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lipyn ø low dh. There is a rumour that no appointment will be made to the see of St. Asaph until after Easter. The amount of the offertory at Chester Cathedyal last year was 2726 6s. 4d., as compared with 2685 12s. lid. for the previous year. A party of "Female Christys" have been visiting Wrexham, and leaving without paying the printer. The Bishop of St. Asaph finally left his palace on the 3rd instant, and has, we believe, taken up his residence with Archdeacon Wickham at Gresford. A contemporary gives a new name to the St. Asaph Diocesan Association. A ruri-decanal meeting at Den- bigh in connection with that association is headed Meeting of the Church Reform Association." A drunken hairdresser at Chester, named Roberts, threw himself into the Northgate locks the other day, to avoid being privately executed by the police, which fate he believed, awaited him. He was rescued before he had quite executed himself. The Visiting Justices held an investigation last week into the conduct of William Lloyd, a warder in the Salop prison, and after a careful enquiry sentenced him to three weeks' imprisonment, and to be dismissed from his office, for bringing tobacco into the prison contrary to the regulations. The body of a man, name unknown, and without any means of identification, was found by a police officer in the river at the foot of the Glencarrwg Mountains, near Neath, on the 11th. It was very respectably clothed, an 1 though exhibiting no marks of violence the pockets had evidently been rifled. Decomposition had set in, the body having apparently been in the water more than three weeks. At a recent meeting of the Cheshire Chamber of Agri- culture resolutions were passed in favour of county finan- cial Boards, of petitioning Parliament to extend the area over which highway rates may be levied, in the event of the abolition of turnpike trusts, and praying Government to introduce a Bill for making ths Highway Act compulsory. A lady, just landed from the Dublin boat, allowed a man to carry her bag at Holyhead the other day. After he restored it she discovered that a purse containing £ 15 was missing-all the money she had except 2s. Fortu- nately she was booked through to London. The necessity for the promised Government Bill on the subject of rating is very strongly shown at Chester. In that city, we are told, in one parish houses paying 29 12s. rent are first subjected to a reduction of one sixth, and then to another of thirty per cent. as composition, so that the rates are levied only upon B5 12s. But in other parishes the rent is reduced first by one sixth, then by one fourth; and then by thirty per cent! The other night the ticket-taker at Chester found two little lads, one seven and the other nine, in a railway car- riage without tickets. On being questioned they said they came from Mrs Gladstone's orphanage at Hawarden, where they had been kindly treated, but from which they had escaped to go to London to see their mother. The poor children were given into the care of the police. Five pounds is a good deal to pay for the privilege of aiming at a partridge. At last week's Denbigh petty sessions William Wynne was summoned for using a gun for the purpose of taking game. He was on his own land, and a policeman said he saw him aiming at a covey of partridges. The defence was that he had no gun—but that if he had one it was for the purpose of shooting rabbits. He was fined 25, with a recommendation for a reduction. At the last meeting of the Bangor and Beaumaris Union the question of Sunday-closing of public houses came up, and a resolution in favour of closing was moved. To this an amendment was proposed, deferring the further consideration of the question till the details of the Govern- ment measure were known, and eight voted in favour of each side. It fell, therefore, to the lot of the chairman, a publican, to give the casting vote, and he said "he fully agreed with closing public houses entirely on the Sunday, and therefore he must give his vote for the resolution." There are different ways of showing respect. The most trying of all, perhaps, is to be waited upon by a deputation, but to have one's house fired is quite bad enough. The other day an inhabitant of Aberdovey, Mr E. Jones having returned from his wedding tour, a number of his fellow townsmen scattered lighted oakum balls about the place in honour of the happy event. One of the balls found its way into the house where Mr Jones and his friends were sitting, and set fire to the curtains. As the balls were dipped in paraffin Mr Jones may be thankful that his life was not sacrificed to the congratulations of his warm-hearted friends. Speaking at a great liberal demonstration at Northwich on the 10th the Hon. J. L. Warren said-" Speaking is very well in its way, but no amount of eloquence will strike one name off the register. Get your own names down that is the whole political duty of man, in a com- pendious statement. (Laughter.) Get your liberal neighbours on the lists, and strike off your conservative neighbours." (Laughter.) Alluding to education, the hon. gentleman said a new system must be framed, not for that well-to-do children, who go to school now, but to reach the very dregs of the population; and there was no reason why, because they were godless they should be ignorant too. I want to teach our street Arabs to read and write even if we cannot get them to subscribe to the thirty-nine articles." We may make up our minds for