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Cijavbctiing. "-'-'-'__/'>...j"""""'''''/-'''''-''7'''-''''.''-/,./........../-,---",

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Cijavbctiing. ">j"7' [If any reader who is in difficulty with reference to his garden, will write direct to the ad- dress given beneath^ his queries will be an- swered, free of charge, and by return of post —EDITOR]. Some correspondents omit to add their names, or merely end with initials. In these cases it is obviously impossible to reply.—E.K.T. GENERAL FLOWER CULTURES. HARDY ANNUALS. Well drained, light and moderately rich soils from which atones and hard clods have been re- moved, are desirable but the surface should not be so fine as to become pasty after rain. Autumn sowings must be made in rather poor ground, as succulent growth would be liable to injury from winter frosts. Sow thinly broad- cast, or, better stili, in drills from March to June, preferably from the middle of March to middle of April for summer and autumn flowering, and during the end of July, in August and September to blossom the following spring. Cover the seeds lightly with soil, from I to i-inch being ample for medium sized varieties, while minute seeds should be sown on the surftce, and lightly ranked in. Thin oat early, since nothing weakens plants more than having to contend with others for food and air and transplant as necessary into deep- ly dug and well manured land. In sheltered gardens with dry soils, autumn-sown clumps may be transferred to the flower border during October, but in exposed positions. on heavy soils they should not be moved till March. Keep free from weeds, and remove the seed vessels before they mature, to lengthen the flowering season. HALF-HARDY ANNUALS. Any moderately fine, rich potting soil may be used for half-hardy annuals. Sow in pans in gentle heat. during February, March, and April, in pans in cold frames facing the south during early April, or even directly on a rich and friable border quite at the end of April or in early May. Cover the pans with panes of glass until germination is effected, to prevent excessive evaporation. If watering should be- come necessary, stand the pots or pans in a shallow vessel of water for an hour or so. Re- move the sheets of glass directly the seedlings appear, and stand the pots or pans in the full light, where air can be freely admitted to them, during mild weather. Prick out the seedlings early into other pots or pans, and plant them out at the end of May or beginning of Jane when the weather is settled and favourable. TENDER ANNUALS. A light, rich soil, freely admixed with sharp silver sand, is essential for successful culture. Sow during February or March exactly as advised for half-hardy annuals, saving that greater heat is required. Shift the seedlings singly into small pots as soon as possible, and move them on until flowering pots are reached. Weak liquid manures may be given when the pots are full of roots, but such applications must be discontinued as the plants come into flower Allow plenty of sunshine and air. Tender annuals flower moat satisfactorily in the greenhouse or window. HARDY BIENNIALS. Hardy biennials are sown in spring and sum- mer, until August. Treat as recommended tor hardy perennials. HARDY PERENNIALS. Any moderately rich, medium soil will do for sowings of hardy perennials but a good strong loam, at least a foot deep, is required for the plants. Borders intended for hardy perennials should be thoroughly drained to a depth of 3 feet. Sow from March to August, preferably in pans or boxes in a close frame, with or without bottom heat, or in pans or a good seed; bed on the open border. Cover the seeds lightly, and protect; them from enemies of various kinds. When sown early in frames, and planted out during May, many perennial flowers may be induced to blossom the first season. It must not be forgotten that the seeds of some species, such asCyciamens, Fraxinellas Peonies, etc', sometimes remain dormant in the soil for months. Prick out the young seed- lings from pots and pans into other pots and pans before moving them to the open border, and thin out and transplant those from out- door sowings directly they are large enough to handle. They should generally be transplan- ted once before being placed in their final positions. HALF-HARDY PERENNIALS. Treat as advised for half-hardy annuals, saving that half-hardy perennials require pro- tection from frost during the winter. SOME TOWN FLOWERS. ANTIRRHINUM (SNAPDRAGON). Fine border perennials, thriving in almost all situations, and blossoming the same year if sown early in spring. The varieties are divided into three sections, call, medium, and dwarf or Tom Thumb. Snapdragons are often to be found growing on ruined walls and in similar situations; but they flourish to perfection in a dry, rich soil, in a sunny, somewhat exposed situation. Sow in heat during January and February to flower the same year, and in drills in the open ground during summer to blossom the year following. Pot the seedlings from sowings made in heat singly and harden them (iff gradually