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LIFE! LIFE! LIFE! SAVJI YOULT CHILDREN FROM DEATH BY THAT TERRIBLE DISEASE CROUP. MANY THOUSANDS DIE ANNUALLY. ALL MAY BE SAVED BY GIVING THEM MORTIMER'S CROUP & COUGH MIXTURE IN TIME. Also a valuable remedy for.the Cough., Whoop- ing Cough, Colds, Influenza, Sore Throats, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Fever, and all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. Croup is a disease that mostly attacks young children, and those who have once had it are more susceptible of it than before; but this gradually wears off as they grow older. It sometimes ter- minates fatally within twenty-four hours; although when death happens, it more commonly occurs on the fourth or fifth day. It commences usually with a slight cough, hoarseness, and sneezing, as in a common cold; but soon succeeds a peculiar shrill- nest and singing of the voice, as if the sound were sent through a brazen tube; then comes the dread- ful and distressing hard singing, and crowing cough, not unlike the barking of a dog. When this is attended with difficulty of breathing, the case caUsfor immediate attention, and mostactive treat- ment. In this stage persons generally begin to get alarmed; but as it comes on mostly in the middle of the eight, it often proves fatal, because of the dela; occasioned by waiting until the morning will out medical aid. The Proprietor having found his CROUP MIXTURE so efficacious in his own family, and being blessed as a means of restoring his children repeatedly from this appalling disease, he thinks it bis duty to parents to give it a greater publicity. He has had already the heartfelt gratitude of many mothers for being the means of restoring their children, tha t were once given up. While we hear of so many deaths from Croup, what a comfort it must be to have such a remedy ready at hand. What love can that mother have towards her child that will not procure for herself what has been such a blessing to others, when it can be obtained at such a trifling amount. The following are a few from DOBBilDS OF GENUINE TESTIMOHIiLS. Llancerdinan Farm, Conwil, Carmarthenshire. DBAR SIB,—I think it is my duty for the sake of other children to inform you that Mortimer's Croup Mixture was the means of saving my child's life after the doctor had given him up. The first dose gave the child relief. He has had a touch of Croup several times since, but the Croup Mixture given in time always prevents a serious attack. Yours respectfully, BENJAMIN THOMAS. 165, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Mr Francis. DEAR SIB,—Please forward per return post a bottle of Mortimer's Croup Mixture. Why do you not have an agent at Cardiff ? I was obliged last night to send for a medical man to attend my child, who had an attack of Croup. Had I Mortimer's Croup Mixture in the house, medical aid would have been unnecessary, as I have always warded off a serious attack by giving the Croup Mixture in time. I have used it for many years, and never find it fail. Yours truly, JOHN AARON. Penrhos, Newham.road, Bedford. SIB,—I received the three bottles of Mortimer's Croup and Whooping Cough Mixture. Please send me twelve more bottles as my children have all got the whooping cough. I find it does them so much more good than anything else. Kindly send by return and oblige. Yours truly, A. REES. Cobden Villa, Ferryside, Carmarthen. Mr Francis. DEAR SIR,—Please send me another bottle of that valuable medicine for children Mortimer's Croup and Cough Mixture. I never like to be with- out it in the house. From long experience I can truly say it is the best medicine I have used for croup, whooping cough, and all other coughs in children. A never failing remedy in an attack of croup. Yours faithfully, D. T. MORRIS. 