a lady Chancellor of the Exchequer, and how near the Mrs Lowe of the future may be nobody can tell. Miss Lydia Becker does not see why a sharp clever girl should not have the opportunity of going through the higher schools, and obtaining such offices under Government as she was qualified t<Srfill, in the same way as her brothers." Miss Becker said this at Crewe the other night, at a meeting called to support the movement in favour of giving the parliamentary suffrage to women. Miss Becker singled out school inspectorships as peculiarly appropriate to women, who would beat men, she said, in that department; and concluded with an elo- quent appeal to her audience to "help in securing man- hood and womanhood suffrage." The meeting was a large one, but the resolution in favour of conferring the fran- chise upon the ladies was carried, with only one ungallant opponent. We hope it will not all endi in the exclu- sion of the "worse half of creation from any share in the government of the country. The ladies, no doubt, would manage it best, but we cannot relinquish everything with- out a feeble protest. In the Lower House of Convocation on the, 9th, Archdeacon Allen gave notice of a motion to the effect that whilst acknowledging with thankfulness the great care care shown in the revision of lectionary, and agreeing that some liberty should be allowed to ministers in the selection of lessons, the House protested against any sweeping changes in an arrangement which for so many years has been connected with the worship and the liturgy of the Church. The Prolocutor said he had reason to believe that the lectionary would come before the notice of the House. (Hear.) On the same day the rev. archdeacon moved a resolution to the effect that a requisition should be made to the Upper House, that the examination of deacens seeking the priesthood should be made more searching and strict. He maintained that if it were not so easy to attain to the priesthood they would find the Church better served. Canon Selwyn seconded this, a long debate ensued, and ultimately the resolution was adopted in the following form That a dutiful request be made to their lordships asking for such measures as may greatly increase the facilities for the admission of persons to the deacon's order, and at the same time ensure that only those may be admitted into the higher orders of the ministry of the Church who are judged to be specially competent for the office." Dr Pierce, the Mayor of Denbigh, but better known as the Abergele coroner, was one of the Mayors who went to Brussels, and at the last meeting of the Town Council he was thanked for giving his valuable time to attend the presentation. In reply the Mayor patriotically declared that he was only a poor surgeon, it was true, but he cared but little for spending money—"be it in traveling from London to Brussels, from that capital to the bloody fields of Waterloo, or elsewhere, so long as the spending of it ultimately benefited Denbigh." All this is extremely kind and generous of this patriotic Mayor, and other towns will go an envying" of Denbigh, that they possess not civic dignitaries willing to visit bloody fields on their behalf. Dr Pierce had been referring to the "spirit and pluck of their ancestors," and—with a slight and excusable confusion of ideas-no doubt imagined that in visiting bloody fields," albeit in a hackney coach, he was exhibiting the same herioc qualities. But not only at Waterloo did the Mayor of Denbigh show his spirit. Some of his fellow dignitaries, he says, asked him if he was the Abergele coroner, and his reply was worthy of the man and the Welshman. It was invariably, Yes, I am what have you to say to it? All they could say to such a gallant answer was to compliment him upon his ability, and to express the flattering opinion that Denbigh was preferred before Merthyr Tydfil to represent the Principality, because it was presided over by "the Aber- gele coroner." The conclusion of these gratifying proceed- ings was an entry in the minute book of a record of the auspicious event." We hope the Mayor's expenses were mentioned—he spent £100 in glorification of his munici- pality. In a review of Mr Mayor's History of the College of St. John" the Athenceam says—"In the calendar of Johnian documents the reader of Mr Mayor's volumes comes upon some interesting particulars relating to the Shrewsbury Grammar School. For instance, we learn something about the moral qualities deemed desirable in schoolmasters by our ancestors of the Elizabethan period, from the ordinance which required that the masters of the Salopian scholars should 'not be common gamesters, nor common haunters of tavernes or ale-houses or other suspect houses or places of evell rule, or of other knowne vice at the tyme they be elected,' and which enjoined that they should neither 'take the charge or cure of preachinge or mynisterie in the Churche, neither practise physick or any other arte or profession whereby his service in the schoole shoulde be hindered.' On their election, the masters of the school, it was ordained, 'shall swear not to proloyne, steall, convey, came awaie, geve, lend or by any meanes defraude or spoil the said schoole or any the buildinges belonginge to the same of any thinge whatsoever they shall have founde or after was boughte with the schoole money.' On inducting a new master to his office, the bai- liffs of the Salopian capital, it was directed, shall then in the schoole drinke to the newe schoolemaster, and the schoolemaster to the former schoolemasters and schollers, and this to be done vpon the schoole charges, wherevnto shall be allowed 20s.' That the dinner-hour for the boys was 11 a.m. we learned without surprise jrbut it occasioned us momentary astonishment to find the framers of rules for the promotion of the moral health of the scholars ex- pressly authorizing the lads to play games for money. 