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WONDERFUL RESULT! OF USING HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS, Are constantly reported from all parts of the civilised world. The most obstinate 1 diseases caused by IMPURE BLOOD are cured by this REMARKABLE REMEDY. -nr-W -w-n HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Are unsurpassed as an effective REMEDY for an those DAN- GEROUS DISEASES which have their origin in DISTEMPERS and IMPURE BLOOD. Testimonials from all parts of the world iiave been received testifying to their power in curing the following Diseases :— SCURVY, PCROFULA, BOILS, SKIN RASH, I« BAD ACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NEURALGJA, NERVOUSNESS, SORE EYES, I FITS. RHEUMATISM, DISTEMPER, GIDDINESS, I COSTIVENESS, WOUNDS I ULCERS, &c., &c., &c., PUGHES' BLOOD PILLS have proved to be the most effectual of all medicines discovered in the Nineteenth Century. The MAKVELLO JS CURES wrought continually, VIZ HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS Have been so numerous arid complete that the Poets are moved to sing their praises, of which the following is a proof:— BCGBKs* Pj.ooD tILLS for the manifold ills That assail the human frame,— Have been rested at larve throw: h valleys and hills, And h, o enrced a world wide ffmje They're pt-jeut. in vanishing every disease, Tha.t affects the viti- i Blvod; Restoring tfct- patient to woki and ease, And make Ins condition g", oJ. No man whose Blood Ill' infected with corruption, Can DE?er enjoy a healthy constitution But meet be in pain, ar;d restless risbt and day, Till the foul nmJbdy is driven away HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will this gleat boon effect. And from the system aeeds of death eject. Their fame is gone to many a foreign land, And is admitted now on every hand; From cot to mansion do their praises 8"tInd Arid t"8tiriinr;i.;?s reaoii us from all round HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS receive no empty praise, But are commended by the great and wise. So impoitanfc dnty it is to keep the blood, In perfect order and condition good,— That I would fain advise the sore afflicted, To guard against its further being neglected HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS will soon effect its cure, Of this to ail concerned I can assure. HUGHE?' BLOOD PILLS. This, noted medicire ^cts directly upon the Blood and Juices of the humrn system which tbey strengthen <a.d Purity, By$<• d(,iri! the Liver, Kidney s, Heart, LI1 !gs, Stomach, bowels, Brain, and Kerei as-' ret e wed Vnd tuned to *uct; a degree tbat tbeir functions are perfect:! 7 petformed, securing to the mau healthy days. Sold by all Chemist and Paterf Me lie, re Vendors, at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. By l'oat Is 3d. 2a lid and 4s 9d, from t"f; PRUPRIE'J OR MId DISCOVERER, JACO B HXJG-li ES. J JIANUFACTUBIXG CHEMIST, Penarth, Cardiff. Ask your Chemist to get them for you. HIJGH DAVIES'S OUGH MIXTURE EDY NO MORE W' > ¡. .I.' '¡ II CJi&il. DAVID JENKINS, Esq, Mus. Bac., Aber- ys with, says:- ■l Having suffered from an irritable cough last Christmas I took a Bottlo of DAVlES'S COUGH MIXTURE, and by the following day I was quite free follow my public engagement. January 10th, 188S, D. JENKINS." DAVIKS'S COUGH MIXTURE Is acknowledged gener- ally to he » most speedy .nd efficacious ren-,edy for C best CoropleintB And geneial Cold p. Having been before the public for rnhcy jeare, it has gained nti- veraat repntatirn. i hoo- cacds testify to its mar- vellous »fleet inimmedi .tely Allaying Tickling Coogbe, Difsclvirg the