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RETURN OF ACREAGE OF CROPS. THE following Letter has been sent by thp Secretary of State to the Lord Lieutenant ot this County, and the attention of the Magistrates and other perons is particularly reques'ed to it. EDWARD WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace. Brecon, 27th July, 1866. Whitehall, 20th July, 1866. My lord, jhave the honor to transmit to your "Lordship the copy of a lettf-r with its enclosures, which "has been addressed to this Department by the Board of "Trade- and I request that your Lordship will be so good as to cause the purport, of it to be mad" known generally to the Magistrates of your county. "Her Majesty's Gus ernment have no doubt that your "Lordship will concur with them in opinion that it. is "important to obtain, with as much accuracy as possible, the information which the Board of Trade is endeavouring "to procure, and they trust tlint the county magistrates will readily give any assistance in their power towards "the attainment of this object. "I have the honor to be, my Lord, "Your Lordship's obedient servant, S. H. WALPOLE. "The Marquis Camden, K.G., "Her Majesty's Lieuteuant of the county of Brecknock. The following is a copy of the letter referred to in the above:- Office of Committee of Privy Council for Trade, Whitehall, 23rd June, 1866. Sir, I am directed by the Lords of tne Committee of Privy Council for trade, to request that you will inform the Secretary of State, that as arrangements have been ma le by this Department tor the Collection of Returns of the extent of Land in Great Britain under the various Crops in the present year, my Lords are very desirous that the County Magistrates in Great Britain should be *gain rrquested to afford the Government their valuable assignee in obtain- ing from the several Occupiers of land information re- specting the "griculture of th., country. My Lords have already expressed their obligation to the Magistrates for their co-operation in the collection ol the Live Stock Returns, which could not have been obtaine-l in so complete a manner without the help and influence of the Magistrates and other Country Gentlemen. The Board of Inland Revenue hnve undertaken the dis- tribution and collection of the Schedules prepared by the Board of Trade for the Return of the Acreage tlf crop; and my Lords trust that the Officers employed upon this ocoaidon will be abie to carry out this inquiry as successfully, and with as little objection on the part of the Occupiers, as the Officers who were charged with the duty of collecting the Returns relating to Live Stock. 1 beg to inclose, for the information of the Magistrates, copies of the Form of Schedule w.hich will be issued for the Return of Crops, and ot the directions for the proper filling up of the Schedule which will accompany it. The Return will, only be required from occupiers of, and above five acres of land, and the Schedules will bear the P. st- ,office stamp for free transmission to and from the several Occupier. e My Lords trust that the Magistrates will be good enough to«odea?our to remove any prejudices upon the part of theit Tenants or other neighbouring Occupiers against making a Return of tne extent of their Crops, which is only required for public information, and will only be published an an aggregate form for Counties, or other large divisions of the Country. The occurence of war in many of the corn-exporting coun- tries of Europe, causes a knowledge of the producing Capacity of the United Kingdom to be a matter of consider- able interest at the present time. I have the honour to be, Sir, Yuur obedient Servant, J. EMERSON TENNENT- The Under Secretary of Stale, Home Office. 116 CHRIST'S COLLEGE, BRECKNOCK. FOUNDED 1541. TITHE COURSE of EDUCATION pur- I is that of the Public Schools of England, embracing Classics, Mathematics, Modern Languages, and English Studies. The Schoolhouse, opened in 1864, affords accommo- -dation for Forty Boarders. The present Holidays Terminate on Wednesday, August 8th. WILLIAMS, M.A., Head Master. SOUTH WALES PIHECT TO QUEENSLAND. THE splendid Clipper Ship, OCEAN EMPRESS," 2,000 Tons, will sail from Milford to Brisbane on the 20th August. Free Grants of Land, or Assisted Passages. For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHN EVANS, Brecon. [113 MARY PHILPOTTS, Deceased. NOTICE—All Persons Indebted to the state of the late MBS MARY PHILPOTTS, Tinner atfd Grocer, High Town, Hay. are requested ♦n nav the .sarce to the sole executrix. ANN ELIZABETH GITTINS on the Prunises, High Town, Hay. And all Arsons having Claims against the Estate, ar- requested to send in the same to the above-named ANN ELIZABETH GITTINS on or before Thursday, the 16th inst. Out- standing debts, after that date, wid bo placed in a solicitor's hands. Hay, August 1st, 1866. TO LAI IN SCHOLARS. A GENTLEMAN, a resident of Brecon, fc^sirous of perfecting himself in lhe Latin Language, -jwl would be glad to hear f. om anyone thoroughly c^ble of giving the necessary ins.ruc- ion The terra* /pust be moderate.