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- ...,":<--Carnarvonshire…


.< Carnarvonshire Joint Sanitary Committee. ANNUAL MEETING AT BANGOR. COUNTY HOSPITAL SUGGESTED. The annual meeting of the above committee was bB!.d ab tno Council Chambers, Banger, last week, the representatives present being Dr. Parry, Carnarvon; Dr. Rowland Jones, Ba.ngor; Dr. John Williams, Penmaonmawr; Mr Jajruis Marks, Llandudno; Mr J. H. Jones, Llan. dudno; Mr Richard Jones, Talysarn; Mr J. T. Jones, Criccieth; Mr Jeffrey Jones, Dwyran; ajid Mr Davies, Llanrwst.. Dr. Parry was unanimously voted to tne chair. After the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the la.st meeting, a letter from the Local Government Board was read, sanctioning the appointment of Dr. Fraser as medical officer for the combined area from the 26th October, 1905, to the 25th October, 1910, inclusive, at a salaxy of £ 780 per annurn. A letter was received from the family of the late Dr. Jones Morris acknowledging a vote of aondolenco by the committee. MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. The Medical Officer submitted his usual voluminous report, and called special attention to a paragraph on page 13. which read: "In face of the extreme importance of prompt isola- tion and treatment in hospital of eases of danger- ous infectious disease, the time seems to 1 have come when a representation under the Isolation p-pr.1.. \cti 1893, shiould be made to the County Council ,& i-aVnaTvQnsliire by one or more of the Sanitary Authorities concerned, request- ing that a hospital district or hospital districts ahould be declared." The report was discussed at considerable length. THE TESTING OF MILK. Mr Richard Jones asked if inspectors had a light to take samples of milk and send them away for analysis. The Clerk said no. Dr. Fraser said each sanitary authority had Ua6 power to authorise anyone to take samples I of milk sold in its area, and send them away lor analysis. Mr Richard Jones thought that in view of the size of the sanitary areas of Lleyn and Eifion, a would be well to ask the medical officer, to request the sanitary inspectors to send him samples of the milk from the various districts occasionally. The Chairman said such a suggestion would have to bo submitted to each sanitary authority individually. The committee could not order it to be dono. Mr Richard Jones moved & resolution to that effect, which, seconded by Mr Marks, was carried. A COUNTY HOSPITAL SUGGESTED. The Chairman said he had noticed that in his report Dr. Fraser had expressed the opinion that one hospital would do for the whole of Car- narvonshire. Did Dr. Fraser mean to suggest that the county authority should compel the local authorities to join in the provision of such a hospital? Dr. Fraser said be felt confident from his past experience that one hospital would roffice, as they had actually removed cases from the ex- fu the county, and from Anglesey, which were attended with very good results, a hundred per cent. recovering, and if the County Council would make arrangements for a hospital to serve the whole county it would be a very economical way of dealing with the matter. The Chairman said his point was this. The existing hospital was built by the Gwyrfai Coun- cil. Did Dr. Fraser suggest that the County Council should acquire it? Dr. Fraser Or combine all the districts into wie sanitary district. The Chairman: That would eventually raise the question what is to become of us, and I take it that, in the long run, we shall be twallowed up by the County Council. The Clerk said the County Council would have io declare the whole county a hospital district, end then either buy the existing hospital or build a new one. Mr Maries said it 001110 be done in that way but they could not compel Gwyrfai and IJan- dudno (which also had built a hospital) to be amalgamated. The Clei k: There ra the other alternative—to fcuy the Llandudno and the Gwvrfai Hospitals. The Chairman: And they have refused to build jftne of their own. THE POSITION OF BANGOR. Dr. Rowland Jones was ready to support such S step as Dr. Fraser suggested, because their experience in Bangor had been somewhat un- fortunate. Fortunately they had had only one ease of small-pox, and that was admitted into the Infectious Discuses Hospital which was now the Borough Hospital. But the Local Government 'Soard had toid th^m thoy must not do so again, and so they found themselves without any accommodation for such eases till they came to terms with the Port Sanitary Authority for the use of their old hulk. Now he did not con- sider that accommodation at all fit for Bangor, end he thought they ought to move in the direction suggested by Dr. Fraser. The Chairman: What would be the feeling of Cwyrfa]. as to the acquisition of its hospital. Mr Richard Jones: I don't know. The idea kas never been mentioned. It has never been thought of. The Chairman: I think we ought to move rather warily in this matter, and perhaps it would be better to refer it to a email com- Suttee for consideration and report. m- ■ 1 s, waa a6rced to, and a committee ap- pointed. ■5Lrr¥E5r? DISLIRE OF FRESH AIR. Mr Richard Jones said he had read Dr. Fraser's P° ail tnrough, and he