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HAY. SELECT ARTICLES PREPARED s and SOLD by JOHN L. DAVIES, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST THE BANKS OF THE WYE BOUQUET, A delightful and lasting Perfume, and al. Hegant Souvenir of Wales, in Bottles at Is. 6d 2s. 6d., and upwards. ———— DAVIES'S SUPERIOR LAVENDER WATER, possessing the flagrant and rtfrebing odour so much admired II. the flowers. GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE, and a .ch ice selveti,,rl df P«-i fumw, Fanc., So" p. and Toilet Pre, a- ra'io 'S of the most celel>rat<jd manufacturers. SUPERIOR LONDON MADE TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES. A Large Assortment of HAIR BRUSHES and CLOTH BRUSHES. Fine TURKEY and HONEYCOMB SPONGE, WATERPROOF SPONGE HAGS. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES, &C. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY DISPENSED. AGENT for SCHWEPPE'S SODA, POTASS. SELTZER, and othtr Mineral Watl-rs. [71 PARSONS, FLETCHER, and CO.'S INDIAN RICE STARCH. (TRADE MARK, AN ELEPHANT.) This EXC' llent STARCH, introduced by PARSONS, FLETCHER, and Co has met. with a succe-S unparal- leled in the annals of the Starch Trade, and is known as the ELEPHANT STARCH. Ladies should insist on their Laundresses using this Starch, which, being manufactured by an improved process, is much purer, and consequently more glossy, requit es no boiling, and is ENTIRELY FREE FROM THE DESTROYING EFFECTS TO THE LINEN SO common in other Starches now in use. 22, BREAD STREET, LONDON. Sold in Packets of tlb., lIb., and lib., and in 41b capers, by BENJAMIN THE GROCER AND BENJAMIN AND COMPANY, BRECON, And all respectable Grocers. [338 PURE WATER. GEORGE SHAW'S IMPROVED PURE CARBON WATER FILTERS are warranted superior to any other invention for effec- tually removing taste, colour, lead, and all organic impurities from any kind of water. Prices and Drawings, on application, from the Manufactory, Crown Filter Works, Manchester. Agents Wanted. [446 HE CELEBRATED GINGER CHAMPAGNE (Registered) UNFERMEN- TED WINE, not intoxicating. Sole Bottlers- WITHY AND COMPANY, Orange Grove, Bath, and Wilder Street, Bristol; in Champagne Quarts and Pints. Families can be supplied direct from the Works if there exists any difficulty in obtaining it from Wine Merchants and others in their own neigh- bourhood. A sample Hamper, containing 1 Dozen Quarts and 2 Dozen Pints, sent to any address, car- riage paid so far as a through rate can be obtained, on receipt of Post-Office Order for 30s. Agents Wanted. [417 K AYE'S WO RSD ELL'S PILLS. This invaluable Medicine, which has been known throughout the UNITED KINGDOM for nearly half a century, and recognised by all who have tried it to be tbe BEST PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD, admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of remedy always at hand, easy of applicft, iori, and cer- tain it. its res-ults. Its timely aid prevents, and its assistance cures, all Diseases, however caused; and where these Pills are persevered with DOCTORS' BILLS ARE TTNKNOWN. Being a turely vegetable preparation, ihey maybe taken at any titi-e b\ eitlier.ex it'.iout fear < f danger. Actrntr upon i he bo,, els mildly, yet effectually, by their fine tonic, an-marie, and aperient properties, they re- move all oppressive accumulations, regulate the secre tions of the liver and bowels, strengthen the stomach, and purify the blood. P, epa, ett solely by JOHN KAYE, Esq of Prospect Hall, Wnodtord, "Essex. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealer- in Patent Medicines, at Is 1 id.. 2n 9d. and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, Lon. don [245 THE CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS. These Pills are compounded from the recipe of one of the most eminent physicians of the present day (who, from purely philanthropic motives—knowing their excellent propertiesfrom experienee- has been induced to give the benefit of them to the public at large). They are prepared by an able and experienced chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, t., be the most valuable medicine for !I disorders of the stomach and derangements of the liver ever prepared. It is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to the human race arise from a disordered stomach, and an irregular state of the bowels, and for wart of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (at first) simple maladies become serious illnesses. To guard against this great evil, and to preserve the bles- sings of health, these pills are confidently and earnestly recommended. They act t-enerally on the constitution, cleanse the blood of all impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone to the stomach; correct the morbid condition of the 11""r. regulate the bowels, and, by removing all impediments, restore elasticity and vigour to the whole frame. a Sold in boxes (with directions for use) is.1ld. and 7id. each (a saving by taking the larger size). Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Barclay and Son, Loi3dont and Retail by all Medicine Vendors. AGENT FOR BRECON: MR. MORRIS, CHEMIST. THR WESTMINSTER PALACE~H0TEL 1 Victoria-street, London, S.W., opposite Westminster Abbev adioiningthe India Office, close to the Houses of Parlia- mentfthe parks, and theatres. Bed-room, from 3s dinnersfn coffee-room and ladies' coffee-room fromi 2s 6d.; and as per daily bill of fare Attendance charged in the bill. There is an ascend- ing-room and a telegrarh office in the building.-WILLIAII 00WELL, Manager. n-RAND HOTEL, Brighton. It Contains Library, U ladies'coffee-room, ladies'reading-room, ladies'drayi? g. room, gentlemen s coffee-room, billiard-room, and smoking- room, for the use of visitors, besides upwards of 200 bed-rooms and private sitting-rooms. Care has been taken to render, the cuisine perfect in every department and about 150 sorts of choice wines are kept in stock in the cellars. A comp lete establishment of salt-water baths communicate" with the hotel. An omnibus meets the principal trains. First-clas« stabling. Strong room for valuables—J. Mark WELL, Manager. 'WOOD'S FAMILY HOTEL, 102. JERMYN-8TKEET, St. James's London. Families and Gentlen:en v-siting London will find excellent accommodation in the above Hotel, which is new and elegantly furnished, at greatly reduced Prices, from this date until May 1, 1865. Beds flom 3w. Hot and Cold Baths. On parle Frangais. Se babl, Fspaioi. Cuisine Frangaise, BEDFORD HOTEL, 21, Peroy-streel, Bedford- square.—Bed and Breakfast, 2s. 6d. Private Sitting Room with Bedroom, 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per day. STACEY'S CLERICAL HOTEL, 2A, Berners- street. Oxiord-street.—Established 12 years. Clergymen visiting London will find every accommodation at the above Hotel Termn, Bed and Breaktofit 4s. pel XLght, or pet Wes*. Including uttausaoe* Benjamin the GROCER, HIGH STREET, BRECON, 0 ✓ 4/ TOWN OF TALGARTH. D. M 0 R G A N, PLUMBER, GLAZIER, HOUSE AND SJ"}i PAINTETI, IMITATOR OF WOODS AND MARBLES, &C., Has now in stock a large assortment of Sh-e, at-d Crown Glass, and Gla<s Slate-(tht" higher qualifies of glass sui pliefl to order) Sheet Lead and Zinc Lead Piping, Oils and Colours Gilt and other Mouldings in various r-atterjis. Picture Frames made to order. A largn st-ck of Paper H^n^ings. in gi-eat variety, just, rnceivt-d, consisting of upwards ot 1,500 pieces and 18,000 yards, varying in price from 6d. to 4s. 6d. per puce of 12 var^s. D. M. respectfully informs his friends ard the luvltc wi-n,,r;illv, that h," has ititrofluctd, in connection with the above business, I he <je'-orj»| STA I'IONERY TRADE, in which he will supply all gllods at a fair remunera- ting profi.. Lo"don and other Publications supplied weekly. Agei.t tor the BRECON COUNTY TIMES. [152 Talgarth, Fe' ruary 27th, 1867. CHARLES GIBSON, BRECON AND BUILTH, Importer (di'ect) of SANDEMAN'S and COCKKURN'S PORTS; INGHAM'S MARSALA; DUFF GORDON'S SHERRIES; CLOSSMAN & CO'S (Bordeaux) CLARELS; MARTELL & CO.'S COGNAC. The above nimps are well known as the largest and most respectable Ship ers in the world, and as C. GIBSON deals direct with them he is 'h.. only medium "erween th Shipper ..nd Colt.,umer; the public therefore reap an advantage (either in Quality or Price) by dealing with t im. NOTE.-No Agents appointed, therefore the abov, Wines, &e., do not pass-as is too often the case-1 hrouh a third parties' hands. BONDED VAULTS KING STREET HALL, BRISTOL. GOOD HARVEST ALE at 8d. and lOd. per Gallon. H A Y. OLIVEl PRITCHARD, Respectfully invites an inspection of his-Large Stock of New Goods suitable for the present Season, MANTLES AND JACKETS, IN CLOTH. SILK, AND VELVET, TRIMMED IN THE NEWEST STYLE STRAW BONNETS AND HATS CAPS AND FLOWERS THE NEW BEADED FRINGE, WHICH WILL BE MUCH WORN PLAIN AND FANCY DRESSES AND SKIRTING. FAMILY MOURNING.