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GEOXtOES irSFAWTS' POWDERS. I I Brynhyfryd, Abeiavon, Glaiu., Jan. 31, 1887. D*ab SIB, Thret; years ag) one of my little boy&, who bad been convulsed for about seven weeks, was bviice given up by the doctor attending, when, as a uLst resource, I teh graphed f<>) n supply of yonr low c '6. l'he effect of gtriv.y Inm. true was indeed wtarve -7f.v t. ;et.b tran tw«sive houra hff was free from fcr>u,d has net■<• cue juice. I needu't teli you 1 always kct; a el'.ok in baud, tnd should fee) obii: ed by Y"'Jr S'jlllD; ice -Hsct.^er packet —stamps enclosed. Yours faithfully, J<. LLOYD. Jtir B A Georgo, Ao. criricx-cp :ez r:iss. FAHIFS IS HKKI KT KI^UIE11'. — 'RH- K»v istrar- GeBetat, in his run tIy i^u«-d iy 1it urne," refers to the f-ct that :Vi<- • nm: ¡,f «i^.r! s of in- fants has bbei. far U-a iI' b. jetouibhiif i; an in any Othei coui>rv, jt,&, oiiIN 5 cut i t e', ry 1,C00 births i til, w tile in ether f-, it ran from 154 r.< ]s0 pev thousand. tbis gieat local .<*?* *?* I'wy mmm\ ntnfa flf$0 «.#;&» ••.iVweWrs- Jk&f, U&tJ •>«& <m-&r Will be paid to any person that will prove the above powders I contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a I ■ Ton of them. ictor The Proprietor crnnranro*? tho m perfectly lv>,r\i >ss to the youngest babj, A mi that tlicy are mora notice than any in the market, one (1(1.7 and unpriijiu/'C^i trlllt will convince the most s -eptical. ttead the remarkablu a-i i interesting testimonials around each packet. For Fits, Convulsions, Inflammation, looseness of the Bowels constant Vom:ttitijf. Bronchitia, Sra^ll Pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Fevers, and all the tt,oubles while Teething, the.- will be found itw.luf.ble if jriven accordir.^ to the special directions around each Packet. PROPRIETOR & INVENTOR— -3. €»X2C*3EfcC»B33, tictlll 1 A^ and rispeasing' Chemist, I PE.NT&E and TON, Uhondda Valley. blessing is larirely due to the general custom of Heref irds-hfrK mothers giving their 'tifint-s "George's Infauts Powders," or "Earopa Lite Prescrvers," of which one chemist alone in Here- fordshire (Mr P R"lph) sells more th-vn all other babies' preparations put together.— Hereford Journal. MR B.GKORGK'SMSDICAL PREPARATION'S.-— itb all the advantages of wide puUinit". -trM" in them- solves worthloss ca.u have n > enduring Quid on the public; but if they bo of ruin", then it only requires to iitako them ku iwn in order to create and maintain f,)r tnem the advantages of public demand, This has been the case oie-ominently with Mr George's Medical Preparations—nonhly his Europa's Infant Po^de^s, which have toond their way throughout the United Kingdom, trie English Colonies, and the United Statin, and are appreciated by all heads of families who -d'nL'ii' er them to their iittle cues. Mr George, naving found a remedy for the many ail-nents incidental to infante, deserves the acknowledgement of the public for his enterprise Mt aianiog his preparatiol B known, and we are glad to hear that it, addition 1 o the gratification be must feel by the -ny testi mocials he receives of the efficacy of his rd'nnt. Powders and Congh Balsam, his commercial i e- ward is secured. —Merthyr Teleprwph, May 11, ):-< 1, f 13'- r.1.'tb "'<J.- SKSS!s€»3:S.*3r,3^2S»rS'. HER HE BROTHERS, DRAPER?, • QUE K -8TJi EE V, VA ■!aIFF, WILL COM >IEXCE THEIR Winter Great Clearance Sale Un SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 tb, 1389, and will be continued for One Month. The whole of their Stock at extraordinary prices ,_I I I Remarkable Reductions on all exclusively Winter Goods. As early visit respectfully solicited. Terms—StricJy Cash. AND OILSKIN WAREHOUS E, Snrplus Stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Waterproofs, C;T;s:s:irii_r of T.a dies Polman*. Princesses, and other styles of Newest Patterns. Gentlemen's Invernesses Goats with CupeSj Wate p"-of Leggings, Carriage Rugs, de.