Phlegm, and relieving He distressing labour of breathing peculiar to Asthma. The Balsamic, Healing and Soothirg Quslitiee of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Place it far in advance of the cid nary Cough Balsams, nanny of which are compounds of Opine*, &c. It acts by dissolving the congealed Phlegm, Chasing free expectora- tion, relieving the sense of weight and oppression, Tickling in the Throat, and frequer.t desire to Cough, tbatisso trouble- some to the Patient. Singers and Public Speakers will find Davies's Congh Mixture A great Boon, being R perfect safeguard against Hoarseness and all Affections of the Vocal Organs. One dose will cause any huskineep to disappear. For Children's Cough, Whooping Cough, &c., it will be found invaluable, having a soothing effect, assisting expectoration, and preventing the ac- cumulating of Phlegm, Sl'gbt Colds, hoarse- ness, Sore Throat,which might easily be checked with a, few doses of Davies's Cough Mixture if neglected, often ter- minate BerioUbly. For ordinary Coughs, For ordinary Cougbs, Colds, And Difficulty of Breathing, Dawes's Cough Mixta will be found to accom- pliah its healing effect almost imperceptibly. B»ve you a Cough ? THY DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURS. Have you a Cold ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Do you suffer from Asthma ? .1.. USE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE Have you a Sore Throat ? TAKE DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. c An A ttack of Bronchitis ? TAKHJ DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE. Has your Child the Whooping Cough ? GIVE HIM DAV1ES' COUGH MIXTURE. Most pleasant taste. JSS^mous Sale. One dose will relieve. One bottle will cure. Sold by all chemists and patent medicine dealers at Poutypridd and up the Rhondda. DAVIES S TONIC ANTIB1LI0DS PIHS. ¡ .)' DAVIES'S -■ t TONIC ANTIBILIOUS -I I' JflLLS • • ;), 1, .'C aid per Box by all Chapnists The Cure for Indigestion. The Cure for Liver Complaints. The Cure for Headache. The Cure for Toothache. The Cure for Wind in the Stomaeh. The Cure for Costiveness. The Cure for Skin Disease. The Best Medicine for Females. The Cure for Nervous Debility. The Cure for Lou of Appetite. I 1 BEVAN & CO., I "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Hold the largest, best, and cheapest selection of every description of Household Furniture, Carpets, Floor Cloths, Linoleums, Hearth Rugs, &c., &c., in the Principality. BEVAN & CO., "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Sell full-sized Iron Bedsteads from 6s lid each. Over One Thousand Iron and Brass Bedsteads from 4s 6d to Thirty Guineas each always in stock. B e van & Co., "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Have done more than any firm in Wales in reducing the prices of Furniture, the whole of their Immense Stocks being priced from twenty to thirty per cent. lower than those of any other house. Bevan & Company, "TH E CAR D I FF F U iiN I S H E R S," Are offering full-sized Feather Beds, Bol- 0 sters Rcd Pillows, at 32s 6d only Spring Mattress (uphol-teredor wirework), at 17s6d each All other goods equally cheap. BEVAN & COMPANY, "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Deliver all Goods Free by road or rail within one hundred miles of Cardiff. Illustrated Catalogues post free on application. B E "V A. IT cfc a o, "THK CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Sell a complete Dining or Drawing Room Suite of Nine Articles (Conch, Gent's Eisv Chair, Lady's Chair, and .ix small Chairs), for cG3 173 lid. Grand Figured Velvet Suites, in solid mahogany, £ 10 10s. I BEVAN & COMPANY, "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Are the proprietors of a Business which con- tinues to increase by leaps and bounds. I his fact affords the most conclusive proof that they give their numerous patrons the very highest satisfaction. 