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Spring Fashions. I 1904. ====== S.71 BEN. EVANS & Co.s i Costumes, I FIRST SHOW OF I Mantles, b 1 | Coats &: Skirts, j fashions, ovelti es, I Blouses, A Lingerie, NEW GOODS. | Dress Fabrics, FOR SPRING 1904. | Washing 0n SATURDAY NEXT, Mar. 19. j Dress- Goods, -1 — ■■■'■- | TrinminPS BEN. EVANS & Co. will also make at the same time | j 1 o an important and interesting Display of | Hosiery, FURNITURE J Stoks^' AND furnishings I Laces, -OF EVERY DESCRIPTION— Made-up Lace Goods, New *-ace Curtains, Muslins, &c. | Boots & Shoes, A VISIT OF I NSPECTION WILL BE o A VISIT OF INSPECTION WILL BE 1 6:c- MUCH ESTEEMED. g BEN. EVANS & Co., Ltd. SWANSEA. J Latest Bicycles for 1904. NO OLD STOCK. The BEST VALUE ever offered by Ladin g Makers, viz. :— Sunbeam, Enfield, Singer, Raoland, Swift Osmond, Premier, Star, Hudson. Prices:— £ 6 188 6d., £7 10s., XS 10s., £1(;) 10s., £ 12 12s. With 13 months guarantee. Write or call for catalogue. Good price given for old Machines. A. E. HARRIES, CYCLE WORKS, LLANDILO. A.E.H. sells and repairs more Bicyles than any other Ironmonger in the County. SEASON 1901. Melotte Cream Separators Have been greatly improved, and are without fear of contradiction the most perfect Machines in the world. The bowl suspends, and has only One Bearing. Prices from £9 10s to £22. Sent on 30 days' trial. Four cows with Separators are equal to five without. A. E. HARRIES, Ironmonger and Cycle Works, LLANDILO. lw_ M-0 w- r A% Can we convince you that the Prices of our Celebrated Cycles will compare with any other in this part of the country ? LOOK HERE! BEST CYCLE! With Free Wheel, Back Bowden Brake and Front Rim Brake: OUR PRICE, £5 10s. Ditto, at the same Price (£5 10s.) you can have the New Departure Coaster Hub, Free Wheel and Back-Peddalling Brake combined, ditto Front Rim Brake, with Inflator, Bell, Bag, and Tools. WE CAN BUILD YOU TO ORDER OUR SPECIAL AT 17. NOTE THE ADDREss- T. W. REES. & Co., I Island' Cycle Works (BOTTOM OF LITTLE WATER STREET), 17 A TIIS IT^GORSEINON. CARMARTHEN. LEWIS & SONS IREU ni ONWP% Please send us your enquiries and we will quote our lowest prices t NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Misses LEWIS & CLARE I High-class Milliners, &c., CAVENDISH HOUSE CARMARTHEN, Beg to inform their numerous Patrons and the Public generally that through | t the acquisition of their Premises by the Post Office Authorities for the I í Erection of a New Post Office, on and after the 25th of March, | } Business will be carried on at 41. j King Street j (NEXT DOOR TO LLOYDS BANK), 1 Where they trust to be favoured with a continuance of their orders, which I j shall, as hitherto, receive careful attention. | A Splendid Show of New Modes for the Spring S and Summer Season will be on View shortly. MESSRS. D. E. JONES & CO., 'The Leader' Cycle and Motor Works, 51, KING Street, Carmarthen, Beg to announce that they have completed their arrangements for the present season, and to state that their CELEBRATED CYLCLES WILL BE FOUND RIGHT UP-TO-DATE. THE LARGEST STOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S MACHINES IN WALES OVER 200 TO SELECT FROM. D. E. J. & Co., in order to meet present-day requirements, have decided to place on the market this season LADIES' AND GENTS' MACHINES, FITTED WITH FREE WHEEL AND TWO RIM BRAKES, DUNPOP TYRES, FROM fS 8s. We also offer a Machine, good tine Roadster, Hyde Free Wheel, two Rim Brake?, double-batted Tubes, lined in two colours, beautifully finished, for £ 8 8s. Road Racing Machines, from £7 7s. A SPLENDID STOCK OF MOTOR-CYCLES AND CARS. A LARGE QUANTITY OF DUNLOP'S MOTOR-CAR TYRES STORED. A commodious Garrage for Repairs and for Storage of Patrons' Machines overnight. We are Agents for all the leading Coventry Manufacturers. Call and inspect the large Stock or send for Cataloue. Repairs and Accessories of all kind