} &e. To !v clearod during the whole of this Month sit Kednced Prices. An nescrttfent of Child en's Mantles Also Boys' and Youths' Coats at Cost Prices. SOUTHERN RUBBER CO., S3, High Street, Pontypridd. rid V « jBLjdLJl E* Eig t\ ielear complexioii @eft healthful skin. "I CURE FITS B When I say cure, I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made h dinease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SIC.tNESb a life-long atudy. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Address in full. It costs you nothing for a trial and it will cure. Address- IDn. II. G. HOUT, 6, Plum Tree Court, Farringdon Street, L- ndcn." • CABBUUY'S COCOA isahsolntely pnre and untampered with. It has stood the keenest analytical tests, and consists solely of tbr concentrated extrsc- of the Cocoa heaD, the flavour being developed and the aroma improved by a special process of roasting. MADE WITH BOILING WATER, EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTJNGL COCOA MADE WITH SOILING MtMC j qL r Ntliotoiiit Porertoge end Tonio tCtde froTH Pyrt WICAI Kxtrao* of M(\lU fcnd Enrao. of Mall; Nutritiolig. 5ij'rauUt;n^f Fienh-forzning, H.al.. (or the Hchuvt is i** wall sA oa •. 4, &W-vk øw momdw 1; • v^AIl( unsoIJolted TeKtlmonlal fron. -y/r;n<n, L.R.C.F., Lr^s. a cc««1t«4 froin Jl.&oa1 Mtt. t-i. Alitor. Koad. N., Birminghtrn, Daoambtr 17th,IBM, V*. u' —I bts to acknowledge receipt of lampl. of •• );u"et of J £ .6*\ and Malt Wine," »l»c omyou Mni i"no back. I h-ifct new Quite Twenty Patient. 1. it, and at II. fle«h-fcrmiug, wi In6L"li proUucinr i 1 oenxider it second to none, being •qaailj aufal of debility, Yoatj faith.'ullT, » [JDWARD HO-'KlSs, attain. Col«m*n i Co. L.R.C.P., L.F.P.B, A iii* by all Orap^iMS, Wino Meroht.att, tttd Patent Medf Verin tbe United Kingdota, Is BottiM 3s. >d, and i«i r-. -h. Ask for OOIiEMAN'8 iaKBIO'8 BXTRACT jT Me.AT AND MALT WINfJ, and mi tb»t yoa r«t it." i "r9 lS any aiffictilty in gtttiug the Wine, vrriU direct to th« MHDD.fuf-turflrji, wb,- tit Piat bQHlf. ü. by Poat oa it SB ttMRpt, Ijoiik „ Rail If los, tnr^j v. i CO., 8i.. v <-ld I v í. A HNorr, 'n-'M'ist. ,typnd L THE PC HLIe HEALTH Is of tha utmost; importance. Nothing can pre- aeiv- it lik:, {1I:GHKS' liT,(IOD PILLS. Try a box of theiu, and you will beocnvinced of t'ieir marvellous iufiue icn for all Hiood, Skin, litid Nerve diseases. Prief Is. l»-d. 'i?. 9d.. H:d 4s. I. uE all medicine t'esfl- r- iviiESSiRS- Lloyd k filiiams Beg' respectfully to announce that they have OPENED BUSINESS AS AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEERS Valuers, Accorntants, &c, And they arc now prepared to conduct sales of FARMING STOCK, PROPERTY, FURNITURE, &c. I Further particulars obtained on application. H a-Ni- tliorii Pontypridd. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. GEORGE GOODMAN, Pawnbroker, CIotMcr, J:.v;-iler, and Furniture Dealer, 3 d- 4, TEA M- T10A l> PONTYP RIDD, In of the l;»'v jat.? of wages existing I at the pieseut time iu tie neighbourhood, will offer his Lirge and varied Stock of New and Second hund. GLOTHING, JEWELLERY, WATCHES Ac., I At Prices that will meet the requirements of all Classes. Intending purchapeiP ot ^ny of the nbnve I Goods will be well repaid by a vtsjr, bpfor-. r.n" chasing elsewhere. (in- d ppsortmpT t of New and SrconH-hTnd HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BEDDING. &3., ) To he sold for cash, or mv-ihU bv WEEKLY INSTALMENTS, to Suit t-hc* Pur; a?er .M.inpy advanced to any a nnnnt n Deposits of Doeds, Diitnonds, Mate, Je<vel ery, or any e.t .er >ecLiriti«'S. GEO. GOODMAN, 3^-4, Tf(J,lnrOl.f, P'oriypridd. r<9 AND UPWAKDS advanced to Honse- owt) holders, Me'ohanics, and ot^erp, upor; their own security; no preliminary fees; repay- able to suit borrowers' convani. nc«, by Mr J. P. THOMPSON, 72, Adam-street, Cardiff. OiScM hnurs, j 9 to 9. — Di.