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-="N' LALBERT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. "0: .1- WHOLESALE ffllE AND SPIRI IERCHANI. au. POSTING IN ALL ITS BE ANODES, Special and personal attention paid to this Department. -:0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING OARMAGE3 AT REASONABLE SATES. -:c:o: • London and Worth-Weafcera laiiway Parcel* Agent. I THE CHARM-CROSS BANK I Established, 18V 0. HRLD Olrollons 28, BEDFOBD-BTBBET, OHABING OROSS, 39, BISHOPSOATE STREET WITHIN, B.C. Branohea at Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, &o«t &a. Assets 0 0 Liabilities 796,788 0 0 Surplus t..#S$339,461 0 0 LOANS of A30 to £2,000 granted at a few hoars notice in iown or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plans, SODB &O., without removal, and to assist peraons Into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, toone month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Oi PVR CENT. INTEREST allowed on the i £ 2Z'2K& °< 0SKJ £ *r anno1'ywhen not drawn below £ 20. Deposits oi tflO. and upwards received as fltibiect to 3 months' notice oi withdrawal £ 5 per cent 6 6 it «« 7 •' << U I.ellt paid quarterly free from Income Tax The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per oent., and are a mate investment, Instead of paying large Dividends to Shareholders, we pay fair rates ot Interest to our Depositors, and by go doing have earned the position that we un- doubtedly hold in the Public oonfidenea. We have been established for 37 years, and our urmiua position in the Banking World to-day testifies to the snoeesa of our buaium methods, and to the sata- faotion of our customers. Write o- call. Prospectus free. 1 A. WILLIAMS, U. J. TALL. JToixs MAMAQMBR JOHN HENRY CONLON, ( BILL POSTER, &c., HOLYWELL. The led PoIH.g StaKww in the Didriet. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. v Property Owners, Estate Agents, I AND OTHERS. f "ROBERT LLOYD, I í j JOINBB, IS prepared to Execute all kinds of REPAIRS TO PROPERTY, ALTERATIONS, Etc., at the moat reasonable terms. i 1 :'i AKt OEKOBB8 PBOXWLIE ATCBHSBO TO. FUNERALS FURNISHED, I Estimates Given. Addreae' STONEYGBOFT, BRYNFORD, x 7 r j Why Suffer a Martyrdom, when lialief is so near HAVE YOU A COUGH? HAVE YOU' A COLD t Have yon mj affection of the Chest OP Langs ? Have you a difficulty in Breathing t If so, don't neglect it. There is a. potent f remedy in I TOPPINGS PECTORAL ELIXIR I T&T XT, It WUJ oaoe ywitf Uougli, (Ussalve -Jj&tae Phlegm, soothe all Inflammation, and i" give strength to the Bronchial Tubes I and Hespir&tory Organs, the ImtatioD will subside and I YOU WILL BE CURED. ittctoral iomi' eiaes yet discovered tor the relief and oure of Coughs, OoJiis, iniiaeaea, Aacha, Jdronehitls, eiaes yet discovered tor the relief and oure of Coughs, OoJiis, iniiaeaea, Aacha, Jdronehitls, "ujiIieuUsy oi iSroattimg, iioarseaess, incipient; Consumption, and ail Affections oi the Quest, XUroatand i-unga. | NU}1J!ÀH.U\: TESTIMONIALS. i | I oold iu Prepared only by AAhlJUti fUfpjLlCx> I I CHEMIST asb DSUGKJIST, } j I my E-rai-tio-), I (Fonaeriy with Messre. J. Woolley, Soiia and r. and Head Assistant to; « Msssrs. J, Gonid and Co.. Oxford Street, Xondon) | TRELAWNY SQUARE, FLINT, | NOBTH WAMS. — I 1 jiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiii t, tim&sri* W' Up-iy* is buy -i {. I BENSON'S^I I "LUDGATE" WATCH S B 13 THE BF-ST. i < In Silver In 18-ct. cold Gases. S g PLATV, i-Ei iglic-h LLver Balaiic,), 9,11 Lrtest Im- 's foiind iiu rta7fer' wate7ies, Silver Cases,,vith Crysta,1 IMjTMm Made. in Three Sizes, at one Price, £ 5 5s. jf| I fljw/fy' (In Massive 18-ot. Gold Cases, with Crystal Glass, || (wsj. iMmm |S| Gentlemen's, £ 12 12a. Ladies, £ 10 10s.) fcvg|i -«!»1 i\C^ 4M MQUM7 f.WMSITS I r f ?l J0mSm sarnc 'a LP^Sli- 15/- Beposit with Ord ?r, 9 successive Pay- j I maats of 10/- each for the £ 5;5s4 Watch. 