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L AM BERT FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. '< ■:o:■ ■■ WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. -:0:- "r'{d:: POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING CARRIAGES AT REASONABLE RATES. :o: ■ ■ OMNIBUSES MEET ALL TRAINS. .» ,:0-, London and North-Western Railway Parcels Agent. NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE BILLPOSTING COMPANY. iOwlierB:— The Wrexham District Advertising and illpostingCo., Ltd HEAD OFFICES:— 24, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. "BB.A.NOBES HOLYWELL, BUOKLEY AND ELLESMERE proprietors of best and most prominent Private Stations in Holywell District. Ordeis, Fostera and Handbills, should be sent t( E. P. LYONS, Billposter, Holywell. This Company have carried out the largest Billposting Contracts last year ever given in North Wales. MANCHESTER FIRE A. S U R A. N CE, COMPANY EaABLISBED, 1824 CAPITAL..< £ 2,000,000. T. BABHAM FOSTER, ESQ. ,CHAXBSIAX: W. FUBBRIDQE, Eaa., DJIPDSV C*UI«A* iialry OFFIOB— 8, KING STREET MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAOBBAND SBORETABY.^ BSANOH OPPICB- JFAKOABSTBB OHAMBEBS, 28, RHGHHT SXBBHT WBHXHAM aI. PENNANT JONES, RBSIDKKT SBOBBTABY TTTTC nmvrPANY transacts Fir eBusiness only and an Resources nd Funds areavailable Fire Olahns. oirs made and rate sq noted f of aldesorip- Vafl of risksf ree of charge. o u for Agencies are invited. o ALFRED MAYERS, 8 f HILFORD STREET,MOLD\ BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER "worth A GUINEA A BOX. I FOR ALL BILOU NERVOUS DISORDERS >" cuds AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION- CONSTIPATION* LlVEfi COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LAR0ST ^SA XjE IN TjiS WORLD. y '« •' v. Beecham's Cough Pillst For COUGHS ASTHMA,and a CHEST AFFECTIONS. I In Boxes. 9i9, li-I. lid-v ancl 20. 9d. esob Beecham's Tooth paste EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL y CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMEStlie BREATH^ In OollapsibleTtobes, ls.eaeh. Prepare do nlyb'Y-'t he Proprietor, rHO MAS BEECHAM, St. Helena,Lancashire SOLD BY ALL lYalUGGliM ND ITUNT MEDICINE DBALBBS EVEBYWHEEE C3 'U' IE -E 0 Ij 3-i I ? 'Ica fH OLLO IF AV?i T Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS* For Golds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has po equal. otrest, LondQ -t And Sold by all Medicine Vender, w.B -Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hour, of 11 and 4, hy BENSON'S SH IMTOHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Str^gA, and Vulue, 1 Thousands of Testiiuonials have been receivied. BENSON'S BENSON'S English Lever ICeyless BSngllsli Levev "LUDGATE" WA 6 MLFFI WATCH. ton A it HE IN USE ALL THE WOBLD OVEB^ JN Silver Selections of Watche- or Jewellery sent free on receipt of reference. Illustrated Book Post Free. OLD WATCHES AND JEWELLERY TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. AU Goods Not Approved will be An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Rabiesrv,™™ meter Balance, Patent Large Barrel, and Dimj, Dust Proof Ring Band. Price £ 5 5s. p n(* Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value of, any ZS 6s. Watch made. In Sterling Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glass. Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 Es.No. 1 Gentlemen & YouChs (as illustrated); No. 2, Working Men; No. 3, Railway Men and Miners; No. Ladies. In massive 18-ct. Gold Oases, with Crystal Glass, Gentlemen's size, P,12 12s. Lady's size, fO- Ids. A 'good Knockabout Watch for rough wear a.t a low price Best London made, Three-Quarter Plate English Lever, Large, Chronometer Balance, Jewelled in Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than a.ny Keyless Watch sold for;CIO. „ Price £ 5 in Extra Strength, Sterling Silver, Crystal Glass Oases. BENSON s ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half- Hoop, Marquise, Gipscv and all other designs, get with Brilliants, Rubies, Emesalds, Pearls, Sap- phires, Opals, TurutimYr. &a..or in plain gold. ALL WATCHES AND uEWELLERY sent post tree, and at my ri8k t an Qt ihc World A on receipt of Draft, Cash, or P.O.O., payable at G;p.O. y to ali 01 1. CEND FOS BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 2s. to £ 500 CTiOfiKS CHAINS. a ENGAGEMENT RINGS, BROOCHES, PLATE, &C.,&i;. Sent, post (roc oa appHcS^n to J W T5H3USO'Wr WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO (p • JUL • f H.M. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. 1. Steam Factory: 62 & 64 XjUDGJOTE: HILL, And 28, ROYAL EXHANGrE. E.C., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Applicationt for agencies invited. Easy system, no risk. HO | O L Y W E L L V.T lH E leading MAMM- & COMMEBCIAL; HOTEL, HAS BEEN" R^-FURNI^HE|f ANJt TARIFF REVISED. -:D: ■■ HEA-DQUARTBRS OF THE CYCLISTS' UBIOH V :0:- ,(",J'" THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAINS AT HOLYWELL STATION A. SCHWAB z, j CLOCK AND WATCH MA KER, | WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE- J3 MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has beer enabledtogreatlyincrease hisStock. I ALL KINDS OF JEWELERY KEPT IN STOOK. Clocks anaWaUhtsolalldtsirtjiionitnhana HANDSOME-SELECTION 0? aLBOTBO-PLATBD ARTICLES RBPAIRSPROMPTLTEXECITTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPMtNDH) ASSORTMENT OF Guinea Gold Wcddtng and Keeper Rings, Apresent given with each ring bought. A pcivat rp<»^,t o seleotin 'f I' DEALBBIW LOOKING CLASSES AND BAROMETEBF SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in greatvariety. A New and Unique Magazine for j the Million. 1 Messrs. OAS SB ill-. A: COMPANY "Will J I publish. WJEEKLYf price One Pennyt I The New 1 Penny Magazine., 64 LARGE PAGES, IN COVER. j Profusely Illustrated. j No. 1 ready OOT. 19, 1898. 1. THE NEW PENNY MAGAZINE r will mark a Lxsh advance in the publication of popular literature for the people. 2. It will provide an amount of text and illustra- tions greater than has ever before been offered for a penny. 3. It will be the cheapest Magazine of its kind in the world. 4. It will be a Magazine for everybody, and will appeal to all tastes. 5. THE NEW PENNY MAGAZINE will con- tain il e best reading and the most attractive Illustrations. "e 6. Each issue of this latest marvel in cheap litera- ture will consist of not fewer than <54 pages, thus forming a g:g-ntic pennyworth. 7. It will contain arlicks of exceptional ir les-sst, stories of adventure, thrilling record of cal- lant d x-ds, vivid pa^es from history, auccdotal accounts of novelties, curiosities, and famous personages, gtaphic descriptions'of Nature's most wonderiul scenes, serial and complete stories, and other features of universal interest. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and ti Bookjelkrs. A Beautiful Reproduction in Colours oi Mr. HOLMAN HUNT'S ) -Celebrated Picture, "THE FINDING OF THE SAVIOUR IN THE TEMPLE,* will be presented with the j NOVEMBER PART of | The Quiver j (Ready OCT. 25, price ad.), commending a NEW VOLUME. In the same Part will appear Two Coloured Plates by M. L. Gow, R.I., entitled "THE CAPTIVE MAID" and ESTHER AND HAMAN," and the Opening Chapters of Two New Serial Stories by Katharine Tynan and E. S. Curry. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and ail Booksellers. An Entirely New and Original Work. Peril and 0 0 Patriotism. True Tales of Heroic Beeds and Startling Adventures. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED with Numerous Stirring Original Pictures. Part i ready Oct. 25, price 6d. Some Characteristics I 1. Peril and Patriotism will be the most thrilling and intensely interesting publication of the day. I II 2. Peril and Patriotism will contain records of the latest deeds of heroism and gallantry v all parts of the world. 3. Peril and Patriotism will contain a collection of true stories of recent moving incidents such as will, be found in no other Publication. CASSELL & COMPANY LiurraD, London; and all £6 TO PA00. having a arger amount _o*. SPARE CASH, than she requires in would bo pleased to m&ke strictly PRIVATE ADVANCES to any respectable person. ON THEIR OWN NOTE OF HAND Apply personally, or by letter to- MRS. D. BEHRMAN, FURNITURE DEALER, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCO Ai BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. Dales' C01..0 MEDAL. Dubbin Makes Boots and Harness waterproof as a duck's back and soft as velvet. Addi. three times to the wear and allows polishing. 19 EXHIBITION HIGHEST AWARDS. Tins 2d, 6d, Is, and 2s. 6d of allBootmakers, Saddles. Leather sellers, &o. CO N N-ArH> S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO J A M ES P RINCE, B R I d. It. W 0 R K S OONNAH'S QUAY. tTust Commenced, Monthly, price fid* The Warsoof the Nineties. A History of the Warfare of the last Ten Years of the 19th Century. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. With Numerous Stirring Battle Piotures, Portraits, Maps, Plans, do. &o. x (To be computed in about 12 Parts.) f CASSELL ft COMPANY, LturraD, London and aU BookselUrs. it I Cassell, s Popular Educator' Is a School, an Academy. aad a University." -&hool Board Chronicle. Cheap Serial Issue, in Weekly Parts, Just Commenced, price 6d. CASSELL'S Popular Educator. A Complete Encyclopaedia of Elementary and Advanced Education. Each Weekly Part will consist of 06 Pages, and the price of the Work will be only two-thirds of Its present cost. The folbving is selected from a vast number If testimonials which have reached the Publishers :— The Managing Director of an important electrical engineering company writesIn 1868 or 1869 I was a poor lad serving my apprepticeship to a trade (the baking) which was to me the merest drudgery. A number of the 'Popular Educator' fell into my hands. In. l%7°> w^en my apprenticeship was com- pleted, I joined the Postal Telegraphs as a labourer, and within two years (with the help of the above volumes) I was a Railway Telegraph Inspector. I have never ceased to recommend your excellent works. The position I now hold is altogether due to them When I tell you that I had (through home affliction) to leave school at ten years of age, you will readily believe what I tell you." = Two Handsome Pictures in Colours are Given Away with the 1i,I Part of the New Volume <% CHUMS (being the October Part, 80 Pages, price 6d.). Amongst the special attractions of this Part are TO WIN OR TO DEE. By GEORGE MANVILLE FENN. THE BOYS OF DORMITORY THREE: a Yam of Mystery, Fun, and Frolic. By H. BARROW-NORTH. &c. &e. &c. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and all Bookselien. C! ass ell's Classified Catalogue, containing Particulars of upwards of ONB THOUSAND VOLUMES published by Messrs. CASSKLL & COMPANY, ranging IN price from Threepence to Fifty Guineas, win be sent on request, fioitfrtt, to any addrtts. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, Loodo*. — I EARL, .8 CROSg STREET, HOLTWELLi Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's On BEGS TO INVITE INSPECTION OF HIS STOCK OF N E W GOODS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STvUT GEORGE RAGGETT AND SOliS, LOSDON. ^Tf h- — o: r— V >;v This Stout is recommended by the majority of the Ptofeadon ttronghout the its supply to Her Mai estr Ihn Phy sicians, as the finett procurable, ftud ^jesty the Queen is in itself eminent testimony of its quality; :0: RAGGETT S NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEER. ltB IfreSterbenefit^o6 th?Ilinkained b? a d?0 re«ard to whioh is oonr;d»»red of grewer Denefat to the ooneumer than the use of inferior goods at a less cost. ■:o: — IMITATION OF TRADE TITLE. of^BonS S ia b,ing u.ed »» th. UU r'J8 'bMlat*ly Moera"> 10 '« ««• »». as the signature. MAUK, m red, appears upon every Label, as well :0:- Extract from a letter from the Purveyors to Her Majesty tne Queen, Balmoral. Q. <?UEEN FOR BAOOBTT'S NOTOISHINO STOUT • mayflwe ask you to aan US a Case by Steamer leaving London for Aberdeen on Wednesday next." .0:- Sole Consignees and Bottling Agents for FLINTSHIRE AND D Eh BIOHSHIME— BIRD AND SON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PAIfTASAPH, Near HOLTWELL, N.W. :0:- Baggett's SouriBMng Stout and Golden Hop Falb Ale. HllF.fllTJ 4s. Cfd. Pia Dozim. ■ :o: —- IV. B -Deliveries by Carl within6 mtia, and Carriageoj 6 dozen Case, fait ty Rati THOMAs LLOYL (LATZ P. LLOYD & SON), E8TABLI8HBD ,1888, Painter, Plumber, Gas Bitter, Belt Hanger Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Engyneet. Electric Bells Fixed and Repaired. Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired CAST Id ON LANDEBS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOZ, OILS, PAINTS AND OOLOR OFTRRSZBTDNWRIPTXOIN&LWLI[EKXPT. Estimates given forall kindeof Work,and Orders, promptly executed on the shorten notic EVERYVARIETYOFGLASSKEPTINSTOCRI THELARGESTSTOCKOFBRASSWORK &FITTIN AL ATS ON HAUD. PIOTURES FRAMED AND MOUNTED. j HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W. MO N BY LENT PRIVATELY by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered it8, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets. £ 512,475 18 2 Liabtlities 209, *75 18 2 Capital and Reserve. £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:— Advanoe £ 25—12menthlyrepaymenttoi £ 2 5 111 f 60 4 11 t « 100 «« 9 3 4 Larger araountBthe 8 aareinproportien. LOANS of J630 o 92,000 granted at a ew hour' snoticei n town ore ountry, male orf emale, on viortgageof furniture, trade ai) d farm stock, plans crops, &o., without removal, and to assist person intobasine.s; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distanci no objeof. Easy repayment Strictly privatt Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &o., in England or Walea knowing this Bank, and you will at once find oit you aret reating with an old established (1870) sale and. bofta fide Bank. Having large capital weclo business cheaper than others No good foali eror refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CUIL RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below 4,0 Depositsof t 10 and upwards received at 3 ptr oent. per aniium payable at, 14 days' notice. Subjeotto3months*notieeofwithdra» al £ 6 per oent it g « 6 co "12 44 7 Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tax Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. 77- MONEY LENT ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT SURETIES. MR. W. JACKS-OK, 8, LIGHTFOOT-STREET, CHESTER, FROM P,5 TO tboo, To Ladies and Gentlemen, Clergymen, Farmera. Cowkeepers, Hotel Proprietors, Mtrket Gardeners, Shttpkeepers, Manager*, Clerkm. and all otbeis, ON. THEIR OWN PROMISSORY NOTE = > IN STRBDTTLBSU^CFLJRFIOKNCK. B; oanllig or writing, a^pLcant^ will becouvioced of the grnuiuer.ess (.t\¡tt1},6., adtfi^eu.Hi.t «e toO "*P«s«sle M^lionat m ewpr r^i^a, <r hn„ Dvtee been^Mmtd^fot t+t% ld^t fl veu y. ar^, a^d that it ample proof of thd-bonA fide mauww in which «DT busWMB i^cooriuctEd. llUtra-,scions c.rrieo on. at >b»?8i*9ctert..iif»tt«p. NNa-iuitii^w ur«e, t or pressing the demand m»y be. >0U ca.. appl, io COB- naence, and il '^roan^tatfcecitioQ. Any dlhtapce>4.t99Ft or Oouutty. ments irruaged to evaittilt, burrvmries own OODVt'l1J;' Intwt^pg tanr»w«rrf beford. elsewhere will dO'í..tt,t, "_tt,l. ^All information absoluirfyff irea eitSru* by persotjal raturvje w or by letter. t # è &'j|H«miATIC pn,La SUPFERED AGONY. FO THTBTY YEABf. EAD8, pttLB. « 8tt ,Bridgdtoa ,t, E ADA, Pitts. Januarj ^7th 1 8»t. Pinvfi i »TT T S u •m-v641 ^r' ^eel it my dn E I give-rou great prai medicos SUFFERED ^UNTttH) AQQNY FOR »0'YEARS p«l6M#qttietlya8Ti)titPftle. i Usfed to la^ m bedfort** orrr m°nthB at a tlme'but W 1 not'onVw.otVW /> nrrr called CbAlk Oont»'. C*OUA Yours truly AT IS V "VwtTLKSOHN. gidPOSrS QOTJT A JgfiBUMATiC^pXLLS PreiarM 7 2 Awwtffe B.C. 80144, ti 'OUT RHEUMATIC PILL$ THE BEST MEDICINE ITXSB "BtLE THE BEST MBDICINE *Lm, Wiltio, THE BUT-M,MICIWF, n A NTIBILIOUS JjlELS. They efuickly remolveth eirritatio I -an I (*Prifj i MAI,,F the,STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the Llyn beiievethesystemtffalJimpiiritlesjTrtTelj.'bj circaiitii Lin the blood, iajuwouslj affect the action of the KJDK»T* and by removuvgfchecauaes of so much disoomfart estora thevitalenergleliofbodyand mind. r •jgADE'S ^imiiLiotJs piLM. Sold by a 11 Chemists,iu Boxes, Is: ljd. and 2,9d' or mailedfreeon receipt of remittance by OEOBOB BADE 72, GOSWKL.1. Bo An, LONDON, E.C In, ADES A NTIBILIOUS pILLS.