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There is not much news this week.—The QUEEN has been suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia, but Her Majesty is recovering.—Cabinet meetings are being held in preparation for the opening of Parliament, and we learn that both the Irish Land and the Licensing Bills are progressing towards the shape which they will finally MSume. It is rumoured that Mr LOWE expects a surplus of four or five millions, and that the sugar duties will be .swept away.—The appeal of the Rev. Mr KELLY in the Divorce Court, it has been intimated, will be dismissed.— The news from New Zealand is re-assuring. Peaceful prospects prevail, and the conservatives will find it difficult to show, as they hoped to show, that the liberal policy would prove disastrous to the colony.—PRINCE ARTHUR has arrived at New York. He was received very quietly, but he has been entertained at a State Banquet by Pre- sident GRANT, and some of the principal citizens have in- vited him to a ball.—The elections in Spain are in favour of the monarchists; and the Cortes have rejected, by a large majority, a proposal to shut out the Bourbons from the throne.—From Rome there is no definite intelligence to report, but the belief that the Jesuits will not carry the day is gaining ground. A large body of prelates have re- fused to sign the petition in favour of the declaration of papal infallibility.—A telegram announces that SALNAVE, the deposed President of Hayti, has been shot.—It is stated that, if his health permit, GARIBALDI will pay a visit -to this country in March, to have an interview with MAzziNi. -The leaders of the Red River insurrection have started a paper, in which they state that their ultimate object, after obtaining independence, is annexation to the United States. We are able to state that the announcements which have been made respecting the nomination of the Ven. Archdeacon JONES to the bishopric of St. Asaph are in- correct. An address from Sir WATKIN'S Merionethshire tenantry to the hon. baronet, expressing their strong disapprobation of the treatment which he received at Bala, and stating that they voted for Colonel TOTTENHAM heartily and of their own free will," appears in another column. We gladly insert the address. In the disapprobation expressed many respectable liberals will share, for, as we have said before, rotten eggs are very nasty arguments, and a quiet assertion of independence would serve the cause of liberty and liberalism far better than it can be served by insulting a landlord. Of the rest of the address we have really mothing to say. It is a mystery, into which we shall not attempt to penetrate, that a number of nonconformists on one estate should support Mr HOLLAND, the advocate of religious equality, and on another and neighbouring estate, Colonel TOTTENHAM, the opponent of every distinc- tive principle of nonconformity. Let our readers puzzle out the problem for themselves. THE WELSH AND EDUCATION. It could hardly be expected that the speakers at the Aberystwyth Conference would be able to carry on their discussion with perfect precision and good order. The subject is so large, and has really been discussed so little, thatmost of the delegates must have attended the conference without any very definite opinions on some of the ques- tions suggested, or, at least, without any accurate knowledge of the reasons which led them to adopt those opinions. The tone of the debates proves that this was the case. There was no doubt at all as to the great mass of feeling in favour of unsectarian and compulsory education, but when the difficult question of religious instruction came up, the mind of the meeting oscillated, and in the end came to no very clear or satisfactory decision. Some of the arguments in favour of a secular education were placed in a clear and comparatively aovel light. It was contended that the loss to religion under the present system was greater than the gain. Children were taught the Bible in a manner so perfunctory, so destitute of that earnestness which alone can make its lessons impressive, that, in a religious point of view, they were rather injured than benefited by the instruction they received. There is a good deal of weight in this -objection to the system now in vogue, and to the scheme advocated in some quarters for it is obvious that cold and colourless teaching of biblical lessons may make the children so familiar with sacred truths as dry matters of rote, that all the "spirit" dies out of them, and the "letter" really kills," instead of "making alive" as the advocates of religious teaching believe. It was also con- tended, with equal force, that the sectarian system is inimical to the interests of Christianity, because it tends to keep alive the bigotry and real schisms which divide the Church. This is an argument of very great importance, and we' can easily believe that religion would gain more by a purely secular education than by one which educates our children into churchmen and dissenters, and encourages in them those uncharitable feelings that are the curse of the Christian Church. Still, as might have been expected in Wales, there was a strong feeling at the conference in favour of the reading of the Bible in the new schools, and after a great deal of uncertain dis- cussion and shifting opinion, a resolution was carried which neither absolutely shuts it out from, nor admits it into, national education. There was so much irresolu- tion, however, on the subject, that we shall not be surprised if, in the course of a few months, a different feeling prevails, and the Welsh dissenters see the necessity of advocating a purely secular system. The strictly religious question is the only important point upon which there was any real difference of opinion. The conference-a large and representative one—decided, we are glad to say, without any hesitation, in. favour of compulsion and ttnsectarianism, and on the whole the result may be accepted as satisfactory. After the conference had dis- cussed the general question, the subject of the University College was considered, and a proposal was made, by a gentleman who offered to do his part in carrying it out, that a number of gentlemen should lend 2250 for five years without interest, that the institution 'may be opened next autumn. It appears that funds only come in slowly, and Welshmen, if they really want a national college where their sons may receive a high class educa- tion, must bestir themselves at once to find the necessary money. If they will not help themselves, Government certainly will not help them and as Mr CHARLES said, should the present attempt fail, another is not likely to be made for many years to come. WHAT CONSERVATIVE AUDACITY HAS SAID IN MERIONETHSHIRE. Last week we described "What Radical Audacity had done in Merionethshire," and it is curious to observe, fcy way of contrast, what Conservative Audacity has said. We are not going to find fault with our conservative friends. They have suffered a terrible defeat, and it is mot for the victorious liberals to begrudge them a little harmless vapouring. But we really cannot help laughing at them, with their WHALLEY- courtship before the defeat, and now an equally ridiculous incident to follow it. Our contemporary, the North Wales Chronicle, was doubtless put to the very end of its wits, to discover some nason-and a reason must be found-for Mr HOLLAND'S victory. The 647 was an extremely awkward figure to get over, especially after conservative predictions of victory, and the conservative discovery of the great reaction" in Merionethshire. We cannot congratulate Vtdr contemporary upon the manner in which the difficulty was surmounted. Mr HOLLAND is victorious," says the Chronicle, but it is personal influence which has gained the day. If Mr J. W. GREAVES had stood against him, do the liberals think they would have had a majority of Coo. or, indeed, any majority at all ? It is all very well to talk of 'principles and not men,' but this election has added another to th3 hundreds of previous proofs that men' have a good deal to do with securing an electoral victory." That, in short, is our contemporary's explana- tion of Mr HOLLAND'S triumph, and we accept it with very great satisfaction, because it "adds another proof' to the many which we before possessed of the fiual defeat Of e conservatives in Merionethshire. If this is all that can be said to account for Mr HOLLAND'S securing almost two votes to one of CoL TOTTENHAM'S, then the state jJT g^Uant colonel's party must be hopeless indeed. Many of our readers will want to know w Ih EAVK8 is, and what the political history has been of the man who, if he had stood in Colonel TOTTENHAM'S shoes, would have beaten Mr HOLLAND. Mr GREAVES, no doubt, is a very estimable man in private life, but with that we have nothing to do, especially as he is so little known in public, beyond the immediate neighbourhood where he resides, that it would be impertinent on our part to say anything at all on the subject. The personal influence" of which our contemporary speaks must be expected to act, however, in some mysterious way, beyond the district where alone Mr GREAVES is known, for all the electors from his own quarry, strange to say, supported Mr HOLLAND! Mr GREAVES is a quarry proprietor, like Mr HOLLAND—only on a less extensive scale-but Mr HOLLAND is also a landed proprietor, unlike Mr GREAVES. Mr HOLLAND is of Welsh descent and sympathies, while Mr GRE&VES's con. nection with the people arises from the accidents of trade, and he certainly cannot compete with Mr HOLLAND in popularity. All these facts, perhaps, would tell in Mr GREAVES'S favour !—but we must confess that a contest between Mr HOLLAND and that gentleman, instead of Colonel TOTTENHAM, would be viewed by ourselves and the whole liberal party with very great complacency. Perhaps, however, it is Mr GREAVES'S consistent political history which places him so high in our contemporary's regard, and makes it certain that the majority of 647 would have dwindled beneath his influence. But here, again, there is a mystery which liberals, we suppose, must be content to leave unraveled. For seme, no doubt, excellent reasons, Mr GREAVES supported Mr DAVID WILLIAMS, and voted for him on each occasion when the late member went to the poll. Possibly the conserva- tives like converts" better than well-tried men, though we should hardly have thought it, and perhaps the aristo- crats prefer a gentleman who does not possess an acre of land in the county, and who supported Mr WILLIAMS, to one of their own friends and associates, like CoL TOTTEN- HAM. All these things are mysteries into which we shall not attempt to penetrate. But it is really too bad of our contemporary to drag the name of a respectable private gentleman before the world. The task of finding a reason for the conservative defeat was arduous enough, but that is hardly a sufficient excuse for exposing Mr GREAVES to the laughter of the county.




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Family Notices


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