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.£.aQ. Ii ABERYSTWYTH TOWN COUNCIL. A special meeting of the Town Council, acting also as the Urban District Council of the Borough, I was held on Tuesday at the Council Chamber, Town Hall. There were present—Mr. D. C. Roberts (ex-mayor), Alderman T. Doughton, Messrs. R. J. Jones, J. P. Thomas, T. E. Salmon, G. Croydon Marks, R. Doughton, I. Hopkins, R. Peake, I Evan Hugh James, with Mr. A. J. Hughes (town clerk), Mr. H. L. Evans (borough account- ant), Mr. Rees Jones (borough surveyor), and Mr. C. Massey (assistant clerk). THE MAYOR ILL. The Clerk reported that the Mayor (Alderman C M. Williams) would be unable to be present that day, being confined to his bed through an attack of influenza. z, Mr. D. C. Roberts (ex-mayor) was then un- animously voted to the chair. THE PROPOSED VOLUNTEER CORPS The Clerk stated the Mayor had received a communication from the Lord-Lieutenant of the county stating he heard it was intended to raise a volunteer corps at Aberystwyth, and asking to be put in communication with the originator of the movement, so that he could get further particulars. The Clerk said he had consulted the Mayor on this communication, who desired him, as hon. sec., to communicate with the Lord-Lieutenant stating that at the public meeting it was unanimously resolved that they should place themselves in communication with the Lord-Lieutenant, and also with the county member. The Chairman And that has been done ? The Clerk It has. THE PAVING OF TREVOR-ROAD. The Clerk reported he had received a letter from Mrs. Margaret J. Davies, 4, Trevor-road, strongly objecting to a cinder path being put down before her house instead of concrete slabs, as had been suggested by certain persons. Mr. Salmon: That, has been decided by the magistrates, has it not? The Clerk intimated that with regard to the objections of Captain Jenkins and Mr. W. J. Watkins under the Private Street Works Act, who were the only objectors in Trevor-road, the Cor- poration scheme was confirmed by the Bench. Regarding the decision in Mr. Nightingale's case, he would ask the Council to consider that in private. He might say he had been advised on the matter, and he wished to know whether the Council would appeal against the decision of the magis- trates. It was decided that the Council resolve itself into a committee at the conclusion of this meeting to take the matter into consideration. SUMMER AMUSEMENTS. The following communication was read from Mr. Gilbert Rogers, addressed frem the Theatre Royal, Rochdale:—"Dear Sir, Am writing to say that on the conclusion of pantomime will im- mediately let you know when I can meet your Council (at their convenience) to lay my plans of working before them, which will be right away I from anything yet done in your town, and more beneficial Lo visitors and the town. I presume Mr Coliins's troupe will not be allowed to parade the town in any way to advertize his show, also will not be allowed to give handbills out on the prom- enade. or have an advertising cart, or sandwich board men parading, as from what I can glean he is very bitter towards me, and no doubt intends doing his worst. I may also state that I have been successful in securing fine talent. All Mr Coliins's men have written me, but I have declined their services." The Clerk said be had replied to Mr. Rogers stating the letter would be placed before the Council. He also informed him that he supposed that the same privileges which were extended to Mr. Collins would be granted to him. Of course, they could not interfere with any rights Mr. Collins or anyone else might have, provided he did not oppose any bye-laws or Act of Parliament. On the proposition of Mr. R. J. Jones, the com- munication was referred to the General Purposes Committee for further consideration. AN ALLEGED ENCROACHMENT. Mr. William Richards wrote in reference to the plans of his proposed warehouse in St. James' Square, which he understood the committee had rejected on the ground that it was encroach- ing on public property. He had placed the matter before his solicitors (Messrs. Smith, Davies k Co.), and asked their opinion, and he enclosed their letter to him written by them after inspecting the deeds and property, and going into the matter thoroughly, from which they would see that they advised that he was entitled to the whole of the 'and up to the roadway, but he was not asking this. All he wanted was to bring his line of frontage on to half of the land in front of the Butchers Arms, so as to have it in line with Mr. Morris* property. Any rights he had to the remaining half he would give up, and it could be treated as a public path- way. The solicitor' letter, which was to the effect stated in the foregoing, was also read. The Clerk said without anticipating what the Council would decide on the