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NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. BKITTSE?MJF,CHER S WORLD-FAMED G ALVANIC DKRITITV (Uro of NERVOIS EXHAUSTION and to received Testimonials from three Physicians tl e Q¡¡t'en tl1: leading Physicinnsof Nino ( II i ,"sl a!s> iix'Hulin.LC Forty Members of the Boyal SF Physicians of London. symptoms of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION" 2L"1 J'EHIUTV are speedily removed bv MEANS of Pulver- macher's World-famed Galvanic Belts, which are so jUTniiged as to convoy a continuous electric current direct to i he a Hoc ted parts, gradually stimulating and strengthening all the nerves and muscles, and speedilv arresting all symptoms of waste and decay. I)i!. IT. A. AL.T.P.ITT, M.R.C.P 24. "Pari; S.jinrc, T.«"D-. WR;IM Her.. I :;ln ;;YS ivroimiiemt with ronlhUm-r MR. ITl.VKUL M Aril l.ii'S 11KI.TS. I.rtdirs lvcovrrlnfe' from illttr S? IUCIDNNT.U JN tiic'IV SI'S will find Ihese BELTS of vast :is=isiame in rcloi-inr. lost Il'TVr JinWiT. Sn: CM I! LOCOOK, TMrt. M.D., ritysinun to JTrr Moiestv RAYS IT I. v EI!M ACH 111-. I, rs are very ff,T| [V..• ■ nil I!hriim.IT ir Atricli-.ns. and Inve LU-cscrih I] UV inv I'raci ice for other simi'V inn indies, iinr ilysjs t111 «*"• or PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC DEPOT 194, Regent Street, London, \7. ^TABLFSnrn flVlPTI I "n. I., ,L-'l\, I J ri:\ I". EW X^IXTRIIJY SOLUBLE ana NOT R^RRVYRT —— a a MELLIN 5 S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. Trice 1,6 & 2,6 Per Bottle. J§1L IgMrlSiial Rich in Blood and Bons. forming Elementl. FOl THE HFALTHFUL REARING OF HAND-FED CHILDREN, AND THE PRESERVATION OF INFANT LIFE. A sample sent post free on application to G. MELLIN, Marlboro' Works, Peckham, 8.E. ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS £ V from £ :■>, carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beautiful. "I"11* "I"1 'Vices from J. -v ygaiptor. ABERDEEN. USEFUL NOTES.FOR OCEAH PASSENGERS" J orLi-ni7.«.] Post fret I17 Pit? QOOTT. 38,Ofccaoa 8t..Lon<l»m. NEW DISCOVERT. "E. W. CRONBERG'S RHEUMATIC rnnriinr »> Incredibly quirk-acting remedy against RXSRLIL.R Rheumatism, Headache, and LUULnUL. Toothache. Sold by CASSIE & CO.. 49, Newgate St.. London. E.C. .,("" {,,r,. (;-rrf;.t J- An.,1.1, (•: n A X1TE MON UMENTS J.A Vj and beautiful. front £ ■n r Vi'-1 r I.' 'rV '-i'i,' r v lll-.l: "i.KS. Plain an.) 1'nr-f '"t" ll'1'1,1 — X mi.LLA.vi '•> m nAo.vj.i-l.Jjt.&. xil those requiring New or Second-hand X,/<"V Tables, Requisites, or Billiard work done, should, before going elsewhere, send for «\ New Price List, Cloth »;<! Cnsluon REVERSI. A CliBTER AND INTERESTING GAMK FOR Till CHESS-BOARD. Is., 2s. 6d., and 58. To be had of all Toy Dealers and Fancy Stationers. ROYAL CHAMPAGNE for XMAS., 42s. per doz. Best Value in the World.-DENYER & CO., >7, Regent Street, Lontlnn, S.W. /CAMPBELL'S Speciality—Diamonds. Dlamoiul Uiiifts from £ la. to £ ;>ft; Bracelets, £ 4 48. to £ 10<i; Eirringi, £ 'J Us. to £ 75; Brooches, £ :s 3a. to £ 23; Wedding ttirrtf •nd Keepers from 10s. 6d to £ 3 3.«. eaeb. Diamonds boui/hL or ■TcUtneed. Post; fr«e 6. CUKAPS/DB. LO-NTl(>>T ll'. i » I l\ I D H lil 1 Tl 1:(:'rlats destroyed by using One Hoxor r M11N1J11 Hi 111. II DOI alunnul' » vu« CUC*Buoard,l/ flLvL nil I of allFaner I I'WAUDS OF 200,000 3IOKK PAUTS OF THE QUIVER have been sold during 1888 'han jaj-t year. This Mnpazine for Sunday and General to I)t' able," i*'tKes ■m' Tt ^!i -'iZ ,V,<C w-h J1'0 November Part, containing 80 I .NUT (..I!(»;ncd I'HUO, |»RICC MN|IENOC. CAasELL & (.'OMi'AXV, LtviTKii; and all Booksellers. I NOW HEADY, PATlT J, priec 6d., of QASSELL'S NEW POPULAR EDUCATOR. X™. TKXT. KKW ILLPSTRATIOir^ Jv, ?'ur M 1 !'s C'OLOUHS. ••Will, o,). 1 1, XhAV COl.OUHF.L) PLATES. • Willi AH I«» ISSUED AR INVFRO and strikinsr I'RKSKSTATIO"* n v;'M Vimih\v 7i.e CA^PT 1 i 4^1 V,4n1,i,ian1a Snljuu.-incn." ^ABBI^LL A. TO^J LAX>V, LntirKP. Ludtrate Hill. I.NNRTNU ^ABBI^LL 01; TO^J LAX>V, LntirKP. Ludtrate Hill. I.NNRTNU W RUPTURES! W White s Moc-Main Lever Truss Manufactured only by J. White & Co., at2CS, Piccadilly! Is the most comfortable effective Truss made It has not any Steel Spring in the Eand, and therefore FETFU "A TAB ^,LE SKI- *"» often ùoes. 11 ^IupIKS" TRMK'H- J. HITE & Co. llend the Truss free by post. Send for Dcserintive Circular. with Testimonials and 111-jeeg. in J. WHITE & Co" Lonnnn \v -=- 7" -J Mellin's Food VBESSEji For Infants and Invalids. To be obtained from Chemists and Grocers at 1/6 and 2/6. NATIONAL PKOVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. Founded 1835. Funds, £ 4,300,000. Claims Paid, £ 7,000,000. Profits Declared, £ 4,000,000. ENDOWMENT ASSURANCES on very favourable terms. Economical .Management. Liberal Conditions. Large Bonnie*. 48, GRACECHURCH STREET, E.C., LONDON. AGENTS WANTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. Jttst Published. 7' U$Lrtho,OMSWIS Illustrated Guide to His Turkiab AND other Baths. PRICE tid. A?»^.hoi°il?e'^s ModJcal Lecture on tbe Cnratlr* Action of the Turkish and other Baths, Delivered b«- iort the Learned Societies, Westniinater Hall, London. Trice Sd. 1"t. lrrr fl"n '"5 estahlishments in IJriB-ol, Bath, Bir- Pnngtiaiii. Manchester, Worcester, and Leicester Square, London. SPRING BLOSSOM CEYLON TEA. FRAGRANT AS THE FLOWERS OF SPRING. Of all GROCERS, CHEMISTS, (Sec. In AIR-TIGHT CANISTERS, 2/ 2/6, and 3/. per lb. N.B.—If any difficulty in obtaining this delicious Tea, Sample Packages will be sent post free on receipt of cash or postal order, with list of Agents where obtainable, by CAVE, Jonssos & Co., 8, Lime Street, London. E.C. The Only Lamp of the Future. Unprecedented Success. Public Appreciation is the Only True Test. For Cleanliness, Economy, Simplicity, and Absolute Safety, use no other Le.mps but those constructed with Postlethwaite's Patent Excelsior Single or Double Wick Hurners They neitherboil the oil nor bake the wicks as many other burners do, hence the number of accidents. n hi dn I el v safehand f Pe^ £ ectly cool and are'therefore consumption^f^Tl nary bUrner with about half th« The cost of the light given with three burners IS about one third the price of gas at 3s. per 1,000 ft. Manufactured only by THE EXCELSIOR PATENT LAMP & BURNER CO., Stanifortli Street, Birmingham. And Sold Inf all Respectable "JtOW TO ENSURE REALTH." -i -A for VH WDVK I'resftij.tiuns AMI II° A»,V«rV'r aU kin',s I'Coilily posi-free, i«" KS, 4^ 7,OTISD;ITI* S |IIMVT" L.NDO", ¡:liON BUILDINGS and ROOFING, New AND ticcuad-liand HchoolltllolU8, T,awn Tenl1l, S ■■■SSaBSI^. Cricket Pavilions, Cottager, CLITIRCLIESF, (;II;I]>els, MISSION and S ^chool llnoms, Lawn Tennis, ■■■SSaBSI^. Pavilions, Cottager, Stabler,F«rm BuiWling", &c. Jron Buildings )IER« on view. stock."3 °f ir°n K°ofiujf-mmM. -gWORKS. South ^>om1spy stationTrlS^ A"«?.S.TDSW WALNUT POMADE. /F"OT3 D TT— AND BJiick. Per I>ot, X, 6 and 2/6> IVI '^RII^TAFRDEPILATORY anil EFR^ctuallv, FTLL Hair ilisfignr- Tell YOVI^ROF^ BARIULES^. RREI»ARED with great liURPiivTI -LIY<>RVHY'P,OR IL!LIR ^RESAEVTO LIRIIY- Hair AMI siun 8RFCIALIKT TO TO the MAKER, EUGENFL Aiulley St., Mavfair, London, TOTSISRAIR r*-r, Sot- AMm»N ^-crv .LFrh^CKET8 ^11 from AP1.|V fnd >fad«ira. liVton,' i- African *ri 1.. ll,r 1 St, '7 '\lieVets lesued. i, 11 >110. l'lace. South- MUSIC! MUSIC! &snsh wius&sri.XZ&FIB a* 3/- Copies jiost free for J/ fatnlofrnes gratis and ost free w. SAVILLE_& CO., Tottenham, London. GOODAll'S PLAYING CAROSA SOLD BY ALT, STATIO £ P!1« B^T. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. HOPS! HOPS!! HOPS! ENGLISH & FOBEIR^F V SYD\L-V 1 U\?W ?,■ ,> I rices on Application. > M*\J ii 1\ V.I. jwarK lAlne. WEBBS VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS BOXES OF VEGETABLE SEEDS, Containing Liberal assortments of the best kinds to produce a succession for Gardens of all Sizes, 5s., 7s. 6d., 12s. 6d., 21s., 31s. 6d., 42s., 63s., and 105s. each. BOXES OF FLORAL CEMS For the Gardens of Ladies and Amateur*. 2/6, 5/ 7/6, 10/6, 15/ and 21/- each. XZI Vegetable and Floiver Seeds Delivered Free* ° |o Illustrated Catalogue, Is. Abridged Edition Gratis. c WEBB & SONS, By Royal Warrants Seedsmen to II. M. THE QU'JIIEN and H.B.H. TUB PRINCE OF WALES WORDSLEY, STOURBRIDGE. CASTLE ILaXIV38 (For the GOLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA). LONJ?P^ and DARTMOUTH to CAPE COLONY, TfATAT MAURITIUS, MADAGASCAH, and EAST AFRICA 1.0X-I.0N, B.C.; 40, St. Asio'.V S!reet' LlTIRPOOL 15, Cross Street, MAKCHESTKK GaSt,e 6t«"»et. Ajiea.it iu all leading Provincial Towlu. I I MAIVHIiTOWH INVERNESS CAPE. Best Make only. 23, and 3 Guineas Cash. Two measures only required, Chat and Height. Forwarded, Carriage Paid, for remittance with order. 81:X[) FOR PATTKIISP. HAMILTON & Co., Civil & Court Tailors, "A Jfetlford Street, Strand, T,oii(lon. HAIR Made up at 2/- PER oz. by T. S. BROWN, COMBINGS Ilairdresser, Leece Street, Liverpool. "SPECIAL J a RV WHISKEY (Irish AND Scotch), "Xmas Presents." Cases 5 ,vrs. 7 yrs. 15 yrs. old. JUoz. si/- -ji :;o- carriage pd. United Kniffdoiu for C;i>)i with Order. P.o.o. t.<» W..l..lui!V. Belfast. For CHltl S TDI.LS J) iil'OliAllOXS. AUDENBRITE GOLD PAINT. BriIliant- Un tarnish able. Sold everywhere frolll 6d. T. I'AVITT & So.xs, Soutliamptoii lltnv, LOIIÜOH. W.C. L SELLERS Excel all others PATFMT FOR Stockings, Undervcsts, IfUlTTIMO Petticoats, Pants, IVNII IINLI LI'JYS' Suits, Cardigan MACHINES &c. SELLERS' Practical Treatise on Knitting. Indispensable to all users of Knitting Machines, post ii\e 103. SELLERS' Sewing Machines arc the Most Durable and Reli.).c in the World for all purpose*. SELLERS' New Patent Oscillating Shuttle Sewing Machinc is the Fastest, Quietest, and Most Durable ever Invented. W. SFLI rP.S & SON p. Airedale Work*. Keislilev, England. A A E F 6d. OF all Grocers. V N 1 K Rich Fruity Flavour with Rieh :F1'1Iitv Flnronr with £ ■ IIIB M Chops, Steaks, etc. A TT 81 BH P PISTEII 'J'VEEK, 70, LONSR Lane, VWWWWA Bovoiiyii. London. S E. MELODEONS ew Illustrated, T'rice List, free CONCERTINAS io,V f., — J% A IJ<»j>irnlt\ tila.sgow, DRIVING- BAWTJJS ro2rJrr!U} £ gI"Na London onuv: U i,irn:\ \'n '.IIMA S I;KKT. 1I.C. MORALITY, the INFIRMITIES of MANKIND, and SOCIAL PURXTV. t),<- various .mteil" bvral wliu■ tiaiiH-ii N;f, IU'0 < laws. How to hyuuI luiscvy aiul live ton ha|»|»y Old age. itnJes ■••ml i<<r (};<' ctfir nt (he tarioiiscoinpiaint'* of mauliiKHl. treetui'twcKi.oin^. Addicss. Or. 1 44.Wiw.tfh.ult*St., ft11.1",A i'cvu>;d nf this xvi'i-k "ill ilenmtistr.-ite t>> tlie nyvutts ana Debilitated liow tliey nitty become stnuiy ;oid ln^ltliy witliuiit ijiiackery. SE(i IRET & CONFIDENTIAL. INQUlttr •vJ OFnCE FOlt MATTI'KS OF ISTniCUE.—^Missing friends —iiio laijticd moneys ut home or aliroad. A staff of ForcÎ.¡:T1 and l'.t Q1i.1I1'1'1'I s ahvysat ronnnand for any service. Messrs. SCOTT Street, Loudon. W. t-^5 RU_F.UK S FLAB'I'IIIIIS, a safe and sure \¡ CUTV a. and Bronchitis, Of all Chemi ts find Parenr :\11'1111')111' P r NPHE SOTJTHWARK LEAD & GLASS Co., LOWKST CASH PRICES to tUe Trade for Slieec Lead a&4 Pip-* Sheet Zinc. Tin, SoMcr, British and Foreign Glasi, White Lead Oils, Colours, Varnishes, PlumberB' Brast Tfork, Wrought Iron Tubing-, Ilain WaterCastin^s, Ac. Prices Ctirrerit on application. TROUSERS I MABK TO MEA8tTRE from 5/6 to 1Q/6 j SKNI) for 1'ATT Bit.N 8 and SELF-SI tfX- I l: SCRBMEJST. form. post free, < Stamps Z. « "J. =-:S ,Wholesale Tf),U8en Manu- fi^urers, r. 5r?»:N3Tcy HL'TTS. Agent6 yVantcd in evvry roivn an<1 villnge. MADE WITH BOILING. WATER. E P PS S GRATErUL—COMPORTING. C 0c 0 A MAD. wn BOIMIfe MHJ. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE- LIFE' I WORLD-FAMED I Ifill] THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RTSTUHER. For cleansing and clearing the blood fron all impurities," whether the result of Contagious Disease, or foul matter', of any description, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, Eczema, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the F&C3, Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcere. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most deliento con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test Us value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d., and in oases, containing six times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to effect a per- manent cure inthe great majority of long standing eases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for :3 or 132 Stamps by THE LINCOLN axd MIDLAND COVX-HES DKUG COMPANY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTURE.") CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixtllro-see that yon get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are some- times palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and "Clarke's Worl.d-famed Blood Mixture," blown in the n -f f Jo, without which none Are genuine. Buttermakers' Friends. I TOMLINSON & CO.'S BUTTER POWDER TOMLINSON & co's Corrects all bad tastes, brings Butter in a few TOMLINSON & CO.'S minules at all seasons, TOMLINSON & CO 's illlprov: the quality. In use 3i) years. Boxes TOMLINSON & CO'S 6d-' Is" 2s. 6d., and 7s. Gd. TOMLINSON & CO.'S ALSO TOMLINSON & cO.'S TOMLINSON & CO.'S TOMLINSON & CO.'S BUTTER COLOUR. I TOMLINSON & CO.'S A pure oily vegetable TOMLINSON & C0.'S TOMLINSON & CO.'S Is., 2s. 6d.; and 4s. 6d. OF CHEMISTS AND GROCERS. Sample Box or Bottle Is., post free, for amount in Stamps. TOMLINSON & CO, Mint Lane, Lincoln, I I t7 ODONTOBAPH. Is. & 2s. TOOTH PASTE, TOOTH POWDEB, TOOTH BPUSH & MOUTH WASH. Madame ADELINA PATTI writes under date Jtil.t 26,b, 1885. "I bare tried your ODONTOBAPH Tooth Pastn, andfind it much I'leamntcr tliau other Tooth Pastes, (Signed) "ADELINA PATTI." Mrs. LANGTlIY writes under date July 23rd, 1885 "I think the ODONTOBAPH is excellent and most pleasant to use. (Signed) LILLIE LANGTRY." 57, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury-square, London. "I consider that several millions of teeth which are lost annually mioht be saved by care, and the use of a good Dentifrice. Odontobaph preparations are refined and delicate. The Mouth Wash, Tooth Paste or Powder, Tooth Brush, are each a Dental Requisite, to promote a healthy condition of the mouth and preservation of the Teeth. (Signed) "GEO. II. JONES, D.D.S.. F.R.S.L., Surgeon Dentist." Sold by all Chemists and Stores, and by John Bar- I ker & Co., Shoolbred & Co., William Wbitoley, &c. or direct on rcccipt of P.O. for 1> 2d. or 2s. 3d., from the Patentees, THE ODONTOBAPH CO. 22, CANNON-STREET, BIRMINGHAM I QUIRE IBPAIR, A.XJ £ I H L LOWAY?S 0 INT M EN Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDEf S OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE TH OVTS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. Manufactured onlv at THOMAS IIOLI.OWAVS Fst.IB'i«]imeiit, I 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and sold HY al! M dicine Vendor throughout the World. N.B.-Ad ice Gratis, at the above addiess, daily, between the hou s of 11 and 4, or by letter. 0- I I ■ ™ ™ B ^Jl mJf DJMMEPORB'S\ FluiD The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children and Infants. 180, BOND STREET, LONDON, and all Chemists. CAUTION. —See that DINNEFORL) & Co." is on every Bottle and Label. I DR: BROWNE'S HLOR ODYN E l'iI tT"! ): V'I s,z THE GREAT *his medicine tha.n ColUe Browne't, Plble we are o, D ni,,n t hat i: COTTN-WK "TTV T A -R."R.TT CP. A T>YSENTERY. substitution of any ot^ier than Collis 1 R £ UVN„FUVA T/I'H BroTme's is a deliberate breach of faith /^OLDS, J^GENERALBOAILDOFHKA on the part of the chemist to prescriber \Y JL STEMA, R^F'^VR ? UAIIMRII-RIT and patient alike.—We are. Sir, faith- A -r^ltoWmTTTTa CJIA>1T^^n(:(losep,T,^ral ,T« i»f P^ fully yours, SYMES & CO., Members of TRJKONOHLTLS. DR. OIBBON, Armv M«HCAL■ the Harm. Social,, of Great 'Britain, 1lit ? Y' CNAM ME of DIAREIICEA tx<'eli™cV the Viceroy'sJJhamtts. Y\R. J. COLLIS BBOWNE'Sr" SYMES & CO P^tniaceuticalnrkR- J- COLLIS BROWNE'S JLL>$^°,DTNE" HFL-RJI* SI' CHS,Simla? S ll) CHLORODYSE is the TRTJH London. PALLIATIVE in WLUCH HE <S^md the ioid CHLOKO-DrAX ST5~WE congratulate you uponTyTEURALGIA, GOUT, CANCER, DYNE. Dr. Browne is the SOLE lnJ .reiJiitation this juistly- TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM. VENTOE, and, as the composition ON ?. J;II TAS earned FOR_- -■ WA Chlorodyne cannot possilily be disco- ITSELF all over the East. As a remedy GGR. J- JCOIjIj IBROWNE S YPRPD V»Y AnalvKis (orcfinic SIIBSTA,NOFTFT, Ox FFGRIGRIIL Utility, WC much QUESTION W J CHIiORODYNli is 8> LIQ'IICL MID «IT\OE TH»» for- WHETHER a better is imported, ami wel J,VI"DVRVT^NWS«AEJ8 PAIX of V V1 •' 15 ?? shall bo glad to hear of its f.ndiner al KIND, afToida N. oaim, re* TVOMVOPF place IN EVERY Anglo-Indian home. The N*? OEI.T that any STA^EXNEAT to the CT.F ct other\IRANT]S. we FTRP SAV- AREI ANS JJJVJUOKAI ES the nejp» ttiat a componndisidentical wthDr. now l0Ui,'B.tch to the native 1IB.7.W».! VOUS system when exhausted. EROWNE'S Chlororlyne mvst be lalse. and, judsingfromtheirsale.-wetanoy X\». J- COLLIS BROWNE'S their goioani there~Will be but EVANE^ CHI.ORODYXK rapidly cut. NTINSVEPURCNASEIS °YIAISE RE cent, We could multiply instances AD PHORT all ATTACKS of RI I«. INFINITUM of the extraordinary cttioacy TUPIIJEPSY. SPASMS. COIIIC, B>. J". COLLIS BROWNE'S: of DR. COLLIS BRO w NE S l^i PATPTTATTHI^ HYRT1?TITA CHLOROJDYXE. Vice Chan-f CHLORODYNE in Diarrhoea arnlJJ— OP'Jor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stated JJysentery.Ppasms,Cramps,Neuralgia | MPORT.ANT CAVTIOK.-Th« PUBLICLY in Court that Dr. J. COLLIS the romitinKof Prepnanoy, and M 6 X SALEof this REMHDV ];COWXE wasUNDOI'JJTKDLYthe! general sedative, that have ooourred. has SRvan me to many UNbCKLl'U. IN VENTORof CLILOHODYNE.tha.t' under our personal observation during, LOUS IMIT«.L IONB. BE carefid to the whole story of the defendant Free. many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea,! observe Trade Mark. Of all Chemists, man TO dcliberatelv untriie, and he and even in the more terrible torms' Is. LID.. 2s. 9d.. and 4s. 6(1 R"^RETTI'<L to sav it had B^EN sworn to.—1 ol CHOLERA itself, WE have-witnessed SOT.K^ AL AS ITFACTOKKK. See 1'U 'J'imts, July I^tii, 1BG4. f ita AURPRIHIN^LY controlling power. J.T.DAVKXR01>.L.a3lit.RusseliatUVY.T* GARDEN & HORTICULTURAL GAZETTE. Published Weekly-Price ONE PENNY, FOR ALL WHO HAVE GARDENS. OVER £100 A YEAR Given in Prizes for Articles Contributed by Its Readers. OF ALL NEWS-AGENTS. Publishing Oiffce- SO, FOtmTATK ST., MATTCKESTEK. TinmTT* TlTl I Tl usltatg dcstroyeU Itynsint-'Oiit' liox of 10010 i IRONMONGERS ware List. G. CHi sTKii. Sr. Jtnlr'g I'NSSNM', Binniu!dl!11lI. ITMC WOODS' ARECA NUT TOO L H PASTE. AND' KO SUBSTITUTE SOLD EVEHYA/HETIJ; WOODS' Quiniae, C'antiiiiridioe. and.Rosemary, widi ior wifliout Grease, for Stienptlieitinff tlie Il .ir. itiid i;rei,mitiiit< it f.-tlliiiK off; -6-J. free.- IVDIIDS A- SUNS, Chemists, Plyrnnuth. flWGAJLESE CJE IfLOS TKA. Vatllck. V/ Absolutely without a Hival. 'l ltr most JJelieious Ten in tlie World- One Pound believed .equal, to two pounds ol other descrip- tions. Of Grocevnin head ParWe'tsonly), 2-and 0 per lb. w hoie- Mle • CKVI.OS t'O.. JII, At, lli'lift I t Aircnts wantcil. WHITTINGTON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (Established 1855 ) LIFE ASSURANCE. LOANS." REVERSIONS. Al.FUEl) T. BOWSER, Maiiasfer. 