33 E "V _A_ CO-. "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Supply Harmoniums from Seventy Shillingo each, and full compass Pianofortes, in walnut cases, from £ 12 103. Before purchasing elsewhere see their grand iron-framed, full trichord bras3 wrest-plank Thirty Guinea Pianofortes, in walnut and gold. Warranted for ten years, and acknowleged by all par- chasers to be fully equal to instruments usually charged fifty guineas. BEY AN & CO., REGISTERED AS x r "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," 21, DUKE STREET, AND t 76, ST. MARY STREET, i" I o ARDIFF. GEORGE'S PILE AND GKAVia PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT DO4 It is more than Gold to me, it saved my Life." VilAl WILL IT DO ? ♦VH.\T WILL IT DO P VEAT WILL IT DO ? 5F?H-AT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? VHAT WILL IT DO? .filAT WILL IT DO? W d AT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? W3AT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL If DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? V HAT WILL IT DO ? ii kT WILL IT DO? ■VFIAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WH\T WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT r»0? WHAT WILL IT DO? W 0 AT WILL IT 003 WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT !)O? WHAT WILL IT DO? •vn \T WILL IT DO? WiJAT .VJLL IT DO? A IT \T WILL IT DO? VI! AT UILL ST DO? v H T tV J r. L I'f f)O P ■H VC -VI LI, [T DO? ii \T WILL IT DO? 1) ,T WiLL IT DO ? Wfi VF WILL IT \),j ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT '.VI-IAT WILL rr DO, W rLn' J LI, a Do nti aT WILL IT DO? VVFAFI,' '-VILL i T I)o p Wtl^T WILL IT DO? W8AT vV'ILij IT DO? SVlf AT WiLL »T DO? \T WILL if DO iJ ) T WILL iT DO? Wd T.VILLITDU? T h t;. T.VILLirOO? V. TWILL IT w 1 WH \T WILL IT 00? WTI vr WILL IR DO? VM.VT WILL IT DO? .f H r WILL IT DO? 11, L'WlLLITDOp WdlT WILL IT DOp WH.vT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT Dt" WHAT WILL IT DOt WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT WILL IT DO If yon suffer PAIN in the BACK and LOINS, or between the SHOULDERS* this remedy will effoctailly remove them. If yon are troubled with Imitation of tha BLADDER, ScPPBXSbipy F and RBTENTION of the water, STOND or Gsavsl, tbs ONLY SAF* mat effectual Remedy EVER OfmRKD TO THB WORLD is OboroVb PI and GSAVSL PILLS. If tie water is Hisa Coi^oubsd, THICK, aad depositing mucti SBSIUBNT, lose no time, procure i box of GJCOBAB'S PILLS, and ;¡(,c will soon be RIGHT again. If your Kidneys and Liver are slnegiaia and out or ordrr this Remedy will gently sti ulate these important organs, ot)eio ap their Clocked PAasAOBe, And promote the secretton of heft. bile and other vitnl iuia If you ate a martyr to InsBiyr*s»tt*>rs. I*?■ and Conisitipation, you have a Sokb Re-us in <j-. n k a rn.Lfe If you suifer from any Bowel disorder, saeh i»s C •- Stpttton. Aticleuce, Colic, you have here a. Remedy you can always rely upon. If you suffr from Palpitation, and are afniid that y ..o.r HBABT ia affected, yon will find these ?ill«an EFFICACIOUS RBMK.<T. If you sderfrem Headache and CJitr^ailness, G. 