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tErafcesmerc's 3fCti)rcssp5. WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELLERY. PIEECE'S English Silver PATENT LNVBTt WATCHES, full jewelled, at £410". Warranted for four years. PIEECE'S English Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, JL heavy cases, and best finished movement, War- Pftnted for five years. PIERCE'S Silver PATENT LEVER WATCHES, jewelled in ten holes, chronometer balance, crystal vrla-s. and Tery strong cases, with gold points and highly finished move- ments, 4s. Warranted for five years. PIERCE'S Silver GENEVA WATCHES, jewelled in eisrht holes, stron? cases. and very best movement, £ 2 15s. Equal to any Lever Watches. Warranted for three years. PIERCE'S Silver GENEVA WATCHES, large and small _i sizes, at .CI Is, £1 HiR, {í¡;, and 10s. All warranted from one to three years. PIERCE'S AUSTRIAN REGUL VTO>?S. Prize Medal at the Wresham Art Treasures Exh l>Hion, otily varying a qnnrter of a minute in four months. Prices from .t3103 to jesi 10s. PIERCE'S KITCHEN CLOCKS, eifcht day, spring and striking, from 21s and upwards. PIERCE'S HALL or STUDY CLOCKS, Barometer and JL Thermometer combined, £3, JE3 10s, £1 10s, and £5 5s. PIERCE'S BEDROOM CLOCKS. Timepiece? from 6s; JL Alarums, 7s Gd; Bronze Eight-day Timepieces, 10s, 18s 6d, and 15s. PIERCE'S Silver English. Centre Second,"Stop. MARINE CHRONOGRAPH WATCH. Warranted not to vary over one minute in twelve months. Price £10 los. PIERCE'S FANCY and ENGAGE RINGS, -set with Diamonds, Erne; aids, Pearls, and other precious stones, from 15s to £2\ -u PIERCE'S GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS and KEEPERS, sold by weight. Half a dozen Niekle Silver Tea Spoons given with every Wedding Ring. AGENT for Messrs Gillett and Eland's TURRET and < TH'W H CLOCKS, and for T-Tessrs Thomas Russell and Son's LIVERPOOL-MADE WATCHES. Note the addres= :— D. D pIE R C E. WATCHMAKER & .TEW^LLKll, HEN BL AS- STREET, 117g WREXHAM. GUNS! Established 18H4. J7- E R E I s O N S. J.- GUN AND PISTOL MAKERS, lfi. CHARLES-STREET, WREN HAM, thmk« to their customers for the liberal support "accorded to the firm since they have been in business, and invite the attention of Sportsmen to their superior stock of Double Central-Fire Branch-Loading ouns, from £ ■> up- wards. Every pin warranted, and shooting guaranteed. cmli prices of Kiev's Cirtridce Cases, 12 sramre. gns-Meht, nor thousand, 40s blae,-8Cs: brown, "0s Loade<l Cartridges 19 (ranire .1 d^achme. Curtis and Harvev s be.-t treble Stron" powder. 1 shot,. Grease-proof. Felt, and Cloth Wads. M™ti.<rlk per hundred, lis; blue, 10s Cd: brown, 9s 6d; E brown, 9s. GUNPOWDER. SHOT, CAPS, WADDING, &C., at equally low prices. CHILLED SHOT KEPT IN STOCK. JjJLLlSS RUTHIN WATERS. pJnB AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS—Crystal Springs. Soda, Potass, Seller, Lemonade Lithia, and for Gout, Lithia and Potass. Corks Branded "R. El'is and Son, Ruthin," and every Label bears their Trade Mark. Sold even-where, and wholesale of R. ELLIS AND SON, Ruthin, North. Wrtle?. 444c L E >' F I E L D THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. g T A R C H PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION LONDON, lbG2; PARIS, 1307; PHILADELPHIA, 187-3. I? vou wan) a GOOD WATCH, warranted to keep CORRECT TIME, send a post office order to J gEWILL, WATCH MANUFACTURER, 61 SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, 9.Ed 30, CORNHILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, And you will receive by return of post, securely packed, a first-class. LEVER. WATCH, Wariantedto keep correct time, and suitable for a Lady or Gentleman. Silver Lever To Wind and Set Hands from the b-iek. In all sizes, suitable for Ladies, WATCIIES. Gentlemen, Youths, nnd Mechanics. £2 2s. £3 3s. The same in Hunting: Cases, £2 3s. £3 10s. SEWILL' English Silver Patent Detached Lever Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted. All the latest improvements, in Sizes, for WATCHlES Ladloo, Gentlemen, Youths, and Mechanics. £4 4". £5 5s. £ K (1:. The same in Hunting Case% £5 55. £6 7s. SEWILl15 Gold Lever To Wind and Set Hands from the back. In ah s;ze, suitable for Ladies, WATCHES. Gentlemen and Youths. £5 5. £:) 6s. 7s. SEWILL'S English Patent Detached 18 Carat Fine Geld Lever Capped, Jewelled and Warranted. All the htest, improvements, in sizes, for WATCHES. Ladies and Gentlemen, £38s. £10105, .£1:! l'X Same as those for which Prize Med,,1c of Infernationnl HxhibitioM. London, 1862, and Pan". 