5*, Moorgnte Street, London. Agcnt" ".al. FIRE INSUHANCE IN ALL BLANCHES. JOSEPH LEWIS, _.C\.l'E.'VHAR; NEWPORT, MON., AGJCNT TO- The Provident Life Office. South British & National Insurance Companies. The Iron and Steel Trades Journal. Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. The Journal," Carmarthen, IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN having a spare capital to invest is willing to make advances with- outdelay UPON NOTE OF HAND alone, in sums vaiying from £ 15 to £ 1,000 in London or Coumry or on furniture, live and dead stock without re moval; also npon Reversions, Policies, or Deeds at 5per cent and withoul Mortgage expenses. Advance- made to Farmers upon the security of their Crop with mt any publicity. Write or call on MrFrtdk. Dunhar, Kent Villa, Harlesden, London. N.B.-Pi-ivate house and not connected with -i lank or office. grATf^'iT COUOH"ToZ||NgES.eat EmM|r XT EATING'S COUQH LOZENGES. JCL Oldest & Best Remedy. XT EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. J-jL Oldest & Best Remedy. 'K'EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. XJL. Oldest & Best Remedy, T?"EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. XV. Oldest & Best Remedy. TTEATJNG'S "COUGH LOZENGES. T XV. Oldest & Best Remedy. IFEATING^COUGH LOZENGES. XV. Oldest & Best Remedy. KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. R XV. "Aify Docxoa WILL TELL yOU" there is no better Cough Medicine than KEATING'S LOZENGES. Ono gives relief; if you Buffer from cough try them but once they will curo and they tcili not injure your health; they contain only the purest drugs, skilfully com- bined. Sold everywhere in 13|d. tins. ONE BOX OF CLAUSE'S B J1 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Uiiuary Organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- t tional), Gravel, and Pitins in the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxt>¡; 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World or sent to any address for sixty &ta.mps by the Makers, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DKUG COMPANY, Lincoln. TIO PILU;, specific in Neuralgia, Face- aclie, Mild ntl; pustaye, H. u1 all CUeuiiots. 01? sLpSABL IDENTIFRI r I YI'C, gt,, I t F YING AND A R 0 W 1,,A N D ROWLANDS' ODONTO Known for sixty years to be the best and purest Tooth Powder. WIIITUNM TEETH prevents and arresia decay, strengthens the gums. aud gives a pleasing fragfance to the breath. The genuine ODONTO is ROWLANDS' of 20, IJATTON GARDEN, LONDON, SOLD BY CHEMISTS. M0*PHY'S WALNUT PWrAlTS. A Tlitiitil'li ,m tl ilr.ii Dnrkrnrr. Xc.t n .lro. Bestorw wltlt fofttiiutv and ,t ottif tl.r f'.t y. >it 1111 ui colour of <: I! ICY 11AIK. Foul Colours— Golden. Lit'1' Un.wn, D;i, k i;ro»u, ami 13l.uk. IVr jmt, 1 6 ami 2 6. AJORPIIYPS "ORIENTAL DEPILATORY 1-' TOWDER rel/I"« opeedi I', en-ily cffectujillv, all LUIRTLINFIJFMR. IIM TU^ LIL*8- HIIU <IU;\rtiutee<l IMNNLE* L'rumml WITH ure.\T CURE. II' I*R I»Auk«t. NMT.—Tell Y<mr or Hair ITRESSER to LNIN'IIRE bout" "ther MIAN or NEIUL l'tt:ttnl Onler to the Maker, "UHE. MORTHY. "11" AI HI Skill Spt.cj:diICt. 711, SOUTH Auilley .St., Wayfair, LOIu\on. UNION LINE-FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELDS. THE UNION AS. CO.'S MAIL JACKETS SAIL from SOIITHAMI*rc»x <WRY «• Fri«lav IM R»MU African Port-. <'1\lIinl" xt. Lisbon AND Ma<I<»ira. Keturn Tickets JMIED. A) "I to Ii, ()\1101\ Steam Ship t)l1Ip:nr. Oriental I'lace, South- NWNTON; or IJ, LeadctJhall SIRED, 1.1\1on. HINTS ON UIFfjE SHOOTING AND KEGISTEll DIAGUAMIS. ——- By CAPTAIN HUTCHINS, bt. V. 15. The Welsh Regiment, In duplex stiff paper covers- 48 paires, lfiino. post- price 6d. The same iu all respe. ts (except bind- ing) as the Is. Edition. A HANDBOOK FOR YOUNCI RIFLE SHOTS, Containing advice on Rifle Shooting, a description, of the Rifle from the" Red Book," THE "VEUNIEii," Illustrated with ta,bles for its use, LIGHT, ELEVATION, REFRACTION THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE THE BAR AS A XVLNDGUAGE, And DIAGRAMS for recording particulars of the above with results of the snooting, At 200, 500, and 600 yards. May be had of Mr J. H. Steward, 40(;, Strand, Lon- don, W.C. Mr W. Gregory, 51, Strand, Londou, W.C. Mr A. U. Parker, 61), Icknield Street, Bir- mingham, and of all Booksellers; or the Publisher Carmarthen Journal, Carmarthen. KAY'S COMPOUND.