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PREP AU) SCALE. A WOaD8- 0NCT- tSB|T^8. i 14 Words 0 6 1 3 2 0 22 Words «. 0 9 1 9 2 9 30 Words 1 0 2 3 3 6 Each extra "I 8 Words J 0 3 0 6 0 9 1 The above charges secure the insrtion 01 Small 1 ¡,a.¡;e¡.tifM1¡¡entr. in both the DAILY NBWS and SOUTH oN ALE8 ECHO. These charges tlpply ctily tt) the usu of Advertisements specified below, and ore strictly conJmeil to those which are oniuetl for tonsecutive. insertion, alid paill lor llreoiml3 to 4,¡sertion; if either 01 these, conditions is not com- plied with, the advertisement 1r;ill be charged by tite business Scale :-Ap/l1"tments; Sitttations Vacant or Wanted. 1'0 be Let. Qr Sold, Lost, FOlWd. and [isceaaneous Wants. Notices of Births, ;Ila,rrittycs. awl Deaths, 13 each in eøclt paper, if not exceeding M 'words, and (id Jor each additional 10 words. SPECIAL Notice.—Applicants sending replies toAdvev tiseinents addressed to initiator fictitious naiues, at this Office, arereqoetet1l1ot t,) send original testimonials with their applications, bus '0 eneloe copies or testl- monials On iv. r 33t50nat. A, SMOKE Archer's "Uoldel1 Returns." 8weetet Tobacco D'l:1onufacLnreJ. 1135 YOUNG Lady, desiring pleasant comradeship, wishes to make tlH acquaintance of", young man of reliDed manner and advanced views or! social and political :uestions.- y. 473. Daily News. Cardiff. 4Th tnttintl1 n:inl. OESPECTACLE .uusinES5 Man desires Correspond- IX ence with good Christian Business WomaD.-Applv vith full partlculals..Beta..Echo,1l2,UIh-3t,Blackwootf.u RESPECTABLE Young Man, tradesman, Wjshë- to Correspond with Young Lady, view mauimonv.U 1;;1. News. Cardiff. 601n nrtntrsbip. PARTNERSHIPS in geuuiua '.t'1' adtng Firms arranged send tor 1I%W¡::htOJ1 an d Son, 25 and 26. Small itreet. Bristol. 1179 :Ættt õ Ü:nL W'ANTED. outdoor Qualified Assistant in colliery practice Welshman preferred, but not essential furnished rooms, attendance, coal and light provided -State experience, qualifications, ae. salary requ.red -.n d giving references, to Dr. Armstrong. Treorky. H.O (Bimrational. BOOKKEErING (Practical), Shorthand, and Commer- cial Correspondence thoroughly and rapidly taught by Certificated Accountant; laoic3 and genUe- men prepared tor early appointments, personal Qr postal: Indlvidaal tuition low fee.-D SIIC. Bcho. Cardiff. 540n D- ANCrNG.-Qaeen-stret Hall. Cardifl, every Mon- day, Wednesday. Thursday, and Saturday evening. Admission 6d. "On BANC1NG.—Mr Ascroft. 11, Stow-hill, Newport, gives Private Les8úDs at any hour, (lay or evening. "Select tuitiop c1a.sse3 for beginners. 799n L- JSSSONS given ill Painting and Cry3toleum orders exacuted: terms moderate.—29. ta.cey-rd, Uoa.tl1.58n MESSES Meyrick and Stowe.UnivMsitv,Profes¡;ional. .1ll. and Government Coaches.-Ccntn! Chambers, Working-street, Cardiff. G2?.n PAINTING Las-sons.—George F. F!Iorris. Portrait Painter, 2, Pos Office Chambers, St. Mary-street.313n REQU riTE D immcdlatei v, 2 Governess-Pupils advan- tage offered.-anton High School, 288, Cowbrldge- road, Cardiff. 443n -SMAR""f'S Edllc80tional Establishment, open daily, Cb"reh-,treet, Cartliff.-Shorhand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Arithmetic. Handwriting, itc, 72u rnHK Acme Mining choo¡.-CûrresponúeDce Lessons JL by T. G. Nash, Pontypridd, wha is also prepared to coach candidates for the coming examinations. 1:3230 fjnO Students, Candidates for Professional Examina- JL tions, <ftc.—French, Spanish, Italian, German. Com- mercial correspondence. Candidates prepared for Pre- liminary Law. ;.Icl1ic;¡,i, Chartered Accountants, Civil Service, Queen's Scholarship*, Telegraphs, And Examinations. Private Tuition, Classes, and through the post. Arithmetic. Book-keeping. and Shorthand; other sujects bv special arrangement. Pro3pec, us OIl applica.tion.fr W. Haio6s. Public Translator, 25, Park- s1ireet. Cardiff. EstaDlished 1858. 892 ""1;1 ANTED, Art. 50.Infants' SC¡lOo:,Tredea.rvj lie, com YY roencing £ 45 —Apply Canon Thompson, Vicarage, Cardifl. Testimonials. 325n Bi'ost fini) jfounù. UoU!). Collie Dog at Docks; not JO claimed m 3 day" will De bold.—199, Eldon-strect, Canton, 624n LOST, small Receipt Book.—Irinder rewarded on re- turning to l'ark Laundry, L8tty-st:eet Cathays. n LOST this morning, Green Parakeet.—Finder re- warded on returning to 7. Cranbrook-street. (;38n L. OST-from 52, Klngslanu-crescent, Barrv Dock, brown Collie Ritoh NeJl.-Anyone returning ame will be ewarded, detainer prosecuted. 492n LOT, 7 lack-faced L3.mbs, with 2 blue spot,3 Oft the back and head; Iuisset1 fron1 PontrhOJ:ddn. Field 8undav last; finder rewarded.-J. Thomas, Butcher, Ton, Pentre. 4390 LOST, near lihymney Railway Station, Cardiff. Welsh Terrier, 0113 white fore foot; finder rewarded.— James,15ô, Coednenmaen-road, .Pontypridd. x:1n !i) ontt5iir }$frbnntr; J A gooe1 General Servant w3.nted, ago abut 18.—Apply 4, Wellfield-road, Cardiff. 573n A General Servant wanted, February 13th; Bmi fa.mi!;r.¡)"ÇJy MiIIward..5, C3stle.5tret. :oIrthyr-n A goodGencrn.J wanted tooce small family.—Apply lOa. Donftld-sirees, Roath. Cardiff. 428n AgOOd experienced Housemaid wanted.—Apply, with full particulars, Mrs Morse, Wind-street, Neath, n A good Ocuerr.l Servant -wanwcl; small fa.mily.- Apply W, Wellfield-road, C'1.rc1ifl'. 20211 A respectable Girl about 15 wD.n¡1-ior morning work. -14, SU. AnGrew'6-c,cscen, Cardiff- 15n A Nurse-Housemaid wanted immeuiately 2 children. -Apply 184, Cathedral-road. 22J1 ALWAYS waited, reliable Servants onlv.— Miss .L1Howard's ÜegJ3try: Frederick-s5.,Queen-3t..Cardiff.n AN experienced General wanted immediately three In f:\illlly.-App\y 33, evmc-st.. Canton, C3olÜ\ff. n COOk-Geaerai wanted; small family; -W)!lseID8.i kopt.-Apply ilillcrest. Llanishen, Cardiff. 68211 -G-IENERllJ Servant, able to wash and ¡ro'=]'.1 ¡;s f EQ.war(js, Court School,Merthyr. from 5 to 7 y.m. n OENEKAL S¡na;tYai1teli- 3a¡î-famiJv -no regis- try.-Apply Mrs Wlllt, 58, IHa.rlborollgh-rofLd. Sheffield. 612n GENEItAL Servant wanted immediately,—Apply Mrs M. D. Evans, Chemist. Ir2nerbert. 435q i 1 ENEUAVi Servant wanted no ctI1ldre:J.-Apply 17, v3T Ncvi!le-st¡-eet, Rlverj<llj. {;arÔJíL 330n ENEKAL Servant wanted.—Apply 55, Pontcanna- V3T street, top of Plasturton-avenue, Cardiff. 342n GENERAL Servant wanted in business house; no washing; references.—Jones, Armoury Shop, Ebbw Vale. 6n GENERAL Servaut wsinted. able to wash and iron.— Nicholas.AlbionHou -c.PenygralK.near Pontypridd.n GENERAL wantedRt once, ago about 18.—Apply 9 Peutonvills, Newport. Ûjl1 GENEltAL wanted for newly-married lady; w:1.hin O" oat; good wages.—417, Oowbriuge-road, Cardi, 74u GENERAL Servants.—Two wanted for London; £ 16 each tares paiù.-l[1's Co!1ter. ,}Ioncester. 950n jSNEKAL wanted; good homo; nursemaid kept: XjT immediately,—Mrs i)u.ck, Tiio Hollies, Vvhitclmrch, Cardiff. 9 5n G, IBL, 15 or 16, for iiousework no young chlld.= r 10. Ryder-street, Canton, Cardiff, 175u G- oÖD-aenê-alwant,ed 2 in family good wages I" plain cooking.—16, Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff. 55711 4 > OOD General Servant wanted.—Apply Tremelleu, HJT Brookwood Penhill CardifJ. 414n f OOD Generals wanted Houseo\aid requires sltua- VJT iion.-Mrs 19, Glamorgan-3treeli, Bsn-y. (Stamp.) 352n d~ 1 OOD Generai Servant wanted, with ooù cilaracter. M -i\1rs Cole. 258, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 315n GOOD General Servant wanted at once.—Apply Mrs Woodruj*. Hartlepool. Penylau, Cardiff. 559Sn GOOD Plain Cook and House Parlourmaid ladyan() her daughter: for flat in London £ 2S- £ 22. Young Servant to assist, £ 14.—Woodbury, Chandoa-vcad, Ited- land, Bristol. 06in LADIES suited Wit..t1 Servants tiÜ\180tlond /or servants fee 11!Wlter. Page-street. Hwa.nsea. xn 1 UliSEtandiNurse-housemaid wanted; good situation .J. experienced 2 chlldren.-Gru.y.IC.Qi1eJn-st,ÚarùiiIn PENARTH.—Wanted, experienced General; good references required housemaid and man kept.— V 4, Echo, Card1f.f. 4n PLAIN COõ"kwanted for small family; no washing (tood wages.—Gray, 10, 6590 R- ESPF.CTÃ1iLgŸ"7;lUlr, Girl u.¡¡ general; fond of chil- I¡ren.-Apply 70, Clive-street. Grange, Cardiff. 482n SERVANT (abstainer) wanted at once; small family. -65, Ciaude-road, Koath. 62Ja ~WJ ANTED, good (I ener1 for f1\rnÚlOUse-Mrs Charles, T» Great House Farm, llumney Dcar Cardiff. n WANTED, esnerienced House al1d Parlourmaid — Apply Mr Líl:1dle. 32, Newport-road. 6551—92n WANTED immediately, a g-ood Genoral.-Avply Mrs Mathlas, 10, Commercal-street, Aberdare. 676n WANTED (Brecon), good Plain Coole, small family £ 20, all foand.-V 673, Ne\vs,Cardiff.n WANTED, experienced General, ae 24 woman In to wash every Monday small Iu.mily.-Apply Mrs D tlL lones, Gladstone House, Porh. l1hondda. 674n WANTED. General Servant; small family; good wages aboui 13.—S, Charles-place, Barry, 675n ANTED, honest Oirl- or Woman daily or mornins only.-AwlY 25, Wood-3treet. Ca.rditt 6i9n .w A.iTED, Genert\1 ::>e7an-: also Nursermaid per- bonal application preferred.—20, Hickinan-road, Penarth. ti03n WANTED, Nurse-Attendant for elderly lady; state salary and e:xperjence.-Z 644, -cho Office,Ca.rdlff.n (Ji: A.NT.t:D immediately. General Servant: small if* family: good refercDces.—38, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 663n "\S7 ANTED, for seaside, superior General Servant; ▼ T small family state a.c. wages, experience fare advanced It dcslred.Ijss Daw!¡;in; Caerleon, Mon 599n "\]I7 ANTED, a General at once. able 1.0 wash,-A\2ply 147. Court-street. Clydaoh Vale. 551 tl \SJ ANTED, experienced Cook-General, also experi- \W enced Housemaid.—Miss Lewis, Plas Penydarren, Jlerthyr Tydlil. 579n \JS7ANTED, a good Cook-General.—Apply, stating YT wages and references, to Mrs Koberts. The RQc. 8t. Fagan's, Cardiff. 530u WJ ANTED, a General Servant.—Apply Mrs Jones, ™I Gelliwastad-terrace. Pontypridd. x334n WANTEJ>, good General f:iervant.-ADply with refer- ence, Mrs Evans. CarmarthcD 8torcs, J'iIerthyr. xn "T ANTED at once, strong Maid In kitchen, assist in plain cooking.—1J, Charles-street. 51l WANTED, a General Servant, age 18: country girl preferred 3 in family.—27, Balaclava-road. 555n WANTED immediately, good Cook-General.—S3, Park-place. 532n "VS7ANTED by the middle of February, thoroughly II good Cook; ood w;1.es.-ja.dy Price Jfoher:c:"ill. Rensol Castle, near LlantrisanV 513n WANTED immediately, respectable Girl (16) as General Bleep In 01' out.—37, Plantagenet-st. 538n \*7 ANTED, YOUng-airl assist mistressïDhou3Cwork YY good wages.—20, Hichmond-ter;. Clifian. Bristol, n WJ ANTED, Housekeeper, midcUe-iwed, for small W family references Welsh iireferred.—Apply F-, Echo, Pontypridd. x327u \\7 AN'i'ED, a good General ran1i.-â1rs P. Phillips, ? v 33, Risca-roud. Newport, M011. x319n \-1 ÅTIID. clean Girl, 14 to 16. for baby, assist house- work.—15. Plantagonet-street, Cardiff. 48611 :1 ATED. Moher's Help; good camlonable home VV &0 suitable and rellMlle person age about 35 pre- furred: scn^nU kept; yoangeat chUU 6,—Address V 72E, A'jras OfBcc, WVQtk 474n WANTED, General Servant: good references mnot if be clean and actlve.-Lewi: Alma-st., Ab2rWicry.n WANTED immediately, isocd General, alo food Plain Cook.— i'oungs, 5S, St. Mary-street, Card!IT. n W7 ANTED tit once, a good General Servant.—Aptjly V 163, Bute-road. Docks. 452ri YSTaNTED, a good General; no washiDg.1..pply 73, VI lli¡:;h-5treet. Jjarrv. 452n WT ANTED at once, Cook-Generr-I, a^e about 20; re- »» fercnces required.—Apply iorest House, 1G2 Severn-road, Canton. Cardiff. 450n WANTED at once, good u.1so young House-Parlourmaid.—Mrs Howell, 1, Richmond- crescent, Cardiff. 447n WANTED at once, good Kitch«nmai;i for NBTV Dorothy.—Apply 136, Quson-stre«», Cr.rdiff.5Sli—73n -,i7 ANTED at onco, .oase-Parlourmaid, experienced i v two in family; wages £ 18.—Mrs LewIs. Gilestone Manor. near Cardiff. 320n VX7 ANTED, General Se.aJ1t.-A.yplV after 6 o'e1cck I V 19, Gordon-road, Cr,1jL 374n '(1 ANTED, :1, SHOTI3 Country Girl to aSÚst in r:en-ï Y v housework, 2S to 30; good J1Gme.-Wri", H 402, Echo Office, CarJilf. t02n V7iT ANTED. Cook-General, age 3J o 35 small family 11 gaveL reference.—24, \VcstbúUtl!.e..rù.. Penarth. 4:2n A.;Tj.. J'iain Coolc, also Housemaid, for business *C hcusc.-Applv Mrs Th0ma.s. Luton House. Llaneliy. èall "i:"T Á1"T-rL 0, a respectable strong willing Giri a3 » ▼ High School. Carmarthen. 