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AGRICULTURAL NOTES. BY A PRACTICAL FARMER. p POULTRY ON THE FARM. in arrn,er8 are taking an increasing interest fj Poultry, according to the experience of the dam Agricultural College, so the ^ipal, Mr. P. Hedworth Foulkes, stated Trials of different breeds and dif- C0nIlt strains had been carried out at the « u«ge, and it was interesting to notice how ^.Poultry had improved throughout the eom- Thons which had been in progress. be first competition, which extended over Pe elve months. was in 1996-7. and in that t.1" the average number of eggs laid by all a- birds in the trial was 132., the money value Sh being 12s' 7d" In 1912 13 the *vera8e iKr h«n went up to J51'9. the money friT being 14s. 5d. In 1913-14, last year's the average yield was up to 187 eggs hen, and the money value went up to M 0id" which was not due to inflated war I Pes. This year another competition was 1^8 conducted. The figures at the end of the month would be equal to the previous « records. GQ T- Foulkes said he naturally did not re- **end that farmers should devote the of their holding to poultry. But as an ^JUnct of the farm he believed that a great t* n^ight be added to the income of the by improving the poultry kept on it. Y IMPT u ri this connection it is* interesting to note Yee Harper-Adams College is starting a two- 0 and a one-year's iaying competition on c'ober 1st. These will each include a section ^^Pri.sing each ten pens for farmers- and holders. 1 may point out that these ^'Petitions are no fancy affair, but repre- a really serious attempt to improve the ,^try's pojltry stock; and the figures above show that they are having very ^iderable success. RENOVATING BY SEED MIXTURE. tft4 demonstration of the improvement in Cte,c1 by the use of a suitable seeds mixture j ^'h:ch wild white clover was prominent was efitly arranged for the benefit of local 4lltJer.:i by the Agricultural Education Com- of the j)llr};arn County Council. J}J be demonstrator. Mr. F. P. "ker, first ^°^ed various labour-saving implements at on a farm, and then took the farmers as- th a nei"bbouring fifteen acre field on jQj^-Jinte farm. He said that in the winter of k 1the farmer had asked his advice as to ft;* cou^ renovate without ploughing out j/15 strong field, which three years ago he had \1] with a permanent seeds mixture. Like 1JY such mixtures it bad proved unavailing, t he was loth to .plough it out again on ac- lllJt of labour a7id expense. 1r. Walker gave it as his opinion, from his i] experience, that it -would still be possible renovate the field economically. In the .Prjiig of 1914 they had taken an acre right pi *be middle of the field. Half an acre of this was simply manured, one quarter-acre lOcwt. per acre of high quality basic ^a8- and the other quarter with the same •e><vn„ of s'ag and 6ewt. per acre of kainit. remaining half-acre was harrowed with jtav}' duck-foot harrows to form a rough 4 '> and then sown with a renovating mix- containing wild white clover-seed, peren- 3{. «. rye-grass, timothy, and cocksfoot grass Or S' was ^ben rolled. At the same time quarter-acre of this half-acre was top- with lOcwt. per acre of high quality t;. and the remaining quarter-acre with £ t. of kainit per acre in addition. "fardul records were being kept of the ^'glits of hay produced and the costs of the e.atlrient. As, however, the experiment was y in its initial stages, he would not give figures, and only asked the farmers now plots themselves, and notice the ^ng contrast of the growth of the wild ^_lte clover-seed, fed by the phosphatic 'Hire, with the other plots and the re- ader of the field. A DISEASE OF WHEAT. «iuj are many reasons for having an of samples of seeds made by a com- t authority. Many of these reasons for ,Practice are no doubt quite familiar to a/s I have frequently called attention But. there is another reason to which is rarely made, and 1 doubt if many "5aJtilea.l men ai>e aware of it. But it may £ £ a g^at, difference to the yield, of a j CTop if the grower is not warned1 in time, as a result of having a seed j^^ysis made, that a large percentage of the is not capable of germination. ^rV^ntion is drawn to this matter ki a hv the Board of Agriculture, is pointed" out that it occasionally hap- especially after exceptionally wet har- w<'atber, that wheat gathered' in appar- first-rate condition and perfectly good nulling purposes 'has, when tested for "()t purposes, a low germinating capacity, Jt higher, perhaps, than 40 or 50 per cent. Su ePt that the space occupied by the embryo H kittle depressed or shrunken, the grain Will *° outward appearance, be good, i§ht, plump, and dry. this reason suspicion seldom falls on l^.fceed' when the crop is a failure in the fol- jjiUg season, such failure being generally incorrectly attributed to some wholly (w^ent cause. Further, it is not usually *oih € to determine in the winter or spring, ♦xaminatioin of such plante m grow ^iseiused seed, what is the cau.se, though '1,011 may 'be aroused when it is found tne seed is slow in germinating and that *2 °f the plante. die subsequently. "h .ted wheat may, however, be detected I Ile" in flower, or at any time before it is ty) by the presence of a minute fungus be chaff (which is diseoloured with a 3ls'b or olive green stain), or occasionally if leaves, leaf-sheaths, and even the ears I a^'ack is severe. As a rule, but little results from the presence of the fu-ngus f leaves, but when the ear is attacked fj,'iderable loss may result. disease in its mildest form is probably | ^5^' widely spread, and is present every It « in every country where wheat is sown. Nvt ^^rally escapes observation, as it does On a rule extend beyond the glume or chaff bich it usually lives. t%, ',fortunately, nothing can be done to .l!}f the progress of the disease while the Agronving. The only precaution that ^i\]j p taken is to have the seed tested, espe- Sp,, after a wet harvest, and to reject all I 68 that do not ahow a reasonably high ^age of germination. 1 > v- POTASH SUPPLIES. ?> b iw of the scarcity of potash occasioned Avar a great deal of information has •M^leeted a.t the Imperial Institute, and ^Ppj 'n a" Pamphlet ejititled The WorJ-di's Potash," in response to commercial iV ^or particulars respecting new a ^HiS P°tasb. The potash hitherto used tu «n 00an^rJ" ^as heen chiefly derived from 0Pl»ous deposits of potash salts which J^ar Stassfurt in the north of Germany. have been systematically and lea}1y worked and the trade so well ^hat German potash, on account of became the almost t xeliTsiw sonroe 1'h.. Potash required throughout the world. gives details of all the sources iiior'lsb> the German mines and the various ?lU an^°llrees of supply, but it does not hold 5" present hope of fresh large supplies ^iti^eavai|able, and therefore farmers are re- > b11 t° fall back upon such supplies as obtained from the burning of wood to trimmings, and vegetable refuse. they can to liberate the natural lh- islf>'<erv('s in the soil. gratifying to note that the German 1)()II;1)1 QY not continue to exercise such a J, C'j>r!e ^nonopoly in the future. 4 deposit 1>?'S h —a low-grade potash mineral — j011 discovered in Spain. Work has '??n it, and there are hopes that in din. deposit may prove to be an im 'i in ,.Source of the salt and be. able to com- l^-t.nie measure with the German pro- ^v, lerc are also said to be deposits in *}' oa z^b may prove to be of importance if M Am • economically workexJ. en0r€r^Ca efforts are being made to utilise j^<l, w?PUs bedo of a special kind of sea- f5( £ \Sh, contains a Iricili percentage of according to an official estimate '^ed t°ns potash salt a year could 1m rom this source.


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