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LATEST MARKETS. | LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET. Liverpool, Satl1rduy,-Bacon-Fn;:t.hel: j>11provcd cables from the other side have a steadying influence on the market here, and a rather better tone pre- vails amongst holders, who maintain recent cur- j rencies for all cuts. The demand, however, is still very quiet, no interest being: displayed by country bnvers except to satisfy present requirements, aud business passing continues of quite a retail character, Waterford bacon steady aud unchanged. Danish quoted at Jess money, but in fair request. Shoulders show 110 change from yesterday, only a poor inquiry being met with for New Yorks and squares. Hams have only a quiet sale, but values of lone aud short cuts remain steady ^and _unc.ua uged, whilst skinless continue firm. Lard—prime Western, in sympathy | with higher c.i.f. rates, is quoted 3d per cwt. dearer, with a fair demand. Reiined American in modeiate request at a partial 3d per cwt. advance. Cheese moves quietly iuto consumption at previous figures for white and coloured. Butter sells steadily at late quotations. Eggs scarce and firmly held for former currencies, Beftf and porkim;et a quiet sale at steady prices. CURRENT QUOTATIONS, Beef, extra incli,,iu ?iiess, per 3Q41bs. 81s 3d to 903 Od Pork, prime mess Westeu, per 2001 bs 53s 9d to 62s 6d I Bacon, per 1121bs.: Waterford 46s Od to 493 Od Continental 42s Cd to 44s Od Canadian singed sides 38s Od to 40s Od Americau- Long clear, 35-45ibs average 33s 6d to 35* Od Short clear, 45-FOlbs ditto 32s Od to 52s Od Short rib, 18-23ibs ditto. 34* 0d to .6; Od Cumberland cut, 2S-381bs ditto 32 Od to 35, 01 Stafford cut, 36-40)bs ditto 348 01 t ) 35, Od Clear bellies. 14-201bs ditto 39 Od to 43s Cil Short ditto 335 OJ to 35.; 61 Shoulders, NA". cut, ll-131bs 33i Od to 35 0d Ditto squarJ*5ut 12-161b 33^ 6<l io 37- Oil Ditto picnic, 5-121b 32s 63 to 335 6d Hams, per 1121 hs. Long cut. 14-1S average 4ig 6d to 46s 0d Short cut, 12-16 453 ed to 52? 0J Short cut skinless, 14-16 50s Od to 51s Od Lard, per 1121 bj.—Prime Western Hteaiu, 30, 9d to 31s Od. Ameiicaii Re fined Lard, zSlbs, pails, 32s 6d to 33s Od 1121b. firkins, 3ls 9d to 32s 2d. Cheese, per 1121b.—finest white, 57s Od to 58s Od Cheese, per 1121b.—finest white, 575 Od to 58s Od coloured, 59s Od to 60s Od. Butter, per 1121bs.—Danish choice, 110a to 116s Canadian crcameries, 100s to 102S; States, —s to —s Irishcre.iaieries, —s to -s do. factories. 91s Od to DSs Od finest colonial, 104s to 106s colonial second grade, 98p to 102s. Finest margarine, 57g to 60s Od medium 47s to 52s; low, 32s to 40s. Eggs, per hen, 12s Od to 12s Od Continen- tal. 8s 6d to 10; 6d Canadian fresh, 9s 3d to 93 6d Canadian preserved, Os Od to Os oa. LIVERPOOL PRODUCE. Liverpool, Saturday.—Sugar—cane descriptions continue steady, with only moderate offerings; Peruvians have a quiet demaud, and are quoted at 9s to 12s per cwt. according to quality. Messrs Tate's quotations—Crystals, No. 1, 13s 6d; small, 13s 4Jd No. 2,13s l§d granulated—standard;. 