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^fcrtssts. I OF jp H A ft G E S 1!.t .r (' -L. j\, J ¡. "VOS, ADVERTISEMENTS. t .L- 'V L. 4..1.1. —— 'Auctums. &», Trades, Aittnsem-.nis, and Char it it*. Seven lines ond under 2s. rocl. Per additional iiue {!i■ ,c. Per additional line tj5- ljd. ProaW'W-s o/' N*w C ir"pa.I\tr!>n>-ientary j .Xot'iyv, <> >:d Election AdrvHsemenh. s an*-#. ind ttini'-r ',1- Per addition; line Displayed Advertisements. rrade, is per inch. Public Naiccs, ice ni per inch. If set across two columns, double. < Ad vn-tifemeuts for a Series taken by i special Contract. j Cheap Scale for Pr'-pf id Advertisements, j Admitting' uifder it the following classes or headings < o;y.— ^teaiiou-; 7—w A,acl,s Wanted j Bituutwiii" Vacant | Jjiwellaneous "Wan.- I Houses Wanted Articles for Saie 1>J House* to T-« Private ccfivfiicv Lodsins-, Wanted Articles LvSi or Lo(v.M:y- .vc- f> Let Found One Three Six Word* Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. d. s. d. ?. d. 1 <■ 2 <; 4 6 >o t-t (I ij I) 8 I) 1;£-1"t.1: i'w.tlu, and J!(;rria!Jcs. Ul8 ?lj.illiu IIH tlll" lines. halfpenny i-o.-taj" a-wrs. iY T-otn-e"o. -i- 'i <'a•ucs to be made payable to FREDEKIOK E. lo£. W II ITE S T A KLINE. ROYAL AND UNI ;'SD. STATES HAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE Tli" Steamers of tVf Lin" tak-> the L(110 Routes recommended by Li-mt. Maury, on both the Outward and LIVEEP<>OL TO NEW YoIlK, Forwarding I'x-'seup'r. to ai! parts of the United States and Canada. THESE wcll-kncwa magnificent ^t" iniivs sire ap-no-iuted to sail wuoklv a< under. i-irryint- }!-r Siujwty's and the Uai-fd d;t: — GERHA.NTC Thut's'Iiy, October. CEI/i U' Thursday, 14th Oe-tober. BK'T'AN'N'C T'inislay, 'rd Octoi'.er. ^pjjIATI'J i iii-.j'iaj,-ith Octubc:. FEOil XEW YO: K. CET.T:c !?atnrdav, i7tl; Septorabrr. reduce the t<;ts-y■ • to the shortest possible time, and ali'ord to pis^seugurs .hu jiiuh^st degree of eomfort hitherto attnicuble at Average pn-sa/e, days in summer; 0J days in wniter. Each ves-ei is constructed iii 7 water-! i^ht compartments. The saloon, ladies' boudoir, state rooms, and smokmc rooms are amidAips, and arc luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern conveniences, l-daiio. liin'.ine. eh ctrio bells, bathrooms, barber's sV:op, Saloon r.:is-n,i;e, l.j, 18, and 'Jl ^u;u'is. Iloturn tickets; reduced rates.. The steoiago .tccnmniodati^.n 13 ot tlvi very .nurhest cuarac- ter, the roonis a>4o unusually spacious, well lighted, ventihited, anfi wirnied. anti I'as^ett'Jrers of tl;i class will iilid ibeir carefully studied, and the pi ovi.-iuaing Ste\1!ip:,l i t terae to attend the women uud childron. Bratts ifstiud i/n Xcv; York free of charge. For frt'isjla •-•r pafsasro apply to V. Tikton, Higli- -street; R." lu'lerts, 23, Town i-'iil, Wrexiuun or to 10, Water-street, Liverpool, and ">i, Le.uicnhall- 190 treet) L)n(luu, E.C. v Y S O (x ART l-i 1 c T ':l K FKINMPALITY;. Lulted <'■■■>/ Fn-hn, i'ri-i One Penan A c-i- s'Et'.Ali Y'E1[,"Y NEWSPAPER, PIllXTii! Tr.^ V.ELStri LANGUAGE, AND ADVOCIT- G C '}:I'r' :1.'1 <) :[ .1.. P 1 I? CI i)LE: ].} v\Y YSV )(TA 1-7X11 has U very estensjve- circaia'cion, beinjr i-y Affoats in abtost EVERY TOYTN an! HA'o;T Nor;,h and Sooth Wales; air-in London, Liverpool, Maiichcster, J::o.tcr, &c.. • Y IjtwtsooaEth is not a rIlCAL but N'ATIONAL NEWSPAPER, with a v.-i.icirculation. y I)»VVYSOGASTI*.—Advertisers may feel ASSURE '—is the if not the 0: medium whereby their announce month, be smvCri.^vsix pemsod in every county iiiitucGuoirr THE WHOI K C] .d.J>f. An Orders', &c.. to -he OFFICE. PJiyi, Flintshire. C, a I-iKE'H WORLD FAMED BLOOD MLVTUUE. MLVTUUE. Trade Mark—' Blood 1;xture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER. For Cleansing- and Clearing the Blood from All pnpurihes. cannot be too highly rccom nenaed. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and sores of all kinds it is a never failing am! permanent cure. Cures Ulcerated Sores ia tho Neck Ulcerated 0': Lxi-r" Cares Blackhead:, of Fur'.pltfs on Face Cure- Scurvy Soros Cures Cancerous Ulcers (Tires Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Cir.