—Address, by K'r X to "K Office of tl» BKBCON COMTT TIMES*. L SALE,The Popular Encyclo- PIdia," io 14 divisions, at 10s each; oim 111 cloth; latest e.din; quite new. Price, 4 nnne»F. AVPIY to Mr. J. M PAYIKS Hay. [118 a field At Lhinwrtyd. on "dTvn vIUItn8^' the I2>h instant, a brown aged mare £ ONY, about 13 hands high, and little in the i P«y ail reasonable expanses, ;and a K««ardI for her recovery, on application to P.S. 'GABRIEL, Defynock, or THOMAS JKFPRBTS. Schda h, jnearlrecastkr. '[119 ~TANTED, a WAGGONER -.ccuS- V V tomfd to load English lim,.ep> CIA7.HK in the office, aod a lew g« 0d CAttPENTFlivs ai,d JOINERS.-Apily to Me«,f. <?H.rFITH8 and fc'ojt, fluilders and Timber Merchants, Brecon. ^14 WANTED, in n Gentleman's Garden two YOUNG MEN. Wages. 10s per week' ILtvigings found them in bothy in garden. Forcing ,d,1 every description carried on, and upwards of Tjse.nty Houses and Pirs.—Applv, by letter, to E. P., -p.t)tf. office, Cardiff. None need apply who cannot proine-e good character. [121 ■\I^A2sTEI), to Rent, a Well-Furnished y HOUSE, with picturesque view (South Wal^s preferred), containing six or eight beo-rootti, and three sitting-rooms coach house, stable, garden, &c., wi h about 10 to 50 acres of grass land adjoining.- Address, stating distance from church and railway station, to Cr. R. D., Womastou, Kington, I-lerpford. thire. L115 4 ^ASH ADVANCES immediately made on w personal security, in 3unia of not ies« than £ 100. Apply to Mr. EVANS, OLD MASONIC HAW,, KBW- ri ;&T, Molq. [69 BENJAMIN THE GROCER, j) BRECON, Has FINtt QUALITY TEAS, MOCHA. and FnENoII CHOCOLATE, COCOAS, CHOCOLATE, and ROCK COCOA; HOMŒPATIlIC COCOA, qOCOA NUTS and SSSSSSSS 2$ NEW SPERM Paraffin Wax; all kinds of ITALIAN GOUDS; ()PORTO, CADIZ, HUNGARIAN, and RnENISlI WINES. Dealer in FOREIGN CIGARS. Agent for DBOITWICH AGILICULTURAL and TABLE SALT. _———— M GRIFFITHS AND SON, T. TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANTS, BUILDERS, SURVEYORS AriD GENERAL CONTRACTORS. BUILDING AND FIRS BRICKS, OVEN SQUARES, RIDGE CREST, MALT KILN SQUARES, DRAINING AND SOCKET PIPES, CHIMNEY TOPS, PAVING STONE AND SILLS. NAVY AND MERCHANT SHIP TIMBER AND PLANK. MAHOGANY, OAK, ELM, BEECH, and ASH PLANK, BOARDS, AND SC^TUNG OAK STAVES, OAK and DEAL LATHS, OAK GATES, SEASONED OAK QUARTER-BOARDS, CEMENT, PLASTER OF PARIS, ETC., ETC. T. G. & SON have Boats plying weekly between Brecon and Newport, to and from the Tredegar Wharf, Newport. The Boats are for the conveyance of all Kinds of Goods. L" BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. D JOHN PBOTHERO Resnectfullv informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive HLAIR0SSATTONBE0 conveyed by PBOTHEBO'S BoAxs-from London, per Great Western and South^Wales Railwav Newnort," from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence "PER PBOTHEBO'S BOATS"—and all goads from Bristol, "per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITH CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goods'PBOTHEBO'S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1ST Oct., 1863. [17 H J. AND D NIOHOLLS' JLL OVERCOATS FOR ALL SEASONS. WATE R PROOF TWEED COATS, A T 21s. 114 to 120, Regent Street; 22, Cornhill; and 10, Saint Ann's Square, Manchester. AGENT for BRECON- Ms.. D. MORGAN. [104 FUNERAL AND GENERAL UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT, LION-STREET, BRECON. THOlVIAS PRICE, GENERAL UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL FURNISHER, 1 begs respectfully-to intimate that be IS prepared to furnish Funerals to any extent, with articles of superior make and finish, at the following reduced rat^s:— £ S. d. Oak Coffin, or Coffin covered with black cloth, lined with flannel and richly trimmed with REGISTERED TRIMMING, WITH HEARSE AND PALL, COMPLETE DITTO DITTO, DITTO, TALKING FUNERALS 2 2 0 ELM COFFIN, FULLV TRIMMED, WITH HEARSE AND PALL ION WALKING 1? 