt. David James as chairman for the en- suing year. It was resolved that the- best thanks of the committee be tendered to Councillor T. J. Samuel, the ex-chairman, for the able and efficient manner in which he had acted as chairman for the committee for the last five years. Attention was called to the financial state of the Institution, and it was resolved .that a statement, of the present position be submitted at the next meeting. It was resolved to purchase the two charts of the Cardiganshire Coast sent to the Committee for inspection. Resolved that the Borough Surveyor be instructed to examine the walls of the reference room, and report upon the defects (if any) and what remedy he suggested. Mr. T. J. Samuel submitted the report of this Clomrriittee. Mr F. Morgan: It is perfectly understood we have no .say in this matter, but just simplv got to lump it. It, is simply put on the agenda for reference purposes. What- ever we will say will have no effect. The Mayor: That is so. Mr. F. Morgan: But the Library is in -debt, and is going in debt all the time. Mr. Samuel: That is not &o. Mr. Morgan: It. is so. Mr. R. J. Jones, referring to the appoint- anent of Capt. James as chairman of the committee, said it had been the invariable rule to appoint a member of the Council as chairman of this committee. Mr. T. J. Samuel said since he had been a member of the Council, the Rev. T. A. Penry, Mr. George Davis, and the Rev. Geo. Eyre Evans had been chairmen of the cotnir mittee. f Mr. R. J. Jones :I was not aware of that. | Mr. I. Hopkins said the Council should have a majority on the Committee. Now [ the outsiders had a majority on that com- f mittee through the casting vote of the chair- f man. Mr. Samuel said that was not the case. They had one member more, because the Mayor was ex-officio. The discussion then ended. MARKET TOLLS. Mr. G. Wilkinson prevented the report of the Markets Committee, which recommen- ced that all previous resolutions adopting the market tolls so far as the same applied to rents of stalls by measurement- M re- -scinded, and that a new scale be substituted. Mr. Fred Morgan moved that the report he referred back. When this matter was • discussed by the committee there were only four members present. The Chairman simply t read out the list of tolls, there was no dis- t -cussion on it, and no reasons given for the t alterations. It was simply a case of "Rere I it is, you must take it." Besides, they .should remember that a committee of the whole Council had been appointed to con- sider the matter as a result of the petition -.sent in by the fishermen. Mr. J. Gibson, in secondingj said they "were going to revise their scale before they .should remember that a committee of the whole Council had been appointed to con- sider the matter as a result of the petition -.sent in by the fishermen. Mr. J. Gibson, in secondingj said they "were going to revise their scale before they had had any people in the place.. Mr. Wilkinson said he need not remind the Council that the markets were not in a very flourishing state, complaints had been general that the prices fixed were very much too high. Several applicants and prospective > -applicants had complained to him and other members, of the committee, and they said they would not go in at the prices fixed. lo .give an idea of the ridiculous prices put, on i bome of the places be would mention the window opposite Mr. Powell's shop. The window was 16 feet in length, and the oom- mittee had originally fixed the charge of Is. a foot per week, which worked cut at .£42 12s. a year. The committee now re- commended a charge of 5s. a week, which worked out at about £ 12 a year. Similar -reductions were recommended; for the other windows The price of the central stalls was first fixed at 6d. per foot, which was very high, and the committee now recommended that they be let at 3d. per foot. If the re- vised scale was adopted he estimated that it would bring in about £ 250, exclusive of the benches, the ground space, advertisir g spaces, and the rooms above. He thought -those would produce another £ 70. lne e*" penditure would amount to about £ 312, and if they could get the market filled at these .reduced prices, the receipts would just about balance, the expenditure. He believed it -as ( not the object of the Council to make any profit out of it, but to make it, as as possible, self-supporting. He did not think there was any probability of getting} people to tak-?< spaces at the original prices. When the committee first od" all fixed these prices Ihey were new to the work, and probably had not considered the question very carer > lully, and the result was that the tolls were fixed too high. He had not the least ob- jection to the matter going back to com- mittee, but if it did go back the probabnity was that it would result in a recomme'nda- tion similar to that now presented. The Mayor thought it would be advisable that the matter should go back, seeing that there was such a small attendance at the oommittee. -It was then agreed to refer the matter tack. Mr. J. T. Davies asked when would the Mayor convene the committee of the whole Council to consider the fishermen's petition. 