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V a AOVLRTIASFTS J WELSH COAST PIONEER. | (RF'-UENCE! ENTERPHiSE! QIRCULAT-ONI I rpiIE "PION.&ER" is a pre-revive and JL thoroughly up-io ^i'o Weekly Newspaper, anil admitted to bs tho leading Journal in Flintshire. Wee I L>c*»b.gcf«li!e, Merioneth- shire, a.nd Narth cxt^aing along the coast frov) Fiinl, '-o lia-c^or, including Prestatyn, Rhyl, A :>crge]e, Col- wyn Bay, Llandudno, Conway, x',vc_ru:i<ii«la*.>vr, and Llanfairfecrian; then striking inland for LO miles along the Vale of Clwyd to Denbigh and Kuihin, the Vale of Conway from Con .vay to Llanrwst, Bcttwf-ycoed, ajrd Blaenau I'cstiujog. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERT53EMENT RATES. THESE ADVERTISEMENTS CONSTITUTE A SPECIAL FEATC RE OF THE PAPER. Situations Vaca.nt or Wanted, Apartments to be Let or Wanted. Miscellaneous Wants and Sales, llousss, Shops, Busiuosses, etc., to be Sold, Let, or VYanted. Partnerships Wanted or Offered, etc. 000 Three Six Thirteen week weeks. weeks. weeks, s. d. s. d. ii. d. 3. d. 12 words !j (a 1 0 19 5 0 24 „ 1 U 20 3 9 7 0 52 1 o 5 0 5 2 11 0 40 2 Ú 40 79 15 0 48 „ 2 b 50 99 19 0 56 „ 2 9 5 6 10 6 20 0 b4 30 60 11 6 22 0 r°. 33 66 126 24 0 80 36 70 13 6 26 0 If booked, double these Rates will be charged When repuets are to be addressed to the Offic6, 2d extra is charged lor postage. Half penny stamps ii^ov-pteii in payment of all suizis under 5s. The charge for Births and Deaths is Is each. In Memoriam Notices, 2" od Marriages, 2s 6d. An extici j:iaige is iralt) for booking. All Advertisements must be authenticated by Narrie a.r:d Address of Sender. All remitfanr.- ;-t to be made payable to J. S. EnwAnr1' and all busmess communica- tions to bo addressed to the MANAGER "PIONhEu (- ik COI,WYN BAY. FREEHOLD BUILDING IN SlTE3 TO blJ IT ALL I LAND REQUIREMENTS. 500 ACRES. UNFURN ISH ED AND FURNISHED Si™™8 AND HOUSES. TO LET, J. M. PORTER, A M PK ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS, AINU ESTATE AGENTS & VALUERS, TH- tLCOCK, ESTATE OFFICE, COLWYN BAY. \Jire—"PLANS," Cohvyn Bay. 'Phone—No. 38. ESTATE AGENT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER, Estates Managed and v Developed. yS G»^* S Valuations & Surveys v yS for all Telephone No 55. CA YLEY, &/ yS ESTATE OFFICE, ~SwYNNSTAY CHAMBERS COLWYN BA Y. SOLE AGENT to the Caley Estate, WHICH COMPRISES SOME 300 ACRES OF RIPE BUILDING LAND Between Colwyn Bay & Rhos-on-Ses, WITU atagnmcent Uninterrupted Sea Frontage of 1,000 Yards: FREDERIC BATESON, ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR AND VALUER, POST OFFICE CHAMBERS, P E N R M Y N ROAD, COLWYN BAY X6107 OLD COLWYN AND NEIGHBOUR- HOOD. HOUSES TO LET. LAND FOR SALE. Apply—ESTATE OFFICE, COED COCII ROAD, OLD COLWYN. "Old Oolwyn enjoys unrivalled view of sea and mountains witn grea.t immunity from the east winds and a dryness and warmth by being chiefly situated on tile limestone, sea bathing, and beautiful walke." MORTGAGEES. TO Advance on Mortgage, on good Freehold Securities, E500, £ 350, £ 300, and gloo.- Messrs Porter, Amphlelc, and Jones, Solicitors, Conway. Colwyn Bay, and Llanrwst, HOTELS. ISITORS to london should stay at the v eidential Private Hotel, 37, Cleveland- square, Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park. Ex- cellent cakine; separate tables; electnc light throughout; close to Tubes, and within easy access to all parte of the City. Terms moderate. —Apply, Proprietress. 17901p L- Z, U pi^e in the Bccrinoton & ZHmes is devoted to Illustrated Holiday Articles and Hotel Advertise- ments. East Lancashire is one of the most prosperous districts in the Kingdom. Write for Specimens and Rates 1 OBSERVER & TIMES, i ACCUIXGTON. I "A. SITUATIONS VACANT. » l i I-C.ST' CLASS I I: in of Cork Merchant and i.\ .MantTU.c-iiu-t*:& r- p:i.e Traveller to repre- sent ,v.ui iu North Waies. This is a good hide -:no ["r tl: >?> YIIIO are m the hab.t of cabling upon Aio and Porter Bottlers, Mineral Water Man u fact^i rc rs. lire-.vers, and all users of Cor las. Liberal eoinmisfeion to commence on ail orders font ]11. and also crrall salary allowed when sales- reach a certain amount per week. — Address, D44&, Birehail's Advertising Offices, Live; pool. 810c A -c: EXTS Wanted, Nor, h Wales, Live Stock, -cV ln-foal Mares and General Insurance; ;>l.:o local sec.retari'-s; g ,ol salaries.— Apply, .Manager, lvj. De>.e, Whirehall-roiid, .Manager, Iv", De;.e, Whirehall-roiid, Üj; ;1, Bay. IVVGcp "|J>AKEI^S.- Wanted a First-Ciats Man; must Aj* tV.orcwghiy ujiderstand his work; no other ri.iivj f«»>;<.• fctato wfercnces and 'ages required. J Fviis^a* •,i;*o"cer" Ofl> C'»-v/:i L'ay. 17835;/ TilAL'K. — Y.viag M:n f.'>r a:id nc-« ;v.rk; ct.u:iiry ira,>.— Aj>i>ly, Jones Rathm. p Jones Rathm. p C(>C.»K-GENKRAL Wanced. G >; 1 r-oferences. c — Apply, Mrs LV«rvi?<y. 16, Llojd iitrcet, Llandudno. 783c COOK-GENERAL Wanted, good help given. c Rektaiiraijt, Colwyji Pay. 17851p CIOSTI'MIER.—Misd Cope requires a Young Lady Apprentice; aifo first-ciafs Bodice Hand for trie opening of her new w'jchru{;m- Treniham. Llewelyn-road, Colwyn. p DRESSMAKING. — Wanted Apprentices and Improvers. —Apply, Miss Da vies, 3, Clwvd- afreet, Rhyi. p f XPEHIENCLi) and Inexperienced Ag- -Lu riculturists and Domestics wanted (Colonies); must pay fare-—Apply, Wright, District- Kimgration Heprosetitative, HG, Watergatc'-st iret, Chester. FIRST-CLASS COOKS Wanted for County FIRST-CLASS COOKS Wanted for County Families; wage* from £ 35 to £ 40. — J. Buokland Jones, ServanUs' uegistry O'iice, 2i, High-ttrect, Bangor. 653c C1 RCK)M-(;ARDENER Wanted';Tiamed rnaii"] f must s[>eak Welsh. — Apply, "A.B. "Pioneer"' Office, Colwyn Ray. p GOOD General Wanted; used to child.<n; no rough work; good home and wage*. — Ap- ply, 1!> jJorby, Lee Biiilge, Prooton Biockhurst, Salop. 17S32p G1 RCK'KKY and l'ROVISIONS. — A Bmart, T active Boy as Apprentice to the Trade (for St. Asaph).—E. H. Jones and Co., RhyL 17834p jfVENKRAL SERVANT" Wanted.- — Apply," v.* Mos:yn Iiot-jl, Rhyl. p OOD Plain Cook Wanted; Churchwoir.an; I X help given; five in family.—Addieso. stat- ing ago, wages, and oiher particular e, Mrs KdwarCf, The Fron, Bangor. North Wales. GOOD, Strong Cenoral, about 20. — Appiy with voierenees), Hughe. While Lion Hotel, Beaumaris. ^OOD Plain Cook Wanteu, early"Tn May; U houjfc-.r.asd kept; one lady. —Mrs Pritchaid, The Collage, Bangor. 772c C Gi OOD General Servant wanted, able to f milk—ir.ilii Gi-k:J honej tor buitable girl. References required.—Mre Moore, b-'acon Po:i:t, Chester. p -'f' GENERAL Servant Wanted, IS to 20.