Educational. LLANRWST County Dual School. THIS School is now equipped with all modern v requirements, and provides accommodation for 80 Boys and 60 Girls. In addition to the usual subjects, instruction is given to Boys in the use of Tools and Practical Chemistry; and to Girls in Cooking and Laundry Work. The Staff consists of the following thoroughly- qualified and experienced Teachers :— Headmaster—KEY. J. I. FARR, M.A. Science d: Technical Master—ME. WILLIAM WILLIAMS Drill Instructor— SERGEANT-INSTKUCTOR FITTER. Senior. Assistant Mistress—Miss EDITH HOLT, B.A.- Assistant JIistress-MISS EDITH M. EVAXS. -V Cookery, Sc., Mistress—Miss M. WILLIAMS. SCHOOL FEE, £ 4 PER ANNUM. The next Term commences January 20th, 1903. Admission Forms may be obtained from the Head- master. 5071 STILL TO THE FRONT THE FINEST (GOLD MEDAL) DANISH KIEL V2 BUTTER]PER BEST j CREAMERYf ll BUTTER ) PER Pryce Williams & Co., THE LEADING GROCERS, 3341 Colwyn Bay. PING-PONG! PING-PONG! r w JOHN HOMAN Station Road, ETNOW SHOWING A LARGE SELECTION OF THE LATEST NOVELTIES. SPGWIAL FEATURE- TTJJh!P> Rate /Vellum, Wood, Cork and\ OciLS Baize Covered /» Ball Retrievers, Nets, Balls, etc. Prices of Tables on Application. 3775 EYESIGHT A Common relusion with many people is, that by putting oft' the wearing of Spectacles they are pre- serving the sight. This is a serious error. The con- stant strain of the accommodation of the eye is very injurious, and mischief is done which no after treat- ment can rectify. Have your eyes examined by H, C. HOUGHTON, EYESIGHT and SPECTACLE SPECIALIST, WOOD-ABRAHAM'S, L^Sl^Shester ALL REPAIRS DONE CHEAPLY & PROMPTLY. 23, EASTGATE ST., CHESTER. Talking Machines. EDISON AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS FROM *7 3. 3814 RECORDS from i/- Greenfield's Stores, Colwyn Bay. OXKY LOANS GRANTED DAILY* AT 26, DJL WELLINGTON-RD.. RHYL, from £ 3 to JE500, to Shopkeepers, Farmers, Market Gardeners. Hotel Keep- era (male or female), Tradesmen, and to all responsible Householders worthy of credit, upon borrower's Note of Hand alone, with or without Sureties. Amonnt borrowed and interest corabined can be repaid as follows :— £ 3, Note of Hand, 1. week £ 23, Note of Hand, 8/- week £ 5, 21- „ £ 50, 10- „ gio, 3 zioo, „ 20/- „ Larger amounts in proportion. Monthly or Quarterly pay- ments taken other terms can be arranged. Capital can remain at interest only. Interest lower than any other lender in the district. All transactions stfictly private, and straighifoiwa.rd business dealings guaranteed. No bona- fide application refused. Distance no object. No public- ity. No delay. Prompt attention to all enquiries, either personally or by letter, absolutely free of charge. Intend- ing borrowers should write or call for forms of application B.nd compare our terms. Note the Address:—The Mutual Advance and Investment Society, 26. Wellington-road, Rhyl. Mr. Ã. t. Roberts, District Manager. Registered 5514 SEND YOUR WANT" ADVERTISEMENTS TO «TME PIONEER" Not later than Wednesday- Night's Post, for us to receive by Thurs.. day Morning's Post the latest time for receiving Adverts.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
RESULTS OF LAST SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Colwyn Bay 1 Llanrwst (h) 0 Colwyn Bay (h) 6 C-.rn rvon 2 Portmadoc (h) 6 Conway 1 1 < j The North Waies Coast League. MATCHES TO HE ''L.TT'ED TO-MORROW SATURDAY. Penmaenmawr v. Bangor. Portmadoc v. Llanrwst. Ref-ree, Sergeant htixit, Conway. Llanberis v. Llandudno. Conway v. Colwyn Bay. Referee, Mr. R. Hersee, Llandudno. Carnarvon v. Rhyl. Referee, .Ilr. J. Robe-rls, Llandudno. Played on the ground of the first-named club. (o) (o) Welsh.Senior Cup. THIRD ROUND.—REPLAYED TIE. J Oswestry 2 Aberyst yth 0 Welsh Amateur Cup. THIRD ROUND. Llanrwst 1 Bangor 1 Wrexham Victoria 1 13 rough con United 0 Flint U.A.C 2 Connah's Quay 1

