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THE WAR tN THE TRANSVAAL. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7. V ^BOER INVASION OF NiTAL. V ARRIVAL O0« BRITISH REINFORCE- MENTS. Under date of the 6th inst., the Times' corre- pondent at Durban telegraphs:- The Boers havi crossed the border, have occu- pied Langsnek about 150 strong, and have patrolled up to the River Iflgogo, whioh is about 16 miles from N*wea«tle. The Boers, under Commandant Vilgeon, went to the Landdrost of Utrecht, and demanded the keys of his office, which were given up under protest. Landdrost Rudolpb was then taken prisoner, and sent under escort to Hiidelberg. All his cash and papers were taken. Mt. Silverlock, a clerk in the land- drost's office, was nt across the river under an armed escort. The following, is from the Standard's corre- spondent in the lame town Her Majesty' ship Boadicea has arrived from Cape Town; she Unds a rocket battery and a naval brigade of her seamen acd marines. They will at once proceed to the front, The Boers' patrolling party have now advanced to a spot within 10 mi'es of Newcastle, aim upon fheir way øeized Mr. Walker, a magistrate at Savouy'san the Natal territory, but he has since been released. The statement of Captain Lambart, of the 21st,whe has arrived at Matftzburg, has now been made publlo. He and Captain IJlliot, Of the 9th, were released,and were furnished with a horse, a cart, and an escort to see them safe into the Free State. It was the men of this eicort who opened Ate upon the two officers when the oart was crowing a river. Captain Elliott was killed; Captain lainbftt then leaped from the cart, and, by diving and owitming, made his way to the opposite bank. Thence he made his way down on foot. He received no asshtance from the resident Boers on hili journey. The "Hirder of Captain Elliott has greatly added to the gelleral excitement and indig- nation. A correspondent at Harrismith has received the fol. towing acoonnt from drummer boy of the 94th, who has arrived there with the released prisoners. They were conducted ftoJJ1 Heidelberg to the ford close to Frankfort. The boY B%ya.On the way they knee- haltered me like a borse, with my head fastened olose to my knees, as an example to my comrades what to cxpect if they Mve trouble. In this condition I was driven over 80 mllfs. The ford was very deep, but the Boers gave us the choice whether we would be shot or toy to get across. So we tried, and managed to get over. All our officers were shot. The Colonel's hat, with five bullet holes in It, was left at Cloete. The Boots have a band with instruments." The mounted men patrolling Buffalo Drift threatened to kill the 16 pritonen of the 21st on their why to Kiciberley. The Oape Town correspondent of the same paper states that the 16 soldiers sent to Kim- berley were only released on condition of their giving their promise not to serve again during the war. The mail steainir Teaton, which has Just sailed for South Africa, took out 1,050,000 rounds of amrauut- tion for the use of the troops in Natal. Instructions hate bean received from the War Office by the officer in command of the powder JUga- ziues at Upnor, Chatl\m, for the despatch of between three and four Hii lion cartridges to the seat of war in South Africa. The] will be sent out in cases of con- venient size, sothat thty may be the more easily noved up the country. From information leceived in this country from Basutoland, says the daily News, it appears that there has been much exaggeration as to the losses of the Basutos. A correspondent says that in the tattle at Kalabane and at jerothodi's village, and also in the first fight at Kolo (Golah), there were not alto- Sether 100 killed on "he side of the Basutos. In the rat" engagement at Kolo the casualties were 12, whilst the reports <f the colonial troops made the loss amount to wmahundrods. The natives, in fact, considered the Koloengagement a success for them. AtONiAY, JANUARY 10. REPORTED SURRENDER OF PRETORIA. THE BOBtl PROCLAMATION. According to tb, Durban correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, it is reported there, on the authority of one just arrived from the Trans- vaal, that the British garrison in Pretoria has surrendered. Tit., Boers, under Kruger, are said to have cut Iff the water, thus forcing the garrison to Bubirt. The correspondent states, however, that tfe report requires confirmation. The Times' coriespondent in the same town telegraphs The Boers attcked Wakkerstroom on tee 7th Inst., but were remised. They have become more confident and baviamumed a very menacing attitude. They at first seemfl inclined to invade Natal, but on a remonstrance froi Sir George Colley they recrossed the border. All th mounted police have been ordered to the Transvaal Lvder, where our farmers are falling back. There are late numbers of Dutch sympathisers with the Boers in Natal. The TnujnvirAe