-rs the Blood from all Impure Matter, Iron, whatever cause arising. A h s mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free trcrn anything injurious to the most delicate consti- tution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sola in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, an0. III Cases containing six time" the quantity lis. each, sufficient to effect a, per- manent cure in 1 ••u-slandiug cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Ven lors throughout the United Kingdom and the world or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Cheiuist, High-street, LINCOL/I, WHOLESALE AGENTS:— Barclay & Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses 28 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 4;1 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acouired or constitutional, Gravel, and lJlt.n.s in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Cfltmit and patent medicine vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the maker. F. J. Clarke, con- salting chemist, High-street, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Sous, London, and all the wholesale Houses. 43 HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This grear Household Medicine ranks amongst the eading necessaries of ife. THESE famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, and TV. els. giving tone, energy, and vigour to these RTe,¡ Springs of Life. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpaired or weakened. They are wonderfullyefficacious B all ailments incideutal to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsur- passed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the world. For the curt of Bad Legs, Bad Breast^ OLD WOUNDS, SOEES, AFD ULCERS, I iffe an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the Beck and chest, as salt into meat, it cares Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistula GOUT, RHEUMATISM, and every kin.11 of Skin Disease, it has never been known ] fail-, I Both Pills and Ointmen are^Sold^by ail MedttiU? C.r.cibesmm's ^j&ftnssjes SE WILL'S WATCHES. PEIJfE 3ISDALS AWAIipED. Paris, 1S67; l'hiJad,< phia, J S;C. If you want a GOOD WATCH, warranted to keep CORRECT TIME, send a Post-Oflice Orel. to r. 5Emu" I WATCH MANUPACTUEEE, 6], SOUTH CAhTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, and CORN HILL, EOYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, And you will ficeive by return of post, icca.' Jy packed, a L ii'VER WATCH, \¡ll'fant0ù to keep correct tioie, and suitable for a I,a.lyor Gentleman. J Silcer Lecer To wind and sit Hands from the back. -y c In all size. suitable for Ladies,^ <icut.e- \v A x C U >*• men. Youths, and .Mechanics. £ •_> £: lfts. £;; 3: The same in Hunting Cases £ ■> los. £ 3 "S. 103. SEWILL'S EaijilJi Siiver Patent Detached Lever Capped, .Tewell-d, ;red Warranted. All the latest improvements, in S^'s, lor yr -p C H E S. Ladies, Genilenun, Yuutiis and Me- chanics. £ 4 4?. £ ;> ,rf, £ 0 U.S. The same iu Hunting Cases, £G C" £7 is. S E WILL'S Gold Lcar To "Wind and S-t Hands from the hack. I*n nil size-, suitable for Ladies, Gentle- \V A T C H E S. meu and Youths. £.; ): £r; G. Enalixh Pettn1 Lcturhcd 18 Carat Pine Gold Ltr.e.r Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted..All Hie latest improvements, m .-izos, for W A T C Tl E S. ■ Ladies tiiid G 'ntl-iiu'n. £3 J-. £ 10 10.€12 lis. S'ime ns th'is'» for whi -h Prize M'rJ.s_o; internalirnal All th" :-bov<» may be bad keyless, that is. to wnd up and -et hands from Hie pendant without a key, at an exlra cost S E WILL'S Presentation In ffreat variety, combltiinr; henntv e.f design with perfection oi workman- W A T C a E H. ship. F'om to 100 Guineas. j ^WILL'S M'irf'k, Bronze, and (HI' In our f!how T->oni< are to be found tiie linear! S'ovk iu the kingdom: suit-ible q E O C K S •or- Hail. Library, Loudoir, Drawing, Lining Room. Estimate-: .'riven f >r Clocks for Churches, Tarrjts, and Pnbbc liuildiiig-. LARGEST STOCK. IX ENGLAND TO SilLECT TROM Chronometer Maker to the Ri^ht Honourable the Lords Commboiouei. of the Admiralty, Her Majesty's Royai Navy, &c, &e. Mouey Orders to be made payable to J. SEWILL, fit, SOUTH CASTLE STKEKT LIVERPOOL. On, 3i, CORNHILL, RUYAL EXCHANGE LONDON. Itlu-iirat' I Cut dc.j''M-j ±)<>st free on application. ys A LIST OF POPULAR MEDICINES. THE LOX D OX J3ATENT jVJEDICINE COMPAXY Jr.- for being the i.est medicines ior 10]r different pUïpoes they can their unqualified endorsement, knowing that in each ease they will give entire satisfaction. They are kept bv no other house in Landon, we having secured the Sole Apencv. We wiil, tiierofove, on receiot of price llttached, send tbeui to avt v part of the world, securely packed aud free ir.im observation. Money be sum either by Cheque, Post-office Order, Registered Letter, or in I'ostaae Stamps. Ail letters to be aria rested and Gh^qu s made payable to— LONDON PA'L'ENT MEDICINE CO 4 and 5, Agau-sireet, Strand, London, W.C. KING FOOD'S CANCER SPECIFIC. The introduction of Ringwood's Cancer and Taniour Specific into this country has utterly exploded the common tueoiy that cancer is incurable. It must be pleasant for persons i afflicted with that dresidi'ul disease to know that one course of. Uingwood s Cancer aud Tumour Specific wH cur, the wrt form c.1 cancer or tumour without 111.. necessity ot any urglc31 oreration. 13y its timely use many hundreds of lives have been saved. It instantly removes all pain. It i: undoubtedly, the greatest medical discovery of the 15th century. A full course, which is nearly sufficient fur any caee, sem securely packed and free from observation to any part of the country, on receipt of 50s. AYER'S OPTIC FLUID. Cures all Diseases of the Eye and Dimness of Vision. Gives immediate beneficial results. So:dm bottles at & (3d and 4s each. CANTON'S NEUHALGO-RHEUVIATIC ELIXIR. For the immediate relid and permanent cure of Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Gout. Three bottles will permanently cure tile worst case. 80\: in Llottks at 55 eaWi, or tor IUs. DENT'S AXTI-FAT REMEDY. For the removal of corpulence. It is purely vegetable and perfect'y harmless. It acts upon the food in the stomach, preventing its being converted into fat. It will reduce a fat ¡J1'r,on from three to iXl pouu,1s a week, ohl in bottles :1; 5s and 7s Cd each. REID'S KIDNEY REMEDY. It is not a CLUE-ALU, but for oisor>ses of tho Kidneys and Bladder it is a Specific. It is convenient to carry, pleasant to take, and does imt taint the breath, and positively cures all forms of Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Sold in bottles at [, aud i: Gd ep_ch. POTTERS ALKALINE RESOLVENT. For Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach, Heartburn; Flatulence, and accumulation of lias (ill the Stomach. 801ù iu bottles at 2" Gd and 4s each. PHOSPHORIC AIR. A medicated vapourfor the immediate relief and nermanent cure of Consumption, Urouchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, aurl all forms of Throat Disea-es, Epilepsy. Loss of Vigour, Impotence, and all Di.-eafes of the Lungs, Air Passage-, Nerve Centres and train. Do not despair, hesitate, or doubt, for it never fails, and it is truly a Specilie. It is a medicated vapour applied on a new and scientific principle, the use of which has saved thousand* f,orn a premature graY". To per- sons suffering from Lung and > ervous Disenses it is in alnabJe. as it goes at ouce to the air passages and brain, imparting tone, vigour, brain power, aud vital force to the most depressed. Being very pleasant to me it çan safely bp taken by the most delicate. One Mouth's Treatment and Inhaler sent securely packed to any part of the country Oil receipt of 20s. liOLDEN'S EAR DROPS. A sovereign cure for Deafness and discharge from the ear. Sold in bottles at :¡s aUt! ï lid each. HENLEY'S HEADACHE PILLS. For immediately relieving and permanently curing all forms of Nervous ana Neuralgic Headache. Sold iu boxes at 2s Cd and 4s each. ARNOLD'S VITALISE. This is a beautiful nervine, possessing the power of curing nervousness. It at onc> relieves and cures morbid sensAiilty of the nerves, weak nerves, nervous twitching and tremulons- ness. Sold in bottles at is aud 7s Cd each. ARLINGTON'S BLOOM OF VIOLETS. For beautifying nnd restoring the complexion.