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ASK YOUR PU1: IT Y A»s Jj Ul'AUXY ESTAB. over 85-0 YEARS. SonÙwar, 1 (INDOIi. ItAti CAMAY HID TOPPING U-*v £ •>*«;, ?LU«*:rre, KCCIiX-ASTB. **tlee li. t *jvli .i tin uriove-nenui forwarded freo ju, ivjeipt. li l.1\t, Card fI;()oi\XÚ1l.t: 0LDe.3T f¡¡-N1 OF TURF COMMISSION AGl-NTS IN THE WORLD. yo in^ymitU-iNTATiVIA IRON BUILDINGS AND ROOFING, A Ckurtihee, Cbapela, JClaaion and School Rooms. V Ziawn Tennis, Golf and Cricket Pavilions, Cat- m tages, MAblee. Farm Buildings, Booting di every A ima mdmi." ;"l SjufH j 8<mtiBTO110FDSETSTATIOH, I. MRBRllW'S W0RK& mtoob, 8.E. t>R SCOTT'S PILLS MS5WK7.S— 1>K licOTT'S TOLLS oKSX». Vv. OUKI GrnniNiis*. 1 1* C COTT'S TfclLLS CURB ixdjobstiow. JtT CUBB COSTrVBNBSf. I |R. C< COTT'S X>ILLS STOMACH PAHTB. OVKB LASSITUDE. l)R C3 COTT'S TOLLS « £ » CURB DzpRzmo2v. t)K. O COTT'S "DILLS Si A™™. k3 -M PaOMOTB DlOBSTIOIf. (JE. SCOTT'S BILIOUS & LiyinsnPIXXS. S5jT 8oms unscrupulous parsons may try to persuade you liSJJy some preparation of their own. Do not do so, but on having 13r. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills, whioh are KrvPed in a square green Dackaira, bearing th.8 name of the ■pftSjetor. W. LIAMBEBJT 178. Bsyroour-plaoe. London. W. eJ-iSHflL l^re?»vyATrV]S OXXAJTO COMPANY. U> K.Q,—Agents Wanted. mply PERFECT DANCING FLOOR 8i11 (-AMBERT BRiEK t CO.'S HEW B^LLKOOM FLOOR POLISH. 'Us. by pour, 1/8 and IP eaeh.—84, (j-rafton atreet. Dublin. lltTPTURE niJRPn WITHOUT OPERATION. S. J. Sherman, H■ uuntw Hernia Speciaiist. «. Chancery Lane, SI London; J8, King Street, Manchester. Book QM gS-ggptnre and e*ll of trassea. port free 7d. 3D0 NERVOUS SUFPEESES, Jhe Jast published P^ttenco of an Invalid, written a? a tchtuu? others. Jjftijpl'f0"1*? the me.-ina of Self-Cure by one who !ia-i cured 'kir, j'lRjfle copies may be had (post free) by bending -'Stut1,dai-t»f*»>d eny«lo(ie to "^gUl IUX'jy, ESQ., HOCNtiLQW, MIDDLESEX. ASHING, HUNTING, SHOOTING. TCASTLE HOTEL. JV.„ A .COUNTRY HOUSE OX THE AVON. Wtii> <? from Bournemouth, throe hours from London, Jp^aFoi ? ^mutoa of L. and 3.W. Railway, trains stopped at 1300 "ores of Shooting:, Fishing, and Pleasure Two packs of Fox and ona of Staghounda hunt easy reach in the NowFor^t. ^E £ iy to PaornrnroB. CASTLH HOTRL, axNGWOOD. JTJA*>IES' HANDY ILLUSTRATED GUIDE. ftanjps, Ma^meL^yl's^vbolston Street, Bristol. tafonnatlon and blessing to •wo™«-"V'"d. ASPARAGUS KALE planted now will give ttJSe) »SPpliet> until Young Pna* oome in. 9d. lOO, •V- 1000 ^=- £ OpL HEAPS, CLEWER. WJXDSOR. Mention paper. WITHOUT RET S. "lIE DEATH DUTIES' INDEMNITY 0i AND REVERSIONARY OFFICE. ^g>PITAL represented exoeeds £ 20,000,000. -flfcOLUTE PROTECTION AFFORDED AGAINST fn. D. THE DEATH DUTIES. b^X>VAxr °3pectlis' 25, SuIi:olk st-> Pal1 Mall, London, S.W.) SPNlitv r-CE? "rttan one hoar from £ 50 to jG20,000 to the R>} ^ir and all Rs*ponsible PersonB Tv, OI HAND ALONE without Suroties. No Foes. Persons LIKELY TO INHERIT Land. Cash, Estates. &e., under^WILLS SETTLEMENTS, S'}?'