0 CHILDREN'S FULLY TRIMMED COFFIN, WITH FLY, FROM Ditto ditto, WALKING U 11 0[105 HAY. Q LIVER FRIT CHARD Solicits an inspection of his New SUMMER GOODS-MANTLES and JACKETS, SHAWLS, plain and fancy DRESSES, MILLINERY. FLOWERS. LADIES' BONNETS and STRAW HATS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, &C. MANTLES, JACKETS, BONNETS and MILLINERY MADE TO ORDER at the shortest notice. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FUNERAL AND MOKRNIN0 ORDERS. LINENS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HEARTH R UGS, c. GREAT REDUCTION IN CALICOES. BROAD-CLOTHS, VESTINGS, &c.-GENLEMEN'S HATS, TIES, SHIRTS, &c., &c. 1 & 2, The Square. [18 CROWN SHOP, HAY. mil O MAS' (G E D Alt) R E I T C H A R D -I DRAPEK, SILK MERCER, HOSIER, LACEMAN, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTER, Is now SHOWING a large assortment of NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS. MILLINERY and MANTLE ROOMS replete with LONDON and PARISIAN NOVELTIES. Ladies' made-up Under-Linen of superior quality and style. First-class Milliners and Dressmakers employed on the premises. Mourning and other orders executed with the utmost despatch FUNERALS FURNISHED. [42 W. D A V I E S WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, HIGH-STREET, HAY. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, EAR-RINGS, PINS, RINGS, LOCKETS, &c. Also a large assortment of Electro-Plated Goods, comprising Cruet and Spirit Frames, Tea and Coffee Services, Cake Baskets, Salvers, Sheffield Cutlery, Barometers, &c. REPAIRS EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. [50 HIGH TOWN, HAY. FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, k SEED WAREHOUSE. J, E A S T II 0 P -I E Resppctfully solicits an inspection of his STOCK, which will be found replete with a large and well selected assortment of Iron and Brags Bedsteads, Children's Cots; Hair, Flock, and Wool Mattresses; Straw Palliasses &c; Kitchen Ranges, Drawing, Dining, and Bed room Grates, Enamelled Slate, and Marble Chimney Pieces, Fenders and Fire Irons, Bronzed Hat and Umbrella Stands, Papier Mache and Japanned Tea Trays and Waiters, best Sheffield Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives and Sciss-rs, Electro-plate 1 Spoons, Forks, Cruet and Liquor Frames Tea and Coffee Services, Sugar Baskets, &c.; Brilannia Metal Teapots, Block Tin and Metal Dish Covers' Toilet Sets, Coal Vases and Boxes, Japanned Tin and Leather Travelling Boxes and Cases, Hat and Bonnet Boxes, Lamps and Baths in great variety, Lawn Mowing Machines, Garden Rolls and Tools, Steel DIGGING and Hay Forks, Spades and Shovels, Galvanised Wire Hare and Rabbit Proof Netting, Patent Wash- in:' WrintJ'in,r, anFl Manning Machines Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, and Wads; Bar, Hoop, and Sheet Iro'u- Files Rasps, Steel, &c.; Carpenters' and Joiners' Tools; 1'itcn, Tar, Reddle, Oils, Paints and Colours. Agent for all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. [70 P A V I E S S FLY POWDER, FOR SHEEP AND LAMBS. Fvtensively used during the last Fourteen Years, and acknowledged to be the Cheapest and most Effectual 0 Preventive of the Fly striking Sheep, at the same time improving their appearance. Sold in pound PACKETS (Sixpence Each), sufficient to dress from ten to fifteen sheep, or twenty lambs. Orders to the value of 20S., and upwards, carriage paid per rail to any station within 20 miles. JOHN L. DAVIKS, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, HAY. Agent, by appointment, for Bigg's Dipping Composition, and Cooper's Dipping Powder. Ae- A Dipping Machine Lent to Purchasers Free of Charge. [71 HAY, BRECONSHIRE. RA T\R TL O P E ROSE AND CROWN FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, /I iU. W HOLES ALK AND RFA'A.1 L WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, U • „ ] AUsopp <$• Sons, Guinness's Extra Stout, and Lea Carpenter 4" Co'3. Family Ales. Agent for bamue GKNERAL FARCKT, AND COACH OI-FICE. .tfi.llv to announce to Visitors, wh>'Se comfort and convenience will to him be an object G. M. M, begs reapec •(;^OURJ100(L 0f the Hotel thvy will be enabled to enjoy SEVEN OF EXCELLENT of solicitude, that in tne NHP 1NG jN T),P WVB, together with several miles of BROOK FISHING. Tin- Hotel i» AND STBICTI.Y-PFTESHHV'-EN *'IB ,I v,v rail, of the funous and extensive LLANUORSE LAKS, which abounds T?L RPHK BRECONSHIRE COAL AND LIMTL COMPANY LIMITED. ..V, .IT. „N CFITINNS ON THE BRECON AND MERTHYR, MID-WALES, AND HEREFORD. HAY J RS