NOTE THE ADDRESS: THE LEADER" WOllKS, KING STREET. SIDNEY CLARKE, THE Largest Wall-paper, Oil Color, Brush and Glass Merchant, w?reh5use 23, Waterloo Street, rooms: 3, College Buildings, SWANSEA. ENGLISH & FOREIGN GLASS IN CRATES, OR CUT TO SIZES. Muranese, Fluted, Ruby, Blue, Yellow, Opal, Obscured, Enamelled, etc., kept in Stock. I WRITE FOR PRICES. THE f | METEOR-ROVER I 07 I LIGHTWEIGHT I I «■! I BICYCLE. IV 1 I fbS I SAFM, SWIFT & SOUND. Qne I I I* ffdHd*omA 4J/u at rated Booklet tent free 9 ■ wMVER cfcfryg; coventhy. J TAF- INVALUABLE IN THE DAIRY. SILVER For giving an even cowslip tint at "SILVER Materially assists churning, makes CHURN" all season?, especially when the" CHURN" the Butter firm and sweet, and BUTTER cows are on dry food or roots, it BUTTER removes all taints caused by foods. COLOURING. is in use in all large dailies in 6d., POWDER. In boxes 6d., Is., 2s., and 5s. each. Is., 2s., 5s., 8s., and 14s. bottles. "SILVER Gives a rich tint which does not SILVER Is always of uniform curdling; CHURN" fade as the cheese ripens; it is CHURN" -Etrengthl part to 14,000, and lsjANNATTU largely used to improve the ap- CHE FSE made from carefully selected VeIls ¡ OR arance of milk. In stone bottles RENNET, m stone bottles, 9d., lB. 4d., 2s.: CHEESE 6d., la., 2s. 5a., 8s., and 14s. each. 6d., 4s. 6d., and 9s. each. i COLOURING. To be obtained from all Chemists and Grocers. Wholesale only from OLDFIELD, PATTINSON & Co MANCHESTER. ":JII Allan Line. I TO Canada,United States, River Plate, & India. I SAILINGS FROM LIVERPOOL. Mar. 24—1 Bavarian '—Halifax & St. John, N B. Mar. 2(; Livouian '-Monte Video and Buenos Ayres. Mar. 26—' Sicilian '—Halifax and Philadelphia. Mar. 29—' Demara'—St. John, iqF. and Halifax Mar. 31—' Pretorian '—Halifax, N.S. OCEAN RATES-To Canada, Saloon trom Ell. Second Cabin, jE7 10s. Third Class. £ o 10s. To India, £:37 103 and i27 103 For full particulars apply to ALLANS, 103 Leadenhall-street, London, E.C., and 19, James- street, Liverpool. 27833 Local Agent—John Jones, 3, Nott-squaru, Carmarthen. Ot!M #§Tsun CI)\<: { ( -> 'iF' -f' -= FIRE -<- /!j ;} o' 0 OFFICE. I\'O£D ;J" Funds in Hand— £ 2,386,639. For all particulars apply to the following Agents:— Ammanford. Mr David Jenkins Carmarthen Mr John Francis „ Mr W. H. Woodliffe. 15, King-street Garnant Mr Rees Davies, Brynteg Henllan Station Mr Morgan J. Thomas Llandilo Mr David Jenkins Llandovery Mr Thomas Phillips Llanstephun Mr John Davies I Llanybyther Mr David Thomas Llanriypsul Mr John D. Thomas Lampeter Mr W. Darius Mr. H W. Howell Pautyffynon Mr David Francis Saroau Mr David E. Thomas I al ,trr, Mr Llewellyn Davies coifed MUMmUMil>lIIMl^ 4YEA 'P'(E$œF.FI.C' f LOOSENS .PHLeCHrX" AU-AVSC.COOOH3^ i CIVES *IM'M EO$AYe*Rf!u Ell-). LlNUM CATHARTICUM PfLLS. •>' > FOR INDIGESTION & ITS EVILS* -.50«EADACHE stlious DERANGEMENT • &c. ,| C AH AGREEABLE APERIENT- J KAYS.TIC PILLS A •> CURE FACEACHE & NEURALGIA. S REFUS £ svs.srITVTE.5. &A"CMZWST5 TMFTOM"OUTGW^T BRITAIM & THE= TO TIMBR MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. TENDERS are invited for the purchase of about 25 acres of Larch and Scotch Timber grow- ing upon the Peterwell Estate, and situate within about if of a mile of Lampeter Station. To view apply to Mr Thomas Davies, Woodman, Blaen- pant, Lampeter. For further particulars and conditions apply to Mr A. J. Pritchard, Agent, Peterwell Estate Office, < Lampeter, to whom tenders are to be delivered by the 1st day of April. 1904. The timber is of exceptionally One -r-,wth; average quarter girth, 9 itches. No p^.lge is r' given to accept the highest or any teader. 27178 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY! LIMITED. r Chief Office: HOLBORN BARS, LONDON. Summary of the Report presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Mesting, held on 3rd March, 1904. ORDINARY BRANCH.