to)- Llanrwst v. Colwyn Bay. FIRST DEFEAT OF THE ROOSTERS." (North.Wales uoast League.) The first meeting of these clubs this season in the League tournament took place on Boxing Day in Gwydyr Park, before a large crowd of enthusi- astic spectators, the visitors bringing numerous supporters with them The victory Colwyn Bay gained over the Bangorians, on the latter's ground, had installed fresh courage into the Bayites, who had never been able to boast of having defeated the "Roosters." The following were the teams —Colwyn Bay Croydon, goal backs, Allen and "Williams; halves, Griffiths, Dowries, and E. O. Williams forwards,«McCaun, Reckless, Parry. W. Jones, and R. Jones. Llanrwst Hayes, goal backs, Trevor Jones and J. R. Jones halves, Di Thomas, Lei Biackwali, and f. Jones forwards, Evan Jones, W. Owen, S. Parry, Roberts, and G. F. Whittaker. Referee Mr Beach, Rhyl. Lianrwst won the toss, and strangely enough elected to play against a strong wind, and defend- ing the river goal. The Bayites, with the great advantage of the wind, got straight to work, and a shot was soon seen flying over the bar. Hayes was given a very warm time of it between the sticks, shots, however, being neatly negotiated from all positions in the smartest manner. The Llanrwst forwards could do nothing against the wind and the excellent defence of the visitors. The ball was ve'y often behind, and accurate play was out of the question. Croydon at close quarters fisted out twice, and a corner was gained by Llan- rwst, but it was of no advantage to them. After this, the Bayites displayed very smart combination, but half-time arrived with no score. The second half was commencecWvith the wind abating in force, the Bayites in consequence more than holding their own, for in 15 minutes' after the restart McCann gained possession and ran within 20 yards of the goal, when he scored with a shot that gave Hayes not the slightest chance. After this, the Roosters" pressed in rather a ragged fashion. Lei Blackwal1 tried a shot" on his own" at close range, shooting straight for Croydon, who just managed to kick it out. There was no further scoring, and the Bayites, for the first time, defeated the Roosters" on their own ground. Final Colwyn Bay, I Llanrwst, o. -(0)-

Carnarvon v. Colwyn Bay. (North Wales Coast League). Played Clit Colwyn Bay on Saturday last in in windy weather. The "Carnaries" arrived minus the services of several regular players, reserves having to be relied upon, and conse- quently what would otherwise have been a good game was spoiled. The Colwyn Bay team was as follows:—Goal, C. Croydon; backs, J. Owen and Edgar Allen; halves, J. Williams, N. Grif- fiths, and O. E. Williams; forwards, T. McCann, E. Reckless, Parry, W. Jones,, and R. Jones. In the first half an uninteresting game was wit- nessed, neither team scoring. In the second moiety the homesters soon got the upper hand of their opponents, and six goals were cred-ted to them by Parry (2), O. E. Williams (i), T. YlcCann (i), R. Jones (i), and N. Griffiths (1). Carnarvon's response was one goal only, the game thus ending six to one in favour of the home team. --0-