-tance NO OBJECT. "Gone in the Twinkling of an Eye." WHAT'S GONE? \Vt!Y TmE PAIN. Try the tn A\ Chi'iriical DiscQvery- "Chloro Mentha Campfio Paint." A poti^ive cinv. f r «Ail fxcrnci tine Nerve Pains. Try Instant re lor lV.oth .ch, Try "Cnloro-Mentho- Campho-Paint.' Certain Cure for Neuralgia. ihe Beat Kamedy yet introduced for the above Complaints. The Prcpiietor respectfully Solicits a Trial of this Wonderia! remedy by tbosiwho are sufferers. Immediate aud positive cure is within the reach of all. TRY ONE BOTTLE. Sold in Bottles at Ðtd each, or direct from the iioprietor, Id extra. SOLE MAKER- K' EES, Chemist (By examination), 21, Cowbridgelload, (Opposite Sophia Gardens), CARDIFF. Sold by all resectable Chemists. Messrs JOHN THOMAS & MORGAN Auctioneers, Accountants, Valuers, Estate and Insurance Agents. Z) STRICT ATT A'Mil ON TO BUSINESS. OFFICES Market Street, PONTYPRIDD. PHI! I IP I a $1111* L. 4 f$s r <id? S ':nt m tfam PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. Bill Poster and Town Crier RENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA VALLEY. HORSES and TRAPS kept for Hire, PIANOFORTE ON HIRE. Offices: Penuel Square, Pontypridd. »r R1CHTERV1 m:- -^PEllER £ HEi'MATIS M! 4 Y ST'# ^/OINTS -0- A' wURALGIA' m, oCUTICA, rolief and euro <»ven^l^>^oPSAIKS, iu casys of old standing'. COLDS, A tna! will nrovs its u-is W/V &C passed efficacy. 1/lj & 2'9, or u S, ? ^5, Chemists, or Pes. Free 1'3 & 3' London Depot. Fenchui-ch-St., KC. £ ST"e 3e%vart of SubrtitiTtes bsarii5|T a similar Title. "FOB Tfin BLOOD IS THE LIFE. "-Clarke's world, famed Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse the blooa from all impurities, from whatever cause aris- ing. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, skin and blood diseases, and sores of all kinds, its effects are m&rvel- loas. Thousands of testimonials. In bottles, 2s. 9d. and lis. each, of all Ciaemists. Proprietors,Lincoln and Midland Counties Drng Company, Lincoln. Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. HililfllTOCIii 1M r "1.. luaw a remedy for the above (.lipase; ^tonsands of cases of the \rorst kind and ot long eiandaf t..>(> > "u. 1 ",1e<d. so si rong i" my faith in its efiiu>^ th.ct I will Vi j BUTTLES FHEE, together 9 VAI.UAULE 'I'I! R vTCSE on this oieeaas to amy eutt's.*w, Give .Jilress in SnJl. D". T. A. Si.OCU.it k, klutu ^ariio^fduu Street. Lonaoo. v IF YoU WANT Posters,- Circulars, Programmes, And all kinds of General Work WLLL AND CHEAPLY PUINTKO, Go to the CanOMOLK Oji,,e, POXTYPRIBD. CORNS! co-RNS I I A 4 a (Repietertd Trfide L'ok No. -i6. A Certain Cure for Corns. PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. QORNSM CORKS (JORNS CORNS! QORNS QORNS! QORNS QORNS! CORNS CORNS QORNS! CORNS CORNS! jQORNS! QORNS CORNS 1I QORjNS CORNS! QORNS! QORNS CORNS! QORNS This infallible remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of "VIRIDINE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resis- tt.d all other remedies. It succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. 1KS TIM ONI A L S. From Mr C. LANE, Board Schools, Heb- burn Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne. One bottle of your Viridiae entirely removed three corns often years' growth for rae, and a friend of mine who has suffered a martyrdom fnr years, whom I got another bottle for from you, is now perfectly cured one cannot help telling people about it, it is such a reliable remedy VICTOR DE LORE, Primo Tenore, Gaiety Theatre, London, writes :— I am pleased to confirm the advertised qualities of Munday's Viridine." In my case it certainly has succeeded where all caustics and plasters have failed in remov- ing corns. I shall deem it a duty to recom- mend it to all sufferers, especially artistes, to whom plasters, &c., are inconvenient, and, to my experience, ineffective. CAUTION.