1 The Mayor said he had intended calling a i meeting last week, but, unfortunately, the Town Clerk was indisposed. He hoped to be able to convene the meet- i JP\ ing this week. Y CHRISTMAS MARKET. On the recommendation ci the Markets Committee, it was decided that the Christ- mas Market be held on the Friday and Sat- » urday preceding Christmas Day. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. This committee made the following recom- Ðlendations :-(a) That the) plan submitlted by Mr. J. Berrow of a shed proposed to be Erected by him on the garden adjoining the Smithfield Athletic Ground be disapproved, *nd that the Town C lerk be direct xl to in- form the Aberystwyth Football Club that ^hey are not entitled to sublet any portion of the ground recently let to them without the consent of the Corporation; (b) Mr. T. Hunt attended the meeting w.th reference to a nuisance alleged to exist on the pre- mises, No. 56, North parade, owing to water $ from adjoining premises draining on to Mr. Hunts premises; Your committee appointed Uounciiioi-s L J. Samuel, F. Morgan and ii. Williams a subcommittee to visit the pre- mises and report thereon to your committee at an early late; ifi) Your committee recom- mended that the Borough Surveyor bo authorised to purchase' a quantity of timber tor logging the Bi-eajwater at an estimated cost 01 £ 2o; (d) The Borough Surveyor sub- mitted his report upon the work done by the Town Gardener, Water Works Inspector and Cemetery Superintendent respectively during the past fortnight; (e) Your committee recommended that the Borotugh Surveyor be authorised to visit Aberayron to advise the Aberayron Rural District Council as de- sired by them; ti) The report of the Bor*. otigit Surveyor upon the condition of the' bea of the Kiver llheidol between 8t. David's Wharf and the Coalyard Trefecha,n, was again considered. Your committee recom- mend that tenders be invited for clearing the bed of the river. Your committee re- commend: (g) The plan of filling up certain portions of the Football Field in Smithfield road submitted by the Football Club be approved. lhe report was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE. This committee recommended payments mentis amounting to i.:iüO 5s. 5d.—A depu- tation attended the meeting and stated it was proposed to form a Bowling Club in the town, and desired to know whether the Council would be prepared to let a portion of the field now occupied by Mr. Williams, adjoining Plascrug, for the purpose, and grant them financial aid towards the cost of forming the Bowline; Green. The deputa- tion were asked to place their application in writing. The committee made the follow- ing recomme,ndations :-(a) That the resolu- tion of the Finance Committee, dated Dec- ember, 1900, granting Mr. J. Gibson, junior, an extension of time up to 12th May next to carry out certain alterations to No. 38, Terrace road be, rescinded, and that he be relegated to the position he holds under the original agreement for the lease. Read a letter, dated, 13th November, instant, from Capt. J. Jones-Parry, with reference to the renewal of the lease of his property in Sea View place. The consideration of same was deferred until the next meeting of the com- mittee. Read a letter from Mr. W. Owen complaining of the, rent charged in respect of No. 22, Prospect street The Borough Surveyor and Borough Accountant were in- structed to report upon the letter to the next meeting of the committee. The report was adopted. GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. This committee made the following recom- niendatioii.s:(a) That the tender of Mr. W. Catlin to provide a Minstrel Troupe for next season upon the same terms as last year be accepted, Mr. Catlin to pay the Corporation the sum of JE70 upon the signing of the agreement; (b) That the first inspection of carriages be held on or before the 14th day of December next, and that the first in- spection of boats be held during the first week in March; (c) That Mr. S. Withers, of Shrewsbury, be appointed Inspector of hac ney carriages upon the, same terms as last year; (d) That Mr. Hugh Jones be appointed inspector of boats upon the same terms as last year; (e,) That Inspector T. Davies be reappointed inspector of pleasure boats, hackney carriages, etc., next season upon the same terms as last year, and that the Town Clerk be directed to apply to the Standing Joint Committee for their sanction to the appointment; (f) That the best thanks of the Council be tendered to Inspector T. Davits for the efficient way in which he per- formed his duties during last season, (g) That the town advertisement as submitted by Mr. C. S. Dennis be inserted in the netws- Sipers mentioned in the list submitted bv r. Denniss, at a total cost of £ 208, of whicn amount the Cambrian Railway Company offer to pay one lualf, and the