Conway v. Portmadoc.. PORTMEN WIN EASILY. (North Wales Coast League.) Conway journeyed to Portmadoc on Boxing Day, where they engaged in a league fixture. Though they placed a fairly strong team on the field it was felt they were leading a forlorn hope, inasmuch as the Portmen have been going very strongly of late, while their own fortunes have been anything but rosy. In the first half of the game, however, the visitors gave a very creditable performance, and, if anything, more t'nan held their own. But with the change of ends came a drastic turn of luck, the visitors being! for the better part of the time penned up in their own quarters. For Conway, the prominent men were Tom Jones, Wilson, Ted Evans, Llew Parry and Evan Davies, while the Portmen were ably assisted by Moseley Jones, R. D. Roberts, and R. E. ,7 Edwards. The teams were, Conway: -L,liew Parry, goal; Tom Jones and Tom Edwards, backs; Owen Ellis, Shem Jones and Craven, halves Wilson, J. R. Jones, Ted Evans, Evan Davies and Ben Evans, for- wards Portmadoc :—Pike, goal; Rowland Jones and 'Arthur Hughes, backs; T. E. Edwards,, Robert Jones and J. R. Jones, halves; R. D. Roberts, Moseley Jones, O. Jones, W. M. Jones and R. Lloyd Jones, forwards. The Game. Portmadoc kicked off, Mr David Llewellyn, secretary for the home club acting as referee in the absence of Mr H. Jones, of Llanrwst, who had been detained owing to train arrangements. The wind blew from the town end of the field in the face of the homesters. The opening bouts were even, and were kept up at great speed. Moseley Jones was offered the first chance for Portmadoc, but the kick was weak. A few minutes, later Jack Jones followed with a "skier'' at short range and the ball went behind. iom Jones and Wilson saved splendidly, and after a few smart exchanges, each side were seen to advantage in a number of cleverly-played rauies. Conway exhibited better combination than we have seen amongst them this season. After 15 minutes' play, however, Jack Jones secured in a favourable- position and sent along a soft pass to W. M. Jones, who beat Parry with a slow shot. In a few seconds, Conway were attacking, and a corner was conceded, which was barren. The same fate attended a penalty given in the visi- tors' favour inside the line. Conway kept up the aggressive, and Pike was called upon to use both feet and fist in defence. Ted Evans was play'n'g a sterling game at centre. R. D. Roberts, playing on the visitors' right, eventu- ally got away, but his centre was not accepted. A minute later, Owen Jones experienced bad luck with a fine, shot which struck the cross-bar. Evan Davies set the Conway left again in motion and in due course Ted Evans and Davies tried a shot ap ece. Ted's effort landed on top of the net. Conway kept up the attack, and from a scramble just outside the net Owen Ellis, taking a pass from J. R. Jones, equalised with a nicely- put shot. Ends were again changed in pretty gi style., but nothing if particular note took place until the call of half-time, when the score stood Conway, i goal. Portmadoc, 1 goal. On chan'g:ng ends, ortmadoc got away with a rush, and R. D. Roberts secured at close quar- ters, but the leather struck the net. Tom Jones then saved twice in succession, while Parry handled successfully a particularly good shot from R. D. Roberts. J. R. Jones eventually as- sumed control and attended by Ted Evans he looked every inch a scorer, but the leather went wide. J. R. Jones tried another a few seconds later but the result was the same. Lloyd Jones brought relief with a pretty run, and the, visit- ors were placed on lile defensive. Several more or less good attempts were made by Portmadoc, Conway exhibiting very fine defending capaci- ties. Llew Parry cleared four times in a clever manner. However, Morris Jones eventually beat the little man, who was harassed on all hands. Five minutes later Tom Jones missed his kick and Moseley Jones netted the Jti-ird point with an open net before him. With the wind in their favour, the homesters had much the better of the game thenceforward, and Con- way were for the better part of the time occu- pied in defending their charge. After repeated attempts, Owen Jones subsequently found the net, the height of the visiting keeper bein'g evi- dently against his attempt to clear. A few minutes later, Moseley Jones put on the fifth. For offside tactics, Portmadoc were repeatedly penalised. Craven and Ellis were evidently off colour, and for this reason the Conway attack was. weakened materially. Llew Parry con- tinued to save beautifully, and but for his sound work, the, score would undoubtedly have been doubled. Subsequently Conway were penalised for fouling in their own quarters, but Owen Jones' free kick went w'de. Within a few minutes of full time, however, the same player put on the sixth point in a decided fashion. When the whistle sounded the scores read Portmadoc, 6; Conway, I. \o)