HAVING AGENTS A >■ P0AIS LIMB, DBAININO AND SEWERAGE PIPES. BIHCKS, SLATES, ABUNDANT SOUND CROPS, AND IN EVERY PASE MUST BE A MUM O J £ 10 10S. PER TON. FURTHER PARTICULARS AND PRICES MAY BE OBTAIMIFM} COMPANY3, AGENTS AT THE VARIOUS MOTIONS, OR JROM THE MANAGER, HIGH-STREET, Bi-econ. BRECON, MAY 1, 1866. [2 MILLS'S EXCHANGE HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS, M BROAD STREET, H E R IS I ORD, Will be found the most comfortable and economical to Commercial GENTLEMEN, TRADESMEN, and VUR»" TO ¡ the City. [5u. THURSTON and CO.'S SLATE BILLIARD -*• TABLES, solid or otherwise, to suit all climate*. Esta- blished Fifty Years. By appointment, Billiard Table Manufac- turers to her Majesty the Queen and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Exhibitors of the celebrated Historical Table in Class XXX., illustrating the Wars of the Roses, now erected at Warwick Castle. LAMP MAKERS AND GAS FITTERS, 14, Catherine-street, Strand, London and at Salisbury Wharf, Adelphi, W.O. Patentees of the Vulcanised Caoutchouc Cushions, which retain their elasticity in the coldest temperature. Inventors and Manufacturers of the Central Revolving Lamp being the best Light ever constructed for Billiard Tables. EVANS'S PRIZE MEDAL KITCHENER. This MATCHLESS KITCHENER obtained the PRIZ. MEDAL at the International Exhibition of 1862. It is made of all sizes, from L4 15s. to A30 and upwards. MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES in great variety. STOVE GRATES for Drawing and Dining Rooms, ke., tie. FENDERS and FIRE FURNITURE, en suite. GAS, OIL, PARAFFIN, and CANDLE LAMPS, and CHAN- DELIERS in every variety, and adapted to any climate. BATHS of every description, Toilette Sets, &c. Cutlery, Tea Urns, Tea Trays, Dish Covers, Electro-Plated Wares of all kindt, Brassfoundry, and every article of GENERAL and FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. EVANS, SON and COMPANY, (FACING THE MONUMENT) LONDON BRIDGE. All Orders received through London Merchants will have best attention, and from the high reputation the above Firm has en- joyed for many years, the STERLING QUALITY OF ALL ARTICLES CAN BE RELIED ON. EVANS'S CATALOGUE with nearly a Thousand Illustrations is published in the English, French, and Spanish languages, and may be obtained through any London Merchant, or of M. Henri Legrand, No. 11, Place de la Bourse, Paris. QPARKLING SWISS CHAMPAGNE (Bouvier, Fr6res, Neuchatel).—Prize Medal, 1862, 42s. per dozen quarts; pints, 24s. Baron Ricasoli's Brolio, 18s. per dozen. Hennessey's 1857 Pale Brandy, 66s. per dozen case as imported; Port, Sherries, Clarets, Hocks, Moselles, &e. Price Lists sent on application. Terms cash. J. and R. McCRACKEN, 38, Queen-street, E.G. A LEXANDER OLAH'S Hungarian, French, A German, and Spanish Wine Depot.—Importer of Havannah Cigars of the finest brand. 17, Charlotte-street, Fitzroy- square, W. Sample Bottles may be had. "ODGINGTON'S GARDEN NETTING, the cheapest and most durable, 1 d. per square yard, or in buantities of 250, 500, or 1,000 yards, carriage free. EDGINGTON'S RICK CLOTHS for Sixty-one Years have maintained their celebrity as the best. EDGINQTON'S MARQUEES and GARDEN TENTS are the prettiest. EDGINGTON'S MARQUEES, for Hire, are the most hand- some and capacious. IIAYTHORN'S and BRITTAIN'S NETTING. Sample of material fiee on application. Be particular FREDERICK EDGINGTOIC and CO., Thomas-street, Old Kent-road, London, S.E. A liberal Discount to the Trade. International Exhibition, 1862, Class XIX., Honourable Mention. MAPS, CHARTS, PLANS, INSURANCE ALMANACKS, RAILWAY ADVERTISEMENTS, SHOW CARDS, &c., Mounted in ANT STYLE and QUANTITY and AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Tracing and Drawing Paper for Architects, Surveyors, anA Engineers carefully mounted. Every description of Mounting. Estimates give MESSRS. THORBdRN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, E.O. LIB R A R Y BOOKBINDING. QLOTI BOOKBINDING. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOKBINDING Books Bound or Repaired in the Antique style to any ancien pattern or device. Libraries Repaired and Furbished on the premises if desired. MESSRS. THORBURN, PLEYDELL STREET, FLEET STREET, B.C. CRICKET! CRICKET CRICKET T D, BARTLETT and CO., Inventors and Solo • Manufacturers of the REPERCUSS1VE CANE-HANDLK BAT, acknowledged by the best Cricket players to be THE BEST DRIVING BAT ever used. The Heavy Scores obtained with thfs Bat in 1865 sufficiently prove its superior Driving power. WARRANTED NOT to JAR the HAND nor BREAK at the HANDLE. Double and Treble Cane-handle Bats, Match BAtt, superior finished Wickets, Leg Guards of superior make and Cnilh, Tubular India-rubber Gloves, Sc ring Books and Paper, and every article used in the game of Cricket. List of Prices free on application. X D. B.