431:1 ,'i7 AÑTED, respectable Girl about 15.—Apply 57, V1 Keppocb-street. 425n \X7ANTED, a Lady >iouseke?.Dar, about 30, for 2 » gentlemen small aer7ant kpp!. state wages and full particulars, age, &c.-Addresi> K 5545, News, C"rdL. \\7 ANTED at once, respectable General; good wag r, given to suitable girl, Wit-II half-holiday weeKly.— Apply 1I1rs Creed, 147, Commercial-road, I'\e;wport. 35Bn VS7 ANTED, General Servant, also youag Nurse Girl II for 1 baby.—KW, Claucie-road, Eoith. fctXhi W ANTED, a good General Servant.—Apply 24. Stow Park-ave'aue. Newport. x320a ,')Ù ANTED, respectable Giri to do housework.—Apply YY Alexandra Dock Pos. Oniee. Newport. x315n W ANTED at ones, respectful trustworthy Girl, about 18.—ApplyMrsThomas.oppoiiireStatior.Cowbridge.n V\" ANTED, General Servant.—4S. Neyilie-streei. YY 321n \\TANTED, i espe^taijle Giri as morning worker good Y V reference.— ppiy 21, Neville-street, Canton. 266r. Wr ANTED, a good General Servant, capable and good character.—Apply Mrs McGregor, 20, Gelliwastad- roa:l, Pontypridd. x3!6n VX7ANTED, Uenera.1 Servant, WiWl good character Yv comfortable hom2,-lrs Woottou.9, Splott-road, Cardiff. 3090 WANTED, trustworthy Housekeeper for worlci'g man with family must be early riser; state n j;e, not nnder 4C.—Aoply •> Post Omes, Aberneeg, 31on.ii "*75 7'AN TED immediately, General Servant: one to Y v sleep in preferred.—Apply 54, Stacey-rd., Cardiff, n V^TANTED, respectable Girl as General; also another iv Girl. 17 to 18.—Apply after 6 p.m., Mrs Lewis, Outfitters, 23, James-streot, iiock. 210n I -I ANTED, good General; also Girl about 15 look 9' after cilildrcu.-Day, Household Stores, Yi iut. church. 24n WANTED, iood in íàL1"Úy I r t' Apply 73, Wellmon-i.road. Cardiff. 233n w ANTED, II. good Gener"îi.lI>ply4S:Ûa.ktield.streëi", j f 2Gll' WANTED immediately, an experienced Ilonse-Par- 1 f lourmaid,-}Irs C. riyht.TheFirs,neo.rGowei lon.n WANTED, Ge:lea.1 for farm; 2 in family able tõ 1" manage ùa.iry.pply with references and wages to Mrs Jones. Tynycoed, near Lle.nlmrra.ll, 25211 VV^ANTED, good respectable Nurse, about 17,10r 2 "f little children ¡.:edelul kept,-App1J' 4.RichmoD.Ü- road, Cardiff. 230n ')(7 ANTED, good G"ncr.1.f three in family 110 ycung t' f children; comfortable home.—33, Plasturton- avenue. 113n %7CTANTED, House-Parlourmaid for small ïa.IDily.-1 YY APl1lv 55. Plymonth-roo.d. Penarth. 112n TY7 ANTEi>, experienced Working Manageress; new Y Y 'lea Rooms, Bristol.—Age, particulars to Al 12.5, Eco. Cardiff. 123u 7 AN'r1<LJ. go:1 Geneml Servant.—Apply, witll full VSjiJ A.NTEU, go-j.l General Servant.—Apply, with full Yl particulars. Mrs Morris 66, Albany-roid, Cardiff. 11 Y^JANTMIL a General Servant, about IS.—Apply 38, Y Y Station-street, Barry Dock. 3in VV7 ANTED, General, e.blo to wab and iron; good I Yl wages given.—Apply 126, Castle-road. 78n ANTED, General, vitl; good re!ereué2¡- 2 in I 1 I family.-APVly 35, Hamilton-street. 6n V*7 ANTED, General Servant, rigs over 20 references Yl recjuired—Apply Mrs Common. 29, Charles-strect.n \\J ANTED, an experienced General.—Apply after 6 Y V o'clock, Mrs Mickadam. 103, Tndor-road, Cardiff, n \\J ANTED, an experienced oenCral.-A 1>pl)' after 6 Y V o'clock, :\1r3 Mickadam. J03, Tndor-road, Cardiff, n 'W~! ANTED, good General, about 16; 2 in family.— wY Apply Mrs Thomas, 29, Tdl bot-street-. 25a WANTED, General Servanl.atsoiiousemaid parsons from the country preferred.—107, Cathedral-road, C.n1.Ifï 6Su WrANTED. Cook-General, also Housemaid another kept.—Apply llrs Gann, Rnmney Ilill. Carditl'. coa W' ANTED, General (Cardiff), family 2; washing out; state age, wages.—23, Dumfries-street,Aberdare.n TXT ANTED, General (London), newly-%iarried lady; YY good wage3; washi;¡¡; out.—212, Cowbridge-; oal1, Cardiit. 73n T\TANTED, a strong Girl icr housework, age 19 !o 20. YY -Applv H. Syste:1'strec. 66Il "V\7ANTED, Cooks. House-Parlourmaids, Mother's Y I IIplp. Nurses, good Generals immediately. Kitchen- maiùs: disengaged, Housekeepers, Needlewomen, Supply Ccoks.-Miss Pedler's Registry, 20, Pembroke- terrace, Cardiff. COii V\7 ANTED, a Cook-General; housemaid kept; no YY wltsIÜn¡:App;y 221, Newport-ro2.d. Cardiff, 13n I VV7 ANTED, good Cook-General; wages £ 15. Also Y Y Housemaid, £ 13.—Apply 21, Xiichmond-rd.,Caruiff.ii WANTED, a respectable Ger.er.l Servant; muai; ba an abstainer.—Apply 203, Bute-road, Cardiff. 92 £ n \}U AJ.rE D, good General Servant.—Apply between 6 f T snd 8 p.m., 6, Despenser-gardens. Cardiff. 956u A.NTED. 110 Young Hou5em:\¡ó.=-:Geèra.1 must have YY haù some e:qJenence.-AppJy 30, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 8hn \j& ANTED, a Ge11et;la-U family.—Apply 70, I Y f Stanwell-roacl, Penarth. 511 l0ta £rbntttz. AS Working Manageress or.issistin hotel, restaurant; experienced well recommended.- 2 481, -"News. Cardiff. 4Bln ff> ARMAID.— Wanted, an experienced Barmaid good _l> references.—Morgan, Rhondda Hotel, Portli. 375n B'-i1LIiRDMa:Ckrs (7s), Boots (8s), Night Porters (8s), Pageboys, Lnundrymnids (I0a), Cooks (6s), How. maids (Aberystwyth), Waitresses (coffee-rcoms), Yeg- maids, Pantryrnaids, Staffmaids,Kitci>enmaids,uumbers wanted urgently.—^xarka's iloi-el I'.egistj y CaKtic Arcade, Cai-diff. ?73n_ WANTED, Second Housemaid, also a General Ser- -t" WANTED, Second Housemaid, also a General Ser- vant.—Apply Crane, County Hotel, Pontypridd, n WJ ANTED. experienced Manageress, who thoroughly YY understands catering and R Knowledge of hook- keeping for first-class hotel in the centre of Cardiff. — Write. staling fuil particulars and references, A, Daily News. Cardiff. I \jiJ ANTED iKiDie;liai,eiy.aresp?ctablo steady General; V* god references rcqui red: good wages to a suit- ahle person.—11 rs Row lands, Tredegar Aims, Blackwood, lion. 61011 W'ANTED, siQi.rt V'outh, Billiard Marker.—Cii'Soii Hotel, Roatii. G.3n \IT ANT1';D 3.t oncp. IL gocd General 8ervtJ.nt. age 18 to Y T 20.—Apylv Rifleman's Arws, Blaenavon, :1on.'IOO'1 VST"ANTED, a YY Cocli Inn, Tongwynla's, near CaraiU. 3311 \\[ ANTED, good G0neml; wash and iron; country Y I girl ptelerretl good references from last situation. Apply personally 1rg Davies. l'icuegar -\rnlU.t:h,mny.n -¥_ Situations Ð acant. A Cist-class Counter Hanl1 wllntec1 for grocery age nL between 20 antI 25 ye.r.-A.T\n!y by iefcter to Com- inmittce of ?<fanageme it, Garndlffaith Co-operative Society, Ltd., G arn(tifúüth. stating age, espsrience, and wages required. Al11)Hcatioas must b in on 01' before I February 5th, 190(1. £ u2V A strong Lad wanted to llellver bread, abont 16 to 13 years old; 110ne but 331.110 n'ej apply.-10, Snio!.1.- road, Koath. 192n APPRENTICE.—Wanted, a '.veil educated Youth passed pre1iminn.ry exam. prc!crreù,-Apoty L. Thomas, M.Th a.. Chemist, Morristcn. 507n SSISTANTS ol Kxcisc.— Salaries £ 85- £ 2sSsc. 150 vacancies annually. Ncit examination oxvec-tod I May. SpecIal Day. Evening, and COrre3\J0;:1lkncc Classes now forming. Many other iuecativa Gove/nment ni>pointmonts. Prospectus 01V11 Service College, 23, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 215Il I BA.KE. wanted must he -veil up in bread, Cil:e, "-id smalls.—T. Jonee, Aberfan. £ £ 3n OAKEP.3.—Wanted, Second lhmd; good mC)üw;aïïd JL^setter; sibstikiner.—Apply references and wages re- quired, E. Davies, Steam Bakery, Aberiieniig. 600n D,\JERS.-Wa.nte(! Young M:1.nttssi¡¡/; 1n Battehouseaiid dcjjr good :1£'at?3' Mllford Haven.505n BAKERS.—Junior cr Improver bread, cake, .smalls stato particulars outdoor.—J, Treharne, Penygraig, Pontypridd. 491n BAKERS and Coruee: loners.— Good all-round Hand wauteci; permanent situation to good hand.—Apply, RtatllJ full part:cn1ars firan letter, Evana allll Son, Treharris. r,47v» BAKER and Confectioner.—Wantrd, good Bread Hand abstainer preferred state wages re."er<.uce, Watiuns, Abertillery. fOn Watiuns, Abertillery. fOn B(K)T Trade.—All-round Hand for Whlle-you-Walt; llood wages.—40, i'rogmoro-street, Abergavenny. 6Guii BOOT Trade.—Wanted at once, goodf.:J.enêml Hand eonstaDt work and good wage3 to suitable nmn.- E. Pl1¡pctts. 71, New Dock-road, Llatieily. 5Sln_ GOT Trade —Wanted, smart Stcad J and SII!1p:õon, 18. Queen-street. 44ën V>OY v.aated.—Apply, with references, to Panopticon. Jt> 379q about 15. immedlateJy-App:y Duck nù Son, Chemists, St..Xolm's-square, Cardiff. S3?n BREAD Delivery.—Wanted, Young Man, about 20; good salesman.—Eawards, Taff's '.Veil. G72u M;30ns-e-reü;;t¡;lltQ Keep Away from Newport, Mon. Dispute o?i.y.284n BROWN Saddle H»naa wanted for military and RLr¡¡,1 work; good we.es.-Appjy Bai-naby, \v alj\,II. x 136u Sonne M;1-a.ntcd foi: l'rmtypridd must be Jirst-clas3 cotter anLi salesman with .1 i¡;:st refel'c,:C\(s' tc!o:)t'3.3,I',cl.1 o.C_' BUl'CH1::u:Wautt:ù. sharp Youth. about 18,. to serve in snop. <4c.; ontdoors.lJply, stating age, wages, and rdere, 73, High-street, Ferndaie. iSou BOTCHERS.—Wantod. Yonng Man (abstainer pre- ferred). able to slaughter nud do round. *ie,ko him- self generally usefu!Batten. Clare-road. Ü1.l"et\ff. 65n ftrong Youth, used to the trade: live in.-í'13. JJuHryn-street. Fernùale. 4411 CAJBINETMAKER.—Wanted, a good General Hand abstainer preferred.-Apply Williams aDd Son, Llaudilo. 2ZOn C* ARPENTERS, Joiners, Plumbers, Plasterers, Banker J M;¡,¡¡ons, Pt>lllters, Bricklayers, Labollrfrl5, and all connected with the Building Trade ure rtqaesied to Keep Away from Newport, Mon., as there is a Dispute now OI. x30n C1 ÓXi: Trade.—Wanted immediately, industrious and ) trustworthy Haulier abstainer 16, Llandalf-road. J»9n wanted, accustomed to clay "work and Vv thin coal se:\ln.-Apj)Jy ;rones, ])arr<101J. R1se:o,. x342n CCONFECTIONERY.— Wanted, Young Lady, age about 20 sta" salary, experience.-J. Treharne, Pcnygraig, Pontypridd. '9n I-)-nAPERy.v:mted. Junior Young Man.—W Williams, Adamsdown, Cardiff. 591n DRiU?ERY.—Wanted, a Young Lady of a. few years experience as improver to serve through in general drapery state salary and reference.—E. J. Price, 16, High-street Abergavenny. 52n DRAPERY.—VVail ted. Young Lady, l1bliJ to serve through about 4 years' experience; good sales- woma.n.- D Da7ies, 41 43, _C_1E), street, Cardiff. 343n D- [tAP]jJ.ii..Wl'ntec1ll once, Young Man, 5 0.. 6 years' experience good window dresser one with know- ledge of outfitting preferred,— !), and J. Evans, Portb, Rhondda Valley. -5n Man, about three years experlence.-Apply Miles, Hayes Bridge, Cardiff, n DCAPERy.-=wantcd, respeclable Vounv Man; Welsh. -Apply pel"50ua!ty M. Jenkins, 1(;, Waterloo-street, Swansea. J x8Jl D1ES8MAKI!\G.Wante<J. Apprentices and 1m. vrovers.-Applv Madan1 Gwynue-Davies. 26, Aioany-road, Card\1T. 6;0n DRESSMAN1NG.—Wanted, goou EõÜi;-üd8. also Ap- I prentices and Improvers to dressmaking.—19, oliarieK-street. j b55n DRESSMAKING.—An Ajiprentiee wanted at once.— Apply Miss Evans, It, Augustn-strefet, Roath. 2!i9n IjlURNITURE Salesman wanted at once; must be J sroa::t.-Wrhc. stating eX.1Jerience. references, and. salary required, fu;h Wales Furnishing Co., ,Working. 5$ree.. Cftr(li £ ti 463n s TJL RIJITERER and Greengrocer.—^Wanted, Person with JJ some experience to Manage Shop good tlwelU pg- house.—A 651, Echo Office, Cardiff. 65in GOOD lroner wanted live in or out.-Bnte Docks Laucdi-y. 167, Bute-road Cardiff. 3S5n GOOD Navvies v; an ted for truck filling good money 7¡:!i7cn.YlackILY and Davies, Troedyrhiw, Garth.1D;;n f ROCERV.—Wanted at once, smart Young Man, from \X 16 to 13, to deliver goods from country preferred indoors; state wacres and full particulars.—H.E. Davies, Grocer, St. Thomas, Swansea. 11 Gl ROCERY.—Thomas and Evans. Porth, have vacancy T ior youtic man used to warehouse work and occa- sional driving out; indoors. 687n GROCERS.—Wanted.strong Youth fJr warehouse and occasionally drive out.—Kinsey, Shears tmd Co., Tonypaiuly. 683ll ROCERY.— Wanted, Branch Manager good Provi- x*T sion and Butter Hands, Juniors and Hauliers.— bueld, Dow!aj. 11 ROCERY.—strong Youth wanted as Light Porter.— vX E. Hall and Sons, Newport, Men. x333n (G ROCERY.—Haulier, drive out am1 assist in ware- j If house indoor wages, reference.—D. Lewi, Groe31'. Tredegar. E02n_ ROCERy.—Vv'anted, a strong young Man as Haulier, X "ober and of g-ooil character outÙoor;A¡,pJ V 14 I'avio3 and Co-, Skewen, Neath. £ 03a I HOCE1Ù.WRateù, i'oung ilan, about 18, to cleaver V3T an assist: iate wages aIl reIn;JlCe5.