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_4 lErabesiitcti s hhrtS$t5. R W E N (LATE J. LLOYD) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEESE, BETTER, AND GENERAL IROVI.ION MERCHANT AND FAMILY GROCER, 4i, HIGII-ST2EET, DENBIGH. It OWEX fsncctfullv calls the attention of the inhabitants of this district to his rccent lares purchaser of 1 CHEESE, among which he would particularly specify the Dairies of THE LODGE FARM, DENBIGH. The cheese of tin. farm has for many succes-ive years been awarded the first prize of the Denbigh-hire and Flintshire Agricultural Society. He has bought the wtole of this Dairy. ALSO, THAT OF ME PARRY, VAYNOL FA WE, This dairy has been HIGHLY COMMENDED as being superior to a large number of really good dairies then exhibited. BESIDES AMERICAN AND OTHER CnEESE, Of the kinds most appreciated and esteemed by connoisseurs. All ef which he is prepared to sell at a fair and strictly moderate profit. PAPON LARD & PRESERVED TIN MEATS, &c„ &c., &c., OF THE BEST KIND HAVh, LAUUiN, i.A mqst ESTEEVIBD BPvANDS. f? nWFN beinsr in a position to nay ready money for his poods, and by the exercise of particular care in the s^c^onof ell TEA* COFFEES, and GENERAL GROCERIES, is able effectually to compete with the best houses in the trade. In especial he would note— TEAS. Good Stron? Congou Od Fine and Strong C'ongou f Rich Syrupy-Flavoured Congou. ds uu COFFEES. Fine Old Slocha, Jamaica, and other kinds. Is 3d, Is id, and Is 8d mQT^T Arm FOP PEAK. FREAN. & CO'S. LONDON BISCUITS, EPP3 & CO'S. COCOA, msr^uT AGE> I iuiEr^;lNS & c0»s_ ROYAL WELSH SAUCE, &c. A_v invites a call and a trial, which will at onCe demonstrate the superiority of his system of conducting M-^Sduei* over the old system of long credit and exorbitantly hi«h prices, and necessarily inferiority of quality. ei" NOTE THE ADDRESS A, 5 HIGH- STREET, DENBIGH. 2G0o Q EO FFEEY £ JALDECOTT, T A I L 0 11 AND WOOLLEN DRAPER, (Late Cutter at Nicolls', Regent Street, London), In returning thante to his patrons and friends for the liberal support accorded him nace his commencement in business, be^s to inform them that he has purchased very largely in goods suitable for the present and coming saason which he is making to order at the undermentioned prices BUSINESS SUITS 42s" 1)58. and G3s. TROUSERS (Unequalled) 1* 6d., 15s., lSd. Gd., 18s., 218. LADIES' JACKETS 2aS" 30s" and 35s* Always in stock a variety of Leather and other Braces. Black and Coloured Ties, White Military Shirts, Gold Wire Hunting hit Guards. No. 2, OVERTON ARCADE, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 302f E. H0BEBTS AND S0N' -I ENGLISH AND FOREIGN TIMBER AND SLATE MERCHANTS AND STEAM SAW MILL PROPRIETORS, DENBIGH AND RYTI-IIN, Have -always on hand a too and well-selected Stock of TIMBER and JOINERY G'GvDS, including the following:- YELLOW PINE LOGS, RED PINE DEALS, PITCH PINE DO., YELLOW PINE DO., SPRUCE DO., OAK COFFIN BOARDS, YELLOW FINE BOARDS, SLATING AND PLASTERING LATHS, PITCH PINE DO., CANADIAN AND SWEDISH DOORS, FLOORING DO.. SKIRTINGS, MOULDINGS, SPRUCE DEALS, ARCHITRAVES, &c. ALSO, BANGOR AND FESTINIOG SLATES, BUCKLEY FIRE BRICKS, TILES, DRAIN PIPES, &c. Orders for Sawing, Planing, HonMtaff, Grooving, and Tonguing executed at our Mill at Denbigh with quick despatch. Gates and Hurdles made to order. prace LIST SENT ON APPLICATION. ENGLISH TIMBER PURCHASED. IOoO NEURALGIA, TIC-DOLOREUX, PAINS IN FACE AND HEAD EUTHEUFOlfc'S TIC PILLS. An invaluable remedy for those painfulDR. WHITE'S affection, and guaranteed to r 011'' the most obstinate cases. N D I A N LITER PILLS. In Boxes, Is l-Jd and 2s 9d each. }.