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LAMBERT'S I FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STBEET, HOLYWELL. '0:- WHOLESALE WINE AN3 SPtRll MERCHANT. r. POTtNa IS ALL ITS dHANOslR*, 1 <. j. t 1 I, ). l-b ¡ 7" 11;; J :>t! Special and personal attention paid to this Department. —■ :o: HEARSE AND MOURNING OAR U AGES AX B J5 A a O ST A B L E RATES, '0- London and forth-Wettarn Railway Parcels Agent. THE GHARIfiS-CROSS BAilK Established, 1870. HBAD Offices 28, BE D V 1) RD-STREET, CHARING OROSS, 39, BISHOPSGATiS STREET WITHIN, E.C. Branches at Liverpool, Manoheater, Leads, Bradford, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, &c, Sco. SI, 1361249 0 0 Liabilities «•••••• 79o,788 0 0 Surplus ••••^>339,461 0 0 LOANS of Z30 to 92,000 granted at a few hoars notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of f urniture, trade and farm stock, plans, crops, o., witnout removal, and to assist persons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, for one monsh to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. 2t PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balanoes of OUREUSNT AOOC-TNTS when not drawn below £ 20. Deposits of 910 and upwards received as under:— Subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal;95 per cent 6 a « 6 "12 7 Interest paid quarterly free from Inoome Tax The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per cent., and are a safe investment. Instead of paying large Dividends to Shareholders, we pay fair rates of Interest to our Depositors, and by so doing have earned the position that we un- doubtedly bold in the Public confidence. We have been established for 37 years, and our unique position in the Banking World to=day testifies to the auooess of our business methods, and to the satis- faction of our customers. Write o call. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, R. J. TALL. Jaunt llmmi JOHN HENRY CONLON, BILL POSTER, &c., HOLYWELL. The but Posting Station in the DUtrtct. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. — QBLYWELL COUNTY SCHOOL CSAIBlttir Of B. GOVBSVOBS J. L. MUSPRATT, ESQ.. J.P. VREA-CIUJEAKISN MRS JOHNSON JONES. ALDERMAN PETER JONES, J.P. EIIIAMIUGTXII: J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. TBACHIWG SSAINR J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. (Oxon). J. T. MORGAN, B.So. (LoND.), Trained certificated Master. Ro J. OWEN, B.A. (WAMB), Exhibitions and Primman of University College of North Walea. HUGH G. MORRIS, Trained Certificated Master. L. OWEN, B.A. (WAUM), Honours in English Language and Literature. L. M. SMITH, B.A. (LORMN), Honoim in French. LUCY D. WATTE, M.A., I*, A, A., Hononrs in Latin, GREEK and Frenoh: Medalist in Botany. Music (InsElemental): O. LEWIS-JONES, MOT. BAG., LJELA.M. WOODWORK. For Prospeotas, List of Saoeecses, FTE., apply to he HMJDKABZSB, oil to F. LLEWELLYN-JONES, Clerk to the Governors, F) Holywell. Property Owners, Estate Agents, AND OTHERS. ROBERT^LLOYD, JOINER, IS prepared to Execute all kinds of REPAIRS TO PROPERTY, ALTERATIONS, Eto., at the most reasonable terms. ALL OBDIBS PBOKPTLY ATTBITBBX) H. FUNERALS FURNISHED. Estimates Given. Address s— STONETOROFT, BRYNFORD. ST it pays tm buy tkm BE&T* and iBENSOhfS I "LUDGATE" WATCH I 13 THE BEST. a) In SilYfil Ca8 £ Si In I8-ct. Gold Cases. I f watches, 'silvOT with;' ^^al^Gtess" 9 J ft Made in Three Sizes, at one Price, £ S Sb. 9 9 mrf mm M IB!! m ^a'ss^vQ 18-cfc. Gold Cases, -with Crystal Glass, 9 9 mN xft 91 nUamen's' £ 12 12s. Ladies. £ 10 10s.) 1 1 0S0N <<z SS-M 1 I \\u fh V JglljilTHL" PftyaaEHTS