COMBINATION. Oswestry United v. White Star. At Oswestry. A -strong wind blew across the ground, and spo. led the play. About ten minutes from the start, the "Stars" broke away, and Hardacre scored. Half-time White Star, i goal; Oswestry United, nil. In the second half, Back scored for Oswestry, and the game ended in a draw of one goal. each. Midiliewich v. Wrexham. At Middlewich. Middlewich kicked off up- hill, but Wrexham obtained possession, and the forwards attacked. The backs transferred play, and Middlewich were awarded a penalty. Bailey took the kick, but the ball struck Owen's knees. BootJh scored. The same player added another, and Griffiths reduced the lead:, Ash- brooke mulling the ball. Half-time Middle- wich, 2; Wrexham, 1. Result: Middlewich, 2 Wrexham, I. Tranmere Rovers v. New-ton-le-Willows. At Tranmere. Newton won the toss, the Rovers playing against a strong sun. The game was of an even character, and rather tame. At half-time there was no score. The second half was also of a tame nature, the Willows defence being good. Result: Tranmere Rovers, nil Newton-le-Willows, nil. Nantwich v. Birkenhead. At Nantwich. With the vy;nd in their favour, a persistent attack was maintained by the nant- I wich forwards. Betteley scored with a Hard drive. Foster, with a fast shot, scored the second point. Result: Nantwich, 4; Birken- head, nil. Wilton Albion v. Winsford. At Witton. The Witton. defence was often hard put to, but withstood the ordeal. The game opened' out towards the interval, when nothing had been scored. Result: Witton, nil Winsford, nil. Chester y, Rhyl. At Chester, before a large attendance. In the first half, Chester, who had the. aid of a strong wind, scored four times through Kelly, Sher- man, Turner, and Delaney. Rhyl registered two goals, Barker (Chester) putting through h:s own goal, and Jenkins adding a. second? In the second half Rhyl scored from a scrimmage. Result: Chester, 4; Rhyl, 3. ° Aberystwyth v. Oswestry United. The attendance at the Vicarage ground, Aber- ystwyth, on Saturday, testified to he interest taken in the resul- of this tie. Oswestry con- tested the first half aga:nst the wind, and gradu- ally made headway, Percival giving them a lead after half-an-hour's play. No. further goals were registered up to the interval. Witu the change of ends, and fighting against the wind, Aberystwyth displayed better football than uley did in the initial half, and for the major portion penned .in the Salopians. The international, Charlie Parry, played a brilliant game in goal for Oswestry. Close on time a breakaway re- sulted in Hammond notching a second point ,for Oswestry, who won by two to none. The winners will have to meet Wellington (the Cup- holders) in the next round at Oswestry. On Saturday, at Burslem. Result: Bangor, 4; Burslem, 4. Played at Bangor, on .Loxidg-day. Result: Bangor, 2 Witton Albion, 2. Played on Wrexham; Racecourse. Result: Wrexham, 3; Chester, I. Played at Chester on Boxing-day, before a large holiday crowd. Result: Whllte Star Wan- derers, 2 Chester, I. -0-

Uanrwst v. Bangor Reserves. A DRAWN GAME. (3rd Round Welsh Amateur Cup.) These teams mieit in the above round on Saturday last, in Gwydyr Park. A strong wind crossed the field, nullifying all attempts at ac- curate- play. The following were the teams Llanrwst—Goal,- Hayes; backs, Trevor Jones, and J. R. Jones; halves, Jim Jones, Lei Black- wall, and Bertie rierce; forwards, Whittaker, Francis Williams, Gren Jones, Di. Thomas and Evan Jones; halves, D. Ellis, Llew. Pritchard, and E. Roberts; forwards, Richards, Burns, R. T. Evans, fMoran, and Hartrey. Referee, Mr R. Hersee, Llandudno. The visitors proved ftiemselves to be a tricky lot, and were much faster on the ball than Llan- rwst. Their combination too, was always effective, and whilst the game was frequently from end-to-end, Hayes had much more to do than his vis-a-vis. From a clever pass of Moran s, Hartrey, witu a capital shot, scored, and at half-time the visitors led by a goal to nil. On many occasions during the second half the score seemed likely to be increased against Llanrwst, but Hayes being in his best mood, averted danger. The homesters were occasion- ally awarded corners, but nothing came of them, though, when time was drawing1 near, hands against one of the Bangor team in the penalty line, gave them a chance. Evan Jones took the kick, and smartly equalised, amidst much en- thusiasm. As this was close upon time, the turning of what might have been a defeat into a draw pleased both the home team and the spectators. Final: Llanrwst, i goal; Bangor, I.

-0-- Corwen v. Bala Press. Bala, Press on Saturday were conveyed in a special train to contest Corwen in the third round for the Welsh Amateur Cup. Great in. terest was taken in this match by all lovers of the leather in both towns, and many supporters from Bala followed me Press' to Corwen. The weather was all :that could be desired, with the exception that a very strong wind prevailed. The visitors, won the toss, and as usual decided to play with the wind in their favour. As soon as the kick-off was given it was noticed that the rumour of the homesters' splendid condition and strength was no idle boast. They started well, and were several times, though fignting against a terrible wind, in. close proximity to the homesters' goal; Parry, Roberts, and Davies however, were there to see that they did not come too close. Many opportunities of scoring were given on both sides, but they proved futile. The ball, after some play in front of the visitors' 'goal, was sent by their defence towards the Corwen end, when Tom Hughes, with a "clinking" shot, scored the first goal for Bala. Corwen then played with a dash, and showed some plucky spirit. It was not long, however, before Dick Evans, the visitors' gallant captain, got the leather, and with one of his .famous shots, notched the second goal for his side. Shortly after, the whistle sounded for half time, when Bala were leading by two goals to nil. On resuming play, Corwen's spirit, in spite of the goals against them, did not droop, and they played a plucky game, scoring their first goal amidst much enthusiasm. Edwards, Leary, and Lloyd played up well, Leary scoring the third point for Bala within a few minutes of time being up. When the whistle sounded, the game stood three goals to one in favour of Bala. Every possible fairness- was shown to both teams by the referee, Mr Arthur Lea, of Wrex- ham. On the arrival of the train at Bala, it was met at the station by a vast crowd, and the team was escorted through the street.