1 For Gold Watd), Monthly V: jmcoto of £ lds. 1 f" 7* 1 '"e largest Stoek, 1 <- A |,5 yM r ■'(- ter,t Quality, g H^l "L J -l,p '-Aflo Lo«.«-st Fmas. M f »;i £ ^3;»N" do rot charge fi g ^gnnnr- JZ-r-w! extta ^?u^in^ ?:,y y x | l 1 P-n 3"1" E ■ y tn a'Ji:B*ags!perial I ■ jv- 1 £$$ £ L»ri > \n\ >ilvci Articles for ■ H ants, Kr.i>n,si L')"iUlBnv«, -r.au lOS. S 1 I ..CTORY: 62 & 64, LUBOATE H8L1», l,CWPOW, E.C. J NNW 1 A r, JS „A. 'Bu Hi CROSS 87BEE2, HOLT WELL. It TAILOR AND GENERAL OUTFITTER. ¡ "o: 'I NEW GOODS IN WOOLLEN CLOTHS, I Suits made to order, from a 7s, 6d. W < m. Trousers in- • order, Irom js nd. to 24s. -:0: Hundrads of PatternLto Select from. :Q: New Goods in Rmnproof and other Overcoats ready for immediate wwr, 0:; mi- LADIES AND UfilLORENIS OWTFIfTIMa A SPECIALITY :o: ACSUMT FOR PS»TH DYE WORKS. mSIBHT .» TESTED FREE. V f %fa'f rv" -:o- m A SCH ARZ, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND OPTICIAN, W H IT F O R D STREET, 11 0 L Y W E L L Has a Private Room fitted ap with complete apparatus for testing the sight. If you have any trouble with yoi i eyes; <10.. n dlayt come and have them tested, it costs you nothing. Should Glasses be needed they are fitted at moderate charges. If Glasses are not needed you will be frankly told so. -■ —"to; ——-— Special attention given to Oculists' Prescriptions. r — i-CO]mis larownt! door, m TheoRIGINALand cccc'. OPILY GENUINEN Mf TheBost Remedy known for Admitted by the "Profession WL to be the Most Val-bls f COUGHS, GOLDS, Remedy ever discovered. V| J |ASTHMA, BRONGHITIS, §||||i atKlpA^r I I CONSUMPTION. Ill REo^rmE. f GOUT. RHEUMATISM. # lAk OtiOLERA and jBffe|mJMMp Overwhelming Medical Testi- JBff DYSENTERY. HHHBR many aecompaniej; each bottle. tlOLD IS BOX!VXBB Mr ALL CMEM.ISIH, at thh at/9, end 4/8 each. Marano IWHHIIIIIIMIIIIMII'II J__øU'->4AIf,IN the Bfoatf is the Lt Therefore keep it pure. jgjjggjMBMW§BIM»*PraMWPB8WMHi»«WM wn.* w "^pitta^rCTMiiMW'i'iniBijipiiitfiiiijt^TTOwwMaiwTwuiwjwguiaiiBaw'iwwiwiiiiBiiiiiwina F CLARKE'S J dam A i BLOOD MIXTURE h I THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURBRIER, and ctomng the bl.ood of all 'l,HOl-'fcA.\]}S of Testimonials have been £ "gg'11 WJ«"» «matever cause arising, 1 received from all parts. Read the following: "Own Btooa mixture cannot be bettered. \,iscesses Cured.—Mrs. Clark, of 40 North-st., hlll«nr«J«Kl reputation, and is to-day Tunbridge Wells, writes: "Gentlemen,—I had um» P«yy*r »■». the reanan being un- been snflenng from abscesses for many vears, dMfeM&'bmaasefit is recogmsed throughout and after taking four bottles of your Blood Mix- tiw mra t* be tne only safe, thorough and tuream perfectly cured, and have not had the lntf-fT-^r-^T* r ..ill, ■■■I. slightest sign of CURES PERMANENTLY uide'bo°ato»^ IJtewMbSCCMes, ffl suffering from the Bolls, Pimples, »»l "— ■— same disease- BlotChes, Spots, Sores, Eruptions of every kind, I After giving him two bottles of your medicine Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, etc. Clarke's 9 he was em"ed, although at the time he was such Blood Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and § an awful sight that ("was ashamed for anyone warranted free from anything injurious to the I to see him, abscesses being all over his body. us" delicate constitutions of either sex, from 8 You can make use of this testimonial so that it infeBCgr to old ago, and the Proprietors solicit f may reach other poor sufferers far and near, as mAiuu te give it a trial o test its value. ill think it a remedy everyone should know." 1 j E IMF 0!! J SKIN 40 "BLOOD I m m NJ L f E) I A E S 1 t L_ OF EVERY DESCBIPflON. I I Of>!S Ohemteta and Stores, 2/P per hottle, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. J I TBTTOWW mil 111111111 Ill !