—The number of Poli- The number of Freo Policies granted during the cies issued during the year was 74,358. assuring the yoar to thosa Policy holders of five years' standiug sum of £ 7,396,050, and producing a New Annual who desired to discontinue their payments was Premium Income of £ 390,780. 95,938, the n'rnber in force ht"ing 912 981. The The Premiums received daring the vear were number of Free Policies which became Claims £ 3,814.856, being an increase of £ 163,098 over the during the was 19.78S. year 190, The Claims of the year amounted to £1 :23986. The total number of Policies itI force at thE, end The number of Deaths was 0,611. and 5,685 Endow- of the year wis 15,200,390 their average duration ment Assurances matured. exceeds tsn and a quarter years. The number of Policies in force at the end of the m. A c ..v. n • u J.l l l year wa* 712 097 Assets of the Uompanv, in both branches, as INDUSTRIAL BRANCH.-The Premiums sh"-wn in tl,e fB/!an%e i^e6t" T being received during: the year were £ 5,840,551, being an an increase of £ 4,0b^,lib ovei thoae ot U>J-. increase of £ 155,047. The Staff Provident Fund, which was founded The Claims of the year amounted to £ 3.100.824. in 1898 for the benefit of the outdoor staff, shows a The number of Deaths was J10,839, and 3,240 En- satisfactory iticrease for th year, the total amount dowment Assurances matured. standing to the credit of the Fund bsing £ 127,077. General Balance Sheet of the Prudential Assurance Company, Limited, being the Summary of both Branches, on the 31st December, 1903. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. £ s d- £ s. d. Shareholders' Capital 1,000.000 O 0 British Government securities 3,317.873 8 10 Heserve Funds 2,000,000 0 0 Indian and colonial govern- Life Assurance Funds 48,089,2-15 12 8 ment securities. 4 948,183 17 11 Claims unoer life policies ad- Railway and other debenture mitted 128.102 2 7 and debenture stocks 3,993,845 1 3 Loans on County Council, Municipal and other rates. 11,035,354 18 4 Freehold ground rents and Scotch feu duties 3,736,819 13 3 Freehold and leasehold pro- perty 2,993,758 2 2 Mortgaores on property within the United Kingdom 6,408,014 13 1 Railway, Gas, and Water stocks 6,882,479 5 4 Suez Canal shares 100,414 7 10 Telegraph and other shares 88,889 15 3 Metropolitan Consolidated stock, and City of London bonds 272,062 4 7 Bank of England stock 200.559 18 6 Colonial and Foreign corpora- tion stocks 938,374 18 4 Foreign government securities 1,349,488 10 9 Reversions and Life Interests 1,080,425 0 2 Loans on the Company's poii- cies. 1.606.633 12 1 Rent charges 290,445 14 10 Outstanding premiums and agents' balances 448,080 11 4 Outstanding interest and rents 410,(i5S 15 10 Cash-In hands of superinten- -^•dfcnf^ 1 6 Ditto—On current accounts, and in hand 236,042 1 8 1 P,51,217,3 77 15 3 £ 51,217,377 15 3 THOS, C. DE, WEY, Joint General Managers. FR^ERICK SCHOOLING, Actuary, EDGAR HORNE, Chairman S1ALL^ Secretary. HENRY HARBEN, 1 „ PERCY T. RE1D, Directors. A ,OF properly voucheii. We have also examined the Deeds and S«:urilio=, CertiScUu, to. tb*' were in possession and safc, custody as on December <lst, 1903, 17lh February, 1901. ljEL0!TTE. DEVEB, GRIFFITHS & Co Chartered Accountants. -+- ,TT .AVy inforIuation be obtained from the District Superintendent, Mr. W. Williams Ros«n^l<- Waterloo Terrace, Carmarthen, or Assistant Superintendents, Mr W Geor»e S T ewis Tpr«™ Tio, diio, aud Mr. William Jones, 15, Waterloo Terrace, Carmarthen ^tor^. ^ewis Terrace^Llan- H. REEVES WATCHMAKER II JEWELLER 54A, KING STREET, j CARMARTHEN. WEDDING RINGS.