—Asthma and Bronchitis arc immediately relieved by it. Of all Chemists. CHLORO-LINSEED Cough Lozon^es, post fro 7d. Of all Cljemiolj. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS CH [ty \VA RFPATENT PL |i?I PILLS.Jj$J \RE universally admit- L ]L ted to be worth a GUINEA A BOX for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and I pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness nnd swelling after meals, dizziness and drow- siness, cold cliildfe-, flush- ings of heat, loss of appe- tite, shortness of breath, costivoness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- < turbed sleep, frio-htful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invalu- able, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them There is no Medicine to be found equal to Beecham'S Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been prov2d by thouennds who have tried them, nnd found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on FLIP most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keeu edge of appetite, and arouse into action with tbe rose- bud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified con- tinually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debili- tated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. ° BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness aud oppression of the chest, wheezing, &C., these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough" ill in a short time be removed. Prepared only. and sold wholesale and retail, bv the Proprietor. Thomas Biecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is. lad. and 2S. 91. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal- ers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. STIFF'S STARCH. Sold in lb. Picture Boxes. s Sold in 51b. Packets. Trade Mark Queen Bess. STIFF'S STARCH. Uniform Quality. s Warranted Pure. ^TIFF'S STARCH. Gl™». Makes Linen Look like New STIFF'S STARCH. For Collars. For Wristbands. ^TIFF'S STARCH. For Necktie^' For Caps. ^TIFF'S STARCH. For Ctiffts. F, or Lace. For Linen. STIFF'S STARCH. For Muslins. F(,r Curtains. ^TIFF'S STARCH. Note the Caution Label. Note the Caution Label. STIFF'S STARCH. Observe the Trade Mark. See Dr. Hassail'sTestimonial rr>T rtT-tio r.mmmT Mark what Dr. Griffin says. WTIFF S STAKCH. Read Pro. Jlerapath's Report Sold by Grocers. (STIFF'S STARCH. Established 1818. Wholesale -Stiff and Co., Redcliff-street, Bristol. Who suffer from NERVOUS DEBT- A LITY, LOST VIGOUR, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, KIDNEY DISEASES, &c. A BOON Tn-atise explaining the renowned MAH- STON treatment, by locfti absorption, the TO only po.-itive cure without Stomach Medicines, will be sent in plain enve- A/ITT\R '"PE SEALED for tbree Ffnuips.