13s ljd coarse, 34s 3;1; fine, 14s 3d. Beet, 11.30 a.m., firm—January, Ss ql value February, 9s 8-Jd value March, 9s 9ll sellers April, 9s 9 £ d sellers Ma3', 9s lOd sellers June, 9s 10id seiiers; July, 9s 113ri sellers; August, 10s value. Coffee firm, with a fair inquiry at full Prices—some small lots of boldberry to arrive offer at 34s transit, but 110 sales are reported. Cocoa- African continues in fair request, and prices remain very steady—Trinidad in store held for 80s per cwt. Rice—demand for cleaned on spot is more active, aud an improved business was done at firm prices; shipments quiet. Sago flour on spot continues steady, at *9s to 9s 3d torû; February-March shipment held for 9s 3d. Tapioca flour firm, and only a moderats quantity of iiue Java offers on spot at 12s 6e1 to 13s 6d per cwt., as in quality. Cottonseed firm Egyptian continues above thIs market, but other descriptions have a fair inquiry. Canaryseed remains slow, with sellers of f.a.q, at 33s 6d to 34s per 4641b. Linseed firm, but iu the absence of increased oileriags business continues very (juiet-on spot American quoted at 47s 601, and about 230 bags fair to good feed- p ing Turkish sold at 498 per 4161b ex store; to arrive further business in River Plate is reported, but particulars have not transpired. Ground nuts—200 bags African sold at £14 ids per ton quay. Castor oil firm, and spot offerings in both Calcutta sscocds and first pressure are held for 3^d per lb store; French for shipment quoted at f27 10s per ton f.o.b. Tallow "iirrn. and recent prices are still quoted, but demand remains quiet, and no sales of importance reported yesterday's import, 855 hogsheads. Palm oil firm but quiet, and only sales of Accra reported at £ 24 10s quay yesterday's import, 23 casks. Qiive oil—yesterday's import, 64 barrels; spot con- tinues quiet and steady, with Spanish selling to a moderate extent at £36 per tttii shipments firm. Linseed oil steady—exports, 24s to 24s 6d per cwt. cotton oil firm—Liverpool refined in exports, 23s 9d to 24s 6d per cwt., according to maite. Lard oil- English firm at 31s per cwt. COIM oil very firm, with sales of French and Stettin making at 27s to 27s 6d per cwt. ill barrels. Petroleum quiet but steady— American refined, 7gd to 8;;¡d; and Russian, 6d to 6fd per gallon. Turpentine firm at 40s 6d per cwt. spot. Resin firm-common to flue, 4s 7d to 10s 6d per cwt. CORN. Cardiff, Saturday.-English wheat in small supply, and the condition unsatisfactory. Good samples were inquired after at prices in favour of sellers to 6d advance. Foreign wheat firm at 6d advance on the week. Flour iirm, and millers sell at 6d adyanc". Flat maize ifrm and in short supply Galat-z maize makes 6d per quarter more money. Beans aud barley quiet- and unchanged. Oats firmer and a trifle dearer. Gloucester, Saturday.—English wheat M per or. dearer—reds, 3s 3d to 3s 5d whites, 5s 6d to3s7d dearer—reds, 3s 3d to 3s 5d whites, 5s 6d to 3s 7cl per bushel; foreign wheat 6d dearer Platen, 26s 6 to 27s 3d No. 1 hard Manitobas, 31s 3d to 31s d. Round maize, 19s 9d to 20s yellow Plate, 17s 6d to I 18s. Azoff barley, 20s to 20s 3d per quarter. Weather ¡ tine. DEAD MEAT. London. Saburiiav.-Only moderate supplies, but trade closed quietly. English boof, 3s Gd to 3s 10d; Scotch sides, 3s lOd to 4s 2d short s, 4s 4d to is Gel I American. 38 to 3s Sti inferior, 2s to 2s British mutton, 4s to 4s 6d; foreign, 2s 8d to 3s 4d veal, 3s 4d to 3s Sd pork, 2s 8d t-< .'s 8d per 3!b. PRODUCE. London, Satur(lav.-S,.ipw: ni-iderate business done in home zefir.ed at late rates; cane sorts in very small supply and firmly held; foivi:;u cubes quiet and unchanged; Germnn granulated held for I steady prices, but business limited—ready quoted at Us 3d to lis 4&d; May-August done at lis 3d plus -,k\ rsp'o. Beet qvnet—July done at 9s lid August, 9s li?ld October-December, 9s 4d to 9s 3jd. Coffee— soot inactive and unaltered futures—Santos stearlv. but very slow—May done at 36s 3d December, 38s. Tea quiet. Rice slow at late prices. Jute un- altered—1,000 bales native first marks, January- February, Canal, Hamburg, sod at JEi5 2s 6d c.f.i Hemp—Manila nominal: New Zealand firmly held. Turpentine -spot, 39s 4,d. SUGAR, Glasgow, Saturday.