1S07 were awarded. All the above may he had keyless, that is to wind up set hands from the pendant without a kev, at an "ltra cost of ..s 2S. in Silver Cases, and Æ) 10;. in Gold SB WILL'S Presentation la great variety combining beaut*- of WATCHES design with perfection of workminshin. i FROM 2'. TO 100 Guineas. SEWILL'S Marble, Bronze, and Gill In our Show Rooms are to ba .foond thf goeat in the kingdom suitable ("LOCKS HaJl. Library, Boudoir, Drawing, and Dining Room. Estimates given for Clocks for Churches, Time's and Public Buildings. I.A.RGEST STOCK IN ENGLAND TO SELECT FBOM. em- CHRONOMETER MAKER TO THE SIGHT HOWOUUABLK THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OP THE ADMIRALTY. HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVY, b., &c. 6T Money Orders to bo made payable 1(' J. SEWILL. 65. SOUTH'.CASTLE STREET LIVERPOOL •B 30, CORNHILL, ROYAL EXCIIA.KC- £ LONDON Illustrated Catalogues Dost free on application* I f-tafresmtT s Slbbressts. f JOHN H. KIDD & CO., Manufacturers of r» AlLWAT WAGGON COVER I-W KICK AND TENT CLOTHS, COVERS, LLHE SHEETS, All sizes kept in stock. BRATTICE CLOTH, AIR T U BIN G HORSE CLOTHS, WATERPROOF RUGS, INDIA-RUBBER GOODS Roofing Dry Bait., and Do Her Felt, SACKS, COTTON WASTE, LAMP WICKS. 0,FFiczs PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. 6991 WILLIAM PIERCE, GENERAL UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE-STREET, WREXHAM, AGENT to the Patent Metallic Air-tight Coffin Company, Limited. | Works and Offices j 158, GREAT CHARLES-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. These Coffins are covered with white, black and I crimson cloth or velvet, and every design of coloured a-i iratal rm;n*9i s used. Tfc>/ v: only t is •weight of aai Co3ms, and ard .we durable. The expense is so small that they C'itl be used for all funerals except those of the very poorest class. Various sizes kept in stock. MR. EDWARD W. KEATINGE, SURGEON DENTIST, CYNVAL VILLAS K 1 N M E L S T RSEI, HUYL. Nine vcuvs with Mr .Turned B. LJu}d; Rodney-street, Liverpool. Attendance every Wednesday, at Miss Jones's, Milliner, 11, High-street (corner of Crown-square), Denbigh Teeth painlessly extracted under the influence of nitrous oxide gas ESTABLISH ED 1835. W H E LPTON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS A RE warranted not to contain a single particle of mercury A or any other mineral substance, but to consist entirely of medicinal matters purely vegetable. For forty years they have proved their value in thousands of instances in diseases of the head, chest, bowels, liver, and kidueys; and in all skin complaints are one of the best medicines known. Sold in boxes, price 7Ad, Is lid, and 2s 9d each, by G. Whelpton and bon, Craue-court, Fleet-street, London; and may be had of all chemists and medicine-vendors. 8ent free on receipt of 8,14. or o3 stamps. 10210 HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This great Household Medicine ranks amengst the eading necessaries of life. fTTLIESE famous Pills purify the Blood, X and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYSI and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great Main Springs of Life. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become mpa:red or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsur- j passed. — HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known through- out the world. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, pLD WOUNDS, SORES, AND ULCERS, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the Deck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throat, Diphtheria, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Piles, Fistulas, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been known to fail. Boh Pills and Ointmen are Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the Civilised World. 10G5 SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Auctions, Books, IVades, Amusements, and Charities. Seven lines and under 2s. fid. Per additional line. t)s. 4d. AliseellaneoitR-Pitblic Companies, Legal Kotices, Contracts, &:c. Tire lines, and under. 2s. 6d. For additional line Os. 6d. Prospectuses of New Companies, Parliamentary Notices, and Election Advertisements. Six lines, and under 5s. od. Per additional line 0s. 9d. Displayed Advertisements. Trade, &c 2s per inch. Public Notices, &c 4s per inch. If set across two columns, double. Tradesmen's Advertisements for a Series taken by Special Contract. Cheap Scale for Prepaid Advertisements, Admitting under it the following classes or headings only:- Situations Wanted Articles Wanted Situations Vacant Miscellaneous Wants Houses Wanted Articles for Sale by Houses to Let Private Contract Ludgitigs, &c., Wanted Articles Lost or Lodgiugs, &c., to Let Found One Three Six Yfords. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. s. d. s. d. s. d. 29 1 0 2 6 4. 6 30 1 6 4 0 6 6 40 2 0 5 0 8 tJ Births, Deaths, and Marriages, One Shilling for three lines. No Credit Advertisement is charged less than 2s. 6d. Remittances not exceeding 5s may be made in halfpenny postage stamps. Post-office Orders, and Cheques to be made payable to W. Garratt-Jones

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