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Saks bg Suction. Messrs. Baugli, <J02.es, & Co. To be Sold by Auction, by •Tir^^RR BAUGH, JONES, fr CO., at the King -William »1" lrm.'SnmiiK'vbiU, on the 22nd day of October next, at jive o'clock in the afternoon, all those Two ME^SUAGEb mr DWELLING-HOUSES, now in the occupation of Mr •Tohn Roberts, n.nd another, situate at Windy-hil1. in the' Wish of Gw««n<vllt, in the county of Denbigh. Al«o Two Acres of Valuable BUILDING LAND, adjoining, m lJÛts, For pirticular? npplv to Mr Hampden A. I'oyser, Solicitor, Temple Rüw. Wrexham: to Messrs W. D. Jeunn and Co., SolicitnrA. P.evsev Chambers, Warrington; and to the Aue,liotioe, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 1166b SALE AT THE BRITANNIA JNN. CEFN MAWR, RUABON, DENBIGHSHIRE. M^SPS B VUGH, JONES. k CO, have been instructed 'bv the representatives of the ,late Mr Thomas Williams. Ir)n. Cefn Mawr. .foresaid, to SELL BY AUCTION on Mondiv. October 'lid. 1877, the wholeof the JJtSuSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, com- ^Tn L'AF.LOi'lt—Vender and fire-irons, chimney ornaments. wndrv r.ictureiS framed and glazed six Windsor chairs and tw,) iirrn verv handsome eiaht clock, mahogany «ur'nonvd with drawers underneath, mahogany sofa, ditto «npboard, round table. IN B*R.—Eight. days' clock, two T.abirs. sundry prWe«, «i<rht spirit kegs with bwas tars. r>ewt«r meagre*. two halt- -raHo') ale tins, sundry jugs. four ffindw chairs, stool, aau'i'v nietuTes IN KTrcar.s.—Fender and firc-ironi, iron stool, cooper warmin: p,\H, < wo copper kettles, brass candlesticks.spittoons, mot v t"ft and coffee pots, large oak table. American clock, KrrcHEN.—Pender and fire-irons, coffee mill, sundry tins, chairs, two screens, American clock, cupboard, auadrv crockery. In Ci.rn ROOM.—Large housekeeper cupboard, two forms, twelve eh airs, oak table, white top table, one leaf table, two long tibles, malt mill. IN CELLAR.—Four barrels, three quarter casks, old barrels, iron sancemns. kettle, tea trays, cupboard. gl ass. tub, two old tables, staff churn, bedsteads, old ch-vt of drawers. TN Two B "Dressing nnd othpr tables. wnsnptanns toilet toilet services, chest of drawers. Windsor and eanfi-se"ted chairs, lar-re oak cupboard, iron and wood bed- IItP:\03 and wool and straw mattresses, flock beds, linen chest and boxes, featherbed, Dutch clo-k, cupboard, &c. IN YAKI>. Four coolers, round table, mash tub, patent mangle, excellent milch cow. Sale at Eleven for Twelve o'clock.: and. fs the Lots are Burner cs. the Auctioneers respectfully request an elPly attendance. 58 ROSSETT AUCTION MART. Hale of Fat and Store Stock, at the Rossett Auction Mart MESSRS BAUGH. JONES. AND CO. will hold their re-xt Sale of FAT and STOKE .STOCK at their Mart,, at tbrf Golden Iiion. Kossett, on Monday, October 29th, 1877. Ittock already entered: Several Fat Cows, Heifers, and Bnlloek3 Several Fresh Barrens Ditto lows with Calves A lot of prime Fat Sheep and Lambs Ditto Fat Calves Ditto Fat and Store Pigs The Property of A. Balfour, Esq., General Townshend, E. JetenhaT Eso., F. Potts, Esq.. J. Boydell Esq. B S. Roberts, Esq., Mr J. Edwards, Mr Jones Mr Woolnch. Mr P. Williams, Mr Da\ies, Mr Pritcflard. Mr Lewis. Mrs Wool- rich Mr Zackeray. Mr E. Woolnch, Mr E. B. Samuel Mr Bayne, Messrs J. and C. Baguley, Mr Hinchcliffe, Mr Dtidleetoii' ai d others. Further entries respectfully solicited, and the Anetioneers respectfully reouest that the Stock be at the Mart in good mme. Sale at Two o'clock. Hoe To the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, Hotel Proprietors, and others in Wrexham. Important and Attractive Sale. «n Tuesday and Wednesday, October 30th and 3lst, 1877, Wn j, and folIowing da3 s, at the TOWN HALL, WREXHAM. MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, AND CO. will SELL BY AUCTION, a larsre and magnificent collection of ELECT KO-G OLD and SILVER-PLATE, Ivory-Handled Cutlery. &c &c.. embracing every necessary for table use. Arti(-s in Otydised and Partial-Gilt (after the Antique). Issuer Venetian and Majolica Ware; Mounted Oak of all fndi- a larre aelection of Table Cutlery in best ivory and other handles; Artistic Gold and Silver lOlectro-plate, alter designs by the most accomplished and celebrated artists in the precious metals together witii a great variety of useful Articles for Prize, Presentation, Weeding, Birthday, Bazaar, and other Presents, the entire of which are of the most ex- cellent manufacture and quality. Consigned for immediate Sale. Sale at Two o'clock sharp each day, and at Seven in the evening. 