—Apply, Tapron Mount, Woodland Parle, Corwyn Bay. 179¿lp HOUSE PARLOURMAID for Pengnr; age 25. Wanted soon.—A.mly. 16. Jiay View, Colwyn Cay. 17S::J iNTE.N'UlNO EMIGRANTS wanting Situa- tions.—Apply, \Vtight. District Emigration Representative, 26. Watergate Street. Chester. M.NIEDIA'r-LY, fMarf, cctive Young Man, for General Drapery Wanted; one used to Dressing &fkte salary, to live out.—Sivr.ivon, 76. 1 751c MANAijERliSS Wauled for Country Hotel, niiif-t lx^ thoroughly ea;->able and tri.); v.'orthy. and able to speak th<.> We;h Iai.gaag< Age, 60 to —Apply, stating rr^\eii«e and salary, to T. W., "Pioneer" Offlee<-i, Oolvwn liay. 17S7S;i MANTLES and COSTUMES. Wanted, a smart, junior young ]*ady for a ;x>ve Sales.—Apply, W. S. Wiliianie and The Louvre, Iwr 807c MlvS GHli'PllH, late Mrs t^ienards, Registry Office, 1, St. David's road, Carnarvon, toquiros at cnce several good Cooks, Cook- Generals, and Working Generals; also H.P. Maids, for district and England. Criiy ihoso who can ofTer jiod refere.p.ees need apply.—$%q "V'L'RSE, superior, age 20 to 25, for Lady's "firet baby.—Dew, llaistead, Colwyn Pay. TlMVAY ~™COI\STULC71ONT MEIR wanted (Canada): £ '3 weekly, regular work gua.-aileed.- Wright. District Ii<migration Representative, 26, Watergate- street, Chester. I> liuIS i i t V 'ui< v 1CET120, IfIGII-si. l'ORT. MA DOC. —Mrs uw.r;min> fiic excellent Situations for rc^pectainlu women as UcneraK. Cooi;s. HO:lMHr.:t.iJ. etc., for next term (Pen- tvmhort. E(J 1 ST R V OF b i (JK _FORvS ERVA N l'S. Mrs Jones i ate Matron of Workhouse), 76, High-street, Bangor. 507c EEPRESBXTATIVE Wanted by an import- ant Company. To a suitable person the Remuneration will be most liberal.—Address, Steel, Box 750c, Chronicle" Office, Bangor. TJ> toy UIR.ED a General Servant, in a tin.ill Ai; Ft-mily m Old Colwyn.—Apply, Box 835, "Chronicle"' Office, Bangor. c SUPERIOR Cook-Generai or iipefnl help, who caa cook, required early in May for good C:,1("6 Anartrnent I-IOUt in Coiwyn Bay.—Addre. s. "T.H. "Pioneer" Oliiee, Colwyn liay. 17932p !"IV A General, waehing and iron- uig; smail family; wages, £10 to £ 12.— I -C Apply. Bodmeirion, Port Dinorwic, R.S.O. 8" MART, Young General and experienced Houfemaid-Waitress Wanted.—Mit-rp Wil- liams, 75, West-parade, Rhyl. 17925p TWO Good General Servants wanted at, once, -Z- able to do plain cooking.—Apply, Mm Burgees, Talycafn Hotel, Talycafn. 17976p THOROUGH General wanted, of neat appear- -'L ance and good character, reference re- quired.—Apply, Mrs L. F. Huglier, Ardeniee. Llewe-lyn-roa^i, Colwyn Bay. 18000p VST ANTED, immediately, tiuv and re.-pect- y able Nurse Girl.—Apply, Mrs Edward*, Bryn H.ydd, Uprxir Bangor. ~J ANTED, Girl about lo as bet «wn maid, J to sleep out preferred.—Apply. Brvnodol, EU&smere-road, Cohvyn Pay. 179C7p "VCTANTED, Young Housemaid to help W'ait- v i:ig Kitchenmaid; wages, £ 24. — Apply, 15, Pay View. Colwyn Bay. 1798ip Cook General and Houre.naid. VV Homely place.—Apply, 16, Bay View, Colwyn Bay. 1793-10p WANTED, a Respectable Housemaid- w Waitress; permanency if suitable.—Appiy, Queen's Hotel, Lianfairtechan. 823c -ir ATED a -lX,){)K-GEER.AL, abo:¡t May » » 15th; Housemaid kez)t.-Apply, Mrs Mor- gan, St. Ann's Vicarage, Bechesda. 817c WANTED, ueeful Help; everything to do; no servant kept. — Apply, Mrs Miller, 36, Queen-street, Rhyl. p "OCTAN'i'KD, a superior Girl ae General Ser- T V vant in a lady's house; two in family.— State wages to "T.R. "Pioneer" Offices, Col- wyn Bay. p >\TANTED, several good Miners; rock drill *7 men chiefly,—Apply, Park Mine, Llan- rwst. 17000p WAN'l'EiJ. Apprentices to the Millinery^ aL;o, Apprentice in the Sales Department. Tailors, experienced hands rc-qul red.-J. Smith William?, Bra-dford House, Llanrwst. p YVrANTED, experienced Housemaid- W aitrc:s »T —Apply to MI.NS Smith, Llanfwrog Rectory, RuthLn. 17906p WANTED, General Servant for country place near Colwyn Bay. — Apply, Borthwich, Plas Llewelyn, Abergele. 17017p "^iTANTED a Man to rnilk and do general » Farm work, Cottage, Garden, and other emoluments. —■ Address, "T.D. "Pioneer" Office. Colwyn Bay. 17916p ANTED, General, about 17; character re- quired.—Mrs Wadlow, 2, Church street, Rhyl. p "fTSTA^TED, good Cook-General; small family; ▼ Nursemaid kept. — Apply, Bryn Ogwen, Garth, Bangor. 6S9c WANTED, respectable Girl as Waitress; also a good General, able to W'ardi and Iron. —Apply, City Hotel. 770o WANTED, Servants, all Cla&see, for Man- chester, Cheshirft. and Welsh coast. —Whit- field. 26, Wellington road, Rhyl. 16655 WANTED good General; no washing; early riser; age over 20.—Jones, Rhianfa, Glan Conway. 5740c WANTED, at once, a Reporter-'Cartva~eer, who understands Welsh.—Letters, with refer- ences, to "X. care of "Chronicle" Office, Ban- gor. u _n cl WANTED, General; washing, good char- acter, state wages.—Apply, The Rectory, Glar. Conway. 731c WANTED, Young Woman, as General, able to wait table; no cooking; good home.— Mrs Roberts, 7, Castle-street, Iieaumaris. g WANTED, Welsh Correspondents fx>r the "Pioneer," at G'.vaenysgor, Cwm, Dyserth, Tremeirchion, Gwespvr, and Newriiarket.- Apply, "Welsh Editor," Office of this paper. WANTED a Kitchen-maid, and a Family and Smoking-roovn Waitr«n»-s. — Address, Royal Oak Hotel, Bettwsycccd. 5751cl < SITUATIONS VACANT. j WANTED, an intelligent Lad, to learn VT Painting and Decorating, must l-e a good A W. llodgkins, Decorator, neer" Office, Cohvyn Bay. I77b7p ■VTANTED, a Working-Housekeeper, early in V V May, who understands Dairy; one cow i.4 Lept; light work; or.e in trie family.—Apply, Vicar, B.A., Box 724c, "North WaJc-o Chron- icle" Office, Bangor. "STtTANTED, at once, a thorouguly experienced v V Cook-General. — Apply, The "U range, Kilesmerc-road, I j, a, 17ö2p '"«VrANTED," early in May, an experienced »V General Servant, who can cook; two in family; no other fetvant kept; wages, £ 16; one who iiis Idled a similar plate j:1 Country Vicar- age preferred.—Appiy to Mrs Thomt-on Jones, 'i'owyn Vicarage, Abergele. 748c, V"J|T ANTED,. Housemaid-Wait rest', ^bout 1G to V V 49, West Parade, Hhyl. p "^IgT'ANTED,_f:Tr"Kori.h Wales, handy Gardener, w to ir.anage Gfcciihoisre, small Garden, Pony a.d c!cnn Car Boots. Board in house, lodge out. Comforuble place lor suitable rtian.—Apply, by let,.er, giving all particulars and wage« expected, to "S. care of Di.cksons, Chester. 785c :;r:¥ï()-;Al-í; it: rÜS: =si i » Engraving of Bishop W. Morgan, 16 x 20, 10s 6d. "Agent#! Wanted." — App.y, liughes, Bank-street Chambers, Wrexham. 73c \KTANTED a Working Housekeeper, one in »T family, Gentleman; quiet home; two Cows kepi a man to churn and help. State wages.