-Only one quality kept in Stock—the best-22 carat gold. Private room for the sale of Rings, Engagement Jewel- ( lery, &c., or whenever privacy is required. x ANCY LACE BROOCHES, Is. each, llun- dreds t.o SELECT from. REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMARTHEN. PEARL NECKLACES—A Large Stock of the best kinds from Is. to 20s. each. REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMARTHEN 8.DAY AMERICAN STRIKING CLOCK— Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany Case; 17s. 6d. guaranteed. O CT. GEM RINGS, set with Diamonds, JLO Pearls, Rubies, Sapphires, etc., etc., from 21s. upwards. Customers way select in private room. REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMARTHEN. — —-n GOLD & SILVER CH ARMS in groat variety REEVES, CARMARTHEN. REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS TO piate AND Jewellery. Keplating, silver ng, Gilding. Glass matching at moderate prices. GOLD & SILVER MEDALS for EisteddMfta, :C..mpetitiv:! Meetings, etc. REEVES, CARMARTHEN. SILVER MOUNTED Oak Trays, Salad Bowla, S Biscuit Koxes, Inkstands, ETC., at reasonable prices. REEVES, CARMARTHEN. WATCH, CLOCK, & JEWELLE HY of all kinds repaired and oeaned in th« best man- ner only. Watches requiring new parts, wheels, dials, etc., can be fitted same day as received. KEBVIDTS WATCHMAKER, OAKMARTHEN OLD GOLD & SILVER purchased for Cash. Highest prices given. REEVES, CARMAR THEN. HRISTENING JJPRESENTS. Child's Silvea J Cans, Knives, F-rki, and Spoons in cases Rattles, Bells, etc. Aliv-,r, good assortment. REEVES, DWELLER, CARMARTHEN. HALL-MARKED Silver Serviette Rings from 2s. each. REEVES, JEWELLER, CAR- MARTHEN. LADIES', GENTS', & CHILDREN'S Silver BackBrUshes in various sizes. REEVES, JEWELLER. LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, from 22 to £20. JU Al guaranteed. REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMARTHEN. 40 SILVER PHOTO FRAMES, all sizes and shapes Best value. AL th« latest pasterns. Cabinet s: z i f roiii 5s. each. BKST FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS from 25s. to £ 10, Suitable for Presentation. RKEVFG JEWEJ.LFCK, CATIMARTHEN. 1 dir ALL-MARKED Solid Silver Goods, Tea a B Caddies, Cruet Sets, Inkstands, Sweet Dishes, Trayi, Candlesticks, Bread Forks, etc., ] al W^ v,« in stock. INGEHSOLL AMERICAN WATCHKS. fis < 11 each. REEVES, 64a, KING-STREET, CARMARTHKN- SILVER-MOUNTED Cut-glass Vases, Salt ko) CELLAR, Scent Bottles, Match Strikers, etc ere. LADIES' Long Gold Guards, from 40s. earh. REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMAKTHEN ANTI-RHEUMATIC RINGS, from 3s. 6d. to J-L II)" EFCH. Assorted patterns. REEVES, CARMARTHEN. I ALARM CLOCKS, various styles. Only those of the bftst makers kept in stock. All gua- ranteed. REEVES, JEWELLER. CARMAR- THEN. ] MEXICAN SILVER ALKKRTS, is. each. Lockets Is. Seals (W.e ach. QILVER PLATED ASH TRAYS, Pin Trays, Match Boxes, Cigarette Caws, Bo»-bow Boxes, 6 Loving Cups, etc., all Waving the Arms of th- Borougk of Carmarthen nicely tnamelied in colours and gift. 2s, Od. to 5s. each. REAL Ebony, Silver-mounted Hair Brushes Band Mirrors, Boxes various Shapes for the Toilet Table, &e. REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMARTHEN. PASTE DIAMOND BROOCHES & PEN- ) DANTS. Best French Brilliants from Is. each to £2. A large stock to select from.- REEVES, JEWELLER, CARMARTHEN. C. WALTERS, OPTICIAN TO THEl SWANSEA EYE HOSPITAL, 15, Union Street, Swansea FOB ALL KINDS OF SPECTACLES AND OPTICAL GOODS. 23871 :!IIn4. "Q'" LLANDOVERY. Whit-Monday, May 23rd. 1904. About X100 in Prizes. BRASS 13AND CONTESTS CLASSES A and B £28 IN PRIZES. MALE VOICE COMPETITIONS— Open 930 and a Gold Medel. Jjocal £ 6 and a Silver Medal. Solos for the Four Voices. Prizes £ 1 Is each and Champion Gold Medal. TIIVIBERING- „ „ -COMPETITIONS Iwo Classes with Fonr Prizes in each class and a Silver Challenge Cup in the 1st Class. GRAND woo CARNIVAL ooo SIX PRIZES. Full particulars may be had on application to E. PRICE GRIFFITH, Hon. Secretary, 27184 National Provincial Bane. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. A GRAND CHAIR- —EISTEDDFOD WILL BE HELD AT FERRYSIDE I On Tuesday, 14th June, 1904. IALE VOICE PARTY (50 VOICES). "The Cruaaders" (Protheroe). LADIES' CHOIR (30 VOICES) Jesu, Lover of my Soul (Protheroe). jLEE MIXED CHOIR (50 VOICES)- Lullaby of Life (Leslie)- Fuller particulars to follow. 