60c Sale 0: Modern Household and Office Furniture, at Berse Dreliacourt Cottage, near W rexham. MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, and CO. liave received in- structionfi from Mrs Payne, who is changing her residence to SELL by AUCTION, on the alcove premises, -in the first week in November, 1877. the Modern and Valu- able HOUSEHOLD and OFFICE FURNITURE, compris- In Drawing-raom-Walnut couch, upholstered in crimson Ten wi*b cover six single, easy, and lady's chairs ditto (en mute) ■ "walnut sofa, upholstered in American cloth; easy ohair in ditto, lady's rocking chair, mahogany escritoir, with bookcase and cuoboards underneath, pier glass m gilt frame "Tidv's vrorktuble, telescope, dmiiig table with loose leaf, oil paintings and other pictures, paraffin larnp. child's chair, nuantity of valuable books (including the History of Eng- fsmd'' Shakesi,eare's works, Good Words," Beeton's Dic- tionary." All the Year Round, Cassell's Magazine," &c ), handHome timepiece, with glass shade and stand, musical box iu rosewood. to play eipht airs, pianoforte, pair of pole fire screens chimney ornaments, pair of buffets, steel mounted fender, fire irons, steel Venetian ashpan, coal vase, ^Offiee-Mal■ o"any office tab'e with leather top and four AraweVs mahogany cheffoniere, arm chairs upholstered in leather two uiahoeany hall chairs, sofa upholstered in leather! two panlffiu limps, pictures, linoleum to fit room, &e. The Bedrooms comprise birchwoed half tester bedsteads <M*im«ra damask hangings, iron bedsteads and child's crib, £ £ 3 straw mattrVses, flock beds dressing tables, wash stands. towel rails, toilet glasses, night commode, oil lamp, portmanteau, bassinette, pictures, fenders, ashpans, tire irons. &c. j Kitchen Ac —rainted dresser, writiri? desk, hand se'^ing Machine nfiinted eoreen, large corner cupboard, hall clock, pictures,' filter, wasliinir, wringing, and mangling machine oombined, perambulator, water cans, buckets, rain water tabs, &o., &c. Sale at Twelve for One'o'clock. 57d S^IITHFIELD, WREXHAM. MESSRS HAUGII, JONES & CO., will hold their next SALE of STOCK in the above Smitliheid, on Vnur?- dfry, November 8th, 1877. Stock already entered, viz. A lot of prime fat Beasts, A lot of useful Dairy Cows. Several fresh Barrens, aurt fat Culvee, A Bice lot of Sheep, Lambs, and Pigs. Sale at Ten o'clock. h Sale of Live Stock, Hay, Straw. Turnips, Potatoes, Grass Keep, and Household Furniture, at the SINGAKET FARM GRESFOSD. MVSSRS BAUGH, JONES, AXD CO. bave l>een in- strutted by Mr William Alderman, to SELL Bl" AUCTION, on the above -premises, on Wednesday, October 24th 18;7, the whole of his Live and Dead FARMING STOCK part of the Household Furniture, and other effects, •am urging two capital in-calf cow, 4 oilviug heifers, two fresh barren heifers, yearling heifer, twelve fat and store sheep, two fine m-pig sows, one fat sow, four pork pip,, fifteen couple of fowl, stack of bay, two stacks of barley straw, •uantity of swede turnips, forty measures of potatoes, Sowrtity of manure, 21 acre* of graes keep, very leful shandry, sets of harness, lron-wheel plough, iron and wood harrows, chaff cutters, turnip pulper. cttle crib, quantity of wood liurlloe. iron boiler, Buckley uiff troughs ladder, large and small rain water tub, patent chum, rakes, pikela, shovels, and picks, old iron, fire wood, he. The Household Furniture comprises two wood bedsteads, oak dresser kit-chen and other chairs, card, leaf and other tables, oak bureau, dressing table, American clock, fenders, copper kettle, saucepans, milk ptius, benches, and other Thirteen acres of the grass keep, anil the stack of hay are Oil fclnj Woni Mfto^ows, near Gretitortl 3d ill. Tho hay and trtraw to go off. ftle, ai Ong o'clock. o Oesimble Freehold Property atLLAY BANK, near Gresford, Denbighshire. To be Sold by Auction, by MES6BS BAUGH, JONES, and CO., at the Griffin Inn, Gresford, on Tuesday, October SOth, JS77, at Five o'clock fa the afternoon, ybject to conditions 10 be then produoed, all those two recently-erected and substantially-built COT- TAGES with the gardens and aopur'ennuces thereunto be- longing.' situate at Llay Bank, near Gwen y lit. in the par sh tons of Greaford in the county of Denbigh, now in the occupations Of Ellis Powell, and Robert Moultou. and adjoiu property be- leogtng to Colonel Maddocks and Mr Til»ton. This Is a most compact little property, and contains an area of nearly 1,000 square yards, the loc. lityis healthy and ttiotnresqne, und is within a short distance of Gresford Railway Station. It if also in the centre of a large and growing mining district, where cottages are in greai demand. For further particulars apply to Mr Sherriitt, solicitor iiad notary Wrexham, or the auctiouers Temple CiiaiuberR. Wrexham. :'uf 14:r Biioh.. WREXHAM SMITHFLEUX The next mart sale will be held ou Thursday, Nov. 8tb, 187i MB BIRCH begs to inform hi^s nnmeroas friends and customers that the following' stock hiia been alreauy entered for sale, comprising— Prime Fat Beasts. Prime Fat Sheep and J.amj.s. Fat and Store l'igs. Calves, &c. The property of the supporters of this mart, inclnd;ng Simon Yo-ke, Esq., A. Peel, Esq., J. Clark, Esq ,G. Bras- ey, Fs«., J. Walker, Esq., T. Brassey. Es<l,, Lewis Esfi Messrs T. 211t;ife'an, R. J. Roberui, T. li-vls.r;. T. Robei*#, .1,. Sandbtcb,— Huxley, J. Pig^ott, J. jun., i.e v <— fli i i X'\ S1. fo commence with fat CMU'U :l t-Jl o\. oe, Office Marclawiel, rexluim. e, ,JO Safes Irir ^uctrou. Mr. Snape- SALE OF WDERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Mil SNAPk is instructed by Mrs Davies, to SELL BY AUCTION, or. Tuesday, October 23rd, upon the premises. Ko. 5, St. Mark's-terrace, B!ope-r«ad, Wrexham, the whole of her excellent drawing-room and bed room FURNITURE and kitchen requisites, books, prints, valuable I oil paintinsrs. Howe's sewing ma-hine, &c. Also excellent Cottage Pianoforte ill rosewood, brilliant tone. Sale to commence at One o'clock prompt. 