-D In B,,xeg, Is 1.ld and 2s Od each. ^0/ These Pil!s will be found highly beneficial in all disorders arising from a deranged, sluggish, or inactive state of the Liver, Stomach, or Bowels. W. GAIBLE, COLLIERY AGENT, METAL BBOKER, MACHINERY AND GENERAL MERCHANT. f ALES OF COLLIERIES, MINES, IKON WORKS, PLANT, AND MACHINERY CONDUCTED BY PUBLIC AUCTION OR BY PRIVATE TREATY. OFFICES—13, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM. Quotations on application for OOAL, SLACK, COKFi, AND BREEZE. "ROTARY" PRESSURE BLOWERS. kxrT-. T3AT? rRONr CRANES, WEIGHING MACHINES, pra PUDDLED AND BAR IKO.N. lK,nTV„ PATENT HYDRAULIC LIFTING JACKS. PLATES, SHEETS, ANGLES. SAW BENCHES. TEH'S HOOPS. NAIL RODS. Puller Blocks, Mortar Mills, Crushers & Disintegrators. RAILS, WOOD WORKING MACHINES. TCpot and Second-hand, all Sections. ana se^ PAPER AND BRICK MAKING MACHINERY. HORSE SHOEING IRON AND NAILS. TANGYE'S PATENT MANUFACTURES. Bolts and Nuts, Spikes, Rivets. ENGHLBERT'S LUBRICATING OIL. NAILS AND cnAIN-R. J NEW AND SECOND-HAND RAILWAY WAGONS PIPES AND CASTINGS, For Cash or on deferred Payment. (Brass and Iron) of every description. GALVANISED, CORRUGATED, AND OTHER BI&MIWGHAM AND SHEFFIELD WARES. IRON ROOFING. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. IRON BUILDINGS. LOCOMOTIVE, FIXED & PORTABLE ENGINES WROUGHT IRON CISTERN AND TAWKS. Of all kinds. WATER PARRELS. Njw and Second-hand Boilers of every description. Bowks or Kibbles, Buckets, Baskets and Air Pipes, STEAM PUMPS AND HAND PUMPS. IMPROVED PATENT WIRE FENCING. ETEAM HAMMEKS. CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. HADFIHLD'S PATENT STEEL WHEELS & AXLES HURDLES, GATES, Bock Drills, Lathes, Drilling and Planing Machine. AND EMERY WIIFELS. -MISCELLANEOUS IRON MANUFACTURES. inTTOW cTOSf WIRE AND OTHER ROPES. PATBNT MULTIPLE" ACTION blU^ BREAKERS. Paints, Colours, Varnishes, Oils, Grease, AIR COMPRESSORS. TALLOW, &e. BLASTING POWDER, BLASTING CARTRIDGE, SAFETY FUSE. COLLIERY, BRIDGE, AND TEE RAILS, the best and ahoapest im the market. THE" ODLING" MINERS' SAFETY LAMP. HART'S PATENT "RELIABLE" INJECTOR. IMPROVED IRON SMITHS' HE-KRTHS. HUDSON'S PATENT STEEL CoRVBS. G-C, Y'S -,INVINCIBLE" MINING. STEEL. THE ALPHA AIR GAS MAKING APPARATUS. ENQUIRIES AND ORDERS SOLICITED. 161e oxr x FIRE OFFICE, LONDON, j ESTABLISHED 1710. HENRY F. SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq. Chairman and Treasurer. FRANCIS B. RELTON Faq., Secretary. Total Sum insured in 1878, £ 248,080,367, daiins paid during the last ten years, upwards or TWO MILLIONS STERLING. AS information respecting Fire Insurnnees may be obtained Scorn 0\111 of ths undermentioned Agents of the Society. Wrexiiaun Mr John I<ewis Denbigh Mr John H. Jones Iil&ugollea Mr Thomas Jones Osborne House MoW. Messrs Kelly and Keene OswesfcV.Mr Henry Crutoklae 80So OswesfcV.Mr Henry Crutoklae 80So VIENNA BREAD, Aj aequired by Viennese Workmen. J. STETENS, COOK AND CONFECTIONER, FANCY BREAD BAKER, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Brery