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SguMic (KtmtpaimB. &c. he SUBSCRIPTION LIST opened on Monday, tha 24th July, and will Close TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY), the 26th July, for London, and TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) for the Country. These Mines, being situated in Portugal, will not be subject to the heavy rates and taxes proposed to be levied on mines in Spain. copper mine, developed as shown on the sketch plan enclosed with prospectus, ore from which Bold in Liverpool averaged over 21 per cent, of copper, the richest parcel yielding as much as 36J per cent, copper. (See reports and account sales). Labour is very cheap and skilled labourers plentiful, and water and timber are readily obtainable for all purposes. Transit of the ore from mines to smelting works in England averages 14 days only. mHE ARDILLA COPPER MINES I (LIMITED). <• Registered under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1898. Capital, EI20,000, divided into 120,000 shares of ZI each, of which 68,000 will be allotted as fully-paid to the vendors in part payment. 52^00 SHARES are now offered for subseription. Payabie :— 2s 6d on application, 7s 6d on allotment, 5s Od one month after allotment, 15s Od And the balance as or when required. The directors will mot proceed to allotment unless It least 12,000 shares are subscribed for providing working capital, a sum which the engineers to the company consider amply sufficient for the require- ments of the company. DIRECTORS. AOBERT H. CROWDEN, Esq. (Governing Director. Crowden and Garrod, Limited), 62, Southwark-i street, London, S.E. (Director Golden Link Con-i solidated Gold Mines, Limited). #, RICHARDSON FRANCIS, Esq., J.P., Swansea (Director English Crown Spelter Company, Limi- ted). JIajor H. SLANE FLEMING (Chairman Chaffers Extended, Limited), Park House, Ingrave, Brent- wood. 5. B. HOLLAND, Esq., J.P. (late Manager of the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron, and Coal Company, Limi- ted), 8, Thicket-road, Anerley, S.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS.—Messrs BAINBRIDGE, J SEYMOUR, and CO., U, St. Helen's-place, London, E C AGENTS IN PORTUGAL.—Messrs EDWARD PINTO BASTO, Lisbon. BAmmns.-The MANCHESTER AND LIVERPOOL DISTRICT BANKING CO. (LIMITED). 75, Corn- Mil, London, E.C. BOLICITOBS.—Fcr the Company: Messrs GIBSON, WELDON, and BILBROUGH, 27, Chancery-lane. W.C. For the Vendors: Messrs HURRELL, CHRISTOPHER, and CO., 33, Cornhill, E.C. AUDITORS.—Messrs WELTON, JONES, and CO., 5, Moorgate-street, E.C. anommm.-Londo-n: Messrs WILDY and CO., 3, Threadneedle-street, and Stock Exchange, E.C. Manchester Messrs STAVEACRK and WALTON, 26, Brown-street, and Stock Exchange. Glasgow DOUGLAS CAIRNEY, Esq., 141, West George- street, and Stock Exchange. ^BCRBTAEY AND Opnc-s.-W. COOPER. 20 and 2L Lawrence-lane, Cheapside, E.C. HE ARDILLA COPPER MINES (LIMITED). ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. This Company has been formed to acquire eleven mining concessions situated on the River Ardilla, in the Department of Barrancos, Province of Alemtejo, In the Kingdom of Portugal, each measuring about 1,000 metres by 500 metres. The first seven hereinafter mentioned are connected, and have a total area of ubottt 847 acres the next two are connected, and have an area of about 242 acres and the last two are detached concessions, and have likewise an area of about 242 acres. The whole of the properties to be acquired contain, therefore, a total area of about L331 acres. These concessions are held direct from the Govern- ment of Portugal, and six of them. forming two mining centres, being held under definitive concessions, are subject to the following liabilities only :-A fixed tax of 25 milreis per concession (about five guineas) and a royalty of 2 per cent, on the value of the ore won, both payable to the Government; in addition to which a sum equal to one-third of such tax and royalty is payable to the landowner. The other five concessions are held under denun- cios, and are subject to an annual payment of about s per concession, but can at any time be converted into definitive concessions on payment of about jE21 each. One of such last-named concessionsis at the present moment undergoing such conversion, and will be so converted by and 3,ij the expense of the vendor. The company's solicitor in Lisbon his procured and forwarded to the company's solicitors in London the necessary official: certificates that the titles to the property are in order. Huinbria de Ferrerias is the central of six conces- sions, and has been developed as shown on the sketch plan enclosed with prospectus. A shaft 170ft. deep has been sunk, and crosscuts were made at 31ft., at 120ft., and 165ft., in each case cutting the lode, which has been driven upon in the 120ft. level for 55ft., and in the lower level for 170ft. It will be seen from the mine manager's report, enclosed herewith, that the drives are throughout in the lode, which was found to be richly mineralised all through, too ore taken therefrom yielding on the average 15 per cent. to 20 per cent. of copper. He also states In an old working over 400 yards distant from the shaft the lode can be seen quite 10ft. in width. From the formation of the lode jmd the side walls we can now be assured that we possess a rich and constant lode, as the ore has been proved to continue rich at depth, and the ran on the ancient workings upon it extends for more than 500 