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rab-ffJnttn' I bn.S.t. JOHN H. KIDD & CO., Manitfeftttrers of RAILWAY SITEI RICK JLTH9 IUW, cart covers, lime sheets, BRATTICE eLWTB, AIt-TWBIWe HORSB CITIES, WA3EBTR&#¥ JFEXM, INDI A.KISBBB 6*998 Hoofing lhy 11. wad &+ti*r FnU, SACKS, COTTON WASTB, WlfiS. OFPICSS REPLIA EALL, WKBXHAM. Ø91 ALLEY AND MACLELLAN, GLASGOW, JCanofactarers of Yalves for Water, Wo, and 9ewag«. ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUH MAY be lIMa priees j. obtained at j he offiae of MR. W. GAMBLE. 13, Queen Street, Wrexhaa* Mie IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT TO TO THE HER MAJESTY, PBINC3 OF WAL2S, By Special Warrant, By Speeial Warrant, Dated 27th Dec., l«6i. Dated lftth Feb., 18S«. DAY, SON, AND HEWITT, Inventors and Proprietors of the ORIGINAL" STOCK-BBEEDERS MEDICINE CHBST FOB all Disorders in Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep, and Lambs. This rn-itehlftss chest contains all that a Farmer can require to keep his Stock from disease, and ia fine healthy on<tition, viz. :— BAY FOX & HEWITT'S "CHE'MICAL EXTRACT," prevents Paining and Heaving in Bad Lambing, cures Swollen and B okau Udders in Ewes and Cow, and all Gangrenous Wonnds, Cms, and Sorea in all Animals. DAY PON, & HEWITT'S GASEOUS FLUID," stops Internal Pains, Colie, Scour, or Diarrhoea, Debility Cold-, Shivering Fitq, and Exhaustion in Howes, Oxpn. Calves, Sheep, and Lambs, imparting Bare Strength, Vigour, and Appetite. DAY SON, & HEWITT'S "BED DRENCH." the aim 'St marvello'is CVansing Drench, is of immense value in checking all Feverish Symptoms after Calving and Lambing, rendering the luilk of the Cow and the Ewe copious, pure, and wholesome for their offspring. T\AY SON, & HEWITT'S BBOSCHOLFKE," for 1 ) Husk and Hoo^e in Sheep and Calves. It enters the and impregnates it with a pungent caseous odour destructive to the Worm or Parasite in the Windpipe and Lungs. DAY SON, & HEWITT'S "RED PASTE BALLS," for Marcs af er F uliag, being a great pnnner of tho minr for the eoh it scatters and dftstrors all humours and Feverish Symptoms in llor?es, asd is jiwt the remedy to restore appetite, aud impart a Mole-liko conestion. DAY, SON It HEWITT'S "GASBODYXE." CAE- MINATIYE CHALK," &«., &re eoataiand ia these ( Price of chest complete, J1!.elucll. Key to Farriery," L.2 ]6,; 6d, sent carriage paid. Any article MI be had leparately in boxes. ITiese important invelltiotls tmre stood tit. tast of time, and are the Farmer's True Frieud aae. fin-id* in aU Cattle Dteeases. PRIZE MEDALS AWABDED. GXMTtoy.—Beware of ImitaW-^aa, and Me that tII name of DAY, Sax, & HEWITT is o* all bottles and pukrilJ. DAY, gON, AND [J E WITT. 2, DORSET STREET, BAKER-STBNET LONDON, W.; AND WANTASS, BBXKS. letabltted 1M< 8-1. For the Blood is iko ife."—See chap, xii, Tet" 38. CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE for Cleans* G aad CLEARING fcbe Bl»OD from All Imparities, canaot be highly rtje»M eondeti Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores ia TK« N cek Cures Ulcerated ~<K* L&««J Cure3 Blackhead?, »f Fi»pi<is n Cures Scurry S*res Ceres Cancerous Uleers Cures Blood and Skim Diseasaa Cures Glandalar Swellings Clears the Blood from all Matter, from whatever eause ariswg. As this mixture is pleasant to THE TA«IE, and warranted tree from mercury—which ail fills arid most medicines geld for the above diseases loakin-tàe Proprietor solicits suffersrs to give it a. trial TE test its TalM. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS, Sold n Bottles 2s. 6D. each, and ia Cases containing bottles, lis. each, sufficient to effect a permanent eare in longstanding cases, by all Cheneiste and Patent Mediciiw Vendors or sent to any address 011 reeeipt of 30 or U staurps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High-strest, LINCOLN WHOLESALE AGENTS I — Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses S091 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is 'jwranted to care all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acwired or eonstitutioaal, Grarel, and pa-ns in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d ealh, by all chemi-ts aad patent Medicine vendors; or sent to any address for 69 stamps by the msker. F. J. Clarke, cen- sulting chesoiBt, High-streat, Liacola. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sons, Louden, acd all the Wholesale liouees. 1303 %? I) V W Y S 0 G A E T H JL (THE PRINCIPALITY). Published every Friday, Frke One Petmy • A GENERAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PRINTED IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCAT- ING CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. Y DYWYSOGAETH has a very extensire cirimlati«n, boing sold by Agents in almost EVERY TOWN and HAMLET in North and Soath Wales; also, in Londoa, Liverpool, Maucboater, CaMter, &c., &c, Y BTWTSOGAETH is not a LeC..lL tut NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a widespread circulation. Y DTWTSOSAETH—Advertisers may fMl ASIUR^'—is the beet if not the only median whereby their announce ments can be SIMULTA>ECCSLY peruaod in every couaty THROUGHODT THE WHGIE OF WAIVES. All Orders, &c.. to the publisher, J. M»r?-is, Y i)IWT8>J»ARTH Office, llhyl, Flintshire. GC ALE OF QHAKGES FOR ADYERTISEMEKT3. Auctions, Buoks, Trades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under 2e. 6d. Pec additional line 68. 44. Miscdkvneoua—Public Companies, Legal Xetiees, Contracts, c. pive lines, and mnder 29. M. per additional Hue ed. Prevotctuset »f Kew OMnpmniea, Parlúllmnkwy Notices, and Election A*fertu*rneni». Six lines, and under S* M' Per additional line "• u- Bitplayid Advertisements. — 2s per inch. S3& s otices, • •: •••••••' *> p« i»ob. If set &ei«se two columns, donble. Tradesmen's Advertis«menta for a Series taken by Special Contract. Cheap Scale, for Prepaid Advertisements, Admitting under it the followiog classes or headings only ••— filiations Wanted Articles Wanted Situations Yacant Mis<>;UineoM Wants "HYiuses Wanted ArticleB for Sale by KS to Let P"vate Contract Lodgings, fcc„ Wanted Articles Lost or IiOdgings, &c., t° Found ORe Three Six Words. Insertion. Insertions. Insertion. II. d. 8. d. e. d. 1 6 • 6 6 2 0 5 0 8 S Births, DeatM, and Marriages. One Shilling for tkree lines. No Credit Advertisement is charged less tkan 2s. id. Remittances not exceeding 58 may be ia fca'tpeimy postage stamps. -un! Cb«qies be made payable hhrtssts. TNB yp REXHAM MANURE COMPANY, AGBSfTS TO PHOSPHO GUANO COMPANY (LIMITED), r I tHE »%ore Companies stipjly GBSorsE Artificial Manures, freo jmu'Is fr»m their respective works, at ?ricee I stated below, whiek (with referenoe to guaranteed_aaal/»es) ar« >an«h lower than Uaose usually charged for laienor masuses. GUAKAJTTSM AX ALT SB?. FBICBS. No. I.-The "Farmer's Fricad," a compound suitable,"1 3"5 per QQ- Ammonia like Farmyard Manure and Guana, for any crop, if Per twa, five *r six cwfcs be applied por acre to Crras3, Cora, or f 18 per mat. Bona Pb»sphate les^ 5 per cent, Turnips, and a larger proportion for Mangelda I f°r cash, or Potatoes J Wo, 2.—Pkospho Guano (special).. 2i per Bel. toper cent X!O l is per tou t Ammonia. I 3.— Ditto ditto (ordinary) 3< per oent. „ 3"i do. do. £ 9 15s „ l -w Xo. 4.—Pacifio Guano Phosphate. 85 per sent. £ 7 0s », > UTo. 5.—Superphosphate of Lime 38 per cea*t 18B „ l S Jf*. 6.—Ditto ditto 25 p«* eent. u 5s „ t j fl No. 7.—BWUJ Mastire 25 por cent Sol., 5 per cent insol, *75 per ammonia. £ 6 tta „ J 8 All in Bags bearing Trade Marks, and k*ldtag li ewt. eaeh. WorksHAFODYVTBRN FARM, and RAILWAY WHARF, Crispin Lane, near Baihvay Station, Wrexham. Works of the Phospho Guano :-I:8ACOMBE, Chesluro. Apply to Lt.