?no/e the txptctancy. InUiro-st 4 por cent, per ^^ly -rv- ANCES at lirst interview. Communications the txptctancy. InUiro-st 4 por cent. per S'}?'?no/e the txptctancy. InUiro-st 4 por cent, per ^^ly -rv- ANCES at lirst interview. Communications ^Setar^ ?. e- Applicants are iiiTited to call; or write to the —-ijL- ivr.i'LY BY RETURN PQKT. A^EP.DEEN GTVANITE MONUMENTS, 5Jui Hj1-: £ 5, cu,rrias« paid. Inscriptions accurate and beau- priaes from J. W. J^EQ(jr £ Sculptor, Aberdeen. $3000 MONEY & ART PRIZES. AND "PAINTING" COMPETITION. VtT A GTTTlVTi- an important ™ Jr\ kr ill i_^l Q item in our domestic a nil economy, and the j\_ JL sooner we adopt thu only ninth ml of CJ" x—v -m flTTTTi a doing' this comfortably and econo- M micaily witit BRADFORD'S Latest 7^ r~drWASHING MACHINE—viiioh is <^an e.hoient W^lHOJgK a.-Jil KANGLE-the tetter. ''ifest ( at.'uo^ue containing the testi.viony of hun- thrL'ov RUR'>rs; 2ret one of these Machines yourself upon free 0^; t <a i'i; y°u then aluo bear willing testimony. IRABFO^D & CO.. High Holbom, London; jnsgato, Manchester; Bold Street. Uvorpool. PlrlS. WARD & SON, MATFAIE, LONDON, an^wished 160 Year?, deliver free, for Cash, orders of WINES & SP K ITS to any Ensli^h Station. At> iro-M 12/ PORTS from.^8 ^MAYFALR SHKIU;Y. JS T-()SE SEEKING EMPLOYMENT.—Write <JV ? the offices of the London Labour List, SOt). Regent PIIULIBHKB." Goodreferenoesindiapf:;ioublo PUliLIB-qER.Il Good reference,, indiz l^S^ANADE HOTEL, POETIICAWL. Inclusive from 7,6 per dav. 100 rooms, e'ectric li:rht. firft- fr?re san £ r s,lCPly and drainage, dry sandy soil, mean trmpera- £ i^Koi.a«„as Bournemouth, but climate specuilxy qraoinff.atd -fcixWint an<^ particularly suitable for invalids in Auuuir.n I A r' Close to splendid Golf Links. JM^P°N SCHOOL"OF MEDICINE for K ^Oyi1?^3". Handel Street,Brunswick SQuare V.C., and l^nUn^L FREE HOSPITAL, prepare for all tho Medical 5 °; Kf, open to Women. Entrance Scholarsuip, value Jfill Scholarship, £ 30 a year tor four years; of £ 30 eaeh. &c.—Apply to Secretaiy at School. EARLY SPRING VEGETABLES.— fcU pu!rJS0Iis bein? desiroiLi of knowinfr how i.o p^ot. j». send stumped addressed envelope to M. ^obiartt, Agricultural Expert to 1 —— — PJCN ^TERMEDIATE STEAMERS sail from SUh. rf'^day for South and East African Ports to 5^SS at Lisbon, Madeira, and Ccnarv 1^'°' ~xX'it.A\ X?**ON STEAM SHIP COMPANY l £ f Hoad, Southaint'ton, and South Airicaii ^Q^SSgPsgate Btaeet Witliin. London. —

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