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RHYL. BAND OF HorE ENT ERTAI-N-IEI, T. -A very successful miscellaneous entertainment in connection with the English Presbyterian Hand of Hope, was held at the Lecture Room, Brighton Road, on Friday evening, the 9tb inst. We are pleased to learn that this useful society, which was started two years ago by Mr McLellan, clothier, Windsor street, is in a very flourishing condition, the number of attendants averaging about 80. Mr McLellan, who takes a very deep interest in the welfare of the young, is ably assisted by the Rev. J. Jenkins, M.A., who not only delivers temper- ance addresses, but also imparts useful instruc- tion to the young, in a manner which is both entertaining and highly profitable to them. The entertainment of last Friday was got up chiefly for the entertainment of the young, who were admitted at half price, the charge for adults being sixpence each, the proceeds to be devoted towards defraying the expenses incurrred in connection with the Band of Hope. There was a large audience, and the programme appended gave great satisfaction to all. The trio (violin) by Mr and Mrs Hazelhurst aud Mr Hazelden gave great delight, as also did the dialogue The pamp and the tavern," by Master Thomas Wood and party. In fact all the performers acquit- ted themselves most creditably. In the un. avoidable absence of W. R. Williams, Esq solicitor, the-chai'' was taken by the Rev. J. Jenkins, M.A. The following was the pro- gramme Chorus, Brightly beams the morning," Child- ren song and chorus, "Mill May," Sarah A Pritchard and R Parry recitation, "Pussy Cat," Ann Jones; song, "The Children's Home," Miss li. Roberts; glee; "TheOsney Bells." Polly Wil- liams and party solo (piano) Miss Katie Jones; chorus. Come all ye Children," Children; song, "In the heart of London Town," Mr Owen Edward. part song, Tbe Wild Sea Foam," Edith C. Jones and Party; trio (violin) Ecossaise," Mr and Mrs Hazelhurst and Mr Hazelden; dialogue, The Pump and the Tavern," Thomas Wood and party duet i Piano) Zampa," Misses Williams and Rowlands song and chorus, "Love at Home," Bella Povah and Pollie Homan song Polly," Mr Hazlehurst; recitation, "No one will see me," John Evans: chorus, "Courage, Brother do not stumble," Children; song, "Darby and Joan," Miss E. Roberts solo, (piano) Faust," Miss Ada M. Williams; duet, "Sea of Glass," Sarah A Pritchard and R. Parry; song and chorus, "The Sunny Side," Edith C. Jones and parcy chorus, God bless our Youthful Band," children. TREAT TO THE PooR.-Tiie names Littler and "Bodhyfryd" are household words in their association with all that is charitable among the poor. But most of the charities bestowed by Mr Littler and distributed so unostentatiously that nobodybut the donor,his Maker, and the recipients are Itware of their magnitude. It is the delight of the gentle- man mentioned to move among the poor to ameliorate their condition and assuage their suffering, and that, too, in a manner that cannot give a shadow of pain to the most sensitive of our less fortunate fellow. creatures. We say the most sensitive ad- visedly. for it is Mr Littler's sole desire to benefit the needy and unfortunate, and not to foster pauperism and indulge professional beggary, of which sad to say, there is far too much, even in our little town. The gifts of the worthy gentleman as above stated are distributed so quietly that seldom they are recorded in newspaper columns. How- ever. it has come to our knowledge that Mr Littler, will on Monday next treat the poor people over 60 years of age in the town, to a most seasonable present of excellent Welsh flannel. A special order was given by Air Littler to a well known woollen manu- facturer for 1500 yards, but the order could not be accepted, so the generous donor had to be satisfied with what the mill could turn out —1200 yards. —1200 yards. CoyGHEGAIIOXALIET DLAEL" FOR 1885.-The first edition of a Welsh diary for 1885, for the use of the Welsh Congregationalists, chiefly, edited and compiled by the Rev. Dr E. Pan Jones, of Mostyn, and printed at.the office of this paper, has already been exhausted, and a second edition is now in press. The fact that three thousand copies of this work were sold in the course of a few days, and that a second edition of over two thousand is demanded, is a sufficient proof of the excellence of the wotk. In addition to being a carefully compiled compendium of denomiational facts and statistics, it contains a mass cf general information useful to all. This diary is considered ns the completest and most trust- worthy published in connection with the Welsh Congregationalists. THE TEMPERANCE MISSION, commenced at Smith's Room, Wellington Road. on Sunday evening last, and continued ievery evening during the week, we are :pleased to say has been a very great success. On Sunday at 8 o'clock a united prayer meeting