-Col. JONES, WRBXHAM. A CARD. rpHOMAS RICHARDS JL No. 3, YORKE-STRBBT WREXHAM, PRACTICAL TAILOR AND WOOLLEN DRAPER. Gentlemen's first-class DRESS MATERIALS is a* wxiensiva variety, at the most economical price?. A PERFECT FIT Guaranteed. A Large and Superior Stock of Gentlemen's HOSISRY, Hat, &e. 1150 "ABSOLUTELY PURE." See Analyses Sent Post Free on Application. "ór" CRYSTAL SPRINGS. TT L L I S S I'J Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade, also Water Rtt rp XT T vr without Alkali. For 1 LI 1 iM GOUT, Lithia Water, and Lithia and Potass Water. W A T E R S CORKS BRANDED "E. Ellis and Son, Butliin," and every label bears their Trade Mark. ¡ SOLD EVERYWHERE, AND WHOLESALE OF R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, KORTH WALES. CHURCH CUSHIONS, SEAT MATS, HASSOCKS, CARPETS, PELE MATS, CLCNY AND OTHER DAMASKS. eä and Dama,.k Silis, Orphreys, Lacos, r, ringee, be. Altar Cloths. Banners. Embroideries in Tipeejy and Cross-over ?tltch. Altar Linen marked for working. Communion Mats in Berlin Wool. CHORISTERS' CASSOCKS AND SURPLICES. IJIHOMAB- gROWK AND SON, MANUFACTURERS, 14, ALBERT STREET, MANCHESTER, Are paying fecial attention to the Furnishing of Clinrohee, and reqiest application* for estimates and samplec. Their eatablishmeat, being situated in the middle of the manufacturing districts, oifers advantages iN prices aad low rates of carriage. t I THE NEW BAPTISMAL GOWN. 265b I WREXHAM. JE. POWELL, General Furnishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Imple- 0 ment Depot 0 Town Hill, an<i 6 Abbot Street. 6727 I: CHEWING MACHINES. Agent for the Singer, Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of o Wales, Peabody and a ilFirst-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street. C408 V17ILLIAM SNAPE, FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE, ft tiir-si-l STREET. ,.o8 l/UIi-SISHING Warehouse nnd Depot of tne Patent Metallic Coffin Co., SI, Bridge Street JH WILLIAM PIERCE, Proprietor. 61 ME IÅRTIN F. SMITH, SURGEON DENTIST, 20, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. Attendance every Wednesday at MR ROBERTS' SEEDSMAN, 11, CROWN SQUARE, DENBIGH. P-tinlev Extractions. Artificial Teeth tilC- lected and arrang-ed to suit all ages and defy detestion. 112C JOSBPH Jj^ENTON AND SO-NS, 31anufacturers of Oaeible Cut Steel Castinas, Patent Colliery Wheels, Axles and Pedestals, Colliery Cages. Caje Slid* and Giddes, Winding Pnlliesand Frames, RaU Crossings, Points, &c., SYKES WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Please address inquiries and orders MR W. GAMBLE, 13, QoeN-gtreet, Wrexham, and thp same will have prompt attention. HS9f A RIDE TO KHITA A BT CAPTAIN F.RED BURNABY. Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says Twe pairs of boots lined with fur were aiM taken; and for physic-with which it is as well to bo supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way place-i-some qni- ntne, and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medioine, aild one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In faofc the marvellous effocts produoed upon the mma and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native Hiedicines, when admL.tered to him five .$I> COCKLE'S PILLS will never f*d« from my memory; and friend of mine, who passed throagh the same district many months afterwards, Informed me that my fame as a meditine m&n' h&d not died out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even then a theme of conversation in the baaaar." 6HB JWRNABY'S BIDE TO KHIYA, Page 13. A GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHBST with a prudent ua<\ has saved many a life; and yet we think the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple term. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBLLIOUS PILLS, and we End that the desired end may be obtained without scalec and weight. or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bottle*, with crystal stoppors. Others might be wed, bQl COCKLE'S PILLS as tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so we.1I, may be set down as the best.