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fan. — BANK HOLIDAY. | .0!

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CHESTER BOARD OF GUARDIANS. The fortnightly meeting of this Board was held yesterday (Tuesday) morning, Mr. T. Knowlcs pre- siding over a good attendance. STANDING ORDERS. Mr. H. Preston moved the appointment of a committee to formulate standing orders for the proper conduct of the Board. He pointed out that all public bodies adopted standing orders, and it was only fair to the chairman that tney should iumisu aim with tile ru,eS by which he cou;d conduct the business. Standing orders would be a special advantage to new members, who would have more confidence in addressing the Board on being acquainted wim the rules. Mr. S. Coppack seconded, and the motion was carried. ilc, chairman, vice-chairman, Messrs. Butier Minshuli, H. B. Dutton, E. T. Hallmark, M. Ken- nedy, and ii. Irckiton were appointed on the com- mittee. THE SUPERINTENDENT-REGISTRARSHIP. ine ClerK UVir. w. x uriiock) read a letter iroai the Kegisiru.r-oenerai, stating for tne iniormation ot the guardians that (Joionei Evans-Lioyd had notified to nun his resignation of the oltice of Bupenntendeui-registrar tor the Chester liegistra tion District, to take efiect on the 1st of August next, wiui a view to claim his pension to which his iOng teivices ill that capacity entitled him, under the provisions 01 the Poor LalV Officers' Superan- nuation Act. lile Registrar-General had received applications iroai tne guardians oi the Hawarden aii(I larviii onions that those unions might eacii be created a. separate legistrauon district. The Kegistrar-Geneiai thereiore requested that no action niigiic be taken to appoint a successor to Mr. Evans-Lioyd until lie had dealt with the two app ications reterred to. xc was aecordiiigiy decided to postpone action. THE COof OF VACCINATION. STltONG KEMAKK-S. A PLEA FOR HLFURM. Mr. H. Crowder moved—"That m case of fur- ther smallpox scare within this union, the clerk be empowered to immediately write to the Local Government Board tor powers leading to the tem- porary re-estabnsnment of suitable stations for the pertormance or vaccination." Mr. Crowder re- marked that during the recent smallpox scale Dr. Harnson perfonaed 1,165 vaccinations at the homes of the people in tno city, while in the sur- gery and elsewhere onry Z>8u vaccinations were penoriue-d. Tins shewed that the people had mostly been vaccinated at their own homes, at very considerable cost to the union, and he thought it would be a great saving if tne clerk was em- powered to take steps immediately in case a fur- ther scare occurred. Mr. Rowe Morns seconded the motion. Mr. M. Kennedy asked, for the benefit of the public, how many cases of smallpox had occurred at Chester during the recent scare. The Clerk repned that he knew of only one case that had occurred in Chester. Mr. Kennedy ^warmly): And we have spent nearly a thousand pounds oil false pretences, or the next thing to it. I think it is an everlasting disgrace and shame. The Clerk reported the receipt of letters from the Rugby and Wodingborough Unions on the subject of vaccination. The Kugby Union sub- mitted a copy of a memorial forwarded by them to the President of the Local Government Board, in which they stated that the cost of tne attendance of the public vaccinator at the homes of persons for the purpose of re-vaccinatioas at the cost of the rates was an unnecessary expense, and there was not any sufficient reason why persons desiring re-vaccination at the public expense should not either attend at the surgeries of the public vac- cinators or at some other appointed place for the purpose of vaccination and inspection, or them- selves defray the cost of the public vaccinator's journey to their own homes. (Hear, hear.) They therefore prayed that the Local Government Board would issue an order amending the Vaccination Order of 1893, by providing that the fees payable out of the rates for ro-vaccinations at the homes of the persons vaccinated shall be the same as those for re-vaccinations elsewhere than at such homes, and that the public vaccinators shail be entitled to fees for their visits for persons re-vaccinated at their own homes. They further prayed the Board to undertake the gratuitous supply of lymph for primary and secondary vaccinations by private medical practitioners.—The Wellingborough Union forwarded a copy of a resolution protesting against the control of vaccination officers having been taken out of the hands of boards of guardians. They also called attention to the enormous ex- penditure which the vaccination officers had it in their power to incur. They considered that as the control of the vaccination officers had been taken away from the guardians, the Local Government Board should appoint those officers, and thus re- lease the guardians from any responsibility in the matter. In their opinion, it was desirable that any expenditure incurred in carrying out the Vac- cination Acts should be paid out of Imperial taxa- tion rather than out. of the poor rate. Mr. W. Vernon moved as an amendment that the recommendation oi tho Rugby Union be adopted and forwarded to the Local Government Board. The Rev. E. C. Lowndes seconded. Mr. Crowder did not think that recommendation affected his resolution in any way. The Clerk informed the Board that during the scare Dr. Harrison had made 1,185 vaccinations at the homes of the people, at a fee of 6s. for each case, and had made 380 vaccinations elsewhere, at 2s. 6d. for each case. Dr. Butt, during the same period, had vaccinated 263 persons at their homes, and 61 at other places. Mr. H. B. Dutton wished to know why the guardians allowed a fee of 6s., when the minimum fee fixed by the Local Government Board was 5s. The Clerk explained that the guardians originally fixed the fee at 5s., but the Local Government Board increased it to 6s. Mr. E. T. Hallmark wished to know whether those people who had practically made themselves outdoor paupers by being vaccinated at home at the cost of the rates were liable to be disenfran- chised. (Lautrhter and cries of "Oh, no.") Mr. Hallmark: Well, I think they ought to be. The amendment was then put to the meeting and carried. Mr. I-I. Ù. Dutton intimated his intention to move that representation be made to the Local Government Board of the enormous amount paid to the vaccination officers in 6s. fees during the scare, and recommending that the fee be reduced to 5s. Mr. Butler: I think a lot of people have taken advantage of this cheap vaccination, and the Local Government Board should know the number and the class of people who have taken advantage of the ratepayers. I think they ought to be well ashamed of themselves. Mr. Rowe Morris: I am given to understand that there aie plenty of people in a respectable position who have been vaccinated at a cost of 6s.. and they can afford to pay as well as any gentleman around this table. Mr. Butler: I should like to ask the clerk to get a list of those people we paid 6s. for. The Clerk pointed out that every person had a perfect right to be vaccinated at the expense of the ratepayers. A Voice: It is a farce. Mr. :plitler: It is high time this imposture was put an end to. The subject then dropped.



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---------._---CHESTER INFIRMARY.…

Family Notices


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