was held, conducted by the Rev. W. Foster, B.A., as- bisted by the Rev. D. Burford Hooke, Rev. W. Evans-Foote, and others, members of the vaiious christian churches in the town. The room was full. Crowded assemblies have also gathered on each of the following evenings. The meetings have been both entertaining and edifying. Besides the addresses delivered in Welsh and English on the subject of tem- perance, songs, recitations, readings, &c., have been given each evening. A Band of Hope choir, under the leadership of Mr John Prcffit, has rendered valuable service. Sankey's hymns have been sung by the audience, led by Mr E. Lloyd Evans, Elwy Street, and Misses A. and M. Jones, 2-2, High street, accompanying on the harmonium. Without mentioning any names in particular, suffice it to say that some of the leading temperance men and women of all denomin. ations have taken public part in the meeting, and have rendered assistance in every possible way. The addresses delivered!during the week have been of the most practical character, earnest in spirit and yet moderate in language. The speakers, too, have been attentively listened to. Perfect good order has pre- vailed throughout, if we except a few would- be young gentlemen (r) who on one or two occasions caused a little annoyance to the audience through laughing and talking loudly at the entrance into the room. About the middle of the week steps were taken to put a stop to such unseemly conduct. The meeting are clearly valued by those for whose benefit they were primarily intended, and there are reasons for believing that some practical good has been the result. The pledge book has been signed by many; and it is to be hoped that during the coming week—for the mission is to be continued- many more will be added to their number. 0 collections are made at the meetings, but, in order to give those who wish to con- tribute towards the expense of hiring the room, gas, harmonium, printing, &c., a plate is held by a person at the door. The committee feel deeply thankful for the ready anci valuable assistance given so far by ladies ana gentlemen, anG. would be glad to receive the names of any who would wish to assist in carrying on the work of the mission during. the coming week. ilr J. Love Jones, 59, Wellington Road, the secretary, can be communicated with.—Cor. 2ND BATTALION ROYAL WELSH FUSILIERS C" (RHYL) COMPANY'S ORDERS.—The annual Prize Shooting contest (for the money prizes, will tr.ke place this d&y &t the new range on the other side of the Foryd and near to the Ferry Hotel. Shooting to commence at 10 a.m., ana to be contiEued uitil 4 p.m. Competitors to ba in uniform, and to nave made themselves 3 1 efficient for the year ending olst, October last, or they will be disqualified. The prizes will be retained in hand for the present, but will be distributed at the town hail onaceituin date wLich will be duly announced. The; shooting for the prizes in kind will take place at the new range on Saturday next, the 24th inst., at. 10 a.m., anr be continued until 4 p.m. on that day. An entrance fee of h. will have to be paid by each competitor, and the names of those men wishing to take part in this com- petition shonid be given together with their entrance fees to Col. Sergt. Gamlin as early 0 as possible. The entrance fees will be applied for the same purpose as those of last year, viz to purchase a silver medal for the man who makes the highest score in this compet- ition. Further particulars may be obtftiaed from Sergt. Instr. Morrison, or from either of the Sergeants of the company.-Rhyl, 17th January, 1885. EÅRLY LAMBING.—As Mr Suowden, Queen-st., was proceeding to Prestatyn on Sunday last he observed in a field close to the line a ewe which had just dropped a fine lamb; being informed that Mr Gratton, Prestatyn was the owner, he at once in- formed him, who thanked Mr Snowden for the in- formation. AN IMPORTANT CASE.—"The trial of Sir John Barleycorn" will take place at the town hall on the 3rd February, 1885. Those taking part will consist of members of the Y.M.C.A. Parliamentary Debating Class. For further particulars see bills. Tickets may be had of the stationers and members. PERILOUS POSITION OF A BRIG.