= | Makers to H M. the Z&g. I I there are many cocoas. a :bpt'oiily Rowntre Elect has the J r '1' lJ', < J Rowntree A LV 0 'I FIAV, u- —" DIENHVEIE -s" 1 NMI Save the metal tops ili from bottles and secure one or more of the dainty Carlsbad China Cups which we offer FREE., You will find full particulars with each bottle. If you have not yet tried —as a beef beverage-if you do not know about its usefulness for impioving the flavour of soups, stews and gravies, go to-day to your grocer and buy a 2 oz. bottle. You have but to taste it to know that it is far more appetising than ordinary beef drinks and -you will soon learn that owing to its highly concentrated form it is infinitely more economic I But be sure You get Best Beef $- 4<j E. Iglpl^ R. DON'T WEAK GLASSES Unless you first consult: a Qualified Eyesight Specialist. It COSIH you no more than the service of the ordinary Spectacle seller. Why not call or write to-day'! Mr. ERIC REJES, Qualified Eyesight Specialist, PIER HEAD BUILDINGS, BARGOED Gives each case that comes under his care the strictest investigation. His charges are moderate, and inclusive of expert I examination. Each patient personally 1 attended. He employ- no agents. Wiite 1 for Free Booklet. £ 1 The best housewives i 1 know there is nothing 1 8 nearly so nice for serving I with all kinds of cold i ■L. meat, cheese, etc., 1 as the delicious pi; '11í(,'i,(
DOWLAIS. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY, _The first Meeting of this Society will be held to-night (Friday) at the Dowlais Library, when Alder. man D. W, Jones (president of the Society) will give his inaugural address. THE UNEMPLOYED.—The Distress Committee for the Borough will shortly meet, and all un- employed workmen are requested to register their names with the Clerk to the Distress Com- mittee at the Town Hall, Merthyr, on Mon- day s, Wednesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock in tne Nomine. SALE OF COTTAGES.—On Wednesday evening, th-§- F jirmars' AECBS- Hotel, Dowlais, Wr. J. Id. Autii's offeyf fl fo-sale bv auction two lease- ig ;Berr$-3quar3, Dowlais, which Produced an anniial joint rental of £ 21 8s. The •ease was granted August 2nd. 1851. at a ground 18. 8d. annually The purchaser was Air W Evans, Farmers' Arms Hotel, Dowlais, fOr £150, Messrs. Lewis and Jone:, Merthyr, solicitors for the vendors. CHANGEABLE WEATHER.—To prepare for the C'iittatic changes of this country is usual, and now t hat winter seems to have set in with some ^verity, all wish to bo prepared for the worse. J. S. Davies and Co., drapers, etc., of Oov.ia:s. ns will be seen in another column, an- t¡olJn(' that thev have set themselves out to T>rov:de comfortable clothing for the coming "pontli*. not only for ladies, maids, and chil- jr0r,i but also for gentlemen, at thnir outfitting r^rpv, ment at 118, High-street. There is an 'mrnnue :-tock to choose from in each depart- ti'e:I:. SERVANTS can easily be obtained by us*? of a small Want Ad. in these State your requirements! and Q will be sure to fret suited at once.
Merthyr Parks and Cemeteries. CONDITION OF CEEN CEMETERY. A meeting of the Parks and Cemeteries Com- mittee was held on Wednesday afternoon, Alder- man D. W. Jones presiding. Councillor Isaac Edwards said that the burial forms needed amendment. One paragraph said that the interment would take place at a certain time, and ministers and others attended at the cemetery at the hour named. As a rule, people giving the time meant the time the funeral would leave the house of the deceased, and many people caught cold in having to wait at the cemetery.— Councillor H. M. Lloyd said he had heard similar complaints, and he drew attention to the matter about 18 months ago.—It was agreed that the form be amended after those in hand were used. The Chairman said that Mr. Thomas, the Park 1 Superintendent, had been authorised to accom- pauy liim round the cfemeteries. They had i Cefu, and found that cemetery anything but what id ought to be. Trees and shrubs bad been neglected,—Councillor Marsh I have visited the cemetery, and it is in a disgraceful condition.— The Controller (Mr. W. II. Harris) said that during the past 12 months £ 125 6s. 8d. was paid for the opening of graves, and £ 103 18s. for clean- ing the paths, &a.-The Chairman said that shrubs were growing into one another, The amount named was sufficient to employ two good men.— Councillor Marsh Those in charge do not seem 50 have the art of picking up pieces of paper-- The Mayor (Councillor F. T. James) said that 10 years past the cemeteries had never been carefully attended to, like was done in other towns, and abroad, especially in Germany and France. It was the duty of the Council to see that God s acre was kept in good order, even if it did cost a little more. Cefn was a beautiful cemetery and site, at d there w.ts no reason why it should not be kept in good order.—The Chairman said that the sexton had told him that with the men under him he did as well as he could.—Mr. Thomas, thb superintendent of the Park, said the old cemetery was very much overgrown, and had not been properly attended to for ten years. -Councillor Issac Edwards moved that Mr. Thomas prepare n. report making recommendations.