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G-JESOSE&GHES'S IHrF^ItfTS3 POWDERS. Brynbyfryd. Aberavon, Glam., Jan. 31, 1887. Sir, Thref years ag > one of my little boyu, who bad beeu ownvnietd for hbout seven weeka, was twice given up by the doctor attending, when, HS a .eiS!; rrsouice, I telegraphed for a supply of your Powders. The effect of ytving him one was indeed marvellous, n less then twelve boars be was free from its, and has never had one since. I needn't tel: you I nlways ktey a etock in baud, find should feel ubiiged by youi seeding we another pacKet —etaonya enclosed. Yonra faithfully, lL W. LLOYD. Mr B A Georgp, &t-. CPIKIGES CF TEE PlESS. BABIES IN HEREFORDSHIRE.—The Registrar- Ganeral, ia his recently issued "Quarterly returns," refers to the fact that the number of deaths of in- fante has been far less in Herefordshire than in any other conaty, being only 65 out of every 3,000 bii tb6 legistered, while in other counties it ran from 154 tc 180 per thousand. Tkis great local £1,000 Will be paid to any person that will prove the above powders I contain A Thousandth Part of a Grain of Opium in a Ton of them. The Proprietor guarantees thUll perfectly harmless to the youngest babe, and that they are more active than any in the market, O'M fair dlld u?tprcjud'C',o trial will convince the most sceptical. Read the remarkable and interesting testimonials around each packet. vor Fits, Convulsions, Inflammation, Looseness of the Bowels, constant Vomitting, Bronchitis, Small Pox, Scarlatina, Measles, Severs, and all the troubles while Teething, they will be found invaluable if given according to the special directions around each Packet. PROPRIETOR & INVENTOR— I 23, A. GElORGrEi, „ Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist, PENTRE and TON, Rhondda Valley. blessing is Irgely due to the general custom of 1 Herefordshife mothers giving their infants I "George's Ufants Powders," or "Europa Life Preservers.'1 af which one chemist alone in Here- fordshire (* P. Ralph) sells more than all otlei babies' preparations put together.-Hereford Journal. j ^MB B.GaoaGE'sMEDICAL PREPARATIONS.— With all the advaw,ges of wide publioity, articles in them- selves w<^)hlos8 can have no enduring hold on the public; bat if they be of value, then it only requiresfco make them known in order to create and maiitain for them the advantages of public demand This has been the case pre-eminently with MrCJeorge's Medioal Preparations—notably his Enr<pa,'a Infant Powders, whioh have found their wiy throughout the United Kingdom, the EngliabColoniea, and the United States, and an apprecited by all heads of families who administei them b their little ones. Mr George, having fouud remedy for the many ailments incidental to infME, deserves the acknowledgement of the pnbtio or his enterprise in making his preparation* known and we are glad to hear that in addition ir the grtification he must feel by the many testi. moniai be receives of the efficaoy of his Infante Powdeg and Cough Balsam, his commercial re wardii secured. —Merthyr Telepraph, May 11,1887 CORNS CORNS! I V, 'I (Registered Tiade Uaik Ec. JCSIC. A Certain Cure for Corns PAINLESS AND HARMLESS. (X)RNS!j CORKS (JORNS CORNS! QORNS' CORKS! CORNS CORKS! CORNS CORNS CORNS! CORNS CORNS CORNS CORNS CORNS Q )RNS QORNS QORNS CORKS I CORKS QORNS This infallible remedy introduced by J. SIUNDAY lias obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIRIDlNE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resis- ttd all other remedies. It succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. TESTIMONIALS. From Mr C. LANE. Board Schools, Heb- burn Colliery, NewcMtle-on Tyne. One bottie of your I- Viridine entirely removed three corns of ten years' growth) for me, and a friend cf mine who has [ suffered a martyrdom for years, whom I ;?ot another bottle for from yon, is now perfectly cur?:d oue cannot help telling people about it, it is such a reliable remedy VICTOR DB LORE, Primo Tenore, Gui-ty Theatre, London, wiites-?