- Observer. A RIDE TO KHIVA A BT CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says :— Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and fer pinysie-with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—aome qui- nine, aud Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have aged on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest poss:ble suocoss. In faet the marvellous effects produced upen the mind and'body of an Arab Sheik, who *as impervious to all native medicinos, when I administered to him the COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had uot died out, but that the marvel- lous care wast even then a theme of conv ersatlon in the Bazaar," SEE BTJRNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is lid, 28 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS In use amongst all classes of society SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS. May be had throughout the Waited Kingdom, In boxes at la lid, 2s 9d, 4i Gd. and ils. Ig New OrmojiU Street, London, £ 9Cb I WILLIAM PIERCE GENERAL UNDERTAKER, BRID GE- STREET, WREXHAM, AGENT to the Patent Metallic Air-tight -LjL Coffin Company, Limited. ° Works and Offices: 158, GREAT CHARLES-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. These Coffins are covered with white, black and crimson cloth or velvet, and every de^n of coloured a! vciWi s iued Tby ckly l-cu t !u weight of bad Ccifias, and are iiicre darabla. The expense is so small that they can be used for all funerals except those of the very poorest class. Various sizes kept in stock. I ESTABLISHED 1817. I JQYEING DYEING! J^YEING! First-class Prize Medal, 1 Certifloato of Merit, Awarded 1874. j Awarded 1874 THE LARGEST DYE WORKS IN THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ART OF DYEINO ( Ato FRENCH CLEANING, AT THE MIDLAND COUNTIES STEAM POWBB DYE WORKS, LEICESTER, LICHFIELD: AND BUKTON-ON-TBENT. JOHN SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETOR. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT:— WREXHAM: THE MISSES WHITING, FANCY REPOSITORY, 2, HIGH-STREET. OSWESTRY: MRS. E. REASON, FANCY REPOSITORY, CHUltCH-ST. Igg" Goods sent to and received from the above Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED in Ruabon, and Unrepre- sented District.. Tlac New Price and Colour LUt for -1878 to be had Gratis or Post Free. I I HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. This great Household Madieine ranks amoiigsi the eading necessaries of life. THESE famous Pills purify ihe Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on tho LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, a.nd vigour to these great Main Springs of Life. They a-o confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpairsd or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious n all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsur- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the world. For the cure of Bad Leg?, Bad Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, BORES, AND ULCERS, it'is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistula?, GOOT, RHEUMATISM, Il ind every kind of Skin Disease, it has nevi r b Jen known to fail. Both Pills and Ointmen are Sold by aA Medicine Vendon throughout the Civilised World. 300e 'åírabtsmm' s bbrtS15tS. RICHARD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM, PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS. SODA WATER, LEMONADE, SELTZER WATER, [ POTASS WATER, GINGER ALE, QUININE TONIC, AND LITHIA WATER. ROYAL WELSH SAUCE. PIQUANT, DELICIOUS, AND PURE. ROYAL WELSH SAUCE. SUPERIOR TO SAUCES AT DOUBLE THE PRICB. ROYAL gAUCE IT HAS NO EQUAL. j g 0 Y A L WELSH SAUCE. [ ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. | ROYAL ELSH gAUCE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ROY A L ..W E L S H gAUCE, i — r SOLE MANUFACTURERS, RICHARD EVANS & COMPANY, WREXHAM. 