—Councillor H. M. Lloyd seconded, and it was carried. The Borough Engineer (Mr. T. F. Harvey) re- ported that the Park Superintendent had selected man for the work of forming the footpaths and the promenade alongside the Cyfarthfa pond, and that this work was being proceeded witb. Near the north end of the pond he had found the mill- stone grit stone within a few inches of the surface, which stone would Ue useful for the bottom ballast- in? of the promenade and some of the footpaths. In the field occupied by Mr. Rice there was also stone of this kind which can be quarried, if neces- sary. He suggested that the residue from the Slag Reduction Company, wnich is being tipped alongside Swansea-road, should be first used on the bottom ballast, and that the surface should be finished with white limestone gravel from Pont- sticill. The men at work were engaged according to the instructions of the last committee. If it w as intended to employ a number of unemployed workmen three days a week, as was done last year at the Recreation Ground, the work referred to in his last report could be undertaken, viz., the formation of the footpaths and the 16-feet road- ways. The first roadway that should be taken in hand would be the one from Gwaelodygarth to Bryn Cae Pond, about 790 yards in length. The concrete boundary wall, when the plan had been approved, could be constructed by this labour, provided they be superintended by a suitable man with knowledge of concrete work. Coun. David Jones moved that the unemployed at Dowlais and Cyfarthfa be employed upon this work, as suggested.—The Mayor seconded, atid hoped a committee would be appointed to see that deserving men were put on the work. We must put on men who are out of work, and not men who come frojn God knows where." added the Mayor. Alderni,,n D. W. Jones: We don't want corner boys fJom Georgetown.—Alderman Wilson moved that a notice be placed at the Town Hall, inviting applications, and that a committee consider each case.—Both motions were carried. Alderman W iIson said that the six months, tenancy of a field at Treharris, which had been used as a recreation ground, had expired, and the ground was now closed to the public. He moved that the Town Clerk write the owner to arrange for an extended tenancy, so that the youths could have the land for football, etc., during the winter.—The Mayor seconded and it was agreed to. ✓ The Chairman said that Mr. Henry Lewis. of Tynant, had decided to present the Council with two swans for Cyfarthfa pond, and Sir William Thomas Ltwis, Bart., had also promised to give some (hear, hear). The Chairman said that Mr. John Plews was the owner of ground leading from The Chase to Cyfarthfa Park, through which the Council wished to lay a pathway. He had seen Mr. Plews, who had expressed a wish to see a plan showing what was proposed to he done, and he moved that the Surveyor prepare the sketch. This was agreed to. The Chairman said lie had seen Mi*, Forest with regard to the entrance to the Park from the Bryniau, and also with regard to Morlais Castle. He (Alderman Jones) suggested that Lord Windsor be asked to allow the public to have more access to the Morlais Castle, so that Music might be played there, and a refreshment buffet provided for pic-nicers. Mr. Forest suggested that the proposal should be stated j in writing, and he moved that the Town Clerk write accordingly.—The Mayor said he had seen Mr Forest, and he said that Alderman Jones had seen him. Mr. Forest- asked whether the Corporation would take a certain portion of the ground, including the old castle, as a recreation ground. Only the old crypt was left, and it would be a pity to allow that old remnant to be destroyer's—The motion was carried. IIIMROD'S CURE FOR ASTHMA.—Established over a quarter of a century.—Prescribed by the Medical Faculty throughout the world. It is used as an in- halation. and without any after bad effects. Testi- monials of efficacy from the lato Lord Beaconsfield. Miss Kinily Faithful!. Sir Morel Mackenzie, ;uid Oliver Wendell Holmes. Trial samples free by post. In tins at 4s. 3d. British Depot, 46, Holborn Via- duct, London; and also of Newbery, Barclay. Bang ers, Edivards, May, Pioberts, Butler and Crispc> III tins at 4s. 3d. British Depot, 46, Holborn Via. duct, London; and also of Newbery, Barclay. Bang ers, Edwards. May, Pioberts, Butler and Crispc> Thompson. Liverpool: and all Wholesale Honses.
CEFN COED. DEATH.—We have to record the death of Mrs. Anne Turner, which took place at the house of her son, Mr. W. Turner, High-street. Mrs. Turner was a very old inhabitant of the village, and was highly respected. The remains were interred in Tabor Churchyard on Mondan, the Rev. J. Henry Davies, of Killay, formerly of Cefn, ofliciating.-We also have to chronicle the death, which occurred last Thursday, of Mr. Tracy Evans, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rees Evans. Danyderi-lano. The news of the sudden death of this yonug fellow caused quite a consternation in the village, as it was not known he was ill, He was about in his usual robust health at the end of the previous week. but he was seized by pleurisy and phneu- monia in their most violent form, and although his medical attendant, Dr. Llewelyn Jones, did his utmost to stem the career of the disease, the young man died on the day mentioned. The death of such a promising son is a severe blow to the aged parents, and general sympathy is felt for them in their great loss and bereave- ment. The remains were buried in the Cemetery on Monday last. HEN DY CWRDD.—On Tuesday evening, a very successful meeting of the Mutual Improve- ment Society was held, under the presidency of Mi*. Oledwyn Davies. An excellent paper, full of interesting historical facts, on "Cwmyglo" was read by Mr. D. Nicholas Williams, school- master, Heolgerrig. Mr. Williams traced the history of the early rise of Nonconformity in all its stages, and graphically described the struggles of the stalwart pioneers in their devotions at Blaencanaid and Cwmyglo.