Colwyn Bay v. Corinthians "A." Played at Colwyn Bay on Xmas Day on the,: Rhos Field. There was a splendid attendance, but the weather was boisterous and it was not possible for a good exhibition of the game to be given. The teams, under referee G. Jones, lined up as follows:—Colwyn Bay-Goal, C. Croy- don; backs, O. E. Williams, J. Williams; halves, Pyatt, N. Griffiths, S. R. Leathley; forwards, T. McCann, E. Reckless, A. Lowe, J. Owen, W. Jones. Corinthians—Goal, LT. Quinton; backs, J. Owen, H. Byrne; halves, F. Williams, J. LI. Owen, Lewis Jones; forwards, R. Roberts, C. Boardman, W. Hulme, W. Jones, j. Hickley- W. Hulme started for the Corinthians, and aid- ed by the strong wind which was blowing down, the pitch, the latter quickly attacked, nothing, however, resulting. The pressure, with the ex. ception of an occasional breakaway, was con- tinued until the interval, though the Bay defence was not penetrated. After about twenty minu- tes play in the second half the score was opened for the Bay, and they -eventually won the game by one goal to iwl.

-0- Ba a Press v. Queen's Road Mission, Liverpool. This match took place at Bala on Boxing-day, it being the second vis-it oT Queen's-road to pla.y the Press, they, on the former occasion, having been beaten by seven goals to two. The Press were lacking the services of Trevor Lewis, which necessitated D. M. Davies, the left full-back, having to play right-half, and E. T. Jones to fill the place of Davies. The visitors were fully represented. Bala Press won the toss, and with a strong wind, elected to defend the town goal. W. Bain put the. ball in motion, when even play followed for the first fifteen minutes, after which the home team began to press, whereon. Birks and Harris resorted to kicking-out tactics. Brookes saved splendidly a long shot from Tom Hughes. The last-named player got hurt about this time, but was able to resume after having his leg bandaged. Shortly before half-time, Leary notched a clever goal. No further scor- ing took place, and half-time- arrived, with the Press leading by one, goal to nil. After a short rest, the game was resumed. The wind was stronger, and there was every ap- pearance of a storm coming on. jjoth goal- keepers were called on in turns, and Parry was- loudly cheered for having caught a grand shot from under the bar from short range. Rylands shortly afterwards, equalised from amongst a lot of players, close in. After this reverse the homesters were not long in asserting: themselves, the half-backs playing a sterling game. The last ten minutes must have been very trying to the vistors' defence, the ball being continuously in front of their citadel. Once, Dick Evans7 claimed a penalty, and afterwards a corner, but all to no purpose. When time arrived, the game was left drawn. Final: One goal each. The following were the teams:- Bala Press.—Goal, T. O. Parry; backs, J. W. Roberts and E. T. Jones; half-backs, O. M. Davies, R. H. Williams, and H. R. Davies; forwards, Tom Hughes, E. Ll. Edwards, Dick Evans, Leary, and J. H. Lloyd. Queen's-road Mission.—Goal, Brookes backs, Birks and Harris; half-backs, Geldart, D. Bail, and E. Wildman; forwards, Rylands, Moore, II-I. Bain, Ramsay, and Kelly. !J

Football Chips. I am pleased to congratulate colwyn Bay on. their success at Llanrwst in a league match. I think that on the days' play they were the better team. That the display of the eleven from C.B. was: worthy of their town. That their previous win over Bangor gave them an impetus that helped them to score another victory. That Llanrwst can no longer boast of being' an undefeated team. That Llanrwst figured better to a certain ex- tent against the proud Bangorian Reserves. That that nimble set of players in the 3rc^ round of the Welsh Amateur Cup at Llanrwst were leading almost to the, finish by one goal to nil. That the "Roosters" gained a penalty, and scored, thus equalising close on time. That this success electrified some of the Llan- rwst spectators'. That Colwyn Bay again made the "Canaries" whistle, low. That Conway had a hard task at Portmadoc on Boxing-day. That their defeat was looked upon as almost certain. That Portmadoc are going to go "bi,g' guns" again for the championship of the League. That Bangor also have an eye upon. the cov- eted honour. That the representatives of a certain seaside-, may come in and destroy the calculations of both of them.