—Ladies, do you want a pure blooming complexion ?—If so, a few appli- cations of. Arlington's Bloom of Violets will gratify you to your l1eart's content. It rell/oves sallowness, redness, pimples, blotches, and all diseases IInd imperfecliom of I he kin. It makes a lady of 35 look like :10; and so natural and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. Sold in bottles at 2s cd and 4s each. BUTLER'S VIGORINE. The Famous Hair Producer. It produces hair on the head and face in the shortest time of any prelJaration before the public. Sold in bottles at 2s 6d and 4s each. ALLEN'S CONSTIPATION PILLS. For the cure of Constipation jamd Piles. Sold in boxes at 2s 6d and 4s each. TRADE SU PLIED DIRHCT BY LONDON PATENT MEDICINE CO., 4 AND 5, AGAR-STRLET, STRAND, W.C., LONDON. fra&esmttt's ^b&ttsses.. THE GRAND NATIONAL EISTEDDVOD PRIZE MEDALS For Genuine Hand-made WELSH TWEED CLOTH, FISHING CLOTH, FLANNELS, SBTRTINGS r-d LINSLYS, at CHESTER in 1868, and ABERYSTWYTH in 1865, were awarded to JOHN IEYRICK JONES, JjtA- r E Y R I C K HOUSE DOL GEL LEY. Whose mills have gained considerable celebrity for the manufacture of these articles. lFS^lifTtlyJXtend^d ilis b»fnfs« ?nd now abI° t0 supply, wholesale and retail, those unrivclled V. (h a hi 1C..W11.C1 are all manumctured by liana under his own personal superintendence, and can be warranted mwLr o I-' ii p,re wools, and free from any admixture, and at prices far below those charged for inferior ..ltieies usually sold as Welsh by English Manufacturers. Clothing made from these Welsh Tweed"ciothi is worn by the nobility and gentry lor shooting, fishin,, cricketing travelling &c„ and is always found to 'be^v £ l ffui.tOit. vY holesale and retail orders executed on the shortest, notice. Cask or references expected with all new orders. Patronised by Her Royal Wylmess the Princess of Wales, the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry of England and Wales. LIST OF PRICES Welsh Wynnstay Shooting Cloth 2.5 '<Kl r.er yard Cloth ior Fishing Suits (very superior). 6 Tweed Cloth (from Picked Wools) <?s 3d Five per cent discount for cas! 6JIMi: THE SNOWDON AND IDSiS WELSH WHITTLE SHAWLS, N.R-Doagehev being the terrnini'of two branches of railways, there is every converiehC' i £ anv I-T'CIC* ordered without delay to any part of the kingdom, and at verv reasonable charges -U-Cit. sit' J- Hi;.vi!1c,k JOSEi} thut he sh6nld have occasion to caution his friends against, tho YVel^u Tv eed nd F fV tl' V° SPU3''?1,W PatT'erns t0 ^veral of his customers, nrofef'sing to be t A,,< ■' ,A«'>terns of the genuine lmmi-loom Welsh Webbs, AVei-h Tweed-" FVacr's in addrelss U a™llCAtl0n to m J" 3i- J°^s> ^aimfactnrcr, Dolgeliey. Patterns sent'po^e t'o J. W. BENSON, WATCH AND CLOCJK I\[AKEil TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, Aud by Special Appointments to H.K.H. (jTUE PRINCE OF WALES. H.T.M. THE EMFKnOROF RU-SLi -A TEE MAHARAJAHS OF BURDWAN AND JOHORE. PRTZE MEDALS—LONDON, DUBLIN, AND PARIS. BENSON'S WATCHES, BENSON'S CLOCKS, BENSON' GOLD AND (If every Description, suitable ior all climates, from 2 to ttrO gui: ea>. Chronographs, Cbron- ometers. Keyless, Levers, Pre- fentation, iiepeatei'fl, Railway Guartts', Soldiers, and Work, mail's Watches o-t }::1 }'(l Strength. For Churches, Turrets, or Putjlic Buildings, Dining or Drawing | Room, Library, Carriage,Church, Hail, or Shq" Perpetual Calen, dars, Wind Dials, &c. NOVELTV—"JiAIiLY Clocks, in Wood ;11, Urn1< Dcc» rated with 1>1 no China. Wedgwood, &c. fioni £ 5 5s. Made solely by BENSOX. SILVER JEWELLERY, Of every Description, iu the L'mhest and Newest Designs, at the Lowest Prices compatible with good workmanship. Brooches. Bracelets, Necklets, LoCke', s, Rings, Earnings, also in Diaco ids and Precious StoLes. i BENSON'S AYrorkm:m's £ 5 5s Silver English Lever, AVarranted). BENSON'S •' Everybody's Silver V-r-■-ch t £ ;>3s., with Crystal Glass. (Wa; r.ieted). LENSON'S Silva.