TROEDYRHIW. NAZARETH. -Half-ye.arly meetings were held at Nazareth Calvinistic Methodist Chapel on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday evening. Large I congregations attended the services, and the ser- mons of the Revs. J. Wilson Roberts, Ynyshir, and D. Davies, B.A., Miskin, Mountain Ash, were listened to very attentively. It was also an auspicious event with the members and ad- I herents, as it m?ant the re-opening of the edifice after being in the hands of the renovator. A heating apparatus has been fixed. The trustees are to be complimented on their venture. The decorations have been beautifully executed. The various contractors were congratulated on the admirable way in which the work has been done Th contractors were: Mr. Nathaniel Moss, Merthyr, and decorator, Mr. J. T. Doc- ton, Merthvr. The heating apparatus was sup- plied by a.n Abergavenny firm. "SIOKER." -A smoking concert was held at the Fox and Hounds Inn on Monday last, when the players of the "Stars" Soccer Fottball Club* were presented with medals for having won the Rhymney Valley League (now known as the Glamorgan League) Championship for season 1908-9. Mr. B. Evans presided, and was sup- ported by Mr. William Hopkins and Mr. Hy. PowJes, chairman of the Footbail Committee; and Mr. Harry Williams, Brithdir, chairman of the Glamorgan League. The latter gentleman presented the medals to the players. The Stars are now the proud possessors of two cups, hav- 1111; won both during the same season—the one already mentioned, and the South Wales Junior Cup. CaDtain and players were congratulated on their achievements. Solos w-ere rendered bv Messrs. Williams, Wiltshire. Dale, Cronin. Ellis, Gibbon, Hancock, Beach, T. Morgan, and Jos. O'Niel. Th? pianist was Mi-. W. Jones. Mr. Austm Lewis gave a, tie with the club's colours to each player. Mr W Hopkins made the presentation. "THE CRYSTAL QUEEN." On Mondav and Tuesday evening, the tSembera of the Carm-el Juvenile Choir performed at thelSt. John's Hall the popular operetta, "The Crystal Queen" (Proctor), in full character. The Success is due chieflv to Mr. Henry Smith. On Monday even- ing there was a large attendance, Dr. J. C. Edwards presiding: and on Tuesday, Mr. David Phillips, of Merthyr, occupied the chair. The chief characters were as follow: "Queen," Madame B. Clee-Williams, Treharris; "Cissie." Miss Annie James. Abercanaid; "Millie the i aid." Miss May Thomas: "First School- Girl," Miss M. J. Edwards; "The Princo of Sluniberland," Mr. Llew. Evans: "Johnny Stout," David Morris: "Tommv Thin." Watkin Hughes: "Policeman X Y Z," Richard Rich- ards; "First Schoolboy," Gwilym Edwards: "First Fairy." Miss M. A. Smith; "Spirit of Fire," Miss Lizzie Parry: "Spirt of Water." Miss Blodwe-n Uhomas: "Spirit of Earth," Miss Bronwen Lewis: "Spirit of Air," Miss Bessie Prosser. Mr. H. Huffhcs was the organist, and Mr. David Richards the pianist.
FREE TO WOMEN. ANN BROWN'S FEMALE SYRUP has ob- tained wonderful results in the cure of all fe. i-nale irregularities. I will send any women a trial bottle free on receipt of two stamps to "JaY postage and packing, if "Merthyr Exoress" is mentioned. Do not neglect this offer, but write me to-day.—Ann Brown, 21. Station Parade, Southfields, London,
MERTHYR VALE. EARNEST JONES AND CO. For Suits to measure and all manner of Men's Clo- thing.— Commerce House, Aberi'an. CALFARIA Y.P.S.—A meeting was held on Tuesday, at Calfaria Baptist Chapel, under the auspices of the Young People's Society. Mr. G. Evans presided. An interesting programme was given, including a solo by Miss W. Hughes and a paper by Miss V. Jones on the "Life of Miss Florence Nightingale." SRDDEN DEATH.—On Saturday evening the body of Mrs. Mary Prosser, widow, age 72 years, was found at the botcom of a tip on which is a pathway leading across the yard of Messrs. Nixon' Colliery from Aberfan to Mor- rliyr Vale. It transpires that the deceased had been shopping at Aberfan, and was returning home. when taken with fatal illness. On Mon- day, Mr. II. J. Rhys (coroner) held an inquest. -Dr. C. Richardson White stated death was due to heart stoppage.—A verdict accordingly was recorded. DAMAGE TO DOOR5.Alfred Wells, of Mer- thyr Yale. was summoned at Merthyr on Tucs- day for damaging doors, to the value of 30s at the house of John Roberts, on the 30th of October.—Mr. W. R. Edmunds was for the complainant.—It appeared that some of the de- fendant's furniture was stored .at the complain- ant's house, and it was alleged that when he> fetched it he committed the damage complained of.—Defendant was fined 5s. and costs, and the damage, or one month.—Wells said he would not pay the money. CINDERELLA.A Cinderella dance was held in connection with the Merthyr Vale Select Quad- rille Class, at the Assembly rooms, on Thursday last. The hall was beautifully decorated, and an enjoyable evening was spent. The music was supplied by Messrs. W. J. and B. Parte's string band. The following rendered assistance Mrs. L. Parte, Miss M. Rees, Messrs. R. Tho- mas, T. Vaughan, H. Roberts. W. T. Parte, B. Pa.rte. J. Thomas. T. R. Jenkins, Mrs. Jones, and Mr. Jayne. The trayholders were: Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jayne, Mrs. Vaughan, and Miss Manuel. MINISTER AND HIS BICYCLE.—Chester Rees, of Merthyr Yale, was summoned at Merthyr on Tuesday for riding a bicycle at night at Merthyr*Vale without a light.—Defendant said the night was very rough, the light was blown out, and he got off his machine, and was walk- ing wheti the policeman saw him.—^The Stipend- iary What are you?—Defendant A minister of the Gospel.—Stipendiary: Five shillings and costs.—Defendant: I am unable to pay.—Sti- pendiary You can sell the bicycle. I daresay the Chief Constable will give you five shillings for it.—Defendant: I realise that (laughter). CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB.—The annual supper was held on Thursday evening, at the club. The room was decorated with flags and bunting. The tables were well laid out and decorated with flowers. There sat to supper four relays of upwards of 70 each. the night workmen be- ing entertained the following day. After sup- per an excellent programme of vocal and in- strumental music was gone through, Mr. Wil- liam Parkins presiding. The following took part:—Mr. John Llewellyn (tenor), Mr. D. Ed- wards, Mr. R. Bates (sentimenta.lits). Messrs. T. Ninnis and M. Locke (comic). Mr. W. G. Sage manipulated the gramophone, giving some choice selections. FRIENDS ACROSS THE SEAS will appreciate fsome dainty reminder of your troodwill this coming Christma" and New Year. Now's the time to pur- chase and po»".—and the place at which yon can make the best- selection is R. T. JONES & Co.'s, .tiarkcu :qI& Merthyr Tydfii. =-