42g [Bankruptcy Act, 1869.J In the matter of the bankruptcy of Messrs Arthur Jones, Adam Hyde, yid T. G. Mackay, trading under the style or tirm of The Pontcysyllte Iron Company." Mil SNAl'E has been instructed to offer for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, on Friday, October 2tiih, 1877, at one for two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be then produced, the PONTCYSYLLTE IRON WORKS, near Ruabon, in the County of Denbigh. The works are situate at Pontcysyllte, on the Shropshire Union Railway and Canal, which are worked by the London snd North-Western I Railway Company, and are also connected by a short branch with the Great Western Railway. The works comprise:- 13 puddling furnaces, with 1-' cinder trolleys and water troughs 1 t-t"ll steam hammer, by the I.ilieshall Company, I with massive anvil, block, hnd foundations 1 IS jucli for e train. ^?tb neOessury 11.firing plates, driven bv a i.,5 bfcam condensing engine, with t-vo extra pair forge rolls 1 25-inch condensing beam engine, 5ft. stroke, with heavy fly wheel, and fitted with metallic piston and governors 1 puddle bar slieari 1 torge beam scales and weights 4 heating furnaces I horizontal high pressure engine. 12-inch cylinder, "-feet 8-inch stroke. with heavy fly wheel, and pair rolls connected with it, and with metallic piston and governors 1 horizontal condensing engine, 27-inch cylinder, 4- feet stroke, with massive spur gear, and heavy counter fly wheel, on strong cast iron bed plates, with metallic piston and governor. 1 10-inch railing mill for hoops from f to 4 inches 1 8-inch ditto from i to Iinches, with counter spur gear, and shafts to drive same 1 roll turning lutbe on strong cast iron bed 1 new grindstone with strong axle and cast iron pedestal complete, 9 inches wide and 4 feet dau)eter 1 massive steam shearing machine 4 hand shearing machines 3 table weighing machines 1 Porley's platform weighing machine (to weigh two tons) 3 large trolleys 1 eight-ton crab with shear leg 1 Cameron's double-acting steam pump, with two 7 inch ranis 1 ditto, with S-incli ram 6 double-flued boilers, various sizes, with steam and water gauges, safety, stop, and feed valves, and wheel floats 440 pair mill rolls. various 10 iron and sundry wood barrows Large corrugated iron roofed-sheds over mill, forge and furnace, supported on strong cast-iron pillars 7 slated sheds on cast-iron pillars Cast-iron floor plates throughout the works Steam and water pipes throughout the works Bull-dog kiln Sundry tanks, trams, forge fittings in store room, smiths' tools in smith's shop, timber, &c. All necessary tools are on the works, which have been recently constructed with every modern improvement, are in good condition, and ready for starting at any time. The Works are held on a Loase for the unexpired term of 17 years, with a renewal clause for a further term of 7 or 10 yeaas, at the low rent of L20 per annum. There is a dwell- ingbouse, cottage, and blacksmith's shop erected on the works, and the lease contains provisions enabling the leseee at the end of the term to remove all the plant, machinery, and buildings .except buildings of the value of !"100. The works are situate 111 a coal and iron producing district, are in close proximity to and connected, with, the New British Iron Works and Coljicries. by Railway, and Plaskynaston Colliery by Canal. The freight for Pig Iron and Coal from adjoining works is thus reduced to a minimum. Pontcysyllte is only a few minutes' walk from the Trevor Station upon the Llangollen branch of the Great Western Railway. The person in charge will show the Works, and further particulars and information can be obtained, and the lea.se inspected, on application to Mr J. S. Blease, of 25, Castle- street, Liverpool; Messrs Ramwell aud Pennington, solici- tors, 13, Pall Mali, Manchester, and Bolton; Mr Evan Morris, solicitor, Wrexham or from the Auctioneer, Lion House, Wrexham. -+- MEDSSTS. Clmrton, Elphick, & Co. Sale of Excellent Household Furniture, Glass, China, and other Effects, at l'ío. 3, PLASTIRION-TEREACE, RHYL. MESSES, CKURTON, ELPHICK, & CO. beg to 1.l1- announce that they have received instructions from the Executors of the late Mrs Jackson to SELL BY AUCTION oil Thursday and Fri lay, November 1st and 2nd, 