'gic': Pills will remove these PAINS sooner tnaa ,4.jy other k r rr>pdi<«ire. it you oare Pafa after fCMtiUi: '.KroV Mxmeea, one dose of George's Pills will act lik j -A :m. If your Food turns Sour and rises into the mouth. » !» doses of this Remedy will make your tronbi ag.A thing of tha mat,. If you feel Nervous, ;.4311 Ltow s v* » porfect ANTIDOTE will be fouad in G? j Pine. If you have a in the n SINGLE DOSE of George's Pile ar-j Graval Pills at bed-ti aa » the tongue before the dawn of another day. If Sleep ails to give yon Try George's Pills. T jy a- make your bed easy, sleep refreahiag, and RBVIVK your Steeitsxh If you feel unfit for Exertion, Wealc, and JLic Remedy will restore your ENERGY and STBZXOTH, and will ,t abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your life. If vouare treubled with J¥an«e» a t Voetvisi"r at tat fchoYgbt- of eating, a box of George's Pilla vili make yoar meat iud drink tctb Savourt and PLBASANT. If your Blood is impure, ib will keep open all the irnp ;rt~E outlets of the body, and thus give free exit to all GROSS tfuMO'. tr. and no more Blood ImpurUle8 will be sefs bn < ? through the Skin in fitMpiea, Blotcltea, Boils. In thousands of eaact: it has removed from the Bloc i, ro'.t n branch, IKlieumatlc. Scorbutic, 8crafaiou» f u that bad defied all other Remedies. If yon have a tendenoy to Dropsical Swellfng.; tria Remedy, by its action upon the Kidneys and SKIN, will soon bn) g Relief. If yon have Difficulty of Breathing*' tWo remedy will prove a friend to you in the hour of need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will change the sallow complexion to the bloom of health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and your general debility to firmness of sinew and muscle. It is Aperient, acd therefore will remove Ccn-.U. patlon. It is Aatibilions, and will, therefore, correct ai. Regularities of the Liver. It it Diuretic, and will, therefore keep open the water passages. It is Tonic, and will, therefore, $ve tone and vigour fee the DIOKSTIVB OBOANJ. It is llloo tl- 'urlfylng and H•rire«fttreng,tliening>: it is, therefore ALL YOU WANT. These World-renowned Pills are sold everywhere, in Bnes 1/11 and 2/9 eaoh. gEECHAM'S PILLS. gEETHAM S PILLS. E E -'H -1 -1 P I L BEECH AIRS PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Bex. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILLS FIT NERVOUS Disoidcra. BEFICHAM'S PII.LS B For Indigestion in BFCECHAM'S PILLS For Wind and Pains iu the Stomacb. BEECTIA: PILLS Fnr Sick Headache. PILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS Have Srtved the lives of Thousands. BE EC BAM'S PILLS For Giddiness. BEECHAM'D PILLS lJ For Fulness and Swellings after meblto BEECHAM'S PILLS J) Are Worth a Guinea a Box. PIT,LS BEECHAM'S PILLS A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. BEECHAM'S PILLS 1) Are adapted for Old and Young. BEECHAM'S PILLS Fur D zziness and Drowsiness. BEE JHAM'S PILLS B For Colds, Chills, Flushings of Heat. T) EEC HAM'S PILLS B Will restore the Rosebud of Health to aitwho use them. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For CUT»:ivenes9 aad ^ourvy. BEECHAM'S PILLS B For Blotches on the Skin. DEECHA'^S PILLS For Disturbed Sleep and'.Frightful Dreams. T>EECHAM'S PILLS Are the Hest Medicine for Femalf Complaints. BEECHAM'S PILLS B The First D )<te gives Belief in Twenty Minutes. ■DEECHAM'S PILLS Are the Finest Medicine in the World. OEECHAM'S PILLS For Siok Headache. I>EECHAM' C PILLS Are recommended by Medical Men. B EECHt.)I'S PILLS — Have the S. IA of any Patenl JlfdiciDe in the 'V"rlJ. T) EEC HAM'S PILLS • Are sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers. gEECHAM'S PILLS Ji jEECHAU'S PILLS WOOL A. A J. Macnaoghtod, t V06U.EN IAIUFACTUftEftS, < Pitloebry, Perthshiro, Bm bMB AWA&DKD a PKIZJI MMDAL for *«* Woollen MunlaeMW