was struck with the ILL, imPro^einent in the water supply and- the «„.er^go various districts during the 4-^Wr»y€a™' which, ho thought, was largely ■i ,/■ Fraser's efforts, and for which he deserved thanks (bear, hear). ,^arks said he was afraid few t»- » „JS, committee could emulate Mr renort all 6.r ^diistry in reading Dr. Fraser's nr»>^iafx>rl —(laughter),—but they all ap- oeint wV h/*e°rt faear, hear). There was a ^ad occurred to him, ajid that was nnrtlrvn ?. b6 interesting to know the pro- distnVf ° 1I^Tec^lous cases imported from exterior in T lo Sj J °°uld assure the committee that nnmhn j ? they found that by far the greater f. °t infectious cases came into the town land tn ° alrSas—Lancashire and Mid- civen fl03'* ,FlSures on this point might be niiHi;™ future reports, net necessarily for Ea.m r, 10n* Another thing he would like to eiil<v<i. a £ a'n. Tva6 the prevention of tuber- part of to go through atl? flajrrant /r ^ales without seeing the most K. L f^gard of 411 ^at the doctors told ?°int- Go where they would the that even on a day like that closed, particularly in the lumntion ms" wonder the average of con- It ought &St^reatcr i.n Wales than in England, thai ,"6 impressed upon people bSh VS'u s* Plenty of that North Wales, and'Sh" ■ much, •ssets (hear, W) nl u° °' th,T to the rr>x,Tv*Ui would also liko to viy medical officer^ they ought to assist t{ieir b» very proner ^.fVcry. wa?- .«-nd especially in lie had reason tok^r m c'os'ri§ schools where infection to thero w%s danger of- Dr. John Willi re (hear, hear). «K,ti6ed Se autWr*id thafc Dr- Fras«r always •nee of casee import^3 fconccrne4 '°f the exist" t> Bsr^or, (or ubUiJJ"?J'" guarintee they dairies and <*inspection *here they mot lTi outside districts Would aldo like to I waa He authorities lw whether if the Bangor tetisfactory, they oould lnsPecfci<5n was not tteir own to make an insp^tio"* inspectcr of A LEGAL PROCEEDBG*^1 WOULD •° object to it ou°h Possibly Ihe Chairman said tii,Jer the eircurns to him that land Jones, the only thiTiw^596^^ y ^°w" fo m its corporate canacif^ Council oould a. pojio»sr"s?» «pp»I ,horo°^ «Ssida,i1rrTw might send their v'^n uispectors. and if fouad the rules on this point were not nmrt1 „rried they oouH institute ordinary way As to what Mr Marks ■with regard to infectious eases imported f outside. Dr. Fraser did sunply the local anfV™ ties with information, but V many only a rormise. In Llandudno many xSjtoJf eamo down m a state of convalescent taJr. re"ts* unth snch fine air, there should bo BO mnnKTT gumption But the Welsh people in this maS^ were fearfully conservative (laughter). If was anything Welsh people -were afraid of *« fresh sir (laujhter). Medical men ha/? it,' greatest difficulty in th« world in convincing Welsh people that fresh air is something bene Bcial; the» all thought eveiry malady had it. prisin in a cold (laughter). As to what had been said about the closing of schools, he thought they were io some changer ef making a mistake They ought to act on Ihe maxim that prevention is better than cure and he thought they might have a medical man attached to schools to watch for and send home at Once cases of incipient infectious disease. That would be better tihan closing the schools, which really was no protection, as the children played about in the streets with other children, and went to Sunday Schools, which were not closed, though be Utought the Carnarvonshire authori- ties na« closed tiiena. That he thought was due to 1Jbe fact mat Ifcese authorities had begun to pecognim ifcat disease was caused by a ftikrofce and not by a vigitatioa from ilbove- (laughter)-whiob showed they were becoming more enlightened in that respect (laughter). Dr. Fraser's report was then put and carried unanimously. PAYMENT FOR EXTRA WORK. In a letter, read by the Clerk, Dr. Fraser said he was occasionally called upon to supply estimates of population in electoral divisions, to analyse water, etc. Such work was outside the duties of a medical officer, but it sometimes happened he was the person best able to do the work. Would the committee kindly allow him in future to charge a fee for doing such work, provided that his work as medical officer was in no way neglected ? Without a word of discussion the committee granted the permission aske i for. "HEALTH AND ALCOHOLISM." The Rev. Ellis Jones, Bangor, attended as a deputation from the Arvon and Vale of Conway Temperance Association, to ask the assistance of the committee to distribute Dosters and handbills bearing the above title throughout the district. £ "?airman, while assuring the deputation fu symPathv of the committee, explained that the committee had no power to spend money on any but rigidly defined objects. But he thought the committee might send a recom- mendation to the various sanitary authorities in the combination to do what they could in the direction asl-ed for. There was no ùoutJt that much of the general mental degeneration was due to alcoholism. The committee unanimously passed a r-vu- tion to this effect. »°^S V?an, *° *ho chairman, the dork, and the medical officer terminated the proceed- ings.

.Llanrwst Urban District Council.




The Abererch Outrage.

------Royal Cambrian Academy.