1877, commencing each day at 12 o'clock a.m. punctually, the valuable HOUSEHOLD FUliNlTlnE, appertaining to dining, drawing, and sitting rooms, iucluiiing a set of mahogany telescope dining tables with two leaves, ditto pedestal sideboard, mahogany and rosewood ch< ffioniers, single and lounging chairs, couches, loo, card, and other tables, brilliant chimney glasses, Brussels and Kidderminster carpets; dam:1."k, chintz, and musliu window cui-tt ns; ma- hottauy aud iron tour-post and French bedsteads, hair aud wowl iliattivs^cs. dressing and wash tables, chests of drawers, blankets and bed quilts, ailass, china, and earthenware, kitchen and culinary requisites, aud other miscellaneous Effects. Catalogues may be obtained from Mr Berrington, High- street, hLyl; or from the Auctioneers, Messrs. Cliurton, Elphick, Roberts, and Richardson, Chester. 4S IsYCOED, DENBIGHSHIRE. Sale of a small Freehold Estate, situate about five miles from Wrexham, two from Bangor Isycoed. and four from the borough of holt. MESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK, AND Co. wil SICLL BY AUCTION, at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, on Thursday, the 8th day of November, 1877, at one tor two p m., punctually, in the lots set forth in the particulars of sale, or in surli other and in such order as the vendor's ageuts may decide upon at the time of sale, and subject to conditions then to be produced, the undeimeutioiud very compact small FREEHOLD ESTATE. Lot 1,—A very valuable FARM, called "Bowiing Bank," situate on the road from "Wrexham to Isycocd, in the holding of Mr Thomas Nicksou as yearly tenant, comprising a dwelling-house, farm buildings, garden, orchard, and severil pieces of land, containing in the whole atout 41 bieri-6. Lot 2.-Two brick and thatched COTTAGES, with l' gardens, <1Ccllpied by .101m Johnson aud Noah Morris, with a piece tf LAND, called the Far Field," held by MrNickson, fronting the road to Wrexham, and containing iu the whole about tlireu acres. Lot 3.-A Mefsuage or DWELLING-HOUSE, adjoining Lot 2, with Gardeu and Orchard, held by Edward Griffiths, oind a piece of LAND called the" Middle Field," held by Mr Nickson, containing in the whole nearly three acres. Lot 4.-A piece of excellent LAND adjoining Lot :1, called Ellis "roft," in the holoing of Mr Nickson, containing about two acres and a half. Lot 5.—A pieceo valuable Meadow LAND, known as" The Snajxs," in the holding of Mr Nickson, containing about four acres and a half. Lot6.-A Brick and Slated COTTAGE, with two good Gtrdef}¡;, having extensive frol.tage to Sutton-lane, in the holding of Sarah Davies. The tenants will show the respective lots. Printed yarticu ars with plans may be had, with any further information, from Messrs Barker and Hignett, Solicitors; or Messrs Churton, Elphick, Roberta, and Richardson, the Auctioneers, all of Chester. b Messrs. Heather and Co. OHAYSTONE VILLA, CRESCENT-ROAD, RHYL. Important and Highly Attractive Sale of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Effects. MESSRS HEATHER & Co. beg most respectfully to announce that in accordance with the instructions of Mrs Hamer, who is leaving Rhyl, they will SELL WITH- OUT RESERVE, ou Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23rd Mrf; Hamer, who is leaving Rhyl, they will SELL WITH. OUT RESERVE, oil Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23rd aud 21th. at One o'clock prompt, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, bdug the contents of Drawing-room, Dining, room. Breakfast-ro-m, and Six Bedrooms, Kitchen and other OfSoeu, comprising mahogany framed cheffoniers, side- boards', couches and chr.irs, mahogany loo and diniDg tables, drawing-room suites covered in crimson figured damask, large and brillbint pier classes in ornamental gilt Irames. handsome scroll fenders and sets of polished steel lire-iron- window poles and cornices, Brussels, tapestry, and Kidderminster carpets and hearthrugs, some very valuable hrle engravings, also several prize exhibition engravings, elegant chimney vases, ornaments in alaba-ter, &c., rich out- class lustres, &C. The Bedrooms contain several polished birch Arabian bedsteads of superior workmanship, first-class patent metalic half-tester and French bedsteads with beautiful hair and wool mattresses, splondid goose feather beds with bolsters and pillows, several very handsome Spanish mahogany chests of drawers, beautifully marked mahogany to let glasses aud napkin rails, pairs of toilet stands, neat chamber services, mahogany commodes and other chamber appendages, a valuable collection of superior electro-plate, consisting of richly embossed table and bedroom candlesticks, tea and coffee service, and extra tea and coffee pots, cruet frames, salvers, toast racks, salts and mustards, fish slice, table and dea-ert' spoons, forks, sauce ladles, sugar tongs, salt and mustard spoons, splendid assortment of richly cut table glasft, China dinner, tea and breakfast services, an immense P3s,n'blage of bed and table linen, blankets, sheets, and counterpanes, &c &c. Also the contents of Kitchen, Servant's Hall and other Offices.