-r aud Electro-Plate.— For Race and Athkiic Vg.>YV "ppL'7,^ tions or Jir.mehoM C»e. Special Desitfus aud Fatimates Free.. BENSON'S NEW ILLirSTKATED PAMPHLETS on WATCHES, CLOCKS. TUB RET CLOCITS JEWELLERY sent Post Free. 2d eacl'. Watches sent safe by Post to all parts of the World. "l1"* Watcher, Ci"rJ.$, and Jeicellert! sJcilfnUy Repaired by F^vperieneed Workmen. Pla'.e, Jewellery, and Wateheslhught ami Exchanged. CLUBS SUPPLIED. Steam FACT^iiv Ayn CiY En ,L, LONDON. \\EST-END -2 OLD HJ1:<D fcTilLET, E S T A B L 1 S II E 1) 1 7 4 0. g7 Second Edition.—Just Published, Erica 2s. fid. mBE EXTRAO !'•' DIN A E Y CASES of CURE EFFECTED ±_ oy MORI-CN'S PILLS, of the B'-itisli" College of; Health. Ensum-road. Lob don, containing the statements of j tho parties themselves, as l'Ogr:1H th(,t:a,1'ryi}J out uf H'y!ei}\n System of Medicine. May be lie„d of ali Chemists and Book- sc'¡' r. All pi"ons -jho-ild also read t'e t: MOBISONIANA." price One in. wh.ch uiav be had by post from the British Colleg jof Health, Londou. MORISON'S VEi.;ETA i'.LE UNIVERSAL .A1EDICINFS, Nos. 1 and 2, may he had of all Chemists ami Medicine Vendors,in Boxes at 7$d„ Is. 3Ad.. 2s. :) j.,4S. (i;i.. and Family Boxe- ,'if lis. each: also the VEGETABLE CLEANSING POWDEBS, at is. lju. each, aud the OINTMENT in Pots, at is. Elil. and. 2s. 9d. each. 783 RUPTURES. WHITE'S MCC-MAIN PATENT LEVEE TRUSS CO., LIMITED. WHITE'S MOC-)LÜ: LEVER TRUSS IS allowed by ujnvards of 500 medical men to be T the mo si. effective invention in tho curative treat- meiit ot HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, wo often hurttul j-IL iis effects, is avoided, a soft bar.dace being woru round the body, while the requisite rcsist- in:; power i< supplied by the MOO-MAIN PAD and i'ATEA'T LEVER, fitting with so much ease and closeness t hjt it cnllot i'o û.etcetcd, and luay lJc worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had of the Manufacturers. 228, Piccadilly, London. Single Truss, 16s.. 21s., 2«s *5d., and :<ls 6<».; Double Truss, SJs 6d., 42s, and 52s cd; Umbilical Truss, 42s and 52s Gd. Post free. P.O. Orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, 4s Od, 7s Gli, Iii", and His each, post free. CIlEST EXPANDING BRACES (for both sexes). For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for tiie ordi- nary braces; for Children they are invaluable, 5s Sd, 7s fld, Iv., ad, 1.j;; (id, aud 21s each, post free. JOHN WE ITE & CO., MANUFACTURE:S, 223, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 41 BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR. GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. SURE, SAFE, aud EFFECTUAL. No restraint of diet Ü required during iheiruse All Chemists, at Is 1:} and i's 0:1 per box. 42 A Pi I D E T 0ii H I v A il BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY. Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says :— Two pairs of boots lined with fur were aho tiken; and for physic—with which it is as well to he supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some qui- nine, and Cockle's l'ills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one whiclt I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when admistered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fad" from my memory; and 0. friend of mine, who passed through the same district many mouths afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man had not died out, hut that the marvel- lous cure was even then atllerie of conversation in the bazaar." rEF. BL'RNABY'S RIDE TO EHIVA, Page 13. AG O O D FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST with a prudent use, has saved many a life; and yet we think the idea might be improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take 80me good compound, such as COCKLE'S ANT I BILIOUS PILLS, and we liud that the desired etui may be obtained without scales aud weights, or little mysterious compartments or en- chanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, but COCKLE'S PlLIS as tested by many thousands of persons, and fonnd to answer lheir purpose so well may be set down as the best.