— 1>lyõ;-c"3, T):¡.d,ÍJ.n. VSCc WANTED, a Young" Lady"as"~an /distant ▼ V Hoiu-ekeeper for a First-class Commercial Hotel; good references re quired. — Apply, "C.G. lie. 814c. "Chronicle" Office, Bangor. TTi/'t'NC Girl wanted, just, left school, lor A. It** hours dai v to atiend on elderly lady. —App-y by letter to T. X., "Piom-er" OfTicc, Colwya B^iy. loOv'ip VTOUTH, aged 17—19, strong, respectable, and A strictly lionost. Improving.permanent situation for pushing fellow. Slate wages and ail parti- culars.—Ix.'tiers only, Parker, Creamery, Llan- dudno. 17856p "Y^OUTH Wanted; good Shortliaed Writer for ) A Correspondence and to assist w I,I books. State age, salary, and experience.—Apply, T. H. F itzs i mm ons, _W ine^Merchant, Llandudno. 17836p I SITUATIONS WANTED. GENERAL A;;COUNTANCY, Rent and Debt Collecting.—Llew. D. Jones, Accountant, and Collector of Income Tax, Bangor. c ]V;CRSE, experienced, good needlewoman, age 22.—Address, "T.E., 'Pioneer" Office, Colwyn liay. 17G20p ONE OF THE LATE LORD PENRIiYN'S STUD-GROOMS t<>quires a situation of a similar character. Twenty-two years' experience. Export hand m all things appertaining to high- class Stud Breeding and Ti aining. Excellent testimonials.—Apply, Hawkc6, Penrhyn Castle, liangor. 812c REENG AGE M EN'L' required by Lady, 30, as Assistant Mauageroi-ts of boarding-house. Mus'icai.—Addrces, S. T., "Pioneer" Office. Col- wyn Bay. 17897p SITUATION Wanted, (Jolwyn Pay or Lian- diidno. Cook, age 23; private house.—Ap- ply. 16. Bay "Viow, Colwyn Way. 17986p O ITU ATI ON Wanted, as Hoiiseke<^M>r. to one or two genfe or widower with child; good ex>k, capable, rcliiible; good references.—Ad- drev. T. N., "Pioneer'' 'OlKce, Colwyn Bay. SITUATION required as Lady Help for "J daughter of 19, in company house or other- wise; cBtrong and capable. Mrs Broadhurst, GorseScld, High-lane, Burslerh. 17843p SITUAl'l'JN Wanted ;u Ilousek; ei>er, good references.—Addiev?s, Box 745c, "Chronicle" Office, Bangor. \7|7'ANTKl3 l'rtfct as Companion; ex- i, perie.neod in Housekeeping and Nursing; f references. — Apply, Doris, Box 803c, "(Ihronicle"' Office, Bangor. n c WANTED, by thoroughly respectable VYoman (middle age), situation, thoroughly u:d to but-ineu'- had taanage'-neni of Res- tau-ynts ari-i v. i!! pay own ;a.r, if reasonable wages offered, Good testimonials.— Riggs, 164, Holly B'rcok road, Greengate, Plaistow. London, 1C. 17982p TOVNG Lady desires engagement as [uok- A- keeper (five years" experience). — Apply, IT. Ll, 179Y8p '-TOl'NG MAN (cyclist), v/cll educated, re- 1.. 1111 i ny, spare time .ejttploymen.t, IJandudno district.—Applv, T. S. "Pioneer" Office, Coiwvn ■_ 17975p "V^'OUNG Lvây desues Engagement as Nursery. A Governess to small children; seaside place. —S. "Pioneer" Offices, CGJwyn Bay. u "tLTOUNG GIRL Wanted in Kitchen; house- A m.aid kept. — Appiy, Wood, Craigydon, Colwyn Bay. p YOUTH Wanted, g<x)d Shorthand Writer for -5- Correspondence, and to Assist with Boo lis. State age, salary, and experience.—Apply, T. 1-1. I Fitzsimmons, Wine Merchant, Llandudno. APARTMENTS TO LET. LADY, living alone in Southport, wishes -&- to meet with another Lady, as paying guest, and can offer a very comfortable home and good cooking. — Apply, Box 775e, "Chron- icle" Office, Bangor. BROOKLYN, Plashyfryd-terraec, Holyhead.— Apartments or Furnished House to Let; BROOKLYN, Plashyfryd-terraec, Holyhead.— Apartments or Furnished House to Let; seven Bedrooms, Dining-room, Drawing-room, Bath (h. and c.).—Apply, Mrs Jones. 7lJbc- C^ir^iRTABLE Apartments vacant In select neighbourhood.—Miss Creighton, Abbey- ic-ad, Upper Bangor. 738c IIxANRVv'ST. Apartments to Let, in a A pleasant part of the town. Modern con- veniences. Terms moderate.—Address, "T.M. "Pioneer" Offices, Colwyn Pay. 17935p i JENMAi'lXMAWR.—Comfortable Apartments two Sitting, live Bediooins, W.C., Bath (h. and c.); three minutes' walk from Station Joiics, Mmafon, Esplanade. r5"^0 LET, unfurnished, Sitting room and Bed- A room, permanent, terms moderate.—R. E., "Pioneer" Office, Colwyn. 17926p WANTED, young business Gentleman to w share Sitting-room with Advertiser; cen- tral Cohvyn Bay; moderate terms. Apply, "L. II. "Pioneer" Office, Colwyn Bay. BUSINESS, &c., FOR DISPOSAL. BUSINESS TO BE DISPOSED OF. rrllE Westgate Temperance Hotel and Board- A ing House, Cattle-street, Beaumaris. as a going concern, or part of furniture may be taken at valuation; rngoing moderate. Possession may be had Ma.y 13th or at commencement of' the season. Business established 16 years.—For particulars apply to Mrs Spargo, Westgato, j Beaumaris. 1030 CYCLES, MOTORS, &c., FOR SALE. E.N-UINE Iligh-grade; GÜNci:E-llA\l. -= -.?c'Ili'ghgr:,d: T Coventry Cycle, practically as now, not. soiled, very latest Machine, silver-plated rims, J new departure free-wheel and coasting hub, two; brakes, mudguards, beautifully plated and lined,; medium size frame, plated lamp, pump, bell,! bag, spanner, complete; sacrifice £ 4 5e cash; tioi use to present owner. Will be sent on ap- proval.-G. Blackmore, 8, Oxford-street, Weston.: Super-Mare. :17898p YCLE. Marvellous sacrifice. Gent's new: ) 1907 machine, highest grade, Ciinchcr tyres, Crabbe roller, lever front, and back rim brakes; very latest; Perry's ball-bearing free- wheel; plated rims; coloured centres; black enamelled and lined frame; mudguards; magnifi. cent machine;, not soiled; complete, with gas lamp, bell, pump spanner, etc.; 2 4 10s; gr-eat bargain; worth double. Send on approval any distance before cash sent.—M. House, St. Madge, Pitman-road, Weston-super-Mare. FOR SALE,, Motor Cycle, Fleet, Minerva Engine, 2^-h.p., component fittings, in good going order, J617 10s.-Linnell, Gresvenor Cham- bers, Chester. 17819p 5S- EACH, 1907. Special Value guaranteed Covers, fit Dunlo or Clincher Rims; Air Tuber; with valves, 3e Liste free.—Speed Tyro Co. Wolverbar-tptcn. 557c DQGS FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—FOX Terriers; two beautiful white smooth-coated bitches, 3 years old. Well bred and motrt perfect match. Make hand- some companions. Also handsome smooth- coated Retriever Bitch, in splendid healthy con- dition, 3 years old. Approval anywhere on pay- so ment of carriage. Also two white, healthy two year old, Jill Ferrets (in young), 3s oaf,-h.-Ad- dress, "Overstocked," "Pioneer" Offices, Colwyn Bay. 17998 LICENSED PREMISES TO LET. TO LET, fully Licensed Free House. Icnown as the White Horse, Penmachno. together with a Lock-up Shop, Public Bakehouse, Stab1*, and foft.