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_n_-m- LAMBERT'S | FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, | HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. j ,J: 'i')-:o: WHOLESALE WINE AND SPtRIT MERCHANT. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Speoial and personal attention paid to this Department. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNIMG GAR IIAGES u a AT SEASONABLE RATES. 0 London and ',forth-Western Railway Parcels Agent. THE CHARINOMCROSS BASK Established, 1870. HHAD OBNCBSi 28, BBDFOBD-8TR.E-mT, OHARING OROSS, St, BlSBOPSGATE STREET WITHIN, E.C. f' Branches at Uveapooi, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, ko., &o. Assets .• £ 1,186,249 0 0 Liabilities. 796,788 0 0 Surplus ».•• £ 339,461 0 0 LOANS of ASO to "2,000 granted at a few hours ftotioe in town or oonntry, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plans, etOpI, he., without removal, and to assist persons Into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, ) for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. IISJ repayments. Striotly private. M PER OENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balanoes of OUBBENT AOOOlJNTS when net drawn below A20. Deposits of "10 and upwards received as nadei :— lkbjeot to 3 months* notice Of withdrawal Ab per seat u ( 1 1 if 6 4 9 cc It 44 7 « Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tax The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per oent., and are a safe investment, Instead of paying large Dividends to Shareholders. We pay fair rates of Interest to our Depositors, and bf so doing have earned the position that we un- doubtedly bold in the Pnblio confidence. We have keen established for 37 years, and our unique position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the Stoom of our business methods, and to the satis- faction of out customers. Write c>! oall. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, H. J, TALL. lain HAMACMBS JOHN HENRY CONLON, BILL POSTER, &c., if HOLYWELL. n. iM Potting Station* in the Dktriet. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. I llXOLYWEU, COUNTY SCHOOL CHAIBMAH OF THB Govrojross: J. L. MUSPRATT, ESQ,. J.P. VICB-QHAMKBN MRS JOHNSON JONES. ALDERMAN PETER JONES, J.P. HHAJDXAHTJSB J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. Thaohiwo STAFF J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. (Oxoir). J. T. MORGAN, B.Se. (Loire.), Trained Certificated Master. B. J. OWEN, B.A. (WAMS), Exhibikonan and Priseman of University Golleae of North Wales. HUGH G. MORRIS, Trained Certificated Master. L. OWEN, B.A. WALBB), Honours in English Language and Literature. L. M. SMITH, B.A. (LQVDOK), Honours in French. LCTQY D. WELITE, M.A., L.A,A., Honours in Latin, Greek and French; Medalist in Botany. Ifusio (Instiumental): O. LEWIS-JONES, Kus. BAC., L.R.A.M. For Prospeetns, List of Sueoesses, &o., apply to he HBASXASVBB, or to F. LLEWELLYN-JONES, Clerk to the Governors, r HolfweH. Property Owners, Estate Agents, AND OTHERS. ROBERT LLOYD, JOXN ER, IS prepared to Execute all kinds of REPAIRS TO PROPERTY, ALTERATIONS, Eto., at the most reasonable terms. ALL OBDHBB JeBOMPTL* AXtBNXkBS TO. FUNERALS FURNISHED. • Estimates Given. < Address > STONEYOROFT, BRYNFORD. f v it pays to &oy Mho-BEST* me»t§ || I BENSON'SZl^l I "LUDGATE" WATCH 4 8 15 THE BEST. 1 c*seB* I BAf A D -Til, 0, I-RTER PLATE Iever Wal-ch. Chronometer Ba-1.%Ltce, ail T.,utcst Im. PrOvementq, found in )ihe?- wza-ker's IJ- 9B Made in Three Sizasj at one Price," 5s. B •! ■ M&S Y jMlMgi (In Massive 18-ct. Gold Cases, v/jth Crystal Glass, If ■ ML 3ST £ U f|9l Gentlemen's, £ 12 12s. Ladies, £ 10 10s.) H I OBOK Ctiaes" r™ I I 1 ^8P0S^ with Order, 9 succsssivePay- | I msnts oflO/- each for the £ 5:ggfl Watch. | ■ For Gold atcfa, Monthly Pajmeats of ^1 *ls. 1 J ^W^OI^'S^liBiS,IS I ■ | BENSON'S do not charge B I /#F" ~%x A '.lAffii 1 V extra for buying by H ■ Blihit's, or rfPDPh'ros RrilHant. TJ.rhins or H PfeUSa»alloS 2 8 111 L|| 9 §| ■ J^L.' aiid BriLii«,v/S3. vS20, 8;n>r>v>4~- *>.? t5s.