la thi S0HBDSQB IMTEft. NATIONAL KXUIBITIOH, 1S06. latotb Woel Motto kalsiuntHlm MTLOOHRY TWEEDS, BREM TWEEM. HJUKnt, a,h~Uctaa, tw? »« SS Ortal Bodsiv Aim Minted itold Dtgttftf 5(r«nyU follows iheaae of Pepper s Qaiuiue and Iron Toaio ifi infusing new life 10 tbo nerves. eurichmR the Stood, and strengthening the masoalar system, omptoma of weaknisa disappear, appetite returns, fatigue ceases, and recruited health results. Insist QB having Pepper's Tonic. It cau now bo obtained « 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It costs abon; td. each dose. Taraxacum, and fodotlyUin.—A liver medicine ^vith cut mercury, is a mixture of jaices of the mllilldrake and dandelion plants, good for headache, terpidity, costivenass, flatolfince, benribam, indigestion, biliouBnees, repuauauce to food, general discomfort depreMioa.&c. Pepper's Tvuvacnm PodophyUit, by stimulating the liver with a most K«ntL«s actieii CJ the stomach, is the safest, moEti reliable medicin* Bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insist on hiw Pepper's. To Darlten Grey Mair.—Leckyer's Sulphur U&n Restorer produces a perfectly nataral sbade in a fÐQ d-iys. No bair restorer offered is equal to Locky^r c Sulphur for its beautifying cleansing action on it- liMr, causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. "t Sch everywhere. Deafness, noises in the ear, <&c.—Dollar's (or Deafness is still the only remedy of any re:^ worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages ar.r ofte-s ielieving old cases has beea proves dorjug quarter of a century. Applied on eotton wool. Batt1( lB. lid. Sold everywhere. A Delightful Flavoitr.-Clracrofts Areca Nut Toot: Paste.—By using this delicious Aromatic Dentmrict tha- enamel of the teeth becomes white soana anr poii shed like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, am Bwcially used for removing mornstation of tartar 01 neglected teeth Sold by all chemists. Pots, la. M 2s. each. Get Cracroft s. Liver Complaint.—Three fourths of our function* derangements are caused by interroptioBe ot tL liver's action. A few doses King's Dandelion an Quinine Pills," without mercury, axe a potent reniedj They perform all the benefits of mercury witbout an i ita disadvantages and dangers. Dr King's irn r move all liver and stomach complaints, biliouanest headaches, sickness, shoulder pains, heartburn, indi estion, constipation, so ensuring perfect health Tbene old fashioned Pills still keep ahead of all ctbe «•= the great liver remedy. Sold everywhere. I i. King's Liver Pills, contaiaing dandelion Mic i • iiie, without mercury, are far above all other a 't'. >-esf, mil&fctif means of removiug iudt^fcitiot. .uess, headache, dyspepsia, obsuueaona an, -cuiarities of the liver and stomach, 80 ensure r!rct health. Dr Kiag's PUla are sold tverj tUttti. To Stop Coughing, a few doses ot Pepper'B "Whit Lou^'n Mixture*arrests the most troublesome fit o .•onshiuc, restoring relief and tranquillity to th. ititnted membranes and air passages Sootoiup -.tiitcrtim; antf«demulcent, its action is quite dmereu I'r.nn "'■dinary Cough Remedies, iiottic*. Sold every F. >r garbling the throat and month use Pepper' iajuiig Throat Ga#glo. A« application ot gres -orvice for sore throat, wVetheriulfammation, relaxec or ulcerated. Tauintj Garble is strontjiy recommende to speakers, singers, &c., as greatiy preservative ao( i.ai«iuM»g. It is also a purifier as a mouth wasl neinii sinpnlarly agreeable, astringent and cleansing iiotties. Sold everywhere. Sulnholine Soap is a Soap containing Sulpholine.