Corporation the other half; (h) That the Borough Ao- countant be directed to invite the several printers in Aberystwyth to submit a design of a poster suitable for advertising the town, and that Councillors J. T. Davies, T. J. Samuel, and R. J- Jones be appointed a Committee to select the most suitable views to be submitted to such printers for the de- sign; (i) That Mr. C'. S. Denniss be informed that the Council do not approve of the de- sign of the pictorial poster of Aberystwyth submitted by him, and that they were ob- taining other designs; (j) That, provided there os a stock of 5000 Souvenirs in hand, 1.000 Souvenirs be sent to Mr. W. H. Gough, Cambrian Railway, for distribution by the Company's agent in Manchester. Mr. Fred Morgan moved that the recom- mendations dealing with the appointments of Mr. Withers and Mr. Hugh Jones as in- spector of hackney carriages and inspector of boats, respectively, be referred back Mr. Daniel Thomas seconded, and this was agreed to. As to the recommendation dealing with Inspector Davies, Mr. J. Gibson asked what, were the best thanks of the Council. Mr. F. Morgan: Two stripes. Mr. J. T. Davies said he had convened a meeting of the sub-committee to consider a design of a poster suitable, for advertising the town, but the two ether members did not turn up. The Mayor expressed the hope that Mr. Davies would convene another meeting of the sub committee. Ir. F. Morgan moved that the recom- mendation that, 1,000 souvenirs be supplied to the Cambrian Railways Company for die- tribution in Manchester be referred back. The committee, he said, was most extrava- gant with regard to these souvenirs, and were "chucking" them about as if they cost nothing. The Boroaigh Accountant informed the committee that the Town Clerk sent away 2,600 souvenirs last year. The Town Clerk said he did not believe the Council bad ,5000 souvenirs in stock at the present time. Mr. R. J. Jones thought it was a matter of importance that these- souvenirs should be sent, as they should miss no opportunity d advertising the town. The Clerk suggested that they should disr patch :t first lot of 500, and then consider whether more should be sent. This suggestion was accepted and unani- mously adopted. PUBLIC LIGHTS COMMITTEE. This Committee reported that Alderman E P Wynne had been appointed chairman for the ensuing year. The committee made the following recommendations:—(a) That the sum of JM90 be included in the next estimate, being the estimated expenditure on public lighting; (b) That the Borough Surveyor be directed to call the attention of the Gas Company to certain defective lamps in the Borough. Mr. F. Morgan drew attention to the fact that Alderman Wynne had been ap- pointed chairman of this committee before any intimation had appeared on the min- utes as to Mr. Isaac Hopkins' resignation. He maintained that Mr. Hopkins was de facto chairman of the committee, and he objected to the, Public Lights Committee arrogating to itself the duty of appointing a successor before the resignation of Mr. Hopkins had been notified officially. The Mayor said he accepted Mr. Hopkins' recommendation at the previous meeting. Mr. F. Morgan: But there is no record. The Clerk said he feared he was respon- sible for the omission, and would see that the matter was put right. Mr. Morgan: Perhaps Mr. Hopkins has changed his mind again. Mr. J. Gibson (to the Mayor): How many times are you going to let Mr. Morgan speak? (Hear, hear). Alderman Wynne then moved that tho sum of £ 200 be included in the next estimate for public lighting. He remarked that last year's expenditure for public lighting was £ 1,070 8s. 5d., and the estimate for the current year was £ 1,160, an increase of about £ 80. A good many rew lamps had been put- up since the 25th March, snd several more, were to be put up. The recommendations were unanimously adopted. BOWLING GREEN. An application from the Secretaries of the Bowling Green Club that the Council should undertake the initial cost of laying out a Bowling, Green, and grant them the tenancy thereof at a reasonable rent, or as an alternative, that they should grant, the Club the tenancy of a suitable ground, viz., part of the field between Plascrug and the Railway at a nominal rent was referred to the Finance, Committee. CORPORATE SEAL. The Mayor was authorised to affix the Cor- porate seal to a. mortgage of 2200 in favour of Mrs. Elizabeth Davies and Mr. David Morris Jones, the sum to form part of the I/pmbnade Exti^nsiio-n ljxan. The- (Maytor was also authorised to affix the seal to a number of grants of grave spaces in the Aberystwyth cemetery. CONSOLIDATION OF LEASES. An application by Messrs. Morris and Griffith to consolidate their various leases 4 of the Waterloo premises was referred to the Finance Committee. MAYOR'S SALARY. On the proposition of Mr. T. J. Samuel, seconded by Mr. R. J. Jones, it was unani- mously agreed to pay the Mayor the usual salary of £ 100 for the current year.



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