THE PENRHIWCEIBER PIT FIRE. INQUEST ON THE VICTIM. JURY'S RECOMMENDATION The inquest touching the death of Roftort Barrow, who lost his lifo at the Penrhiwceiber Colliery, on Saturday, the 30th ult., took place at the Leo Hotel, on Friday morning, before Mr R. J. Rhys, coroner. Mr. W. Kcmbole (Messrs. C. and W. Kenshole) appeared for the Com- pany, Mr. A. T. James, Pontypridd, for the Federation, and Coun. D. Watts Morgan, the miners' agent, watched the case for the Fed- eration, and Coun. G. H. BaH, for tho lodge. The Home Office was represented by Messrs. F. A. Gray, H.1. nspector of Mines; Robert Nelson, H.M. Electrical Inspector of Mines, and F. G. Trump, Inspector of Mines. I Evidence of jdontification was given by Charles Barrow, who said that his father was 54 years of age. He was a widower, and lived at 18. Glanlay-street. He worked at Penrhiw- ceiber Colliery. Dr. Fowkes was called, but in answer to the first question put to him, he said lie had not seen the body.—Coroner: Then you are no use here. What are you here for?—Witness: I do not know.—Coroner (addressing the po- lice officer in charge): Who is the doctor who examined the body?—Dr. Fowkes: No one saw him.—Coroner: No one! 1 gave particular or- ders for medical evidence to be called.—The Police Officer: j had no instructions.—The Coroner: I sent instructions to Inspector Da- vies at Mountain Ash. (Addressing the doctor): You never saw the deceased?—Dr. Fowkes: No.—Coroner: Then I will not trouble you. Watkin Watkins, overman at the colliery, said he found Barrow lying face upwards on the side of the roadway. A journey of trams was off the road some twenty yards lower down on an endless rope, which bad been broken. Deceased seemed to have been run over by the trams. His boots and stockings were off, his arm was also broken. The rope had been broken owing to the fire. Evan Lodwick. engineman on the branch, said he saw deceased about 11 o'clock on Friday night just outside the engine house. He called witness out, and said he had had a. telephone message to tell everyone to go out through the returns. They spoke for a minute or so as to what had happened. While they were talking witness noticed smoke, and they had some con- versation as to the best way to go out. De- ceased said that if he could go 200 yards up the deep he would know his way. Witness went through the return airway, and shortly after- wards he noticed the trams running wild. Wit- ness feared something had happened to deceas- ed, but the place was getting so full of smoke that he could ot go back. CLIPPER'S EVIDENCE. David Gordon Bye said he was a clipper at- taching the trams to the endless rope at the top of the slum. On Friday night he was near the motor engine. No one was attending to the engine. He was just outside the ongine house when he heard a. peculiar hissing noise from in- side the house, he rushed in to turn the switch off the engine When he opened the door the smoke was so thick that lie fell down. He picked himself up. There were no flames under the engine. He could do nothing to put the lire out. The engine worked the empties up to the creeper. The fire was not a big one when he first saw it. — In reply to Mr. Gray, witness said he was sure that the motor was working when he went in and turned it off. He noticed the electric light on when he went in. He heard no report before the hissing noise. Wil- liam Evans, the fireman, started the motor at the beginning of the shift. He or Mr. Holly. the overman, used to do so, and they used to stop it when they got the trams up. Witness had nothing to do with the motor. He had not been in there before that night. If trams got off witness used to stop the engine. There was some cal dust in the engine house. He had been on the lower floor. There was grease on the wheel and coal dust in the room. The motor was started at 9.30. There was no one in the motor house to his knowledge until he went in. The creeper was working then. He saw no flames coming from the motor or from the floor underneath. When he told the men of the fire he was sent to get the other men out. —In reply to the Coroner, witness said the en- gine was unattended all night.—By Mr. Nelson, The engine made a noise while running, and when he switched it off the noise stopped. The motor was fastened to an iron girder.—Mr. V T. James: There were buckets of sand in the room. He could not see them that night be- cause of the smoke.—Mr. Gray: Did you know that sand was to be used to put out a fire ?— Witness: No.—The Cornoer: He had noth- ing to do with it, apparently. IS IT SAFE? Mr. E. M. Hann, the general manager and agent of the Company, produced a plan of the motor, creeper and endless rope. He said the fire from the motor burnt the endless rope, causing the trams which killed Barrow to run wild. — In reply to Mr. Gray he said that he believed the endless rope was then stopped. He did not believe electricity caused the fire. It was caused by friction of some kind, probably in the bolt driving the creeper. He thought it must have slipped, either by an overload on the rope or trams off the road. Resin had been put on the previous day to make it less liable to shift.—The Coroner: And to increase the friction. ^— Witness, continuing, said William Evans, the fireman, was supposed to watch the motor. He was not supposed to remain there all the time. A man named Thomas had in- structions to stop it every time it was necessary to do so. The voltage at the motor was 2,200. There was an electric light oyer the motor, and, one on the dock below. The lighting a.nd the motor were independent. After the fire, the top lamp was, destroyed completely, and the lower one was intact.—In reply to Mr. Nelson, witness said if Bye saw fire underneath the motor, the motor must have.been on fire, but he believed Bye saw the flames coming from underneatji. Bye, recalled, said that the fire came from below the iron plate, and he pointed to the spot on the plan, which confirmed Mr. Hann's the- Dry. Part of the flooring over the pully was 1 burnt. In reply to tho Coroner, Mr. Hann said i sither William Evans or Holly was supposed to be there while the motor was working. There tvas sand provided.—The Coroner: But ap- parently no one to use the sand. Do you con- sider it safe to allow an ongine with a ten- dency to produce sparks to be unattended?— Mr. Hann: It had no tendency to do so.—Cor- oner I will withdraw tendency and say lia- jiiity. Do you consider it safe ?—Witness Ye3. —Coroner: You say so, but with memory of he Great Western fire before me, I doubt it.— [>y Mr. A. T. James: The fire was caused by 'riction.—Mr. James: By the engine having ;oo much to do?