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VEGETABLES. FLOWERS, Wekte' (faction* "{^^h^G^dens'of *sss £ as&i&s sssswzj.s~a* 6/7)6. U/6, a; 421-, and S,'6. 5/ 716, 1M. and 21/- ^SSdffad Editioa *r»*i» knd WEBB & SONS,Wordsley, Stourbridge. IlS OTTTTTPOET—PALACE HOTEL, BixkdaTe V,: Winter roaort in otni grounds. Electric K-7 Parit. P»l*e# (Station oon.turuous. hght. A- FIOK, Manager. iSriiri?^VarsYTBSrTflMPAW's qwtIEHT &■>■ <n»«^y Dl I t V relief and seldom fail" <*> render ail op^atiMi Wt 11_» • unnecessary. Pots 1/14, & %'7 1 IgllSlALCO M Q^» Bo AD, Batswamb. ixjxgox^v. BJONWOW^C! KiL^Uhii r-i TVISEASES ofthe G^NEUATITS SYSTa .Lr -ABaie guigto »SmI TOOT.-? Dai* ,i'lVA V* buvet, Address ou JJ.~ A PRESEHT WORTH .f^INGk-Se^a Concr:rt)r.a^. fcpeoi^iiy *«47t» >»»*?vm-tieni-a Doagatt o. »•»* Bands. jikiidiravDn'» Cap* ^;Vrf,nv':um<"1 <" i»iw^a,S,n TIILLIAEDS & BACTATELLE.-Kenm^^«;, -t? Lta., a. High St. (corner of e,!L^ £ njiare( Table makers, Tlis -d-«it«.lilishetl & well-known fill" Ha-atelle »'ver?lowes* can ,uj.plr ,.W, tu,.| of requi.tr,. lor .Ward.4 le prt««. KbbnT.butWL'u»'>4v-, Plam Ash ^Jjj^KsUSOi fniUizoljlik-W: -—v olwiss, IEEOL-7 LA", A2M COLOR OT.JIE."B. øcBNJIR y, from 1/- e.u.ch, CataJOt:'1l- PHttlOSMFjyjSS^Sfe: RELIEVES PAIS 0 r «^ rm livHtfTJ b -,kU i DR. J. COLLIS BBOBIFS iHLOnODiNE, I COUGHS, COLDS, mW1tGf1.:IJ;:I: & <lui eJ!tn"'l.- O.:ttion.-The luw I8iOJI. Ihi4 in VoWe3. lIlt, 1;9, 4t 4/6, by all Ch.om1St& ASK YOUR SojmMTTTMi ) I ;MALT Fuli.ITY A2M QUAIZTY x) A2.ANI.^IIAD. ESTAB. over 250 YEARS. Soutliwark, LDN DOIT. <■-> Sv.-i.-j, iUK1 1'u.iestiut:, W Sprins Party to l'alea- 'iUA>Vv fc*3, witli very moderate. — 8VFTS»S»B. .Tust published- d. a vvurnng to r- Vhe exper<,ence of an Invali written t% And showingt^! W l»*t fre*' by son<5il' stamped addr^w^glT^y' kOUICSLQW. MIDPLESrjX. ■■inmpn I Sn!?Q wb° wish to enjoy MARRsFO LAD to Health «,nd Harpw^. and feif^NMON feBTTBB THAN CCRE. I -mbs FOSSES, 1<4, SachviHo Eoad.Brjgkton. Postftje. ifcS, 'reliable, safe, and cheap. Most flattering N3. Snap ,,j'e3limonialsrece[veil dniW. tttrSICO SUDORIFIC ie the name of the w ft*t«v>us Blistsr for Horoes ill t!\e"World. No Blemish.! „* jwdie'iSo Best Needed! Hffiidrads unaskccl-for Testi- moiial* -ov CUREN'Q- SPUBT, RPAVIX, EIHO-BOXK. SIDK-EONE, OAPFTO Hocy Alt!) &.IWVT, (X'RH, WlND(,A.LL, Tv. KOUK?, aild for siEEXGTHESIKG the Lsos or Hoasas. Prico 2/6 and OA. of all Chemiats, or post ftw of tho Proprietor. C. M. aBEUOBY, YETERINASIAN, BRISTOL. FAMILY WINE SUPPLY.—New Departure. I'rodnccr ri"d Cons-arcer in contact. Pur." Champagne, 34/ ^,»wer v nch,l& Old SeotoaWliii4ki«ij,S3/ Fn-e delivery. Sam- I'^e-s. Agent, j 1 j'. iriamBoa, XJ*vo immii* .'ir««iiili>ini.X~*«kattE.O. T.ADIES.—PEOT, E. DUBOIS, 0fi?drABI^K tfAJCOTTB FBBKAIiE PILLS. The mo-t obotinake eaaos of trrezalarities ma& obstruction removed. Never known to fail. X1; and fb/8, or post free 15 a-'d 35 stamps. F.LEET THE MABOAUX WINE OF TUSCA^Y, as supplied to HER a TESTY at FLORENCE. B T, f ■ IJ t dii J iM if J i! I HI Th« only Wine that boars a Guarantee of Purity on o^Sr o^Vf"™Wes and Price |^per Case of 12 ^| Bottles included. THE TUSCAN WIND GROWERS CO. (Ltd.), 6. 7. LONG LANE. IX>NX)OX, B.C. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS from Cold Eeet.