— It is a delicate y refiued, chetnically pure Soap, intended for general use, and is tree from the injurious acrid oils, peco isr to common, irapcrfeotly prepared soaps. SulpWciuie Lisap is excellent for waabiog at J aH time.-?, and rendering the skin soft, clear, and pliable. Tablets. 6d each. Sold everywhere. To ensure a clear skin.—SolpboKbe Lottos aleatw i d all impurities in a few days. Spots, Blevukei, irritating Obj etionable Appearances, RedftWS, Uoaubuess, I'MJ, Uncomfortable Skin Disfigurements &c., however ob^twiftte, entirely fade away, leaving the ekin sincc ih, trttuapMent, supple, natural afid haaltfey. Perlectlv harmless. Salpholioe is delight- 'nlly fragrant, cooiing aad refseshiug: countaracts ;he effects of weather, softens and preeervea. Bottles If. ad Sold "v. i cire. Corns, Buiin Enlarged Too Joiiitm.-JD*UiLr'ii Corn tt.d Bwa .u L". waters are the only remedy. They differ from "II piasters, shields or compositions ever invented, by ii)ste-utiy softening the cations ear. rounding th* pun "nee at once, the corn soon follow- iug. Baaipu m d enlarged toe joints require more time for permi t cure. bat the action is certain. Boxes Sold by aU'ChemiRts, An., every whoi*. H iv VORK! WORK! Very litri yOJU can do whiU your blood if impure, f('l' -"1: in some form or other is gain hue a firmv on your tution darly. Purify yon. vithout delay 5-v Tj,,iniz HuGsy. BLOOD PILI$ > far surpa-ii; s.i other reme dies for th- Prioe 11. ltJ., & 9d.,and 4f. Od., of all iriidk endors. N.BERRY&CO'S Great Winter Clearance Sale, NOW PROCEEDING AT 34, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Special Attention Is drawn to the fact that N.B. & Co. have only two Clearance Sales during the year, and'that it would be impossible for them to offer such Substantial Bargains if they fol- lowed the general custom of having several sales during the year. Country Buyers Will find this an excellent opportunity for purchasing their requirements with satisfac- tion and prcfi t to themselves, as the whole of N. Berry and Co/s ENORMOUS STOCK has been ppec'ally marked down at from 15 to 25 per cent off their usual lew piief-, aLd consists of a grand assortment of 1 in in g Poom Suites In Leather, Velvet, Saddlt-bags, &e. r-rawintr-rcom Suitts, in pin! pitch pine, wah ut, dsh. and s:-tii) vainjt, ( l est of D?.W er?, Duchcsse Tnb'es. Wssh Stands, Cbf ■'t ;frs. Sidclcf id « S\ :If' s, W bfttnots, ( »i • 111 > t'rvs, lio "■ f AVriiir:g Pesks, Mus:c fci-. ols, Ovriti.. i.t't s. Pif-r qYid Toilet Glasses. Bedste/.d«, t'«!p ts, I.iiu-U'tt-i-. Oil rloth, hlpMith h rt;«, Ferdeis, hiie fciasses, Fire Dogs, SaLcepfcns, Kettle?, and General lr< cmrt gery, i lectro Plate, aLd Cutlery. iritey-di T'g purchasers n ay rely upon find- iug esedlerit^Parg^iLs in each department,as N. BERRY & COMPANY HAVE 11IE KEFUTATION CF GIVING THE FE.T VALUE OF A NY FUR- M>BING H0U6EIN CAhDIFE. Visitors to Cardiff SHCULD NOT FAIL TO SEE N. BERRY and Co.'s GRAND DISPLAY Of Glass, China, and Earmenware, Now being shown in their windows at C, 34, QUEEN STREET, O -A- EDIFI. Consisting of Several Tons of Majolica. Vases, beautifully decorated in a great varifty of Cesigns, China and Earthenware Tea ?~ets, Krtnd Tra, s. Dinner cets, Toilet Ware, aLd a grand collection of other u-efnl articles, all marked in plain figures, set,- of Jugs. Isrfie size from 9jd., setsof Jwgs,small size, from 6;1d., Thousands ofjBeautiful Ma- jolica Vases. 4id each, usual price, Is. Largest & Cheapest STOCK EVER RICEiViD FROM THE" Staffordshire Potteries ALL GOODS PACKED FREE, AND SENT CARRIAGE PAID DURING ABOVE SALE. TERMS— I Lowest Possible Prices for Ready I Money Only. • i • r N. BERRY & CO., 34, Queen Street, Cardiff.