'Item,' runs one of the ordinances, 'the schollers plaie shal be shootinge in the longe bowe and chesse plaie, and no other games except it be tunninge, wrastlinge, or leap- inrre and no game to be aboue one penye or matche aboue foure pence, and lastlie that they vse no bettinge openlie tor covertlie, but when it is founde either the schollers so offendinge, to be severelie punyshed or expulsed for ever. I Earl Brownlow (according to the Law ffimu) intends to appeal against Lord Romilly's decision in the Berkhatnp- stead Common case, which, if necessary, he will carry to the House of Lords. In reply to a memorial from the Town Council of Den- bigh, praying that a Welsh bishop may be appointed to- the diocese of St. Asaph, Mr Gladstone promises to "give the subject of the new appointment his most anxious con- sideration, with the view of meeting in the best manner the exigencies of the case." The name of the Rev. W. Walsham How is announced as the writer of a paper on the "Private Life and Ministrations of the Parish Priest" in a volume of essays, The Church and the Age," published by Murray, and contributed to by the Dean of Chichester, Dr Irons, Sir Bartle Frere, and other writers. A Cardiganshire contemporary contains a poem written to comfort a bereaved Mr Thomas. The poet thus con- cludes— Death there is life, and life itself Springs out of death alone, A river, mighty, wide, and clear, From the glorious yonder throne. And Mrs Thomas, on its banks, Is bright and joyful now, And sorrow there to touch her heart, Her God will not allow. Mr John Dawson, farmer, Whixall, writes to a con- temporary—" I think it is my duty to second, in your columns, the gentleman's report to this country from Port Natal as to a cure for foot and mouth disease in cattle. When my cattle were attacked with that disease, about five years ago, I drenched them with salt and water, and a little bluestone vitriol; and when applied with a horn the cows dressed their mouths; and I had no more trouble than to drench them every morning. In three days they were all right. They could eat hay or a mash throughout the attack. I used a little linseed oil with it; I also washed their feet with salt and water and vitriol. I gave the same mixture to my neighbours, and their cattle were cured by it." A contemporary of last Saturday announced that the dead body of a man had been taken from Bala Lake a little after nine on Thursday evening, and that the deceased was ascertained to be Mr Joseph William Jones, of Llewellyn-terrace, near Bala." "This sad event,"lour contemporary proceeded to say, "created quite a sensation in the town, as the deceased gentleman was universally esteemed and respected for his kindness and many other good qualities." This eulogy is about as truthful as that of many similar newspaper paragraphs, the only difference being that as no dead body was found in the lake, it could hardly have been that of Mr Joseph William Jones; and as there is no Mr Joseph William J ones (and not even a Llewellyn-terrace), he could hardly have been "highly esteemed and respected." Besides all this, we fail to see how the body could be recovered a little after nine in the evening, and the inquest held, as the reporter states, "during the morning." The following is translated from the account of a wedding in a Welsh contemporary—" The bride appeared poetical and interesting. There she is in her brother's arms, a tall, well-shaped gentlemanly young man, very light complexion, and pleasing eyes. Her form is shape- able and of common stature, light complexion, blonde of the highest order, her hair is yellow, like pure gold, and her cheeks like the handsomest roses, her angelic face is always smiling and gdntle, being perfected with blue and meaning eyes. But to-day, when the sun is shining, and the atmosphere above is blue, when the cannons are roar- ing, banners floating in the hair, men and children shouting with joy, and women clapping their hands in mirth-a handsome gentleman in the church waiting for her handwith her cup filled to the brim—to-day, we say, when everything is smiling, she looks low and gloomy, on the point of weeping. When she is united to the one she loves in her heart, what could be the reason ? Perhaps the enjoyment is too much and the felicity of to-day overcomes her perhaps she looks at the serious step she has taken-indeed it is serious-and that makes her solemn or perhaps she is thinking of leaving her native place for ever to go and live amongst strangers. Of such things we thought when glancing at her, and it is a thou- sand pities that an Englishman should have snatched such a charming rose from the flower garden of old Cambria. There is something remarkable about the house that the bride went from to church. Her great great grandmother was wife of the Big House her great grandfather had a wife at the Big House; her grandfather, too, had a wife at the Big House her aunt had a husband at the Big House and the daughter of the Big House is the wife of her brother, who took her on his arm from the Big House- to get married."


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