| *re*a™WM^Y,c,7EM ™ ■ J I fifths I Tv: 0^1, of Watches, Cihains. I If ■ V- AVU '« f > 3 IIIIIJST14TED I or.d .Tewtilery. ■ flf H a"1 i f Vo 2 oi Clonks, Imperial ■ j! I 800SCS I plate," and Bags, B :f B Bnlljws. &A /r~ T- I rppp | No 3, of Silver Articles for ■ |f B ST.- \r^ L-fuaants, £ 12. Bnll ^pis, ~<lO IOs.| § presonts. ■ VT -T; «2&64, LUDQATE HILL, LOWBOW, E.C. J I msnts oflO/- each for the £ 5:ggfl Watch. | ■ For Gold atcfa, Monthly Pajmeats of ^1 *ls. 1 J ^W^OI^'S^liBiS,IS I The lowest Pricas. gs ■ | BENSON'S do not charge B I /#F" ~%x A '.lAffii 1 V extra for buying by H ■ Blihit's, or rfPDPh'ros RrilHant. TJ.rhins or H PfeUSa»alloS 2 8 111 L|| 9 §| ■ J^L.' aiid BriLii«,v/S3. vS20, 8;n>r>v>4~- *>.? t5s.| *re*a™WM^Y,c,7EM ™ ■ J I fifths I Tv: 0^1, of Watches, Cihains. I If ■ V- AVU '« f > 3 IIIIIJST14TED I or.d .Tewtilery. ■ flf H a"1 i f Vo 2 oi Clonks, Imperial ■ j! I 800SCS I plate," and Bags, B :f B Bnlljws. &A /r~ T- I rppp | No 3, of Silver Articles for ■ |f B ST.- \r^ L-fuaants, £ 12. Bnll ^pis, ~<lO IOs.| § presonts. ■ VT -T; «2&64, LUDQATE HILL, LOWBOW, E.C. J J "EA R L ll088 HOLT WELL. '4It TAILOR AfiO GENERAL OUTFITTER. :o: NEW GOODS IN WOOLLEN CLOTHS, Suits made to order, from 27s. 6d. to 86S. Trousers made to order, from 7s nd. to 34s. :0: Hundreds of Patterns'fV; Select trøm New (foods in Rainproof and other iverzoats ready for immediate mwr* 0: LADIES AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING A SPECIALITY :o: 1 — AQEitT FOB PCJLLA&'S PE&TH DYE WORKS. 7r~ EYESIGHT I 1\1' J" 1 TESTED FREE. r 0 A. SCHWA RZ, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, 7, WHITFORD STREET, B OL YWELL, Has a Private Room fitted up with complete apparatus for testing the sight. If you have any trouble with your eyes; do not delay, come and have them tested, it co,, you. nothing. Should Glasses be needed they are fitted at moderate charges. If Glasses are not needed you will. be frankly toldfso. :o; — Special attention given to Oculists' Prescriptions. T irio i-cot fBrowne*$ g/v* £ ) TheORIGINALand QWLY GENUINE. M Mf The Beet Remedy known for Admitted by the-Professuai Bf uniiAIIO AMI NA Iffii111! to be the Most Valosbli m COUGHS, COLDSi Remedy ever disoovered. ■ ■ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. |^| .t^TiPASMsf I m AnilCII&fiDTinil The only Palliative in R m IEUM16I1. TOOTHACHE, # DIARRHOEA. B GOUT, RHEUMATISM. M OHOL.ERA and Overwhtslming Medical Testi- DYSENTERY. H|HB| fflony accompanies each bottle. "Z^D XJr BOTTLES Mr ALJ:, CHEXIS-TA, at 1/11. 9/9. and illS each. f ————————————————————— j Him II Willi lull 'id.w'IHi III lllllll II Willi miii.lMIIIIIIM |||||jin|Mln|ninimiM^—— "M "For the Blood is the Life!" therefore keep it pure. LF CLARKE'S 1) .BLOOD MIXTURE-) THE WOBLD-FAMEO BLOOD PURIFIER, > rR clMUHiM. M»d djarfng the blood of all ^THOUSANDS of Testimonials have been ft??*1"a,fwrar cause anaixig, I received from all parts. Read the following: "CIvM Bteed Mixture (»nnot be bettered. Abscesses Cured.—Mrs. Clark, of 40, North-st., U hwi vrmr 40 y*ar« reputation, and is to-day Tunbridge Wells, writes "Gentlemen,—I had «ar« popular tflan ever, tne reason being un- been stffferinjj from abscesses for many years, do*bUdiy'becau>e it is recognised throughout and after taking four bottles of your Blood Mix- tfee WOflTKl' to be the only sale, thorough and ture am perJectly cured, and have not had the lastingremedyfor mmw—1—, 11 slightest sign of KTTiSuS: CURES KRMAIEMTU S5^So^ (llctruuiscecsest v B tniHIIIISra B a sufferinc from the E«i)S, Pimples, ■ -j same disease. BlfftwlSS, Spots, Sores, ^Eruptions of every kind, After giving him two bottles of your medicine BlOOd Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. Clarke's ho was eured, although at the time he was such Blood Mixture is pleasant to the_ taste, and an awful sight that T was ashamed for anyone warranted free from anything injurious to the to see hisn. abscesses being all over his body. BlfftwlSS, Spots, Sores, Eruptions of every kind, Aftei- giving him two bottles of your medicine