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i1Io- CHEAP PREPAID ADYERTISEMEVTS. Advertisements of the follow"? kmus, rAID for WREN ORDERED, are inverted ill the omrdian on the following scale :— Twenty words One insertion, l: insertions, 2s 6c1 six insertions, 4, lid. Thirtv wor,.i,One insertion, 1 CiLl; three insertions, 4s; six insertions, 6s (id. Forty words:—One irsr-yvon, 2'; three insertions, 5s 6d six insertions. -v; ;1. The -above prices refer to advertisements of the following classes :— SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. HOUSES WANTED. HOCSES TO ^ET. LODGINOS, &C.,WANT:D. LODGINGS, &c., To LET. ALLTICLES YV ANTED. >T/.OKU-ANEOCS WANTS. AHTICLES FOR SALE BY I PRIVATE CONTRACT. Abticw:* jjasT AND x-ona). Advertisements should reach the Office ov i? JIIDAY morning, accompanied by Stamps, or Post Office Order payable to FREDERICK E. ACE. 'JÚuî;td). AGENT WANTED to pnslx first-ob s<- Lubri- cating- Oils. C^mmis^ion lO to 15 per cent. Box 201, Post Office, Liverpool. 1135 "T ANTED.—Good Cooks, Waitresses, House- v t mams, ;tii Gene:al ^.vevvams. App ^"uitu staraued envelope, t^Afrs. Woorxi.Y, Servautu' Registry, Fron Terrace, ^nbigh.. 1205 "VISTANTED.— Several respectable YOuNG V LADIES as apprentices to the Dress and Mantle Making.—Apoiy to T. J. WILLI.-VIM. Silk j Mercer, High-street, Denbigh. J.1- FIRS INSURANCE. WANTED, for a-n offieo of h'rrli standing, I Energetic AGENTS for all districts. To really good men able to influence business, liberal terms and certain success. Address, with references, to ''In- spector," care of .Li'E and Ai-;G -u-v cruising Agents, Livevf-o 1. 1151 .e1-T'td:f J>"JoIUr.'r..œ-r "1:'iI,I.I.I-r-:w't.n":1{"crrrr:aØI Eb. TO LET, tiio Eoyal Oak, Ithosymedre.—• Apply the Cambrnui Brewery, Wrexham. TO BE LET.—No. •'?, St. Mark's-terraee.— Applv to Mr. Edward Junes, Architect, Caxton Buildings, Wrexham. tib -n_ rpo J/ET, at or CO, a very convenient sis- I quarter HALTIITLX, in Wrexham.—Apply at at th, L~I>2 LARGE STORAGE PREMISES TO LET, suitable for Dry Storage or Sail Making. Vv ell situated. — Apply at CUEJUCAL WORKS, CONN.ui'S QUAY. 1139 TO LET, a HOUSE in Lome-street, Ehos- ddu, containing J:'arl>r, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, Cellar, an<i 5 Bedrooms. Rent moderate.—Apply to GWILT CATHEIIAL, 2-3, Regent-street, Wrexham. S TO EE LET, a^ell-biiiit Home in the Borough rf Wrexham, pleasantly situated and healthy. The house consists of dining-room, in, breakfast-room, seven bedrooms, bath and housemaid's and linen clo:-ets, goad sized kitchen, scullerv, pantry, larder, and'two cellai- Water and gas laia 04.—Apply to Mr. EEWAIID <j one:* Architect, Caxton Buildings, Wrexham. 70S TO BE LET, and nrny be ottered upon at the end of Se*v* «ib • ;t, ABBOTSj.«TELD VILLA." corner of Gnv.-jvfuor-ivad, Wrexham, no;; in the oconi>.xtion of Thomas Bury, Esq. The 'ii.-mae consists d.rw.-r. d.inin: end bveakfa-f.t rooms on the ground, floor. Kitchen and back kitchen with hot and cold in eaeh. TIiDre are on the chambei" flocr Sve bc.-iroeird, batliroow'i, -y, 4c., with hot and cold v/ater, &e. The Ont-offices cc^n.sist. of a three-stall stable, fitted -with Cottam's patent fittings; aaddle-rooir. and coach- house, with lofts over each gas, servant's W.C., &c. The house stands in the centre of pies,sure grounds, and is enclosed by a vail, with from, carriage entrance and back door from ro.„d. For furtner particulars apply ^t the office of this paper. 