-Apply Biackwall, Hayes, tnd Co, Auctioneers, Llanrwet. p LLANDUDNO, NORTH WALES. TO LET, the Private Hotel known as "THE METRO POLE," near the Railway Station, within one minute's walk and in view of the Bay and Esplanade. The accommodation con- L-istc, of Billiard, Coffee, and Private Sitting- rooms; 17 Bed-chambers, two Baths and Lp.TJU- tories, complete with all the domestic office*; for successfully carrying on the business of a Private Hotel Proprietor.—Apply to Mr William Win- nerah, The Temple, Dale-street. Liverpool, or to Mr Edwin Turner, Architect, Llandudno. p THE FARM AND GARDEN. f A LBERTS BASh; SLAG. —For prices apply I JT3L to W E'lis &nd Co.. Merchants. Aberfceie -1.1 u,-c Welsh Red Clover jU (Valo of Clwyd). Cow Grass, Aly.-ke, and While Clovers, Perennials, arid Italian Grasses, Marigolds, Swedes, 'Turnips, etc., Scotch and Irish Seed Potatoes. —W. Ellis and Co., Seed Merchants, Abergele. P (s^WKl)E AN1) 'TURNIP SEEDS.—Ligertons* kJ Imp: ove J Purple Top Swede Seeds. Fine/it Swede in cultiva.tion, tU per lb. Eale- wood Bronze Top Swede Seeds, rb., 3d per lb. Green Top Yellow Scotch Turnip Seeds, do., 8d per I The most up-to-date Turnip Grown. Fc:v, Beans, and Garden Seeds of reliable quality. Store for The United Alkali Com- pany's Manures, at LUingenne.v. Special prices at Ae-ergelc and Llanrwst Station: on applica- tion to Henry J. Roberts, The Shop, Lkwi- gernicw. 1792 £ p FUR.RIIEHEO HOUSES TO LET. BOD HAl'LOG. ST. ASAPH, to lx? Let, fur- nished; early p«e-ession; three Entertain- :Iilg, six i-tefrolitu,, liath (iic,, and c-Id), r.LLtcr, gas.—Apply, Roberts, Boa Haulog, St. Asaph. BUNGALOW tc Let, furnished, Penmaen, 11,,) Riles; May to September. — Morputs, Rei :-kc; y, W<>1 verhamptoii. 179i-0p I IC;, J ii, [S II r,; D 110 L- SE tt) Let, near Rlice, 1L' two Suting. tour Bedrooms; or Apart- S. P. Oiiie. Coh-yn Hay. QJl.'PERBLY Furnished Ho.ve. close t ._I three Heup¡ i" n, four or five P-edrcorns, bjau/ii'uily situated, south a.-pert, perfect drain- age.—Addrews, "S.X. "Piotuer'' Office, Colwyn Lay. 17902p SMALL Furnished Cottage to Let, close to the Aberglasiyn Pass; good 1'ishmg and beautiful scenery. — Address, G. Autie, ALer- Ti, Beddgeiert. 17839p FT v! BE LET FURNISHEDT—Rhos-on-Sea^ A near (,'olv\yn Jiay. i. 'l:,i.- mi rigiy situated H two Entertaining, bmoke Room, and fix P'odro.ns, Ba-th, hot and co'.d. Ore; perfect Three minutes' If(-n U'>.J J.,r¡":c3 and Sea. For long or shorr period.—Apply. r! B., "Pio:.e.:r" Office, Colwyn Pay. ]70vCp: rjlO BE LET (Furnihed), from June 1st, Abor- A dunant, situated 3 miles from Portmadoc, lour miles from Beddgeiert. The House con- tains three Reception and eight Bed and Drofing Rooms. Bathroom, three Servants' Rooms, and good offices, Coach-house and four-stall Stable, Garden a.nd grounds. — Apply, Colonel L'oyd, Plas Tregayan,- Liangwyilog. Anglesey. 57&1 NORTH WALES. T) LET (furnished), an ideal Residence, in charming and neatly wooded grounds, on the Atigletey -side of the celebrated and lovely Menai Straits; well furnished and approached by a fine carriage drive (about 2 a mile in length), at the entrance of which is a tidy lodge; magni- ficent (iceneiy. beautifully matured. Pleasure and On.iunentu! Grounds, Vinery, Conservatories, Greenhouses, Flower, Frait, and Vegetable Gardens, Orchard, Tomato House, Cucumber Frames, Stabling, and various other well- arranged Buildings, etc. Private Harbour, Boat- ing Accommodation, d.. Within easy reach of Church, Post, and Telegraph Offices, "Tal-y-Foel Ferry, and few miles of three Railway Stations. House Accommodation: Dining-room, 19-4 x 15-6; Morning-room, 15-4 x 13-0; Drawing room, 14-4 x 14-6; Smckeroom. eight Bedrooms, Bath- room, Lavatories, W.C's., Cellar, etc., with ample Domestic Offices. Good water suppiv, capital drainage, etc.—For particulars and order to view, please apply to MR WILLIAM HUGH OWEN. Auctioneer and Valuer, Ca.rna.rvon. April 15th. 1907. 7fl FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED. WANTED, at once, near Menai Straits (be- tween Llanfair and liangor), Furnished House; three Entertaining-rooms, about eight Bedrooms, Stable or Motor-house, good Grounds, Garden. State rent for six months and over.— Fred W. Turner. Spring Mount, Rochdale. HOUSES TO LET. A NIJWL i l'amtect and LVUORA.IC« sc-ven- A roomed House to Let, at Grcenficld- teriace, Menai Jiruige.— Apply, Trinity House, Bridge. 763c BETTVVSYCOED.—Pleasantly situated mi- J..) detached Villa, known as Cnurch Hill. Accommodation: Breakfast, Dining, and Draw- in;r00JJ16, Kitchen, Back Kitehcn, Scullery, 11.u,l1try, two Bedrooms and Dressing-room on first floor, and five Bedrooms on second floor. Nice Garden with Greenhouse. Immediate possession. -For further particular, apply to O. Roberts, 1, John-street, Llanrwst. p <p<OLWYN BAY.—Centially situated Modern Detached Residence south as-pect, near s. im, ghope, and toea.horc; contains three Re- ception, Biliiard-rouai (fitted with electric light), eignt Bedrooms, Kitchen, and Offices, good Cellar, fair size Garden, Stabling for two 11 Dries, C-o:toh-house, Harness-room and Loft over, Rent, ;E% per annum; early possession.— Apply, J. M. Porter and Eleork, ]<.»•,tate Office, Coiwyn B?.v. 17354p COLWYN BAY.—To Let, "Kctton, Grove Park; rent, £ 23 10s; 'two Eniertaining- roo:s, live Bedroonvs, Bath (h. and co), etc., etc.; tew minutes from Pwilycrochan Woods and Beach. — Applv, Evans. Pork Stores, Coiwvn 17913p MACLFKE. Coedpella-road, Coiwyn Bay.— Detached, containing two Reception and six Bedrooms; every convenience; rent £ 60.— Apply, Rowland and Co., Wynnstay Chambers. l\i ^RlA KS-TERRAtT]^ BAN GOR^ con- 1. taining two Entertaining-r;>ome, five Bed- rooms, two Attics, and Domestic Offices; Rent, £ 18. Also, No. 2, Friars-terrace, having the fol- I lowing accommodation: four Entertaining-rooms, nine two Attics, and Domestic Offices; Rent, £ 30. These Houses are situate near the Golf Links and University College.—Apply, A. E. Bicktiell, Auctioneer, Bangor. 744c LD"(VJLWYN.-Alfred Coy, lIoi^ Agent, State requilaments. Stamp for reply. PR EST AT Y N.—Rosewood, Victoria-avenue, -&- two Entertaining, five Bedrooms, Bath, ere. Vancant May 1st. Rent P,18 10s. AiM a furnished House at Rhyt. — Apply, Parry, 21, Edward Henry-street, Rhyl. p la yTlhsSTATYN.—To Let, two detached A v illas, containing twd t-itril,g and five bed and Bath-rooms. Kitchen and Scullery.— Apply, Roebuch, 16, Victoria Avenue, Pres- tatyn. 17995p ST. ASAPH.—To be Let, Llys Envy, six- roomed House, Bath, W.C., r.iodervi con- veniences.—Apply, S. D. Thomas, China House, St. Asaph. 