-£. Lewis, County Stores, E1'1O,town, New Trsdegar. 503n UOCERY.—Wanted, an experienced Hand for the 5" grocery and provifion depa.n1(JlJt; must be honest, and of "ober habits, able to 9peak both languages wages 2os per week, outdoors 1ull particulars in Drat leiter.-AppiyCommittee.Co-operativeSociety.Yny sybwl.u G' r.0\JERY.-Wautec! at once, Junior or good 1m. prover mnst be quick, willing, antl obliging; Welsh. -A:¡Vly. eiviog full particulars, Davies, Royal Stores, Amuiaiiiord. 361n GROCERY.— Wanted, smart Young Man good refer- ences required.—Apply Pugh. 14i, Castle rd.,Cardiff.u ROCERY.—Wanted, n. strong Young Man. 20. as haulier: also a smart J uvior. used to 501ic:iting indoors.—Apply with references, T. Beynon, Oak Tree Shop, Pentre. 95n Gl ROCERY and ProV¡Si;;1S.- '.V;ni Young Man. T solicit, indoors also Baker, good bread hand and smalls; also strong Lad to deliver, used to horses.- Apply Iani1er, 16, Cat1e.roa.d. 31n U-51UlCEÜI' anted, reli2.b:c Haulier, accustomed to the work; 128 indoors.-Willia.ms &Co.,Tonypandy. RAIRDRESSER.—Wanted at once. rciiable You .l. ilan mlLua>ro branch; state te.ms.-Rogers.13laina.n HAIRDRESSERS.—Wanted at ones, smart Lad as apprentice.—Apply 7, Ca3liie-road, Cardiff. 8Sn HAULIER wanted, used to brewery work,—Webb Bros., Aberbeeg Brewery, R.S.O,, Mon. 53Sn H-ÃULllius.-IŸantcv. a stlOng Man for grocery trade; state 1ull parHcui;s,}.D.Llewc:lyn.Neath.n If OME Work, either eex a good income weekly nO XIcanvassing or anything to learu, "ut genuine indoor work.-Enclo8e stamped addressed envelope, Youn. 65, Bombay-street. Bradford, Yorks. 4211 I;\lPH.OVER wanted at oflc.-A, James. Wholesale X Tinwaro Manufacturer. Mill-street, Pontypridd, n 1- Ú6N1O!liUEJiY.- Wante<l a rëpecta¡;e-Yo;;i1g Man a,; an Assistant; Welsh.-App]y. with full particu- lar! Davies. Ironmonger, Llandilo. 518n IRONMONGERY.—junior or Improver wanted, coflisry district: Welsh state full po.rtJcula.rs.-1!:dwards, 'lrt\ll:1..ri'is 901) "VOINERS are requested to Keep Away from Newport. f j Dispute on. x310n "TOINKRS.—Several competent Bench Hands le- quired also Machinist; good class work.—A. S. Morgan and Co., Steam Joincry Works, Godfrev-road, Newport, Mou. x254ii iACNDRY Van Man wanted; smart, energetic, Jt steady,—Apply General Manager, Cardiff Steam Laundry, Dyeing. Carpet and Window Cleaning Co.. Limited', Catliays. 5599 71n 71 AN wanted iu Wholesale Grocery Warehouse; must XVJL be good j-^c^er.—Apply 48. Bute-fitreat. 416n MELTING Shop Foreman.—Wanted, capable and energetic man to take charge of Siemens plant In a South Wales Steel Works, where tinplite bars are South Wales Stcel Works. where tinplite bars are chietly made; state ae, experience, wages required, also give references.-X 333, Daily News, Cardiff. 333n MILLERS.—Wanted, fust-class Gris Miller, to Dl".ke best meals; must bc a good stone dresser, drive sl a n engine, !1 ble to do own repairs willing to mke himself useful in general corn trade; good character required; house 011 pr0æ,cs -Apply in first instance, ç:;Vi¡;g.1.11 particulars os to ae and experience, to D 509. W. it. Smith and 201), Newsagents. Birmingham. 680n __0- J\1}Æ";drrëi:ile;;ePII1h'JrWls;; J. Davies and Co., Commerce Honse, Aberdare.x325n 'ji-1LLlNEil.gY.:perlEonced good Hand: full particu- .Lf lars first ill;;ta¡¡C,-J. Morgan Owen and Co., eO\trc.mmúr. 2S8n MIlTlINER.—Wanted immediately, Fi*st or good Second Iiand, r.ble to serve through v.*hen re- quired full particulars first nI>plhatlO¡¡.-3impsoll. Draper, Xonypandy. BJn 1\E \VS.Ol!:NTrJ.-Sma.rt HrJV wanted, soU and deliver .I paper3, age 14; 5s.—324, Cowbridge-road. 33311 | j \WNBR0iaN07—^Wanted, Youth with experience JS.. for eounter and ;,¡.¡e.-Apply Prag, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil. x3;0n PORTER wanted.—Apply F. J. Xrippe and Sons. Ltl., 6, We"tga.te.treet. Caidiif. 62tl.t strong Lad, from 16 to 13 yeart of a;e.-T. Morgan, Draper, Cllfton-atreet, Car..i .1,221 n T^ESPECTVVBLE Lad wanted to 100k after po y and JJU deliver.—Ingleton, Grocer, Wellingion-st.,Ce.nlon.n O ADDLERS and flainesa MakerB for Military Work C) wanted immediately: gooA wr.ges.J:alCb,tnJ.:3. I-avender and Son. Eldon Works. Wa sal. 135n ANITAR Y IfJil!;ectorshiPs.-CHndidates thoroughly prepared by correspondence for the 1900 exam, at Cardiff, &c., by registered qualified teacher and inspec- tor terms moderate.—Mr Peers, 12, Merridale-cresceni, Wolverhamptou. 536n ANTCARV Insveotorsliiys.—Salaries £ 100 to £ 250; numerous vacancies permanent appointments. Postal course of Lessons fer Cardiff exaru. now com- mencing. lll1.fl over 200 SUCC8SC;ÎU! candidates; previous I oxperhnce unnecessary open to all; ladies eligible.— Apply Root. Mushens, Science Teacher, Sanderland.418n OHAUP Hoy wanted, 9&0 14.—Apply Smith and Sons, IO IVholesale Newsagents, Penarch-road, Cardiff. 572n SHE. T Weighers wa.nted-for"8îeet. -iillls.-Jo}íí1 I Lysaght, Ltd.. Orb Works. Newport. Mon. x322u SHIRT lroners—Wauted, experienced Hands also f strong Young 01 ris M learner* good prices paid large, healthy workrooms,pply Cheûdar Valley Manufacturing COY. Che!1.< Somerset. 3381 SHOEING and General Smith wanted at once.—Apply Shoolnp Forge. Trocdyvtii w. x31Sn O MART Man wanted for Milk ltonnd reference re- 0 quired.-e\VPort Dairy, 14D. Comrr.arciai-street, Newport. x344n SMART Boy wanted for the PI. per Trade.—Apply W. =, Oill, 103, Donald-street, Roath. 527n Q TA]3i.,j Lad W?.TI tell. must be uscil to horses, 1;0 make "1 himself generally useful.—Apply, stating wages rc. CJI>írecl. to Wm. Harris, Merchant, Merthyr. 11 STRONG Lad wanted.—Apply James, Harris, and Walkey, 20, Womanbv-street, Cardiff. 811 rg VEA and Grocery.-1¡Vanteù. smart J'1:mlor Assistants. J — Bombay Tea. Co., n. t. 37011 rriiNSMITKS.—A good Man wanted at once (observe JL Gculdcn).—Apply V/. E. Rees, Morrfston, 573n ri'iO Butshers.— Wanted, Yonng Man. about 13, to do J. round and assist in slaughterhouse 11woor8.- Apply fuB pc.rticnlars,Cockram.61,Gorse-laJle.Swau!!ca.n fIPO Drapers.—Wanted, exjietlenced Young -11ml; .1 Welsl1.pp!y full partlenlar9. W..1am(Jf!.E'isb!ua,rd,n r15l0 Tl!.ilOfs.-W;;nted. reliable ifrst-clasi Trouc;¡-j JL ce::he!1 Maker.—Hollo way and Son. Pont.vpool.6C9n rl,oBAcCONIST8.-E xpN1encecl Manager wanted; I JL mu& be :1, good salesman and up-to-date window dresser and be able to produce first-class reference.— Written application only to 100. Qucon-st., Cardiff. 3721; ~rICTOIUA Hygienic Laandrv. Lt:l;-dafl:=T?1O smart Y Men wanted for Special Van Ipd Washhl)ll¡¡e. 93311 i\-S.-TLV.t-rustvortÏ1V lio y- Rboa i- 13. to deliver Y 7 papee8 and be !()ner:1.ll.1 use/u! a good home offerei\" to one III nr-ed t:o.1.eu ai own eh!ld.n\}ly Dennis. Newsagent, J :HiotLmvn. XCI7 Tredegar. 654n VS7ANTED. Young Mon (>a,ged íii to 30) and Ladies (15 r" to 20) to prepare in their own nome3 for Govern- m2ut Situ3.1,iOP.b good commcnciJ1 s;ttl1riez aod exee1. lent pro?pests prospectus and information free.—St. Stuurt, II.M.C.S., Clarenee-rorid, Seacombe, Liverpool, n fin" A NT ED, well educated (¡;ï-3"íq;pr;ticetõrta- Y f tionery, fancies. &c.; wi1J have good opportunity cf learning post and telegraph work; 110 premium (Jut- docOT.—Alexandra Dock Post Office, Newport. Mon. n WT ANTED, a Boy good milker.—Apply the Vicarage, YY Llantwit Vardre, Pontypridd. 64 In TT7ANTED, 2 steady Young Men used to lItiv-¡;;l;ë I Y aud cart.-Apply Mrs Hannah WIU1ams, Gwrhyd Farm. Abernant, Aberdare. t3ón XJU ANTED, Youth to attend engine, boiler.—Apply f Y wit1110\ est; krIDs. W.Smith3on,Theatre Jklerthyrni WASTED immediately, smart Boy to sail news. lJ&per¡;, ic.; good wrtges.—4(?»Albaiiy-road, Ca.diII.n \J67ANTED. Engineman for surface hauling englDo YY also Man accustomed wire r0pe spllcinr null look- ing efter sheaves and rol!eL-s,-Jô.1lles (Jona Enaanuel, AoCrh(jC. ;12n VS7 ANTED, a Cowman.—Apply John Rees, Mill Fai m, \v Llanishen. 519n ->7[7 á::rJD, ,¡T!Îk.;rsänc) Navvies ltt Moeley Green f Colliery, Parktnd, Forest of Dean. 517n W A.VrED, siiarp Lad. as Apprentice to Shooing and General Smithing. Walters, Ely, near Cardiff. 11 ij¡ ANTLD. Young Man t) ol, after horse and de- II liver goods anù make hirn8e]f generally USt.fu! Kvana, Cash Stores, Mardy. 4:i7u WA^TED.aLaundrymaid, not Inlle. 22 years of age wages to commence ut £ 16 IIo year, and to rise according to mctH, witb board, lodcinj, washing, and !mifonn.-Avply personally to the JeÜical ;,Jupt:rl11ten- den., Monmouthfbiro Asylum, Abergavenny. 5611 \%TANTED, a Shoemaker Attendant; wage3 to coin- Y 1 meiice at £ 3!; a yw, v/ith hoard, loùKjll. washing. aWl uD1!orm-Apply personally to the Medical Super- intcn<!ent. Monmouthshire AyJnm, Abergavenny. tJlO "«*rANTEli,n, Forenmn Mechanic to take charge Qf 11 machinery and boilers in cOlmectiou wIth fumacea and rolling mills; also a Foreman Fitter to take charge of tltil1 and erection shop also a 81;:1I!ed Foreman itoll with full parllCular3 to Tredegar Jr0Jl and Coal Co" Ltd.. Tredegar. 5603 "X-r iNTIW. good strong Boy to attend to cows and 11 make himself generally useful good milker ab- stainer reference last situation.—Evans, ]Jryng-oJwg, Mountain Ash. -VK11 W AN'i'E!^ 3 good non-society Moulders, accustomed W to enrtine work permanent employment for suit- able men.—T 457, Echo, Cardiff. 157n VX7 ANTED, Young Man. deliver milk, &c., by cavt; II (Joll character.— lieer, Llo.n<laft-roa¡J, CaTdifl. 2S0n "ANTED at once, 1£ Picture Frame Maker or litter. —Appiy 27, Wyndhtim Arcadc, Cardiff. 309n \S7ANTED, Sawver, accustomed to cutting English It timber; state age, wages. referenee.-WrHc H 300; Echo. Cardiff. 366n \\7 ANTED,an Improverto theCarpentery ajid Joinery IV Trade.—Apply 31, Pontcanua-voatl, Canton. 427n WANTED, a couple of good J alders good wages.— f" Apply Jones, Caedn Quarries, Nantymoel. 436x W ANTED, 2 Tinplate \Vorkers.-A¡>pl:r at once to B. l' Furv. 103, Worcester-street,Brypmawr. 35rl \\J ANTED at once, a tro3:;worth"y- YouDK-Man ïõ t Deliver Dfea.Ù.-Apply. wl11 reference, to Davies and Griit118. Aberl1ant. L: lan Valley, Rhayader. 260n \\JANTED, Man with knowledge of earthenware; r, cruna soiling for six months to take cart round amI make sales in country places; gooõ home; ab- stainer preferred.—W..7, Morgan. Grocer, Gla,nammau.D \S7 ANTED, Colliery Blacksmith, used to repairing II engines, electric signals, shoeing Swansea Valley, -c 242, Echo. Cardiff. 242n' WJ ANTED ¡roDJ-eáia.&81r. vood Plain Machinist; alw II Assistant Pee:- «r.—West End Tailors, 23, Duke- Ltreet. ln W ANTED, smart Youth to do 1\ Round.—Apply Thomas Well steed, 2, Dnnc¡;\veH-rd.. Newport. XCI WANTED; Young Man, 16 to 20, to deliver bread; "1' must keep aC00nnts accurately.—Daniel and HOD, Pon ty pool. 43:1 \\J ANTED, strong Lad as apprentice 10 the grocery YY trn.de.-Apply Edwards, North-street. Dowiais.72n -UTANTE".6; Grocer's Haulier, active and willing ;state Vl aue. wages intloor¡¡.-W. G. WIl.Pontnewynydd.n 1 S2s 61 W"8ekly.-A salary of 73 6d to 22s 6d oJfereù o & either sex (who can write) for their spare moments work may be done evenings.—For particulars send ad- dressed envelope to M. Truscott and Co., Glendower, Torouav. 410n _Oc weekly upwards (extra) for el5eX with cau- ,:J;; v!I.8s1n!{.-8cnd addressed envelope for partic1) llus. or 9:1 (stamps), returnable, tor t'uo valuable InitIatory ;,r.lIIple, &ce.. 00mplete auù guaranteed by Evans, Watts and Co. D}:)l).GlvbeW ILreh01l8',Uirmlngl1am. Genul ne.n JC* 1 Weekly.—An income oi 12s bd to £ 1 per weekcan bå dw earned in spare time or eveziingsiiy any person able .0 wn.c.-Proof sent freo anywhere to those bending addressed envelope to T. Smith and Co. (Dept. 8 E,) Id, Sbaftesbury-avenue, London. W. Estabilshe(l 1883. 4261 -r- "ítuatíou1í Haiitii. A respectable, trustworthy Man seeks position of tru3t, waa:ehou»e or store; hard working and sober security given if requllecl.-B 234, Eoho. Cardiff. 234u As Baker. First or Single; experienced all branches steam ovens.-Baker. Echo, Mprthyr u BAKERS.—Youth, good-dongb maker, moulder, know* ledge snjallB,—Palter, ^1, Graving Ppc^fr^et, .Barry Dock.v-3- Dock.v-3- I CARE of Gentleman's House 0\' Offices wanted wife I good cook, husbauù own employment: good refer- ences reliable couple.—^Write N 604, Echo, Cardiff. 604:i (^OACHMAN, abstainer, seeks situation: thoroughly ^experienced with hunters and carriage horses good rider and driver: married; good rerrenceg,Coachmau, River Vies>T, Cardiff. n__ 25tL_ D-}.