—Observer. RIDE TO KHIVA CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says:- Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic-with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some qui- nine, aud Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used oil the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who nas impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S r'ILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who parsed through the same district many months afterwards, mformed me that my fame as a 'medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvel- lous cure was even thea a theme of conversation in the Bazaar." SEE BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at Is ld, 2s 9d, 4s Cd, and lis. C 0 C K L E SAN :B I L IOU S PILLS In use among all classes of society. SEVENTY-NINE YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, III. boxes at Is ld. 9d, 4s 6d, and 11s. 18 New Ormond Street, London. 879 NERVOUS DEBILITY.-GRATIS, a Medical Work showing sufferers how they may be cured without the ajd of Quacks. Free on receipt of postage stamp. Address, SECRETARY, Institute of Anatomy, n. Jt" "PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON ^OTIO -i 1- enriches the blood. „J PEPPER'S QUINIAE AND IPX2s TONIC Dtrsr.ucns I IK* IMTV <S RUN 1 MU'CULIIR SR^U'IN. pEPPElCS QUININE AND IRON" T'ONIO prc. J- ;>petue ami im* roves digestion. pEPPER'S QUININE AND I.R.OI-7 'iONT/J aniir^o | JL the spinas and mental faculties. j "pEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC, in scro^iia'{ i wi.-1.1ujr diseases, neuralgia, sciatica, uicMeesJi«-" s-»r. ci,"M ™4 ««;, ,'ealtiiy couuitioil of iue nervous and phvsical fc-rcev isao'-f ttl'IbeU'ure.V^ Ci is c„ rpARAXACUM AND PODOt'HYLLIN —A lir.ij combi*1- X turn -ior (lerau^euionr. of the liver aris: 11; from slight cor.pstion. By geatly stimubHal a-t'on of he u-ei and slightly' moving the bowels, th" hei v- li,rou-sy seu-ations 01 fulness, often headache rstnben's««-h shoulders, at tiie cues!, after eating uuole^ k" mouin. and other indications ot dys'^t>sia »rl J ? ;«xacumai,dPodophyllin is safer^Yalomel or bSe^fii i:>i i^nio\ lutr i.Jiei);xrt?diu the labon«rorv of J pp-Dp^^ Lorn,on, whose name must be on the tabeL E-c:' and.4s Cd. Sold by all chemists. 3.). QULPHOLINE LOTION.-An extempT 0 diseases, lhe most inveterate obstinate'?rv'tic T~?> pimples are subdued by Sulpholine, and a clet-r"hea,P^ i.eyelopetl, Ihos- complaiuiua' or tender "1 irritable skins or afiected by the sun, rough winds' &"•' and eveusUiferersfromconsiitutioniilskiu r.iwi<^ -in -1 r.t' benefit and comfort by using Su ph,^ power: ul eonservn, a.fd saimarv otI C e N o: eons'.ant jv jspuu^ini, and maintains t he cuticle ■ t' ^CouuiTivn. Bottles.& sold bV a2I'cte^. "■ /"IRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH P,» STE -R- V" ll&u»g this delicious aromatic dent'frice t'-e n-na'X.ci i teeth becomes White, sound, and poiish^ Hke 11. is exceedingly irasrraur. and .-p»ciaflv u«e'ni few r~r* on, neK'e<*ed teeth. Sold by all chemist's. Pots 2s; fid each. ('.Jet Cracroft's). "■n0 nLay^repif/, P cures, sold in bottles „t is Ud and 2s Vd, by all chemists' 7 T OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAm T.ERTORET? .1-J r. s;i,)n:i_r the colon- of the hair. L°«:S'Ei'-r S,U,'fKU? HAII; natural colour.' lue effect is su^rior'to mstautaneous dve, ami the Sulnhur Rostr, y- L OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR P,SSTORT*'P ur'-i- t the hair its proper colour, growtlt of new Ittir. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. r B E E C II A M P I L L 8 ^tted by Thousands to bo worth above a Gviwsa B0,x^/0! bilious ana nervous disordovs. such as wind i-,1" a f! ° st0B}ac,V.s,e.k kead^he. giddiness, fulness aud swellings after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills flushings ot heat loss ot appetite, shortness of breath, cos- tiveuess, scurvy, olotches 011 the skin, disturbed iVil tromblic^ensatio'iis1 &c u:e. 1 he nrst done will give relief in 20 minutes. is no fiction, for they hare done it ill rhOlEJnds of cases. The Proprietor of these pills having obtaiueu it -r lt expense) a patent Mr them he challenges the whob w to produce a medicine equal to tliern for rClliovin th" ,¡ove- kisHn^ l3 !md the Patic:it "to sound and Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Piils are invaluable, as a few doses cf them carry oh all gross humours, open all obstruc- tions. 1111a bring about all that is required No Fent»ir £ m,M be Kithout N<*„. There is. no mediae to be fo«?dto"Sd Beecham s nils tor removing any obstruction or irregularity ot tue system. It taken according to the directions e-iven with and r^nst hTallh 'ooa restW> females of ail ages to sound human macbine. strengthen the whole mU;icnhr s\steixi, restore choloDg-lOiSt complexion, brine bar«k the keen edge of apprtite, and arouse into action with the 'rose-bud of health, the whom physical energy of the human frame. 1 lie-se are facts admittell by thousands, embradntr all of s .cietv and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is. Beeenam's Pills have the forsrast sale of any patent medic;ne iu the world. BEECIIAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy fcr couahs in general, asthma, difficultv in breaihixig, shortness of breath, tightness and opru'esyou of the chest, wheezmg-, &e., these pills stand unrivalled'- and anj' "ne labouring under any of the above complaints need only try One Bex to prove that they are the best ever offered to the public ior astlmmtic una consumptive coughs hoarse- ness, and oppression of the chest, They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathiiic, which nisrhtly deprive the patient of rest, They give almost instant relief and comfort to tuose altiicted with the above distrain? and, wnen neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any K of the above complaints give U-LJiiOxI AAl >S COLCrli PIJjX;b a trial. The most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Caution—1The1 public are requested to notice that the The most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Caution—1The1 public are requested to notice that the words PILLS, St, Helen's," are on the Government Stamp athxed to each box of pills; if not on they are a forgery. J Prepared oply, and sold wholesale and retail, by the pro. prietoi, T. Beechnm, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in boxes at is ljd and 2s 9d each. Sent post free from the proprietor for lo or 36 stamps. Hold hu all 'Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in'the United Kingdom. Full directions are given with each box. 45 Full directions are given with each box. 45 D ISEASE PREVENTED, HEALTH RESTORED, By the use of leA YE8 WORSDELL'S PILLS, Which the experience of over 50 years proves to be the BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. THEY Purify the Blood. Cleanse the System. Remove Obstructions. Improve the Digestion. Establish the Health. Sold everywhere at Is ld., 2s 9d., and 48 6d per box. vE-rabfsmMt's .àhrtz$t$. I WREXHAM. T E. P0TvrSLL, General Funiishing Ironmonger, Iron Merchant, Agricultural Impie. ment Depct 6 Town Hill, and 6 Abbot Street. 55 EWING MACHINES. Agent for the Singer. Howe, Wilcox and Gibb's Princess of Wales, Peabody and a First-class Machines, S. SOTHERN, 21, Charles Street. 