— Thoee "who snfprtr need do BO ro longer. Learn rerneay^Dy Bending P.O. 1/1 to ARNOLD Sc CO., 20, ShaftesburyAveime, ■London. No further oxpense. Oomfort derived is grcfat. THE FOMST A GLANCE ANNUAIj VOLUME, now ready, Banwmn at Omb Rkfbrkuce the iJ^ri?1S5fCCS„2 e^lry hor3a running. Example, ST. PETEK ran MK Rf pVS^TV^im *eparate Ttfernca in every other Guide, in this Sra (Ki Shfiy,'r P?.2 W'5. bound limp cloth, post-free, g/2. Of all BookseUort, or Publishers, ]»izmiii^haTD. A PERFECT DANCING FLOOR eprintling LAMB2M„BRIE» i- CO.'S HEJV BALLROOM FLOOS POLISH. In Tuis, by v.JM^•ky^j^ob^-64( (.Traiton -Street, L)ubliii_» Greensills- MONA BOUQUET Perf«Ttie »xtnn1:—gold by all CHemist.q. Refuse iinitations. A MEW WORK OIPEVOLUTION. Second Edition, Demy 8vo, cloth gilt, 6' fallen angels. A TH.mmitiou upon Human ixiRtence, an Attempt to Eluoi- A rsteries, c«po<;iHby those of evil and siifierine. date soiaeol iM\ *-} Thig vculime is an lniportant ad<lition to By Ontb or ^un, has been the subject of much the litorature „.ori by eminent thinkers and the Press, criticism and discueB tju)ugfcad was sold in three months. The first edition of umi^ i. (jhandos Street, Strand. ZiOndm: oil m ■" -rr->c -w-fcTT-TiSl TUB SAFEST Dn OCt'J-T S LF1^^ MEDICINE: prepared J_ without mercury. -_r r, r,Arivp'0 "OILLS CVRE SICK Hjsadachm*. I V1- A CURE Giddinkbs. JlS k-? _mJO, -M-kTT T.S; CURE INDTOESTIOW. DR. QCOTT S TylL,Ll CURE COSTrVKWKHB. ic> J- Ta! CURE STOMACH Paiits. DR OCOTT'S pi^icUBB Lasbitudb. JL CURE NBKVOUS TP.R. OCOTT'S pILLS Fl^^ Kk ScOTT'S piLLS W PfW pUlB.wh'ciiftre ^^yon8KrK^ ?a^oa boaLA^a •Trapped in a «quar» S^^P^g^wvmOUr^jjagt-^ •— WATERPROOF cov1f.s.1/9J»™™ S«k, JjViliin"" ".»•» I.(<is-Clotbs Blinds eqnsllj mf tomm wktr* »> t r~- s T/YTTES TAD! 03»TEireK0»». *«• .^rB;1 u Sno :r '•"V-* ms^ THE GREAT REMEDY Q-OTXT PILLS. FOR | GOUT, RHEUMATISM, j SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA. The Kxcrkciatino PAIN is quickly relieved and eu' in a few days by these celebrated Pills. Sure, safe and effectual. Sold by all Chemists at 1¡1 and 2,9. MONEY. MONEY, MONEY. I Established 1869. CASH IMMEDIATELY ADVANCED, FHOM £ 5 AND UPWARDS. To Farmers, Gardeners, Carriers, Cowkeepors, Shopkeepers, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Clerks, Clergy- men, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders and others, without Bondsmen, ON THE lit OWN SECURITY, On Note of Hand alone, repayable by easy instal- ments or arranged to suit Borrower's own con- venience. All communications are received and kept in strict confidence. No genuine application ever refused, and honourable and straightforward transactions guaranteed. NO ENQUIRY FEE. Intended Borrowers are invited, before applying elsewhere, to apply to the actual Lender, J. A. RENNIE, 24, CHESTER STREET, SHREWSBURY. Wednesdays—At 1, KING STREET, OSWESTRY. Town or Country distance no object Letters immediately attended to. MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT. FROM X10 TO C5000 AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS. TO Ladies and Gentlemen, Clergymen, Schoolmasters, Clerks, Officers, Gentlemen's Servants, and others in pood situations, Farmers, Gardeners, Carriers, Tradesmen, Cab Proprietors, Shopkeepers, Lodging-house Keepers, Private Householders, and others, on their OWN SECURITY, WITHOUT BONDSMEN, ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE; repayments arranged to suit Borrowers' own convenience; all communications strictly private and confidential; no genuine application refused and honour- able and straightforward transactions guaranteed, and no charge whatever is made if no business be done. Intending borrowers are invited, before applying else- where, to call or write to actual lender. Mi;. B. EDWARDS, 3, Severn Tkkrace, SmithfieldI!oad,Shrewsbury. Town or Country; distance no object. Letters immedi- ately attended to. Ef>ta.blished 1851. THE IMPROVED MODEL SELF-IXKING PRINTING PRESSES >> ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST O/ Thousands in Use. cv^ oY Splendid Testimonials//V TYPES -y/ Send for Pria: /j'¡ AXD PPINTING -¡," 1i- n .n E" #M4TE RIALS V v ryS. &' 0F every description 4/x Supplied in Smallest SEND FOR PRICE LIST. I New Edition of > "HOW to PRINT," 8d. post free. WREXHAM AND ELLESMERE RAILWAY. PROPOSED EXTENSION TO OSWESTRY. The Wrexham and Ellesmere Railway Company have deposited a Bill for next session for power to construct a short loop line of railway wholly in Ellesmero for the propose of effecting a junction of their railway now in course of construction with the main line of the Cambrian Railways. Tho object of this junction railway may be gathered from clause 29 of the Bill, which proposes to enact that "tho Company on the one hand and the Cambrian Company'on the other hand may enter and carrv into effect, agreement for the extensions of the railwav to Oswestry, and the Cambrian Company may use the same on a payment of a rent to b 'vrce:l iipon between the two Companies, or in ilnfuiitof agreement, to be settled by arbitration." For The purpose of giving effect to this Bill and for the payment of debts incurred by and now due and owing by the Company," power is sought to *50 000 additional capital, and to borrow upon bat c^aTa rurtbor some of £ 16,666. By clause 27 of the Bill, the Company ask to be empowered to enter into agreements with the Cambrian ana Wrexham, Mold, and Connah s Quay and tho Man- chester Sheffield, and Lmcolnshiro Railway I Companies for the maintenance, management, use i P i f thnir railway, and for the hung aud and working or their ian«av, t apportionment of the tools aiising m icspect traffic. -+- PROPOSED NEW RAILWAY PROM S11 iJ K WSBURY TO LLAN YM'i NECII. A meeting of the Shropshire Railway Company—Mf. John Henry Wadcoat presiding was held on Monday in London for the purpose of authorising issue of £ 75,039 Five per Cent. Ordinary Stock and £ 41,600 Five per Cent. Debeuture Stock under the powers of the Companies Act, of 1891. The object is to proceed with the construction of a new line, for which Parliamentary powers already exist, from Shrews- bury to Lianymyncch, a distance of 28 milos. At the lat';ei- place the line will join that of the Cambrian and at Shrewsbury a junction will be | effected by means of a loop lino with the Great Western and the London and North Western, IIhE:" giving an additional route for through and local t raffic. The necessary resolutions were duly passes. As soon as the required capital is in hand tho works will be commenced without delay. BE WISE 1NT TIME.—Sufferers from Gravel, Lum- bago, Pllos, Pains in the back, Dropsy. Wind and Wator Complaints. Diseases of the Kidney, Bladder, Urinary Or. yantf, Stone, Gleet, Stricture, Sciatica, Rheumatism, »nd Gout, will iind a f«)gitiri» cure in HOLUBOTD'S Ghat* 1'ii.i.S. Trv a isultll)ox and if not satisfied your money will bo re- turned. Price Is. I'd. of all Chemists, or post free 12 stamp? ivoin Holdr.)yd'a, Madica.) Uan, Cleckheaton, York*. Don't be plit off. If you cannot geo them write at onto to the frjprietor, and a box will bo scat post Irt e. u- so sop;. 4proiz-* Are 0 C) *crfrAr?f For Brigade," P«v 150 Wrappers the .splendW Daid< Full particulars on each Wrapper. tn good gilt frame, will pe sen^ ——— THE GREAT IONs amfriOAN PRESCRIPTION. AlJSaKai/A* fa, T^WENTY YEAR'S RESEARCH YwitJi. Loat Manb«oa, We&knesa, Dldibo* T NERVOUS DEBILITY, the er oomplainfcs, and »U Di*a«M o £ Ih* ^nnarf Sight, Bladder, Gravel, .K,<lne?' Qf a Minister, who will Wri*i WJ <*» «• £ *»•« OrguuB. This Priacnpuos^ts «^^ftMCiNDS from these enervating diseaSe80 It P Mveiope to TTO Hot. Datid JMM, Bm VM* I««M Merely OF CHABFTFT- lh»«.P*(«k

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[No title]


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