— Witness; Not—Mr. James: ;00 much to do?— Witness; Not—Mr. James: It must be abnormal.—Witness: No, it might come on gradually.—By Mr. Nelson: They had before seen smoke from the belt; on that occasion the spindle worked through to a wood- en support, which became heated. He discov- ered it himself, and had it remedied. Sir. William Leyshon said he had been elec- trician at the colliery for the past 13 months, and before "hat he was at Gamant. He had had 17 years' experience as an electrician. Ho examined the motor in question on Friday morning. Tho place was clean, but there was some grease on the cog-wheels. He had no- thing to do with putting the resin on the pre- vious day.—In reply to Mr. Gray, he said he was under the motor a week before. There was some grease tltid oil on the wheels. One Switch was thrown off by David Bye, and the other automatically. The fire was not caused by the motor. Nearly half of the strap was burnt away. Tho strap was made of composition. If trams got off the road, or there was too great a load, the motor would be automatically stop- pod. — In reply to Mr. Nelson, witness dc«- cribed h>s testing set. He tested this a fortnight before, the accident.—By Mr. James: There was no one in charge of the electrical machm- ery during the night. He had given llliam Evans instructions what to do.—By Mr. Keri- Evans instructions what to do.—By Mr. Keri- shole: There were two electricians on the work doing repairs that night. There were only two motors running that night. FIREMAN EXPLAINS THE ARRANGEMENTS. William Evans. the fireman, said he had a small district, and in addition had looked after the motor since it started. He was instructed by the last witness what to do. He would start it and go away When sufficient empties had been taken to the working places he would go back and stop the motor. He started it Friday night about 9.40. It used to run from three- quarters of an hour to two hours at night. Bye called to him, and he went towards it, but could only get within five or six yards of it,—- By Mr. Gray: He and Holly remained getting the empties up. and were in charge of the motor until they stopped. Only a few trams were put on the creeper during the night. Bye told him the motor was on fire. THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE. j Mr. David Davies, filter, said he had nothing to* do with the moior. but looked after tne creeper and the gearing. On Friday he put some resin on to prevent the strap slipping. The belting had been on for twelve years, but it had been renewed in the meantime. It would sometimes get heated. There was not much oil or grease underneath that day.—The Coroner: Have you formed any opinion as to the cause of the fire?-Witness: I do not know whether my opinion would be of any value, sir.—Cor- oner: What is your opinion ? It may help us. —Witness: I think that the fire was caused by the friction. That is my opinion,-Coroner: You think that the friction heated the ma- chinery and caused it to get on fire itness Yes, or that some sparks were caused by the friction, which ignited something or other. Mr F A. Gray, Inspector of Mines, said he visited the pit on Wednesday, having been unable to go there sooner owing to other en- gagements. As to the cause of the outbreak he shared the opinion that it was brought about by friction. If it had been caused by the elec- tric apparatus, the motor would not, have been working when Bye went in. If some one had been standing on the lower platform it would have been possible for the fire to be detected immediately it broke out, and before it had ob- ta ined any Witness thought it. would be advisable to have a man in constant attendance Mr Robert Nelson, electrical expert, said he had also visited the pit, but until coming to the inquest he bad not formed a.n opinion as to the probable cause of the fire. After having heard the evidence of the lad Bye—if they were going to believe the same. and there was no reason why thev should not-he was of opinion that the motor could be exonerated from blame. He had known a ehek belt to get heated before. He thought that the motor should be kept un- der constant supervision. It would bo gun- cult to see the fire when it started owing to the machinery being closed up. t. I The Coroner, addressing the jury, said that the deceased was not killed directly by the fire, but he nevertheless died because of the fire; had it not been for the fire he would have been alive to-day. There was evidence of physical injury, hence hi" instructions to have the body examined by a doctor. They had to go to the fire for the original cause of death. The jury after a brief consultation, returned the following verdict: "We find that Robert Barrow met his by the snapping of the endless ropo caused by the fire at the motor sta- tion, and we further recommend that in future a man be placed in constant charge of the en- gine."
TO CORRESPONDENTS. Several letters held over until next week.
"PRO BONO PUBLICO" T, WELSH. j Sir,—Last week a corespondent, took up ¡ much of yoru space with an attack on the people among whom he lives, and on the language they delight to worship in. His attitude is due, he frantically informs us, to a peaceful meeting at Zoar held in support of the British and Foreign Bible Society, when the concluding portion of the service was conducted in Welsh instead of in the "commercial language of the day." This commendable change in the pro- ceedings is the cause of his unrestrained rage. The Bible Society is a testimony to the world- I wide sympathies of the Cymry, and it object is to enable the races of mankind to read the Gospel in their own language. It was founded r by a Welshman, and from its inception to the present day Welshmen have been foremost in organising its work, in obtaining its resources, and in spreading the Scriptures in all parts of the world. Deeds like these do not issue from bigotry; yet we have a resident of Merthyr who would prevent a congregation, mostly Welsh, met together in a Welsh Chapel, in sup- port of a society Welsh in origin, from hearing a Welsh delegate speaking in their mother tongue. In formulating his attack, he, in suc- cession, unearthed the Garden of Eden, threw ridicule on the chairman, derided tho Welsh na- tion, cast a. slur on a minister of the Gospel, despised the "Cymru am oyth" aspiration, de- nounced the promoters and accused them and their compatriots of intolerance; and all this he did behind the safe shelter of an anonymous signature. Let him emerge from coward's castle and continue his attack, and he will find 1 many ready to stand up for "Ein hiaith, em gwlad, ein cened! R. THOMAS. November 10th, 1009.