-S81"L\KING.-First Hand disengaged good fit and style; comfortable borne more essential than lligh wlI.ges.- Write E 685, Echo, Cardiff. E8Sn GENERAL disengaged £ 12: cook, wash, do all work strong.-Gmv. 10, Queen-street, Cardiff. 6Gln HOUSEMAID disengaged £ 18; good waitress reo commended good references,-Gro.y. 10, Queen- street, Cardiff. 652n PAPEP^IANGER Painter, &c, (9.b"ta.iner). good u! round hlLnd. seeks Re-engagement; constancy.- V. Echo, Newport. x331n PLASTERER (improver) wants job in Cardiff or neigh- bourhood wages low.—Write G 554, Echo, Cardiff, n P- OHK :Uutcherg.-ltespectable r;lau-rqUl¥;¡ Situation, shopman or assist smalls; good refer- ences abst,a.lncr.-Write W 629, Echo Office. Cardiff, n Housekeeper: busineS3 iLor private.—Apply Miss Jones, Pan cross Farm, T.lan- carvan, Cotvbridge. 671n T3E-Engagement, elderly widow, AVorking Hoass- JQJ keeper, widower or bachelor: references.— Housakoeper, 33, Frederick-street, Cardiff. 41Kn \1 A))VUmS.-Good General fund"Wäilts permanent O job 11 yeavs' exper euce used to light and. heavy work.-iS¡¡,ddler, 19, Cambrian-place, C8.f".I:U!.hen. 263u SITUATION* wanted as Grocer's Haulier: ex peri- o enceù: ase 25; references outdoors.-tJrch, Strand, Biacngarw. 364n SITUATION look after engine and boilers; do own repairs good testimonials.—Newlands, Cottages, Llanishen. tOn OTKONG General; cook, wash; long ch&ract- D moderate wages.-Aeucy, 417, (;owbrldgc-road. Cardiff. (Stamp.) 7511 rsio Butchcrs.—Wanted, Situation as Shopman or JL Manage Branch Shop; good references; disen- gaged.—94, Harriett-street. Cathays, Cardiff. 534n PfflO Groer.s.-V¡ÿ,nteù. situation as Warehouseman: abstainer retercnces.-PanneJl. 17. Darran-street, Cathays, Cardiff. 658:1 rrO Pork Butchers. -HesPt:ctaole Lad (18) reguires JL Situation; well used to shop, good pie maker, rt.10 ood Imowledgc of smalls; o.bstainer.-Write Q 154. Echo Office, Cardiff. 154n VTty A:0"rBD 1st week March, Situation as Plain Cook IT Newport preferred five years'reference Welh. -Williams. care of Mr Hichan1s, Norton Fitzwanen, Tauntou. :x345n WANTED by respectable widow, Charing 01' Daily Work.-Appl: 192, Pearl-street, Roath. 56611 W ANTED y Bo respectable person, Offices to Clean.- Q 433, Echo, Cardiff. 433 n 1iU ÃNl'ÈD, Wa:ghior Cleaning at ladies'houses, 2 't'1' or 3 days It week, by respectable, trustworthv woma.n.- Wrítø E 57, Echo, Cardiff, 57n VS7 HEEL WRIGHT seeks Employment by February Y* 19th: 9 ears' ex pericDce; general work: town prcferred.-P 608, Eelw. Cardiff. 50Ull j,) [¡ "G11all seeks situation, any capacity, accus- .L tamed to work; modemte wag- S.-W46G,News CardHf. n requires Situation tOlorse and do plain gardening; live 1n or out,-ApplY William, 165, Cric1ge-rojl,c1, Cardiff. 38lu QI,ItrItz, J!tattagtrS, &t. A Junior Clerk for Carriers'Office wanted.-Legassick and Co-. Removal Contractors. Canton, Cardiff.533n 4 N Auctioneer and Valuer, witïl ooù general prac- iiJL. tiee in busy coantry IOWD, hRS vacancy for 110 pUPIl; 3 years' artioles; mouerate premium, returnable in s:tlf1.ry.-L 593. Daily News, Cardiff. 593n AUCTIONEER'S C erk, 24, requires Re-engagement: 9 years' experience in all branches, including cata- loguing, clerking, anl1 delivering sales; public-house anà geueral inventories prepared good negotiator.— Bell. Chapel-row, Bath. 239u ('°81: Clerk wanted, wIth intlmtÜe knowledge of J coal. pig iron, finished iron, and steel indusries whole time 10 be devoted to weekly costs at large worka. -Write. with testimonials and sating wages required, °.E.Jch'2..Cr(Efl'. 93711 JUNIOR Clerk required in an iron manufacturer's oftice must be obliging, quick and correct at figures, writer, anù have Ol1le experience goad refer- ences; salary to commence 10s.—Address Secretary, care Locke's AdvertIsing Office¡;o, 3, Cominercial-st, Newport-n I AD wanted at once, with some knowledge of book* Jlceeping preferred.—Address stating wages required, X.Y.Z.. care of Lennox, .James-street, Caidiff. 568n LADY Clerks (Government).—65 vacancies announced -1 for Women Clerks (13—20), initial salary £ 55, and 20 vilcancies tor Girl Clerks (15—18). Ku.mlnat1onl't1aroh Eth. Special classes now Civil Service I College, 23, St. Mary-strcet, Cardiff. 236n QMAP.T Lad wanted in Merchant's Office.—Apply by )-J letter to N 415, Echo, Cardiff. 4l5n VV ANTED, smart Oflico Boy one wiûi" previous omce v T experience preferred.-Apply F 50, Eho, Cardiff. II \\7ANTED immediate! v, smar Oh1lJC 13oy.-Apl)]Y vi. Yi Thomas and Ce.. Contractors, Treslllian-£errllce. Cardiff. 639n Vi1 ANTlJ) Immediately by the Brymbo Swel Co., Ltd., f near Wrexham,a Mechanical Draughtsman, acoos- tomEa to general iron and steel anc1 the settiDK oat and !;Ill;>erir.! ending the erection of the Bame. Wages £ 2 per week, or :cc0rdint:{ to qualifications 110 hard-working energetic man required. 5532 WANTED, good steady Young Clerk, with some knowledge of coal trade anô caHiery tJooks.- Wr.it", stilling experience, &c.. K 56'1, Eeno, Cardiff. 564n \\J ANTED, sharp Lad for aD assurance ilirlcb office; Y Y shorthand necessBory.-Apply Resident Secret2.ry, Pioneer, Dewi Villa. Aberdare. x324n WANTED, immGùiately reHpectable Office Boy, about ,t' 17; must write well and have had some office ex- perience.—Rigg, Albert Chamber>. High-street Can1iff.)) OUNG Lady requires Situation as C3sh¡el;-¿ Clerk JL eigh yea.5' experience.—V 356, Echo. Cardiff. 39611 p:¡ batons. tCrateilnrs, &c. A first-class Appointment is vacant without interfer- ence with present duties: insurance and other nce wIth present duties: insurlOnce and other agents can add 15s to 408 to Incomc.-Address Q 613. Dailv Nmvs. Cardiff. 613n A smart Young Man wanted, canvassing exceptional J.'1 openinR for energetic man.-Address 1n1irst iD- ¡;tRllce. Progress, Box 132, Daily News. Cardiff. 133n ABERTILLERY.—Rofuge Assurance Company have small book vacant; good terms: good opening lor en:gctilJ business mu.I!W. A. Harris, t)uut..T1"ecleri'r.n A GBN.r¡:old.esï-R.bIÜ;hccl London Firm wants a fe .v Jjl. euergetic men to sell goods wholesale in industrial and agricultural districts permanent profitably em- ployment fa: whole or S1Jare ime; high commission !IO risk—Address Position, 19,Pitchford-street, Stratford, London. 63ln AGENTS wanted; whole or spare tlm; Llandaff, Cnton, Grangetown, necks; e;¡:ceptiol111.1 advan- tages for obtaining new business allllg6uts holped and Instructed fees paid on all new busin,"s5.-C 530, Bclw, C n.í..d it!. 53-jri A GENT wanted by Wholesale Firm of Cork Importers /A. and Manufacturers; gocd connection with brewers, ale and porter bottlers, aerated water manufo.e!urer8, and wine merchants absolutely I'eces!!a.ry; to » first- clll.8 man Jlberal commission will be I!lven.-A1Jpl', gluing rcferences and particulars, &0 Cork3." 15, Royal Exchange-place, Glasgow. 39311 LINEN !¡.lo(enoy.-M:tllUfacturcr of Hollands, j. E. Canvas, Dowlas, Glass C.othr. &c.. want8 a good Ag-cnt fn Cardiff and àistr¡ct must hava Al connection with best wholesale 6nd clothing houses, 80130 makers up.—Write ii 351. Daily News. Cardiff. 351n LIVERPOOL Victoria Legal Friendly Society.—Ac- cumulated capital £ 1,500,000. Life and Endowment Assurance. Immedip.t-e benefit. Bonuses. Surrender Values. Canvassing Collectors wanted liberal terms 10 smlable men.-Mana.g<:r Working-street, CardiSf.6G7n jlVERPOOL Victoria Legal Friendly Society. AC- Jcumulated capital, £ 1.537,173. Immediate benefit, En- ,:ovl.tJJCnt. and other Life l'abIEs. Largest Collecting Society ill the Rin({dom.-CoIlcctors and Canvassers wanted. Small book vacant r¡.t Tondu, Bridgend and Port Talbot.-Aupiy by letter, giving present GCCUP!1. tion and reference!?, to Gwilym Morgan, Manager. Belle Vuc-streed Chambers, Swansea, i303n V\7 -NTED, Travellers (experienced in driving) can- Y » vtissing, private trade,Cardiff; references required. —A 465. News, Cardiff. 48Sn WAN'i'EI), several smart Young Ladlen for Canvass- ing; salary and commission.—Q 969, Echo Office, Cardiff. 989 n 3tJoii £ xn03, ^.parinunts. APARTMENTS, unfurnished, with widow; no family. —Apply 80, Carlisle-street, Splotlands. r, APARTMENTS to Ïæt In convenient good posi"íïõ"i1; references exchanged.—S 621, Eho Office, Cardiff. 11 A I'ARTMENTS, Unfurnished: every convenience; .t1 no children.pply 86. 1úackiuto5h-place. BoMb. 11 APARTMENTS to Let.—Apjly 31, Plasturton-a.7pnue Cardiff. 951n BOARD-Residencefor two gentlemen h.c. bath.—7, IJantwit-st-eet, Cathay?. 5l6n OOARD-Apartnients wanted by youn r.o:en1.lemaYl 111 .) i,JRinc1ee.J30te terms moderate, Box 104, Echo Office, Newport. xi!2n CIOMFORTABLE Rooms tor f;cDtj6mn; cienl. quIet. J no children, every convenience.—28, Iiuthin- ,;a.råenH. Cardiff. 422a CIOMM t'O:;TABLE Lodgings for 3. respectable youn lady: one little girl.—Apply 31, KincrHis-street.289u "10MF0RTAI5.UE Furnished Apartments to Let to V^-tti'j.rricd couple or gentleman.—11,Wood-st,Penarth.n COMFORTABLE Lodgings for 1 or 2 young men; J moderate terms,—42, Wyndh[1,m-creJ>oent, Cantonyi jT^OMFORTARLE Apartments for young men hot ("nll cold bath: terms moderate.—29, Diana-stre3t.u (f COMFORTABLE Sitting-room and Bedroom, suit coople gentlemen.—5, Glcnooe.t.arracc. Tymawr- road, Llandaff Station. 9/Kn jT^OMFORTABLE LodgiDgs for two young men at 111, V/ G'cnroy-street; close to bus 94^n CtOMFORTABLE 8itt.ing..room and Bedroom, 11. & c. > bath, one 0.1' two young Jllen; terms moder;o.te.- Apply 81, )!acJ¡:1ntofh.pJa.ce. Rath Park. 9s3i> DUMFU'IES-place, Queen-street, noa.rd-Resic1euc.e foy 2 gentlemen 16s inclusive.—G 401, Echo. (JarditfAOln TJI L .'IN 1 SUED Apartments, suit ladles or gentlemen J:1 friends; every convenience.—5, KlnCru.lg-treet, Castlo-road. 57ôn fjlURNISHED Apartments; oven grate, bath,6s; or 4J Rooms witb piano, sult two ladles.—31, Foradale- street. Penarth -road, neaown__c.nd docks. 410n JjlURNlSHED Apart.mBnis, Sitting-rooiB and Bed- ] room •. terms moderate.—41, NeviLie-street, River- side, Cardtlf 42911 ENXT.EHAN r.q-uire8Ar);j.t.nïeïiiiBnë-nx- Penarth- VT road state te::zul\V 627. Echo, Cardiff. 627u GENTLEMAN requires Comfortable Rooms: dining out; 110 other lodgers state t,enn5.-X 632, Echo, Cardiff. 53Zn GENTLEMAN wishes Board and Lodging in fl\mïïY.= N 293, Echo. Cardiff. 296n L- ODGIN to Let. 171, .Broa.dway, Roath; clõ:;ë"tõ Irt1.m terminus. 434n LODGINGS for respectable working man; h. and c. b&th no children.—26, Cogan-terrace, Cathays. 37n ")V| INEHEAD. Somerset.—Furnished Apartments, with >.».i or without board, in No-?. 1, 2. 3, The Esplanade, facing sea; special winter terms; mild. eqnable c1ima.to; splendid hunting; good golf; lovely walks and drives. -Apply Manageress. 2813 PAYING Guests.—A married couple or 2 lahies can be received as above in a charming country residence, well furnished and beautifully sltuatelI 00 a ple8033nt elevation standing iu its owu grounds, wHll pretty lawn. pJettsnrc grounds, g-a.rùcll,. &c.; close station aud post oflice good roads for cycling.—Further particuhrs cn he obtained from G 559, Daily News, Swan8C 5559 -(-)-Ñlloom to Let to respectable lady Quiet hC)m Apply 62, l'n,!1;rid¡{e-roR.cl. lion PENARTH.— A Bed-Sitting-room .ground floor, fur- rushec1 01* unfurnished SW lady or gentleman 5 minutes from station.—MrsFortnor.PostOfhce.Peiiarth-n PENARTH.—Unfurnished Apartments oven grä:te. 112. Plas3ey-3treet, Penarth. 3561.1 PENARTH.—To Let, large front Sitting-room, 1 or 2 bedrooms; gentlemen.—31, Windsor-terrace. 228n TIIO Let, 18, Bangor-road, Roath Park, Sitting-room JL and Bedrooms, Furnished or Unfurnished, gentle- men. 297n r 810 Let. furnished or unfurnished Rooms, with sole JL use or kitchen all conveniences terms moderate. -Appiy 4. Royal Buildings, Victoria-road, Penarth. 41n T¥io I/et, 2 Unfurnished Rooms in Penypoel-road, near JL Cowbridge-road.—Write N 984, Echo, Cardiff. 965n rro Let, Front Bedroom ;3JI;¡Jr weelt; close trams JL object company.—10, Nevil1e..street.. 946n IS7WO Unfurnished Rooms; oven grate; every conv()nl A enoe; 8ult young_coupte.—77, Wells-street. 44111 TTNFURNISEIED, 2 or 3 Rooms hot-cold bath; 4s references exchanged, 4, Lansdowne-road. 545n- TTNFURNISHED large Front Siting-room and Bed- l_i room, use of bathroom.—410. Cowbrldge-rd, Cardiff.il UNFURNISHED Front 8ittiug.lO0II1, lll1.ck Room oven grate, bef1room; tis 6d week.—153. Mn.lelant.t.tl -0_ U NFURNISilED Rooms to Let with small family; terms moderate.—41, Monthermcr-road, Cardiff. 4Sn \T7 AN TED by youDg gentleman, Board and Lodging Y Y with family, or Apartments, Within easy distance of Harrowby-lane, Dock8.-A:pp!y, with terms. Loseby, 29. i..owj¡her-øtree$, Liverpool. 609n "17 ANTED, Booms 1)7 widow and obild, Cathays, j Riobwrfl, Burlef(-«reet prefem¡cL-. Wood-, i'flUo-roftff <-s aø I Lady requires Gentleman Boarder dine j IV out; Crmton.-F 543, Eeho, Cardiff. 54Gn "¡Ú IDOWElt^vith~one girl, 10 yeavs old, would ll "'t' Auartments with respectable couple; tJathays preferred.—Write P 424. Echo, Cardiff. 42n '30, De Burgh-streot, Riversiue.—Comfortable Front I O Apf.rtineuts for gentleman piano li. and c. bath. n | w 1.3. or 4 Furnished Booms to be Let in Cathedral-road. | A PPIY by letter C 666, Da.¡¡y1;ew. Cardiff, 60611 j ml1 ht tt. -11å OUt.z, JCauù, fç:t.. A few Š aud 6*roomed Houses in Herbert-street, FJint- street, Cross-street, Gabalfa-terrace, North-road, per- ject condition rentals 55 3tl to 7s.—Apply Co-operative Huppl3 ¡;tores. orth.roll.d,¡earùilf, 64u ALFRED-street, G2,.to-Let; 9s exclusive 4 bedrooms, hot and coW oath, 2 reception rooms, kitchen. scullerj, double bay, bacic entrance. 976n ALSTON House, 30, The Parade, Tredegarviiie, to Let, contaimog 3 reception raom. billiard room, and .10 bedrooms, bathrooms, and w,e.; newly decorated throughout.-APP;Y A. E. Morgan f.MeSH!! Forster. lJwwn. anù Rets). Guildhall Chambers, Cardiff. 133;! BRIGH'l HOLM, Stow Park-avenue. Newport, contain- jng 3 reception rooms. kitchens, w.e.. bathroom, 6 liedrooms, cellars, 2 conservatories, good gl1rdell.-A ppiy A. H. Beat-, Honse Agent, Newport. :31n ClOLUM-place, close to Park-plu.ee.-No. 9 to Let: h.c, ;water, bathroom every convenience rent 10s inclu- ;,ive.-Apply o. 1. 2l9n DINAS Powis—Cottaee to Lst: rent 5s v>er week.— Hern and Pertwee, 93, 't. Mary street, Cardiff. 451n SilOirTUItXISHEDai 1 <i UnFURI^IsHFID Residences JL1 Cardiff and Penarth. sea Messrs S. Hern and Pert wee'51teist.er.-S-l, St. )lary-streeG, Car<.ljj. 1C49 MOUSE to Let, 3). Hamilton-street, oiI Catheural- wad; 8 rooms, bath, and GOll;,emence3; immediate pos:se¡;siol1,-A;;n iy Mrs West, 33, Hamilton-street. 57611 HOUSES aUf1 Cottages to Let in various parts cf the tOWIl.- W. Sanders and Sons. 28.St.Mary-st.,Cardiif.n HOUSE to Let, 42, LoncrQss-s1ireet.-AlJply 40, Augusta-street 973n I LA..ELI Y-street, :úoors.-Hr:u5e to Iet; 7s 6d pdr U week.-Applv J. T. Saunders, Auctioneer, 29, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 120n jOCHABER-sireet, Roath Park 4 bedrooms, latest -1 improvements, rent ljs clear.—Comley, Moira-tce. n MOUNT Pleasant, Maindy; six rooms; pleasantly situated very private; good garden.—Myrtle CattB.!{e, Gabalva. 643n NO. E, 1I1a.rian-street, to Lf;t,-Apply 154. Mackintosh- place. 535n T> ESP.ECTABLE Tenant wanted tor Dwelling Portion lo of Premises, 94. Cornwall-road; rent 7s per week, ncluding ga.s.-Apply o premises. e,42n 0 UPERRA-street.—N03.7—8,rerit 10s; No. 7,a Licensed JLV eamen's Boarding ilousc.-Apply at No. 6, or at Ty IsM, r,tndaif. 47n t S70 Let, la. Walker-road, Splott. House, with hot and JL cold bath 7-stall stable, with loft aud large yard- Apply Comley, l'enyJan-coaù. Cardiff. 606a mo be Let, small Furnished House in Cathedral-road Jl rent nnderate..Apply by letter 13 655. News, Carditf.n TSIO Let, House, Charles-street, Cardiff: rent £ i0.— JL Cook. 93 St. Mary-street, Cardiff. h'i4n mo Let, Cottage in Rose-street; 4s 6d weekly; also JL Stable.—Apply 61. Stacey-road. 367n fj^OLet, 10 ;1d"16, Surrey-street. Canton, close tõ JL Victoria Park: hot and cold bath, gas, Venetian blinds, &c.; cent 8s peiNweek.— Apply British Coal Co., Cardiff. 180n f 3^0 Let, 42, Somerset-street, Saltmead, a.-onve¿i-;õt J. 7-roomecl House at reauced rent to respectable tOl1ant.- Appiy 39, Wood-street. Cardiff. 150n mo Let, House, 21, Penllyne-road hot-coid bath, w.c., JL bacic entrance.-Ree, Stationer. 55,Cowbridge-ru.n mo Let in March, House iD!R¡chmon.t-crescent.-Apply JL 41. The Walk. 3511 r»70 Let, 10, Mundy-place, Cathays rent 10s.—Apply 26, Webrl1 Mail Chambers, Cardiff. 99aX! mYVICA EousTto Let. best position lu Pontypridd.- 1 Apply W. C. Davey. Solicitor, Pontypridd. h T\7 L'1DSOr.-terrace. EIy.-Good six-roomed Houses, YY with scullery, bath, lavatory, h. & c.. W.c., large gaidens. near StatiOlJ.)loore. Ely. 79u WJ INlisOIt-piace, CaTuiff.—To Let. No. 3. Windsor- YY place, as residence, olfice. or surgery.—For parti culars apply to A. T. Thomas, Daily News Office. CardiŒ. 3144—914n ti>7. Railway-terrace, North-road cI".e<1.p Villa. 3 bed: nii rooms, 6s 6d weekly £ 9, Llanfsir-roail, 4 bedrooms, 105; 69, Plasturton-Bvenue, 4 bedrooms, every conveni- ence 1.55. everl1-road. 5 bedrooms, good garden, 'busses pass close to door; 11150 several other houses.—Apply Buston. Accounta1!t. 5. Queen-street, or Howsll. 20. Northcotf>siro-et, Cardiff. 668n t>97. Cow bridge-road. Canton.—House to Let, opposite f-i.Pmt Office trains pass door; immediate possession. -Apply Mrs West. 33, llallllaou-street, Canton. 577n L97, ra.ckJ"tosh-r;Ja.c3. Roath Park; b.c. hath every convenience.—Edmunds, Auctioneer,b3,Que en-s tree !:l 0 UlosšCp-terra.ce large drawing and dining rooms, ¡t:;¡, 7 bedrooms, h. & c. bath. w.c.. and usual offices garden 200ft. 1011"; 30iz- frontage hack entrance rent £ 50.—Apply Comley, Moirft-terrace. 37'711 41, lticha.r113-l.errace. Roath; large garden, back en- trance 11« clear.—Apply 12, Newport-road. 9f311 1iDUStr. &.c.. 1!iRantelr. W"ANTED, Purchase or ReM. House in or off New. » I port-road state ground rent; lowest cash nricc yearly rental—J 559, Echo, Cardiff. 551.1 WANTED to Rent or Lease, smalt House with out- 'f' JmildiIJgos and few acres of Land. neighbourhood of Cardi1I.-i'a.r5:cuJars Z 310, Echo. Cardiff. 310'1 W ANTED, to Purhase a Small House in Partridge "f or lace:¡.road.-HcplY, with all particulars, to F 255. Echo. Cardiff. 255n V*7ANTED, House vicinity Roath Park: reut or pnr- r, chase if cheap; fun particulars, also frontage and depth. size principal rooms.—L 1:63, Echo. Cardiff, 11 -O&- $0 i:tt. 1SusitttZ5 fjprimises, &r. ABEItCYNON.- A House and Shop, situaec1 on main road. excellent position honse could be let separ- at-dy.-II. Eynon, Oxford-street, Mountain Ash. 500n A BERAVON, Port 'l':¡.lbot-D;ëT1ing-hoasE' and Shop .fin one of principal thoroughfares: irnluediate IJœses- sion lease or yeaTly tenancy rent moùe¡:¡¡.tc.-ApJ]y to Messrs Tennant and .Tones, Solicitors, Aberavon. '13n CONVENIENT Shop arid Dwelling-house to Le t, centre of Cardiff.—Apply S. Hern and Pertwee, 93, St. Mary- s .reet, Cardiff. 31Sn CONVENIENT Shop and Dwelling-house to Lot, 14, Adam-street Cardiff.—Apply S.Hern and Pertwee, 93, f t. Mary-street, Cardiff. 313n C70RNER Shoo. Dwelling-house, cellar, and stable, 27, )itol:ert-sireet, Cathays.—258. Oowhridge-rd., Cardiff.n ffjilRST-class Shop, 99. Donald-street; 5 good bedrooms, JC bathroom, and cellars rent only 15a.—Apply liigg, Albert Chnmi)C1. High-street, Cardiff. :5lt,a G HOVEn, Shoe Shop: exceJlcnt opening: shop tlioroug fare capital premise^ immediate nos- sscsion —M 413. Echo, Ct\nUtI. 413n HOUSKS and Shops to Let all parts of Cardiff.—J. T. Sannders, Estate Agent. 29. St. Mary-st., Cardiff.Eln XARGE Premises at Decks three storeys anti base- i ment; each can be separate and J\Iùependent; abundance of liht; suitable for light factory or ware. hot1se.-WillJaIDs and Hoare, 6a, Dalcoss-st., Cardifl. 11 MILFORD Haven.—To Let at Priory (rapidly growing neighbourhood), House, Shop, and Bakehouse, re- cently built; jmmediutc VO¿sc391on.-Applv E. W. Iees. Haverfordwest- 360n OFFICES.—2 good Rooms to Let at 18, Custom House street.—Flint Bros. 1S99—301n STABLES, bid Barracks-tone, centre of Cardiff rent k mc¡ler3.te.-A,ppJy Hern anû Ptrtwce, 93, bt. Mary- suet-1. Cardiff. 31111 f 110 Grocers.—Fine Pre als'.s to Let. or for Sale corner X l'eIll\.rth-roaù and Ciive street, Cardiff Jow inclu- sive rea taL-Cook. 98, t. Maiy-sireet. 652n rf70 Let, Lock-up Shop, Commercial-street. New Tre- A degar hest position In the place.—Apply Eawkin?, Butcher, Pontypridd. 5-Gn PI70 Lot, 2-atall Stable and Yard, suitable lor milkman. JL -Applv 112, Keppoch-street. 537n rI-w Let, good HÕÜ8-Jl(1 Donb1e.fronted hotJ, near JL Crown Hotel, Pontypool suit. butcher,groccr, or any JJwÜness.-Apply W. Gnmi, Pontypool. 45:n rdVoLet, House and Shop, SO, Castle-road; rent 12 s X weekly best position In roac1.-Al'piy W. Sanders, !5S, St. Mary-street. x28')n mo i..3-cita.IIl;ta.b¡;. Coachhouse, and Loft; rent 7s A weekly.—36. Charles-straet. 12u 1 ljXoLoii, two Hooms ¡¡,s unices, Oil tliiru floor of CU.1A A. donian cJhamber5, 101. St.Mary-etreet.—Apply South =ewR Oflicn. Cardiff. H1R xZSlt nSitte5$ lOnnnZtS MaitteiS. :7ANTED. small Sliop for sweats and tobacco, with ooc1 living accommodation hl1V thoroughfare; fill! particulars.—C 498 .Daily News, Cardiff. 4D8n I Jfor J$ali>1)0U3 £ S, Wrnih, &c. BARRY Dock.—% Cottages, rent 3s, off middie liolton- road papered, private improvements completed must sell to immediate buyer chean.—Y 637, Echo, Car- difl'. 637n €'AtiGA'l'E, Bryngwynrcad, Newport; 3 reception rooms, kitchens, w.c.. bathroom, 6 bedrooms, electric iiht. food stabling aTilt coach-hou3o lease 96 yearli ground rent £ 5.—A. H. 13(;R.r.llot.lsp. Agent, Newport, xn I/OR Sale or Let, Penyhvn-road, Detached Cornor II. Bouse, with cellars rouna floor 3 recolltlol1 rooms, kitchen, scullery first Hoor 4 large bedrooms, larder. 2 I;2.lltrles. bath and w.e., box; second floor 5 bedrooms, 1 ùox.-Apply Comley, Penylan-road, Cardiff. FC5Jl IjiOR Sale at or.ee, 4 Houses, splendid condition, well ..It let. beat neighbourhood for letting, cl1eap.-J. :;()nt,oll snd (Jo., 86, Carllsle-street. 03n L'WR S&le, 3 Cottages, fre;or leasehold, cheap; good JL garden: 2 minl1tes' walk from Llandaff Ht,aHofJ,- Apply Taylor, Hawthorn-road, Llandaff Station. 40311 "ifilOR Sale, 2 small well-built Villas. 185 and 187, Inver- J?.' ness-place, Roath Pavk also a Villa, 4 bedrooms, h. and < bath, lave tory, with large yard, workshops, and stabling, smt any business-—Apply 23, Daviot-street, Mackintosh-place, Roath, Cardiff. 319n i J1(JH Sale, Z Smail Villas. Arabella-street; ne.vsr bmï J7 vacant: let at 8s pev week.—Write 0 301. Echo Oifice, Cardiff. 301n I'-3Ü>ojïTAN'l'ta Large Families.—4 commodious weJl- tinjsiJeù Houses In Romilly-road West: double oays, very J3.r: kitchens,<5 b¡>drooms. bath 1:1 V3.tOi:Y. and evt ry convenience. To be Sold cheap for C3.811 on Symonds's System the whole purchase paid by instal- ments, lCt t exceed 10« 6d week. The chance ■ f 1\ life- time.—Apply p!è1ls.uull)' W. Syrnouc1s, Builder, Rect r.v- roiul. -= 2Sln iU5ittt£.st!i ÍDr iiÜipaznl, ABERCYNON.—Grocery Business for Sale stock, fix- tures, &c„ £ 30; low rental.—B, D., Echo, Swansea.n iLOTIIING and Hosiery Business for Sale; good V.^ position; disposing through illness.—M 972. Jcho, Cardiff. 972u C1 ONI1 ECTIONKEY, Refrashments.—370, Caw b¡:idge- j road, nicely fitted: Itolng concern nQ goodwill; valuation; ¡;table, side entrance cspitallivmg rooms,- Clarke, 118, ewpolt-ruI1Ù. 151n "ff";7ANCY Drapery, busy thoroughfare; prenent hands JL" 12 years rent, InoomjD low.-X 471. Echo, CarLlJ11. n tlUCST-claes Chemist's Business, near centre of town fixtures and stock by valuation present owner re- t1r!nlÇ.AlIply D. Morgan. 13. Duke-ptreet. 21311 17I0R Saie. owing to ill-health of proprietor, a weil- J establislwd and succesrul Wheelwright's auù Smith's Business, doing a trade of £ 2,COO per annum at •:oqi) profit:1.— T. H. l omkius, Auctioneer.Abergf.venny.n fjlOR Sale, Root and Clothing Business, situated within 2 miles frolll Cardiff, wIth 6.roOille¡\ house, tihoj), and 2-stall stable to Let to 8ult same; stuck I\1i valuation no 1!00dH!=-_rlte E 541. Echo. Cardiff.544ii 1"0R Sale, Hay an.l Corn Merchant's Business, atÏ-¡; L going concern cslJa6hea 20 years; cheap so iromc- diate purchaser.—Rowland, Star-street, Cardiff. 32711 1ÓP.DiSPÕSaI,J!1Sh &UÙ]!'rUi1i Business; busy thorough- JL fare; cheap Immediate pl1rch:lrser.-ü 257, Echo, Cardiff. 257n jjlOR Sale, Business and Premises in Roath; grand JL position for high-class grocer; no opposition to b", sold &3 a going concern.