-As there are several imi- tations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR MUNDAY'S "VIRIDIN E." And SEE THAT JIY SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure' you may j receive one of the many so-called I rem. edies' which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of Viridine IN BOTTLES, PRICE Is.; BY POST, lB. 2d. PREPARED ONLY BY J. M U N D A Y CHEMIST, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Sold by all Chemists. HYRDDIB DAYIESJ (f, Fruit Couch Balsam A perrnancnt erre of all disorders of the Chest, Lnngs, Throat, viz :—CoujEh, Difficulty of Breathing, Hooping Octigh. Hoarsenesc, Loss ot Voice, influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Chorfnes? of Breath, Spitting of Blood. Its action en children is direct, safe, and certain. -o- J. MYBDDIN" DAVIES, A.P.S., Consulting and Dispensing CHEMIST (By Examination.) (Late Qualified Dispenser of Medicine of the Apothi caries' Hall, London, t, OXFORD STREET SWANSEA. To be obtained 0 most chemists, in Boltles, Is lid 2s :10, ar.d 4s 6d each. Any Chemist not having it in tock will immediately obtain it if requested to do so Loadon Agents: Newberry and Sons; Thompson Millard, & Co., aciali other Patent Medicine Vendors. Agents throughout the RHONDDA VALLfSY. 'Of"" 'TUv- .iri.V- 'I'HK I'f'CKM l\li.J)iC.t\L ADVISBI!. I •' T .» j V, 'y H K >KV. '.HAi. i^A-l KM'. f- V. •Til, tl-iif -• V'.ut Uuidf f Ij ;<> .'I¡!t', ,d: ¡(.;0I1)' i .1 ,1.' (."1"( f"'u .1 No -I- M A I! 1>C HA t. ST., » K. rtl.l KN" • —r IMPORTANT. This brochure gives intnft "Ti e Guainnteed Tieataiect," as advocated Ly 400 d etingutfshed medical and other authorities, and piot-cted by Her Mi jvsty'a Koval Letters Patent, uf Jutes 1857 and 1872. Sufferers should pr^enro this handv R.fprp" M' Nervous Ailfnents, i>nd thu¡;:n.void d..(.turs' feesùnd objectionable medicine.— GazciU. ] Vide MEDICAL ADVISER. HOME SWEET HOME.—The sweetest houses in this town are those where Hudson's Soap is in daily use. It leaves no smell. Is quick, safe, and use. It leaves no smell. Is quick, safe, and sweet. Splendid f >r washing Flannels and Woollen Unlerclothlng. So'd everywhere For Family nse in DoaeiiS and Half-Dozens, also in 141b. and 28!b. boxes. in DoaeiiS and Half-Dozens, also in 141b. and 28Jb. boxes. WILLIAMS' A (Pontardawe) I WORM LOZENGES| Vor AAWLT Thirty TIM thl< UFWR valaabl* Samedj luu met wit* tk« «!»■>■> una. Xha «Saot in W«ak, ■■ DeUmU Chtldrai (often up m I—nraWrt li tika lU^io. Q«tting 01 hi* tonn«nttog jwli by UBagtbUM M LoaeafM, tb« this, atle-tawd, Chil4 bMOBaa ■tnac, healthy, k>4 UT«ly,th« ptida, laat«a4 of tha aul* of lata (urdiaai. ■ Sir,—I bar* for aom« tlmi ued yoor t nth»lmlnt1» or Worm LomgM, U my family, aad find than a rary ipeedy and effleaoloua ear* for aaemridea, and their agreeable and oonvenlent form li a (reat raoonunendatlon for Children. W. HUICHIJSOI, Vl«ar at Howdeo." Sold at H<f., IS^-i a»d 9d. per box, fry awtt Chtmtrtt; H| or for U or U itampt,Jrom 4. DAVIE8, CHEMIST, 80, HIBH 8T*EET, 8WAN8EA. ■ JL Lift of TwtlmonUU, SymptOM, *e. 9a Application, W. E. VAUGHAN & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SOOUfiiE 1" ORKS, LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch Establishments:- 77, Crockherbtown, and 218, Bute-st., Cardiff. 52, Commercial-strret, and 83, High-street, Newport. 27, Castle-street, Swansea. Aynf, fir the Rhnndda Valley:— Mr. J. II. THOMAS, Tailor & Draper, Hannah-street, Porth. I I GEORGE'S CaEGH BALSAM. For the Cure of Coughs, C 'lis, Astern >. Hotrsa- ness, Wbtc.ine, Influenza. Spicr.in^ of H!ood, Con* sumption, Kronotntis, Wiio^j>ipc/ COIqh, riemty of Breathing, and all Affections of the Cheet and Extra irdmary Cure of a Cough of Six Years' standing, declared before a Commis- sioner to Administer Uatbs ill the Supreme Court of Judicature, England. T HENRY JAMES G AM MAGE, of 116 & 117» 1} Widemarsh-street, in the City of Hereford* Contractor & Decorator, do eolemnly and sincerely declare as foltows :— 1. About 8 years ago I had a severe attack of rhea matic fever, from which, wheo I had recovered I had a badcough.andthempdioat man who atttended me, who is one of the Visiting Surgeons to the Hereford Infirmary, informed me that I never could be thoroughly cured from it. 2. From that timeuntil about two years ago I have suffered mere cr less from the same cough, which at times wos worse than at others. I especidly was affected by it in the mcrcintrs when I got up, when sometimes I coughed until I was almost suffocated, and I thought I should be stifled. 