matter, he might say this was an open space, and had been ever since the house was built, and even assuming that the land belonged to Mr. Richards, which was very likely, there appeared to be a dedication to the public, which might be subject to the obstruction on market and other days. But the whole question was one which the committee should discuss. Mr. R. J. Jones proposed that the letter be referred for further consideration to the Public Works Committee. He was they had a recommenda- tion in their report refusing the application., The Clerk remarked he believed there was every disposition on the part of Mr. Richards to meet the Council. The recommendation was then referred to the Public Works Committee to consider the report. GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION. The Clerk reported he had received a com- munication from the Local Government Board and another from the Board of Trade. The letter from the former authority stated they had received the report of their inspector, Colonel Durnford, upon the inquiry held by him respecting the application of the Town Council for sanction to borrow £3,200 for the provision of dwellings for persons of the labouring class in Smithfield-road, and requiring, before dealing with the application, to be furnished with a plan in duplicate on tracing cloth showing the land proposed to be appropriated for the purpose of these dwellings, defining the boundaries bv a hard line of colour; and a copy of a resolution of the Town Council applying for the Board's consent. The Clerk reported that this matter had been attended to. GUNS ON THE CASTLE GROUNDS. Mr T. E. Salmon drew attention to the fact that at the previous meeting of the Council a letter was read from Lieutenant Stephens on behalf of the War Office asking for permission to place an ad- ditional gun on the Castle grounds. It was then decided that the matter should be placed on the agenda for this meeting, but he saw no notice of it. He considered it an important matter, and thought it should receive attention. The Clerk said he had been speaking to the Mayor about it, and it should have been placed on the agenda for this meeting. It was his omission that it had not been placed there. The Chairman assured Mr Salmon that it should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. WATER INSPECTOR'S UNIFORM. Mr Salmon also pointed out that the Council naa decided to refer the question of the water in- spector's uniform to the Public Works Committee. He was sorry to see that cotrimittee had not taken into consideration that matter. He thought it was uuly right that the water inspector should have a uniform as well as the sanitary inspector. There were many ratepayers who did not know the water inspector, and it was only natural that they fre- quently ignored him when he called at their houses. The Chairman said the Clerk would write to the Chairman of the Public Works Committee drawing his attention to the fact that nothing had been done in this matter. Mr. Salmon said that would meet his wishes. LIGHTING OF CASTLE GROUNDS. Mr. Salmon enquired whether the Public Lights Committee had taken into consideration the light- ing of the Castle grounds during the summer evenings. He thought such a thing would be a great advantage to the town. Mr. R. Peake explained that the Committee had considered the question, and it was decided to defer the matter until the larger scheme of the protection of the Castle grounds was taken in hand. h vvas then probable that it would be necessary to light the promenade, and they would consequent- ly be able to light the Castle grounds to better advantage. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. The Public Lights Committee reported that the Town Clerk had resettled the draft agreement with the Aberystwyth & Chiswick Electric Light Supply Co. Ltd., in regard to the supply of energy to the public arc lamps in the town, and in doing so had adhered to the resolution of the Council in the matter. It was, therefore, recommended that the 8 contract be executed subject to the provisions and ji approval of same by the Council. The Committee I was also glad to report that as the result of an I interview the Chairman and Clerk had had with j the Chairman and Sec. of the same Company, the j Company had agreed to withdraw the claim in respect of maintenance of arc lamps amounting to J £ 84 4s 8d, which had always been repudiated by | the Council, but the existence of which had | hitherto delayed a settlement. The Committee, | therefore, recommended the payment of the account due to the Co. in respect of the Electric Lighting of the public lamps, from the December quarter, 1898, up to and including the December quarter of 1899, which amumitod to C638 2s 9d. The report of the Committee was unanimously adopted. THB PROMENADE EXTENSION. The repeat of