-Address P 302, Echo. Cardiff. n. Fon Sale; the OoodwiJi -ó,nd-Fn;'i;ltu-õ1 Llcen9-ed } Seamen's Boarding House: 9 beds; good season for leaving.—f 205, Echo, Cardiff. 205n JTIOR immediate Disposal, an old-established Grocery Business III central pOltlOn at ¡'l1:>th.-b'or fall particulars apply Grocer, Daily News. Neath. x286n ■ j70K the New Year.—Tradesmen should send for the JL Trader's Monthly Summary with Profit and Loss 1\.<:count3 anù Balance tiheet;" Itr new systsm, price 2i 6d for tho yeø.r.-Rightol1 and Son, Acountants. 25, Small-street, Bristol. 1179 GENTS' Meraery Business for J r-imeaiato ])j,}posal; Ur one of the best positions in Cardiff reason for sell. ing death of particulars can be had on application to J. T. Saunders, Auctioneer Imd Account- nt. 29, Ht. Mary-street. Cardiff. 929n HARDWARE, Earthenware, Fancy, and Tobacco Business for Disposal; terms moderate good rea- sons foi- leavin"AplJly Smith, 61, Broadway, Cardiff, n MILK Round. with or W-¡thõUtaorse and Cart.— R 617. Echo, Cardiff. 617n KIGHTON and SOD, AccountlUlt8 25 and 26, Small-' street, Bristol, undertake all ëomplIoUY Formation, draft prOBp and effect t.lgll.D1aon of 8iM^S8fat np*)peaa11nns,—Apply tcrf \>s, 1179- SELECT Sweet Business; ingoing £ 60 stock at valua. tian.-Vigor, 17, Perry-road, Bristol. 691n MALL General BUSlnèss with wholesale beer licene lObargain to Immediate purchaser.—Y20,Echo,Cardlff.n SPLENDID Manufacturing Business for Sate large profits £ 200.—H 558. EclIo. Cardiff. 558n 2$usntfss*s fSfttasttsit. ^^7ANTED, Small Milk Round.—Apply 10, Spring Y l Gardens-place, Roath 417n public lLjouZ£.5. A LE, Stout House, London fitted bars; opposite, 1\. works employing many hands; ingoing £ 90.— Hillman, Newport. x343n DEE1ŒOCSE: LondOh-slbü-ri)", G.W. naiJ, pretty village rent only £ 16 pretty bar and 7 room, stabling, large garden, &0.: tenant many years; £ 160 only: worth mucb more; don't lose this.-oss. 161, Euston-road ,LoDùon. 26Zn j,7 ULLY-Lieensed capital takings ingoing valuation say, £ 120.—Hillman, 6, Skinner-st., Newjiort. x343n rr- 0 Let, with immediate possession, the Oddfellows' JL AnJ.1s. 78, Comrnercial-strest, New}jort; old.estab. lished newly built; 1to¡;er' AK ales.-Appiy to above address. I) fSTO'be Let, the b'ritI8h Volunteer Hotel, The Hayes, Cardit:f.-¡ iply T. H. Belcher, Solicitor, Cardiff. 3in ^>250.—Double-licensed }I(JUse best lJõsibl0 position o6 In steady prosperous works and colUcry tOY 11 bpJendid prooi trade.—T. H. Tomkins, Auctioneer, A her. gavenny. n A<b- 9JH iiixtstcal. i>ANJO (zither), £ 6 6s- professional's, prr..ctiCäJïYüëW J 40s; approval anywi1ere.-Bartlett, 9, Bussell 5tcn:ct. Brixlou.. 4i.Vn BARGAIN seldom mat with.—Broadwood Oblique -) Strung Hoscwcod Hano. cash £ 32, original price 95 gUÎ1!eas: excellent condition throughout.-Webb, e, Ciare-street. 650n BARGAINS.—Table Piano, Broadwood's, only £ 4 Large Pier Glass, 7ft. by 5ft„ £ 5; lot useful Shed- ding, iowls' House.—44, C1ille-street, Granl:'e. 426n Ji7LAUTIST ob and orchestral.—Herbert Wolsten- ? holme 121 Crwys-road, Cardiff. Lesscns given. 32n JTAL1AN Mandoline, genuine Sisterna di Meglio, rich tone: 19 ribbed injaid real rosewood, fitted in saddler- mado case, with extra strings and pics; worth £ 5, tor immediate cash 16s Sd approval wilHngly,-Address Meglio, 31, Clapham-road, London, S.W. 516n i'1- ANDOLINk;. Guttar, Clarionet Banjo, and 1'heory.- 1.'1 George Sinclair, L.L.C.M., 9 Clare-gardens, Cardiff, 11 TV'S" 1SS Ida Coumbes (pupil aud assistant of Madam itAClara Novelio Davies, 10 years) has a few vacancies for pupils, pianaforte aDl1 theory; assistant Miss Wilkins.—65, Wyndha.m.creHcent, Canton, Cardiff. 218n MISS Astie, alter 15 very successful years in Cardiff has much pleasure in announcing that she con- tinues giving Lessons on the Pianoforte and Singing: l'emu.hvisaed twice weekly. IJC3sons gillen at the resi- dences of pupils, or at (O, Pembroke-terrace, Cardilf.close to Talf VlLle an(1 Ithvmnev Stations. Terms moderate. PIAN' >. IIOW. bestmake, 20 years' ¡,{uara.ntee.-ll.. 24, I'erndale-street, Grange, Cardiff. 60n PIANOFORTE l'ünil)g-lllr H. I1'. Webb (late with Messrs Heath and SonG); terms 35 6d wHbin he borough.—Address 6 Clare-street, Cardiff. 649n "TIOLIN, oJd copy of Antonius Stradivarius Cremon- Y cofer, originally sold for 75 guineas, property late nr- cilcstrallead2r. Illle tone brasil mounted case, bow. strings, chin rest. and all accessories exceptional bar. gain accept 16s 6d; ap};)rovai.-tra.d. 2, Claylande-road t'Jl(10D, S. W. 515n 1Gítndt5. ij];riqrde£í, &.c. BEST i,lree Wheel Cycle, the only one convertible to fixed wheel,-WRnted. 6 ladies and 6 gents to ride and exhilJlt to friends, as an advertisement, your district, the 1900 season samples.-Cut OUS. send this to. day. Bennett Steel Cyc1e Co., St. Albans, for riding par. ticulars. 5,000 testimonials. 2'16 I ADY'S High-grade Coventry Safety, beautiful ..A machine, detacltabje tyres, machine only used a week, as nClv. gear case. light and strong, plated lamp, pump. cyclometer, complete, all new, owner leaving, sacrifice lot £ 5 12s 6d, bargain will send on apPloval. Kate f ring, Edith Villa, Clevedon-road, Weston-super- Mare. 144n MORRIS Bros., Cycle Works, Pontypridd.—Three Cushions. 50a ;1 Pneumatics, £ 5 ;Lady's Cushion, £ 3. 1- .I.E' Am:AJi go to Morris Bros., Pontypridd. No L1 job too {¡¡mcult, no job too small. Don' forget, n KOAD Racer, 1900,B.S-A.fittings throughout, including .\1 free wheel and back-pedailing bmke. Warwick tyres on plated West wood rims, twin roiler chain, 84 gear, 81n. crank, 24in. framc. not ridden a dozen times, owner returniD to shorter cranks; priot: £ 12; seen by appointment; 1 approval. Address R')3:Echo,Cardlíf.u OAIETY, Gent's, free wheel, clipper tyres, with a yaars' guarantee, £ 0 10s.—IC 953, Echo, J53I1 ç ALE, Pneumatic, 301so Cushion good condition no :J reasonable offer refusecl.-W rite A 365, Echo.Cardiff.n WANTED, stylish Second-band l'nelllnaic, road- ster, Dunlop tyres. perfec condition, cash.- D 378, EeJw. Cardiff. :.78n =- Otarrircgt5 nnà Mncles. A Sets HarI1eS8, an Sizes-and-prïë-es .1. cheap.—42, Elm-street, Cardiff. 650n A Bargain.—3 Flat Carts, very stylish Pleasure Trap. sult pony 13 to 13.2 111gh; alllo Butcher's 8ca1es.- .4?, Elm-street. 6-19n A Bargain.—20 Traps, all size". suit business and pleasure; 2 Bakers'Trucks and Chaff Machine; cheap.—52 J<;lm-streeL. Roatb, Ord1ff. 64bn A Second-hand Trolley, carry 2 tons. nave Carts, Milk Carts, Dog Carts, Pony Traps, aU sir;es.-Kn!ght and Vavis's Works, Caerleon-road, Newport. x332n A Bargain.—Covered Hand Truck, well made. neC1.rly new.—Fletcher, 49, Picton-lane, Swansea, x319n A Stanhope Gig, rubber tyre. Bus:nes3 anù Pleasure J."1 Traps, Mi1k Carts, Floats, Rava Carts, pony and cob Si:8.-l{oBoor, Herbert-street, Newport. ;[281/1 i,10R Sale. Wagonette, with hood. convertible, open oc i. close Carriage for one or pair; cheap.-Thomas. Post omce. Pc,utYWRUl. Mon. 392n 171OU Sale, splendid Double Set of Brass-mounted Har- ness, fit cob 13 to 14 hands.—Davidson, 14, Windsor- terrace, Ely. 83n 1j70R Sale, Crank-axle Coburg Cart. nearly new, cheap; room wanted.—Hayter, Steam Bakery. Penarth. 8n 8J70R Carriage Lamps. Shop LampE. treùt Lamps. best JD ill tile market: lamps Lamp Works.<13, Merchant-stroet, Bristol. 5481 SALE. VaD, 15i6. long. opens out to 18(t. deep. salt ("'J iiitidlfine co.; auctioneer, or walk up front for show, nearly neIV, very light and portable,—Arizona Bill. '!0- 6341) SALE, New Milk Cart, New Delivery Cart suit draper .J or grocer. Butcher's CILrt. Flat Cart. New Baker's Truck, several Second-hand Trucks; exchanges marte. —Thomas, Wheelwright, Tunnel, 01I Queen-st., Carciiff.ll SECOND-Iiand Trolley, to carry 2 to 3 tons; also Crank-axle Cart tor Sale. —Cross Bros., Worlc- ing-street, Cardiff. 369n STATION Cab, low price; Polo Cart, like new.-Perry and Co., Frederick-street, Cardiff. 37m O Uroeers' Trucks, Smali Crank-axle Cart, nearly new, cheap.—Harwood, Porsmanmoor-rd..Moors.Cardiif.n 40 Business and Pleasure Traps, all kinds and Giz 50 Sct Harness, llCW and second-hand, any sizes 50 Pairs Lamps. Dad(1Jes and llrillles; at lowest prices. 14, Br..v",lnct-stfcet. Tenmei ancetown. Cardiff. 590n 1J)rSt5 nnù ICiire t(!dt. T LightS¡>rin:; Wagon Fast Pony, six years: good .J.. Harness; suit rcung1"Ocer. flab. oil. china dealers; >(6lwiue turnout: cheap.—35, Court-street, Tonypandy.n A powerful Ca-rt hore. 6 years. 16 hand". Hauiing Cart :1.. and Harness, In splendid order, completo for £ '/Q, or sell separately a bargain.—1, Green-street, near 80phia Gardens. Cardiff. 589n A Contractor's or Hauliers Turnout., uctivccält K rse. 16 hands, staunch I>uller, splendid HarJilOg Cart at'd narllss lot £ 25 bargain, or sell separately must sell.—16, Pla.itagenet-strnet. Hivers!<le. Cardiff, n A Pony and Cart, suit any business, £ 11, worth £ 15.— 1:1.. 93, Clifton-street, Cardiff. 467n 4 COI), Coal Cart. and III1,fDess. lot 10 guineas, toethpr 1-1 or s0paraLely 11180 severai SeS of llarnCS6.-Mews. 136, Cowbridge-road, Ca. diff. -11- A black r.j,re,-i6 hands, strong ana good workel also light Crank-axle Cart; ogetohr or sepo.ra.te.-Apply 77. Wei Is-street, CI1.l"difC-=- 412r sound a.ctlveH""õrue. thickset, with TroUey and Har- ress, equal new, lot £ 24. or sell separa.tely.-Jhrmg Yard. 14, Kaveloek-street, Teinperancetown, Cardiff, n A 'J'hlck-set Cob, 14.2. warranted good worker, wIth 1.}, Butcher Trap and Harness, £ 20; sell togehcr or separately.—Cross inn. Canton, Cardiff. 169n A-thickset sound Cob. honest; nearly new Crank-axle Cart, light, and Harness, lot, £ 22. cheap, sound I turnout, or sell separately.—127, Tudor-road, Cardiff, jn Ð AHGAIN.-Goon Sorted Sheep Dog, partly broken, ..iJ 12 months (about), 7s 6d.—Reg. Joró.n, BllWna. /^ARX Horse and Harness, suit al merchant, lot KJ only £ 4.—Arizona Hill. Penirc. 635n C1HAMPION B0U011 Wood Mtxer (winner of over 580 > first prizes), ex a Crow Gill Tartar Bitch.-A grand Litter of Irish Terrier Puppies, 6 weeks old. to be sold ehea-j.—16, Castle Arcsde. Cardiff. 61an C1HIP Potato Cart, known ¡;tlwPrido of Wales. ) price £ 9 also Cob and 1L\rnes6 if wanted.—19, AlbC1:t-strcet. Canton, CarlHff.170 CSOLLIES.—For Sale. ho.J;dsou10 pedigree sable and .) white Collie Bitsh, 2 years oid; very quiet and affec- tionute.-Bvanli, 86 Colum-wn.d, Cardiff. 33n C10B Mare, 0 years old, w:uTo1.lIted-:qouudmul quiet, ) £ 15 alpo good Pony, Pleasure bap. and Ilarnes8, £ 14; New Flat Cart. Qb-817,e, £ 6: Set oi Naw Pony Harness, £ 3 3s Set of Large Harnes3, suit; cranl: or van, £ 2 5^24, Llandaff-road, Canton. IG5 "gvVOR Sale. g?OdlIoue r Yard DOif, retriever price JD £ 1.—,7., Echo. Mortnyr. x317!l- IQIOR Sale. good Cob, dark bay. 14.2, good worker.- Jj Allwood, Grccar, Talbot-strect. 2b7n FOR Sale, Pony, Flat Cart, Hamess.APPly 33, Huby- 1- street, Roath, Ca.r(1jff. 265n liO) Sale, strong Pony. Flat é8.rt;ä.n¡Cí:itUnc; lot J £ 10.—Cross lun. Canton, C:m1iff. 160n JTIOR Saic, thorough "ood House or Yartl Dog. masWY. J 3 years old price 3Os.-K1ng'a Bead Hotel. Ystrad Rhondda. 99n II70R Sale, 2 good Ponies, 13.1, £ 7 and £ 8; 2 Sets Cob 7 Harness, Set Pony Harness, Pong Gig, Body of Broke. carry 10; all very cheap.—27,Mill-st,Pontypridd.n Gc OOD sound bay Mare for Sale. 14.2i high, 1 years oW. T plenty of bone snit anything; wananMd quiet saddle and harness ana fre from vicc.-Joncs. Ameri- can Market, New Tredegar. 22711 (O OOD Pony, Flat Cart, and Harness, £ 7.—Spicer, Har- \3T ness Maker, Leckwith-road, Canton, Cardiff. I6bu PONY, Flat Cart, and llarl1ess. lot £ 9; owncr leaving. ..& —19. Albert-street, Canton, Cardiff. 167u SALE, strong useful Bay Horse, 15 hands, 5yeal"s old, k nearly new (:0101.1 Cart and Hari1es.. Scales, Wel"l1ts. baske¡,s. used few times only ■ Coburg Cover Cart with covel: aD, sua horse 14 or 15 hands lot to be sold cheap. —27, South Morgan-street, Canton. Cardiff.. 392n tJ ALE, Fast Pony, warranted sound, quiet for bOv to O drive. new Flat Cart and Harness, lot £ 8 10s.— Blacksmith's Shop, back Railway Station, Newport, xn SMALL quieli vood worlting Pony. Spring Cart. Har- o ness. £ 8 10s.—38. Bedford-street, Roath. 17an rOlO Coal Merchants, Haulierf, and Others.—Active J. Cart Mare. 16 hands. 7 years, warranted sound, good worker in shafts or cRl:101ns. £ 13 10s; also eb Mare, 13.2. wa.rrs.utOf1 to foal in May. £ 5 10s also £ 0 Tom; of Prime Meadow Hay, chcap.