66, Miskin-street, Cardiff. To Mr W. Francis, Chemist, Carmarthen. Dear Sir,—I have to acknowledge the receipt of the two bottles of Mortimer's Croup and Cough Mixture." I have found this preparation so very effective in cases of croup and severe colds that, during the cold season especially, I always like to have a supply at hand. Wherever there are children at all subject to croup, it is invaluable. I firmly believe that it has on more than one occa- sion Baved the lives of some of my children. I am by no means a believer or an advocate of the indis- criminate use of patent medicines, but my experience of "Mortimer's Croup Mixture" has been such that I feel impelled, from a sense of duty to other parents, to send you this voluntary testimony. I am, dear Sir, very faithfully yours, B. G. EVANS. From the Rev. J. Thomas, Baptist Minister, Taber- nacle Villa, Carmarthen. DEAR SIB,—I have great pleasure in testifying to the efticaq of Mortimer's Croup and Congh Mixture. We always have it in the house and find it most beneficial. Yours truly, J. THOMAS. ,t:. 22, Franois Terrace, Carmarthen. DEAR SIB,—Kindly send me a bottle of Mortimer's Croup and Cough Mixture. I cannot understand why you do not give greater publicity to it. I have found it a most excellent remedy in cases of Croup, having given it to my children on several occasions, and have never found it fail. I always recommend it to my friends (having children) as a most valuable medicine to keep in the house in case of emergency, a rule I have always adopted myself since I had occasion to make use of it. Yours truly, CHAS. N. PHILLIPS. Mr W. Francis. PATRONISED BY THE PUBLIC FOR OVER 50 YEARS. Sold in Bottles, Is. ld. and 2s. 9d. each; sent by post to any address for 3d. extra. PREPARED ONLY BY THE PBOPRIETOR- W. FRANCIS, A.P.S., (LATE D. LL. MORTIMER) CHEMIST, CARMARTHEN. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-class, full powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers, equal to any European Line. Passengers and goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THIS 18 THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTE TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & CO., 19 and 22, Water Street, LIVERPOOL. ESTABLISHED 1854. THOMAS WILLIAMS, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, 10, CHAPEL-STREET, CARMARTHEN (Opposite to the English Wesleyan Chapel) Bibles, Music, Albums, and Old Boohs Bound and Repaired with the greatest care. SXCOND-HAND Booxs BOUGHT, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED A ROYAL NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES, BRECON, 1889. AUGUST 27th, 28th. 29th, and 30th. iei,ioo IN PRIZES. LARGE NUMBER OF ENTRIES IN LITERATURE AND ART. GRAND CHORAL CONTESTS EACH DAY. 4,800 COMPETITORS. 500 SOLOISTS. GRAND EVENING CONCERTS. 32 ARTISTESJ EISTEDDFOD CHOIR 250 IN NUMBER. GRAND ORCHESTRA 62 PERFORMERS. Splendid Military Band of the tat Battalion, South Wales Borderers, from headquarters, Dublin (By the kind permission of Col. Farque Glennie). MAGNIFICENT PAVILION CAPABLE OF SEATING 10,000 PEOPLE. Special Railway Arzaagements on all the Lines. Prices of Admission :—Reserved Seats numbered; Season Tickets, 30s. (8 meetings); Ditto Single Ticket, 5s. First Class Season Ticket, 20s. (8 meetings); Ditto Single Tieket, 3s. Second Class Season Ticket, 12s. (8 meetings); Do. Single Ticket, ts. Third Class Single Ticket, Is. each. Ticket offices will be open on Monday, July 15th, at Mr Link, Mr HugheS, and Messrs. Heins y High-street, Brecon. Full particulars will be found in large posters at all Railway Stations, and in the otnciai programme ready by 10th August next. All information can be had of RHYS DAVIES, Brecon, 4th July, 1889. Secretary. SANITARY CLOTHING. PURE WOOL "UNDYED" CLOTH AND FLANNEL i.' ,,t. Made from specially selected English and Foreign Wools. ■ ¡( i FOR PATTERNS AND PRICES APPLY TO THE MANUFACTURERS, r TXLIEIT & CO., Maesllyn Mills, Llandyssil, South Wales OR THEIR AGENTS, MESSRS. GREENISH & DAWKINS, HAVERFORDWEST. MESSRS. T. & G. BIDDLECOMBE, LONDON HOUSE, NEYLAND. TYLER & CO. have gained the following Exhibition Awards for their various manufactures:- .a HIGHEST AWARDED MEDAL, LIVERPOOL, 1886. GOLD MEDAL, SYDNEY, 1888. HIGHEST AWARDED ORDER OF MERIT ADELAIDE, 1887. w. S. PHILLIPS, WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANT, LATE 5, QUEEN STREET, CARMARTHEN. i r "I' W. S. P. has always in stock a large variety of ¡ BRANDIES, SCOTCH, AND IRISH WHISKIES, LONDON