-¿-- —— Four shillings :a "bottle is being charged for imported British beer at Johannesburg. 11 During a little over 24 hours endin'g Oil- Saturday morning, the London firemen were called out no fewer tnan 24 times.

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Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
First League Table. RESULTS UP TO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20. Goals- PIa Won Lost Drn For Agst Pts West Bromwieh A. 18 11 5 2 35 23 24 Derby County IS 11 5 2 34 23 24 Sheffield United 19 11 0 2 32 21 24 Notts County 19 9 4 6 22 21 24 7 1 3 Sheffield Wednesday 19 11 7 1 31 23 23 Liverpool 18 10 8 ? 46 28 22 Bury 17. 9. 6 2 27 18 20 Sunderland iS 7 5 G 25 21 20 Stoke 19 S 7 4 2:5 24 20 Wolverhampton W. 19 8 7 4 29 29 20 Nottingham Forest 20 7 7 6 24 28 £ 0 Everton 20. 7 9 4 30 29 .18 Aston Villa.. 17 7 7 3 29 23 17 Newcastle United. 17 7 8 2 '22 95 16 MiAdlesborough 18 6 9 3 18 2 15 Blackburn Rovers. 19 5 12 23 O 12 j Grimsby 18 3 1.0 6 24 38 10 j Bolton Wanderers. 19 0 16 3 18 55 3 j RESULTS OP ::iV -l.AY'S GAMES. Bury — d 1 Aston Villa >. 2 Grimsby 2 Sunderland 0 Newcastle United 0 Derby County 1 West BromwichAlbion 0 Stoke 0 Middlesbrough 2 Nottingham Forest. 2 Sheffield United 2 Everton 3 Bolton Wanderers 1 Sheffield Wednesday 2 Notts County 0 Wolverhampton Wan 2 Blackburn Hovers 0 Played on the grouti-i «'<■' uho licst named club. -1- Couf'din.'i'iioii i'able.' RESULTS VV to ^]xi;i;T>vY;-0;Roj5MnKn 20, ,-Goals- Pld Won Lost DM .for Agst Pts j Witton Albion .10 2 0 37 23 26 Wrexham H 12 1 I 53 7 25 Oswestry 15 8 ,v 5 ?• 37 20 18 Nantwich 15 8 28 18 Chester (> 5 4 33 23 16 Burslem Port 1*1 6 5 2 35 22 14 Middlewich 4 8 6 31 39 14 Birkenhead 12 .f; C> 1«. 25 21 13 White Star .10 • 3 i 1 13 15 11 Rhyl M •> R 0 27 25 10 Newtrmle-Willows 2. 32 54 10 Winsford 15 4 10 2 3-2 43 10 *Barigor 12 4 0 2 24 37 8 Chirk 11 3 7 1 17 29 7 Tranmere Rovers 10 2 12 2 15 45 6 Two points dOiittn: (! for paying ineligible man. Nantwich 4 Birkenhead 0 Witton Albion 0 Winsford 0 Chester 4 Rhyl .3 Oswestry United .1 While Star Wanderers. 1 Tranmere Rovers 0 Nevnon-le-Willows 0 lk.ddlewich Played on the ground first named club. -Î (-, North Wales Coast League. OFFICIAL RESULTS RA> TO \ND INCLUDING LAST SATOITL/AY'a RKbttiiTS. ^-G^als-v PIll. Won Lost Drn For Agst Pts Colwyn Bay 9 5 2. 30 23 12 Portmad c 7 5 I 1 28 6 11 Bangor 8 5 2 1 26 15 11 Llanrwst 6 8 1 0 15 7 10 Llanberis H 4 1 19 21 9 Ll'dudno Amateurs 8 4 1 24 25 7 Carnarvon 7. 2 4 1 13 14 5 Rhyl Athletic 7 2 4 1 15 23 5 Penmaenmawr 7 2 5 0 18 26 4 Coiiivay 9 8 0 12 42 2