—FUNERALS FURNISHED. PRINTS, CALICOES, SHEETINGS, AND LINENS considerably Reduced. FELT CARPETS AND HEARTH RUGS. CURTAIN DAMASKS, BAIZES, OIL CLOTHS, &C., &C. [18 BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-pstablished and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all gooHs intended for conveyanca by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. All goods to be conveyed by PROTHERO'S BOATS—from London, per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport,"—from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence "per PROTHERO'S BOATS "-and all goads from Bristol, 'Per Burton'.s Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITR CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering good,,)!- PROTHERO's BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1st Oct., 1863. [17 TONDON TEA WAREHOUSE, HAY. Finest Black Tea. 3s. 8d. go)d strong1 Congou (ree. mniended), 3s. 4d. fine ditto, 3s. good ditto, 2s. 8d. useful Black Te •, 2s. GREEN TEAs.-Fin"t Gunpowder, 4s. 8d. fine ditto, 4s. good ditto, 3s. 4d. COFrEEs.-Fin,-st Moctia, Is. 8d. finest Plantation, Is. 6d. REFINED I.OAF SUGAR"—Finest, f^d. fine, 5d. per lb. PRICE'S PATENT COMPOSITE CANDLES.-No 1, lid. No. 2, 10d. No. 3, 9d. per lb. LONDON STCRE Dip CANDLES, 6d. p, r lb., 5". 91. per stone. BEST BRISTOL YELLOW SOAP, 4 £ d. per lb. fine ditto. 4d.; good ditto, 3id and 3d. Finest American and other Cheese Huntley and Palmer's Reading Biscuits Hill, Evans, and Co.'s Superior British Wi.t, s Pure Malt Vinegar 4d. per quart; Lea and Perrius' Worcestershire Sauce Is. per bottle. All other kinds of Sauce", Pickles, &c., equally cheap. JOSEPH BRIDGEWATER, FAMILY GROCER AND PROVISION MERCHANT. [495 OPENING OF THE NEATH AND BRECON RAILWAY. THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" (In consequence of the Opening of the above Line) will, on and after SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1867, contain MORE COPIOUS R.F/I ORTS of NEATH NEWS (by a Special Correspondent) than anv other Paper has hitherto done, a will he ohtamahle soon after the arrival of the Last Train from Brecon on FRIDAY EVENINGS, from the Ajjent, Mr. JOHN HILL, Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsagei t Nea'h. N.B. Persons who are desirous of havnsr copies regularly are requested to leave their Orders with Mr. HII,L, as the Quarter commeuces with the FIRS I SA1URDAY iu JULY. Brecon County Times Office, Brecon, June 4th, 1867. NEATH AND BRECON RAILWAY. OPENED FOR PASSENGER TRAFFIC. This Line vasses through the most Magnificent Sceneries if) the Principal tv, and is thp Shortest and most direct Route between North and South Wahs, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and the Nurth of England. TIME TABLE, AUGUST, 1867. UP TRAINS DOWN TRAINS. 8,n1, a,m* a.m. a-ra< a m. a.m. N*»w Muford dep. — — 11 15 Liverpool (Landing Stage) dep. — 7 45 8 15 Hav,-i-f,)rdwest — — 11 40 Birkenhead „ — 8 5 8 35 Pt-mbroke — — 10 53 Chester — 8 50 920 Tenby 11 25 Leeds „ 750 Carmarthen Junction „ 4 30 9 0 1 0 Huddersfield 8 30 Swansea (High Street) „ 7 30 10 10 2 15 Manches»er V.' „ 9 30 Nwh arr. 7 58 10 47 2 54 Liverpool (Lime Street) — — 9 0 Newport dep. 2 21 8 35 1 0 Crewe — jo 50 Cardiff 11 2 45 9 8 1 28 Shrewsbury — 7 0 12 25 Neath arr. 3 57 10 57 3 13 London (via Gloucester) „ — — 9 1/; Swansea (Wind Street) dep. 8 0 11 0 3 0 Cheltenham „ — 7 25 12 15 -N cath arr. 820 11 21 323 Gloucester „ — 8 0 1 5 Neath and Brecon Classes. 1,2,3.1,2,3.1,2,3. London (via Worcester) „ — —60 NEATH d-p. 8 30 11 25 3 30 « .? » Knyn » 51 LIS TO ••• » Z SS'ILS PENWYLLT 9 15 12 0 4 12 cS'° den 2° DEVYNOCK „ 9 40 12 25 4 38 krewe, deP* 9 0 "itiOON., ^5 12 45 5—0 ^Uhpool l Z dep. I« 15 12 50 5 40 Llanidloes 8 55 12 55 Here ord arr. 12 10 2 25 7 25 Rhayader — 9 30 1 30 Worcester 155 65 9 5 Llandrindod „ — 9 38 12 58 Birmingham »» 8 0 11 10 Llanwrtyd „ — 10 45 1 35 London (via Worcester).. „ 6 50 10 25 — Brecon arr — 11 2(1 3 In. Gloucester. 2 35 6 45 10 0 = 20 3 2g Cheltenham }> 3 15 7 35 10 20 Neath and Brecon Classes. 1,2,3. 12,3. 1,2,3. London (via Gloucester).. „ 6 15 11 10 4 35 BRECON dep. 8 10 12 0 5 40 Shrewsbury „ 225 5 0 9 45 DEVYNOCK „ 8 40 12 25 611 Llanwrtyd „ 5 0 9 45 PEWYLLT „ 9 15 12 55, 6 41 Llandrindod dep. 11 55 2 22 6 50 ONLLWYN 9 30 1 7 6 53 Rhayader arr. 12 0 2 45 6 45 CRYNANT 9 50 1 22 7 7 Llanidloes.. •• •• »» 12 35 3 22 715 NEATH arr. 10 10 1 37 7 23 Welshpool «ep. 4 5 — 8 45 Neath .1 dep. 12 14 2~37 7~36 Oswestry •• ""So Swansea (Wind Street). arr. 12 40 3 5 8 5 £ rewe • • • Urr* 2 50 7 0 1~35 deP' 10 47 2 54 7 51 Crewe •• « gj J U 1 65 Cardiff arr> 12 38 4 38 9 0 Liverpool (Lime Street).. '» Yx „ Newport 15 5 4 Q 91 Manchester (London lid.) „ 5 '0 8 25 — Nea-h dep. 10 57 3 13 7 52 Huddersfield » J 25 9 45 Swansea (High Street).. arr. 11 35 3 40 8 20 P? ? 