17822p ripo LET, Llys Deiniol, Garth-ioau, from May A 12th next. Apply, Bro Dawel, Garth- road. 77ec rfC LET.—Six-roomed Cottage, Fairmount, A. -Rhodes, Stafford House, Coed C-oeh-road; Coiwyn. 1798Cp npREFRIW; NORTH AVALf^-Qh^ingly A. situated Farm House, Oatbuildingc, 25;1. oi good Land; rent low.—Appiy, 'Thomas Price, Surveyor, 77, Lord-street, Liverpool. 17960p FinO BE LET, beautifully situated, smali, quaint A Residence i.11 the Lledr Valley, known as Crnig x.ledr, being 2 miies from Bettwsycoed lUiiway Station, by good road. It contains: llaii, Drawing-room, Dining-room, Kitchen, Scullery, Pantry, Larder, four Bedrooms, and two Servants' iiedrooms. Also Offices, Stable, Coach-house, Harness-room, etc. The holding extends to 6a. 2r. 23p., including Grounds, .Garden, and Paddo-cks.—Apply to P. Melntyre', LlanrwBt. fT>0 BE LET, from the 1st May next, Bryn A Afon, situate about one mile from the Town of Llanrwst. Accommodation: Four Bed- rooms, one Dreesing-room, two sitting-rooms, Kitchen, Pantry, and Scullery. Also Kitchen Gard,on.-For further particulars apply to Me6srs Robert and Rogers Jones, Land and House Agent*?, Penrhyn-road, Colwyn Bay, and Ty'n-y- fy 11 went, Llanrwst. rrSO LET, No. 4, Pen'rallt, Upper BangorV A commodious House; splendid position; hot a.nd cold water throughout; Bath, etc.—Apply, M. J. Lawless, Bangor. 710c LET, in near future, the Glanadda Inn, A Bangor, as Priva.te House or &hop.- Apply, Ind, Coope and Co., Ltd., 1, Mostyn- 6lreer,, Llandudno. 736c mo BE LET, from the 25th March next, the X semi-detached House, known as "Rhoa- ville," situate Rhos-road, Rhos. Acccmmoda- tion: Two Entertaining and seven Bedrooms, and the usuaJ Domestic Offices. For further pa.rticula.rs apply to R. K Biroh, F.S.I., Cayley Estate Office, Wynnstay Chambers, Colwyn Bay. TO LET. ^«t«i">i<»d Villa, known as Meadow JL View, Trefriw; hall, threo parlours, kit- chen. back kitchen, wash-hooso, fivo bedrooms, bathroom, lavatory, h. and c., w.c-, good garden; immediate possession. Apply, P. Melntyre, Llnrw_ TO LET, Elfti Cottage, Beitv.sycoed. Im- JL mediate possession may be had.—Apply to M'ssrs Griffith and Allard, Solicitoia, Llanrwst. TO LET, good, modern IIou.«o and Shop in populous part of Bangor; vacant shortly; excellent 'opportunity; Hairdresser or Butcher. Rent, E26 elcar.-Anply, Box 711c. "Chronicle" Office. Bangor. J:' GRAZING TO LET. HORSE Craxing to bo Let at Tyddyn Friar, JS-JSL Menai Bridge. Apply, Lewis, above addretas. 690c GARDEN PLANTS. DEED and Eating Potatoes for Sale; any IO quantity.—A. G. Evans, Bangor. o PROFESSIONAL NOTICE. "B^Li-X TitiCAL Plant, Motors, Lighting, JLJ Bells, etc. \sj west prwes. Town or Country. Estimates Froo. T. L Wa'.ker, I eer and Ccntractor, 87, Orme. road Bangor 420c MOUSES AND LAIJD FOr! SALE. C~ "KiLW VN 1JAY.—To be Sold or i^et (end of J May), "Arosfa."—Apply to_ Mies T>arlow\ C^OLWYN BAY.—Pair of Freehold Detached i Villas, pleasantly situated in the west end, containing two Sitting, four Bedrooms, Bath- room, Kitchen, and Offices, fair eixc Gardens, pretty views, sunny aspect; let to good tenants. Price, £ 1250 the pair.—Apply, J. M. Poiter and Elooek, lttate Office, Colwyn Bay. 17855p TTr.»>rl SAl/i1'—I pner Bangor—Kivehold Semi-de- JT- rached Villa, pieasantiy sl.tuiie; three Sitting, live Bedrooms (large), Bathroom, two Kitchens, three Larders. Yard, etc. Immediate p'js&tcfion. — VL, Office this paper. c YTtOR iig-lic)use, known A' as Parys Lodge, with Stables and large Garden; also Amlwch Post Office and House adjoining. — Apply, J. W. Paynter, Solicitor, Amlwch. 5737c 1 FOR SALE BY IIUVATE TREATY.— "Orgreave," Queen's Drive, Colwyn Bay, a well-built modern private Residence, splendidly fituated, containing Entrance Iiall, Dining, Drawing and. Morning-rooms, usual Domestic Offices and Cellars, seven Bedrooms, and Box- room, Front and Back Staircases, large Garden (;vür 1 acre), well planted with fruit and ot,li,-r trees and shrubs.—Apply, Sole Agent—T. H. Morgan, Solicitor, Coiwyn Bay. p F?= EUZA3ETH HUGHES DECEASED LIAMOUDKO. POR SALE Two Leasehold Houses and Pre- mise., being No. 5 Church Walks (and School HüLU;) in occupation of Miss Owen and No. 6 Church Walk-i in the occupation of Mrs Dawes. This property is held under a renewable lease of 75 years from 18S1 at a nominal ground rent.—Apply to Messrs Porter, Amplctt k and Jones, Solicitors. Conway. p I AND IN CULvv 1 A i'.AY (Uundotiald roafl) li for Sale, for v ■><■>» ft. to os per week houses.—James F. Taylor, Solicitor. 71. f/ord- street. Liverpool. 16558 ILYSFAEN. near Colwyn Bay. — Freehold i Building Plots to be Sold.—Apply. J. W. Hughes, Solicitor. Rod Lion I" e, ('onwav. HOFISES, CARRIAGF-S, &c., C>OVERED Wagonette, to seat 14; also a light J Bread Van and a Butcher's Shandry; no reasonable offer refused. Parker Wood, 22, Vauxnali-road, Liverpool. -m_ 17687p "BTTOR SALE, a capital Victoria, in good order. A —Apply, for price and particulars, to E. Eiils, Coach builder, A bergele. 17942p IilOR SALE, first-class Landau, Bay Horse (one -&- of the best in North Wales); also Set of Harness. — Address. "1122," W. 11. Smith and Son's, Advertising Agency, Biackfriars, Man- chester. » 786c I AN DA U, for single or pair horse; also 'Bias; J both in excellent condition. —Daws;>n, New- port, Salop. 17748p LANDAU for Sale, by "Windover," with L Lamps, Pole, Splinter Bar, Cushions, etc., in thorough orderll0 ewt.). painted brown, oicked out red.—Appiy, T. Daviee, 51, Dean- street, Bangor. c "IVf EW Handcarts and Wheelbarrows, second- ly hand l'ioat, Dogcarte, Governess Cars, rubber tyred; also Brougham, Victoria Wagon- ette, and Dogcarts, iron tyred; also strong Car- rier's ('art.—Francis and Sons, Coachbuilders, Cohvyn Bay. 17738p OPEN CARRIAGE for Sale, and liariiew.- Apply, Ty Mawr, Old Colwyn. 17918p Ci^COiNU HAND Dog Carts. Ralli "ara, IO Governess Cars in perfect order, and to be sold cheap. Apply. Cud worth Bros.. C4rritge Builders. Wrexham. !?? TO BE SOLD, cheap, a covered two-wheeled -H- Car (Cairns Medical Car); it is strong and light-running, in excellent condition, and roomy, carrying four inside and one on the box the top is removable, converting it into an open Car- riage; either open or closed, it is very comfort- able to ride in; well upholstered in blue cloth; suitable for Cob 15 hands. Also, a good Lady's Saddle and Double Bridle.