*- I am pleased to confirm the advertised qualities of Monday's Viridine." In my case it certainly has sacceeded where all caustics and plasters have failed in remov- ing corns, I shall deem it a duty to recom- mend ic to all sufferers, especially artistes, to whom plasters, &c., are inconvenient, ) and, to my experience, ineffective. f CAUTION.—As there are several imi- tations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR M U N D A. Y S 1: V I R I D I N E." ktld SBK TIIAT MY SIGNATURE is on the end of :ach puckape. ] By ordering 'Corn Care' you may •eceive o.ie of the many so-called rem- ?dic=' which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of I Viridine IN EOTTLE<, PI.IJE Is.; BY POST, Is. 2d. Fliiil'ARED ONLY EY J. M U N D A Y CHEMIST, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Sold by all Chemists. CToR tTas BLOOD 13 THE LIFE."—Clarke's world famed Blood MixtaiB ia warranted to cleanse the bloou ffom all impurities, from whatever cause aris- I ing. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, skin and blood diseases, and sores of all kinds, its effects are maAel- lous. Thousands of testimonials. Ia bottles, 2s^d. end lis. each, of all Caemi3ts. Proprietors,Lincolu and Midland Counties Drag Company, Lincoln. Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture, and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. EYEB5IB Bj.YiES' Fruit Cough Balsam A permanent ctire cf all disorders of the Cfcest, .Langs, TUto&fc, viz :—Difficulty of Breathing, Hooping Cou^t. Hoersencsc, Los;; of Vi-jos, L.flacuza, /"tfcm?, Lrojichivis, wLcr*ues; oi Breath, Spitting of Bleed. Iu cu cniIclcu is dircct, safe, tir- cértaita. -0- J. MYRDBIN DAVIDS, A.P.S., Consulting aud IJ,'rfp<5iisimr CHEMIST (By Lxunipatirc.) (Late Qualified Dispc-jser of Medicine of the A^otbucariei-' Hall, London, t, OXFORD STRCET SWANSEA. To Lc c mcr.t clciriats, in BoUlerf, lsljd Ie Jd, an-C -is Gd each. Auy Chemist net having it in 3tcck win iii'iiicdiately obtain it if requested to do so c-»i i-v-uts: Ntv,lei.ry and Sons; IhompsoR I liil'iuu, & Co., eK^ai't c:Ler Patent Medicine V endor3 Agents thrcugaout the RHONDDA VALLEY. P. A* &i S. Kacnac^Mf^ fc £ -ll ttAMfASTUrtm, ra S W#" &3S* Piuioc^hry, Perthshire. JRare heea iWKJ&VtZD {'KIZ$K&T3AL tor theii V coi'ir'; 'a ,v.I:BURiin K 4i at j ON al. E^KieiTu.r:, ia«. 'VUs naj car-iaf, oi VVoti «o liizn teaasscl&otuxa t"«to U:-ir f«:9hr»Md f.TLGuh; llfEiCS, CRESS TWEEDS, BLANKETS, RUGS, lis. fry*— ecJcrtara# f- the Joamsla. iv „ucia'Tw'^ WO"?K I WORK! J WORK! Very little wor;; you can do while your blood is impure, for clisffise in some furm or other is eaic- iug a firmer bold on jonr constitution daily. Purify your blood without deliy by usiu^ HfGHXf' EJ,OOD PILLS," waich far SURP«iris all ot ier reme- dies for the blood. Pricj la. lj I., 2s. 91., and It. Cd., of all medicine .eni-rs. WILLIAMS' (Pontardawe) WORM LOZENGES I POT MHIT Ifctety T«u* tUm hl*Wy friwbto bat mat with tk« IMMM. Th* ■*«< mm W*k. jji Delioata ChUdna (oftea (vtm «p m iMmkb) ta Vk» BgS Marie. Qfltttair rid o4 hi* M>ria«Dt1>>( pe*M bjr uklaff thM* H