14 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. BTery description of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Simple or Exhaustive. Estimates given for analysis of ARTIFICIAL MANURES, MINERALS, WATER, FOOD, &c., and for technical reports on MANUFACTURING PROCESSES and PRODUCTS. RICHARD EVANS AND COMPANY, CHEMICAL LABORATORY, WREXHAM. BIRKENHEAD. ARGYLE-STREET. T \^0 MR S. WILLIAMS .;> b BBSPBCTFULLY AKNOUN0ES A CARPET-STOCK SAL E (ACCUMULATIONS BBFORE DISSOLUTION) OF ABOYE 200 PIECES Nv BEST BRUSSELS Q (Five Frames) a.t 3/11 only. v\ X Tills is a genuine coaeession to •s> x his customers. /t* # N.B.—Remnants, Oddments, &c., in all Floor Cover- ings at Sellers' Loss. y ARGYLE-STREET. BIRKENHEAD. CAUTION! BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS OF JJECKITPS pARIS BLUE. TME marked superiority of this LAUNDRY BLUE ovor all others, and the qnick appreciation of its merits by the public ha* been attended by the iwual result, viz., a ftood If imitatloBS; tie merit of the latter MAinly o^ssists in th« iu^emity exerted, not simply in imitating the square ^hape fcat making the general appearance of the wrapper- ressmble that flf the genuine artiole. The Manufaeturers he? theref.r&, to caUtlOU all buyers to see RooJritt.s Paris BIlle" on each packet. Sold in Poimy Squares br aU respectable GCQ8&8. Oilm611., anli Druggists. J ■ W8SD BY THE LA UN DBB8SES OP THE PBINCBSS OF WALES AND THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. VJ: 84Co THE "WREXHAM GUARDIAN" gTEAM pRINTING HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. The Proprietors beg te intimate that they are prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PLAIN OR COLOURED, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT 1HB18HORTEST NOTICE, AND UPON THE MOBT REASONABLE TBRMS. Placards and Posting Bills Hand Bills, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Friendly Societies's Rules, Balance Sheets, Accounts, Memorandums, InToices, Programmes, Circulars, Business Cards, &c. Examination Papers or Schools, Colliery Pay Sheets, Cheque alld Receipt Books Time Bankruptcy Forms, Articles of Association, Conditions of Sale, &c., &c. ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION AT THE GUARDIAN OFFICE, 26, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. frabmiuit's hhrt$$t.$. TIMBER, SLATES, BRICKS, TILES, CEMENTS, LATHS, SEWERAGE PIPES) And- all etber Building Materials, AT E. MEREDITH JONES: TIMBER YARD AND STEAM SAW MILL CHARLES-STREET, 1240 WREXHAM. WREXHAM DISTRICT PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Incorjiornted under tho Building Sooietiee Acta, 18;4. Shano* Share. UU'acc^ per Share or part of a TSILS™?LX n0W P^^red to make Advance?, repar- able im a certain number of years, on Mortgage. A Meeting is held on the first Monday in each month for receiving subscriptions aud enrolment of members For further particulars, apply to the Secretary,' J. B. SHIRLEY. No. 13, Temple-row, Wrexham. 200c BENSON'S WATCHES. Watch and Clock +i,« Queen and KoyaJ Family, and by special appointment -^ruioe of Wales aad Emperer Kassia Old Bond- street, and (Steam Faoiory) Ludgate-hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHBS of every descri^Ton smtaWe or all climates, from £ 2 to 200 e-nmpnn ci. ,or Chmnometers Keyle8S, Levers, Presentation^ RaiW Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen*' Watch^KS BSA-sattSR X>ENSON'S PAMPHLETS on TURRET CLOTkT Watcbes, Plate, and JewelIery, Illustrated, su post froo each ior 1:'1". ¡¡tamps. Watche3 sent SIoIif! b,. JJ')B& l)en,o:>n' llCW work, Til11e and Time Tellers," :1s 6d. — 101e AND nWN TONIC purifiesanli. tmi'iohoo tbe blood. strengthen# t.lLe ner'f'es a.nd milleular system. pEPPBR'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC promote# X ai>petite and improves digestion. promote. PEPPER'S QUININE AND~7R0N~T(7ntp 0r,i^7T the spirita aud mental faculti^ NI° wasting dis< ases, neuralg-ia, sciatica, indigestion flatn fevers efeaankKd°sf. Ch6" and respi,"ator^ or^l a«ue", fever:! tlf 80;1 kinds. T)EPPEB'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC thoroughJy recruit the gelll'ral bodily health, and induct's a proper by chemists everywhere icau'u'd i J f t0™?