-Apply, Dr. Thomas, Clarence House, RhyJ. 735c WAGGONETTE, in good condition; Tran, "f 11;).; Two Sets of Harness, one nearly new; Saddle, Bridle, ctc. Apply, Queen's Stables, Ceirigydruldion. p ALL SIZES AND PRICES TO SUIT ALL CUSTOMERS. HORSES. COBS, PONTES, WAGONS, CARTS, Floats; Traps, Harness, etc., for Sale, Hire, or Exchange, for Cash or Credit. The great advantage of this is that horses, etc., unlike cUier things 011 easy payments, earn the payments fur which you get credit as you go on. it is great economy even to buyers for cash; they avoid many risks and have fair trials with view to purchase. Buyers should see chese; this is an old-established place with a good assort- ment on hand, And does not advertise selling under van- e^exts. — Parker Wood, 22 and 24, Vauxhall-road, Liverpool. Telephone: 0213 Co ntral. 6756 POULTRY, EGGS, &c. A. T. JOHNSON, Glan Conway, author of "Fowls tor Profit, "Ducks, Geese, and Turkeys," "Incubation and Rearing," "The Utility Poultry Keeper's Account Book," etc., (tc. Sl tti ngB from Ariconas (the greatest layers cvpr produced), Bul-f Orpingtons, liufl Plymouth Rocks, from 3s 6d. White Wyandottes and 1, Indian Runner Ducks, 48 ód. Tabic and Laying Cross-breda, 2s 9d. My Layers have a universal reputation, and I have had repeat orders for Birds aiid Eggs from all parts of the world. Send for my 10th Annual Egg List, or, better ftJlI, come and fetch one (any day but Saturdays and Sundays), and judge for yourselves as to the high quality o. my stock. Y goreu yn Nghymru. BLACK Minorca. Cock, 3s; large Aylesbury Drakes, fu each; Aylesbury Duck Eggs, 2.3 6d; Aylesbury Runners, 2s sitting; Golden Wyandotte Buff Orpington Eggs, 28 dozen; Aylesbury Runner Ducklings, 9s od dozen.— Jubilee Yiila, Llandudno Junction. p EGGS FOR SITTING. BLACK Leghorns, exceptional opportunity to buy cheaply from the best blood in the fancy Hodweil, Sturges, Cook's champion strains C3.1cIu:ly mated pen oi cXpBII(3iye, typical birds purchased direct from these leading breeder's, and bound to produce excellent results. Egg6 offoled at a nominal charge of & and 5s per dozen.—Miss Williams, 75, West-parade, Rhyl. 17605p ITiGGS for Hatching, '6s 6d per dcz. — Pabo J Hall, Poultry Yards, Conway. 13272 DGGS FOR SITTING.— Can spare a few Sit- tings of White Wyandottes, Black Leg- hornB, Ayiasbury, and Indian Runner Duck, at 5s a sitting Rev. 0. Kyffin Williams, Llan- K wyilog. _m_ 574cl EGGS FOR SITTING FROZvi PEN OF FOUR WHITE WYAN- DOTTES (Individual records for March). No. 13 Eggs laid 25 „ 34 „ „ 20 „ 48 „ 20 „ 69 13 Also from ANCONAS, Egg average for March 16 BUFF ORPINGTONS „ „ 15 BLACK LEGHORNS „ „ 18 WHITE LEGHORNS „ „ 17 2s 6d per 14. Citeh with order. RILLEV, ROSE MOUNT POULTRY FARM, 17739p UPPER COLWYN BAY. ARTRIDGE WyandoUe Eggs fronTWinners Prizes, Honours at -*>airy, Crystal Palace, Liverpool, Chestei, etc., 3s t»d, is 6d, 21s dozen.— H. A. Daviee, Halkyn Mountain, Holywell. rilOP SCORE in 1907 laying competition laid A by my Partridge Wyandotte Pullcte.' The pen won second prize and three specials. Eggs from winning pen reduced to 7s 6d; from pens of same strain of pedigree layers, 4s 6d per dozen. White Wyandotte, Buff and Black Or- pingtons, Barred Rock Buff Leghorns, Indian Runner duck eggs, 3s 6d per dozen. Birds al- ways on sale. Unfartile replaced. Colonel Sandbach, Poultry Farm, Abergele, North Wales. MISCELLANEOUS. AblROLOGY.—Horoscope of yuture; all Important Events Foretold; Marriage, Partner Described, 1'ajjiily, Changes, Legacies, Planet, etc. Send Birth Date, Is, and Stamped Envelope.—Madame Marion, 4, Gifford Park, Edinburgh. 734c ADVICE FREE for Stamp.—Mr3 Stewart's Famous Female Remedy, 9, Guinea-street, Bristol. _+ i^CZEMA.—Sure, safe cure. Recipe and List i Frc-o. — Thwailes, Herbalist, Stockton-on- TeoR. _l774Cp_ MATRIMONIAL POST sealed ei.?eiope. ad, w;th circular. 9d.; established quarter of a coi^ury.— Editor, "M. Post, 12, Trafalgar Build- ings, London. W.C. 11606 ATRIMONIAL TIMES, the best and l'tJt quickest introductory for alJ de- siring a matrimonial alliance, price 6d in sealed envelope. —Address, Editor, Robert Radford. 5, Feathorstone Muildiusri. Holborn. London W C PIANOS, Organs and Harmonitirns Tuned ami JL Repaired; Tuners visit periodically all parts of the country.—The North Wales Music Company, Ltd., Bangor, g OFFICES, SHOPS, &c., TO LET. HOUSE and SHOP, Abergele-road, Old Col- .l.- wyn.—Apply, Charlce Hannah, Pha.rmaceu- tical Chemist. IOCK-UP Sik)P to Ijet; grand oixsriing for J a. Fish and Greengrocery liusir.ess; only one real opposition. Population of town 10,000. —Apply, Roberts, Minaton, P.laenau Festiniog. |>ORTiIADOC.—Rooms to be Let as Offices J. or Shop in prinoipsl part of 11 'go Street; immediate posse&.i.ii.—-Miss Roberts, Emporium, Portmadoc. QrIOI) and aiso Cottage, at Rhosnoigr; Rent, J B15 and B13 a year.-Anply, T. 11. Harris- son, Architect, Ty Gwyn, Rhosnclgr. 721c SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. PENYGONGLFREEHOLD. SMALL HOLDING, half-way between Llan- bedrog and Mynyiho; pi esc tit rent about £ 10; rich land, with water; house and out- buildings. with Cottage and large garden; un- rivaiied sea and mountain scenery, grand spot for building to ta.ke in summer visitors, to be Sold by Private Treaty. — Apply, with offer, not later than M:1y4th, 1907, to Mrs Uwen, Lewis- ham, Brock ley, London. 91g nn6~BE' SOLD, by Private Treaty, aJi those A three Freehold Houses, Gardens and Pre- mises, situate in the Parish of Llariddewi, in the County of Denbigh, and known as Dolhyfryd. The Houses are in good state of repair and readily let,—For further particulars apply to Mr E." Daviee Jones, Solicitor, 32, Station-road, Llanrwst, or Biackwall, Hayes, and Co., -ti- r)ec-.s. Auctioneers, both of Llanrwst. p TO 1UOAaiONGERS. DRAPEKS, ANL) GENERAL DEALERS. 17UH1 SALE, by Private Treaty, as a going SL' concern, tue business ol an Ironmonger, L)raper. and iJeneiai Dealer. Also the Shop, Dwelling-house, and extensive Pierinses, including Stao.e, Warehouse, etc. Early possession. Ar. arrangement might be made to leave a substantia! amo .nt 011 Mortgage of the Premises, or possi il i to .c or bt b-Ijease the sarno. A grand opportunity. Apply for further particulars to y- D. GRIFFITH DA VIES, Solicitor, Bcthesoa. COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. SMALL FREEHOLD FARM FOR SALE NEAR LLANGEFNI. np,0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, A the small Farm called YNYSGOCH, in the Parish of Llanfair M.E., situate on the road leading from Llangefni to Benllech. There are about 12 acres of Land, with a comfortable newly-built House, containing four Bedrooms, Parlour, two Kitchens, and Dairy. The Out-buildings also are good. Distance from Llangefni about three miles, and from Ty'ny- gong! about two miles. For particulars apply to J. Rice Roberts ari Laurie, Soticttora LIangcfni. FOR SALE — VARIOUS. IJAIbEÖFENCiIÜ-wlluf¡;-rwt. rel:J, 224 yards, 7s per rtel; Plain Galvanized Wire 111 1 cwt. bundles. '.00 yarije, 12s per cwt.; Wrought iron Standards, Is 3d each.