—THE .AIJLAM MAKSTON REMEDY CO., 219V, High Holij Lorn, Loudon. BUY NONE BUT ENGLISH WATCHES OF THE BEST LOXDO MAKE. BENSON'S PATENT f-PLATE ENGLISH LEVER "LUDGATE" WATCH £ 55 SO in Silver Cases. £12 12 0 in Gold Cases. Is the Cheapest and Best Watch ever made, No Firm in England can equal it. ENGT ISH LONDON {0%IGP^, TLM'NU MADE lp Iligliest Award,Gold Medal, Inventions, 1885 Description. TIIltEK Ql'AKTFR PLA TE ENGLISH LEYEH WATCH, of BEST LONDON MAKE, with t'hrononiPtcr Balance, Jewelled throughout, nnd Patent Protection from Dust and Damp. Keeps better time than, and is double the strength and value of any Watch made. Protection from Dust and Damp. Keeps better time than, and is double the strength and value of any Watch made. Made in Four Sizes at the same price:—Ladies. Gentle- men and Youths (as illustrated). Working Men generally; and Specially large and strong for Miners and Railway men. In extra Strong Sterling Silver Crjsial (i ass Cases, IC5 58. In 18-carat Gold Crystal Glass Cases, Gentle- man B size. j212 12s. Lady's size, £10 10s. WITH KEYLESS ACTION, Sihcr, 98 8s. Hohl. £20. Sent free and safe at our risk to all parts of the world on receipt of Cash, Draft, or P.O.O. payable at G. l'.O SPECIALLY NOTE that the Va^Ht U'LUIATK" WATCH, can be obtained only from J. W. BENSON, Lin><;ATK IFN.J., LONIION. purchasers in all parts of the World nsiug the Lud- Kate" Watch under very trying conditions, testify to it* strictly accurate time-kt c pi tig. Mr. A. E. 'TT ITTM, Queen's Own Roj al West Kent Regi- ment, Wady Haifa, Soudan, writes 1 have had it four r. A F,I'; I"IR TION;ll West Kent Regi- ment, Wady Haifa. Soudan, writes :1 have had it four months in the Soudan, where sand is continually blowing ahout. :lndnone has penetrated through joints, or any part of Watch. t'l'tnn tlwtime I received it the variation has open about one minute. Its durability is simply marvelhiu<i Write for lieiifon's New ILLUSTRATED li<K>k < .\plntil- ing the advantages of thp LV i)G.\TEENGLISH LEVElt over the ordiuiu'y I,ever Watches. Watches from f '2 2i to £ 'A)0. Clocks ot all kinds, and Sterling Silver and lectro-Plate. The largest and most Complete Catalogue published, free on application to R J. W. BENSON, NlæE¡, STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUD6ATE HILL, LONDON. Also 28. Royal Exchange, B.C., & 25, Old Bond ST., W- BENSON'S CLT'BS, originated by the Finn 4U years ago, supply the best goods on the most moderate terms. Applications for agencies invited. BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. )- THE GREAT REMEDY FOR GOUT, RHEUMA- TISM, SCIATICA, LUM. BAGO, and NEURALGIA The acute pain is quickly relieved, and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medicine. Thebe Ilills, which arc perfectly harmless, require no restraint of diet during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease at- tacking any vital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is Inland 2s 9d per box. As a safe, permanent, and warranted cure of Pimples, Scrofula., Scurvy, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, we can with confidence recommend CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTXKA;. by CHCMITLO everyivhcrc. ir EARS LEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS have a reputation of ov er 100 Years. I^EARSLEYS IV WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILI S are the acknowledged remedy for Female complaints. ITEAHSLEY'S V WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS restore a healthy hue to the complexion, in place of the deathly pallor so distressing to witness. I^EARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS contain no irritant drug, and have the approval of the Medical Profession. EARS LEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS are 'wrapped in WhiU- Paper, and have the name Kearsley on the Government Stamp. No others are genuine. T^EARSLEY'S JV W;iDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS can be obtained of all Chemists, 2s !ltl per box or by post 34 stamps, from SANGER .&, SONS, ISO, Oxford Street, London. THE GREAT LONDON LIBERAL NEWSPAPER ONE PENNY WEEKLY. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH. ESTABLISHED 1801. SENT POST FREE. Three Mouths, ls. 8d.; Six Months, 3s. 3d; Twelve Months, Gs. Gd SINGLE COPIES (Post Free), nd. .2 Published at 20, Wine Office Court, Fleet-street, London, and to be had of all Newsagents.


[No title]