1070 DESIRABLIQ RESIDENCE. TO BE LET, v-Aii i-jiraodiele pcr^.ntsion, a newly-erected s,mi Convenient Villa Residence, containing three recejiiion rooms on ground floor, live bedrooms and bathroom; with stable, coach-house, and other suitable out-offices^ with good kitchen garden in a high and pleasant situation, adjoining "he Shrewsbury- road, in the Borough of Wrexham, and lately occupied by Mrs. Turner, deceased, the proprietor. For further particulars and to treat apply at the Offices of Mr. LEWIS, Solicitor, Wre-ham. 1184 TO BE DISPOSED OF, on very advanta- geous terms, £ 0 .tjliAllEi) in :.he Provincial Life Assurance Company, Vv'rexhani.—Apply "lo Messrs. EitH.ihO Jokes CO., Solicitors, 1, Lar.c, ;ter Place, Strand, LOIU-iu. 1208 n_ ON SALE, a Bay HORSE, heigiii 15-3, five years, nearly thoroughbred, good hunter, and excellent h:'ck. Sold on account of owner's ill-health.— Apply to COACHMAN, Marchwiel Kail, Wrexham. Also, a Chesnut MAKE, eight years old, 15-1, a line -fencer and f:1at. Regularly hunted last season in County ply to the above. Both believed to be Sound. HOG 7- tirucaticu. PHONOGRAPHY. INSTRUCTION in Pitman's System of Short- hand by a verbatim writer and certiiicated teacher. Terms, &c., on application.—Phono., (jii'.irdian Ohice, Wrexham. 11S5 PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, SINGING, &c. MR. F. C. WATKINS, St. Asaph, Choir ?>Iaster of St. Asaph Choral Union, Conductor of Denbigh Philharmonic Society, and Rurhin Musical Union, &c., &e., begs to inform his pupils and friends that he resumed duties on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd. For terms, &c., apply to M R. F. C. W A T K I N S, St. A,,al),i. 1105 COLLEGE EDUCATION FOR FORTY POUNDS A YEAR, Board, Lodging, and College Fees included, Outdoor Students Ten Pounds per annum, at the UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES. \mde>iiTHE RIGHT Ho: LORD ABERDARE. °ruicip<d .—REV. T. C. EDWARDS, M.A., Oxon. and London. Session 1879-80 begins 7th October next. For Prospectus apply to the Registrar at the College, Aberystwith, or to the Hon. Sees., 7, Queen Victoria- street, London. 1087 DENBIGH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. RE-ORGANISED, 1879. Head Master: s. EDWARDS, M A Late Senior Master at Manchester Grammar School. /pHE Next Quarter commences OCTOBER, A 9th. Prospectuses on application to the Head Master. A course of Evening Classes in Latin, English, Mathematics, and Natural Science will shortly be com- ■ iced. The classes in Mathematics and Science will e in connection with the Government Science and Art Apartment, South Kensington. 1199 feursions. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. LAST OF THE SEASON. s ,N MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, Excur- siou Trains will run as under :—To Gloucester, f aoenham, Bristol, Bath, Taunton, Bridgwater, r tter Torquay, Plymouth, Truro, Falmouth, Penz- e, and other stations, leaving Chester at 9.5, Wrex- i 9.31, Oswestry t.4;), and Shrewsbury 10.30 a.m., to ( "rPro October bth. To Wol verhampton, Bilston, Wed- rlburj, West Bromwich, Birmingham, Droitwich, freester, Malvern, Evesham, Warwick, Leamington, libury, Oxford, Reading, London, with exceptions. l'ring Chester at 9.15, Wrexham 9.40, Bala 0.15, < Wen 0.45, Llangollen 8.45, Ruabon 9.55, Oswestry li.Gobowen 9.55, and Shrewsbury 10.50 a.m., return- b 'ctober 3rd. Tickets and bills can be obtained at '.I Nations, J. GRIERSON, General Managor. /public IJoiicc. JESUS COLLEGE, OXFORD. A PUBLIC MEETING WILL B;; H:LD IN THE TOWN HALL, DENBIGH, TJfURSDA Y, the 2nd day of OCTOBER, W. CORNWALLIS WEST, Esq., Lord Lieutenant of the County, in the Chair, TO consider what steps should be taken to render the above College more efficient, j. and to secure to the Principality the greatest educational advantages possible from it in the future. oJ <- Any corcmunications conr.ecL'd v. ith the above Meeting may be addressed to me THOMAS GEE, Denbigh, September 2Srd, IS70. Hon. Secretary. 