1 }r ? o ioTk Carina! theu Junction „ 12 45 5 33 9 30 Chester 4 15 7 O 12 15 Tenby 9 in 7 iri Bit kenhead 5 0 7 50 3 5 Pe-broke 7 S Liverpool (Landing Stage) „ 5 20 8 10 3 40 Havert'o' dwest 1 50 6 49 New Milfor d 2 24 7 15 W NO SUNDAY TRAINS. For further Particulars see thfj Company's Time Bills. T. MORLEY, Traffic Manager. THE BRECON AND MER IHYR & MID WALES RAILWAY COMPANIES HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, oil and a'ter the 1st SEPTEMBER next, thev wi 1 ( EASE TO CARRY RE URNED EMPTIES FREE, and that the same will he subject to a charge which must I e prepaid. Particulars may be obtained' on apphcation to the Managers of the Companies, or to the Station Agents. BY ORDER. August 1st, 1867. [496 i BRECON. TO be LET, with immediate possession, all that old and well esraMi-hed INN called the "GREEN DRAGON," situate in H'gh-str> et, in the c ntre of ihe town of Brecon, and close to the M-rkets, and one of the be-t and most conveniei t situations in the town for carrying on the business of th" s;,i(i In,For fur her particulars, apply to Mr. WILLIAM JONES, on the premises; or Mr. JOHN Mosgak* Pfiater, Siii^.ttreet, Brecon. [469 VALE OF CRICKHOWELL RAILWAY. A PUBLIC MEETING to support and carry out the views of the Directors, as recently published in their printed Statement, will be held at the BEAR INN, in CBICKHOWELL, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th ACGU-T next, at three o'clock p.m., when THOS. DAVIES, Eq., of Neuadd. has consented to preside. Influential support is forthcoming, ai d imporrant an- nouncements WIll be made. A full atieodauce is particularly reques ed. Cr.ckhowell, 29th July, 1867. [500 VALE OF CRICKHOWELL RAILWAY. STATEMENT FOR PEWUSAL. THE Directors request the attention of the public to the f..llowmg statement r« ganiirig the po ItiOIJ ol this unrlertakilit". The Act to mal-e the Lin- 'rom Abergaveniiy to Crirkhow; I) ws., obtiii ed in 1864. It was Mippcr>ed b) a 'air local subscription, evincing t'H- ea. ne,t d- s'ue (If the inhabitant ¡.n tally to "bt in f'e li» A contractor h villi.- come forward ami offered m make the line without 1, c-,1 assistance, t"os'- >ur-sc>-ifit'on> were nor nt tha' drn. clIed for. b it e-r-umstances beyond control a terwards efe.ted that r, at, -mei.t. In 1865, applications were made to Parliament for certain extension- -be,, det-med nece-sar\ to e ml)le-P the system, bui those applications were u,-s,-ece,s ,it; and then Cime th." racid ti. hteitmg of the money ma. keto fol-owed by the p-uiic and crash it. M .y, 1866 so that the contractor was unable to make his arrange- ments to commiiice the line. An Act was obtained in July, 1866. au horising the extpTlsion of the railway to B econ but by that lime the effects ot th- crids had so far extender! to railwa property as to render it impo,sihle to obtain money for "contract(,rs' lines" upon any terms anH, after some delay and nego'iation, il. was Seen to be nece ssary to abandon the first contract. Various r,.e,ociati.,ns and treaties, which need not be here d,.titiled, have since been resorted to f >r getting the line made. independently of local efforts, but without ffect and the directors are satisfied th-it it will be impossible, in the pres-n' day, or for man y»-ars to come, to get this line made without heai ty loc 1 co operation. It follows, therefore, that unless possession can he .gO! of the necessary land upon easy terms ami thn original >ub»c>iption list, wh'ch am unud to n.nrl\ £ 6,00!>, an be revived, and augtne' te.i to the exten of aneut. T n Tnousand Pound., no alt I native wil: be left to tl),, directors hut to proceed, in November n- xr, to I I' OtfoCt themselves ag-inst ulriroa,e loss by obtain- ing Parliamentary au hori y to abandon the line an rep a' the Acts obtained at so much labour and cost. The directors, h -wever, 1 ope liet!f-r rings than this from the pluck and en erprixn of their fr el (is and neighbours; and they think that the anient 1 > ni- ii g which is felt for the line will prompt one final effori to obtain it A responsible contractor is ready to make the line from Abergavenny to Crickt owi-II for a sum f atiout .