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______________! ! THE SEWERAGE…

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I__________I ---------I WREXHAM…


I WREXHAM PUBLIC HALL COMPANY, j The annual, meeting of the shareholders of the Public Hall Company was held on Saturday last. The chairman of the directors (Mr. S. T. Baugh) presided, and there were also present Mr. John Lewis (solicitor to the company), Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Edwards, Mr. J. F. Edisbury, and Mr. W. H. Tilston (secretary). THE REPORT. The following report of the directors was taken as read :— The direc.tor b8 to submit the acuua! fica:.cial statemiuts to the shareholders of the above company. They rejoice ill being- able to report that notwitJ:1.ding the great. depressiou of tmcte, they m'e thi" year (after in each of the last two yoavs showing the deficit whica existed, con- siderably reduced) in a position tootle that that deficit hjs been exchanged for a surplus of £(;9 S". 4d. The profit ou the year bus 12s. lid., which is equ. to ".j pH east on l11e c.-pital d the company. This profit lias uot been ma ie thronch the letting of the hail, but from tiie more permanent Idtiugs or shops and premises in the buil<iing, a stric attention to economy of working. The receipts arising Ïrom tho letting of th halll1a,e fallen off nearly £ 70. It h to be expeded that business of this class shoulcl suffer, more than mogt from tae d0presion of trade. There is, however, a hopeful feature in the fact that the meetius and performances in tile hall during the past year l1ave been of a his/her lverage clus-s, drnwing larger audiences, aml pying their promoters better, than in any year siuce t1e hall was opened. This will no doubt lead to iucreased future letting, as oon as the state of trade warrants it. The aeloptioll of t2e Town Hall as the Fre" Library will also probably divert business to the Public Hall. It will be observed that there is a balance of £ô9 to the credit of the Company, which would pay a divideudof Jt per cout. 1 he hall very much requires decoration anel veutilati 11, and the dirctors ha,e elected to leave it to the shareholders to decide whether this 8U1n shall be expended in carryiug out these improvements, or in the payment of a dividend. The CHAIRMAN, in moving the adoption of the re- port, said he should like to draw the attention of the shareholders to a few figures Tunning over the period between the years 1873.6 and the present, to show what progress they had made. They had not been enabled to declare a dividend, but the value of the property had increased, and would continue to increase. In the year 1875-6 the income was, including rent of corn stands, &c., £ 333 1876-7, £ 3G0 8s. 6d. 1S77-S. £ 373 lis. 6d. 1878-9, £ 403 15s. 5d. So they saw that there was a considerable advance in the rental of the premises. These were permanent rentals. For hire of the hall the figures were, 1875-6, 2s. 1876-7, 12s. 8d. 1877-8. 13s. 8d. and for the past year,g126 19s. If the sum had continued to increase as it had begun they would have been enabled to de- clare a dividend of 2.1 per cent. The Exchange sub- scriptions for 1876-7 were, £32 lis. 1877-8, £40213. 10d.; 1 and last year, £35 8s, 9d. showing a decrease of j35. Hire of chairs had been as folllows First year, £3 16s. 6d.; 1876-7 (year of Eisteddfod), £1910s, 4d. 1877-8, JE5 12s. last year, 14s. 2d. At the commencement of the year 1876-7 there was a balance against them of £248 16s. 6d. at the commencement of the year 1877-S, £175 6s. 8d. and last year, £43 4s. 7d. this year there was a balance in their favour of £G9 8s. 4d. Having regard to the circumstances 'the attention of the directors had been called to the dirty state of the hall, and they had left it to the shareholders to decide whether the small surplus should be disbursed as a dividend or expended in decorating the hall. There was a further question, whether they should leave the decoration of the hall for another year when they hoped to have an increased income or whether it should be done now, and the expense put to the capital. He concluded by moving the adoption of the report. Mr. EDISBURY seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried. RETIRING DIRECTORS. On the motion of Mr. LEWIS, Mr. Mr. S. T. Baugh, Mr. J. C. Owen, and Mr. J. Clark, the retiring directors, were re-elected. QUESTION OF DIVIDEND. Mr. LEWIS thought the time had come to declare a dividend. He did not think they should declare a dividend simply for its value pecuniarily, but because of the value of their shares in the market. (Hear, hear). They could not expect their shares to be saleable if the answer was" There has been no dividend." Personally he would rather forego the dividend, and have the money available for such expended in procuring an organ, and thus make it possible for them to have Monday and Saturday evening concerts, which he thought would pay them well for the outlay. He moved that they pay a dividend of one per cent. Mr. EDISBURY said he knew of two parties who would not take the hall because of its dirty appearance. Mr. T. JONES seconded Mr. Lewis'motion, which was unanimously carried. ELECTION OF AUDITOR. The CHAIRMAN stated that Mr. Glascodine declined to be nominated as auditor for the sum of two guineas. Mr. LEWIS moved that Mr. William Jones be elected. This was seconded and carried. THE QUESTION OP AN ORGAN. The CHAIRMAN said several gentlemen called upon him the other day and expressed an opinion that if an organ were erected in the hall it would greatly increase the value of the latter. If an organ were there, they could give Saturday evening concerts, and the directors would be enabled to pay probably 30 per cent. In addi- tion to this, there were a number of choral societies around the district who would be very glad to have the opportunity of rehearsing or giving recitals in the hall with the organ. A piano or harmonium was too small for such a purpose. If they had an organ there, Wrexham would be the centre where most of these societies would hold their meetings. Mr. EDISBURY fully endorsed all that had been said in regard to this matter. j Mr. LEWIS was pleased to hear the Chairman's remarks upon the subject, and they were but the echo of remarks he had made upon this subject for many yars. An organ could be put where stands the back balcony, and to get rid of that would be to get rid of a great source of annoyance. He was of opinion that an organ in the hall would prove a source of great revenue. (Hear, hear). After further discussion, the CHAIRMAN said he should now feel it his duty to bring the matter before the directors. Eventually, a resolution was passed with regard to the matter, strengthening the Chairman's hands. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meetir1


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SA riJidPl E, September 27th,…