> ■18 80ld doses, 4s Gd; ncx/#iM, 1U "S'S cf ^'pEPP^T^ 33 the label in roil ink. ™eu K P-^PPEB is on iSSiiliP tioll for deraugoJUl'nt of the li"'l'r, parhcu]arly wbea arÍ:n" iroll.¡ slig'l1t cOhg6tion. By gently stimuluttug action of the li.or a.nd i"li¡;fJtly moving the boweli, "he heavy. drowsy :i>eR-at!on¡¡ of fulness, often headache, pa.in beneath tbe shoulders, at the cb.est after eating, uupleas:1.nt tHe ill the 1 araxacum aud PodophylJin i« !afor if.an &el or blue nm for riaoymg bile.-Prepared in the laboratoryof J PKPP^R an^ 4a 6d. Sold b^alTc^mLs? °U labeL and 4,s 6d.>old by ..II clHtmiib. àÏ:il'l1.ses. Tho 1II00t inveterate oustinate eru¡otions and kia developed. Those camulahiin. t < Clear tealthy ski* ",lJven suff,'rers from coustituti08ll1.kin Qiseaes, wi11 derive gred OOnolit and comfort by using Sulpholine Lotion. wbleå bas of constant PL rspiratiou ami the effect healthy condition. Bottles, 2s 3d. sold by aVoheSsta. & pRACEO FT'S ARECA NirF~TOOTH PASTF~Z~Rw vy using tins delicious aromatic dentifrice tbuo i Z the teeth b'coanos white, sound, aud tiol^hp.i liVn « na It ill exceodingly frag-rant, and >pecially usefulfor removin tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all chemists. Pots, Is and 2:; (îd !'al1. (Ue Cracroft'). DELLAlt'S ESENC¡.. or deafness has proved all cures. Sold in bottles ut is Ijd andS^d, by au'cheS™'1* Loggers SULPHUR HAIB BESTnT?!?!? -d restoring the colour of the hair. ^S^OREB —For L^ePlaif HVE RESTORER will darken natural colour. The effect isTupeWo/totoat pSSV« mstantaneoua dye, aud the Sulphur Bestorer^Ses not inii^S h^irtoS^0 in *° b0taoS' ls 6d each' hy ebemists an<J LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORFR „mi. keeping the Lair its proper colour, is useful for femovinr Krowth0of°new haS.1""1 Uecessary to eneeurage^thf RUPTURES—BY HER ^AJE^TY'S ROYAL LETTEB8 P .ATE.NT. TTTIIITES MOC-5IAIN PATENT LEVER TRUSS YY requiring no st.-el spring round the body Is re com mended or the iollowm? pecuiiaritiea and advantages .facility ol application,- 2nd. perfect freedom from liabiiitv to chale or excoriate 3rtl, n may be worn with eon 1 f!15 in any position oi the body by night or dav • 4th it* f°mJor* every kind of exercise, tlfellfghSunconvenLnce to the wearer, ami is perfectly concealed from observation Wo do not hesitate to give to this invBntiA« ?' qualified approbation; aud wo strenuously advise the use a/ to all those w/10 stand ill need 01 tl1l1.t protection, which the7 cannot so tuily, nor wi ll the same comfort, obtain from an* other apparatus or truss as from that whicti we ha™ th? 'State Gazette/'110"1 m ^commending."—"Chweh an« 'state Ga:tette." Recommended by tho following eminent surgeons—Sir William Fergusou, Bart., F.R.S., Surgeon and ProfeMor, Surgery m King's College Hospital,- C. G. Guthril Ps^ Surgeou of the Koy.tl Westmingter Ophthalmic Hospital w' Bowman, Esq., F.R.S., Assistant-surgeon to Cellera Hospital; T Gallaway, Esq., Senior Assistant-surgeon fa Bsq., Surgeon to the afasfdaJen Hospit.il; 1. Blizanl Curling, Esq., I1'.U.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital W. J. lusher, Esq., Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropoatau Police Force; Ashton Key, Esq., Surgeon to late Prince Albert,- Robert Liston Esq., i'.R.S James Lnk» Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society; Erasmus Wilson Esq., F.R.S., aud many others. nusom A tiesw.ptivo circular may be had by post; and the trssa (which cannot fail 10 fit.) can be torwarded by post bv send! liKtfSffiSSEr"" Mr-M t9 the Manufacturer MR WHITE, 22S, PICCADILLY: A Single Truss, 10s, 21s, 26s 6d, and 31s 6d; postage frea A Double Truss, 31s 6d, 42^, and 52s 6d; postace free An U mbilical Tru.is, 42s, and 52s 6d; postage tree Post-Ofico Orders to bo made payable to jShn WHITE Pobt-ofiice Piccadilly. Pobt-ofiice Piccadilly. NEW PATENT. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. Th« ir^.at|fn: pf.wWyb ih&se are made is recommended by cne 1 acuity as being peculiarly elastic and compressible and the bast invention for giving efficient and permanent sup^rt in all cases of weakness and swelling of the legs varicOM t veins, spra:n.s, &c. It is porous, ight in texture an-d inex- pensive, and is drawn on liko an ordinary stocking Prioe, from 4s 6d, 7a 6d, J Os, to 16" each postage free. WHITE, Manufacturer, 22S, PICCADILLY LONDOW r Specimens may bo seen at the Crystal Palace. 736 r THE BIGHT THING THE BIGHT PLACfi A time for svorytbing! a place for everything! and everr- thmginitspUce isoueof the golden rnaxung but carried out. But in all places, aad under all cire^ra^ni^T [ where the Right Thing is to be found in theri*ht^w2 [applied at the right time, whether in "he maf&ioi Iht' kage, or the workshop, such a place will beam w rh' hi?!" light ol Health, Happiness, and Contentment" A114 as heal til u one oft he gieatostt emporal blee«rags hat one man can bestow upon another, and as the great fyDl heaith is to bo foaud in ae «rcut "*tor«S PILLS ■iLis i^° won ier 1,10 Sreat hu-ns.au family wife one voiM yskould pr0H0UM0e tkeia ;■ —' r THE EIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE BEECHAM'S PIT. L are admitted by thousands to be worth abovoa Gnin«« a box for Bilious and iNervous Disorders, such as Wind £ ?5 Pain at the Stomach, Siok Headache, Giddiness, Fun»ts? ^3 Swelling alter niea,s, Dizziness atid Drowsiness, Cokl ChMli? Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, ShortnoM of Brealh' Costivouoss, Scurvy, U.oLches on the Skin, Disinrbed Sleln •» i««»sr,as' tiou, &0., &0.. For females of all ages these Pills are inT.in.Ki,, female should be without them, ihere is no m^"ciLe'tJhJ founu equal to Beecliam's Piils for removing auy ob-Uucti< £ or irreguranty of the system If taken according to the dirw > tions given with each box they will soon restore all ages to sound and robu>t health. restore females of For a weak stomach, impaired disrA«tinn a„/i .11 j- j o< the Liver, tJiey »«'lit/- JDwl^lKl touud to work wonders upon the met important organs to the human machine. Iney strengtiien the whole mu^uj« it:n», physical 0"f Ihese are •; Pacts admitted by thousands, em brawn ^'aU classes of socio y, and one of the best guarantees to theNer- vous and Debilitated is that sp eecham s Piiia have thela^o^ sale ot any patent medicine in tho world. ""BOW BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for coughs in general, asthma, diffi«ilfv at breathing, shortness m breath, tightness and oppfjStf the ch« wheezing, Stc., the^e PiiJs stand uurivall*j< £ BEECHAM'S PILLS iiave now been before the cablio h- tween Twenty ana Thirty years. Thousands i„ eve™ 8Dh« £ °ii th W °U(? V-°1Ce l,ronoullo° thom the b&st for eraai^tino all hos« complaints to which flesh is heir to They suSf without a parallel; and have the largo isale of a^v mediciue in the world. P^toal CAUTION —The public are requested to notice that words, "Beech:,¡m'8 PiUs. St. Helen's" arc Oil tho Gover Eer,y lmP to 8QX of Piils •i{ not Qn tkey are II forger.y. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pro- priet.tw T. lleeçham, DipensJ11g Chemist, St. He1en'/J, Lanoa. \eaire^StamP<' S°Id by aU dru^ists patent m^o!« leal!8. N.B. Full directions are ivea with each box.