£O,"OO, a..d to take about t:10,000 01' ha- sum in the ordinary sha,. es ol' the Company, provided he is put in possession of the land, and i- shown a local subscription list r qual in amount to the shares he takes, viz., about 210,000 All the persons who have claims against the Com- pany, in respect to the prrliminary expenses for obtaining 'he Act, have consented to forbear those claims until the line is made from Abergavenny to Crickhowell so that the directors are enab'ed to guarantee to Subscribers that every shilling of the money they subscribe shall be expended in the con- struction of the line. The Directors will do all in their power to make the calls at as long intervals, and as little burdensome to the subscribers as they possibly can. C »lls can only be made, under the Act, at intervals of three months, and no more than one-fifth of a share can be called at one time. The Directors feel satisfied that when the line is once made and opened to Crickhowell, little difficulty will be found in providing the means to extend it to the junction at Talybont. The Directors commend these remarks to the earnest consideration of those interested, and trust that the general feeling of the necessity f"r this line, and the public spirit of the landowners and inhabitants, will avert the humlllatin step of having to proceed in November nxt to abandon the undertaking. The Directors will make a personal canvass of the neighbourhood fo support, and they trust that, th* ir efforts will be cordially responded to by all C ases. G. A. A. DAVIES, n WILLIAM LEWIS, HENRY JEFFREYS, Directors. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER, ) Crickhowell, 6 h July, 1867. [481 CHRIST'S COLLEGE, BRECKNOCK. THE School will be RK-OPENKD on THURSDAY AUGUS I' 8th.—APP'I'-A''«'iis 10 bemideto the Rev J. I). Williams, Uh. ist C,,ll-t,,e Brecon, 9ih July, 1867. [483 X5 PER CENT. PER ANNUM. "V\7"ANTED £ 2,500 for Three Years, on YT «ood S-curity.—App'y by letter to Pro re Natd, BRECON COUNTY TIMES office, Brecon. [473 CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL. WANTED, an Experienced Lady with- out fncumbrance. to take the C arge and Management of the above first-class E^tahl-shment. where a barmaid is engaged. Salary, X-50 per annum. Application, stating a.e nd references to 11 Mana- ging Cumm;. tpe," Cistle Hotel. Brecon. B'-econ, 26th July, 1867. [497 THE BANKRITP I CY ACT, 1861. In the County Court of Brecknockshire ho'den at Builth. IN the mntter of BENJAMTN PRICE, of Upper Gilwern, in t e Parish of Disse th, in the Coun'y of Radnor, Farmer and Wool Buyer, adjudged Bankru it on the 6 h day 0' Mav, 1867. An Order of Discharge will he delivered to the Bankrupt after the expiration of thi-ty days from this da.'e, unless an appeal he didy entered against the judgment of the Court, and notice thereof be given to the Court. Dated the 24th day of July, 1867 498J THOMAS C. PERKS, Hitih Bailiff. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1861. In the County Court of Brecknockshire, bolden at Brecknock. QAMUEL LEWIS, of the Black Horse Beerhouse, in ihe parish of Llanfihangel Nant- b, ane, in the County of Br. ck'.ock, Beerhouse Keeper and Labourer, having been adjudged Bankrupt on the 10th day of July, 1867, a Public Silting for the said Bankrupt to pass his Last Examination and make application for his Discharge will be held at the !'IId Court, at the SHIREHALL, BRECKNOCK, on the 23rd day of AUGUST, 1867, at ten o'clock in the folrenoon pi ecisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said Bankrupt to surrender. The Registrar of the Court is the Official Assignee, and Thomas Bishop, Esq., of Brecknock, is the Solicitor acting in the Bankruptcy. 499J T ii OUAS C. PERKS, High Bailiff. IMPORTANT. IF you want to BORROW MONEY at a cheap rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, 16, Dock- street, Newport, Aion., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you Can have any sum f»om £ 50 to X2,000, for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years, repayable by fixed h lf-yearly or quarterly instalments. Office hours: 10 to 5. 174 IN THE PRESS. "BRECON AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD." PERSONS who are desirous of obtaining this Work at the Subscriber's price (2s. 6d.) must give their orders AT ONCE at the Chief Office, or the District Agencies of this Paper. Persons wishing to avail themselves of space in the Advertisement Appendix are alse requested to lose no time in giving their orders. Brecon County Times" Office, July 12, 1867. [484 BRYNMAWR GAS COMPANY (Incorporated by Act of Parliament.) CAPITAL ZeIO,000 IN 110 SHARES. THE Powers of this Oompnny extend over a C'-mp iet Di-'rict of 25.000 inhabitants. Th Er, ction of f he, Works is in active progress, and they are expected to be ready for liihti''<r by Christ m s. A very f, w Shar- s regain unallotted, arri pa' ties desirous of a ¡!o'ld investment are recommended to triHke early applica i n t, the uuoersigned. Dated 20t, July, 1867. By Order of the Directors. E. J. COX DAVIES, Secretary to the Company. Brynmawr, near Ti edej. ar. 493 COACH SERVICE BETWEEN DEFYNOCK AND LLANDOVERY. RM, JONES, of tlie Camden Arms 0 Hore1, Trec-astle, beg^ re-pectful'y t<> in'orm the Public that he his t,.k,,ji the C. s'le