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I JOLLY'S 11 Ducbess II Pills For File Faces9 ID A POSITIVE CURE FOR ANÆMIA, or POVERTY of BLOOD, AND ALL THE FOLLOWING AILMENTS: Paleness. Langour. Debility. Nausea. Headache. Backache, Irregularities. Sallowness. Skin Eruptions. Indigestion. Loss of Appetite. Offensive Breath. Palpitation. Nervousness, Depressed Spirits. Female Ailments. Insomnia Pains in the Side. As all the Ailments mentioned above arise from ONE CAUSE, they can be oared by ONE REMEDY, viz. 4SS ty JOLLY'S "DUCHESS" PILLS. These Pills are not an APERIENT, but a Tonic which entiohes the BLOOD. Miss HiEDY writas from Thorpe, Norwich" Please forward a box of 'DUCHESS PILLS,' &s I caanot possibly b3 without then. I can highly recommend them. I have boon under the doctor's treatment for the last ten years for Anm mia, without reoeiving any benefit, but your I Duchess Pills' have quite restored me." Mrs. ORCKIT, writes from 19, Thomas Street, Robertstown, Aberdare There ia & great im- provement in my daughter since taking your 'Duchess' Pills. She is stronger, her skin Is much clearer, her lips have their natural colour, her cbeskt are rosy, and her eyes brighter. Please send me another box for which I enclose 2s. 6d. Report of Dr. A. FARR, the well-known Physioian, late Medical Officer of Health, Lambeth, London:—"This is to certify that JOLLY'S 'DUCHESS' PILLS do not contain any deleterious properties, and may be taken with perfect safety as a remedial agent and corrective for the various ailmonta for which they are specially designed and reoommended. Certificate of the Analysts to the Health Corporation, London, "We have made a minute and critical Analysis of a sample, selected Indiscriminately, of JOLLY'S DUCUESS I PILLS, and find they ar,; composed of most valuable Tonio, Stomaohio and Purifying Proparties, and quite free from injurious Vegetable and Mineral substances." BENJAMIN NICHKLS, F,C.S., F.I.C. tt « ,.j a r WALLACE C. NIOKELL, F.O.S. J Analysts to the Health Corporation of London. JOLLY'S 11 DuolIESS 11 PILLS will restore colour, health, strength, and beauty, and make the palest faoe clear and rosy, thus produoing a lovely oomplexion. —ILLUSTRATED BOOK ON ANAEMIA, OR POVERTY OF BLOOD, SENT POST FREE. A box of JOLLY'S "DTTOHES3" PILLS containing 60 doses, easy to take, and sufficient to cure any ordinary case, will bs forwarded to any part of the United Kingdom, securely packed in special boxes, with plain wrapper, post free, on receipt of 2s. 6d. Send for a box to day. WHY BE PALE AND LANGUID ANY LONGER? ADDRESS 1 BEITIH DRUGGIT LTD., 219, OXFORD ST., LONDON, W. CROSS KEYS HOTEL, HOLYWELL PROPRIETOR— J. J E MI N G S. -+0:0:- THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN RE-ARRANGED AND DECORATED, IS .V O IP O P K V For Commercial Gentlemen, who will find every comfort and convenience. M 0 D E R A T E C~H A N G E S. HOTS—1The. Ales, Wines anil Spirits are"pronounced by the Public to be the finest qualities ever supplied in Holywell. u JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, IIIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that he has succeeded to the -D biisinessso long carried on by his late Father, fohn Hughes, at the above premises, and truBti, that by prompt attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of public support. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Will continue to be a special feature of the business and great care will bo exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG HARVEST BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Boots in the Market. WOMEN AND ME,Y',S BOOTG AND SHOES Ov SVBEY DESCRIPTION XEPT IN STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDREN^ BOOTS AND SLIPPER OP EVERY VARIETY O&SBBS «W*PTLY ATTBNDHD TO. Repair8DjtI^ executed MONEY LENT PRIVATELY To Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodeing. tr and others, in sums of £ 10 np to £ roo°e^eri ON BORROWERS' OWN NOTE OF HAND without sureties, at much lower rates than Usu charged. Repayments arranged to meet Borrowers' requirements. Extensive business done for 25 past. rs F NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. writ°er t £ r08Pe°tus and terdJs, apply personally or GEOIiGE PAYNE, ACCOUNTANT, 3> CRESCENT ROAD, RIIYL, on xrvvrxTT,^ ■RTKAT) OFFIOK:— J STREET, MANCHESTER, Established 1870. ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STREET, MOLD. MLL POSTER AND DELIVER R GOUT & JJHEUMATIO pILLS I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED. ADITS plLLS 103, Jubilee Terrace, "Wolverhampton Road, TRADE'S J3ILL8 Walsall. Nov. 22nd, 1892. "Dear Sir,—I write to thank you for TRADE'S PILLS the great amount of benefit I have E received from using your mai-vellons Gout and. Rheumatic Fqls I am glad to think I am able to write, as had it not been for your grand Pills I should have been un able to do so, and am quite certain I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED. I am e) ttremely thankful, tie I can still keep at my work, I (jj-OU'J shall use every endeavour to make your Pills more widely known. You may 1.111E UMATISH use this how you think proper.-I G OUT remain, yours faithfully, RHEUMATISM E' Gl7EST "Mr G Eade,7' gADE'S QOUT & RHEUMATIC piLLS. » Prepared only by George Eade1 RnU h '.iir11!1™1' London, E.C. and TlArnir /ii aT™St8,m Bottles, ls ljd( and 2s 9d: gADJiS QOUT & JJHEUMATIU piLLS) DR: F 0 X 9 3 COUGIt AND VOIOE rIl] GREAT REMEDY FOE COUGHS, COLDS. BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA ° HO/,ilSENJESS. LOSS OF VOICE, AND AL f., AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS These invaluab lc Wafers, being' prepared from Herbs an Fruits only, (lo n, it contain any deleterious ingredients, an may be taken wit h perfect safety by old and young J)E- j?ox 8 COUGH &.Ni) YOHJE WAFERS. PltEPARED cly, Vv HT 0 r-, 0 R G B F, A D B 72, G OSWELL ROAD, LONDON, In Tins, is I Id. each, -P t F froIn- thr: ProPrietor on receipt of Postal Q er for 1: 2d. ■HAVE YO XI MADE YOUR WILL IF not buy < >ae of Hinie' Will Forme, which contains cl &as-, concise and legal instruction how to makeyi )u?own Will. PJ IQE, SIXPENCE OLD AT THE uOBSEK'?VER" OFFICE- I L A M E R S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREEFT, HOLYWELL. < WHOLESALE WINE AM SPIRIT „ MERCHANT, POSTING IN ALTF ITS BRANCHES. it OMNIBUSES ZIE-TT ALL TRAINS. •iV jocr London and North-Westerh Railway Parcels Agent. —————- RY tm D PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR HOOTS, CORN AND GRASS; ALSO, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. -'0'- OFFICES r—CARR'S LANE, BIRMINGHAM. WORKS SALTNEY, CHESTER. 3>;—- ■ Revised List, with particulars of Pri for Roots offered in 1890,fpost free. AOKfefl:— Kr Robert Riohards, Pensarn, Llanbedr. Mr J. J. Bancroft, Glasfyrn, Ruthin. Mr Godfrey Parry, Carrog, Corwen. Mr Joseph Lloyd, Miller, St. Asaph. Wr Wi lam P. a e' "2* rifflths, CrossKeys, Chirk. Wimam P. Jones, Ironmonger, Mold. XT A. H. Thompson, Sandbacbr V' OIJRB FOR ALLII! Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. or Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Sweljings, Contracted and Stiff Join; and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at 71-a Oxford Street, London, ,7..<>4 And Sold by all Medicint Vcniert throughout the World, N.It.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. ENGLISH-THE BESTS ,ft BENSON'S US WATCHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials have been received. BENSON'S BENSON'S English Lever Keyless English Lever "LUDBATE" WATCH "BANK" WATCH. 1 CaSeS' Selections of W:1Jche" or Jewellery Rent free on receipt, of reference. Illustrated Book Post Free. OLD WATCHES AND JEWELLETIY TAKEN IN EXCHAG E. All Goods Kat Approved will be Exchanged. Cheapest, Strongest and moat Durable London ¡ A good Knockabout "Watch for ronph Trcnr -it a blade THREE-QUARTER PLATE ever sold. low prieo. Best London made. Thrce-Qnarter Plate An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Rabies, Chrono- English Lever, Larue. Chronometer Balance, Jewelled meter Balance, Large Barrel, and Damp and m Rnhics, Strong Keyless Action. ,DELns°toUerfiSe than, andfsdo^ble tho Strength K^vle^W\7m^CfCPeI'mnd bCtt6r ValU6 tba° aDy ftnd Valne of, any £ 5 6s. Watch madl In StoK K°yless(}Vateh sold for £ 10. Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glass m 0 'in Extra Strength, Sterling Silver, Crystal Made in Fonr Sizes at one Price, £ .5 5s -—No 1 ulass Cases. BEHSON S EKCAGEMENT, RINGS, in Half. a £ J2ZZ £ %?& °SStr-7Z^ •«. Gentlemen s size, £ 12 12s. Lady s size, £ 10 10s. phires, Opals, Turquoise, Ac., &c„ or in plain gold. ALL WATOHES AND JEWELLERY sent post free, and at my risk, to all parts of the World on receipt of Draft, Cash, or P.O.O.. payable a* G.P.O. CEND FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCIUS from £2 2s. to £500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS. BROOCHES, PLATE, tc" &c. Sent po,, free on applicat ion to J\KF RTClUQriNr WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • **• H.M. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. 4 Steam Factory: 82 & 64, LUDGATE HILL. Aad 28, ROYAL EXHANGE, E.O., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. WATOH, &c. CLUBS.-Applicatlons for ftgenclos invited. Easy system, no risk. J A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATOH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOJ YWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE- J3 MENT OF HIS PREMISES, ho has beep enabled to groatlyi norcase hisStock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPI IN STocr Clocks and Waichesofall descriptions tn Ztariti HANDSOME SELECTION OF t ELEorrRO-PLATED ARTIOLiE^ REPAIRSPROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THI" PREMISES. Ni A. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF í Guinea Gold Wedding aud Ivceper Fings*- A present given with each ring bought. i A private room to select in. f DKALEIt IN 'I LOOKING GLASSES AND 12AROMETERE :¡ SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES F In great variety. f IT 1.0 EMIfiRATION. ■«*-ALL who desire information about C^njida, the North West Territories, and British Columbia, should write to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., 19, James Street, LIVERPOOL, for their Handbook of Information, WHICH IS SENT FREE. j £ -B*B«J ffiood!^?! InAjS ifSB 'III B .Tl>e mosft palatable, thlrst-qnench!ng, re- • freshing, animating tonic drink produoeablo Ml For everv 0]»SK-AIH WORKER and an n I 9 S.nplnycil"in Shop- MiiK Miinufaotories & Blines. g IMITATED BUT NOT EQUALLED- Agents Wanted, g IB One M. bottle makes » B»1 ">•"«• OfaliCUenusum* JJ • SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE 9 STAMrS, 2 FOR 15 STAMPS. 8 J JtEWBALL & MASON, HOTTINGHAM. g J JtEWBALL & MASON, NOTTINGHAM. g ¡ KINGR^S^HE AD^ HOTEL, HOLYWELL. -:0: THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL j .?: HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. -:0: HEADQUARTERS OF THE CYCLITS' UNION -:0: THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAIN 3 AT HOLYWELL STATION BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINSM! CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. -:0:- GREA T RE- OPENING BY J. HARRIS, OF LIVERPOOL, OF THE ABOVE PREMISES WITH A LARGE ASSORTMENT 01 V NEW AND SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AT EXORAORDINAIULY LOW PRICES, COJTSISTISG OF JtlEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS' CL01HING. Bedding, Table Linen, Oilcloths, Hearthrugs, Carpets, Boots, Shoes and miscellaneous Goods of every description. 8"-1"O: Under the experienced Management of the well-known Mr. R. Williams. -.r: NOTE THE ADDRESS- CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. "7" v CONN AH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS. AT.so, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO JAMES PRINCE, BRICK WORKS, CONNAH'S QUAY. IM GH 8 T PC IB 3=] T v (Opposite the Kings Head Hotel), HOLYWELL. ESTABLISHED, 1866. W. OWEN (Successor to D. WiUimns J, FAlJllL Y B TJTCllER MEAT (Prime Quality onlyj, FRESH DAILY. A LARGE STOCK OF HOME-CURED HAMS AND BACON i IN GRAND CONDITION. All Orders receiveprompt and carcfid attention I ..¡ TRY GRIFFITHS' BEAUTIFUL TEA at Is- lOd. per lb. GOOD FAMILY TEA, at Is. 4d. per lb. Best Brands of TINNED FRUITS I CANTON HOUSF, HOLYWELL BUEAKFAST—SUPPES. E P P S S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. I GOCOAL SOILING WATRA OR WILIC. T6REIGN AND RARE STAMPS DAVIES AND Co., ]JAVE now on Sale a large and varied Selcclioc STAMPS OF ALL XATIONiS Made up in Packets and alio eold singly. An Inspection invited. Price Listd forwarded on application at th- Obmvtr Office, Holywell. 1 I*— v- j? flJ flJ 4(l) LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. ELECTRIC LIGHTING Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private Reel. dencee, Shops, &c., and Repaired on the Shortest Notice. THOMAS L L 0 Y D (LATE P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, V Electrical Engineer, Fainter, Flumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cola Water Engtncef Shower Bathe and Spraye Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDERS OF EVERY DESCBIPTIDN OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS OF THE BEST DESCRIPTION ALWAYS KEPT. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, an Orders promptly executed on the shortest notice. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK & IFI RTINO ALWAYS ON HAND HIGH STREET, HOLYWELU N.W ST. ,V I N E F R I D E I S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE—English French; German; Drawing; Pain'ing; Dancing; Calisthenics J Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain aud fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex. ams in Music, &o. WKEKLT BOARDERS RECKITED. -=- NEW rosr CARDS" 5° MEMORANDUM POST CARD3 ±OK iOuRPE^CE 50 ORDER POST CARDS FOR FOURI-ENCE. 50 NOTICE OF MEETING POST CARDS J FOR FOURPENCE BOOK OF 200 DUPLICATE MEMORANDUM POST CARDS FOR TWO SHILLINGS BOOK OF 200 DUPLICATE ORDER POST CARDS FOR TWO SHILLINGS. THE NEWEST AND CHEAPEST POST CARDS NO If 70 BE HAD AT THE 013 E Iv VKU OKKICF HOLYWELL.