A DISCLAIMER. Sir,—A senseless, idiotic rumour having got! about the town that I am the author of a letter over the signature of "PrG Bono Publico," I cVi n 11 Ka if u.;U \r;nr1lt:i 1"1; L"jjtA< L,lv b.L" .t. ,lA. ''A" ""1".I\oo&.I.J "I.J.lI ""J.JC'. I can hardly suppose the originator of rumour thought of the matter, or analysed the letter, or better judgment would have prevailed. (1) It is not likely I should have given prominence to my name as the writer has done in the letter and then seek to disguise my identity I under a flimsy nom-de-plume. (2) I actually Left my own seat, and went to the back of the churoh to try and persuade the Rev. Leon Thomas (whom I had been in company with in the Adult School in the morning) to come to I the front whrrre I was sitting. (3) I am not a member of any church in this town, and never have been. I a Quaker. and as secretory of the Y.M.C.A., willing at all times to lend my assistance to every church. I was certainly one of those present in the meeting, and much regret that a great portion of the address of the Rev. Mr. Prys, a§ also the addresses of the proposer and seconder of the resolution, were lost to me. I, in common with a number of others, refrained from voting, as J did not know what the resolution contained. In fair- ness, permit me to say how very much I en- joyed the meeting until it was turned into Welsh, when, of course, I could not fellow what was said, and accordingly my interest waned. In conclusion, Sir, I did not write that letter. Thanking you in anticipation,I am, yours faithfully. ALFRED YOUNG.
MR. FOX-DAVIES AND THE TAXATION OF FOOD. s Sir.—I think that it will be readily agreed that the policy of the Tariff Reformers with re- gard to the taxation of food is one of the ut- most importance, and, therefore, if the elec- tors of the Merthyr Borough are to be asked to give their votes to a supporter of Tariff Re- form as it Mr. Fox Davies, I think also that they should know quite clearly what the policy of the Tariff Reformers is in reference to the question to which I have referred. I notice that Mr. Fox Davies, who, I understand, is to con- test the seat as the Unionist and Tariff Reform candidate, has declared that he is not in favour of the taxation of food. He is reported to have said, "He was not an advocate for the taxation of food, and he thought they would find that those who had the control of the Tariff Reform policy were not advocating it either." Now, sir, I do not know whether, with a view to se- policy were not advocating it either." Now, sir, I do not know whether, with a view to se- curing a majority in the next Parliament, the Tory Parly are going to proceed on the prin- ciple of selecting candidates whose views on the Fiscal Question will be carefully adjusted to suit the particular constituency whose votes they will be seeking. If this be so, then it is surely a prooodure which ought to be exceed- ingly repugnant to the political purists of the present-day Tory Party. But even so, the prin- ciple to which I have referred would seem to be the one that is dominating the process of se- lection in the Tory Party just now. As an ex- ample of this, witness what is happening with regard to Lord Robert Cecil, in Mary-le-bone. The food taxers there will not have him be-
FURTHER QUESTIONS FOR MR. FOX DAVIES. Sir,—I read in last week's "Express" Mr. Fox Davies's speech deliverd At the Conserva- tive Club. It is rather humorous in parts, but it is the humour which tends to deceive. 1 con- sider a speech of this sort a cruel one, as it takes advantage of the ignorant. Mr Davies says the conditions in Germany are generally considered to be more favourable than in this country, and he goes on to say that the cost of production here has been increased through the Compensation Act. From this I gather that he does not favour the Act. Doe, he consider it an unjust Act? There is no Compensation Act in other countries, he says. Are we not. in this respect, better off than our German and American friends? If we had Protection, com- petition (Mr. Davies says) would keep down prices. Does it k-eep down prices in America, or does it harbour rings and combines, and so kill competition? Be said England was the only Free Trade country in the world, but did not add that it is the most prosperous; yet I think he will hardly be bold enough to deny it even now unemployment is so great. He does' not intend to tax food, but. Mr. Balfour and most other Tariff Reformers now say it is ab- solutely necessary tolta:i it. I now come to the rich part of the speech. The tax on one pound of tea at Is. 6d. is Is. Id: I think all will agree this is real news. He evidently put the cart before the horse ,as the tax is only 5dand not Is. Id. It is now I come to the most glaring ft and ridiculous part of his speech, lie said that every working man spent more money on tea than on beef and mutton. Perhaps he wishes us to believe we live chiefly on poultry, or he may wish to encourage the vegetarians. If we are to have an election in Tanutrv through the Tariff Reformers' lordly friends re- jecting the most popular Budget yet known, my advice to the workers of Merthyr—both Liber- als and Socialists—is, stand firm to your two old members—Thomas and Hardie, and do not let any Conservative ruse split the vote. ELECTOR.