-Butler, Beii Works, Wolverhampton. Established 1823. "IjV.'R SALE.—Set of New Standard Spirit JP Measures, lOs. Set of Plafed-Harness, 48s. Upholstered Carriage Built Bath Chair, 65s. Lawn Tennis Marker, KV.—Apply. 324. Bang(,r. 17U77p • I.>OR SALE," froth May 1st, Dairy of wcll- 2 cooled milk from Yale of Clwyd.—Ad- dress, S. W., "Pioneer" Office, Coiwyn Bay. tTOR.SALE, Cricket Bag, good condition; 16s. S. E., "Pioneer" Office, Coiwyn Bay. FOR SALE, Banjo, five strings, with case; good condition; £ 2. — S. D., "Pioneer" Office, Colwyn Bay. 17817p FOR SALE, a Billiard Table, 7it. x 3ft.. 5in.— JL Apply, Box 76uc, "Chronicle Office, Ban- gor. c FOR SAIJE, at Llangefni, a Piano m splendid condition, check action and iron frame. Bargain for £ 14.- Apply, "Music," "Ciorianydd" Office, I'lang-e. ru, F.TH.—Nine Stone Bcost.Cod, Ling, Iladdocks, Plaice, 10s; 8 Stone Headless Frying Fish, 10s; Salt Cod, 26 st.; Smoked Haddocks, 3s 6d, medium, 2s 6d st.; Kippers and Bloaters, 2s 6d box. Baas of Selected Fish, 26 6d.~Lacy and Son, Fish Docks, Grimsby. 1733lp fVALVANlSED CORRUGATED SHEETS. aii G warranted eound, 3ft., 9d; 4ft., Is; 5ft., Is 3d; 6ft., Is fed; 7ft., Is 9d; 8ft., 2s; 9ft., 2s 5d; IC-ft., 2s 8d each; ridging, 3d per ft.; spout- izig 6kd per ft.—Butler, Bell Works, Wolver- hampton. Established 1828. IMPORTANT TO M OTHERS.—E ve ry Mo the r JL who values the Health of her child should use Hitrrisoii's "Itellable" Nursery Pomade. Une application kills au Nits and Vermin, beautihts and strengthens the Hair. In Tins, 4d and 3d. Postage Id. Geo W. Harrison, Chemist, 118, Broad-street, Reaoing. Agent for Cohvyn Bay: J. W. Adamson, Chemist, Station read. AgclJt for Penmaenmawr: T. J. Hushes, Chemist. 1ADIES Cashmere Dress Lengths, all colours, .4 2:; lid; Tweeds, Shepherd Checks. Sa.tin Cloths, ls lid; carriage paid; patterns freo.- Pearson's Dress Warehouse, Leds. 17247 MACHINERY. — If von. are requiring new Plant, seeuie the be,-t terms from Practical man. Quotations given for ail clarr.es of Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, and Bolting, at the lowest, pr ice .-fial-ry Chrnnes. Machinery- and Oil Expert, 16, Station-road, Colwyn Bay.— Laundry Machinery and Stores a specialitv. 17971p TVTATIONAL CASH REGISTER, in perfect i. "I order, to be Sold at a reasonable price.— Evans, Park Stores, Cohvyn Bay. 17912p ON SALE.—Good Wheat Straw and Man- golds.—Appiy, Wm. Cragge, Bryn Euryn Farm, Co! wyn Bay. 1798Gp ON very old fashioned Clock; brass dial; in good condition.—Apply, "M. "Ciorianydd" Office, Llangefni. 5586cl OHOSPliO-GUANO GO'S. Manures for aii A Crops.—For prices, apply W. Ellis and Co., Abergele. p PRINTERS' Guillotine Cutting Machine for -6- hand, fitted with screw clamp, iron table, cuts up to 20 inches, two knives; replaced by a larger; guaranteed in good working order; to be sold cheap. — Apply, Evans' Printing Works, Bank-place, Chester, where the machine may be inspected. 17710p PANOFORTE.— Gentleman must sell at once, A. magnificent, nearly new 56-Guinea Upright Drawing-room Piano, fitted with check-action, iron frame, all latest improvements, carved pillars, and inlaid front; full and rich tone; maker's 20 years' warranty (transferable); sent on approval 7 days, carriage paid both wa.ys if not approved; take 17 Guineas casii down, or monthly payments arranged.—L. S., 147, Percy- road. Shepherd's Bush, W. ROYAL LIVER; £ 4 Book for Sale; eaeily collectcd.—Apply, 148, Weliington-roatl 1799311 STEAM LAUNCH for Sale, on Menai Straits, s 34ft. long, 6ft. 7in. beam, teak cabin aft, turtle back forward, double tandem compound surface condensing engines, natural draught boiler in good condition, fast and good sea boat —Apply, M., 37, St. Charles-squaie, North Ken- sington, London, W. c SECOND-HAND Green's Cham Lawn Mower, 22 inch, Man and Boy Size, with Grass Box, in perfect working order, to be Sold, cheap, at Messrs Evans and Roberts, Bangor. 791o TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, ROARD- ING-HOUSES, Etc.—Fruit, Flowers, and Vegetables, direct from Grower to Consumer. All goods gathered and put on rail within one hour of receiving order. Baskets, 2s 6d and 3s 6d. Hampers, 5s and upwards. Satisfaction guaranteed.—Hamlet, Charles-street, Wrexham. fTV3 Wholesale Buyers of Fruit and Vegetables." X Arrangements can now be miide for regular supplies of above.-F. Gordon Brodie Evesluun. 797c T MUSIC CO., Ltd- i. Bangoi-Grea-t clearance Sale, before Stock taking. Pianos, Organs and Harmoniums ing returned from hire; great bargains for cash or monthly payments.- Music Company, Bangor. c ^JTOCK-TAKING SALE; Pianos returned kJ> from hire by Broadwood, Col lard, Justin Browne, Ralph Allison, Gors and Kallmann, and others, greatly reduced during Sale.—The North Wales Music Co., Ltd., Bangor. c STOCK-TAKING SALE; Pianos returned from hire from 15 guineas; Organs and Harmoniums from 5 guineas; great bargains during Sale.—The North Wales Music Co., Ltd., Bangor. c WIRE NAILS.-Mixed. ftd per cwt.. 281bs. v F 2s 3d; Screws, mixed, 28s per cwt., 281be. 7s 6d. All kindfi cf Nails, Tacks. Rivets. Staplee, Bolts, and nuts, etc. Midland Nail Works, 25 to 28. Rea-street, Birm;ngbam.-C. W, Hayles, Proprietor. 16509 ALI,PAPERS for lid per roti. Any quaii. II tity, large or small at Wholesale Prices. Stock exceeds 100,000 rolls; all classes.—Write for Patterns, stating cJas required.—Burnett's Wall- pa.per Warehouse (Dept. 221), Ca.mpfield-avenue, Manchester. 15938 RATS KILLED BY SANDFORD'S POP SONS. Unsolicited Testimonials received: collected a wheelbarrow full of dead rate. After using tho last tin I picked up a pailful of rats." MOLES. Dogs and Cats won't touch it. Leaves no smell. Tins. 6d, Is. 2s, 3s, 5e. SANDFORD and SON, Sandy, Bed- or Chemista. 173270 I ADOPTION. A CHILD Wanted for Adoption. — Pater, caro of Humphreys. Auctioneer, Portmadoc. ^17ANTED, a home for a Girl eleven months » old. no premium.—M., Box 743, "Chron- icle" Office, Bangor. DSAW. D,RAWr in aid of kite H. Pugh. Winning 13, Nos. 757. 295. 689, 403, 312, 500, 272, 222, 157, 103, 379, 794. c RESULT of Draw in ai-d of Nillliaiii Rol)- erts, Old C.chvvn. n I i, iiumbeTV: — 277, 1005, 156. 83. 500, 150, 12"9, 14C9. 