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COLWVN ,Y FRHE PRESI-i "s file every V:ill% y evening and nr at Messrs Sri-• Strand P'-urhyn Road .C,,¡'y" Bay, to wlion, or I" for regular < ry should be give 'l"q" jjQOO RATS MILLED. X >0D; N h RAT POISON KILLS ON THE 1 SPOT. Leaves no -nit U Mr. G. R. Br. wn writes :—" Rodine h .d excellent results, -It, t:i• led Thousands of Dogs and Cat* .dole i-tt it. Hat Like It. C.-st H. and Die. Price—(ill If. 2s.. 3. 5- Pont. 2d. T. IJAULIA, CJii-iniisl. Forth. CUT D. Ilu HE" Ob.-nmt, Denbigh. "|p Cii YOUR Oil LAMPS with "Carmlen 'u Gas," and save !ia!f the money in con- and get double the Complete Outfit, aO,0.' i' nil particulars, llenrv Co., Leicester HOTHERH .—Mrs Winslow's soothing Syrnp has bee used over fifty ears by millions of mothers lor their cnildreu while teething, with perfect aucoeBS. It will relievp the poor nufferer immediately. It is pleasant to mste it produces natural quiet sleep, by relieving the !'¡Jd from pain, and the little oherub awakes as bright all t bit ton." Of all Chemists, at Is. lid. per bottle. 27/6 The Special Gun. 27/6 12 Bore Double Barrel Breechloader. Top Lever. Steel Doll Head, Extension Nib. GENUINS 45 MAKE THt ^^DEFiANCE SUM For Rabbit or General Shooting, 12-Bore, Central Fire Doable-barre! Breech-loader, Left Choke, Top or Double- grip I etiod, with Lever under Guard Twist Barrels, Horn Heel Plate, Walnut- Stock, Double wolt. Rebounding Locku, Patent Fore Tind, etc. hound and well made. Warranted to shoot and handle well. Price, 45s.; Cheap Breech- loadere from 27s. 6d. Carriage paid. Satisfaction guaran- r 0H?h returned. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE in the Tiade l<OK REPAIRS. CARTRIDGES FROM 5s. PER 100. New Price List Free. D. P. AMES and ROBERTS, Practical Gunmakers, 66. Cha 'Jes road, Birmingham Est.1 I .o:<W Pears' Soap | j Is specially recommended for | Infants and Children, because | i it is perfectly pure, and does | I not irritate their delicate | | sensitive skin, nor make their £ I little eyes smart. 1 j&Lj&i A/Hi 0b ,M\ All< ^\j^9 ^nnttma«uaam«ii^0 e;, Jf You £ (ave something good to tell, there is no need to delude the unwary into rr-, reading an apparently interesting story which proves to be a prelude to an advertisement. The startling story and the thrilling testimonial g 3 do not add to the merit of the article advertised. If you are troubled with S w 7}ad J)igesfiorij Jmpure T)lood, Xanguor, R J Jn active Xiver, Sick$(eadacl\e, £ w Bad j)igestion, Jmpure Elood, Xanguor, R J Jn active Xiver, Sick$(eadacl\e, r or other such ailments which arise from a Disordered Stomach imperfectly jj •g doing its work, you need not experiment with the many medicines so « WL plausibly set before you; take H I BEECHAM s PILLS f •B and you have a reliable remedy, proved by thousands of sufferers to be K wt unequalled for dispelling Disorders of the Stomach and Liver. It is not gj g necessary to bring BEECHAM*S PILLS before your notice surreptitiously, £ as they are openly recommended by those who have found that 5LS BEECHAM'S PILLS will do all that is claimed for them—hence fcgjp they have the Largest Sale of any patent Medicine. jk |L Sold everywhere in boxes, price £ (56pills) & 2J9 (168 pills). THE STE-ILI'MO PERTH TABLII I Satin Wrinut polished 14,'S nett. Cblp..d.1. I nott. THE OCTAGoft h. Y.tl Oa at"nl2 P..Ih- ..y With 0.. st;d in 0 k.6/6- Z'- S. Oak throughout (no -.d.r or hog: '.91 8 9 rott. "tt. J,w. r 1.1.1d. nott. G:ANT THE C ESTER GVF-RTAARTEL CO)VER ANTC-L w »,«..«• CREDIT TERMS J 1 W/ ARE Tho TZr6 :Pnd Pli,(F, w Fpont -d ASTON IBINE BV"EcAjz 4 1^1 M 17s. -ALL -ETs. I ? wiiiMiimn '■<■■■■!i 33m== DEL'IVERF;D FREE 61


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