I \m AmW At same Pxioss as for £ ASH. 1 9 15/-Deposit with Carder, 8 successive Pay- 1 B > ^TifcRcnO'-each "for the £ Watch, 8 9 i'nr Gcld_ fflatcfe, Monthly Pajgmei? ts of:1s 1 I I I-, H f CLNSON'S do not chargo i ES /f"" v /'<? Vi ( exr- for buying by 1 I 4', ,5v [ i„ I esithlt nmn I; HI » >-V'" f » No.1. oJ Watcb.cs, Chains, 9-, "9 x j U I k wa4$iiUOSlMM I and Jewellery ft ffl A s r W i Mo.a.of CIWKR, "Iiripenal H o "1* J 9 Plate, aucl Bsps, ■ I '•> •«» .t,io, | Rs- I V" "IIMIII C2&€'4' LoaQATE H1L.5., LQMBOW, E.C. J S A m l-J CROSS 81 BEE' WELL. TAILOR AND SEI^ ^fFITTER. ■x'xoh 40 i- ■ .i NEW GOODS IN WOOLLEN CLOTHS. Suits made to order, from 27s, 6dL;t Sot. Trousersimade to order, "from 7s i id., to 845. -0: Eiundpeds of Patters to Select from, New floods in Rainproof and other Overcoat8 ready for immediate mar, -.0:- LADIES AND OaiLOHBff'S OUW^IISO A SPEOIALIfY :r AGENT F01 PCTLLAii'S' P3&I& DYE WORKS. y 1 k\ V EYESIGHT jtmmiaf TESTED FREE. :0:- A SCHWARZ, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, 7, W III T F 0 R D STREET, Il L Y W E L L ( Has a Private Room fitted ap oomplote apparatus for testing thf sight. If you have any trouble with your eyes; do not delay, oome and have them tested, it costs you nothing. Should Glasses be needed they are fitted at moderate charges. If Glasses are not needed you will be frankly toldiso. -Cd- Special attention given to OcuUsts' Prescriptions. y h; ',¡ h iro I-COIJIS Browae's MEMO "theORIGI:NAL.and d ONLY GENUINE, iv fiflllftuc* nm no 4)0 be ■'fclie Mosti ft| S ItllUtltIO, lillLlia, Bexnody over discovered. B IftSTHMA, BRONCHITIS, I Vi ftJlAIQIIUDTIflU The only Palliative in U Kmm< # DiARRHCEA, 9^E9 GOUT, RHEUMATISM. m[ OHOI.ERA and Overwhelming Medio! Testi- DVSBNTERV. il|M|IJft^ft mony accompanies each bottle. 90JLD IN BOTTLR& BY ALL CHEMISTS, at /"> i. 2/8, and 4/« such. f ■' '1,1 ——"— — yy 111»wii.iMiiiiiwiIIMIIIMI ■ iji ■■■■■!■ HIM fror the B/ood is the Therefore keep it pure. 1 _=: CLARKE'S ]j u m I x "No a L!" Ffk r1=- BLOOD MI IJ ~1 H THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, ITT' —*■— 11°* ri*liy'a^"5 ^°°d of all 'THOUSANDS of Testimonials have been cause arising, I received from all parts..Read the following: tte -tli "Ctttrka Blood Mixture cannot be bettered. Abscesses Cured.—Mrs. Clark, of 40, Norf.h-st„ It bxs «T0T4C year* reputation, and is to-day Tunbridire Wells, writes "Gentlemen,—I liad JJW* ttaa ev?r, th« reasoti being no- been sulTprins from- abseesips'-lor'tnaiiV vears, MMo'kMMNu *s recognised throughout and after taking: lour bottles of your Blood Mix- I tha wern to be w only sale, thorough and •' ture am perfectly cured, and have not had the 8 lastingrwnedyfor ■■!■■■ iW fij,i sii^hte»t sign of i B8»ma,Scrofula, I. ,■ _„ | them since. My | £ £ £ £ £ £ & CUBES PERMflWEiaTLY | SSil'S'X Belli, Pimple#, MM III ——■—.■!■■■■■ »l same ..disease. Blotches, SpotS, Sores, Eruptions of every kind, Alter giving him two bottles of yourmedicine Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. Clarke's he was cured, although at the time he was bilch Blood Mixture is. pleasant to the taste, and an awful sight that l" was ashamed for anyone warranted free from anything injurious to the to gee him, abscesses being all over his body, j meat delicate constitutions of either sex, from Yon enn ma'ke use of this t estimonial so that it j iafaacy to old age, and the Proprietors solicit may reach other poor sufferers tar and near, as | safiferers to give it a trial o test its v^ J | a remedy even c le should -know." jj I £I SKIN A SLeiilj u I "I I 0F EVE^ .DISS^RSPTION. Of all Chemists and Stores, 2/9 per b-ottie- beware of imitations. | iiiin—111 ninniiwi nninim m "n i r~IM" "COALS. THE BABILIT COAL CO., LIMITED BEG to notify their Customers that they are now in a position to supply Coal at Bdttisfield Colliery AS UNDER.