REVSEWS. The London University Guide and LTniversity Corresponding College Calendar for 1910 has just been isueed. It contains regulations for examinations to be held in 1910 and 1911. Full I particulars are given of the various subjects taken. "Woman in Political Evolution," by Joseph McCabe (Messrs. Watts and Co.. 17, Johnson's Court. Fleet-street, price sixpence). This is an historical survey, and a plea for womail suffrage. We have received from Messrs. C. W. Faulk- ner and Co., Ltd.. publishers and artistic colour printers, 79. Golden-lane, Landon, E.C., a parcel of publications, together with the various lists of pictures, calendars, post-cards, games, etc.. The parcel comprises turnover calendars, monthly block calendars, weekly engagement calendars- and "Shakespearean," "Great Thoughts." "Re- membrance," and "Divine Thoughts" daily tear-off calendars. The parcel also contains a selection of their Christmas and New Year cards. The calendars and cards are really ex ccllent, and are equal to those published in any previous year. We have received three new books published this week of "Bible Stories for Young Read- ers," a series designed to cov^r the whole of the Old and New Testaments. The price of one penny each, at which they are published, is wonderfully cheap, and places them within j the lh of allt Stories for Young: r Readers" supply the want long felt. by pa-ent-, Sundaj' School teachers, and other instructors of the young, as no other publication does, and for this reason alone the booklets are of very great value. The stories are told in simple of the young, as no other publication does, and for this reason alone the booklets are of very great value. The stories are told in simple language, so that they may be understood by children of all ages, arid in their tone are devout and picturesque. The illustrat ons, drawn by w-i!-known artists, are beautifully drawn by w-i!-known artists, are beautifully executed, and are care-fully studied so as t ensure accuracy in details. They are published by James Ilendarson and Sons, Ltd., Red Lion Court, Fleet-street.
CORNWALL'S CALL. The arrival of November serves as a forcible reminder to those who are in the happy posi- tion of being able to quit the smoky regions of the cities and tho damp and chilly districts, which constitute the greater part of the British Isles at this time cf the year, that the moment1 has come to seek warmth and sunshine on mora favoured land. It is not now so much the fash- ion to spend the winter months away from our own shores, the turning of the tide undoubted- ly beiiij- due to ihe increasing recognition of that beautiful comer of cur country—the that beautiful corner of cur country—the Cornish Riviera. No wonder the human stream that in years gone by had habitually wended its way abroad, now receives a check' and is jn part being diverted to the Hohie Riviera, which, combined with all the chmatio and scenic conditions to be found in foreign southern lands, poc-sessos a distinct advantage when the question of accessibility is taken into consideration. No crossing of the turbulent seas and spending lengthy periods in Continent- al trains, impatiently waiting the end of a tedious and oftentimes none too comfortable journey. Under the more modern method of "wintering" we arc c-ai-ried clown to Cornwall by the G.W.R. in a space of time which, per- haps, bavins: regard to the comfortable travel- ling enjoyed, seems a little too short. In con- nection with the developement of Cornwall as a. Winter holiday ground an interesting feature is the manner in which the principal hotels now cater for visitors by arranging coach tours and motor trips, golf matches, etc.. and 1.11C3-3 and the innumerable other attractions offered make a sojourn in the county a recreation in the purest sense of the word.
LATE FOOTBALL GOSSIP- [By "Linesman.] The important Welsh Cup-tie fixture between Merthyr Town and Aberdaie will be played to- morrow (Saturday), at the New Athletic Ground, Aberdare. A special train will leave Merthyr at 2.15 for Abcrnant Station, the return train leaving that station at 5.45. ;Who t-eani to represent Merthyr ft as follow,; ;Goal. backs, Penberton, Llewellyn, and Churchill; forwards. Wotton. Leonard, Sheldon, Fisher, and Whitlaker. Kick-off, 3.50.
Several gold coins are reported to have fallen from an old mattress which boys at Ilyde threw on a bonfire. During the early morning fog on Tuesday, a man in charge of a horse and van drovo up to a motor garage in the High-road, Ilford, opened the door with a burglar's jemmy, and stole a quantity of rubber and lamps.
The Suffering Sex Goad Counsel from a Young VVonar,, onct ncrvc-sijattereri and fcioo^iess. Now strong vcfl. Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sad as is the story recited below by Miss Nora Oliver, it provokes the thought, even more pathetic, that this is no unusual misfortune; it represents the unhappy lot of our country- wOll1en-motl;C'1'i', sisters, and those dear to us. The brighter side is revealecl in the concluding paragraphs of Miss Oliver's statement, aud her motive in telling her tale is that others of her sex, who still suffer, may know the abundance of help that is waiting for them in Dr. Williams* [Pink Pills. When I was about fifteen years old." said -Miss Oliver, interviewed at her home, 09, Stanton Street, Newcastle-oii-Tyne, I became very depressed. I aged considerably in ap- pearance, and my life was made a round of Miss NORA OLIVER (from a fhoto«raph). misery by sick headaches. My lips beeamd parched, and almost any exertion made me gasp for breath; whilst palpitations and pains in the heart were as bad as though I had heart. disease. v I tried many tonic medicines, and then aper- ients but my appetite failed, and such severe pains attacked me in the chest and back after a few mouthfuls of food, that I dreaded taking any nourishment. As the days pasted I became nervous, and as cold as though my blood had turned to water. At nights my sleep was troubled by startling nightmares. A doctor said my debility was the result of Acute Aneniii. I was under his treatment for a time but fell away to a deplorable state. However, after reading an account of a young girl who had been cured of Advanced Anasmia by Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills I procured a supply. After taking a few boxes of Dr. iVilliams' Pink Pills, my breathing was more regular, and I no longer felt depressed or irritable. I soon had a keener appetite for food, aiyl was able to enjoy my meals free of pain and nausea. I continued to derive benefit from the Pills. My strength returned; my nerves steady, and the headaches ceased. I slept well at nights, and arose in the mornings thoroughly refreshed. After continuing with the Pills a little longer the colour came back to my fateo and I regained my weight and soon enjoyed perfect health." Women need plenty of rich, red blood, at all ages, to make womanly life easy, and tho very reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have sured so many sufferers is that they make New, Red Blood, thus curing Ansemia, Debility,* Backache. Headaches, Neuralgia, St. N I'tue Dance, Rheumatism, and Sciatica: abo the lihnents that afflict women only. But women must be on their guard against substitutes and iccept the genuine only-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People (seven words). Of dealers )r direct from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 40, Holborn Viaduct, London, post free, 2s. 9d: )ue box, or 13s. 9d. for six boxes.