&RTLETT and CO., Manufacturers and Exporters, 71, WATERLOO ROAD, LONDON. TTENRY HERING, 137, Regent-street.—Just published, a new and complete CATALOGUE, comprising photographs from original oil-paintings, and from rare proofs of celebrated engravings after ancient and modern masters, card portraits of eminent persons, musicians, &c. Dyce's frescoes, views in India and China, portraits of celebrities engaged during the mutiny in India, and in the wars in China, &c. Free on re- ceipt of one postage stamp. LONDON.-WHEN YOU ARE IN LONDON visit MACDOUGALL and CO.'s (of Inverness) ROYAL SCOTCH EMPORIUM, 42, Sackville-stateet (3 doors off), Picca- dilly, W.—Celebrated at home and abroad for every description of Scotch Fabrics for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, Clan Tar- tans in Wool, Poplins, Silks, Ladies' Clan Tartan Plaids, really Scotch, Ladies' Fashionable Promenade Jackets and Waterproof Tweed Cloaks, Linsey Wolseys in new colours for travelling and sea-side dresses. Patterns post free. Goods forwarded daily to all parts of the Continent. Patronised by the Queen and the Prince and Princess of Wales. TfURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDDING, and FLOORCLOTH, CARRIAGE-FREE to any house in the kingdom, regardless of amount or distance. First-class goods at second-class prices. Terms peculiarly liberal to Clergymen. An immense stock to select from, displayed in Show-rooms occupying an acre of ground. Every article warranted. CLERGYMEN ABOUT TO FURNISH are respectfully in. formed that MesarB. Cobbett and Co. are publishing an entirely New Edition of their unequalled HOUSE FURNI8HING GUIDE, illustrated by 410 admirable engravings of every de- scription of Furniture and Bedsteads, with prices attached. A copy sent gratis and post free on application. This costly Work also contains complete estimates for furnishing on the following revised scale B a. d. A Six-roomed Parsonage. 74 S 0 An Eight-roomed ditto 138 I 0 A Ten-roomed ditto 259 16 6 A Twelve-roomed ditto. 394 11 0 Together with a Price List of purified Bedding, and a mass of valuable information to all requiring Household Furniture, Oar- pets, or Bedding. References kindly permitted to Clergymen and gentlemen in or near Great Malvern, Southampton, Chichester, Bury, Ely, Preston, Grimsby, Ryde, Plymouth, Wells, Oxford, Brighton, Gainsborough, Margate, Kidderminster, Wellington, Croydon, Cambridge, Staines, Dorking, St. Alban's, Worcester, Ipswich, Peterborough, St. David's, Wrexham, and above 50C other places in all parts of Great Britain. COBBETT and CO., General House Furnishers, Deptford- bridge, London, S.E. A LLSOPP'S PALE or BITTER ALE.— MMSTS. SAMUEL ALLSOPP and SONS beg to Inform the TRADE that they are now Registering Orders for their SEASON-BREWED PALE ALE, in Casks of 18 Gallons and upwards, at the BREWERY, BURTON-ON-TRENT, and at the underinentioned Branch Establishments LONDON At M, King William-street, B.O. BRIGHTON 4, Marine-parade. LIVERPOOL' h Cook-street. MANCHESTER „ 9, St. Ann's-square. LEEDS New Post-offloe, BIRMINGHAM 35, New-street. DERBY The London-road. LEICESTER „ 52, Granby-street, WOLVERHAMPTON. „ Exchange-street. SHEFFIELD „ Exchange-buildiiape NOTTINGHAM „ Long-row. PETERBOROUGH „ Long-causeway. CHESTERFIELD The Low Pavement. 8TOKE-UPON-TRENT Wharf-street. DUDLEY Burnt-tree. WORCESTER „ The Cross. BATH 5, Edgar-buildingl. CHELTENHAM 388, High-street. SOUTHAMPTON. 9170, High-street. JXETER „ Queen-street. SOUTH WALES: I CARDIFF li Post-office Chambers. SWANSEA Adelaide Chambers. MERTHYR „ High-street. BRISTOL 13, King-street. I)UBLIN Crampton-quay. CORK „ Cook-street. EDINBURGH i >> 47, North-bridge. t » 11. Union-street-lane. GLASGOW St. Vincent-street. PARIS „ 279, Rue St. Honor€. Messrs. ALLSOPP and SONS take the opportunity of me Bouncing to PRIVATE FAMILIES that their ALES, so strongly recommended by the Medical profession, may be pro- cured in CASKS and BOTTLES and on DRAUGHT, GENUINE, from a4 the most RESPECTABLE WINg and BEER MER- CHANTS and LICENSED VICTUALLERS, on I I A.LLSDrr'$, PALE ale » being gpeoiaRy for. WHEELER AND WILSON'S PRIZE MEDAL LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prize Medal, International Exhibition, London, 1862. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prises at all the Fairs in United States, America. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Medals and Rewards at all the Shows in England. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Gold Medal, Paris, 1861. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prize Medal at Dublin Exhibition, 1865. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are Simple in Construction. WHEELER AND WILSONS LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Elegant in Design. HEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Are Strong and Durable. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Ornamental in the Drawing-room. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Cannot get out of Order. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Make 500 to 1,000 Stitches per Min ute. \\T HEELER AND W I L S OLRS LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Stitch Perfectly. WHEELER AND WILSOIN'S LOOK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Fell Rapidly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Gather Quickly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Will Quilt without Marking WHEELER AND WIL:ONIS LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. The Work will not Ravel. WHEELER AND W I L « O N^~S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Stitch alike on Both Sides of the K-ibric. WHEELER AND LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Wia Bind with Precision. WHEELER AND WILSON'$ LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Cord Strongly. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Work Superior to all Hand-sewing. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Over 220, ^00 sold. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Instruction Gratis to Purchasers. WHEELER AND WILSON's LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Proficiency Easily Acquired. HEELER AN D W I L S O N 6 LOCK-8TITCH SEWING MACHINES, Noted for Strength and JLturabiliiy of Srnrn. W HEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. Prospectuses Post Free. HEELER AND W I L SON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, On the New Patent Spring Castors. WHEELE R AN D WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, With Biaider, Hemmer, and Cordcr. WHEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, Used by all Classes. HEELER AND WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES Dressmakers cannot do Without. HEELER AND W I L S ON'S L00K-8TITCH SEWING MACHINES, Used in the Manufacture ot- Shirts and Collars, Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Linen Goods, Corsets, Straw Bonnets, &c., And Every Description of Work which can be done by Hand or Machine Sewing. WHEELER AND WILSON'S UNRIVALLED PRIZE MEDAL LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. iNsiaucTiow GRATIS. AGENT—C. E. NOTT, BRECON. [64 THA WESTMINSTER PALACE HOTEL, Victoria-street, London, S.W., opposite Westminster Abbey, adjoining the India Office, close to the Houses of Parlia- ment, the parks, and theatres. Bed-rooms from 311.; dinners in coffee-room and ladies' coffee-room from 2s. 6d.; and as per daily bill of fare. Attendancechargedinthebill. There is an ascend- ing-room and a telegraph office in the building.—WILLIAM COWELL, Manager. /TJ.RAND HOTEL, Brighton. It Contains Library, ladies' coffee-room, ladies' reading-room, ladies' drawing- wlll room, gentlemen's coffee-room, billiard-room, and smoking- room, for the use of visitors, besides upwards of 200 bed-rooms and private sitting-rooms. Care has been taken to render, the cuisine perfect in every department, and about 150 sorts of choice wines are kept in stock in the cellars. A comp lete establishment of salt-water baths communicates with the hotel. An omnibus meets the principal trains. First-class stabling. Strong room for valuables.—J. MARK WELL, Manager. WOOD'S FAMILY HOTEL, 102, JERMYN-STREET, St. James's London. families and Gentlemen visiting London will find excellent accommodation in the above Hotel, which is new and elegantly furnished, at greatly reduced prices, from this date until May 1, 18(55. Beds from Sa. Hot and Cold Baths. On parle Frangais. Be habla Espanol. Cuisine Frangaise, EDFORD HOTEL, 21, Percy-street, Bedford- square.