- Best House Coal 8d. per cwt. Cobbles 7Jd. H Small Nuts 6Jd. Slack 4Jd. Terms.Cash at Weigh Cabin. ,)(DVANC,E COPP(.)PATION, LIMITED (looorporated 1888). Regiotered Capital, £ 100,400. Subscribed, £ 50,400. DIBKOTOBS BIR ROBERT A. IIAIPSON, J.P., OHAIRSIAH. TT £ OS. 8UM[MBaFIEliD. Baa., JAMSS J. TIMMIS, ESQ., JOSHJFH HIjJNRY WILD, Esa. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT (Snbjeot to 3 or 14 days' notice), at 5 PER CENT, INTEREST, Until further notice. Rate (aubjeofc to 6 monthB* notioe), 4i per oeat. Advaocej graatei on Marketable Beooritiu. For the coavenienoe of Depo«it .ra out of Liver- poo!, arracgaoieats can be mile t > eceive mooies iu any towa through the Company's B inkers. For parti aulare, apply- G. E. OKELL, 8eoret#rj. BanFubambetB, Oook Street, %f LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL, PAINTING & DECORATING E, J. GATHER WOOD, Painter,* Deeorator, 0HAPEL-STJI0LYWELI. ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, &0 UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RATL S, AND QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED /B8TIM ATES GIVEN. T E E_T H HANLON'S DENTAL Co., LTD., DOVEDALE, KING'S AVENUE, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, M It. HANLON (Late Manager for tho late Mr: R. Edwards), ATTENDS PERSONALLY, HOLYWELL: AT MR VALE'S, 42, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITB TO OLD ADDBBSS), NEXT TO NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK EVERY F R r D A Yi, 1 TO 5.30 P.M. DENBIGH: —Every Wednesday, AT 30, VALE STREET, 12 TO 5.0 P.M. 1.. TKLBPHOWB NO. ;—7Y4, "ANDY TO "AVE 'I J IN THE HOUSE. | | A box of BEECHAM'S PILLS is I 9 a liandy thing to have in the house, £ Z and if a dose is taken at THE moment 7 V of need much illness will be saved, Y B Any trouble arising from derange' M £ ment of the digestive organs is Z V quickly set right by taking in time y j BEE01AMS j PillS 2 This ttafJvallcd medtcifie will do Z J Y more to build up rob ST health and P m Inaintatn it than any other medicine. B fa Fora n | -O'vsn 5 Sick headache, m l| £ &ss cf JTpp fe Jm'igesftet?, NL Caishp'atioi?, F BEEOFSAARS FILLS I 4 I .ARE JJNEQUALLED. | £ Soli evzrrwk -rz in bexas, price I/I J & 2/9. y fMI, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK th e ip or ri 31 )] STAT IONEEIi I NOW ON VIEW, N AT,, THE OBSERVER OFFICE, ROLYWELL. LETTEK CARDS WITH VIEWØ IOF HOLYWELL. CHASTE Children's Party Invitations and Replies IN FANCY BOXES. Papers TWO LONDON PARCELS DAILY NEWSPAPERS** PERIODICALS All the Daily, Evening and Weekly New paper received and delivered Periodical* received as published. CB URCH SER ViCES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' bibles with Concordance &nd Maps combined. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CAfiBS Stained Glass AaEHTg^VOBlTHKf PATENT liLAZIEk fflSDOff DECOEATIOfi Giving the Beauty of Stained Glass at aFractio» of the Cost. Stock and Book of Designs open to inspection. ROAD MAPS MAPS OF NORTH WALES Rongly bound in cloth covers with guidd to all placee of interest in North WaleE, CHEAP LIBRARY PRESENTATION VOLUMES. AT ALL PRICES. T ITTX* Q BLOTTING JL JX JLJLO PAPER Account Books &N IMMENSE. STOCK Na TO SELECT FROM .ij .Jfl; 't./ II 41' i. rHE PENNY WIIAPI-ER MOST USEFUL 41 OBSERVER OFFICE .1" "r' "1:7