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Prize Distribution at Llanrwst.


Prize Distribution at Llanrwst. Speech by Mr J. H. Roberts, HI.P. THE annual distribution' of prizes in coimec- iticn with the above sabcol took place in the Church House en Friday evenin;g of last week. The chair was oc.cppied by Air ,0. Isgoed Jones, J.P., and' the room was well filled by parenbs and others who are interested in the School. The Atage and scenery had been artistically ar- ranged by Alias Lei'ghton and Aliss Farr, who are ever willing to assist in anything connected with the scSsooik The proceedings opened punctually at six o'clock with a song, "The Goraill'd Caves of Ocear," which was very creditably rendered by the girls. A recitation followed' by Misses Janet Jones, Dilys Williams, and, Maggie Hughes, and was well received by the audience. The song :;Kililaniey;' was theiii given by the girds. The fourth item on the programme con- sisted of three pie'ces ,in Frenclh- first, a short redtadon by '}.Diss Ann Jane Griffiths, Diilys Williams, and Janet Jones; second, a French '"round, entiltled "Sur Ie- pant d'Avingnon," by the junior girls' French cifeass; and fi.niailily the famous scene from Shakespeare's "Henry V." between Pni.ncess Katharine and Ailice, in which Miaa GwLadys Perry Wil,l,ams t,ofo,k the pa4c of tlh-e former, and Miss Eliza,bath Evans the part of the latter. iBath 'gJave't!heir parte in capital styl-e and the pronunciation was re- n-at'bably good. The sutcceedin.g item, a song '"Grandmother's Ol,d," by a few of the girfts was very entertaining and the costumes were very appropriate. A scene from "The Mill on the Ficss" followed, and the Misses Henrietta William,s and Ruby Edwards in their respective parts showed the result of careful training. The concluding item on the first part of tlhe programme was ànexhilbitÙon of dumbei-1 dril-l by the girls, stinging in the- meantime same popular Welsh airs. It is saitisifialatoTy to find the physical training of the girls is noit neglected. The Chairman's Address. Following this the audience was addressed by tlhe Chairman. He was glad to see such, a large gathering a,-ia,in on this occasion. He reo ferred to the report of the Central Wefelh Board, whiich showed the excellent wfork thlait had been done by the pupils of the school" in the course of the year. He pointed out the de- siraibikty of parents reitaini-nig thelir sons and daughters in the school for a longer period. To send them for one year was unsatisfactory, as the mental 'ability of the pupil had not sufficient time to develop. If they were kepit there for twlo or three years or 'longer they might turn cut riot only a credit to themselves fcuit also to their school and tlo their iteiadh-ers. He was hajp(py to inform them thajt ah last their fiister county, Carnarvonshire, had: delcidedr to contribute to the maintenance of the school; they expected withr'ai a day or two a dheque for £400, and an annual contribution of -^5°, in addition' to scholarships and bursaries. Thiils was a sourde of relie.f, as they would now be in a position to coniduct the -ydho'cll and pay its staff adeqiitdly w/i!thou!t gettinlg inito deibt. He concluded by referring to the fact 'that Mr J. C. Da vies, Ml A., of Holywcilil County School, w%o ;qiaiite recently has lbieen, appointed orgiandis- in-g .secretary to tibe 'Denbighshire E:d'uoa,tÓolll wa-s a former pupil of the school, -Lr received' his .tuition from- the presanjc ihea-d- iraa'ster. 'He thought there wa,s same -sdhoilastic element in the air of Eliangerni-ew and G.w-yth- ecin, the native district of Profe'ss'or Hen-rv Jones and .Mr J. C. Da vies. Headmaster's Report. The annual report of the school was given by the headmaster, the Rev J. 1. F-a-rr, M.A. He stated that there was not much to reiportt on, and tflis wais a s;gn that matlers had been- g'oing oc. smoothly. Experience had taught hiiim (tlhe speaker) that it was not the great successes or the bad failures Which showed the worth of the school; ,the bulk of a school is its middle part. Mediocrity is the characteristic of the majority, and it is the interests of the majority that a headmaster has to consider. One considerable change had been made: they had now piacui- cally combined their schools, instead of work- ing them separately. This had been* done gra- dually. and without friction and without in- jury to either department. Tihey were enabled to qualify for science grants under tlhe Board cf Education, and this 'had led to a consider- able increase in the science w'ork done in the school. The attendance had been uniformly good, five pupils having been- presenlt without a single