BlOOd Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. Clarke's ho was eured, although at the time he was such Blood Mixture is pleasant to he. taste, and an awrul sight that I was ashamed for anyone warranted free from anything injurious to the to see hisn. abscesses being all over his body. most delicate constitutions of either sex, irom You can 'nake use of this testimonial so that it infancy to old age, and the Proprietors solicit may reach other poor sufferers far and near, as MflfcrMra to give it a trial to test its value. g 1 think it u.remecty everyone should know." QSKIN BLOOD J DISEASES h I OF EVEElf OESORiPTION. Of all Chemists and Stores, 2/9 per bottle- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. /;r, .A.L8. THE BABIllT COAL CO., LIMITED T) E G to notify their Customers that they are now in a position to supply Coal at Bettisfleld Colliery AS UNDERs— Best Honse Goal 8d. per cwt. Cobbles- 7Jd. Small Nuts 61d. It Slaok 4id. Terms:-Cash at Weigh Cabin. /1. ADVANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED (Incorporated 1888). Regiotecsd Capital, £ 100,400. Subsoribed, £ 50,400. DIBBOTOBS ;— SIB ROBERT A. HAKPSON,, J.P., OHAiaatm. THOS. SUMMERFIELD. Esa., lAVES J. riMMIS, ESQ., JOSEPH HENRY WILD, ESQ. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT Subject to 3 days' notioe, 4 per osnt. 14 •' 5 » 6 months (1 Advances granted oa Marketable Seeorities. For the convenience of Depositors out of Liver- pool, arrangements can be made to receive monies in any town through the Company's Bankers. For particulars, apply- G. E. OKELL, Seoretarr. Bank Chambers, Cook Street, Liverpool. PAINTING & DECORATING E. J. CATHERWOOD, Painter 8c Decorator, CHAPEL-STJIOLYWELL ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, &0 UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RATi S, inn QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES GIVEN. J-T E E_T IZ HANLON'S DENTAL Co., LTD., DOVEDALE, KING'S ATENUE, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, MR. HANLON (Late Manager for the late Mr R. Edwards), ATTENDS PERSONALLY, HOLYWELL: AT MR VALE'S, 42, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITH TO OLD ADOBBSS), NEXT TO NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK EVERY FRIDAY, 1 TO 5.3O P.M. DENBIGH: —Every Wednesday* AT 30, VALE STREET, 12 TO 5 0 P.M. TsLsraoira No.774, ) HANDY TO HAVE $ S IN THE HOUSE. "K! P A box ot BEECHAM'S PILLS is I ■ a handy thiug to have in the house* | Z an^ if a dose is taken at the moment 7 P of need much illness will be saved. 1 ■ Any trouble arising from derange- ■ u ment of the digestive organs is Z v quickly set right by taking in ^ime 7 2 a a & z MMAMS PillS Z This unrivalled medicine will do 2 y more to build up robnst health and P m maintain it than any other medicine. ■ fa For a § 1 Xiver, | I S{ck headache, £ ■ Xoss of jfppetite, m n Jndigesiicri, | f Coijstipatioij, 9 I BEECHAM'S PILLS J I ARE JJJSEQUALLED. 9 Sold everywhere in boxes, price l/l £ & 2/9. b BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK or L STATIONERY NOW ON VIEW, AT THE OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. LETTER CARDS WITH 1 VIEWS* fOF HOLYWELL. CHASTE Children's Party Invitations and Replies IN FANCY B OXES. Papers AL TWO LONDON PARCELS DAILY NEWSPAPERS^ PEEIQDI04.LS All the Daily, Evening and Weekly 2iewpaper eeoeived and delivered; Periodicals received as published. CHURCH SElViCIS IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' bibles with Concordance And Maps combined. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CARDS Stained Glass AaBVZS^rOB^TBB^PATKNZ GLAZIER WINDOW DECORATION Giving the Beauty of Stained Glass at a Fractioc of the Cost. Stock and Book of Designs open to inspection. A A ROAD MAPS MAPS OF NOR 1 11 W A L ■ S Hongly bound ID cloth covers with ¡.t 01' t(-,ill phwes of interest in North Wale", CHEAP LIBRABY PRESENTATION VOLUMES, AT ALL PRICES. T M Tt3 CI B L0 TTING XL\ JTV-O PAPER Account Books AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM PAMCELS THE PENNY WRAPPER MOST LSEFUL » OBSERVER OFFJCK BOLYWELL