—Largo patent mangling and wringing machine, copp-r, brans, and iron stewpans, and ether cnlinary rcquisitee, and a number of other useful effects. lJl->ficriptiv(, Catalogues setting forth the order of Sale will bu is ued Ten navs prior to Sale, aud may be had at the ChUl Hotels :'n the district, and of the-Auctioneers, Messrs ;e~li!0r ,¡\ld Llhvl. The whok s.y 1c Yk-.V"H Oil hr :r,TO:Jlic6 cf Sale. 4ub 1- aI cs fry lucticm. Messrs Davies and Armor. TWYSOG, NEAR HENLLAN, About two miles from the town of Denbigh. Important Sale of Store Cattle, 17 Fat Sheep, Store Pigs, Sows with Litter, ten acres of Swedes».aiid one acre of Potatoes. y ESSRS DAVIES AND ARMOR have again received xll instructions from Mr Williams, who is leaving the farm, to SELI, BY AUCTION, on t4ie above premises, on Thursday, November 8th, 1S77, the following valuable LIVE STOCK, comprisiug- 19 valuable Store Bullocks, out-layers, three and four years old Also several very thriving Rearing Calves Together with 171 prime Fat Sheep in lots of 10 Ten strong Store Pigs and one Sow with litter of ten, about a month old Also ten acres of Swedes and other Turnips, in lots to be arranged on the day of Sale And one acre oi good healthy Potatoes, in suitable lots Three months' credit will be given on the sums of £5 and upwards on approved security, or the usual discount for cash. Lunch at 11 o'clock a.m., and the Sale to commence at 12 Froinpt. Royal Oak, Denbigh, Oct. 18th, 1877. c Important and extensive Sale of Farmiue Stock, modem Implements of Husbandry, 40 b..n.d of Honi.-<i. .-t: ■> valuable Horses, Corn, Hay, Swedes, 1'ol;oc: t'jf- wh'»5o of Hie Housouvld Furniture, and other elfee s. WAEN FAWR, GROES, Situate within three miles of the town of Denbigh. MESSRS DAVIES AND ARMCJR hare been instructed by the trustees of the late Mr Thomas Foulkes, to SELL BY AUCTION, on the above premises, on Monday and Tuesday, October 29th and 30th, 1S77, the whole of the valuable FARMING STOCK, Modern Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Cows, Store Cattle, Pigs, Horses, Dairy Vessels, 8 Stacks of Corn, 2 ditto Hay. 11 acres of Turnips and Potatoes, and thewhole of the Household FURNITU hE &c., &c.; briefly comprising 9 powerful cart horses and colts, fifteen and sixteen hands high; 1" well-bred dairy cows in calf, 1 ditto with calf at foot, 16 two aud three years old sto;e bullocks (out layers), 10 promising yearling calves, 6 store pigs, 4 weli-bred tows in pig, poultry, geese, &e. Implements comprise iron plough, scutilers, harrows, wood ditto. turnip pulper, ditto slicer, 3 horse powers, for thrashing, chaff cutting, and churning, straw cutters, four- horse power thrashing machine, winnowing ditto, one light running four-wheel waggon, 4 nriffow-wheel carts with board and thrippers complete, market shandry, wood hurdles, wood and stone rollers, ö setts of good horse gearing, oue sett harness, &c., 2 stacks of prime meadow hay, 3 stacks of well-liarvested oats, 3 ditto barley, 2 ditto wheat, also about ten acres of swedes (in lots), one ditto of potatoes. Together with the whole of the valuable Household Furniture, Dairy Vessels, and other effects, comprising the irons, fenders, brass candlesticks, oak settles, kitchen dresser,' ditto tables, hair-seated and other chairs, sofa, chest of drawers, eight days clock in oak case, bedstead and palliasses, feather beds, washstands, dressing tables, toilet glasses, oak and other cupboards, stair rods, carpets, &c., together with the whole of the Dairy Utensils, and other effects. The Crops to be carried off. Order of Sale:—First day-Implwments and Live Stock. Second day-Corn in stack yard, Turnips, Potatoes, and Household Furniture. Lunch on Monday at 11 o'clock. Sale to commence each day at 12 prompt. Three months' credit will be given on all sums of £5 and upwards, on approved security, or the usual .discount for cash. Royal Oak, Denbigh, Oct. 18th 1877. c Mr. Richards. WPTXHAM, DENBIGIISHIRE. 77tli Sale of Mr E. P. Fowler's Pure-bred Alderney, Jersey, and Guernsey Heifers. MR RICHARDS will SELL BY AUCTION, at tbe Wynn- stay Arms Hotel Yard, Wrexham, on Thursday, November 1st, ISii, at three o'clock, p.m., eight real Alder- ney, Jersey and Guernsey cows and heifers, imported expressly for this sale by Mr E 1'. Fowler, of Jersey, and 10, Gloucester Square, Southampton. The rich milking qualities of the Alderneys and Jerseys are so well known that comment is unnecessary. Catalogues may be obtained from the Auctioneer, 39,, Chester-street, Wrexham. On view the day of sale from Ten mutil Three o'clock, when ttie Auction will punctually commence. 