1203 BARl-fEK THE second MACCABE ->} .L i'v ,1 .LU, :L .L E u b C 0 I¡ D J..Vl .1:1- PUBLT C "cl A L L IV P. E X H A I POR SIX NIGHTS, COmiEXQIXa ZIONDA r, SEPTEMBER 29th. LARGER BARGER DRGlIt BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BAP.GER LARGER r, A a! R T O M BAH G E E iThe North Yv'a'es Favourite) V.'ILL Ari'EAit IN MIS CELEBE A TED E N T E R T A I N M E N T, KNTXTLEi) "WIT AND WISDOM." Acknowledged by the public and press to be one of the best Entertainments ever witnessed, and free from all vulgarity. The Liverpool Mci":xrt, October 10 fn, 1876, ,-ays close 5s the imitation, that duiing the performance it is hard to botievo that Mr. Jlaccabe is not on the stage. For ft'i'tcr p■'iY*ic-.df;,s see Bills, BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER BARGER 'tribesmen''s EDWARD ROGERS & SON, (ESTABLISHED WOOLLEN DRAPERS ci HATTERS, FASHIONABLE & IIILITARY TAILORS, G, CHALTLES STREET, TV'KEXHAJI. SHOOTING, FISHING, AND HUNTING SUITS. ITVERTES <}P EVERT DESCRIPTION. GENTLEMEN'S SCARVES, HOSIERY, WATERPROOF OVERCOATS, PORT:-IA::TEAUS, BAGS, IN GREAT .J1IJI'l. E. R. & S. 1)8/ to inform their numerous Customers that they have now completed their purchases for the Coming Season, consisting of SCOTCH TWEED, CHEVIOT, AND HOMESPUN SUITINGS, FASHIONABLE OVERCOATINGS AND FANCY TROUSERINGS, the latter made to order from 1 o S 1). lJ P W A R D S ..1.. Ù y Allowing thereon for Cash a. discount of Five per Cent. JIGS PATENT MEDICINES AT CO-OPERATIVE PRICES AT XII3 XOETII WALES PHABMACY ..L" .L'v 14- ,JL V 't' l -L.I -U } LI..1:- \L,.l..1:1- i AND '■ PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT. .1. J. -I-4.L .L'l..JLJ.ÜJ JL '.ù V LTisal Price. Cash Price. s. n. s. D. 1 0 Insect Powder 0 9 2 9 lino's Emit Salt 2 3 4 (j Ditto ditto 1 11 Aleock's Porous Plasters 0 9 I 1A Blair's Pills 0 10- £ 1 0 Condy's Fluid 0 8 2 9 Cullis Brown's Chlorodyno 2 3 1 1A Ditto ditto 0 1O 1 0 Citrate of SEa^nesia 0 8 1 H Cockle's Pills 0 10-J 1 0 Fluid Magnesia 0 9 2 (> Dc- Jongh's Oil 1 10 1 H Holloway's Pills 0 10A 1 1A Kay's Essence of Linseed 0 10 £ 2 6 Lamplonprh's Saline 2 0 2 0 Parrish's Food 1 6 1 LI Steadman's 0 10 1 6 Seidiitz Powders 1 0 6 0 Allen's Restorer 5 0 1 1} Winslovv-'s Syrup 0 10 £ The above-mentioned genuine Patent Medicines and Proprietary Articles may be obtained for CASH: at the prices here quoted from J. E. EDISBUEY, M.P.S., 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 003 0"- P HO TOGRAPH Y. CARTES from Cs. CABINETS, 15s.; OIL PAINTINGS from 30s. ROYAL LETTERS PATENT GRANTED TO BROWN, BARNES & BELL j FOR 1 ARTISTIC IMPROVEMENTS IN PHOTOGRAPHY. Churches, Mansions, Private Residences, Family Groups, Garden Parties, Fetes, &c., photo- graphed by Special Artists throughout North Wales. Favourite Animals at Owner's Residence by appointment. WESTMINSTER BUILDINGS, L LATE ART EXHIBITION, WREXHAM. 911 UNEQUALLED FOR TEAS! JOHN MUSK E P., OF THE NOTED TEA WAREHOUSE. OCR CELEBRATED INDIAN T E A S At 2s., 2s. 4J., 2s. Sd., 3s., ARE acknowledged by the Trade to be the best TEAS ever sold at the money, and are specially recommended for family use, being selected ivith great care and judgment from the choicest growths mly, and blended in that proportion which is requisite 'or a RICH FRAGRANT TEA, which practical Tea rasters alone can produce. Parcels of 6 lbs. and upwards sent Carriage Paid, to my part of the United Kingdom, on receipt of Post )ffice Order. PLEASE NOTE—Only obtainable from J. MUSKER, HOPE-STREET MARKET, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. 