ESeac«*. tk» thia. wte-lXMd, lau^matc (%U4 t«H EO ■trong, hmUhj, aa4 lftSy, tb« prtds t* tba uxtetr. of hti fu»rJ)»n« ■■ ■ Sir,—1 b«T« tor nil tiru tuwd year Aathataintla, or QB| Worm LaMBgM, ia my tMmil/, find tlwm ■ TUT naedj M| ul tfflouiooi son far uaaridw, and thair amaaUa ana HB conToulsut form ta-a fiaat recommeadation for QuidfM. ByD W. HOCHIHSOB. Ttear af Howdca." BH Snid at Hd., lS4d.. and l>. M. V* Vxr. ty met ChmmUtt; M or far 14 *r «4 tamps Ji-om ■» i. DAYlES, CHEMIST, 80, HISH SMET, SWANSEA, « j. Lbt of TMtlroooUls, Symptom*, all. Appliotiaa. Bgj| W. E. YAUGHAN k GO., 3TFAM DYEING AND SCODRffiG WORKS, LIL LLANDAFF ROAD, CARDIFF. Branch Establishment: — 77. Crockhprbtown, and 248. Rute-st., CirdifF. L2, Commercial-street, and 83, High street, j Nowp irt. 11 27, Castle-street, Swansea. Å,/f-?d far the h')mn(M(i Valley:— Mr. J. H. THOMAS, T>ulor^& Draper, Harmah-street, Portli. Ureal Reditu Atfpe Utn'ttl and Digesoe,-# St'ivytk follows the use 01 Pepper a Q nuiuc and Iron I on-a 1'1 iRfnsmc new life so the nerves, enrschiug the atood, aud etrengtbening tbo muscular system. rjaiptoms of weakntss disappear, appetite returns, /atique ceases, and recruited health resnlts. Insist ell haviu<j Pepper's Tonic. It can now be obtained to 2s. 6d. bottles. Sold everywhere. It costs abou; vad. each dose. ( Taraxacum and Podothyllin.—A liver medicine "vith OlE mercury, is a mixtnre of jaices of the mandrake aud dandelion plants, tfood for headache, terpidity, coptivenass, flatolence, heartburn, indigestion, hiUnusuess, repnguance to food, general discomfort 1 v-pre_s3iaa, &c. Pepper's Taraxacum Podophvilir., J! stimulating the liver with a most I!,ON'»! actiou cj st ;niacb, is the safest, lUost reliable niedicir. bottles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Insist on haii- r Pepper's. To Darken Grey Rair.—Lockyer's Sulphur Uriii Restorer prodaees & perfectly nataral shade in a fap. d ys. No hair restorer offered is equal to Lockyr't Solphar for its beautifyiug cleansing action on tl.i h*.i', causing it always to grow. Large bottles, Is. V S 1J everywhere. Deafness, noises in the ear, &c.—DellaC's Es?'.i■:? ft-r deafness is still the only remedy of f.ny resl worth. Its power of clearing the ear passages an? oftos relieving old case3 has been proved daring c qnaiterof a century. Applied 0B eottoo wool. Butf u E 13. lid, Sold everywhere. A Delightful Flavour.—Gracroffs Arcca Nut Tent! Pui/e.—By using thi3 delicious Aromatic Dentiflrice fcl'ci f iiamel of thfi toptVi hpn.nmoc Rnnnrl nr»/l p .tii bed like ivory. It it) exceedingly fragrant, anc Eve ially used for removing incrustation of tartar or noglscted teeth' Sold by all chemists. Pots, Is. auc 2s. eicb. Get Cracroft s. Liver Complaint.—Three fourths of our fanctijna curangeiccnts are caused by interruptions ci thi liver's action. A few doses King's Dandelion anc Quiuine Pills," without mercary, ere a potent reru; dy l'hov perform all the benefits of mercury without air 1 its disadvantages and dangers. Dr King's l'il r novea.11 liver aLl stomach complaints, bilioujees? beuuacbes, Bickness, shoulder p-ains, heaitbun), indi eaiion, constipation, so ensuring perfect L?.dth Tueso old fashioned Pills still keep aLea' of all cthe: •i- tiis grea; lirer remedy. Sold eveij where. 1 i. King's Liver Pills, containing caudaiori v .mt, without mercury, are iar above all ctacr t I- •:rc-st, mili.-jt means of removing i^.i^cetici. vL5i]css, headache, dyspepsia, c'oslir.cti.'uq 81:" a -gTilarities of the liver and Bt jmach, to ear.we health. Dr Stag's Pills arc cold ever: e L c-. To Stop Coughing, a few doses of Penpal's Wtii: 'Jongh Mixtore arrests the moat ti'ooliicsome fit "c -■oiishing, restoring relief aud trauqui'.lity to tfe. 