the Conference between the Sub- building Committee of the College and the Public Works Committee of the Council was presented, and contained the following recommendations:— 1, That the plan of the proposed Promenade extension should, as far as in the opinion of the Town Council, practically be modified so as to increase the width between the carriage way and the front of the College Examination Hall, that is, between bastion A and B, on the plan; 2, that no entertainments or public shows be permitted between the entrance to the promenade pier and bastion D on said plan; 3, Lhat no building be erected on the piece of land reclaimed from the sea between the southern end of the College and the Castle, without the joint consent of the Town Coun- cil and the Council of the College; 4, that access to the new promenade irom the College be provided from two points, to be hereafter mutually agreed upon 5, that the College accept the proposed ex- change of land as shown on the plan. Mr R. Peake, referring to clauses 2 and 3 in the Committee's recommendations, said he supposed they would be entitled to hold entertainments at the spot between the pier and the castle grounds dur- ing the College vacation. If they made, as it was proposed, a good opening there under the Castle, he believed it would be a good position for holding entertainments, and he did not know whether the Committee had considered that. He suggested that they should have inserted in the agreement a clause that no entertainments be allowed on the space between the pier and castle, except during the vaca- tion, as he thought it was intended to make that iipot as attractive as possible. Alderman T. Doughton said their intention was to get an aquarium there, and his opinion was to let well alone. He thought it well to leave it alone,,as the matter had been fully considered by the Committee. The Chairman said it was thought nothing had been given they could not very well allow. Mr. R. Peake remarked the clause said that no place of entertainment be erected betweeu the pier and Castle Point. Certainly an aquarium would be a place of "entertainment. Mr. R. J. Jones inquired whether the Council were in any way in the hands of the College authorities in this matter. It seemed to him that they were committing themselves. He wished to know whether the College authorities were able to make these suggestions and sustain them. If they were, they were compelled to grant them. But if not, he did not sec why the Council should permit themselves to give these concessions to the College. He did not think they should allow any authority to go out of their own hands and invest it in the College authorities. The Chairman We have not done that. Mr. Jones I don't know what our position is in this matter. The Clerk explained that the discussion was not based upon the relative rights of either the Council on the one hand or the College on the other. It was a friendly meeting, and the College at the start allowed any right they might have raised in opposition to the scheme to drop. They really met in a friendly manner, without discussing the legal position on either side. It was the opinion of all the members representing the Council that there was no important concession or right here, and having regard to the short length of a comparative- ly narrow promenade, the provisions were almost necessary, because no entertainments could be held at the point, and the restriction was confined to the promenade. Mr. R. J. Jones But this will be a big piece. The Clerk said it was obvious to those who were present that it would be undersirable for any authority to contemplate building anything there that would not be an ornament and an advantage to the town, and if it was proposed to erect a building a mutual agreement could be arrived at. Mr. R. J. Jones said he did not wish to oppose the recommendations, but he thonght the College authorities should have that confidence in the Council to allow it to be an open question. He thought it was going too far to grant a piece of land that they would have no power over as regards any structure they might require to build thereon. The Surveyor said there was one fact the Council should bear in mind, and that was that the College authorities were giving a very large space, project- ing seawards. By giving that it enabled the Council to carry out its scheme at a very consider- able less cost. Mr. R. J. Jones: But we grant them another piece at the other end. The Clerk But they have withdrawn any claim for compensation. Mr. C. Marks said he objected to this as a matter of principle, and did not see why the College authorities should dictate terms to the Council. The Chairman pointed out that this was a joint meeting, and they had not assumed anything. Mr. R. J. Jones: But I presume the suggestions came from the other side ? The Chairman said all the members at the meet- ing readily agreed agreed to everything there. Mr. Marks thought he was quite entitled, even if it was unanimously agreed be- tween the joint committee, to express his opinion on what was a grave matter of principle. He did hot think that the College should impose terms to bind them for all time. It seemed a dog-in-the- manger policy to suggest that if there was a space which might be a convenient place for an awning or shelter that that could not be used because of an opinion the College might hold as to what was proper and what was right. He objected to the College assuming the role of monitors of the morals of the town. The Chairman: There was no suggestion of that kind. Mr. Marks There was no suggestion, perhaps, but it might be the interpretation placed upon it. I do not imagine that the best of them would endeavour to put that interpretation upon it. The Chairman Nor the worst of them. Mr. Marks But you don't know the worst of them. The Chairman Yes, I know them all. Mr. Marks added that he thought they should resist the matter, and seriously suggested that the recommendation be removed from the agenda. Mr. R. Doughton said he would be sorry to handicap or annoy the College. in any shape or form, but during the summer vacation, and when the town was full of visitors, he thought that should any application be made for this place to give public entertainments in the open that they should be at liberty to grant such permission. Mr Peake thought by adopting the recommenda- tion they would really be making a private road of it. Mr J. P. Thomas did not agree with the opposition which had been raised, especially when they re- ceived the immense advantage of having a beauti- ful road for the extension of the promenade round to the Castle grounds by the kindness of the College authorities. He thought it was unfair to raise such a simple question as to whether there should be a building or awning on this particular place. The extension of the promenade was desired really from the fact that the present promenade was already congested, and be thought the most likely thing to meet that would be to have an extension without any kind of building, awning. or other obstruction upon it. Mr R. J. Jones: But what we say is that we should not allow the power to go out of our hands. Mr Thomas I understand your point, but we are not likely to do that. We should consider the College authorities, when they have been so kind and good to us. Mr Marks We have been good to them, also. Mr Thomas: In what way? Mr I. Hopkins said he was present at the meeting of the joint committee, and mentioned this point. He did not get any support there, but was pooh- poohed when he made the suggestion. The Chairman said the views of the meeting that day should again be represented to the College authorities. He had no doubt they would meet each other in every possible way. Mr. Peake remarked that he only took exception to the Council not being allowed to grant permis- sion for entertainments at the spot named during the summer vacation. I The Chairman suggested that the matter be again placed on the agenda for the next meeting, and that in the meantime the Clerk communicate with the College authorities asking them to amend clause 2 as suggested, and that clause 3 be deleted entirely. Mr. R. Peake proposed a resolution to this effect, and Mr. J. P. Thomas seconded. After further discussion, this proposition was unanimously agreed to. RENEWAL OF LEASES. The Finance Committee recommended the renewal of the lease of the Eagle Foundry Co. for their premises in Northgate-street and Skinner- street, and also of two cottages for the same firm in Skinner-street, the latter being treated on the site scale. NEW LHASEFT. F The seal of the Council was affixed to agreements for new leases to be granted to Mr. Edward Evans and Mr. E. Felix in respect of pieces of land in Cambrian-street. The Council also accepted the surrender of the residue of the term of No. 17, Marine-terrace, and No. 4, Queen's-road, and granted new leases of the said premises to Messrs. Richard and Lewis Mathias and Capt. David Jones respectively. TENDERS FOR SEWER PIPES. Five tenders had been received for the supply of iron pipes necessary for the extension of the town main sewer, and that of Messrs. Spittle and Sons at £ 7 16s. per ton for 24 inch pipes was accepted. j PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Surveyor presented plans, estimates, &c., for paving certain streets in the town, for public lavatories, and for making- a storm culvert in Railway-terrace. These were agreed to, and the Clerk was directed to apply to the Local Govern- ment Board for their sanction to the necessary loam; for the carrying out of these works.



----....-"--......" BARMOUTH.





---.. Merioneth Police Promotions.