GIN, RUMS PORT WINES, SHERRIES, CLARETS, & CHAMPAGNES. AGENT FOR BASS'S ALES AND GUINESS'S STOUT, AND OTHERS. SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED STRETTON HILL'S MINERAL WATERS. PLEASE OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- No. 7, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. HENRY HARRIS, CABINET AND UPHOLSTBRER 41, KING-STREET, CA-RMARTIIEN. (ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 40 YEARS). R:"V »• A LARGE STOCK OF WARDROBES, BOOK CASES, WRITING TABLES. CHAIRS, &c. All made on the Promises by Experienced Workmen. INSPECTION INVITED. FEATHER BEDS DRESSED AND PURIFIED BY STEAM AND HOT AIR PRICES MODERATE—LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. DON'T READ THIS Unless yea want to buy your Suits at wholesale prices, and save from 25 to 40 per cent. Tweeds, from Is. 6d. to 5s. per yard; Vicunas, Serges, and Worsteds, from 4s. to 15s. per yard, 54 inches wide. Try our special parcels which we are otfaring for a few weeks only. No. I.-Our 25s. parcel contains 1 Stylish Suit (length, 61 yards) of very good quality, and I dost coat (length, 2t yards), altro of excellent quality. a • lu No. 2.—Our 40s. parcel contains 1 very Stylish Suit (length, 6# yards), 1 Stylish Trousers flengtb, 2i yards), together with 1 superior dust coat (length, 2 £ ). Of course all the cloth in this parcel is of a better quality than in the No. I parcel. N.B. The Customer CHOOSES HIS OWN CLOTH by means of samples in both the above parcels. Any length cut. Carriage paid on orders of JM and upwards. Terms cash. Samples post free, on application, to any address. Write at once for samples to-E. A. STOTT & Co., Albany Mills, Huddersfield. MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN. JOSEPH COYSH. FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES!! WHITE THORN QUICKS FOR HEDGES. CHOICC TREES AND SHRUBS, FRUIT TREES AND ROSES, AND ALL KINDS OF NURSERY STOCK. SILVER FIR, ALDER, ASH, BEECH, BIRCH, ELM, SYCAMORE, POPLAR, HORNBEAN FOR HEDGES, &c. PRICES ON APPLICATION. IMPORTANT NOTICE. T. B. VATJOPIAISr, 6, DARK GATE, CARMARTHEN, Begs to inform the Public generally that he has opened a r TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, Under the management of an experienced London Cutter (16 years in the West End) and he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a fair share of their patronage. Special Attention given to CLERICAL GARMENTS, LIVERIES, BREECHES, & LADIES' HABITS HIS STOCK COMPRISES ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN SCOTCH, IRISH, AND WEST OF ENGLAND TWEEDS. He also begs respectfully to add that he holds the Largest Stock of Gents' Mercery in the Town a Hats and Cape by the Beat Makers: a large Gentlemen's Gloves, Shirts, Scarfs, Cottars, variety to select frota, Handkerchiefs, Braces, æc., æc. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UMBRELLAS. Gentlemen waited upon at their own residences on receipt of Post Card. Perfect Fit and Style guaranteed. AN INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS— i 6, DARK GATE, CARMARTHEN. i ESTABLISHED 1809. R. A. HOLDING & CO., (LATELY J. H. SMITH & CO.) WHOLESALE AND FAMILY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BASS', ALLSOPP'S, and other PALE ALES, AND IONDON & DUBLIN STOUT. Stores 19, QUEEN-STREET, CARMARTHEN. TOWY SPECIALITIES. .1 J ,I, ,¿ ¿,?2/-j)i- -:1 77, J \f I h ,¡f', (,\t "I (:- :11, 'r: TOWY VIRGIN CORK for Ferneries, Flower Basket, Rustic Table, Seats, Ac. Only 2d. per lb. TOWY MANGLE, 40s. TOWY GARDEN SEAT, 21s ASPINALL'S ENAMEL, 5d. & 10ld. v -A% The Largest Stock of Ironmongery in the District at Civil Service Stores Prices and Terms. A GOOD 56in. SECOND HAND BICYCLE FOR SALE. CHEAP. Note Address-DAVIES, TOWY WORKS, CARMARTHEN. SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF! MANCHESTER HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. TXTILLIAM MORRIS begs to thank his numerous Customers for their kind patronage during the few T V years he has carried on business on the above Premises, and, owing to circumstances over which he has no control (the Premises having been purchased by another