'iritatcd memfcranes and &ir paasagos. fcootbiii;- ■!u:ulcrtiog and demulcent, its action isqdteciffttei .t.rnordiuary Cough Remedies. Botile*. Said every For gargling the throat and moath Use Pepper' Tiling Throat Gp.r^le. An application ol grea' service for sore threat, whether inlf?.mmaiio«, tekxec or ulcerated. Taniug Gargle is strongly recommended t0 speakers, singers, &e., a3 greatiy preservative r.Ut ujUiining. It is also a purifier as a mouth wash -eing siugnlavly agreeable, astringent aud clcausing EoUlas. Sjld eveivwheie. Sulnliolme Soap is a Soap containing Sulploline,— Jt is a delicate;} refiued, chemically pure Soap, iiiteuded .or geneia' use, f.nc! is free from tnc injurious acrid oils, peea'iar to common, imperfectly prepared 9oapa. Sulpkoline Siap is excellent for washing at all times, and rendering the skiu soft, clear, and pliable. 'Xdbletj, Cd each. Sold eveiywbere. To ensure a clear sl:i,n.~Sulplioline Lotion cleaps I tr all impurities in a few days. Spots, Blemishes, irritating Objectionable Appearances, Redness, i tonghncss, Tan, Uncomfortable-Skin Disfigurements ic., however obstinate, entirely fade away, leaving she skin smooth, transparent, supple, natural and lealthy. Perfectly harmless. Salnholine is delight- ally fragrant, ccoiing and refresuiag: counteracts he effects of weather,'softens and frtwityes, Bottles 2s. 9d Sold even where. ># Corns, Bunions, and-Enlarged Toe Joictfl.—Dear's Oi>rn and Buuion Plasters are the only remedy. They h £ fer from nil plasters, shields or composition? ever ■ uvented. By iustantiy softening the callous 6ar. founding the pain goes at once, the corn socn follow- iug. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require mote time for perfect cure. but the actios is ostein. Boxes Sold by airChetuists, <&c., lverywbere- GEECHAM'3 PILLS. I^EKCHAM S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. D For Bilions Attacks. T)EECHA\rs PILLS JD For Nervous Disorders. t BEECHAM'S PILLS D For Indigestion in al! its forms. BttiKJUAM'S PILLS D For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. BEECHAM'o PILLS For Sick Headache. BEECHAM' PILLS B Have saved the lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS For Giddiness. n EEC HAM'S PILLS B For Fulness and Swellings after meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAXL' PII,LG BEECHAM'S PILLS A Wonderful Medicine ftr Females of all Ages. EECHAMI.-T PILLS B Are adipted for Old ani Young. DEECHAM'S PILLS For D.zziness and Drowsiness. O GECHAM'S PILLS For Colds, Chills, Flushings of Heat. BEECHAM'S PILLS B Will restore the Rosebud of Health to all who use them. B !,ECIIAIII'S PILLS For Coadveness and Scarvy. llEECllAWS PILLS For Blotches on tha Skin. PL'nrT J r. m. T r T r* juj VaZJKJXXA. 1 0 riijLo For Disturoed Sleep and Frightful Dreams. B FILLS Are the Hest Medi-ino for Female Complaints. OEECIIAM'S PILLS Tt:e F.tft Doaa gives Relief in Twenty Minutes. B rECTiA-II'S PILLS Are the Finest Med oine in the World. 1J EEC HAM'S PILLS For Siok Hoadd-che. IjBlECHAM'i' PILLS u.. u ,L Are recooimended by Medical Men. JGEECHAM'S PILLS Have tLo Latest: Sil- of any Patent Medicine in the World. T>EECHAM'S PILLS .> Are s .Id by all Patent Medicine Deale: a J^EECHA.M'S TILLS JjEECHAVi's PILLS I RICHTEIM m>A T. F "v "COMET" TIKSITMATISM, GOITTJ^OACK) W* JOINTS, £ T3ALGIA, His br,-av,^ SCIATICA, relief and cure evoa Gi^S AII^S, in cases of old stan iin?. x ■ w COLDS, A tna,l Wid prove it« u isur- JR.- passed efSfca-sy. 0x »i\|a Chemists, or Post Frc-? 1'3 & 3' fniuW" Loudon Depot, •55, Foaohurch-St., E.C. fie^vart of Substitutes bearing a similar Title. CAN BE OBTALxED OF W. E. KEY, Eg and CVO) Tail St, Fontyprilld. ¡ i n'KK POCKET at EPICAL ADVlSKil. ktV .• f"r '"e Self'' rratnrr.t 0/ AVri-m.K „nd fvne- F K t!°nal b.. Urr.rv-.rk. L— *»*#*<. am' other to. rrati. -j „.v<. „d t.'wir {yfr BY T-HK .NEW MK.Vf. fr¥\m 8i\? A tf" al1 '-elf-cure wiHiout E V A'f-rVc-uv E V A'f-rVc-uv f.-)-. /i at*ntry p r*t/n wrifta Ui-w.— Y-.ur Guide bits ouit-U my.HCMf a^tl n.a»y nnriSjfiouar'A, fTM, with Siet'-?it'K arm ftcailn f./r Self Cure >v\e Fi'om J. WILLIAAIS, MtdiL-iU I'uhtleuer U& i. No. 22, MAKl*CnALST.# ABliKOEKN. ABliKOEKN. ABliKOEKN. I. IMPORTANT. This brochure gives intact "The Guaianteed Creatment," as advocated by 400 distinguished medical atd other autborkies, and prot-cied bv H. r M..j sty's Royal Lettets Patent, of dates 18S7 a:,d 1872. Sufferers should p-rocure this handy Ef feree 00 Nervous Ailments. trd thus avoid doctors' fees end objectionable medicine.- Gazette. Vide MEDICAL ADVISER. la oRa Is PILE AND GIUYEL PILLS. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY WHAT WILL IT DO2 "II! Mit Is more than Gold to ne,-it sayed my life." VxTi^C WILL IT DO P tVMAT WILL IT DO P »V*BAT WILL IT DO P V-,L-;tW WH,L IX DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOf WHAT "SPILL IT DO ? *HAT WILL IT DO? W d, WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WLJLL IT DO? WTLAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT \^1LL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT no p WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? VHAT WILL IT DO P •vHAT WILL IT DO P vVEAC WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOP WH \T WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? 5R';AT WILL IT DO,? VJ II AT WILL IT DO? *N VT WILL IT DO? £ HAT WILL IT DOP WHAT WILL IT DO? WFI AT WILL IT 1)0? WHAT IfiLL IT DO? WHIT WILL IT DO? WilAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? v'illkT WILL IT DO? ;s AT WfLL IT DO? -.m \T WILL IT DO? I{ AT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? V/HAT WILL IT Pi) II WTFAT WILL IT DO, WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO? V/HAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? H AT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHiT WI LL IT DO P ,I L T WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? »V 11 AT WILL IT DO? W13 IT VV'iLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IR or P WHAT WILL IT ))0, WHAT WILL IT DOp WHAT WILL IT DO P WHAT WILL IT DO IfyooaaBferPAttf b the BACK aad Loots, or batir«an the SHOULDERS, this retnedjwiU effestually remove them. If Foa are troubled tith IMITATION of the BLADOKR, SuppMsHOt and Ektomtion of the %1>er, STOMA or GSAVSL, the OI«.T Sajb esectual Kemedy kvs»0^(cbkd TO THE WOKLD is GSOBGM's p> and GRAVJIL PILLS. If the water is Has COLOUBSD, THICK, aad depositing mueb OKDIMBNT, lose no time.protiure a box of Gaoaaa's PILLS, and you will soon be RIGHT again- If your K.ftlnejo aud Liver are sluggish and out 0: order, this Remedy will genfclj »tl tUeae important organs, opec up their CLoaasD PAS^<53?,and promote the secretion of ifteSkitiiy olio a.nd other vttfttt fluia If you are a m%tyr to and Contitipatio", you have a SuM Eemscly in GtsoBaa's PILI.S. If you suffer fromaoy Bowel disorder, such aa &»iles, COb. Colic, you hare here a Remedy you can always rely uJbn. If you suffur from rill III tnttoym, and