for planting out in May. Trans- plant directly from open-air seed-beds to flowering positions during cloudy weather. AQUILEGIA, Charming and most elegant hardy perennials, beautiful alike in habit and the colour and form of the flowers. Many varietes blossom the same year if sown early in March. The more robust varieties flourish in any ordinary garden soils; but the less hardy kinds do best in good, friable, sandy loam, preferably in- corporated with leaf-mould. Sow early in spring in pots or pans in a close, cold frame, in a shady place, or on the open border during June or Jnly. Some plants may be shifted on into 6-inch pots, which must be moved into cold frames or houses at the approach of winter. Prick out the seedlings, and transplant in course to flowering quarters. ASTER. Asters are, perhaps the gayest, most diverse and best of half-hardy annuals, when they are properly grown in masses. A deep, rich loam in a sheltered position is to be preferred, and the most suitable preparation consists in re- moving the top spit, and thoroughly and deep- ly breaking up the soil beneath it, at the same time working in plenty of short, decomposed «manure. The top spit may then be replaced. Light soils are benefited by the addition of powdered. or chopped clay. The object of preparation is to enable the roots to pene- trate deeply into a cool, rich bed. Sow thinly in a cold frame or greenhouse during March -and April in Beed-pans or pots, or in a bed in rows 6in. apart and cover the seeds very thin- ly with fine soil. Place panes of glass over the pots or pans to check evaporation until ger- Iminatioia be accomplished. Excellent asters may be obtained from thin sowings made in drills from 12 to 15 inches apart in rich soil in the open air during April and May. Admit air freely, and if the soil become dry, stand the pots or pans for an hour or so in shallow ves. sels of water. frick off the seedlings round the edges of small pots as they become large enough to handle, and transfer them in course to other pots or directly to their flowering positions, being careful not to break the fibrous roots. Give plenty of air, and harden off the plants perfectly before putting them out from 9 to 12 inches apart each way. Thin out open ,air sowings until the plants stand from 9 to 12 inches asunder in the lines, keep the beds free from weeds, and mulch with an inch or two of rotten dung from an old hot bed during the first week of August. Sapply soft water in plenty, and every few days a dressing of weak water. #For pot culture, raise the plants from the border with good balls of earth, when the buds have partially expanded, and )ot them, 3 to an 8-inch pot. before standing ihem in a cool greenhouse to flower until late n autumn. The side shoots of plants that are *rown for exhibition should be pinched ott to jentralise their energy into about 5 fine blos- joms and some kind of shade must be pro vided during stormy weather. Leaf-rust is irQublesome in some gardens. The fungus :auses orange coloured postules on the under- mrfaces, and eventually the death of the leaves. Spraying fortnightly early in the season with my clear fungicide is a good preventative if ihe under-surfaces of the foliage be reached TUBEROUS-ROOTED BEGONIAS. The large, symmetrical flowers and highly liversiiied colours of .tuberous-rooted bsgonias constitute them perhaps the most valuable of naif-hardy perennials for pots and for bedding aut. As bedding plants, they produce grand affects in large masses, and are not injured by stormy weather. Any medium soil that has been very liberally enriched with thoroughly decomposed dung, suits begonias well. A mix- ture of leaf mould and loam, with a little sand and rotten cow manure, is suitable for pot plants. Well vdfhr the soil before sowing, and scatter the seeds thinly during February or March and again in July or August in a uni form temperature of 65 degrees in perfectly drained pots of good, light soil, surfaced vith fine sandy loam. Do not cover the seeds, b' t press them into the surface, and lay sheets of glass over the pots until germination, which is si JW and irregular, is completed. Prick ofl the seedlings as they become big enough to handle, into pots or pans in an even temperature. Move the young p!ants on to larger pots as may be necessary and as early in June as they be come strong enough, they may be bedded out, to remain until the middle of October, when they must be potted and brought indoors. If some plants are raised and potted in Septem ber, they will continue to flower for a long time under glass. Gradually decrease the water supply as the herbaceous stems decay; and finally store the tubers, still in their pots, in a dry, warm cellar or shed, or, when shaken out of their pots, in cocoa-nut fibre or dry sand in some position whence frost and damp can be completely excluded. Re-pot the tubers shallowly in sn all pots when they commence to grow naturally in February and shift on to larger pots in course. E. KEMP TOOGOOD, F.R.H.S., pro Toogood and Sons, The Royal Seed Establishment, Southampton.

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