56e alts hy &1rilnttt Contract. NORTH WALES. Freehold Properties in the Counties of Denbigh and Flint. MESSRS. DRIVER beg to inform the public that the following Properties not having been sold at the recent Auc: ion, may now be treated for by Private Contract. In Dmhiyhshire. NANTUCHAF FARM, with Farmhouse, Buildings, and about 43 acres of Arable and Gra, Lauds. LLANFAIR V1L..AGE—A Dwelling-house with Slaugh- ter-house, Stabling, Cow-house, &c., and a n'ot of accom- modation or Budding Land, containing about acres. TREYALYN MEADOWS, about six miles from rexham and seven from Chester, containing about 11 acres of rich accommodation Meadow Land. In Flintshire. BRYN-EITHIN FARM, two miles from Flint, with Build- ings and nearly 14 acres of capital Arable and Grass L'.uds. For price and particulars apply to resrs. Driver, Surveyors, Lund Agents, and Auctioneers, 4, Whitehall, Loudon. 43 Jtgal anb Dublix ftofes. WREXHAM MARKET HALL COMPANY. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Extraordinary il Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will be held at the oflice of the Company, in the Market llall, Wrexham, on 'luesday. the Oth day of November next. at J1 o'clock in the forenoon, for th" jnirpose of electing a Director to till up the Vacancy in the directorship caused ty the death of Mr ,Joseph Jackson. By order of the Directors, JONATHAN OWEX, Secretary. Wrexham, 20th October, 1877. 25c WREXHAM AUXILIARY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM ALLIANCE. THE ANNUAL 3IEETING of the above will be held in the Public Hall, on Friday, the 26:h instant, when Addresses will be delivered by Samuel Pope, Esq., Q.C., Recorder of Bolton; J. 11. Haper, Esq., of Manchester, and other gentlemen. Watkin William", Esq., Q.C., M.P., in the chair. Doors opeu at 6 p.m. Meeting commencing at 7 p.m. A few seats will be reserved, for which :icket-8 can be obtained at Miss Whiting's, price Is. 39b PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. FOR POSITIVELY THREE NIGHTS ONLY. IMMEDIATELY after concluding an engagement at the Theatre Royal, Dublin, these world-renowned Tragic Artistes 1rI AND MIlS BANDMANN, Will give legitimate performances on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, October 29th, 30th, and 31st. Supported by their own specially organised Powerful Company. MONDAY, October 29th.HAMLET TUESDAY, October 30th.ROMEO AND JULIET I WEDNESDAY, October 31st.LADY OF LYOSS I For further particulars, see bills, &c. WREXHAM AUXILIARY BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. On Thursday Evening, October 25th, 1877, the ANNUAL 3JEETING Of the above Institution, will be held in the TOWN HALL, WREXHAM, when the REV. JOHN BUGBIDGE, LIVERPOOL, As a Deputation from the Parent Society together with several Clergymen and Ministers will advocate the clainfc of the Society. THE RE". DAVID HOWELL, VICAR, will preside. A Collection will be made in aid of the Fund*. The Doors will be opened at half-past 6, to commence at 7 o'clock, 2 À)utafiO'n. CHNGING LESSONS at Wrexham, every Friday. For terms, &c., apply to Mr Theo. Goebbels, professor of singing, 168, Chatham-street, Liverpool. 61 TAVISTOCK HOUSE, WREXIIAM. Establishment for the Board and Education of young Ladies, conducted by the { I SSE t; S I -N 10 Special Classes are held weekly for Latin. Shorthand, Rttd Scripture. French, (Jerantt, Ira¡¡[:11, ui-■ i Spanish i-v late 1<;¡. blaster at ill". Kiitg School, Chester. Young ladies may attend for Language/ on'y. Jegal anh flitMic atias. —————————————————————————————————————-——- THE LAND LOAN AND ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that application has been made by William Cornwallis West, Esq.. of Ruthin Castle, in the county of Denbigh, for the advance of a sum not exceeding- that understated by way of loan, under the provisions of '• The Land Loan and Enfranchisement Company's Ad," to be applied to improvements on the lands understated, and to be repaid with interest by way of rent-charge or annuity, in the terms of the said Act. Sum anplied for, viz.. Term of years over O-J. 'SS'ISJUSS?* to the Improvements. shall be spread. Ruthin Sewage Farm Ruthin and Llanrhydd. Denbigh ^°three° pounds aD^ ] Twenty -five years. I i — L_ :— Witness my hand this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. II < Land Loan and Enfranchisement Company, T. PAIN, Managing Director. 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. I frabfsmm's glftbrtssfs. AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIOMS, 18 7 7. T J W I L L I A M S, > 34, HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH, BEGS to announce his return from London and the leading markets, where he has s«l>-cted with great care a magnificent and well-arranged assortment of new goods of the newest designs and latest productions for the Season. SPECIAL NOVELTIES In Seal, Ciotli, and Matallasse Jackets, Ulsters and Waterproof Cloaks, Millinery, Felt Hats and Bonnets, Costllnes, Silks, Real Irish Poplins in all colours, French Wool Poplins, Snow Flakes, Serges. Frem-h Merinoes and Cashmeres of all shades, Persian Cords, Balmoral Crapes, Winceys, Linsey Skirts and Skirtings all new. A splendid assortment of new Wool Shawls, Firs, Fir Sets, Fir Trimmings, Gloves. Hosiery, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Outfitting, Fancy Coatings, West of England and real Welsh and Scotch Tweeds, Mattalasse Cloths for Jackets, Overcoatings. An immense stO''k of Gentlemens'Wool Shirts and Shirtings of better value than ever previously offered. Large arrivals of Welsh and English Flannels of the best makes. Blankets of every description. il T. J, W. will make his GENERAL SHOW ON AND AFTER MONDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, When the favour of an early inspection is respectfully requested. N.B.