declare that the first shot was fired by the liritia soldiers at Potchefstroom. They have sent letters to Messrs. Brand and Sprigg,claiming sympathy from ^»e former and intervention with the British Qove'1*nent from the latter. They charge Sir Owen Lknyco with a deliberate falsehood in say- ing that they harainoited the natives against the Go. vernment, and ^>rt that he has armed the natives against theia, 'i\ey appeal to Sir George Colley. and repeatedly k of their respect for the Queen and the people of E* £ knd. The proclamation issued by the Triumvirate ends In these terms '32. All the Inhabitants of this oountry who wil» leep themselves quiet and obedient to the isi*! stand under tne protection of the laws. eple desire to be forgiving to all burghers of the South African Republic who, by circumstances, bM3 been brought to desert for the time being the part of he people, but it cannot promise to extend this foroviness to those burghers of the South African Republi" who assume the position of open enemies the feople and continue to deceive the English Gjverflfltat by their untruthful represen- tations. 33. Al* jfficials who Berve the Government now, and who stable and willing to serve under-the altered circumstances of the country, shall have a claim to retain their places and such advantages as their PpsitioU tow affords to them. 34. To the English Goverpmj;it the right Is reserved to main- tain in our coiinby a consul, or diplomatic agent, the interests of British subjects. 36. The different over boundaries with natives shall be submitted to arbitration. 37. For the native policy the Qovefnhent is prepared to accept general principles to be "^ided upon after deliberation with the Colonies »pd States of South Africa. 38. The Republic is prepMng to confederate with the Colonies and States 0f St«th Africa. Finally, we declare and make knotf11 to all and everybody that from this day the cotintrf « declared to be in a state of siege and under the J'lons of martial law." The 48 survjvori of the 94th Regiment are now in Natal and reporl being treated by the Transvaal Boers with great Indignity. The Bastes Uve recrossed the Drakensberg into Griqualand Esstj but were repulsed with the loss of 60 men. The Pnd08 and natives everywhere are much exited. The Cabe Town correspondent of the same paper writes:—> The Boers ^committing excesses on the western borders of Natal. They have occupied Zurust, com- pelling popple t°ioin them, and beating and menacing with death Mft uoffat, the official protector of tfie natives. Theyha>g also entered the Baratong country, to seize an jlngfoh trader resident there. They were, howeveh repulsed by the chief, Monsipa. From its special correspondent at Pieterma. ritzburg the batty Telegraph, has reoeived the following The whole country is the hands of the Republicans except the fort ay works at Pretoria, the fort at Stan. derton, and possibly the fort at Potchefstroom. I hear from Captain Lambart, who was taken pri- soner by the #>»W, aI?d released on parole from their main army at Iteidelberg, that Colonel Winslow and other officsfg At potchefstroom were believed to be dead, and tfc»t the fort was reported to have fallen. It is noi> pfOV^J that no civilians were murdered in rotchefstro,Do, aw was erroneously reported at the first alarm. The Boers have not executed the alleged threat to shoot Commandant Raaf. He and Major Clarke are defaced as prisoners. More released soldiers Art d.i1 arriving at Kimberley and in Natal. Sixty-two ell of the 94th under parole are now at ColeUso on the Tugela river. The t' srr4y consists of three divisions, which are distributed as follows :-(1) A corps of obser- vation Is Plaoed at Meek, on the native border, two miles from the Watat boundary. 2. The second corps is on the Waterfall River, with the headquarters at Heidelberg. S. he third division is at Potchefstroom. Commanfojjt funeral Joubert has personally as sumed command of the Boer force at Meek. Their advanced twt is on the Ingogo river, where an en- gagement tntf he expected within at most six days, both side8 belDlt on the alert, and the Boers fre. quently "Proing our front. They deny invading Natal, inasmuch ag they claim the Ingogo as their true bound\ry, Jilany colonial surveyors nave allowed this as the bropet border of the Transvaal territory. The Calcutta Correspondent of the Timet states that In addition to tllt troops already mentioned, the 92nd Highlander lately returned from Afghanistan, and the 83rd poo". from Belgaum, have been ordered to the Cape. If$ it stated that the 73rd Regiment, from LucknoWi is »Jso to be sent there. The services of the 11th Bengal lancers, who volunteered to go, have apparently not been accepted. The time-expired men of the 2nd B^lion 60th Rifles, who were about to go hontf ^Vance of the battalion, have ail volui^ tesred to %ojpH)f*ny It to the Cape.


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