description of parties furnished with the most elaborate Hire, &c. Also, a competent Staff of Cooks and Waiters. NoreHies for tlits Season—Pink D«minoee, &a. 267b '■ íErRLJ£SnUtn s %bbr £ Bnts. J. pRANCI,S( PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, M-, HOPE-STREET, WREXfIAM. BEGS respectfully to inform his customers that he JL) has REMOVED to the ADJOINING NEW BUILDINGS, 53, HOPE-STREET. There will be great faeiHties and conveniences for btline8q; and also living on the promise? he wiII be enabled to pay every attention to the requirements amI conveniences of hii customers. Returning his best tHanka fsr past favours during the last 19 years in his eld Shop, Folicit8 a continuance of the same in the New Pharmacy. Medicines may be had at all Hours. CARLOWiTZ, CARLOWITZ, THE HUNGARIAN WINE GROWERS' AGENCY, 90, GREAT TOWER-STREET, LONDON. J. B. MURLESS & SOX, SYINE MERCHANTS, WREXHAM, HAVE been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the Sale of GENUINE HUNGARIAN WINES, which have been Bottled by the Growers with the greatest care, and Shipped to them direct. They are thus in a position to offer these celebrated WINES at MUCH LOWER PRICES than hitherto charged. The quotations at foot include bottles and duty. No extra charges art: made, and the Wines are DELIVERED FREE where no agency is established. RED WINES. No. 18s 2.— Finest selected 24s 3.- Spccial growth 3Js Carln.itz, t1l0 Kiug of Ied Dinner Wines. Phosphate of Iron, purifies and strengthens the blood, ami therefore is much patronised hy the Medical faculty 4.-0FNER (Bud a) 20s 5 „ ( „ ) Very fine 28s These growths are mellow, spirituous, and fruity tl1sting, haviug a slight bitter after taste, which makes them, however, rather agreeable. G.—ERLAU, special growth 3Gs This is the renowned priz medal Wine, very elegant, and the nearest approach to Lafite, whicÈl is four times as dear. 7.—SPARKLING CARLO WITZ, first quality.48 The only Red Sparkling Wine particularly worthy of notice. WHITE WINES. 8.—SOMLAU 183 Tastes likes a fine Chablis; warranted to keep at least four ycars in bottle. 9.0DENBUHG. 24s A little sweet, but very pleasant to take with fish. 10.-0DENTnJRG. finest selected 30s Is made of real Muscatel grapes, delicate and sound. 3Gs A nice aSer-dinner Wine. 12.—RUSTER, dry 42s this ille. Dr. ruit says: It is remarkaBly tine, and, with lwculiarities of its own, resembles Rome samples I hasp tasted of first-class white Bttrguiidy, or of dry St. Peray." 13.—'TOKAY IMPERIAL") Bottled 60s 1848 Vintage f the 14.— „ CROWN „ ) Chateau 84s 13.-DPAHKLING 6 PENBU RG 42s 16.— „ TOKAY 548 (Official) Report of an Inqairyof British Government ill the year 1SG1," printed for the House of Commons, 18S2 :— "It appears certain that the HUNGARIAN WINE; GROWERS do not adulterate their Wines; indeed, they are so generally good that they Y\IOuld certainly ùe deteriorated if Alcohol were add0cl. While possesillg 11 good rpsembJance to the Wines of Buruncly aud the Rhine, the better Wines of Hnngrav have GREATER BODY and STRENGTH, and WOULD BE MORE LIKELY TO SUIT OUR TASTE. There is probably no coautry in which so great a proportion of Good Wine is made."