—The Millinery and Dressmaking are under efficient management, and all orders will have careful and prompt attention. T. J. W. begs to call attention to his large stock of goods especially suitable for charitable purposes. PATTERNS SUPPLIED ON APPLICATION. ALL PARCELS ABOVE 2 0s. CARRIAGE PAID TO ALL PARTS. 50o THE WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTEL, OSWESTRY. CHARLES JQREW, PROPRIETOR. The Proprietor begs to inform the residents of Oswestry i aud the surrounding districts that he has become the tenant j of the above Hotel, and trusts he may continue to receive the support so liberally accorded to his predecessors. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION for Families, Commercial Gentlemen, and Tourists. THE BOWLING GREEN AND PLEASURE GROUNDS are acknowledged to be unsurpassed in the neighbourhood. A SPACIOUS BILLIARD SALOON. WINES, SPRITS. AND CIGARS of the choicest description. Gopd STABLING and Lock-up COACH-HOUSES. Careful attention given to the POSTING DEPARTMENT. ilcia I A C A R D 'l — pOWELI JBOTHERS, ENGINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, 1 CARTRIAV IRON WORKS, (Adjoining Great Western Railway Station), WREXHAM. 1003f 1 O ..V » » LIVERY STABLES, M HIGHGVTB, DKNBIGH. t* -.jI'}' GEORGE JONES, Proprietor. (Successor to Mr Thomas Roberts.) THREE excellent Horses and a variety of Vehicles constantly on Hire. la THE FAMILY GROCERY, FOREIGN AND COLONIAL STORES, 14, Klan. STREET, WEEXHAM. — P C K. Benson AND Co., v PROPRIETORS. The STORES are established to papply the Publio with TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL GOODS, GENERAL GROCERIES, &c„ &c., i H ;At the Lowest Market Price#. Tho unparalleled suocese which hqls marked the progress of their business from year to year is the radfilt ef practical knowledge of TEA, and of the exercise of proper care in the selection of Stock, whieh enablfes them to Sell 'TEA and CFFEE8 of superior quality at moderate prices, and taking QUALITY as the STANDARD O? VALUE and the TEST OF CHEAPNESS, C. K. B. and Co. confidently statc that Goods purchased at their Stores cannot be surpassed by any Stores, Finn, or Company in the Kingdom. C. K. B. and Co. tender their sincere thanks to their numerous customers for their constantly in- creasing support and extensile recommendation: and they may rest assured that all orders entruotcd to them will continue to have prompt attention. HOURS OF BUSINESS. C. K. B. and Co's Stores are opened at 8 a.m., closed at 7 p.m.; on Thursdays at 6.50 p.m.; and Saturdays at 10.30 p.m. | N.B.—They will-be entirely closed on the four day set apart as Bauk Holiday& j TH OLD TEA TtrAREHousE. "j 1 II I G H- S TR E E T, "VVKEXHA1.I. IEC, | JOSEPH "pENTON AND SONS, Manufacturers of Crucible Cast^teel Castings, Patent Colliery Wheels, Axles and Pedestals, Colliery Cages Cage Slides and Guides, Winding Pulliesand Frames, Rail Crossings, Points, &c., &c. I SYKES WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Please address inquiries and orders MR W. GAMBLE. la, Queen-street, Wrexham, aud the same will have prompt attention. llottf C. A. Brows- HOSIER, ETC., < 23, HOPE STREET, BEGS respectfully to intimate that in consequence of having to leave her present Shop she h:ua taken the Larger and more Convenient Premises, No. 5 HOPE STREET, Which she purposes to Open for Business Shortly. oob WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELLERY. PIERCE'S English Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, -t- full jewelled, at -14 10s. Warranted for tour years. PIERCE'S English Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, heavy cases, and beat finished movement, £ o us. War- ranted for five years. PTERCE'S Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, jewelled in ten-holes, chronometer balance, crystal ^'la-s, and very strong <i*ees, with gold points and highly finished move- ments, £ t 4s. Wvranted for five years. PIERCE'S Silver GENEVA WATCHES, jewelled in eight holes, strong cases, aad very best movement, £ 2 15s. Equal to any Lever Watcheol. Warranted for three years. PIERCE'S Silver GENEVA WATCHES, large and smal! sizes, at £ 1 Is, £ 1 10s, £ 1 15s. is, £ 2 5s, and £ 10s. All warranted from one to three