27215 -— THE LLANGADOCK ANNUAL RACES WILL BE HKLD AS USUAL 3n Easter Monday, April 4th, When the First Prizes for the Open Trotting and Open Galloping Races will be for P,10 each. :Iorse, Trap, and Harness 1st Prize, £ 7 10s, lumping (Open) 1st Priae, £ 5 5s. Entries close 31st March. Further particulars and posters will appear Jiortly, to be obtained from THE HON. SEC., 27063 L'aogadock. RE JOHN DAVIES (DECEASED). ALL Persons having claim against the Estate of John Davies, Plas isaf, Bankyfelin, Carmar- thenshire, deceased, are requested to send me, the mdersigned, full particulars before the 22nd inat. DAVID HARRIES, Sole Executor, 1857p Mydrim Villa, Pontardulais. EDUCATION ACTS, 1870-1902, Administrative County of the County Carmarthenshire. WHEREAS representations have been made f" to the Board of Education that the Local Education Authority of the Administrative County of Carmarthen-hire as regards some or all of the Public Elementary Schools within their area, named in the schedu e hereto annexed, being: Schools not provided by the FaId Local Education Authority have failed to fulfil their duties lander the Sections herein after mentioned of the Educa- tion Act, 1902, with respect thereto and in particu- lar— (1) Have failed to be responsible for or to control the Secular Instruction to be given in such Schools (Section 5); (2) Have failed to appoint a Manager or Managers for such Schools respec- tively (Section 0 (2)) (3) Have failed to maintain and keep efficient such Schools or to control the expenditure required for pose (Section 7 (1) ) (4) Have withheld their cmsen pointment of Teachers on otherlth educational grounds (Section 1\ (e) ) AND WHEREAS the Brard of Education havs determined to hold a Public Inquiry wi-h respect to snch failm-p as aforesaid under Sections 1G and 23:, (HI) of the said Act and have appointed A. T. Law- rence, Esq., one of his Majesty Counsel such enquiry. NOW THEREFORE the Board of Education HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the said A. T. Lawrence, Esq., one of His Majesty's Counsel, wiii hold a sitting at t e Assembly Rooms in King Street, in the Borough of Car- marthen, on Thursday, the twenty- fourth day of March, J 904, at 11 o'clock. in the forenoon, and will thereat hear receive and examine any evidence and information offered, and hear and inquire into any objections or repre- sentations made respecting the subject of the Inquiry with power from time to time to adjourn any sitting. H. M. LINDSELL, Principal Assistant Secretary.. SCHEDULE. Abergwilly National School. Dlantihangeluwchgwili National School. Panttej.'Bri1 ish School, Peniel British School, White Mill British School. Yspyt.tv National ^CIHV I. Abernant National School. Berrisbrook Nariona- School. Cilycwm Church School Tremoilet Memorial School, Kidwelly National School, Bronk National r-eliooi. Laugbarne National School Llanddausant British School. Golden Grove National School. Llanarthney National School. Llandairog National School. Llandebie National School. Idole British School. Llandefeilog National School Cwia Amman National H. h< ol. Llandilofawr National School. Trapo National School. Llandovery British Scho 1. Llandovery National School. Llandowror National School. Hendy National School. Old Llanedy National School. Tycroes National School. I Ltw^w' t'ona I School. Felinfoel Trinity National School. Capel (Ivtif,h National School. Cefnarthen British School. Rhandyrmwyn National School. Llanfihangel-ar-Arth National Sdiool. Llanfynydd National School. Capel Mair National School. Llangeler National School. Saron British School. Llangennech British School. Llangennech National School. Llangunnock Vau^han's Charity School. Llangunnor National