Tradesman), he is compelled to SELL OFF AT THE LOWEST PRICES all his EXTENSIVE STOCK OF FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Those requiring good, useful, and sound NEW FURNITURE AT CHEAPER PRICES THAN SECOND HAND will do well to inspect the STOCK some day during the course of the 14 DAYS' SALE, COMMENCING FRIDAY, 26TH OF JULY. TERMS-CASH. =- QUEEN ELIZABETH GRAMMAR SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. FOTJHDBD, 1576. Chairman of Governors: VISCOUNT EMLTN. Head Mast&-J. J. LLOYD-WILLIAMS, M.A., Classi- cal Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. ASSISTANT MASTERS. Mathmaties-E. H. HENSLEY, M.A., Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge; Bell University Scholar; Twelfth Wrangler. Natural Sciences-J. F. HARTIN, B.A., Scholar of Downing College, Cambridge; 2nd Class Science Tripos. Modern Languages-Taught as a form subject. Master of Preparatory Seltool-C. J. HANRETTE, Oxford and Cambridge Higher (Schools) Certifi- cate with distinction. Drawing-W. JONBS, Higher Certificate, South Kensington. Music-C. VIDEON HARDING, Organist of St. Peter's. Drill-Sergeant-Major COOPER. I. Senior Department prepares for the Univer- sities and all Public Examinations. 11. Preparatory Department (for Boys between 8 and 14). Several Scholarships offered for competition on or about May 1st, 1889. a Successes in year 1888:—JE50 classical Exhibi- tion, Oxford £ 50 Open Science Scholarship, Cam- bridge; Proxime Accessit for Powis (classical) Exhibition, J660 per annum; first-class London Matriculation; two higher Oxford and Cambridge certificates; two distinctions, do. History and Chemistry; four lower do.; 18 first classes, 53 first and second classes May examination Science and Art, South Kensington; passes in Preliminary Law and Medicine; do. for National Provincial Bank; Matriculation Trinity College, Dublin, and Lampeter. N.B.—In last lower certificate examination a boy from this school obtained highest number of first classes among Welsh candidates. Apply for terms and subject of next Scholarship examination, to Headmaster. The next Term commence Thursday. May 2nd. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CARMA RTHEN. PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. LADY PRINCIPAL Miss ARTHY. M.R.C.P., Certificated in Honors, Cambridge University Certificated, 1st Class, by the Council of Education; German Diploma. LADY SUPERINTENDENT MRS. ROBERTS: ASSISTANT RESIDENT TEACHERS Miss GILES (Certificated Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity Col- lege).—Miss RANDALL, Certificated, 1st Class, by the Council of Education; Certificated in Botany, Hygiene Agriculture, and Drawing by the Science and Art Department; Kindergarten, Needlework, and Drill Certificates. NON-RESIDENT—Miss BUCKLEY, Associate in Music, Trinity College, London; Senior R.A.M. ana Trinity College Certificates (Piano, Organ, Theory); Society of Arts, 1st Class in Music; Cambridge Higher Certificate. ASSISTANT MASTERS Mr. W. JONES (Higher Certificates S. Kensington); Music, Mr. COOKE, Organist of Christ Church. DANCING MISTRESs-Migs AYLING. THE School gives an excellent education on very -L moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders, under the superintendence of a Clergyman's widow. Pupils prepared for public Examinations. Exnhibitions of Ten Guineas per annum, tenable for 3 years, will be offered for competition on Tuesday, May 7th. Entrance Exhibition of 10 and 15 Guineas. School re-oprns September 18th, 1889. For full particulars apply to the Lady Principal. GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 10, QUAY STREET, CARMARTHEN. PRINCIPAL: MRS. W. MARLES-THOMAS PUPILS have passed the South Kensington Ait and Science; First Class College of Preceptors Junior and Senior Oxford and Cambridge; Junior and Senior Royal Academy of Music; Junior and Senior rrinity College Pianoforte Playing and Theory of Vfuaic Examinations, with first-class Honours, THE COLLEGE SCHOOL, LAMPETER. Head Master and Teacher of English Subjects-Rev. T. M. EVANS,B. A., late Senior Scholar of St. David's College, and Prizeman and Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge. Classics