1015 E. HUGHES, BASKET MANUFACTURER, Wishes to announce that he has commenced business at MOUNT STREET, WREXHAM. Baskets of every description ready-made or made to order. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. 1064 JOHN H. KIDD & CO.. MANUFACTURERS OF RAILWAY WAGGON COVERS RICK AND TENT CLOTHS, CART COVERS, LIME SHEETS, All sizes kept in stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, AIR-TUBING HORSE CLOTHS, W AT:;llPROOF RUGS, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS Roojing Dry Hair, and Boiler Felt, SACKS, COTTON WASTE, LAMP WICKS. OFFICE HOLT STREET, WREXHAM. 51 ft ah m m s §vt}'tm\s so s ♦ THE NORTH WALES PUBLIC SUPPLY STORES. TO the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and Public generally of Wrexham and neighbourhood. The Premises hitherto known as C. K. BENSON & CO.'S OLD TEA WAREHOUSE, 14, EI Gil STREET, WREXHAM, IS NOW OPENED AS THE NORTH WALES PUBLIC -Å.' .n", -L _L f 'I .cL.I¡v ) SUPPLY STORES, For the Supply of TEAS, COFFEES, FRUITS, SPICES, CONTINENTAL, FOREIGN AND COLONIAL GOODS, 'i A J'j I* A ij (i.()CJ1:I2S, PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, PATENT llr:.l)T(;I\}8J c:c., :C! .11 ':[' WHOLESALE 1:> 1 1 (/ E' F3 PRICE LISTS CAN BE HAD ON APPLICATION NORTH WALES PL'BLIC jSUPPLY STORES, 14, IIIGII-8TSEET, WREXHAM. These Stores of Supply are based and conducted on the Co-operative principle,—the Smallest Profit for C'èsh Payment, with a view to meet the requirements of a class of Customers who are able and willing to pay ready money for their goods, and reasonably expect to receive full advantages for the same, thereby doing away with the system whereby good cusicvaora arc made to pa.y for the bad. SVmCZZFZlQW: 210 LIABILITY. NOTL: THE ADDUSSS ;— 14, HIGH STREET, (opposli-3 Aio North and South Wales Bank), WSKXHAM. | ESTABLISHED 1817. | DYEING DYEING DYEING | FIRST-CLASS CERTIFICATE OF ?!i Z H M E D A L MERIT i Awarded 1S7-J. Awarded 1874. | I THE LARGEST DYK WOBKS IN THE 1 lljj MIDLAND COUNTIES | IMPROVEMENTS in the ART of 1 | JL DYEING and FRENCH CLEANING | ,S AT TTU:-K JF | AGBLAND COUNTIES | STEAM-POWER DYE WORKS, I LEICESTER, 4 and i 'I E U R T O N O N T R E N T J O II N S M I T II J 0 If N S M I T II 60I.B PH OPIilJiTOK. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT :— WREXHAM THE MISSES WHITING, Fancy Repository, 2, liigh-street. OSWESTRY: MRS. E. RSASON, Fancy Repository, Church-street. CEFN, RUABON: MR. E. A. R. EVAKS, 30, Russell-street. i Goods sent to and received from thp a/bove Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED in unrepresented districts. ¡2T The New Price and Colour List for 1879 to be had Gratis or Post Free. 64 TIMBEK, 1 SLATFS, BRICKS. TILES, CEMKNTS. LATHS, SEWEI.'AGE PIPES. And all other Buildlriy Materials, AT E. 31 E It B D I T H J 1 N E S5 TIMBER YARD S T E A M S A W yrrLL CHAELES-STKEKT, 63 WREXHAM. ANOTHER GOLD MEDAL. AGAIN THE ONLY ONE AWARDED FOR COD-LIVER OIL, PARIS, 1878. J^/J^OLLER'S (Norwegian) COD-LIVER OIL Prepared by Moller's Special Method, free from indi- gestible fats of other oils, is superior to ANY in delicacy of taste and smell, medicinal virtue and purity. The most eminent London and European Physicians pro- nounce it the Purest and Best. Given the highest award at Twelve International Exhibitions. Only in capsuled bottles, of all chemists. 