H"td Com- pany's (t ach and Horses, wi ich h will co tinue to run. for the convenience of P ssen^ers, between Difyn"ck Siation, on th Neath and Brecon Railway, Ilnd Llaiidov,r (daih), starling from Defynock on I he :Hrival of the First Morning Trai s from Neat and Brecon, and returning from Llandovery ai 12.30 II.ID.. in Ii e to meet the last Trams leitving Defy nock for N pat I, and Brecon. Camde ■ A'- Hotel, Tri ca-tle, Ju!y 1st, 1867. [471 CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL FISHERY. NOTICE is hereby given thut no person, .A- 11 unless provided with a Ticker i>s ied by tho Di,, et,,t,, under the Senl of the C mpanv, will be allowed to ANIILE- in the waters "f ihe CASTLE OF BRECON HOTEL COMPANY, Limit- d, which ex'end trom he Island Gale ove' all lands o. longing to Lord T^de^r ahov.. he town, r. D c-son's InnH, The PelInO) re, Pet,tre, Gar, Abeiyscir, Po'tai- fran, and Cw""p lands. On the USK tie Fishery extends from the Is'and Gate to Abeibran B ilge o,, the n..rth side, a d ..n I'e wets,d. ov-r ad lam's between Brec n Kri.Le n'l Ah..rbr an Brnigp, excep ing Newton and A h.r bran Cd- ove and Tne Swan" fi.-li on ih- VsciR to P.,n!fa-n on the BRAN to th." toi, of Cuop; on the TARALL to Po t-still and b- low the l"o>»n al-ng Glntiusk Farm, the jjr< perty of Widtam de Wnton Esq All persons found Trespassing by Fishing will be Prosecuted as the Law dirtcts. J. BATES, Manager. Castle Hote Brecon, 1st Feb., 1867. f358 MIDSUMMER QUARTER, 1867. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE jLj INSURANCE COMPANY. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Fire risks of every description undertaken. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Farming Stock insured at moderate rates. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Persons about to insure their lives as a family pro- vision should consult table 2 in the Company's annual prospectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Persons desirous of providing comfort in old age will find satisfactory information in tables No. 6 and 7 in the Company's annual pr spectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Parents may ma e provisions for their children on arriving at the ages of 14, 18, or 21 years, by con- sulting table No. 13 in the Company's annual pro- spectus. LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLJ INSURANCE CO. Any person wshing to create a present annuity on advantageous terms -hould re'er to table No. 11 in the Company's annual prospectus LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE Co. The Company's Annual for 1867 supplies every informati In on the subject of Insurance in all its branches, and may be had, gratis, on application to the undersigned, EVAN JONES, BANK, 439] BRECON. WILLIAM LLOYD, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, LAND and ESTATE AGENT, HAY. Vrtlua ion, tor Administrations. Timber Measure < and Valued. [48 A RMY EXAMINATIONS.—India Civil Service. A Oxford Graduate, who has recently passed pupils. 28tk and 59ih (India Civil Service), 4th and 2f>th (Woolwich) 3rd and 7th (Sandhm st), 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 11th (Direct Commis- sions), has TWO VACANCIES. Distinguished references. Terms moderate and inclusive. Address, H. Coleman, Esq., Harley College, 5, Harley-road, St. Jolin's-wood. CLASSICAL EDUCATION, at 29, Haverstock hill, by Mr. CHINNOCK, B.A.—A limited number 01 BOARDERS RECEIVED. The house is airy and well situate. Referees—William Smith, Esq., LL.D., Classical Examiner oi the University of London; and other gentlemen. THE Rev. C. SHAKSPKARE RECEIVES a few GENTLEMEN'S SONS, as Daily or Resident Pupils, for Education and Preparation for Public Schools. References— Rev. H. Brooks, St. Stephen's, Paddington; Rev. J. C. Vaughan, D.D., Vicar of Doncaster. Address, 17, Westmoreland-road, Bayswater, W. RAMSGATE. PRIVATE TUITION.- A Married Clergyman, -L Graduate in Math. Hon., Cambridge, RECEIVES a few PUPILS, Sons of Gentlemen only, to be prepared for the Public Schools, &c. Address, Rev. A. J. MANSON, 20, Royal-crescent, Ramsgate. QUEEN'S COLLEGE IiSSTITCTlON for LADIES, Tuthell-park, Camden-road, London. Fee for residents in finishing school, CO g tineas per annum. Fee for residents in middle-school, 40 guineas per annum. Fee for residents in elementary school, 30 guineas per annum- Payment reckoned from entrance. Governess Students received. Certificates granted. For Prospectuses, with list of rev. patrons and lady-patronesses address Mrs. MOREL, Lady-Principal, at the College. HANDEL-HOUSE, Upper Park-road, Haver. -L-L stock Hill, N.W.