1515, 1586..15-12. arid 1584. LOST. 10 ST, a Circular Diamond Brooch with -i Diamond iiars acroi-s centre, <a> the 17th April, probably in the neighbourhood of Si. Asaph, Ruthin, or Bettwsycoed.—A s'l.'faKe re- ward is offered to anyone returning same to R. P. Harding, Vaynoi Estate Office, Port Dinorwic. t,4 STRAY'ED fmrsi Tin; Shop Farm, Liangcrr.iew, a Welsh Ewe, throe weeKs ayo; pT.bably Ita:, a half-bred Shropshire Lamb now. — Pieaso write to Henry J. Roberts, 1 be Shop. J.Ian- gerniew. Aberc»-le. l"92'p ■—: — ——— FOUND. TCVJuND, Weltoh E wc and Lamb. If oi .1[1 claimed in 14 divs, and all expends [iaid, P, will be sold. —Ileurv NicL-ion, Crccsau, caf n. 177 OTliAYE-D 011 to my Farm, on March 2&ti», J 1907. a Welsh Ewe and Crc~s-bred Lamb. Unless claimed with,11 14 days, will be .Jh; to defray expimses.—Frank M. Porter, Ty'h-y cc-ed. (.iL)nwa,,v.- Datt, MED:CAL. THE MEDICAL HOME. COLWYN BAY.— FULLY TRAINED CERTIFICATED NURSES uppLed. vi lio live in the Home whon iKJt at eaaes, and are under personal supervision, patients received. Massage Nursing Appiiancco r?n Hire. Tel. No 24. — Matron. T II E N O R T II W A L E S N U R S E S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. "CA LDE:\ E." Queen's P-rk, Colwyn Pay.- Fully Hospital-trained Nuices arc supplied for all Cases on the Shortest Notice. Va>itir:g Nurses and Certificated Weir-Mitchell Masseuso supplied by trie hour or according to require- ments. Nat. Tel., 68 Telegraphic Address, "Caldeiifc," Coiwyn Bay.—MISS 'THOMPSON, Lady Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL. RE-ENGAGEMENT desired as t.'ompanion (or as Nurge-Companion to an invalid lady), willing to assist m Housekeeping, experienced, good references. — Address, *D. C. l est Office, Penmaenni-,vr, North \Vales, 531c YOUNG LADY (17) desires p.ost as Governoce; ail English subjects, Ti-jr^ 11, Wood-Carving. —Addteas, "S. "Pio'r" Oslice, Colwvo Bay. 178Ja j OKCTCH1N G.—Miss Peatfieid (Certificated,' 1^5 London) will give lessens out of doors in Oil or Water-Colour Painting during May and June.—North Wales Training College, Bangor. 784o Yo LET. ri^REFRIW.—To Let, the Buildings known aa A The Forge, with good water power.— Apply. P. Melntyro, Llanrwst. p L| N FURNISH ED Roorrre to Let. Comenient • p;i»itio!i.—Maris lloune, Abcrgelc-road, C-olwvn' Bay. 173e¡) UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. CSONWAY VALLEY, near Llaiirv.it.-De- ) tached Country Residence, standing in its own Garden and Grounds, together with Or- chard and Paddock; contains three Reception- rooms. Billiard-room, nine Bedrooms, Bathroom, good Kitchens, and Offices, Outside Laundry, and other Oat buiidings, Motor-house, Stabtcs, and Coaen-housc, Keeper s Cottage, winding Carriage Drive, with Lodge entrancei 356 Acres of good Mixed Shooting, also Fishing in the River Conway. Rent, £ 125 per annum; im- mediate possession.—Further information and orders to view of J. M. Potter and Elcock. Estate Office, Colwyn Bay. 17853p LLANDUDNO.—A iirst-Uass""Eoardmg He-use to Let, unfurnished, near the Railway Station. Possession immediately.—Apply to Mr 'j'. W. Griffith, Estate Agent, etc., Tovrn Hall, Tdandudno. 1240tl 'j-'ÚIE CHALET, BEDDGELERT, to be -Iæ"t: -S. unfurnished, containing Entrance Utili. Dining a.nd Dm. 10 Bedroomo, Bath- room, and Lavatory; Kitchens. Servants' Hail, and Out Offices; hot and ccld water and electric light throughout; ''Stabling and Cottage; Fishing on Dinas and Gwynant Lakes with boats. 'l Chalet is beautifully situated, three miles from P.Pddgelort.-Apr)ly (.. F. rudl, Beddgolert. UNFURNISHED HOUSES WASTED. WANTED. Unfurnished Detached £ 45 Rent, in Old Colwyn, Colwyn H. -— or Rhos, for 1st August.—Full particulars t "S.. "Farmers' ANTED, June quarter, five-roomed Cot- 11 ta-gc, with garden, North Wales Coast or near, lor permanency. State rc-tit.-Addre-e, Trim. 12, Heppel-road, Choritor: rum-Hardy, Manc}¡eder. 17950p T1IT ANTED, smail Uniurnifhed House, in 11 piccurosque country district containing two Recxrption, three or four Bedrooms, and usual Officcs, Good Ga"dcn efscntial. Preferably near sea. Moderate rent.—ilorley, House Agent, Tenby. 796c WTANTED,, within few miies of Bangor, sma I 11 Unfurnished House or Cottage, with Garden, or three or four Unfurnished Rooms and attendance. — Reply, quoting terms, locality, etc.. to "K.A.M.S. Box £.'u "('hronicle" Office, Banger. o UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. (IOLWYN BAY.—Wanted, at once, two lar-o J unfurnished Rooms for a lady, must be ii good situation, attendance, perrnaiitiit. -Add T. 0., "Pioneer1 Office, Colwyn Bay. 17939p WANTED, Apartments above the Pwily- crochan Woods, Colwyn Bay; two Sitting- rooms, three Bedrooms; must be well furnished4 cleanliness and good cooking essential.—Apply, "Ferry," Office of this paper. 17946p WANTS (Miscellaneous). MILK DAIRY of rich Milk of good keeping properties Wanted, delivered in Bangor.- Address, A. B. C., Box 684c, "Chronicle" Oilier." Bangor. j|3HOTOGRAPHS for nothing to introduce om A coupon Waters and Co., Waterloo, Liverpool. 1733Zn "liSTANTED, small Busiircvs for a Lady; R,l:j( H or Clolwvn Bav.—"A.B." "Picneer" Office, Rhyl. p WANTED to .purchase lady, gent, and e7 ill dron left-off clothing; good prices given, personal attendance on receipt of p.e.—Joireg^ Wardrobe Dealer. Conway. 1794Op BOOKS 1 n BOOKS!! BOOKS! WANTED to Purchase Large or Small Col- lection of Books for Cash. Write for Catalogue of English and Welsh Books.—Crow^ Bank-street. Wrexham. 17328p G. MARFELL, (Nat. Tel. 2x.). GENERAL FURNISHING AND AGRICULTURAL IRON MONGER. FOR Wire Netting, Barb and Solid Fencing Wire, Corrugated Sheets, Extending Wooden Trellis, Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools at i-owest Piiccs. Spring Cleaning Specialities BRUSHES AND CHAMOIS LEATHERS, STAINS, VARNISHES, READY MIXED PAINTS & COLOURS IN GREAT VARIETY. Largest Stock of Joiners', Bricklayers' and Contractors' Tools in North Wales, all guaranteed of Best Quality and Value. FISHING TACKLE, GUNS, RIFLES ANu AMMUNITION. Lawn JUUwrs Repaired and Re-Ground by Competent Workmen. Abergele Rd., COLWYN Bk 16911 An industrious moohainic pinahc<l liimself in peirsonnl expenditure in crder to purchase a pia,iy> for his two daughters. He was p.skojl how his ohi'drern app'iocaatcd the gift. "Well, he replied, "I hardly know. They appeared be pleaircd enouplli, but t"ic first piece thogr icarned was 'Everybody W,-rkr, but M'Or.imia (tiragically) "My uear_ it's all aS an end. I took the ring Edwin gave you to the jeweller's to be valued, and discovered that he's rrcl iit on the instalment principle, and hasn't e(N-en paid tbo firat instalment."