632 NEW LABEL. IN consequence of the continued nse of IMITATIONS of SCHWEPPE & CO'S. Red Label, used over the cork of their SODA WATER, they have been compelled to adopt a New Label, which is affixed on the side of the bottle, in addition to the one over the cork. SCHWEPPE'S GINGER ALE. SCHWEPPE'S MINERAL WATERS received the Highest Award at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. They have always had the Patronage of Royalty, and continue tc be supplied to THE QUEEN. Every lottle of the Genuine is Protected ly Labels, with Name and Trade Mark—A FOUNTAIN. Retail of all Chemists, Wine Merchants, and Grocers, 7S4 I t ffxabfsnmt's bbrt%c;,¡. COAL SUPPLY. THE LLAY HALL COAL, IRON, AND FIREBRICK CO., LIMITED, BEG to announce that for the better con- venience of the Tradesmen and general inhabitants of the Town and its immediate outskirts, they have OPENED AN OFFICE IN THE CORN EXCHANGE BUILDINGS HENBLAS-STBEET, For the reception of orders, settlement of accounts, evc; where oil commands and inquiries will receive careful and prompt attention. COAL DELIVERED IN SACKS OR BULK. Bu'ldcis C'ry Good stocked in cvT-y variety L tIle Depot (Railway Station), Rfcos;M«. AGEST-EDXIN OILLAM. Gl1 1:. WILLIAM PIERCE, CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE-STREET, WREXHAAL i Afjcni to the Patent Metallic Air Tight C'rtfni Cy~p%ny, Limited, Bir), .ia<f:ia\,i. I 7TMTE COFFINS ave highly rCC0"1- JL mended by all the Medical Practitioners of the neighbourhood. They are covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet; and every design of coloured metal furniture is used. The METALLiC SHELL COFFINS, en- The METALLiC SHELL COFFINS, en- ca -ed in stout polished oak, or covered with cloth or velvet, can be had at a few hours' notice. SHELLS AND QPVFIN; ALWAYK IN STOCK. J i -L.+- ESTABLISHED THIRTEEN YEARS. C IG A R c I G A R f-J C G .11. I j: A SINGLE BOX at Wholesale 7Pn.ce, con- taining 100 full flavoured weil-seasoned CIGARS will ba sent, carriage paid, to anjf Railway Station, upon receipt of P.O.O. for 14s., made payable to John Price Rowlands, Importer and dealer in British and Foreign Cigars, 75, Wavertree-road, Liverpool. Terms and Price List of Citrars sent Post Free on application. Six of these Cigars will resent (as sample) post free for 12 Stamps. The following gentlemen have kindly testified to the superior quality of these Cigars :— Mr. James Ratcliffe, Ha ward en Ironworks, l-Iawarden, near Chester. Mr. J. Price, Jeweller, Northgate-street, Chester. Air. W. Agnew, Gunmaker, Berriew-street, Welsh- pool. 335 1 BLONTD'. MONEY WITKOUT SURETIES.—Before apolvinj elsewhere for a l.oan, send for a pros- pectus of the NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, LIMITED, Great Charles-street, Birihinghain, which will show where responsible Borrowers can iru- mediately obtain money upon their own security, at a much lower interest than charged by Local Societies or Deposit Banks.' No sureties, law costs, or unnecessary expenses required, and the strictest secrecy can be safely relied upon. Apply personally, or state amount required, and when. required, and when. DAY ID T.-JRXLRj ,nager. N.B.—Distance no object. The money advanced by the above Bank cturi:g the past few years TWO MILLIONS, and ncf good application is ever-e'Ysed. Established 1S'67. 1073 MONEY!! MONEY: I3QIEDIATE Cash Advances made, frrmi £ o upward1?, on Furniture, Trade and E-n Stocks, without removal or publicity,—Apply to W. L. JONES AND CO., Eldon- Chambers, lCS" Dolgelley. MONEY MONEY" MONET 52. TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER-STREET, L I V E R P a 0 L N S HART, OLl-; rPO ALL IN WANf OF MONEY.