• v' COALS. THE B>i6II.LT COAL CO., LIMITED T) E G to notify their Customers that they arc now in a position to supply Coal at Befctisfield Colliery AS UNDER:- Best House Coal 8d. per owt. Gobbles. 7Jd. tY Small Nuts Old. u Slack 4Jd. Terms,-Cash at Weigh Cabin. ADVANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED (Incorporated 1888). fiagistered Capital, £ 1 JO,400. Sabsoribed, 950,400. DIBBOTOBS SIR ROBERT A. HltfPSON, J.P., OHAIRMIS. THOS. SUMMEtiFIELD. Esa., JAI(EI J. rnuns, Esa., JOSEPH HSNRY WILD, Esa. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT (Rabjeot to 3 or 14 days' notioe), at 5 PER CENT. INTEREST, Until further notice. Rate (sabjeafc fro 6 months' notiae), 4i per oent. Advances graatei oa Marketable Seouritios. Far the ^onveaieooe of Depositors oat of Liver- paol, arrangements can be madet ) reoeive mouiaa in any towa throogh the Company's Bunkers. For partioalatc, applr- G. B. OKELL, Secretary. Bank Chambers, Cook Street, m-, Liverpool. PAINTING & DECORATING E. J. CATHERWOOD, Painter St Decorator, OIIAPEL-SL HOLYW ELL ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GlAZING, &c UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RA TJ. S, AND QUICK DESPA TCH G UARANTEED ESTIMATES GIVEN. #>. T T E E_T E HANLON'S DENTAL Co., LTD., DOVEDALE, KING'S AVENUE, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, MR. HANLON (Lata Manager for the late Mr R. Edwards), ATTENDS PERSONALLY, HOLYWELL: AT MR VALE'S, 42, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITB TO OLD Addekss), NEXT TO NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK EVERY F 8 I D A Y 1 TO 5.30 P.M. DENBIGH: —Every Wednesday. AT 30, VALE STREET, 12 TO J^O P.M. TKLBPHONB NO.:—7Y4 "ANDY "10 "AVE S IN THE HOjJSE. 2 <k" P A box of BEECHAM'S PILLS is R ■ a handy thing to have in the house, | Z and if a dose is taken at the moment 7 v of need much illness will be saved. I m Any trouble arising from derange- ■ fa ment of the digestive organs is Z quickly set right by taking in time 7 f PilLS £ This unrivalled medicine will do 7 y more to build up rob 'rt health and f L, maintain it than any other medicine, m ffl cCivar, S 2 £ ick$(eadache» ■ I Xoss of jfppefite, ■ 6 Jndigesfioij, P 9 Coqsiipaiiori, 9 9 BEzmm's PILLS f A R E N EQUAL LED. | Gold everywhere in boxes, price t/l§ & 2/9. } BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of STAT IONERY HOW ON VIEW, AT THE OBSEBTEB 99 OFFICE, HOLYWELL, V LETTER CARDS WITH & VIEWBI IOP HOL YWILL.. v' CHASTE f Children's Party Invitations and Replies IN FANCY B OXES. Papers TWO LONDON PARCELS DAILY N E WSPAPERS i& PERIODICALS All the Daily, Evening and Weekly Newpapet received and delivered; Periodioala received si published. « CBCBCH SEEVICES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' bibles with Concordance And Maps combined. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CAiDS Stained Glass Aaairc«>0BfzH>fr.ixE2rx fiLAZIER WINDOW DECORATIOI Giving the Beauty of Stained Olasa at a FractioD of the Cost. Stock and Book of Designs open to inspection. ROAD MAPS MAPS OF NORTH WAL £ S Rongly bound in cloth covers with gnidd to all plaoes of interest in North Wales, CHEAP LIBRARY PRESENTATION VOLUMES. AT &LL PRICES. TXTT^CI BLOTT NO xl\ AD PAPER Account Books AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM PARCELS THE PENNY WRAPPER MOST USEFUL í OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL.