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JAMES AYER, GENERAL DRAPER AND OUTFITTER, VICTORIA HOUSE, HIGH 81 BEET, HOLYWELL. r HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY A SPECIALITY. -:0: SB* An inspection of the large and varied general Stock is respectfully invited. RIOHARD JONES, BUILDER, CONTRAC roR. AND GENERAL FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. -:0: RBSXDBHOB: BLODWEN VILLA, BRYNFORD ROAD, HOLYWELL. BUSINESS ESTABUSMAARRS AND WOBXSHOPB BOLTWELL-CROSS ROAD YARD; BAGILLT-PENTRE BUILDING YARD. SPECIAL NOTICE. r Funerals completely furnished and personally superintended. Vaults and Brick Graves neatly built. Coffins of all descriptions promptly supplied. Wreaths, Shades, Tablets, Crosses, &c., in stock. Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared for all kinds of Buildings, including Drains and Sanitary matters generally. -:0: JOBBING WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ■ :o: ■ All Older* at Bagillt will be immediately attended to by Us. ABTHUB Joins, Gadlya Road Farm, Bagillt. SAMUEL MORRIS, PLUMBER, GLAZIER, PAINtER, AND PAPERHANGER, GAS AND HOT WATER ENGINEER, BELL HANGER, n WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. Water Closets, Cisterns, Water Supplies, Baths, and every description of Plumber's Work. fixed in the best manner, on the shortest notice. ALL SANITARY WORK CARRIED OUT WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. All work attended to personally. Estimates given, ST. W I N E F R I D E S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English; Frenoh; German; Drawing; C Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instramental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Aoademy for Ex. ams in Music, to. WBBKLY 130mmime HBOBTVBD. Corporation of the Oity of Manchester. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refused Exorement from Pail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &a., Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 Ton lots within tO miles and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, at per Ton. Speoial prioe over 100 miles. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given early in the season to prevent disappointment. Full particulars from: R. D. CALLISON, Indoor Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester. 0* to- KB. BOLD ALDBED, Altrinobam, Manchester, JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that hehassuooeededto the businessso longoarried on by his late Fathert John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention and moderate oharges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a N oontinuance of publicaupport. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Willoontinue to be a special feature of thebusiness and greatoare will be exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Beotsin the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES Of BVBBY DBSCBIPTIOH XBPT IN STOCK. YOUTHB AND OHILDREHISBOOTf3 AND 8LIPPEB OF BVBaT VABIBTY OBOBBS F BOXFTIT ATTBHDBD TO. Repaireneatlyexecuted GRIFFITH JONES, _x A BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The best Posting Stations in the District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. ivi E I G R A T 10 N iur ALL THOSE WHO DESIRE — INFORMATION ABOUT The Agrleultnral Resources of Canada, the North-West Territories, and British Columbia, and of the Gold Fields in Ontario and British Columbia, SHOULD WKIT* TO ALLAN BROTHERS) 19, James Street, LIVERPOOL, FOR THEIR HANDBOOK AND AM* PHLGTS, WHICH ARE SENT FRBK. Makes Boots and Harness waterproof as a duck's back I and soft as velvet. Adds RL I three times to the wear and IW allows polishing. COLD MEDAL 19 EXHIBITION r I 1 HIGHEST AWARDS. I 1l lfYg^ll^ Tics 21, 6d, Is, and 2s. 6d, l^yiJVvIII °' Bootmakers, Saddler#, 1 Leathersellers, Ita. 0 llONEY Y,5 to Y,12000 MONEY A RETIRED GENTLEMEN having a LARGE SUM 07 MONEY at his disposal is willing to dvanoe the same AT LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFICE IN ENGLAND to all espeotable Householders, Tradeapeople andotheril Diastance no objeot. No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. All Transactions strictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be convinced, or write to- W; WHITE, 2, North Terrace, Newtown, RHYL, CONNAH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. "ny TO JAMES PRINCE, BRICK WORKS, CONNAH'S QUAY. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. c PAXBD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. c FAion) CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAKBD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAXBD rpHE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER rpHE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. rpHE BLOOD The Blood is the source from which our systems are boilt np, and from which w% rpHE BLOOD derive oar mental as well aa our physical A capabilities. If the blood ia diseased the THE BLOOD body is diseased and enfeebled. rpHE BLOOD Clarke's Blood Mixture is warranted to ■* cleanse the blood from all imparities, rpHE BLOOD from whatever cause arising. In oases of A Scrofula, Scarry, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin rpHE BLOOD and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. rpHE BLOOD Thousands of wonderful cures have been A effected by it. THE BLOOD A Langley, Wiveliscombe, Somerset. rpHE BLOOD 23rd July, 1896." A "Dear Sirs,—I beg to testify to the rpHE BLOOD efficacy of Clarke's Blood Mature. For x some considerable time I was suffering rpHS BLOOD very badly from Ecsema, the pain and irritation at night being something dread- rpHE BLOOD ful. My &«ck was so bad I could not wear a collar. When first it came on I rnHE BLOOD attended a doctor; he gave me ointment, lotion, and medicine, but all to no purpose, rpHE BLOOD for I gradually got worse. I was reading, A about a cure effected by Clarke's Blood' mHE BLOOD Mixture, and thought I would try a bottle, •a but with very litt e faith. After I had mHE BLOOD one bottle the sores began to dry up and x disappear, and when I had taken three '1 tHE BLOOD bottles, SS. 9d. sue, I was completely cured. I shall always recommend it to rpHE BLOOD anyone I know suffering from -v™ disease, as it is really a marvellous thing. mHE BLOOD and deserves recommendation. All I can A say is, that I am truly grateful for my THE BLOOD recovery,—I remain, yours faithfully, THE BLOOD "ALBERT TABLING." mHE BLOOD I tried your Clarke's Blood Mixture for pimples, with which I have been much rpHE BLOOD doubled as far back as I can remember; After I had taken six bottles there was mHE BLOOD not a spot left on my face, and I am glad •i to say the improvement has been kept mHE BLOOD up since; in addition to that my general -1 health has much improved, and I feel HiHE BLOOD truly grateful to you for tbis splendid A medicine.—Remaining, gentlemen, yours mHE BLOOD faithfully, A "J. C. WATERHOU8E." mHE BLOOD Moorlands, Hampton Road, Teddington 6th September, 1894. THE BLOOD A THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. »pHE BLOOD x For cleansing and clearing the blood 'iruLlf BLOOD from all impurities, Clarke's Blood Mixture cannot be too highly reoom- TiHE BLOOD mended. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, HVHE BLOOD and warranted free from anything injuri- ous to the most delicate constitution of THE BLOOD either sax, from infancy to old age, the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a THB BLOOD trial to test its value. THE BLOOD Sold in bottles 3s. 9d. each by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors THE BLOOD throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 stamps by the THE BLOOD Proprietors, the Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. /CLARKE'S WOULD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FFIVN'N CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. PAMTtl ^•LARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. xi PAXBD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAKED WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE don't be put off with some- thing else. Many retailers stook substitutes for all articles in large demand, and pay their assistants a commission on the sale of these imitations. Tbis explains why different artiolea from the one asked for are so frequently jut before purchasers. DAVIF,S AND Co. BIIO TO AWX0OTCB THAT nIB ItBW STOCK OF ART PUBLIGATIONS, IN BOOKLETS, LEAFLETS, AND CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKS. N E W E S T G A M E S AND NO VEL TIES*, PRETTILY BOUND STOIRY BOOKS AT ALL FBIOBS, SUITABLE FOB NEW YEAR'S PRESENT3 AND SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS. A OBOIOB 8ELECTION 07 Sunday School Illuminated Reward Cards. STOCK OF NIOELY BOUND PRAYERS AND HYMNS, HANDSOMB Ppiilket and PrcBealttlluu SlPleg.^ v r NEW BOO K S I, NEW B 0 0 K 8 11 CONDENSED CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS NOW IN STOCK AT TUB "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLIWELL At Ss. 6d. In the Rooky Mountains Cruden's Concordance At 2s. 6d. Adventurous Boat Voyages Aiming Higher Arabian Nights Debtor and Creditor Helen's Babies Habits and ObuaotMittiM of Animals King of the Conjurors Lorimer Littlegood Little Mr Bouncer Making Haste to be Rich Manse Gaiden Military Heroes of England Martin Rattler True to the Last The Country of the Dwarfs The Study of the Bible The Story of the Peninsular War Three Years in a Man Trap Robinson Crusoe Rieing in the World Shakespeare Prince Charlie Parlour Pastimes Will Adams Milton'e Poetical Works Living for Appearanoes Take my Advice At 2s. Notable Workers in Humble Life Arohie Digby Lost in tbo Wilds of Canada Seed Time and Harvest Defoe's Journal of the Plague Soott's Poetioal Works Confessions of a Horse Dealer Pilgrim's Progress Anecdotes of Birds, fto. Dr. Livingstone David Oopperfield Dombey and Son Fifteen Months Among Kaffirs Heroes of the Battlefield Kenilworth Laat Days of Pompei Mr Midshipman Easy The Cure of Buisson Retribution A200 Reward Robinson Crusoe MinisteriDg Angel Oliver Twist Three Boote Is. 6d. Sir Walter Raleigh Breakers Ahead Geologioal Gossip; Goldeu Treasury Etohing Words for the Weary ls. Geordie Stuart No Gaina Without Pains Tom Cringle's Log Bewitched Lamp Caught at Last REMARKABLE BARGAINS I A large Stock of beautifully bound STANDARD WORKS and NOVELS, AT Hid. each, ORDINARY SELLING PRIOE, 21. 6d. And numerous other Books to select from, COLOURED TOY BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS, &o., to., at the OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensed PUBLIOHOUSE, in Flint.-Apply to KBLSTBBTON Titi WBBT 00. LD. C3- i-I STREET (Opposite the Kings Head Hotel), HOLYWELL. ESTABLISHED, 1866. W. OWEN (Succe88or to D. Williams). El M7 FAMIL Y B IT CHER MEAT (Prime Quality only), FRESH DAILY. A LARGE STOCK OF HOME-CURED HAMS AND BACON IN GRAND CONDITION. All Orders receive prompt and careful attention Sales by Mr. William Freeman, f ( MR. WM. FREEMAN IS instructed by MBS. S. EDWARDS (who is retiring from Farming), to sell by Auotion, ON TRURSDAY, THE 22nd OF APRIL, 1897, 1 1 AX FRON LAS FARM,; ST. AS A P H. "The whole of her valuable sixteen head of yonng ST. ASAPH. "The whole of her valuable sixteen head of yonng lows, two-year old short-horn bull, heifers, bullocks »AD yearlings, three breeding sows, a promising &irk bay cart horse, rising 4, about 16 hands, and ^powerful bay cart mare, 6-year old, a nearly new uarket trap, two farm carts, single horse-power, vinnowing machine, iron and wood harrows, dough, Bcuffler, saddlery, and all the necessary araw implements, tools, &c. Also, large ohurn and other dairy utensils, about 12 hobbets of excellent wheat, and a quantity of barley. And it not previously sold, a large quantity of oapital manure. Sale to commence at 1-30 p.m. Auotion Office: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. F YJ AT 'GLAN'RAVON VILLA, HALKIN STREET, FLINT. i MB. WM. FREEMAN I RJ AS received instructions from ME. WILLIAM ] TL MINSHULL (who is changing his residence to *JEthyl for the benefit of health), to SELL BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, THB 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1897, r- AT 3 O'CLOCK P.M., Two staoks and a part staok of exceedingly well- harvested olover and rye grass hay t2 years old) and about 24 tons, strong pony oart, Alexandra drag, plated harness, chaff cutters, various outside effects, and a portion of the very useful household furniture &o. Further particulars in posters and adrertis- ments. Auotion Offloe:-Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. v Sale by Mr. Qeo. N. Dixon. VALUABLE PROPERTY NEAR FLINT Two Miles from Flint Railway Station. By Order of the Trustees of the Will of Miss ANN ROBBBTS, deoeased. TO BE SOLD BY AUOTION BY MR. GEO. N. DIXON ON WEDNESDAY, THE 28TH APRIL, 1897, AT TWO o'olook in the afternoon, at the CROSS FOXES HOTEL, FLINT, (subject to suoh conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced) LOT 1. THE MESSUAGE AND FARM BUILDINGS, known by the name of Waen-y- balls," with the fields known by the names of Cae Oanol," "Yr Aoar," Cae Salisbury," "ErwViad," Rofft-y-wern," and" Rofft-y.:Pentre," contain- ing 11 acres, 1 rood and 9 perohes, or thereabouts and also the field called Rofft-y-mynydd," con- taining 3 roods and 28 perohes, or thereabouts and also the field oalled Rofft-Y-worn," containing I rood and 30 perohes, or thereabouts. The said messuage, fields, and premises, are now in the occupation of Mr Charles Lloyd, as a yearly tenant at the Rent of £4:0 a year. LOT 2.—THE CROFT OR PARCEL OF LAND (near to lot 1) known by the name of 11 Oroft-y- castell," containing 1 acre and 10 perohes, or there- abouts, and the Allotment marked 64 in the award of the Oommiaaioners, containing 26 perches, or thereabouts, together with the Three Cottages ereoted upon the latter piece of land, and in the respective occupations of William Ellis, at Is. 7d. per week, Jane Bellis, at Is. 3d. per week, and Albert Reed, at 2s. lid, per week. LOT i.—A PIECE OF LAND containing 1 rood and 20 peroheB, or thereabouts, (near to lot 1) with the Three Cottages ereoted thereupon, and in the respective occupations of Josiah Garner, at Is. 4d. Jer week, John Williams, at Is. 2d. per week, and ohn Owens, at Is. 3d. per week. LOT 4.—A PIECE OF LAND containing 18 perohes, or thereabouts, (near to lot 1) with the Cottage erected thereupon, and in the occupation of Edward Bellis, at Is. lid. per week. For further particulars apply to MR. ARTHUR WEBSTER, SOLIOITOB, 20, North John Street, Liverpool. NkLwl BICYOLES from the makers. GentkiP L8 10s. Od. Ladies JE9. Guaranteed.— LASSDOWNB OYOLB Co., Aberdeen Street, Birming- ham. 1_ NJLJTFK good sound reliable up-to-date CYCLES, IF-Apply, LANSDOWNB CYCLB Co., Aberdeen otMet, Birmingham. o BEL E T-cc VON Housn," MOBTYN, X oontainiDg 12 rooms, out-buildings and gardens. pply to E. PABBY, Penymaes, Holywell. p Iy 0 BE LET, with immediate possession, a large "T^PPLY to E. PABBY, Penymaes, Holywell. RPO BE LET, with immediate possession, a large 1 YARD, oocupying a good oentral position in Holywell, admirably adapted for the busineii5 of a coal dealer or general merchant. -Apply, THOMAS HUGHES, joiner and builder, Holywell. (DEED BARIAEY.-Strongly recommauded.-A (5 small quantity CABTBB'S PBIZB PBOLIFIO," from seed had direct from Messrs Carter last season. -18. a hobbett or less than one-half Messrs Carter's prioe.-BA r, Saithaelwyd, Holywell. rpo BE SOLD or LET.—LLWYN-Y-GLYN, X MOLD, FLINTSHIRE. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, containing Drawing, Dining, and Breakfast Rooms, six Bed-rooms, Bath-rooms, W.O., and the usual domestic offices; Stabling, Ooaoh- house, Outbuildings, and large Garden. Nine aores of land may be had if required.—Apply to Mr W. T. THOMAS, Hafod Alun, Mold; or to Mr. W. CBAIO, Ashton-on.Mersy, Manchester. SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG J\. LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINBFBIDB'S CONVBNT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBSS. f .J TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. DO you require your Corn ground P it to FLINT MILL. The work can be done Q ickly and well. — 16/- ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STREET,MOLD. BHJL POSTER AND DELIVERER B. GOOD MISSION is that which lias for its oWect a desire to afford relief to those suffering from NERVOUS TROUBLES, EXHAUSTION, DEBILITY, LIVER OR KIDNEY AFFECTIOKS, and all complaints of a weakening nature. I have been restored to health, after many years, suffering, and will now gladly send the prescription which cured me free to any sufferer forwarding an addressed envelope. I s«nd it with every confidence, knowing its virtue. W Name thl» E»pe*. A_PDBESS — W. H. BROWN, 14 BHHAX ROAD, BRIGHTON, Susan. .]. THE QUEEN'S DIAMOND JUBILEE 1 Ta Publio Meeting held at the Assembly Hall, £ JL Holywell, on the 22nd day of March, 1897, fames Williams, Esq., Chairman of the Holywell [Jrban Distriot Council, presiding, it was unani- mously resolved that TUESDAY, the 22nd day of JUNB next, be observed as a General Holiday within the Holywell Urban District and the Township of Greenfield, and that Subscriptions be invited for giving all School Children and the aged Poor within that district a treat in honor of the attain- ment of the sixtieth year of the reign of Her Most Graoious Majesty the Queen. Subscriptions for that object will be received at the National Provincial and North and South Wales Banks, at Holywell. The following subscriptions have already been promised :— £ s. d. Mr T. Lloyd Prioe, Mertyn io 10 0 iiev R. o. Williams, The Vicarage, Holywell 5 5 0 Dr James Williams, Castle Hill, Holywell 5 5 0 Mr T. A. Lambert, Lambert's Hotel, Holywell. 5 5 0 Mr R. Sankey, Vron, Holywell 5 5 0 Mrs Roskell. Stokyn 5 5 0 Dr J. O. Jones, Bodowen, Holywell 2 2 0 Mr J. H. Hague, High-street, Holywell 1 1 0 Mr A. Foster Williams, Bryntirion, Holywell 1 1 0 Mr J. LI. Williams, Bryntirion, Holywell. 1 l 0 Mr S. L. Revis, North and South Wale3 Bank. 1 1 0 Rev W. A. Morris,Greenfield. 1 1 0 Mr J. Armour, Tower Gardens, Holywell 1 1 0 S. L. REVIS, Honorary Treasurer, North and South Wales Bank Holywell. ROBERT THOMAS, Honorary Seoretary, Bryn Oira, Holywell. HOLYWELL PARISH CHURCH. SIR YOHN STAINERS LENTEN ORATORIO THE 6 6 CIftUCIFIXION9 9 1 WILL BE PEEFOBMED IN THE CHURCH, ON GOOD FRIDAY, OOMMENOING AT 3.30 P.M. SOLOISTS Tenor:- MR. FRED ASHBY. Baas MR. PETERS JONES. CONDUCTOR :— MR. E. ROBINSON. The Offertory will be applied towarde Church EXPOSES. VBRYNFORD CHURCH. GOOD FRIDAY, 10 a.m. Welsh Servioe; 3 p.m. English Service; 6 p.m. Welsh Servioe. EASTER DAY, 8 a.m. Administration of the Holy Communion 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and Administration of the Holy Communion 6 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. OQLLBOnOKB FOB OHUBOH EXPENSES. TENTRAL HALL, BUCKLEY. ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27TH AND 28TH, 1897, THB REV. H. LUCAS, 8.J., M.A., WILL DBUVBB TWO LECTURES ON (i).-MONKS AND NUNS; (2).—THE ROMAN CHURCH. ADMISSION—FREE. EFLFC. particulars, see Posters and Handbills. HOLYWELL COUNTY SCHOOL. GIRLS' DEPARTMENT. mu-niull- Miss NORAH C. TRAYES, B.A., (LONDON), HONOUES, Teaohing Diploma of the Cambridge Training Syndioate late of the North London Collegiate School and University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. The Girls' Department will be OPENED on TUESDAY, APRIL 27th, 1897. The School will be oondaoted on the lines of the English High Schools, and in addition to other subjects arrangements will be made for the teaohing of Musio (Vocal and Instrumental) and Drawing. Fees payable in advanoe, JB2 per term. The Governors are prepared to consider applica- tions for Bursaries. Further particulars can be obtained from the Headmaster, Mr J. O. DAVIES, M.A., or from the undersigned, to whom all applications for admission should be made. FRED. LLEWELLYN-JONES, B.A., LL.B., Solicitor, Holywell, Clerk to the Governors. yfflftroh 25th, 1897. I [THOMAS LLOYD, (LATH P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Painter, Plumber, Gas litter, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Engineer. Electric Bells Fixed and Repaired. Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS OF THE BESTDBSOBIPTION ALWAYS KBPT. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, and Orders promptly executed on the shortest notice. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK &FITTINO ALWAY ON HAND PICTURES FRAMED AND MOUNTED. H1 £ H STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W. qff(3iTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE BILLPOSTING COMPANY. Owners ■ The Wrexham District Advertising and Billposting Co., Ltd.) HEAD OJTICES — 24, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. BRANCHES: HOLYWELL, BUCKLEY AND ELLESMERE. Proprietors of best and most prominent Private Stations in Holywell Distriot. I Orders, Posters and Handbills, should be sent to E. P. LYONS, Billposter, Holywell. This Company have carried out the largest Billposting Contracts last year over given in North Wales. ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL. GRAND EASTER HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS I EVENING ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd 1897. BY THB WELL-KNOWN MINSTREL TROUPE, "T HE SNOWDROPS." PA-TBONS :-His Grace the Doke of Westminster, E.G.; The Right Hon. the Earl of Denbigh; J*- Samuel Smith, Esq., M.P. The Programme will oomprise SONGS. BALLADS, LULLABIES, DUETS, TRIOS, QUARTETTES, HUMOROUS SONGS, INTERLUDES and JOKES. AND A SKETCH ENTITLED "The Nigger Store Keeper." MANAGING DIBEOTOB :— MR. W. M. CHISHOLM. MUSICAL DIRECTOR MR. WILLIE NUTTALL, A.L.C.M. Prices of Admission :-Reserved Seats, 28. Front Seats, Is.; Back Seats (limited), 6d.-Doors open 7.30 p.m., to commence at 8 o'olook Carriages may orderud for 10.30. C. E. P. JONES, HON. SBO. Heb Dduw heb ddim." Daw a digon." BAGILLT EISTEDDFOD WILL BE HELD AT B E T II A. N I A.. ON GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH, 1897. Under the Patronage of the County and Borough Members and the Gentry of the Neighbourhood. BRASS BAND CONTEST SEVBN BNTBIES, VIZ. Bagillt Excelsior Brass Band Holywell Flannel Mills Brass Band; Halkyn Brass Band Conn ah'a Quay Brass Band; Voel Gaer Brass Band Rhos Brass Band; Ffynnongroew Brass Band. BRASS BAND MARCH CONTEST, AT )2 O'CLOCK NOON. — COMPETITION — Inoluding- V Mixed and Juvenile Choirs, Quartett, Duets, Soprano, Tenor and Baritone, Poetry, Translations, Recitations and Miscellaneous Artioles. ABTISTES Soprano- MISS BLODWEN HUGHES, Of the Liverpool Conoerts Solo Euphonium- < T. HOLLOWAY ESQ., R.A.M. AocompAmn:- MISS J. GRATTON THOMAS. CONDUCTOB :— GWILYM DENNANT, COLWYN BAY BRABS BAND ADJUDICATOB :— J. HOLLOWAY, ESQ., R.A.M. PBESIDENTS :— SAMUEL DAVIES, ESQ., J.P., C.C., GREENFIELD; W. H. LLOYD, ESQ., D.C., CONNAR'S QUAY. WASHING COMPETITION WILL TAXB PLAOB AT THE KING'S ARMS PARK, (Kindly lent by Mr Thomas Hunt), At 10.45 a.m. prompt. First Prise- Value 15s. Seoond Prize-Value 10s. (Kindly given by Messrs. Lever, Brothers, Port Sunlight). Entrance Fee, Is. Admission to Park, 2d. FIRST MEETING—Doors open at 1 o'olook; to oommenoe 1.30. EVENING MEETING-Doors open at 6 o'olook to oommenoe 6.30. Admission to both Meetings, Front Seats, 3s.; Seoond Seats, Is. The ANNUAL TEA PARTY will take place at the PAVILLION, opposite Bethania. Tickets, 6d. eao SlOBETAJUEB: T. GRATTON THOMAS, Chemist. R. T. JONES, Castle Villa. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. SEOOND ANNUAL "EBENEZER" VV EISTEDDFOD WILL BB HELD AT BAGILLT. SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1897, Further particmlars will appear, ahort y.

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