3. Daring those years I consulted several medi- cal men, from following whose advice I obtained no relief, and I have takeu various patent medicines with the same result, and I bad given up all hope of alleviating the cough. 4. About two years ago I was recommended by a friend to buy a bottle of George's Cough Balsam, 0 And although I had no faith in its proving effica- cious, I gave way to my friend's importunities, and purchased a bottle. 6. From the First Bottle of George's Coug-Ii Balsam, I took I felt greatly relieved, and I bought another bottle, which I took, and which effectually cared my cough, and since that time I have had no rsturn of the coutfh. 6. If I find I have taken cold I take a dose ot the Balsam as a preventative, and I am now, and hays been since I took George's Cough Balsam, As free from Cough as I ever was in my life. And I make a solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of bis late Majesty King Wiiliam IV, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmation taken and made in various departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lien thereof, and for the more entire suppiession of voluntary and extrajudicial Oatba and Affirmations, and to make other provisions for the T-bolitioo of unnecessary Oaths." Taken and declared at 16, Bedford-row, in the County of Middlesex, this 9th day of October, 1880, before me, C. LOCKE MULKS, a Commis ioner to Administer Oaths, Supreme Court of Judicature. IlY. SMITH GAMMAGE. Mr B. A. George.—Dear Sir,-Please send ma three gross of Couirh Balsam at once, as I shall be quite out in a few days. The sale during the present winter has been the greatest I have yet had, as ninny as thirty bottles having been purchased at my shop in a day. Tois has been caused entirely by the recommendation of thoae who have tested its efficacy. I am, dear sir, yours faithfully, PHILIP RALPH, High Town, Hereford, Januaiy 17, 1886. CAUTION. The Public are particularly requested to observe that the words "GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM" ern stamped on each Bottle. inune are Genuine without. Tbe "COUGH BALSAM" will be found pecu. liiriy serviceable for ELIEVING ALL PAINS, f'om whatever cause arising, such as TOOTH- ACHE, EARACHE, PAIN IN THE CHESr 011 BOWELS, DlAttRHCEA, &o., &c. Sold in Bottles, at liLt and 2/9 each, by most Chemists and Medicine Vendors in t-he World. No. 1, Ash-terrace, Pentre Yatrad; Rbngfyr 20, 1S83. Anwyl Syr,- Y mie genyf yr hyfrydwoh mawr o ddwyn tystiolaeth wirioneddol o werthfawrogrwydJ eich COLGH BALSAM. Bum yn dioddef am Lwer o ameer oddiwrth anwyd yn fy mrest, fel yr oeddwn yn boenus i m: fy Luian gan y pesweh, byrdra anadl, crygni, poeri gwaed, methu gorwedd yn y gwely, metbn cerdded, mewn gwirionedd, metbu gwneyd dim ond eistedd yn y cornel, a hyny yn ddigon poenus lawer pryd. Oad trwy drugaredd, rhy w noswaith dneth cyfaill i edrych am danaf, gofynodd a oeddwn wedi treio George's Cough Bal. sam. Atebais na, a dywedodd wrthyf am wnay. prawf &rno, ac y buasai yn aioro wneyd lies i mi. Felly, penderfynais ei threio, ac y mae yn dd& genyf allu dweyd i mi gael esmwythad rhyfeddol trwyddo ac yn ol fy mini i lJiJ oes dim gyffelyb iddo at yr anhwylderau ucbod. Yr eiddoch, JOHN Jo.\E3. Parotowyd yn unig gan B. A. George, "Medical Hall," Peotre, ac ar werth yn mhob man mewn botelau am l/lt a 2/9 y hotel. B. A. GEORGE, MEDTCAL HALL, PENTRE, PONTYPRIDD, Glamorganshire.