years. PIERCE'S AUSTRIAN REGULATORS. Prize Meial at the Wrexham Art Treasures Exhibition, ouly varying a quarter of a minute in four mouths. Prices from £ 3 10s to 43110S. PERCE'S KITCHEN CLOCKS, ei-ht day, spring aud striking, from 21s and upwards. PIERCE'S HALL or STUDY CLOCKS, Barometer and Thermometer combined, £ 3, £ 3 10s, £ 4'10s, and £ 5 5s. PIERCE'S BEDROOM CLOCKS. Timep ieces from 6s: [ JL Alarums, 7s 6d; Bronze Eight-day timepieces, 10s. l 6d, and 1, J PIERCE'S Silver English, Centre Second, Stop, MARINE CHRONOGRAPH WATCH. Warranted not to vary over one minute in twelVe months. Price;Clolof,. PIERCE'S FANCY snd ENGAGE RINGS, set with Diamonds, Emeralds, Pearls, aud other precious stones from 15s to £ 20. PTERCE'S GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS and KEEPERS, sold by weight. Half a dozen Nickle Silver Tea Spoons given with every Wedding Ring. AGENT for Messrs Giilett and Bland's TURRET and CHURCH CLOCKS, and tor Mensrs Thomas Russell and Son's LIVERPOOL-MADE WATCHES. Note the address D. D. PIERCE. WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER. HENBLAS-STEEET. 1173 WREXHAM. ¡ GUNS 1 Established 1834. J £ EKBISON'S, j GUN AND PISTOL MAKERS. 16, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM, j RETURN thanks to their customers for the liberal support accorded to the firm since they have been in business, and invite the attention of Sportsmen to their superior stock of Double Central-Fire Breech-Loading Guns, from £ 5 up- Wards. Every gun warranted, and shooting guaranteed. CaSh prices of Elev's Cartridge Cases, 12 gauge, gas-tight, per thousand, 40s blue, 3Gs; brown, 30s. Loaded Cartridges, 12 gauge, 3 drachms. Curtis and Harvey's bet treble strone powder, 11 shot. Grease-proof. Felt,, and Cloth Wads, j gas-tight, per hundred, 11a: blue, ]0s fti; brown, Ds Cd E brown, 9s. GUNPOWDER, SHOT, CAPO;, WADDING, Ac.. at equally low prices. CHILLED SHOT KEPT IN STOCK PRIVATE HOTEL, 81, JERMYN STREET. ST. JAMES'S. LONDON, W. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED" SUITES OF BOOMS AND SINGLE BEDROOM. done to the Ciubs, Tlieutres, and all places of amusements.—Apply to MRS. E. ROBERTS. FRORBIETRSSS. ALSO.. SUTHERLAND f'Orfct, £ A.? I" A MADS, rnYL. FLINTSHIRE. JPNTV r'!AlûLS6 11.L. ffrabesmms bbrtsSts. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE I THE GREAT SALE OF D R A P E P, Y GOODS IS NOW GOING ON AT LUNT D GRIFFITHS, < FREE TRADE HALL, RHYL. THE GREAT HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE, HAS COMMENCED, AKD WILL CONTINUE FOR A SHORT TIME. « The genuine character of these great ready-money, clearance sales has now become "a household word" in the country far and wide. At the outset, this high reputation cost the proprietors much to gain, and-without recourse to puffing and cognate artifices of trade—they are now as resolved at ever freely to give a very great deal to keep. They do not, therelore,.think it at all necessary to ealargo further upon the advantages now ag-aia offered for public patronage, but would just merely remark that the clearanoo sale occurs this summer a little later, obviously owing to the lateness of the season; yet, at the same time, this carries with it very ample compensation to buyer-, for the very reason that the proprietors are in a much better position to supply the public demand for good money's worth iu every respect, they having had longer time to look up FIRST.CLASS BARGAINS, And the same will be offerer! without any reserve, in aB departments of the very extensive estebiishjuonts advertised, ALL ARTICLES ARE NOW TO BE SOLD OFF REGARDLESS OF COST PRICE, The new contracts for Winter Goods having been already made. f ———— The STOCK being so EXTENSIVE AND VARIED we fiud it impos.-ible to enumerate DEPARTMENTS, BCT IMMENSE BARGAINS Will. be found in EVERY BRANCH of the BUSINESS, the Prices being such as have been hitherto unheard of. Y N.B,-Tlie proprietors beg to add that particular attentioa. will be paid during the Sale to the wants of all their customers. None need, therefore, any fear, although both establish- ments are thronged, aye, crammed to the doors on market days. that they will not be served upon their being satisfied by per- sonal inspection and all are heartily invited to call and view the goods in the various departments for tbemseives. By doing so, they will be best able to judge whether it is not to their interest to purchase largely during these truly wonderful clearance sales of surplus stock; that is to say, wonderful fa the extraordinary business-like returns that accrue season after season to the proprietors themselves, and wonderful in the unexampled satisfaction that is expressed by the immense and annually increasing throngs of customers who spend their ready-money hereat to the very best advantage. t- PLEASE OBSERVE, THE GREAT SALE OF DRAPERY GOODS IS NOW GOING ON AT i JLUXT AND GRIFFITHS', FREE TRADE Li ALL, j J HIGH STREET, f i T '■ IHIYL. mo