—P. 15. J. B. MURLESS & SON, WINE MERCHANTS, 156d WREXHAM. THE WYKKSTAY ARMS HOTEL, OSWESTRY, j QHARLES DREW, PROPRIETOR. The Proprietor begs to inform the resident* of Oswestry and the surronnàiIlfi districts that he has become the tenant of the above Hotel, and trusts he my continue to receive the support so liberally accorded to his predecessors. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Tourists. THE BOWLING GREEN AND PLEASURE GROUNDS are acknowledged to be unsurpassed in the neighbourhood. A SPACIOUS BILLIARD SALOON. WINES, SPRITS, AND CIGARS of the choicest description. Good STABLING and Look-up COACH-HOUSES. Careful attention given to the POSTING DEPARTMENT. 1161d Ii OLKEI AND QUDWORTH, GENERAL ENGINEERS, Having had oonsiderable practical experience in bite manufacture and repairing ot LOCOMOTIVES, ENGINES, & MACHINERY IN GENERAL, Trust by promt attention to blline3S. combined with good workmanÛlÍp, to merit a shore of public patronage. Estimates given for Millwright and General Work. Works ACJ01NIU« WHUATSHEAF STATION, WREXHAM. 3o LIVERPOOL-85, CHUJtCH STREET. J. B. 0 R A M E It AND 00., LIVERPOOL, As tbo originators of the Three-rear Hire Purchase System of Pianofortes, beg respectfully to coil the attention of intending BUV6r5 to tbeir llOW com;iderably redll.ad terms, whereby n really good. Instrument of their own JnÙe, and therefore grU1.mnteed of the very beat DHI4lufa.ct.4are, mal be obtained at the following prices :— CRAMER'S 35 Guinea PI1N E:-T T E, ) in Ash Case, 7-oetave, check action. S > uniiwn treble ) Per CRAMER'S 26 Guinea PIANETTE, ) in Black Walnut Case, check: L — J i action, 3 unison treble J Per Quarter. CRAMER'S 2S Gtrineft PIANETTE, ) in handsome Wuluut Caee, Panel i- X) 3 Front, check action j ^er Quarter. CRAMER'S Si Guinea PIANETTE, very haudeome Walnut Caee, Panel > -r, r, Front, Gold-lined, check action ) er Wuaxter. Othor Instruments, such WJ Grands, Semi-Grands, etc., by an the eminent makers, aad in every variety of case and mounting, may also he hired en the same system. Every Instrument ie warranted oi the VERY BEST MANUFACTURE. QUABTBf.LY PATMEKTS IN ADVANCE. Loom of free. J. B. CRAMER & CO., 35, OHUlWH STREET, LIVERPOOL; and ABftKJTT STRHET, W., and MOORGATE fcTRSKT, B.«„ LONDON. 9* DICK&ON'S EXQUISITE MELON. FIXST-CLA3B Certificate Royal Horticnltar»l Sodety. JL' Per Packet, 2s 6d. aud 5s. I never tasted so delicious a J.1elon before.—T. SELTVO«», Gr., to the Duke of Westminster, K.G., Eaton Hall. The flavour iB, I believe, nneqaalled.—C. TTLEE,, Gr., to R. Gostling, Esq., Haesobury, Ifchop Stortford. "Of remarkably fine flavour."—Journal erf Horticulture. "AppMMtohttvo attained to 'perfection' in Melon*— G«rtùner8' Chreniole. For description and opinions of the Press of this, the richeet-lfavoured Melon in existence, see our PRICED ])1:- SCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of VEGETABLE and fLOW^Ji SEEDS, &c., containing some 250 Illustrations of New aad Choice Vegetables and floweM. Post Free on application. Seeds Carriage Free. FRANCIS k ARTHUR DICK&ON & SONS, IW, Eastgate-ftreet, and CHESTER. The "Upton" Nurseries. 184 SEEDS, SEEDS. TSTRACHAN, Seed Merchant and Nnrseryma*, Sigk- .L street, Wirihm, ott'ese the finoet sel««tions of Kitefcm and Flower Garden Seeds. An illustrated c«.taloy»g, with pIJÍ8eØ. an a ¡ mxW order* ewUoibMl. 930

[ {Hiprual arltainrltt.



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