absence during the year. He then gave a list of successes- obtained dusting the year:—Central WeMi Board examinations: Senior certificate, William. Jacob Jones and Jane Jones juhior certificate, David yones, H. Coranwy Owen, 1-1. Pierce, Richard- Lloyd Wi'llrams..Board of Education certificates in •fsdience had been a/Warded to Wim. jjacoh Jones (advanced chemistry), Hugh Pierce, Jjaunceio't Owen, David' Jones (elementary chemistry). MrFarr also pointed out:,hiat t',h,ese results did nOlt show what could have been done, as all pupils nvho were up to the standard did not, oif ne.ces- sity, enter fcr the examination. The pniaes and certificates were distributed [0 the successfull pupils by M'ias Roberts, the sister cf Mr J. Her- bert Rdberlts, M.P. The foHowinig is the prize list:—Fcr.m V. IVrn. Jacob Jones and Jane Janes: F>omu IV. Da Mid Jones, Launcelolt Owen, Hugh Pierce, and' Margaref: Rowlands Fc<, Ilia. Richard 1,1. Wiil'l'iaimis and William Kifipatrici!: Form. 11 lb. Antfhiur F. Williams, Robert Jones, and Roubie Edwards; Fonm II.: Annie Lewis. SpeiGial prizes for needlework, codkery, and laundry .work: Hannah Olwem Williams, Margaret Hutghss. 'Special prizes for science note 'books Harold Victor Jones and Idris Lloyd Jones. Aletendanlce prizes-: Wm. J. Launcdot Owen,. Harold Victor Jones, r2 WM-iiam Tones, and Anne Jane Jones. Mr J. Herbert Roberts, M.P., ![hen delivered an address, in which he referred to a. sugges- tion as to the possibility of d'iverting with ad- vantage same of the educait-io,n,al otfltpu't of tl- Welsh cctirjtv schddls to the dhanneil- of 3 Giuil Service appaintmenits. He hiad bee. 'much gilalified by the cordial reception i "en ■jo his (suggestion., and it was evident that Ciuy s-nhe-me for practically carrying i.t out would receive a large amount of support. He had re- solved 1:0 take steps at an early date for ob. taining the views df those qualified to advise •as to the ibeat means of carrying the pIlan into effect, and he felt confident that it was possible in thlis direction not only t'o provide a useful vocation for man v of the scholars annually •leaMing tlhe Welsh schools, but also gradually to write more deeply the name, the tradition, the spinit, and the oharadter of Wales upon our Government air 'home and in the British domin- ions across the seas. Votes of Thanks. Tlhe Chairman, proposed a h-earty vote of tnianks to Mr J. Herbert Roberts for being presenlt, and Miss Roberts d, c,, r distribuiting the prize's, and Mr Rdberas for his address. He trusted those pre- sent would think deeply on whialt Mr Roberts had said, and ithstt 'his address would ihiaye a similar effect as the one delivered by Principal Reich el a year ago. The .proposal wias seoonded by the headmas- ter, and Idadied with acclamation. Miss 'Jtabefas replied an a few appropriate worlds. Following ithis, a vote of thanks to the school Staff, the Rev J. 1. FaIT, Messrs W. W.ililiamia and R. H J.ones, Misses Edith Holt and M. \V;Liaims, -was proposed by the Chairman, and seconded by the Rev W. Thomas, Frondeg, an a suitalble Welsh sipeeidh. On ¡che ¡Jll'O'Üon oft-he' Rev J.IüT:ganl, B.A., the reatoir, seconded by Mr W. J. Wiliuaims, J.P., a hearty vdte :(jf thanks was plassed to toa chaiicman for his excellenit services. Tlhe Rector Ipointed oiult t,hAE, Mr hgoed Jones was the connecting1 llirJk 'between the Locail and C'olunty, Gdverninig Bodies, andt it was owing; to hti,s untiri-ng energy that the Carnarvonshire contribution to the- fund had been dbtaSned. PollawLng this, a performance, wias given of a 'dhapter from "Rhys Lewis" .in Welsih, "Cyf- lai-fyddiad ffortunuis yn JJlundain." The chieff p3.;rs, were taken bN, DaNii,d Jones (Rhys Lewis) and Launceiot Owen (Wil Bryan). The former was excetilenit in his representation of the Bailia Istuldent in London, and his interview with the prison warder 'showed his clinging (Love for Bala. Launceiot Owen, played the part of the care-for-nothing Wil Bryan in fine style, and (his calmness wlhen, in the policeman's bands wias eneiuaining. The part -of Oldl Nidlas leavinig the Old Bailey was played by Joseph Roberts, 'wfhille Harold V. Jones and 1). Roberts as policemen, and Hujgh G. Owen as prison- vva.rder, were up to the: occaHibn,. iMinor ]>arts were pjayed by Dernis R. Jones and. Aritiinur Oiwen (istredt urchins), E. Roberts and R. G. Da vies C'bus conductors), A. Roberts (whislcler), Pryce Jones (paper boy), T. J. Hughes (gentle- man), A. Jaimes Williams, and J. W. Jones. Tlhe; general feeling was thlait it was the mio.'SJt successful prize distribution helld for a consid- erable time.

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