Rev. E. J. DAVIES, B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Mathematics and Modern Languages-A. FIBLD, Esq., B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Science-A. TIIOMAS, Esq., B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Excellent intermediate education. Direct prepara- tion for the learned professions under peculiarly advan- tageous conditions. Thorough preparation for St. David's College and other places of higher educa- tion. For prospectus, &c., apply to HEADMASTER. \o\N (I IV ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. SALOON, 10 te 18 GUINEAS INTBBIIJ::DIATE,.£6 6B. STEERAGE, M. CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts ef Canada, Manitoba, the North West Territory and British Columbia, also te the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist rates. Through trains daily from Ocean to Ocean," and Emigrant Sleeping Care without extra charge. A liberal allowance of bag- gage free. Western bound Emigrants accompanied by a Special Conductor. Prof. Fream's new report and all the latest maps and pamphlets free on application to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., Liverpool. Or to W. FINCH, 16, Nctt-square, Carmarthen. I-T -Z -I,I- ANCHOR LINE. LIVERPOOL TONEW YORK VIA QUEENSTOWN. EXPRESS SERVICE. S.S. CITY OF ROME. 8,144 Tons.12,500 Horse-power. This magnificent steamship will sail from LIVER- POOL to NEW YORK (via QUEENSTOWN) on WEDNESDAY August 7 WEDNESDAY. September 4. WEDNESDAY October 2 SALOON RATES, £ 12 to 25 Guineas, according to position, Ac., of State-room. RETURN TICKETS at moderate rates. INTERMEDIATE and STEERAGE PASSAGES at Reduced Rates. Apply to HENDERSON BROS., Mersey Chambers, Old Church Yard, and 17. Water Street, Liverpool; or Or to W. FINCH, 16, Nott-square, Carmarthen.. THE PROVINCIAL ADVERTISING, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, LYDNEY, GLO'STERSHIRE. ADVERTISERS should send for Prospectus to /jL the Provincial Advertising Offices, Lydney. Glo'itershire. I AT HOME AND ABROAD. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS INSURED AGAINST BY THE Railway Passengers' Assurance Company 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman. Annual Income, £ 248,000. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund, £ 275,000. COMPENSATION PAID FOR 126,000 ACCIDENTS £ 2-600-000. MODERATE PAZXIUXS-FAVOURABLIC CONDITIONS- NEW CONCESSIONS. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. WEST END OFFICE: 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.C. Head Office61, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. HARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Abundant crops and first elass quality is the report we get at home and from abroad* TEA HARVEST Just commenced. Prove6 no exception as the New Season Teas, some of which have just arrived, speak for themselves, and can he seen at T SMITHS. 38, KING- STREET, CARMARTHEN, Who has some exceptionally fine Teas, both China and India Teas. s. d. Very Fine Ceylon Teas 2 6 Do. Do. 2 0 Do. Do. 1 8 Very Finest Moning and Kaisow 2 6 Do. Do. Do. 2 0 Do. Do. Do. 1 8 Do. Do. Do. 1 4 Farmeri and others desirous of getting good, strong, fine, flavour Teas, should try my 2s. Ceylon Teas, which cannot be equalled at the price. Just Published, a book for Young Men, BY DR. J. A. BARNES, M.D., (U.S.), entitled: "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH." On the LAWS GOVERNING LIFE. and the CAVSBS, STMPTOMS, and T&EATMBNT of all diseases depend- ing on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, sach as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depres- sion, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back, &c. Sent post free for 2 Stamps j or by letter poet, 3 Stamps. "THE FEMALE'S FRIEND AND ADVISER" Will be sent GRATIS to any address on RECEIPT OF STAMPED ENVELOPE. Address, DB. BARNES, 48, Lensdale Square, Barnsbury, London, N. If you suffer From Biliousness, Headaches, Indi- gestion, or Liver Complaint, Try Kernick's VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no confinement indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands who pronounce them to be the BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. TESTIMONIAL from J. BALBIRNIE, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Physiology," Author of "A Treatise on the Turkish Bath," &c. :— I have examined the Pills known as Kernick's Vegetable PillsJ' I certify their composition to be purely vegetable. I have also tried their effect, and consider them one of the best Aperient Pills for con- stipated habits that I know of." (Signed) JOHN BALBIRNIB, M.A., M.D. Kernick's Vegetable Pills strengthen the system, brace the nerves and purify the blood, and are universally declared to be the best medicine ever discovered. They are specially recommended to females of all ages, Sold in 7bd., Is. Id., and 2s. 9d. Boxes. Sold by all Chemists, &c., or direct of KERNICK & SON, Cardiff. IRON BUILDINGS. BRUCE AND STILL, NORFOLK STREET, LIVERPOOL, CONTRACTORS FOR IRON BUILDINGS and ROOFS, Churches, Schools, Mission Rooms, Hospitals, Cricket and Lawn Tennis Pavilions, Colliery Roofs, Warehouses, Stores, Billiard Rooms, Clubs, Shoot. ing Lodges, Cottages, Huts, FARM BUILDINGS,' Hay and Corn Sheds, Barns, Dairies, Stables, Ac. Highest Testimonials from the Leading Clergy, Architects, and Agriculturists. Estimates and Designs on application. Contractors to H.M.'s Government. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. On and After JULY 1 A NEW SERVICE OF EXPRESS TRAINS Will be in operation between BIRMINGHAM i And iii SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE DISTRICT | And WORCESTER, MALVERN, HEREFORD, And SOUTH WALES, As under :— DOWN TRAINS. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Birmingham (Snow-HU). 9 3811 3012 35 3 55 5 50 Wolverhampton 9 0|11 2012 40 3 35 5 30 Worcester (Foregate-st.). 10 4912 37 2S 8 5 2 6 55 Great Malvern 11 7 12 54 2 34 5 19 7 12 Hereford 11 45 l' 27 3 30 5 52 7 45 p.m. Newport 1 27 2 57 5 18 7 22 9 26 Cardiff 1 501320653745960 Swansea 3 50t 5 15 8 15 11 45 Carmarthen 4 45 6 2510 5 1227 Tenby 6 0 7 30 — — — UP TRAINS. |a.m. 1a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. Tenby — — 8 30 — 10 50 Carmarthen 3 52: — 9 38 — 12 5 Swansea 4 30 7 40 10 4511 20 1 30 Cardiff 6 0 9 2512 22 1 10 3 55 Newport <i 35 9 48 12 46 1 35 4 14 Hereford 8 Oil 24 2 15 3 55 5 50 Great Malvern 8 4011 59 2 51 4 40 6 26 Worcester (Foregate-st.). 8 52il2 11 3 3 5 0 6 38 Wolverhampton 10 55* 1 47 4 17 6 47 9 0 Birmingham (Snow-hill). 10 0) 1 17 4 12 6 15 7 46 S. Shrub-hill. Through Carriages between Cardiff and Birmingham. HY. LAMBERT, General Manager. UNITED COUNTIES HUNTERS SHOW, Open to the Counties of CARMARTHEN, PEM. BROKE, CARDIGAN, d: GLAMORGAN. PRESIDENT: THE EARL CAWDOR. THE following Prizes will be offered for competition JL at Carmarthen, on Thursday, 22nd August, 1889 (being the twenty-fifth Annual Exhibition). £ s. d. CLASS I.—For the best Hunter, Colt or Filly, # two years old (bred in the Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, or Glamorgan) 15 0 0 Second best 10 0 0 Third best 2 10 0 CLASS II.—Best Hunter, Colt or Filly, three years old (bred in the Counties of Car- marthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, or Gla- morgan) 20 0 0 Second best ••• 10 0 0 Third best 2 10 0 CLASS III.—Best Hunter, four years old (bred in the Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, or Glamorgan) 25 0 0 Second best 15 0 0 Third best 5 0 0 CLASS IV.—Best Hunter, five years old (bred in the Counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, or Glamorgan) 25 0 0 Second best 15 0 0 Third best 2 10 0 CLASS V.—Best Hunter of any age, up to not less than 12 stone 20 0 0 Second best 10 0 0 „ Third best 2 10 0 OLASS VI.—Best weight-carrying Hunter of any age, up to not less than 14 stone 20 0 0 oecondbest 10 0 0 CLASS VII.—Best Brood Mare, having pro- duced a foal to and served again by a Thorough-bred Horse in 1889 20 0 0 Second best 10 0 0 CLASS VIII.—Best Jumper, of any age 10 0 0 Second best 5 0 0 Entrance—Subscribers, 5s Non-subscribers, 10s All entries close on or before 12th August. For entry forms and rules apply to the hon. secretary, Lieut.- Col. W. Lewes, Tenby.