—Time a;:d JL unnecessary expense can be saved by applying, either personally or by letter, to the above address, where cash advances are made from £10 to £1.,000 (with- out sureties) on the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Repayable by easy instalments to suit borrowers. Can be made either personally or remitted by post-office orders, or in postage stamps, thereby affording every facility to parties whose time is an object to them. Please to note the address as above. N.B.—No con- nection with any ither office. 1QS WREXHAM DISTRICT PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Incorporated under the Building Societies Act?, 1874. SHARES, £ 50 EACH. Entrance Fee, Is. per Share or part of a Share. r jj MILS SOCIETY i.; now pvepcuvd to make JL Advances, j/ep.ryable in.a ceruiEi nu-.nher of years on ?\.lorL;gLge. A Meeting is held on the first Monday in each month for receiving subscriptions and enrolment of mcmbtiv. For further jjarticuiars, apply to the Socretaiy, J. B. SHIRLEY. No. 13, Temple-row, Wrexham. 6 .u. CHESTER & NORTH WALES PERMANENT INYEISTMENT BENEFIT BLULLING SOCIETY. PATRONS The Right Hon. John George Dodson, M.P. Henry Cecil Raikes, Esq., M.P. TmJSTEES George Arthur Dickson, Esq. Bryan Johnson, Esq. Thomas Quellvn Roberts, Eso. Alfred Osten Walker, Eso. PRESIDENT Mr. John E. Edwards.. VICE PRESIDENT Mr. T. Williamson Jones. THIS Society receives deposits at 4 J per cent, per annum. Interest- paid half yearly on 25th March, and 29th September. Shares, c23 each, can be taken up at any time; and 1 any amount from 2s. 6d. per share per month may be paid thereon. j For further particulars apply to JAMES WAKEFIELD, Secretary. IG, Corn Exchange Chambers, Chester. 898 IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. Established ISM. O TUBES' MERCANTILE OFFICES, 40, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.G. West End Branch 53, CONDUIT STREET, REGENT STREET, W. 1 Subscribers, by obtaining timely information, may avoid making bad debts, and may, through this agency, recover debts due- with promptitude. Stidihs' Weekly Gazette supplies information indis- pensable to traders. Branches at Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, South- ampton, Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford. Terms— £ 1 Is., £2 2s., JE3 3s., £5 5s., according to requirements. Prospectus forwarded on application to the Secretary, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, Lon- don, B.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CAUTION. There is no ofEce in London connected with Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham-street, E.C. (situate at the corner of King-street, opposite Guildhall), except the West-end Branch at 53, Conduit-street, Regent- street, W. 1167 Insurance. RELIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY SUBSCRIBED CAPITAr. (Of wh'ch £ .j0,C00 i ■ a hi up). IS RE RESERVE FUND UPWARDS OF ".00:). CIITEI" OFPIC- BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LO:\DO: Chairman SIR MOSES MCNTEFIORE, BART., F.R.S. Secretary ROBERT LEWIS, ESQ. WELSH BRAXCH. HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. Chairman THOMAS EARXES, ESQ. Fire Insurances of every description transacted on moderate terms. For Prospectuses and other infor- mation apply at the above office, or to ary of the cents of tiie Company. E. LLEWELYN LLOYD, Secretary Wiecham.>05 WILL EQSINA o: BIANCO.S EUGEINE t C,J.i]lilU,iCLXv.C "t OEc-j to t*. L. Vr V s d 1173




Family Notices

SA riJidPl E, September 27th,…