HORTON'S BENEDICT PILLS FREE TO LADIES. < in a few days correct all irregularities and remove all obstructions; also cure Anzemia. and cause no in- jury; to the married or single are invaluable. By post, under cover, for Is. lid. or 2s. 9J., from it 0 I Hortoll and Co, Chemists (late Chief Dispenser « from Birmingham lying-in Hospital), 29 Dept., ( Aston Manor, Birmingham. Sold over 40 years. SUPPLIED DJRECT ONLY. Sample Box of rills sent post free for Penny Stamp to cover postage. j v Do you suffer from: Stomach Troubles? Dyspepsia? Wind? I Acidity? Heart-burn? t -.v^ Palpitation? Nausea ? They mean that your liver, the great blood-making organ of | J your body, is out of order. Your liver is causing that sinking | 1 sensation in the pit of the stomach because you are suffering from 1 I indigestion. 1 i Your food does not have sufficient bile from the liver to digest it. | That acidity of the stomach is due to the liver—all the food 9 turns sour and ferments causing wind and occasional attacks of j I heart-burn. That palpitation of the heart is due to gases arising j from the fermenting food causing the heart's action to be disturbed. j Tone up your Liver with Cockhurn's Fills and all these troubles will disappear as if by magic. You can do this easily enough with Cockburn's Pills because they act directly upon the liver. They relieve the stomach and bowels and give a surprising feeling of energy and freedom. Get a box to-day and try them at once. Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back. 1 Boxes containing 25 doses at ii,li, I 75 doses 2/9. Trial boxes 7id., from 4f8ifI Boots, Ltd., and All Chemists, Drug I and Co-operative Stores. or post free i?* 3 from Cockburn and Co., Ltd., The 1 uf't* Cash Chemists, Glasgow. 206
cause he is a Free Trader, and he is bring sent to Lancashire, where it is thought that his Free Trade views will make him acceptable to a Lan- cashire electorate, which it is thought will de- cline to entertain the views of a Ta-rili Re- former On the same principle, it is to be pre- sumed—one of opportunism, that of suiting the cry according to the supposed wishes—that jlr. George Wyndham, one of the leaders of the Tariff Reformers, assures a, Liverpool audience (being industrial) that there will ba no increase in the price of food, and the following week he assures an agricultural audience that the in- crease in prices is going to help the farmer. Again, I take it that it is on the same principle that Mr. Fox Davies, at his first appearance in the constituency since his adoption as candidate, told the people that he was not an advocate for the taxation of food. and that it was not the po- licy of those controlling Tariff Reform to ad- voeate it either. Now, sir, I do not wish to do Mr. Fox Davies any injustice. He may well take the view that it would be unwise to tax food. I do not know how far lie is in the confidence of the Tariff Reform leaders. But let it be quite clear that the policy of any Tariff Reformer will not be what he personally wishes, but that which the Tariff Reform Party wills it. Here is the v. nolo point. The Tariff Reform Party are irrevoca- bly committed to food taxes; and foi- Ajr. I'ox Davies to say that this is not the policy of his Party is to show that he is somewhat ill-iniorm- ed as to what his leaders heve said from timp to time. Let me prove this point. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, who can certainly still be quoted and listened to with respect by the younger en- thusiasts for Tariff Reform, said, early in his campaign "If you give a preference to the Colonies you must put a tax on food." Mr. Jo- seph Chamberlain is unfortunately laid aside, but what are his ablest supporters saying on the platform and in the press? Lwcl Milner said last month at Ealing. "Tariff Reform, as I conceive it—I have never made any secret about this—does mean a light duty on import- ed food stuffs." Commenting on this, the "Saturday Review"—tho ablest exponent of Ta.01 Reform amongsj our weekly jourrull. wTote, "We agree with Lord Milner that Tariff Reform will increase the cost of living," I e Let us quote the "Tinjes" newspaper, suffici- ently moderate in its advocacy of Tariff Re- form. On October 28th, it wrote: "The issue (Bermondsey election) is whether this conntrv will sanction the Budget, with all the germs of Socialism, or whether they will prefer Tariff Reform, even though for a time Tariff Reform ma.y increase the price of many commodities," But to have Tariff Reform preached with all its rigour one has to turn to "The Observer," and those who have watched the editorial col- umns of this paper for the past few months ap- preciate to what a large extent it is influencing the policy of the Tariff Re-fourners. On Novem- ber 7th, this paper wrote: "In connection with the new land policy, the. food duties must be advocated not only with unflinching directness and courage, but with spirit and confidence." Surely, sir, it cannot be contended by MR. Fox Davies, after this, that food taxes are not an essential part of the policy of the Tory Party. If he continues to say so, and the fact is brought to the notice of the editor of "The Observer" and other thorough-going Tariff Reformers, then it is almost safe to predict that head- quarters will call upon him to change his views! It is questionable whether Mr. Fox Davies will be allowed to be a party unto himself in this matter. One word in conclusion as to Mr. Balfour's position. He has already committed himself to the policy of "broadening the basis of taxa- tion: and this Mr. BaJfour will allow to mean whatever from time to time the Tariff Reform- ers at various big demonstrations will demand him to mean. No. sir, the Tory Party arc com- mitted up to the hilt to taxes on food; and any Tariff Reformer who attempts fo withdraw from that position, in the first place throws over one of the main reasons that induced Mr. Cnam- berlain to start the campaign, via., the unity and strengthening of the Empire, and in the second place he admits by implication that a seat. such a one as the Merthyr Borough, can- not, be won on the cry of taxing the food of the people.—Yours faithfully. D. ROWLAND THOMAS National Liberal Club, S.W., 9th November, 1909.