-A. Merchant-, EaL Usk Dairy, Newport. Jö:ï.ï9n 1" )õëUgrocei-j-l1.nl- Others.—Good honest Pony, JL nearly new Flat Cart, ana Harne8 lot £ 8, chea.p.- I, Green-street, ncar Canton Bridge, Cardiff. !j,Wn 'I-mADF:¡;MAN'8 Turnout, consisting bweetÏypreHy JL thickset honest Cob. Business Cart, 0.1111 H:a-ness. perfectly sound; lot £ 16, or sell separately.—12" Tudor- roatl, Cart1itr, • 50Sn finURNOIJT, suit baker, butcher, grocer thickset A (Job. 5 years old. Bound. with Business Cart. and Harness, sound; sacrifice let; £ 19 will sell separately dealers need not apply.-16. P!ana.genestree. River- siùe, Cardiff. n nultrt!, \8ígtons, &t. B UOOJ5YÏÏns, J3uff Wyandottes and Rocks. 5s each. -Green, The Grove, Whitchurch. 982n CI AN'ARY Fanciers.—Breeding Cages, latet imprava- ^meuts, 10s, worth 20s.—Victor, 246, Leytonstonc-ron.c1. London. 67011 CANARIES.—Grand selection Cocks from 5s, l'airs from 7s.—Baker. Hairdresser, Clll"oliup..st.. Carc1iff.n /i OLDEN Wyandottes, winners 100 prizes, specials; VJTEggs, 4s doz.; unfertile replaced.—Arthur Edmunds. Blackwood. 560n 1 RAND selection lieaithy Cockerels, Pullets; sëîïOr VT exchange for cushion or pneumatic.—Evans, !vI anotclllo. 508n t RAND Pullets for Sale, pure and crossed, from 5s to V3T 8s couple; several laying.—Collier, 2, Romllly-roaci, Canton, Cardiff. 469n HOMERS, flown Inverness, Banfi. Edinburgh, 40s untrained from 3s pair.—41, Partridge-rd, Cardiff, n SCOTCH Fancy Canaries, winners ured from wiDner cocks from 128 Gd hens from 7s 6d exchange Pooltry.-Harrlngl;oJJ. 45, Crofts&red. Cardiff. 368n OPLENDID Young Amazon Parrot, make good talker, only 15S: sent on apprQYitf,—POPGBTY* SFTTNTRESSER, Cjwwl-walk, ^Quthwnpion, Spo, I Jfurnituri. ANY Quantity Second-hand Furniture or Tradesmen's Surplus Stocks Bought for Cash best prices send post;car<1.-L. Melcher, 74, Woodville-road, Cardiff, Furniture Dealer and A actloneer. 216n SIDEBOARD, magnificent piece of furniture, suit hotel, &c.-Apply 12. Castle ;\rol\<1e Catdiff. 133n Weft-oft" Clothing. "fl f RS Gorman, 13 and 15, Bridge-street, Cardiff, also AYJL Wyndham Arcade. Purchaser of Ladies', Gentle- men's, Children's Wardrobes, FUrD1tare; town or coun- try. Established -f- 459\\ Jfor Sab, .tisrtlla1t£t1lts A Lovely Set of Babv's Long Clothes, beaucllully em- broidered, unused. 50 articles. 2 £ s, approval.—Mrs Max, The Chase, Nottingham. 519n A Lady's 2gUi;i;;a(stamped)i8.carat Rolled GOlcJčurlJ Chain Bf<1.Ce¡et. with Padlock makers' g-uaral1te for 15 years' wear: accept JIs 6d approval.—Davis, Pawnbroker, ItodnCéy-rO>ltl, Walworth London. 557<1 ADVERTISER would Ùke to Sell 8mall Share in a :i3ui!ding Society small premium cash r,eecled.- W rHe C 37:5, Echo Office, Cardiff. 375u APPLE'S direct from, growers (finest); boxes 5s up- j-1 wards, carriage paid,—H. Isevan, Pendock, Tewkes- bury. 85111 ARCHBISHOP Cranmcr, Contemporary Portrait, 43in. by 39in.. £ 60.—Storrie, Queen's Arcade, Cardiff. SJCII BARGAINS.—Lady offers Beo r Crossover Necklet with Russian Tails, ?s 6d, worth 59s; handsome Sable Necklet, with Hussian Tails, 10s 6d. worth 73s both new rieh new Russian Fur Long Boa. siiky and bushy, 659<1, worth 50s: Maid. 2, Claylands-road, London, S.W. 511n BEAR Boa, very elegant, silk draw cords, 3 yards long, very bnsliy and silky, quite new. 15s 6d. worth 6 guineas handsome DCW Sealskin Cape, warranted, richly quilted satin lined, 65s, worth £ 12; approvlIol,- Lallv, 31, Clapham-road, London. 512n MIRMINGHAM Goods. — Furniture, Bassinettes. l-> Wringers. Toys, Hardware, Jewellery. Watches, <&o.: aents wanted wholesale OooJ, free.-IIenry Mav. Hir- mingham. 127n D OOTS.=Com pfeto Stock of Boots and Window Fit- tings for Saie must be sold giving up the business. Writo 0 607, Daily NéW, Cardiff. 607n BOSTON Laver, warranted correc timekeeper, 10s.— Jrs Lewis, 2, Poadslde, Merthyr. xZ93n I ART & Horse Covers. Tarpaulins,Tents, Flags,Blinds, ^Canvas. Rope, Harness.—Fred Morgan & Co.,Cardiff.n ( liilNA and Earthenware Seconds, china cups, saucers J bowls plates, jugs, iu., all gold decoration, Is par doz.; handsome toilet, <.linner, tea breakfast sets, in groat variety: hawkers' large cncap crsites, contain- ing about 1.000 articles, 383 6d. Free tea. set to new beginners. Write for freo Illustrated lists.—Arthur J. Hull, King-street Pottery, Longton. tiafl's. 1270 i"iHINA, Earthenware.— Unparalleled offer—20s buys V^ono cOnJuined Tea. and Bieakfast bet (46 pieces),gold and white chilla dinner ware (6 persons), pair grand gold pattern Vases, set liand-painted Jus, Dair Fancy Dessert Plates, anù lot, 1Utchen Articles total 100 pieces good quality ware: package free; cash returned if Doli i;[ttisfiell.- Webb Bad <:0.. Longton. Staffs. Lists free. n C1UTLERY (sterling silver Hall-marked, mounted).— J Unsoiled 10-guined Service.25s 6d; U la.rge.12 small Knives, Carvers, and Hteel, massive ivory bJJ.1:t.nc2d handles, heavily adver-mounted; approval paid-Wet 23, Low<Jr Belgrave-street. London. 615.1 fTUELD or Marine Glass, binocular, 25 miles range, as- tronomical lejises, solid leather case cost 4 gnineas; unused accept IOs Od approval.—Mrs Gregory, 2, Clay- lands-road, South Lambeth, London. 275n IJUKLD Glasses (25 mile Widow .I offers genuine achromatic lenses Field. Race. and Marine Glass, 6 guineas, binocular, In reallea.ther sling case, for imllleùiate money would accept 111> 6d would send on approval first.-Mrs B. F„ 4, Duke-street, Char ing Cross. 3142 F -ÖRSl\ï;flrst-cla5s Steam Trawler; 100 AI, triple engines, small consumption ood price aud particulars apply \0 Pike Ward, Fish Merchant, T'cigiunouth, Devon. 5b49 EOR Sale, cheap, Muller for twoaIës oT"Wines and hot water; atso Eleotr10 )}attery, suit market stall or shop; conùition new; worth seeing.—20. Queen-street Arcade. Cardiff, 525n 1,7OR Sale. Quantity Second-hand FiOOrtDV.APPlY Foreman, Barry Railway New Offices, Harry Dock. 11 /I AS Uveu. 2ft. square, 3 shelves (internal m. U- mcnt). IBit. 2in. pipe, and 5 steel trays, for SaJe. cheap; room wanted for large steam oven.—28, James. street, Docks. 33n ("1 LADhTONE Bag.—For Sale privately, exceptionally 3T handsome 4-guinea Cowhide Gladstone Bag. 2HII. long. silver-plate mOlm, never used, unsoilea, accept 3Cs; apjJroval free before payment williugly.ddrcss J 404. Echo Office, Cardiff. 40411 Gi OOD Building and Fire Bricks supplied in any fquai-.tities and the shortest notice.—Apply Tredegar Iron and Coal Co., Ltd., Tredegar. 1312 IJI1PUH'l'AN'J'T"âbJe RI.lves, 5-guIDca Set, 12 large, 12 JLsmall; meat carvers and steel, with massive real ivory handles, aecert 98 Sd approval free.-Miss Carlton, 31, Clapham-road, London. H. W. 6lGn IRON .Hurdles, Continuous Fencing, Gates, Tree- guards, Kennel Railing, Improved Fencing forCottage l'roperty, Ornamental PaJisa.Jing and Entrance Gates, Wire Netting, Wrought Iron Casements. Sashes, and General Iron work.—John Elwell, Works and Hl1owrooms. Slieepcote-street, Birmingham. Contractor to H.M. Government and the Principal Railway Companies, County Councils, &c. 6 LADY wishes to Sell a Parcel of Baby's First Clothes: superior quality never worn very cheap.—L., 19, Whitby-road, Faliowfield, 'Manchester. 148n MILK, MilK. Mi Ik.-I can now supply for accommo- dation or yearly eontracli New Milk of guaranteed quality: also Devonshire or separMed cream.-M Minilie, Dairy Factory, Worlc, Som. 309 ORDNANCE Plans.—Large quantity of local and other -Pians fDr Sale.—For particulars write I:) 199, Echo. Cardiff. 1990 "OEAL Hilver Watch,worth 3O;"for 25 (L:;dy's or Gents), t, perfect timekeever; exquisitely engrav.d every- body should secure ono at once.-Scnrl postal order lio Bert Morgan, 15, Ravenshurst-street, Birmingham. 962n SAFE, 3 feet high, fireproof, for books, deeds, or cash £ 6 IDs; and one 2Gin. high. £ 3 Safe Works, Wolverhampton. 52Cn SEALSKIN Jacket-—Enormous bargain, quite new warranted Alaska; latest fashion, storm collar, richly lined; exceedingly handsome: £ 6 15s, wortb £ 25; elegant rich dark Russian Sable Necklet, with Russian tails, 17s 6d, worth £ 5: superb Sable Muff, 22s 6d, worth £ 6 approval willingly.—Mademoiselle, 52, Hugh-street, l'imUco. Lon don. S. W. 614n SELLING Off atEeducedPrlces on account of removal, China, Antiquities. Overmantels, Oak Dresser, and all kinds oj: Second-hand Furniture.—Pa liner's, ill, Llandaff-road, Canton. 407n SILKS, Brocades. Velvets.—100 lovely large pieces, all colours, Is Cd Prints, Is carriage paid; unsatis- factory, money returnec1.-IIowe. 4y, Kyottslake-road, Birmingham. 563n SILK Velvolcen.-For Sale privately, beautiful dress o length Navy 3i1k Velveteen, 12 yards briht lustrous quality; also 12 yards black; accept 20s each approval willln¡;:ly.-W rite K 405, Echo, Card Hr. 405n Ii. Ii..V 1<;P.-T>¡a.ted Al quality Spoons al1d Forks. 8-guuiea :J Service for 30s 12 each taole, de3sert spoons, forks. also ieas/Joons (CiO pieces), silver-plated 011 nickel silver, 8taIJl)("d maker's initials; urwoiled; approval.-E.. 2, Claylands-road, London. H.W. 513n fJIABLE Cutlery.— F'our guinea hervlC8 for 12s 6d 12 JL Table, 12 Cheese Knives, Carvers, and Steel; white pinned, balanced handles; Hheffield make: unused <.ivprovfLJ. n., 55, Handforth-road. Brixton, Surrey. 514n \7ITITNEY J3iR.nkets.-Jfor Halo privately. 2 Pairs 11' Witnov Blankets full size, best quality, never used; accept 21s; approval willingly before payment; carriage paid one way.— Address XJ 406, Echo, Cardiff, n FriGELSTONE (Best Known Pawnbroker in Wales) 22, Castle-road,Roath,Cardiff, for Forfeited Pledges,n B7>ORFEITED at Fligelstoue's,Lady's IBct. Gold 5-stone Jj Viamond anù Ruby Ring, 3 guineas, bargain. for Wedding Rings.—Solid Gold Hallmarked W2drlin¡:: Rings from 3s 6d. Jj70RF'EITED at Fligelstone's, Gent's 90. Hall-marked Heavy Dog Chain Albert, ouly 50ii. J7!LIGEL«TONE'S for Rings.—22et. Guinea Gold Wed J. ng Rings. 10:3. 15s. Os. Cheapest in Wales. IiTORFEITED at Fligelatona's, Lady's Handsome Long Gold ChaIn, only 3 guineas, cost double. JJILIGFILSTONE'S for Rings.—Ladies' Hallmarked JL Gold Dress Rings, 3s 6d. Gents' Gold Ringa. 3s 6d. 1 FORFEITED at ]3'Íigelstol'B'tI, Handsome 6-b;;tt.le J. superior quality silvp.T-pl3.cd Cruct Stand, only 21s. 'Llm0L:i'oNè;8 for Wa.tchcs.-f:;Uvcr Enl1šïi JL Levers from 15s. Silver J.ever, lOp. warranted. jTlORFEITED at 1mget()o;s, Gent's i1-plateGõÏd ..a. Lever Stop Watch. only 50". warranted 5 years I77LIGELSTONE S for Gold GoTd Alberts from 25s: Ladies' Gold Alberts, i21s. -lifOi(FIiTEi)-at :¡;'ui!D!stone:r-Ladv' I8ct. Gold Watch and Long Gold Chain, only 4 guineas. fj7LIGELSTONK':s, 22, Castle-road.—Electro-plated Cruet Stand, 6 cut-glass bottles, only 5s lid. Ij'ORFEITED at Fligelstone's, Lady's Handsome Gold Watch, only 25s, cost double. Sj^LIGELSTONE'S, 22, Castle-road.—Wooden Clock3 JL from 2s lld; Nickel Clocks, Is Ed; Alarms, Is llfd. Jj70RFEITED at Flielstone's, Lady's Handsome Gold JJ Albert, cost 3 !lljne\\S, only 30s. f j7LIGELSTONE'S. 22, Castle-road.—Ladles' Gold .» £ Brooches from 3s 6d upwards. Large selection. ir@I!'Já1'EDa.t Fllgelsfoue's, Gent's 13ct. Gold tp)a.te x: English Lever. cot £ £ 0. only 8 guinea0, 1j7L.TGELSTONE'S, 22, Castle-oa(i-:3ilver Watches, warranted.6s 6d. Silver Alberts from5s,hall-marked. -F1- LIc:illLSTONE'S, 22, Castle-road.-Lady's Hanù80me Heavy Curb Geld Bangle, only 309. 1167—30n A Is £ d.—Gentlemen, for this priëewe make a splendid /W 131:1c1.: Coat and Vest In öerg-e or Vicuna, stitched 11Jth sUlc, and beautifully maile: regular price 33s, Patters and particulars pos free.-The Woollen Co* Hm<.1fonl. 935n £ ""0 3d Cigars Ladies Draperle3 value 12s6dfor6d; *i particulars free.—Chipchase, Skinnergate, Dar- lington. 346n 1,000 yards Bln-ck Vicuna Cloth, pure wool, 3s 6d cost 5s qil to make pattern.—The Woollen Co.. Bradford.n =-_r-=- tiz(dhntt01t5. ASTROLOGY.—Future foretold, business, money. changes, legacies, marriage, partner described send birthtime. de,>erJ p¡on, Is.-L3o::J. G, Hull. Forty years' experience. 6ao. A STROLOGY.—Your Futuro Foretold, marriage, -31. future partner described, children, journcj's, lcg¡¡,eies, ruling planet, 6;c.; send date of birth, 12 stamps, an" stamped enveJope.-Mr Cole, 30, Cbelr.<>n. ham-place Brighton, H!HSSCX. 143n ASTROLOGY.—New Year Prospects alldevery impor- taut. event In your career (except death) vlalnly foretold by Lady Astrologist. Hond birth date, 12 sta mp. stamped envelopc.