—The DAUGHTERS of GENTLEMEN are RECEIVED by Mrs. C. TOPHAM, who undertakes the svpervision of tneir education in all its details, carefully com- biuing the comforts ei home with strict attention. Releiencea I exotuuaged. WARWICK AND SON, Engravers to the Royal Family, Jewellers, and Silversmiths, 124, Regent-street, beg respectfully to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and their friends that tliev intend making a reduction of 15 per Cent, on all JEWELLERY and PLATED GOODS, purchased for cash during this and the following month, in order to make room for a new stock for the autumn. OPERA AND RACE GLASSES, by NEGRETTI and ZAMBRA, 21s. and 42s., in leather case, with rock crystal lenses; or in aluminium, 5 guineas and upwards. To be had only at their four establish- ments, 1, Hatto-n-garden; 59, Cornhill; 122, Regent-street; and 153, Fleet-street. 'TINTED SPECTACLES, Direct from the Maker a so every other kind adapted for weak or near sight Elastic Steel Spectacles, 3s. 6d. Tinted ditto, 5s. 6d.; with tes Ptbbles, 10s. 6d. fitting the face accurately by the new process of measurement.—'WHITEHOUSE, Practical Optician, 8, Co- ventry s.reet, Haymarket (opposite the late Thos. Rubergal's). BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK.— The Original Invention, without preparation, is bv far the est for marking CRESTS, NAMES, and INITIALS upon House- hold Linen, Wearing Apparel, &c., securing it from loss or mis- take. Price, Is per bottie. Sold by E. R. Bond, 10, Bishopspate street Witnin, London, E.C., and by all respectable Chemists, Stntioners, &c., in the Kingdom. N.B.—Purchasers sbouid be careful to observe the address," 10, B.uLopsgaIe-street Within, E.C. is on the label, without which hõ Tnk is not genuine VyiNDSOR, and 10 miles round.—Mr. MASON'S • LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished HESIDEXCES will be forwarded on application. Windsor Estate Agency Offices. MR. SWAIN'S REGISTER OR. TOWN 1 AND COUNTRY RESIDENCES, Furnished and Unfur- nished, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, &c., issued the First Day of Every Month, may be had gratis on application, or per post for one stamp. Particulars of Properties intended for insertion, for which no charge is made, should be forwarded not later than the 2Gth of the Month. Auction and Estate Offices. The Lodge, Notting-hill, W. A PRINTED LIST of the HOUSES to be LET (Furnished and Unfurnished) in the neighbourhood of Hyde-park, Bayswater, Notting-hill, and the Western districts, can be had gratis on forwarding a stamp to Messrs. BAILEY and BURGOYNE, Bayswater Auction and Estate Agency Offices, 21, Archer-street, Westbourne-grove West, and 22, Inverness- road, opposite the Royal Oak. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. W I L K I N S 0 N A N D K I D D, SADDLERS To HER MAJEST1 AND II.R.1I. THE PRINCE or WALEB, Lovi REMOVED their Establishment from tne Corner of Park-street, Oxiord-street, to 6, HANOVER-SQUARE, W. (Adjoining Uie Queen's Concert Rooms). ESTABLISHED 1786. THURSTON and CO.'S SLATE BILLIARD -*• TABi ES, soli l or othei wise, to suit al: climates. Esta- blished f-iity Y Hlrs. By appointment. Billiard Table Manu'ac- tu ers to her Majesty the Quee- and H.K.H. the Prince of Wales, Exh 1) ton- of the eeltbiaud Historical Table in Class XXX., ii ustrating the Wars of the Roses, now erected at Warwick Castle. LAMP MAKER" AND GAS FITTERS, 14, Ca.heririe-i-trt-r't. S rand, London and at Sttlisbiuiy W harf. Adelphi, W.C. Patentees of the VlIkal1ise'¡ Ca..utc}¡OIIC Cushions, which retain their P¡'I'1CJ1r in the c< ldesi temperature. Inverton And Manufacturers of tne Central Revolving Lamp being the best Light ever constructed for Billiard Tables. EVANS'S PRIZE MEDAL KITCHENER. This MATCHLESS KITCHENER obtained the PRIZE MEDAL at the I. ternational Exhibition of 1862. It is made of all sizes, from E-4 15s. to t30 and upwards. MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES in great variety. STOVE GRATES for Drawing and Dining Rooms, &c., tee. FENDERS and FIRE FURNITURE, en suite. GAS, OIL, PARAFFIN, and CANDLE LAMPS, and CHAN- DELIERS in every variety, and adapted to any chmate. BATIIS of every description, Toilette Sets, &c. Cutlery, Tea Urns, Tea Trays, Dish Covers, Electro-Plated Wares of all kind«, Brassfoundiy, and every article of GENERAL and BURNISHING IRONMONGERY. EVANS, SON and COMPANY, (FACING THE MONUMENT) LONDON BRIDGE. All Orders received through London Merchants will have best attention, and from the high reputation the above Firm has pn- joyed for many years, the STERLING QUALITY OF ALL ARTICLES CAN BE RELIED ON. EVANS'S CATALOGUE with nearly a Thousand Illustration* is published in the English, French, and Spanish languages, and may be obtained through any London Merchant, or of M. Henri Legr&nd, No. 11, Place de la Bourse, Paris. Bv l'oval Letters Patent. 