—Bed and Breakfast, 2s. M. Private Sitting Room with Bedroom, 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per day. STACEY'S CLERICAL HOTEL, 2A, Bernera- street, Oxford-street.—Established 14 years. Clergymen visiting London will find every accommodation at the above Hotel. Terms, Bed and Breakfast 4s. per Night, or Ms. per Wek, incladnir attendance. nPHE GUITAR and CONCERTINA for j- INDIA. MADAME R. SIDNEY PRATTEN, Teacher of these ele- pant and portable Instruments to, and in, the Families of the Duchesses of Sutherland, Wellington, Hamilton, Somerset Newcastle, the late Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Bombay, <sc., begs to inform Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to learn tie GUITAR, as an accompaniment to the Voice, or as a Solo Instrument, that she has published the largest collection of Modern Guitar Music in Europe, and that by her system teaching, rapid progress is made in a short time. 38, Welbeck-street, Cavendish-square, W., London. OEN RHYDDING AND BOLTON ABBEY.— O This is one of the most healthful and most beautiful dis- tricts in England, and celebrated as a residence for persons returning from India or the Colonies in ill-health. For a full description of the place and district, seeTomlinson's Illustrated Handy Guide of Ben Rhydding, Bolton Abbey, and the Neigh- bourhood." Price Is. London: R. Hardwick, Pimadilly, and to be had by inclosing 13 stamp of J. Tomlinsox. Bookseller, Ilkley, Otley. UROYIDENCE-ROW NIGHT REFUGE for L HOMELESS WOMEN and CHILDREN, Ha, Providence Row, Finsbury, F.C.-Sixiy thousand nights' lodging, with sup. pers and breakfasts, have been given in this Institution to the destitute, who otherwise would have had to pass the nights in the bleak streets or under railway arches. At present near]y 00 nights' lodgings, with suppcrs and breakfasts, are given gra- tuitously every week. The poor from all parts are admitted the only condition being that they are homeless and starving. The ffuma'sjer, &c. receives no remuneration whatever. Notwith standing the provision made by the poor houses, each night numbers of young women, children, and orphans are, for want of accommodation, refused admittance, and have to spend m-'Li after night in the cold, wet, or sleet. ° SUBSCRIPTIONS are earnestly requested, and will be grate ftilbj received by the Rev. D, OiJbsrt, D.D., 22, rinsburydrcu?, BRECONSHIRE. PARISH OF LLANGATTOCK. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ME. BENJAMIN GILES, at the ANGEL HOTEL, ABERQAVEKKT, On Friday, the 10th day of August, 1866, °'CLOCKK,,I° 'BE afternoon, in one or more Lot or Lots as shall be declared at the time of sale, and subject to conditions to be then produced, AHithat, EREEBOLD FARM, comprising Messuage BUI-LDIDGS' L«DS,^SS WEE" WATKIN,' Situate in the parish of LWattoek B.REC°N> containing 100a. lr.6p. (more or less), and now in the occupation of Mr. John Law- rence as yearly tenant. « C'F AFLVN"6 ?IEC? °R P*RCEL OF ARABLE Land called FNNT F •'• SILMTE LN THE 8AID PARISB OF Llaneat- tock, containing 3a. lr. 22p. (more or LESS^ occupied by Mr. John Jones as yearly tenant. AHF valuableright of Common on Llangattock Hill ia II £ r "■« premto. Tiers 4.S3 Core™ on the farm, which is singularly well SUITED fnr preservation of game, and it lies within a rt f N E ,k' D"ke °f crZ: This property is desirably situated, being about two miles from Crickhowell, and about six miles frem Abergavenny-both towns being on the bank of the SON Abergavenny is a first-class railway sia- nr^ertv°an/fR0TRV,AT DAD-?-P^ will shew the PT AT?#' ? ? Particulars apply to Mr. L. CLARK, solicitor, Ludlow, and Messrs. W. and H. Apperly, .Hereford. PN" TOWN OF HAY, BRECONSHIRE. Valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY for SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MRV DAVID JONES, by the direction of the Representative of the late Mr. John Philpotts, at the Ron AND CROWN HouL, in the Town of HAY, On Monday, the 20th day of August, 1866, Between the hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the afternoon, in Two Lots (subject to such conditions or sale as shall be then produced). Lot 1. All that FREEHOLD DWELLINFI-HOIISP SHOP, and PREMISES, called 5 situate in High Town comprising spacious shop, TB H 8 J Y> 8TORE> SI"»NG, and suit- and OFFICES>0MS' G underground kitchen, cellar, This property adjoins the Town Hall, and has frontages and entrances in High Town. GEORI?E-STRA.F and Opposite the Market House; and is well situated for continuing the Drapery and GroSr7b^S2? for many years extensively and