-Abollt 10 o'clock on Sunday night during the preval- ence of a full gale, word was brought to Mr. Hughes, the lifeboat secretary, that a vessel was firing rockets and exhibiting other signals Information was at once sent to the Coast Guards, being the quickest means of com- municating with the life boat station. In the meantime the vessel had ceased firing, and i is conjectured that her anchors were fortu- nately cast in good ground, therefore the life boat crew were not summoned. It is most probable that the captain finding himself being driven towards land, made these signals to prepare for the worse, but that afterwards he was able to bring his vesssi to. At day- light on Monday the vessel—a fine brig—wa observed riding at her anchor and rolling fear. ful, and the sea making a complete breach over her, in the North Channel, River Dee, in what is known as No. 149 per chart. She showed no distress signals, and it did not ap- pear to those watching at Rhyl to be replying to the signals made to her from the Voel Nant Telegraph station. Those who are versed in these matters state that at this time the only assistance she was in need of was a tugboat. Very careful watch, however, was kept npon her both at Rhyl and Point of Ayr, she being in danger of coming ashore on some of the dangerous banks between these stations, if her cables parted. In the afternoon the gale having abated, about 3.30, a tug boat came alongside, and took her in tow in the direction of Liverpool. We cannot understand why the Chester River Pilot Boat did not go to her, instead of tacking in the channel, and knowing the vessel was not showing dittress signals, and that she was riding in 6 fathoms low water spring tides Com. THE C (Rhyl) Company of the 2nd Bat- talion Royal Welsh Fasiliera had a church parade on Sunday last. The men fell in at 10 o'clock, and marched under the command of Sergeant Instructor Morrison, and preced- ed by their band, to St. Thomas's Church, where they were joined by Captain Jones. The Vicar preached the sermon, and after the service the Company marched back to the armoury by way of Bath Street, the Parade, High Street and Kinmel Street. Upon arriv- ing at their headquarters, the Captain com- plimented the men upon their attendance, considering the boisterous state of the weather, and also considering the distance some of them had to walk (from Rhuddlan, Meliden, &c.) We may remark that the Company pres- ented an improved appearance to their last church parade at Rhyl, the whole of the men wearing busbies and (with the exception of recruits) tunics. The strength of the Com- pany on parade was as follows :—1 Captain, 4 Sergeants (exclusive of Sergt. Instr. Morrison), 2 Buglers, and 35 Rank and File (including band), total 42. Y.M.C.A. DEBATING SOCIETY.—At the weekly meeting of the above society on Thursday last the attendance of members was so meagre that it was thought advisable to adjourn the house." Consequently the debate on the disestablishment and dis- endowment of the Church of England did not come off. NORTH WALES SCHOLARSHIP Associ&Tio-N A meeting of the committee of this associa- tion was held on Friday, at Rhyl, Captain E, H. Verney, R.N., in the chair. After the transaction of the ordinary business, the following resolution was carried unanimously, and ordered to be transmitted to the Prime Minister, the Lord President and Vice- president of the Council, and the Welsh members of Parliament, viz., That this association, finding that all intermediate educational effort in Wales is at a standstill owing to the delay in the introduction of the Intermediate Education Bill, earnestly urges the Government to bring forward the measure at an early period next session." At the usual meeting of the Clwyd Street Literary Society, held in the lesture ball on Monday evening last, Mr Jacob Jones presid- ing, two interesting papers were read; one by Mr Price, High-street, the subject bainr Liberty and the other by Mr R. O. Jone = on The geography of Palestine." THE Foo.R.-The soup kitchen is opened every Wednesday and Saturday morning, where soup is given to the poor by the Rhyl Poor Relief Fund, under the superintendence of Mr John Roberts, Queen-street. PRESENTATION TO P.C. JAMES D. MCLAREN.— On Tuesday evening a pleasing ceremony took place at the Old King's Head, Wrex- ham, in connection with a presentation to P.C. James D. McLaren (son of Inspector McLaren, Rhyl), on the occassion of his recent marriage. Mr W. Foulkes presided, and the presentation, which consisted of a handsome timepiece, a purse of money, and an address was made in suitable terms by Mr W. Swann, on behalf of the subscribers. The address ran as under:- TO MR. JAMBS D. MCLAREN. DGAR SIR' We, the undersigned, are desirous of taking an early opportunity of tendering to vou our hearty congratulations and good wishes upon your recent marriage. During your residence in Wrexham, extending over a period of four years, you have as an officer of the Denbighshire CJn- stabulary gained, by your upright conduct and faithful discharge of your duties, the esteem and respect of all. Amongst your numerous friends and well wishers none are more desirous for your welfare than we are, and we very sincerely trust that you and your wife may enjoy a long, happy and prosperous life. P.C. McLaren appropriately acknowledged the presentation and expressed his best thanks to the subscribers. Daring the evening a number of toasts were proposed and several songs by the vocal members of the company promoted the general harmony of the pro- ceedings.