'THOMAS ATKINS and SON'S, MOULDED Carbon Water Filters, comprise the largest assortment of designs in Porcelain, Majolica, Terra Cotta, Glass, and Earthen- ware for the drawing-room, hall, kitchen, &c. The Cistern Filter can be readily fixed to any cistern, and yields sufficien t pure water for all purposes. The plan of filterine through Solid Carbon is universally acknowledged as the most effective yet inti odui ed, All kinds of ornnnental fountains supplied and fitted. Fouritiinjets. Residences inspected and estimates given. T. Atkins and Son, Engineers, Snow-rooms, 62, Fleet-street E.C. DURE WATER versus CHOLERA and other DISEASES. The LONDON and GENERAL WATER-PURIFYING COM- PANY (Limitedl supply on HiRE or Sa'e in th" mptropoh and its suburbs, andon Siiein the country, thei PATENT CISTERN FILTER, which filters and purifies all the water used in t! e house, whe'her for culinary or drinking purposes, at the rate of hal -a gallon to four gallons per minute requiring no filling or acte/ition from servants. water tested free of charge. Testing apparatus, easily used, Sold by the Company. Foi and terms, upply to the Secretary, 15, Strand, W.O., wh-ra t^iinio- nials from Dr. Letheby and o.hers, and the filters ir, :J;:>NiIon, may be seen. RAWLINGS, PURVEYOR OF MINERAL WATERS T) Z.B.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. MANUFACTORIES 2, 3, and 4. NASSAU-STREET, and 8, CHARLES-STREET, MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL, W. Established 1?J5. ECONOMY in FUEL.—FIRE GRATES and -L' STO v ES for domestic purposes and public buildings, and eonstructed on principles adapted to economise fuel, to increase comfort from warmth, and to prevent the nuisance ol smoke. Manuiactured by FREDERICK EDWARDS and SON, 49, 3reat Marlborough-street, Regent-street, W Prospectuses by post. BROWN and GREEN'S KITCHEN RANGES. The Prize Medal, 1862. The New Patent (granted April, 18-5). A close range with an open chimney." Cures smoky chimnevs. Avoids all close heat or smell. Prospectuses pist- ree.—FREDERICK THOMAS, 72, B:shopsgate Within. STiliED G L .i. S S WINDOWS AND CHURCH DECORATION S. HEATON. B'JTLER, AND BAYNE ARRICK STREET, CO VENT GARDEN, LONDON. Illustrated Catalogue, 8s, 6d.. post lree. D ilITON MEDICAL AND GENERAL LIFE XJ ASSOCIATION. Chief Offices-429, -TliAXD LONDON, W.C. TRUSTEES. George BarW, M.D. R. Partridge, Esq., F.R.S. -i; J Duke, 13m., Ald., M P. John Fropert, Esq. oir Chas. Hastings, M.D., W. Tyler Smith, M.D. D.C.L. Francis Webb, ESQ. DIRECTORS. Chairman of the Board—George H. Barlow, M.D. Deputy-Chairman—Francis Webb, Esq. Bv the peculiarly equitable manner of dividing the profits, the Policies issued by this Association become payable during the lifetime of the person assure without extra premium. After having been in force a period of five years, all policies are absolutely indefeasible and indisputable. Declined and deceased Lives as-ured at equitable rates. Capital Stock, 9200,000 Annual Income, £ 130,00(y. Large and increasing Bonuses. Qualified medical attendants who are named by proposers to this Association are consulted as the medical visors of the Directors, by wh-m all medical fees are discharged. Eiery description of Life Assurance transacted; terms for vhich, with detailed prospectuses and every information, may be tad on application to JOHN MESSENT, Actuary and Secretary. TMPEllI/ii, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, -1- No 1, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. INSTITUTED 1820. The distinguishing featuie of this Company is perfect security. The amount insured from the commencement exceeds £ 71,500,000 Tee amount of Claims and returns paid £ 2,300,000 Tbe Proprietors'Capital is £ 750,000 The Fund accumulated f om Premiums exceeds"lOyears of the Premium Income, and 34 per cent, on the Insurances in force. DIRECTORS (1865). Martin Tucker Suiit Esq., M.P., Chairman. Churles Marryait, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Thomas Geo. Barclay, Esq. Samuel Hibb«-rt. Esq. Jerries c. C. Bell, Esq. Thomas Newman Hunt, Esq. harles Cave, Esq James G. Murdoch, Esq. Ed. Henry Chapman, Esq. I Fuderick Piittisr,n, Esq. Hi-nry Da\i(ison, Esq. G. J. Gray stone Reid, Esq. George Field, Esq. William R. Robinson, Esq. jtoige Hibbert, Esq. James Scott, Esq. AUDITORS. John H. Astell, Esq., M.P. J»mes Brand, Esq. Paul Butler, Esq. SAMUEL INO-ILL, Aetuwy,