successfully carried TN'HUPPK- (PREMIRU'. B £ THE PROPRi<*ors, the late Mr. John Philpotts, and his Representatives. Lot 2. All those Sevpn FREEHOLD stone-built COTTAGES, GARDENS, and PREMISES, called HARLEY PLACE," sir uate near the Swan Hotel, in the town of Hay, respectably tenanted by Mr. James Davies and others. If not suld in one lot, this property will be offered for sale in two or more lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to Mr. G. C. GITTINS. the AUCTIONEER, or to Mr. GEORGE GAMES Solicitor, Hay. [120 TU^LLIAM LLOYD, AUCTIONEER, vli • LAND and ESTATE AGENT, HAY4 and^XED ADMINISTRATIO™- Timber Measured IMPORTANT. TF you want to BORROW MONEY at a cheap JL and easy rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, 16 Dock-street, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have any sum from JE50 to £ 1,000 tor I, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years, repayable by fixed half- yearly or quarterlyinstalments. MONEY TO LEND.-To TRADES- 1U. MEN, FARMERS, A OTHERS.-MONEY immediately advanced on good personal security or FI™ H 5 PE/ CENT MEREST. Upwards of five hundred thousand pounds have already been advanced.-Apply to Mr. C. JOHNS, Licensed H?NRTS £ ER BN, S°USER AGENT* PROSPECT PLACE, Stow (°PP°SLTE the New Presbyterian Chapel). Money also advanced on all kinds of nro- perty, furniture, and effects, intended for sale bv auction". N.B.—All applications by post to contain 4 stamps for reply. THE AN<* LONDON and GLOBE <->«; i T? a LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Offices 1, D'ue-street Liverpool; 20 and 21, Poultr^, 7, Corn- hill, and Chiirmg-cross, London. YE WR°FI>FPRP^ TIIETC?MPAXY SINCE 1850. 18;>1 F ,IM-EM-UMS Invested Fund*. 83 SiS 18M 13''9H I.mIS 1864 <42,6/4 23G,244 3,212^300 VE I • JOHN ATKINS, RESIDENT Secretarv London Life claims are payable in thirty days after they are admitted. RATIONAL. UNIONPAILIFE ASSURANCE Chief Office-No. 355, STRAND, LONDON. RNVJ X OLIC1K8 PATABLK DUKING LLFKTLM*. lnis Company tr-nsact." every description of Life Ansarftom and Annuity Business, and offers special advantages to Insurers, amongst which may be mentioned 1- at the ordinary rates of Premium, after a term of 9 T P,SRAYE DURINSTHE LIFETIME of the assured. 2* Indiaputabilrty after three years. 8.—The granting of greater facilities for the continuance and non-forfeit ure of Policies. Prospectuses and every information may be had on application. llEny 8UTTON, F.S.B., SECRETARY 4 No. 355, Strand, W.C. Secretary. Applications for Agencies are invited. JJRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE 41 ..4 48, King William-street, I.,0ndon-bridge, B.C. Capital-A Quarter of a Million. Accumulated Fund— £ 85,000. n — DIRECTORS. George Thomas Dale, Esq., Bayswater. Edmund Dunn, Esq., Waddon. William Gover, Esq., Lee, Kent. "William Sutton Gover, Esq., 47. TTING Williatt-streat John Middleton Hare, Esq., Forest Hill. Fountain John Hartley, Esq., Dalston. John Smither, Esq., Wellclose-square. Joseph Warmington, Esq., Lee-grove, Blackheath MANAOINQ niRBCroa AND ACTUARY William Sutton Gover, Esq., F.SJJL |TA ATIDIT0B8. Samuel Beddome, Esq., Charles Brown, Esq., Waddon. William George Lemon, Es I., Blackheath. BAKKERS. The London and Westminster Bank (London-bridge). UKAM vr ■ PHYSICIAN. Munk, Esq., M.D., F.S.A. (Fellow of the Koyal Collees of Physicians, London s 40, Finsbury-square. mu ri 8URSEOK, Ihomas Carr Jackson, Esq. (FeUow of the Roval COLW Surgeons, Surgeon to the Great Northern Hospital KME'S- cross), 3, Weymouth-street, Portland-place. 8 iae Accumulated Fund is equal to about R>O NOR December'LAST!*8 °N P°UCIES IN FORCE ON THE »* Annual Income, upwards of £ 40,000. THRO* T»ITBIENN^ DIVISION OF PROFITS. ANN„™ J?}RI0NS 0F PROFI,TA' AT THE RATE of 1* per cent, pe* DivisinB nf TVAfit119 ^AVE BEEN declared, and the Fourth -P^L I!" ,^E PLACE ON December 31st, 1866. applied to the reduction of Premiums; or MC™0TT8UAIM,™4I °* (BT TURN THE JLTIMATB PKEMIUMS) TO MAK1 THE POIIRY PLTLLIV M THE LRRKTIMB OP THE ASSURED. W The Policies in force exmed- -N»C'N AMOUNT. /JODU 97Q iU 1864 exceeded 6 ih* funds of the INDI^TRII? Af Company ARE adapted to ali PASSES of society industrial Assurances are granted, the payments for W.K;X" BEV M»DE at periods oftener THA^ yearly, 5 BEING charged extra for such paym«ats. P ONLY DT^NCES MADE on Freehold and Leasehold Securities. TV>AN> PANTED on the Company's Policies, I*>AN& Aotiy# AOI iaflueotial Travelling a&4 Local Agent* V«&te&