-Cel1a, 24, Begent-street, Brighton. 147n HAIR Destroyed.—Send me an envelope stamped and addressed, and I will tell you how to remove all slloerfinoup halyfree oi charge. Mend no mcnüy.-Addres!I in confidence, Miss O. N. (RQom 3),195. Oxford-street, London, W. MATRIMON Y.—Photograph Future E.nsblLnàor Wife ..1. wHh position, Is 6d; ol1e year's events, 1:> 6d j VCf\r3'. 38 6d: Ilfe chart, 7s fd. Sex, birthtime.—Prof. Lisle, 8, HiMUllton Villas, Blshonstoke, Southampton, n "1VTERVOUS Debility and Varicocele.—Can kind friend i.H recommend poor working vnan suffering from above a genuine cure: no I]I1&cJrery.-E 394, Echo. Cardiff. 334n_ TT700 "Stout I was for yèars; by oha.nêëï-Čä:ïJWäcí:o!s a simple home remedy that TcÜuced me from 17 stone to 10 stone 121b. amI I will wIlllngly seudparticularsfreo to any RufIerer enclosIng stl\mp,llrs N. N. Fell. 195, Oxford-street, London, W. 4906 .11' lSAX 11 E Po .u'" K A X' H E » S FEATHERS JWP. DImS. Why buy eommon shoddy Wool Beds when you can get He8 ENGLISH FEATHERS at 6d per Ib, carriage paid? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made to ordo*. Send for samples and price Ha1i *0 H HANDY AND CO FEATHER MERCHANTS, Hi06I WELSH POOL. NORTH WAJ.R3. 1140 0ti&cdlant0ii& Matxts. ADVE" itTlSl!ll-w¡¡¡ë:JtotillZi re5r)ee:tabio-õiïple win. inq to Adopt healthy Baby Boy. /C"" 10 ul<>nlihs.- Address X. Echo, Swansea. x526u I WY wants Baby Girl to Adopt as her own: small JU prelmum.-B 523. Echo, Ca.r<.lUI. 52BD I" ADY wishes to Adopt Refined Girl about 8 to 13 JU yearn: exceptionally good home; orphan pre- lerred.-O 419. Echo Office, Cardiff. 4Wl1 OLD Ropes wanted for cash.—Harris and Co., Narrow Quay, Bristol. 27 ESFK.CTAJ3LE Person would Adopt Baby as o>vn; lJrcminm required.—B 495, Echo. Cardiff. 495n '1-'0- O1d -V-olüÎÏtecrs=Wantod to Purchase Helmet JL Plate3 and Cross Helli Badges of any old Welsh or Monmouthshire Volunteer CorpS.-Apply Major Echo Office, Cardiff. 4J64 762n WANTED immediately, a good Second-hand Sex* mad full particulars. A t>& Echu caroifl.; lEagona ant (Mlkrir ffoquisitts. HARRISON and Camm, Limited. Rotherham, near Sheffield, Builders of Railway Waggons for cash or on deferred payments, or on simple hire. Repairs and Maintenance Contractors. Depots at all principle stations. Also makers of Railway Wheels.—Agents, Edmunds and Radiey, Cardiff. 5350 E AIL WAY WAGONS for Hire or Sale. Cash or deferred payments.—The Midland Railway Car riage and Wagon Company, Limited, Midland Works Blriningnam. 1082 RAILWAY Waggons wanted (good second-band, new regulations preferred).—Offers to Cardiff Rolling stock Co., Mast. Moors, Cardiff. New Waggons always ready for delivery. 4546 yy It o R E R T s A N D O. RAILWAY WAGON CONTRACTORS, FINANCING „ „ AGENTS. &c., 35; MOUNTS!'UART-SQUARE, CARDIFF. Tetograuhic Address, Robust, Cardiff. New or Second-hand Wagons of every description for or npon redemption or simple hire; also to finance new or second-hand wagons. SO Iwod second-hand old specification 10-ton Waggon. ^ai'j 0,1 7 years purchase-hire immediate de'iverys Best prices given ior Second-hand Waggons. Prompt cash 011 delivery. jyg WANTED, I good second-hand 4-ton Steam Hammer- ? T 4 good second-hand Ra^trick Boilers, good for 601b pressure, 10 good second-hand Lancashire Boilers. good for 601b steam pressure, with fittings and mount- ings complete. FOR SAXjE.—15—20 uniform !tnd perfectly ne 10-tonners, inside measurements lift, 6in. by 7fG. by 3ft. 8in. one end and two sidt: doors. ready for lettor- ill. Also 5 perfectly new, inside measurements 15ft. 6m. by 7ft. by 3ft. 61n., one end and two side doors, ready for lettering. 100 uniform new regalation tO-tonners. built November —December, 1898, 4ft. deep, English oak frames, one end and two side doors; delivery Mfly. 14 low-sided 10-touners, 1ft. 9in. deep, doors each side falling full length, ready for lettering. OLD IRON ROLLS, first-class material, about 1,400 tons. STEEL RAILS FOR SALE.—643 tons new, slightly de- fective steei flange rails. 6Clb per yard. 4in. by 4in.,prip.- eipally iOtt. lengths, witn fastenings if required; also a large quantity of bridge, ilaiige, double and bull-headed sections, BESSEMER PLANT FOR SALE.—Cupolas, Converters, Ladies, Carriages, Cranes, Live Rollers, Skid Gear. &o. Applv to the BUTE WORKS SUPPLY CO., 1. PEARSON-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS. CARDIFF. Telegrams Gethlng, Cardiff. Telephone. No. < P.O. ar National. 5400 4ttad)iiur £ r, A good Hand Chaff Machine, nearly new, for sale.— xl 25, Beresford-road. Roath, Cardiff. 462n Cutter and Horse Gear complete, iu thorough J working order, for Sale, cheap; seen any time.— Samuel, Village i1 arm, Whitchurch. 653n "OR Sale, Self-Acting Planing Machine, to plane 9ft. JL' by 3ft. 6ln. by 3ft. Gin., with two graduated tool boxes, in first-class condition; also one do., to plane 6ft. by 2ft. 6in. by 2ft. 6m.. worked by screw, a splendid tool. equal to r.ew.-J oseph Pugsley .Cheese-lo.ne,Bristol.n HjIOR Sale Second-hand Wind Engine for pumping very powerful: galvanised "teeJ.-Apply Dempster. Langharne, St. Clears. R.S.O. 4748 LOCOMOTIVES for Sale.—One 13in., one 12in., one 10in., one in., one 9in.. coffee pot; each 4 wheels coupled 4 recently overhauled all good condition.— Wake antI Carr, Darlington. 5613 MARINE Engines.—9in 18in. by lOin,; condensing good cheap.—PollockTiirown & Co..Southampton. n PUMPS for Sale.—Cameron's Vertical, 8in. by Sin. by JL 8in.: ditto. Sin. by 3tin. by 5iu Wilson's No. 14 Vauxhall, 5|in. steam, 2 water cylinders, 9in. stroke: Brotherhood's Vertical, 711n. by 4in.. brass ram, abous Sin. stroke aU chea.p to clear; many other lots of all Kinds of Machinery.—Apply the Register, Britannia Works. Colchester. 5449 WANTED to purchase, a Crab Smith- if V son, Merthyr. 13350 A TLATIC ENGINEERING CO, SHAFTESBURY-STREET, NEWPORT. MON. PORT-vBLES, Agents for National SAW HORIZONTAL I Gas Engines. /BENCHES, ENGINES. Blaker&Knowles Pumps. | SHAFTING VERT'ICAL Machinery of any J PULLEYS, ENGINES, "description i,et on Hire 1 BELTING, MORTAR or Purchase System. PLUMMER MILLS, I Monthly Register sen | BLOCKS. BOILERS, post free. V 4539 0 II A R L K 3 pHIiLIPB ENGINEER, IRON FOUNDER, MACHINERY MERCH 'NT, &c., NEWPORT, MON. Some cf niv Specialities — ENGINES and BOILERS of Every Description. MACHINE TOOLS and all Engineers', Collieries, and Ironworks requirements. LOCOMOTIVES, PORTABLE ENGINES. and ail Kinds of MACHINERY LET on HIRE or PURCHr SE-HIBN on Favourable Terms. ELECTRICAL PLANT and FITTINGS of EVER1: DESCRIPTION. Some Agencies ELLIOTT'S METAL CO., LTD.-Me*al specialities, C. A. PARSONS and CO.. LTD.—Steam Turbines. KIRClTNElt and Co.— Wocd Wovking Machinery, HARRIS' PATENT PILE SHOES. VULITE SYNDICATE, LTD.—Boiler Fluid. ROLLER BEARINGS CO.. LTD. LUDLOW VALVE MANUFACTURING CO Wheal and Sluice Valves. &c. J. GREENHOUGH and CO.—Weighbridges. PARISH'S PATENT STEAM COOKER. BEAD, HOLLIDAY ACETYLENE CO.XTD.-AcetvIeM Cvas. OAKES' STEAM TRAP. 1174 u- l'1li&1:. JHan*ir. MORTGAGES.—S. Hern and Pertwee, St. Mary-strees Cardifl, Mortgage and Insurance Brokers, 11aV8 numerous sums immediately available for Freeholds Leaseholds, Reversions, and Life Interests. 1049 JO250,000 to Lend by the Provincial Union BanKinsuma of £ 10 to £ 500, 011 Note of Hand alone, or on any other 8ecnHy. at 1\ few hours' notice to all classes 111 any part of the country; repayable by easy Instalments; with and without sureties; no delay. Tills old-estab- lished Bank does the largest business In the Jringdom.- Write or call upon the llanager. Mr Stanley Downing, 1, Queen-square, Bristol; or Messrs Wilkinson and Co,3, working-street. <Jardlff. 609 21211 ASH ADVANCED by 1. SELINE. 11'- J;.5 and upwards, 011 parson; security, to all classes,repay. able to suit the convenience of bCITolvcrs, Distance no object. Apply personally or by letter, 9,.GROVE-PLACE, SWANSEA. Private and confidential as heretofore. NJk— Advances made on plate, jewellery, watches, at < educed rate of charges. 1128 f J7HE CHARING- CROSS BANK lEstab. 1870 JL 28, Bedford-street, Charlng-cross London, W.C. Assets, £ 512,475. Liabilities £ 209,475. Reserve, £30,3,000 Loans of £ 50 to £ 5,000 made on nny class of security. 2j per cent.intevest allowed 011 current accounts. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under:- 51\0 per ann subject to 3 months' notice of with drawal 61° II 6 „ „ 71* 12 ,m Special terms for longar period?. Interest paid qnar ledy. Depositors incur no responsibility, and are ampls secured Write or call for Prospectus. 1165 A. WILLIAMS. Manager. Lent Privately without: bondsmen 01 siireties of any kind to all responsible person." on note of hand alone, and at very reasonable interest. No loan office fees or formalities aud no preliminary charges whatever. Strictest privacy observed, and honesi and straightforward dealings guaranteed. Distance nlo object. Repayments arranged o suit venience. Intending borrowers should write or call a( once before applying e Iscwliere, aud may rely on imma diate attention to their requirements Atfply E. MANN, 96n 3290 05. York-road. Montpelier, Bristol gAVE TIME, TROUBLE, AND EXPENSE Responsible Persons requiring temporary assistance and desiring to avoid tlio vexatious delays and for. malities of loan offices, should call on or write to J, NOTLEY, Rosedale House, 10, Zetland-road, Bristol. Advances made without delay on furniture, farming stock, Ac without removal. All confidences str:otlj» respected and promptly attended to. If desired all transacHons can be carried out at 8astomers' OWD residences. 1274 103a CAREFULLY NOTE ADDRESS GIVEN ABOVE. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. MONEX PROMPTLY AND PRIVATELY and on EASY 1'-1- TERMS. THE LONDON AND BRISTOL MERCANTILE BANS LIMITED (Registered under Companies Aots. 1862 to 1398), BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL. LOANS PROMPTLY AND PRIVATELY MADE on Note ot Hand or on Life Insurance Policies, Reversions, Freehold and Leasehold Properties, and Shares of every description. Principal may remain so long as interest is paid. No Bills Sale taken. Written guar- antee as to privacy given if required. No heavy rates ol Interest barged. Forms, giving all particulars, Free on application to the Manager. 56*8 525n '■ JJ U G H J) A V 1 E S S COUGH MIXTURE! THE GREAT WELSH COUGH MIXTURE REMEDY, COUGH MIXTURE In 13^d and 2s 9d Bottles. COUGH MIXTURE bold Everywhere. COUGH MIXTURE COUGH MIXTURE No more Sleepless Nights. COUGH MIXTURE No more Distressing Coughs. COUGH MIXTURE No more Difficulty of Breathing, COUGH MIXTURE COUGH MIXTURE DAVIES'B COUGH MIXTURf COUGH MIX'I URE Gives Immediate Re'ief. COUGH MIXTURE Cures Coughs and Colds, COUGH MTXTlJItE Cures Bronchitis, COUGH MIXTURE Cures Whooping Coad, COUGH MIXTURE Cure, Asthma. COUGH MIXTURE Cures Influenza COUGH MIXTURE ——— COUGH MIXTURE Mr H. A. EVANS, Post Offifce, COUGH MIXTURE Treleeh, says "Many n thit COUGH MIXTURE part say that they have never COUGH MIXTURE used anything equal to Davies's COUGH MIXTURE Congh Mixture for Cough and COUGH MIXTUREjBrouchitis.' COUGH MIXTURE, Kev. E. 'W. Davies, Pentre^ COUGH MIXTURE says he has derived benefitasg COUGn MIXTUREipubUc speaker, and that it it COUGH MIXTURE he popular cure for Influenza. COUGH MIXTURE| Jenkins, Esq., Mus. Bac COUGH MIXTUIiEirecornmends it to Singers. COUGH MIXTURE Dr. Rains, M.D., Manchester COUGH M TXT URE ays :—" Extremely serviceable, COUGH MIXTURE giving great relief and comfort.* COUGH MIXTURE Sweet as Honey. COUGH MIXTURE Warms the Chest. COUGH MIXTURE Soothes the Throat. COUGH MIXTURE Relieves the Phlegm. COUGH MIXTURE Clears the Voice. COUGH MIXTURE One dose will relieve. COUGH'MIXTURE One bottle will cure. COUGH MIXTURE EST See that the Trade Mark it COUGH MIXTURE) on the wrapper-Peswcb, PROFBrETOIt— HUGH DAVIES, CHEMIST, MACHYNLLETH. 40a n J JJRADER AND S°NSv PIANOS FOR SALE PIANOS LET ON HIRE PIANOS EXCHANGED. | PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. PIANOS LET ON THE HIRE-POROHA8H SYSTEM. Only Address— 9, WIND- STREET. SWANSEA. SWANSEA.447T NEATH AND DISTRICT BILL- POSTING COMPANY—Late T. Wall. OfficesASSEMBLY-ROOMS, NEATII Manager ;—J. W ROBINSON. liegeeesMtl £ ppj.riebora of the bast Pogtisg 8t'ttM'< M NertVM&Olstottt J.1tiQ