are afraid that your KBABT ia affacted, yon wiU fiad these Pilli an EFFICACIOUS RiCMJliur. If you alld. GilliiilieiS, Gecrgc'fc Pills will reuaove tlieae Pains sooner than aay other knowD InIPAieitle. If ¡UI1 have .8a" after Katiasr, and fael 53r<JK(v&j ub0 ■jMCICSS, one doseof George's Pills will act like a charm. If your Food tlO'ttS Sour and rises into the mouth, a few doaes of thit Remedy will tuaka your troubles a thing of the past. If you feel lyeus, and LOft SPlivite- a parfect AMTIDOTB will be found in Gao- ^»'3 Pilla. If you have a in the anuth. < SINGLE DosB of Gere's fije and Gravel Pilla at bsd-tiuie will the tongue before th( diwu of another day. If Sleep ails 10 gire yoa Rest. Try George's Pills. Tuay wil I make your bed easy, iloap refreshing, and Esviva your Sxsensth. If youfeel unfittor EXertion, Wew&k, and this Remedy will res tote your ENEBGY and SiBSNeTH, and will maki abour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of your life. If You are troabbd with Nausea a 110Mtilln|: at the thovj'bt of eatings "bOX of George's Pilla vill make your meat and dtiLIL Lett ?AvooPJaod PLSASANT. It your BloOI is impare, it will keep open all the importas outlets of the body^ind thus give free exit to all GEOSS HuiiotRO and no more KljjOOMXu«purlties will be seen bu'sJrg through the Skin ia ^in&ples. JEtlotcItes, sores, Boils. In thousands oleasei; it has removed from the Blood, root ami branch, Il!ieu%tic. Scerbu$ic, SCVofulcumi Takte that had defied all ttber Esmedisa. to DtiillSiffSl Swclllwgt thia Remedy, by its aoti)11 upon the Sidneys and SKIN, will soon bricg Belief. If you have UlflSCOUy of Breaihlnj-, this remedy will provo a friend to Jm in the hour of nead. It will chauge ,our constant ailijag to freedom from pain. It will change the 811110W complexion to tha bloom of eealtl2. It will sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and your general qjbikty to firmness of sinew and muscle. It is ApC'i CUf, therefore will remove C CR-,i ?.. pi&tlOB. It £ A»tUblIIOM9, and will, therefore, ccrre t nil regularities of thj Liver. Jt it Diuretic, and will» therefore keep open the watjr passages. It is Tonic, and will, there give tone and vigour to the DIOSSTIVB OSOINI. It is ISI<u •;». Fui'iryiitf li 6i,ve*8trflOfft3ienius' it is, therefore ALL YOU WASt. j These World-renowned Pills are solct evermore, in Boxes 1/li and 2/P each. |fc ^c 4 $. y '( -j.^ i. i^ wmmMm§, tt tt DtKofon: anil Tonlo ffisSe fromP WU r Uf Jjifr'f! E'.iirfcoi of Mean *ad Exuiwct o £ MAH N atrit;C«' F.tirnulatitig, Flejh-fornirojr, anA rtiftorijjff; tmuw* tat the Hobaal in KsaZjfc M weU uTl. »a> tUii. ft-.FIY rMtmmnM »Y Ou ift&.W r—mllf. Irr:\x.'t"t:tt. ansoacited Testtiaoclul fron. ,7: S- L.R.O.P., L.F P.S. bju-rt. U«n t«c«lT»d frasi MadlMj M«, 84, Atton r.oad. N., Rrrminghftm, FJefumbur n&AJ; If.ifa,—1 beg to ackiiovlcdg# receipt of JitruplC.f Mrnr. «.nd Mr.H Wino," *l«o env; yot2 »Vt V"-ve.now.Tweaty Patl«9» 1 **? a flefti-formiiig, wad tltfsng'fch proiti^- ,l<i second 1o ncn*, being equally *»>i forni-2 of demlity. Vours foiiihfally, « t HOPKINS, Col«a"i £ *i & Co. Tt.R.QuP. L.F.P.St tflli by tli DrntrWina Mirclmato. c-id P&t«at M«"j jfic# Veneer* in the Uiatad KitiXdorn, hi ?a. 9A. ASIS for COTJEMAN'B LIBBIO'S EITEACT- 4 ANO MILT WIN E, AND 11 "4 that you 904 fe, 't tkaro is fcKT d.ffic.nhv in Kottiag the WitM, wri4* th. J«ai!ufa<?4urer»t who will Wwu4 VU P'm TIottlo fre* by Pogt on tMtiti of JM si-smtrl- r „ Rail II 101. tots i^sSUTACJ CO., St. J* old ly I). A KNOTT, Chemist, Poi>t ypri^< "SiSTOrnogs; tovea positive