School. Llanllwni National School. Llanon National School. Llanstephan National School. Llanybri National School. j Llanwrda Endowed School. Merthyr National School. Cwmdwr Church School. Mokhfii National School. Mydrim Parochial School Newcastle Emlyn National School. Newchurch Nutiional School. Pembrey National School. Pemboyr National School. St. Clears National School. Felryside St Thomas' Parochial School. Llansaint National School. Treleacli ar-Bettws Davies' Charity Sch. ol. 27192 I EDUCATION ACT, 1992 SECTION 8 (1). FORM 30 A (NOTICE). I } CARMARTHENSHIRE LOCAL EDU- CATION AUTHORITY. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 (1) or the Education Act, lb02, tbati the County Council of Carmarthenshire, being the Local Education Authority for the purposes of Part III. of that Act, propose to provide a. new Public Elementary Schoool for about 300 children at Llandovery, in the B rough of Llandovery. The School will be available for the following area:— THE PARISHES OF 1 LANDINGAT WITH- OUT, I -LANI)IiN(,AT WITllIN MO I I-IVEY, LLANFAIRARYBRYN. & CILYCWM. J. W. NICHOLAS. Clerk to the Local Education Authority. Dated 15th February, 1904. Section 8 (1) of the Education Act; 1902, provides- as follows:— (1) Where the Local Education Authority or any "other persona propose to provide a new public elementary school, they shall give public "notice of their intention to do so, and the "Managers of any existing school, or the "Local Education Authority (where they are not themselves the persons proposing to- provide the school), or auy ten ratepayers in the area for which it is proposed to pro- vide the school, rn;»y, within three months. after the notice is given, appeal to the "Board of Education on the ground that "the proposed school is not required, or that "asebool provided by the Local Education Authority, or not so provided, as the case' may be. is better suited to meet the wants "of the district than the school proposed to be "provided, and any school built in contra- "vention of the decision of the Board of Education on such appeal shall be treated I as unnecessary." 27216 CARMARTHEN UNION. CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c- TENDERS are invited for supplying the Work- JL house for 0 MONTHS with Meat, Bacon, Flour, and other Provisions and Groceries, and with Stone and Soft Coal; and for 12 MONTHS- with Flannel, Drapery, Clothing, Ironmongery, Boots and Shoes, Coffins, Timber for Firewood and for Printing and for Carpenters', Masons'' Paititers', and Plumbers' Work and hire of Hearse and Carriages. The Guardians reserve .ht! power of contracting separately for each article, and do not bind them- selves to accept the lowest or any Tender' rl he quality of the articles will be most rigidly- enforced. Printed Forms of Tender may be bad on applica- tion to the Clerk. All Tenders must be sealed (marked Tender for ") and delivered to the Clerk, with Sam- ples. on or before Friday, the 25th day of Mxrch- instant. By Order of the Board, ROWLAND BROWNE, Clerk to the Guardians.- 7, Hall Street, Carmarthen, 14th March, 1904. 27217 CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION, 1904. TO THE ELECTORS O^FraE LAUGHARNE' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I RESPECT FULLY beg to thank you sincerely- for having elected me your Representative on- tlip aboyp Coun,-il. ani promise that no effort shall" be spared to retain your confidence. Yours faithfully, RICHARD EVANS. Cresswell. Laugharne, R.S.O., March 10th, 1904. 27309 MESSRS THOMAS and WILLIAMS, Record Agents, 77, Chancery Lane, London, W.C., personally undertake every description of genealo- gical and other searches in the Public Record Office, Principal Probate Registry, Bi itimh M isetim, as. d r. all other repositories <>» f.ecoida in Englard and Wales. Fixed moderate char.1 s. S^x-c alitv— all matters relating to V.'ah s. 27171