—Market steady with fair busi- ness doing. The official report states :-Better tone and more bufiness at price' unobtainable to. day. As cora-oared with last Saturday's prices are steady to occasionally H2d lower. BUTTER Carmarthen, Saturday.—Several casks of new butter were offered for sale and sold freely at from Is to Is Od per lb. Demand good. The market closed firm. Cork, i':iaturüa.y.-O.ràj¡¡ary-seconÚs, 91s thirds, 74s. MUd-cared-fine, 98s. Choice boxes, 91s. Fresh butter, 105s to 102s. In market—52 firkins, 13 mild, 2 boxes. CHEESE. Carmarthen, Saturday.—The demand for cheese is on the increase- Farmers held firm for 35s ner cwt., and some even 38s. Nearly all cleared. FISH. Grimsby, Saturday.—About 22 steamers and three smacks landed moderate catches; brisk demand. Soles, Is 2d to Is 5d turbot. Is to Is 3d; brills, lOd to Is per lb.; plaice, 5s to 7s lemon soles, OS to 8s live halibut, 4s to 6s dead, .3; to 5s per stone live ling. 3s to 5s dead. 2s to 4s lire cod, 5s to ?.j dead, 4s to 6s live skate, 3s to 5s dead, 2s to 4s' each 1< it haddocks, 17s 6d gibbed, 20s to 25s live, 21s gurnets, 6s per box. HAY AND STRAW. London, Saturday .-Fair supplies, and a fair trade at t-b* following r),ioes :-Good to prime hay, 70s to 87s 6d inferior to fair dO.,558 to 65s good to prime clover, 75s to 100s inferior to fair do., 60s to' 70s mixture und sainfoin, 60s ts 85s straw, 24s to 3Ss per load. HOPS. Worcester, Saturday.—Messrs Piercy and Co.. hop and seed merchants, Worcester, report:—There con- tinues to be t steady demand for hops and prices are firmer for all sound useful qualities with colour, stocks of which are beiug cleared off the market rapidly, Choice lots are rarely seen. There are a good many low and diseased samples about which fail to attract attention. HIDE. SKIN, FAT. AND WOOL. The Rhondda, Pontypridd, and Aberaare Hid'1, Tallow, and Wool Company, Limited, Treforest] Friday.—Hides—Ox hides, Silos and upwards 4id' 4yd S51bs to 941bs, 4d, 4Jd 751bs to 841bs,' 3gd' 4d 651bs to 741bs, 3:}d, 3 £ d; 5Slbs to 641bs, 3gd, 3M; 551bs and under, .)<l, 3jd. Heavy cows, 3Jd, 3;td; light do., 3gd, 3r?<i; buLls, 3d; heavy cuts and warbled, 3Jd medium, 3yd; light, 3gd cows, 3jd. Horses, 15s, 12s, 10s, 6s. Calf—!71bsand upwards, 5d 91bs to 16lbs, 6d; light, 5d flawed, 4Jd. Wools-55 3d, 4s 6d, 3s 6d, 2s 3d, 2s, Is 6d, Is. Pat-be.,it sweet clean beef, 2d; seconds sweet clean mutton, 2d; seconds, l}d common, Id. Bristol and Western Counties, Saturday. The prices paid were as follow Hides, 931bs and up- wards, American hides, 4d to 4 £ d; o.f„ 4~d w.f., 4^d; 831bs to S21bs, American hides, 4d to 4Jd; o.f., 4. d to 4-Ld w.f., 4gd 7.51 bs to 321bs, American hides, -c 3d to 4d; o.f., 4;&d; w.f., 4Jd; 631bs to 721 bs American hides, 3Ad to 4d; 0.1., 4d; w.f., 4^d; brands, American hides, ù to 3gd; 54lbs to 62lbs, o.f., 4d; Ny.f., 531bs and under, o.Ï.. 4Jd; w.f,, 4Jd. Cows, 631 bs and above, o.f., 3^d; w.f., 3 £ d; iight, o.f., 3^d. Bulls, 3jd; heavy- cuts and warbled, 3Jd light, 3Jd aud irregular, 3à. Calf skins I71bs and upwards, 6d; i2lbs to 161bs, 6gd 91bs to lllbs, 62,L I under !Jl!)s, 5Jd; and cut and irregular, 4Vd. Horse hides, Us 3d, 13s, 15s 6d, 163 6d, and 18s; 1st kips, 3id 2nd kips, 3Jd. Fat—Ivluttou, 2?;d; beef, 2;d; rough, Igd sweet, 2d. Wools-A, 4s 2d 13, 2s 6d X, 5s Id XX, 5s lid; XXX, 7s ld; Lot, 7sl0d. For- ward price to Thursday :-NVools-A, 4s B, 2s Ed X, 5s XX, 5s lOd; XXX, 7s Lot, 7s 3d a.nd 83: Fat-Mutton, 2Ad; beef, 2td rough, l%d sweet, 2Ad.








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