5,3 1|7"ILLIAM SNAPE, FAMILY WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT, LION HOUSE ixi-K-Ji STK&PJP. THE NORTH WALES GUARDIAN" g TEAM p E I X T I S G O B E S HOPE STREET W The Proprietors beg to intimate that -they arc prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PLAIN OR COLOURED IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT IRS ZHORTZST NOTICE, AND UPON THE MOST REASONABLE TEEMS. Placards and Pcstinir Bills Hand Bills, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Friendly Societics's Rules, Balance Sheets, Accounts, Memorandums, Inroices, Prograairaes, Circulars, Business Cards, &C. Ex:r,iv:c': Papers or School Colliery Pay Sheets, Cheque and Receipt Boots T:xe Daakruptcy Forms, Articles of Association, Conditions of Sale, &c., die ESTIMATES CITES "CÏJO l!,PP:'I¡:TTON AT THE u GUAPDIA,17 11 OFFICE, HOPS STREET, WEEXEAM, PURE." See Analyses :—Sent Post Free on AY plication. W. LLIS'S Soda, JPotasp. Seltzer, Lemonade, a!s<> Water without AJkiili. Tor MIT T TT T ^7 GOUT, Lithia Wafer, AND L 11 JL Litiiia and Potass Water, Waters. 't lÅ' .l -LJ 0 CGKZS BRANDED H l. ::1L and Son, Ruthin," and every label bears their Trade Mark. SÜU) EVEHYWREITE, AD WHOLESALE OF E. E L l I S AND S or;, EUTHIX, XOgTIl WALES. 25 li, GA. M B L E, ,1 COLLIERY AGENT, METAL BROKER, MACHINERY AND GENERAL MERCHANT HALES OF COLLIERIES, MINE?, IT ON WORKS, PLANT, ANI) MACHINEBY CONDUCTED BY PC-HUC AUCTION OR BY PBIYATE TREATY. 1, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM I Quotations on application ier COAL. SLACK, COKE, AND BREKZ3. PIG, PUDDLED AND BAR IRON. PLA'fi:?, GIIEETS, ANGLES. TEES, HOOPS, XAIL RODS. EAILS, New and Seeo11d-h.1nc1, a11 Sections. HORSE SHOEING IRON AXD NAILS. Bolts and Nuts, Spikes, Rivets. NAILS AND CHAIN'S. PIPES AND CASTINGS, (Brass and Iron) of every description. BIRMINGHAM AND SHEFFIELD WARES. AGKICULTCKAX IMPLEMENTS. LOCOMOTIVE, FIXED & PORTABLE ENGINES Of all kinds. New and Second-hand Boilers uf every description. STEAM PUMPS AND HAND PUMPS. STEAM TIAM3IEKS. HADFIELD'S PATENT STEEL WHEELS & AXLES Rock Drills, Lathes, Drilling aud Planing Machines. EMERY WHEELS. PATENT "MULTIPLE" ACTION STONE BREAKERS. AIR COMPRESSORS. "ROTARY" PRESSURE BLOWERS. CRANES, WEIG EISG MACHINES. PATENT HYDRAULIC LIFTING JACKS. SAW BENCHES. Pulley Blocks, Mortar Mills, Crushers & Disintegrators. WOOD WORKING MACHINES. PAPER. AND BRICK MAKING MACHINERY. TAXGYE'S PATENT MANUFACTURES, ENGELBKRT S LUBRICATING OIL. NEW AND SECOND-HAND RAILWAY WAGONS For Cash or on deferred Payment. GALVANISED, CORROGATED, AND^OTHEB IRON ROOFIXG. IRON BUILDINGS. WROUGHT IRON CISTERN AND TANKS. WATER BARRELS. Bowks or Kibbles, Buckets, Baskets and Air Pipee6 IMPROVED PATENT WIRE FENCING. CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. HURDLES, GATES, AND .MISCELLANEOUS IRON MANUFACTURES. WIRE AND OTHER ROPES. Paints, Colours, Varnishes, Oils, Grea's TALLOW, &c. BLASTING POWDER, BLASTING CARTRIDGE, SAFETY FUSE. COLLIERY, BRIDGE, AND TEE RAILS, the best and cheapest in the market. THE "ODLING" MINERS' SAFETY LAMP. HART'S PATENT "RELIABLE" INJECTOR. IMPROVED IRON SMITHS' HEARTHS. HUDSON'S PATENT STEEL CORVES. GUY'S "INVINCIBLE" MINING STEEL. THE ALPHA AIR GAS MAKING APPARATUS. • ENQUIRIES AND ORDERS SOLICITED. ..A. ESTABLISHED A.D, 1845. SAMUEL WILLI AuM S BIRKENHEAD, GENERAL FURNISHING WAREHOUSEMAN, AND CABINET MANUFACTURER, Respectfully announces that his first-class FURNITURE REPOSITORY,166 aodi68 ARGYLE-STREET, Birkenhead, is always replete with the NEWEST ATTRACTIONS'and the LATEST CONVENANCES of FASHION and GOOD TASTE, viz:- A (Furniture Suites in the EARLY ENGLISH, the "RENAISSANCE SLOTTTR QUATORZE, and all the modern styles. (Very choice CARPETS, after samples in the recent Paris Exhibition. The'.New 23 "S ORIENTAL SQUARES for Borders in Parqueterie, and all theSLatest Designs l and Fabrics in Floor Covering Substitutes. |BEDHEADS of the most Artistic Designs and Approved Construction and Q < BEDDING Requisites of the highest excellence and purity, at prices fcbasedion V special arrangements with the Manufacturer. V special arrangements with the Manufacturer. a u (CURTAIN Appointments and UPHOLSTERY Appliances from Ethel'Lurhtest t Repps"101 mmer Fabncs t0 the Richest Tapestries, Brocades, Silkjand Satin N.B.-The Best WAREHOUSE ACCOMMODATION for Storing Furniture: in Dry Rooms. All Estimates Free. CABINET MANUFACTORY & GENERAL FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 66 AND 68, ARGYLE STREET, -R T 7P