remedy for the above dis,,ase by it%o ^jou-ands of eases of the worst kind and of *ong £ tan<—» '«tvc been cr-ed. Indeed, so strong is my faitt* in its effici* T ^T111 BOND TW0 BOTTLES FREE, together wiff VALUABLE TRLATISE on this disease to any buS&m Sive '-ddj-eas in full. DR. T. A. SLOCCM- VTUM 'S*>#HRL! Farriagdon Street, London. -•-) I ?R MIGRATION CLUB-WEEKLY CONTPTL -U71 TONS to any auiouKt received andacknow- l(aT d Everv fl>cility tlud protection to passengers. Comfortable U'rl-iij^s 'at Liverpool arranged for at ;o\voat race- Special arrangements lor parties. A^ent for all lines t > any part of the world, Tickets <>n I.ne sp'it, Aiiievicaii passas attended to. Lowest fare-3 qcotecl..Send stamped envelope to JAMES IlOBEPvTB, Licensed Passenger Agent, South Wales Emigration Offices, Pontypridd. Messrs JOSS THOMAS & MORGAN Auctioneers, Accountants, Valuer*, Estate and Insurance Ageuts. STRICT ATTJL'XTIOX TO BUSINESS. OFFICES: — Market Street, PONTYPRIDD. IF YOU WANT Posters, Circulars, Programmes, n i And all kinds of General Work WELL AND CHEAPLY PRINTED, Go to the „ CHTlO..V rOLE Office, POXTYPRIDD. CHRISTMAS 1388. — • t N. Berry & Co's GRAND CELEBRATION s of the WORLD'S EIGHTEEN HUNDRED & EIGHTY EIGHTH CHRISTMAS. A BRILLIANT BAZAAR Is now, a* usual, being held upon the Premises— ■ 31, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, f THE FIRM'S WELL-KNOWN Household Furnishing Woreboase Handreds of Thousands of Toys of all kinda, Thousands of Dolld to please the young minds, Games without end, that will cause Iota ef fan, Mechanical Toys that can walk, alio run, Magic Lanterns, with Slides, for evening entertainments, Presents for gents who with ladies make en- gagements, Tons weight of Novelties from a penny, cam be bought, J Alphabet Blocks, by which children are I taught, J Rattles and Playthings for those that car'nt talk, Go Carts for infants tuat cannot yet walk, t Purses, Sachels, Hand Bags, in all shades | of colour, 1 The prettiest of Bon-bons that could not well be fuller, « Bagatelle Boards, Cribbage, also Drafts and Chess, If you do not know the ertma you soon get in a mess, Photographic Albums, and Photographic Opals, Don't fail to see the Christmis ones, we hire not seen their equal, Thousands of other articles too numsroua to mention, Wonderfully che^p and simple, and all the latest invention, V Then visitors to Cardiff who wish to save their fare, Should certainly call at BERRY'S, the prices to compare, For every one is sure to say, they are won- derfully cheap and good, As Berry s Motui has always been, to do the, public good. Curiosities, Wonders, llovelties. Speciali- ties, Rareties, and Funniosities, Imported direct from all parts of the Globe ¡. I Berry's Christmis Calabratioas are now Household words. BERRY'S MEOHANIOAL FIGURES attiact the attention of thousands. BEREty' ESTABLISHMENT is fully recognised as the Cheapest in Cardiff. BERRY'S FURNirUBB SilOWROOMS r contain an entire now Stock for the n tj Christmas Season. J DSTO VSLTIES In Drawing-Room Suites. Novelties in Dining. Room Suites. Novelties in Bed- room Suites Noreltios in Sideboards, Cheffioneers, Cabinets, OvermlIl tles, Pier Glasses, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawees. Duchesse Tables, Carpets, Ironmongery, Bedsteads, CutUwy, Ele(tro-plate, Pictures, Artificial Plants and Flowers, and General Fancy Goods. EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE T ly 1.4 N. BERRY & COMPANY'S GRAND CHRISTMAS DISPLAY j Everything New and Everything cheap BERRY AND CO. 34, QUEEN STREET, J CARDIFF /$ J