metres." HE ARDILLA COPPER MINES! (Limited). Messrs Bainbridge, Seymour, and Co. have reported on the various concessions, and their three reports accompany this prospectus. In their first report (6th February, 1897) they state that:— The most promising work yet, undertaken is that in the Humbria daa Ferrerias, where the existence of a lode from 2ft. to 5ft. wide has been proved imme- diately below certain old workings, and carrying copper of such quality that, if it continues, should be highly payable to work. This lode is well defined, and, judging from the existence of old workings along its course, in the Cerro da Batefa, would appear to be o £ a permanent nature and of consider- able extent. It is most desirable to contiaue sinking the shaft on this mine. so as to prove the ore at a lower level, and we would recommend that prospecting operations should be concentrated at present at this point. We consider the general appearance of this lode to be very promising, and think there is every prospect of its turning out well." In accordance with Messrs Bainbridge, Seymour and Co: advice, sinking was continued, and on the 14th Jnne, 1897. they further report that at their request Mr B. J. Allen had visited the work and stated :_U I find that the lode intersected in the 50 metre level is from 1.30 to 2 metres wide, and caui ies very good ore. They have driven a gallery in the south-westerly direction on the lode for over 5 metres, and it continues to improve both in quality and quantity, and no doubt the face of the drive will very soon be altogether fronted in good ore. The lode carries at present over 30 centimetres of good mineral, which, with very little selecting, will give over 20 per cent. The other part of the lode is spotted all over with copper pyrites and this, with more care in selection, will produce a good bit of ore per metre. In resndct to the work executed in the first and second levels, I need not say anything, as you have seen these bnt the lode, having now been proved in three levels, in each of which good mineral was found, and the old wortinps, which extend for over Balf a mile, I think that this mine is of a very pro- mising character. At the present depth there is no fear of again breaking into old workings, and work can be carried on without interruption. Messrs Bainbridge, Seymour, and Co. add, by way of comment: It will be evident from the foregoing that the lode at this lower level in fully as strong as it was when seen by ml, and the quality of the min- eral is improved. and under the circumstances we consider that no time should be lost in inaugurating a vigorous system of development." Since these reports were made the developments in the 50 metre level were continued on the lode for several metres, and a satisfactory supplemental re- port was made by Messrs Bainbridge. Seymour, and Co. on the 3rd May, 1899, a copy of which accompanies the prospectus. THE ARDILLA COPPER MINES (LIMITED).—Cerro da Butefa, Cova des Mal- hoes, and Pardeciros adjoin the Humbria de Ferre- rias, and the main lode and several cross lodes can be traced through them. Piramide de Butefa and Malhada a Ronha, also adjoining, contain a cross lode, which outcrops in two places 100 yards apart, whilst Barrancaes, also adjoin- ing, has several lodes appearing on surface. Pioneiras and Velta das Juntas form a separate group; a shaft has been sunk on the former, cutting the lode at 55 feet. It is a strong lode of quartz and calcite impregnated with copper. Zapatao and Vallos Largos are detached conces- sions, some distance from the others, and no work has been done upon them. Twelve consignments of ore, taken from different parts of the gallery as the work of opening advanced. have been sold in Liverpool, yielding from lli per cent, to 36? per cent, copper, being an average of21& per cent., as per copy of account sales from Messrs Matheson and Co., to whom the ore was shipped. The average price obtained for the first-class ore was M 16s per ton. The second-class ore yielded 7 per cent. (This latter is the third parcel referred to in the full copy of account ;ales with prospectus.) The cost of transit, insurance, and selling the ore was only .£116s per ton, and the cost of mining and sorting the ore is estimated at S2 per ton. When the above-mentioned sales were made the market price of copper was less than "per ton, and the profit on shipments equalled £ 6 per ton at the present price-spy, t75 per ton—the profit on similar ore would exceed 910 per ton. Taking copper at a medium price of £60 per ton, the result from each 1,000 tons sold would be: 1,000 tono 21 per cut. ore, at lis 6d per unit. £ 12,075 Lega ,)st of getting, transit, and selling, at inS 16s per ton 3.800 Estimated gross profit £ 8,275 Labour is cheap and plentiful, the vicinity of the Rio Tinto. Tharsis. San Domingo, and other large Spanish and Portuguese mines having created a large mining copulation. Water for all narposes, includ- ing motive power, is available, and timber for fuel and mine purposes is readily procured. The railway to Bareiro. the port of Lisbon, passes within 20 miles of the mines, the ore being conveyed to it in mule carts, an inexpensive mode of transit, costing only about 10a per ton. Moreover, every hundred pounds sterling remitted to Portugal is at the present time equivalent to about JE160 in the currency of that country. THE ARDILLA COPPER MINES (LIMITED).—The vendor, who is selling at a Srofit, undertakes the payment of all expenses pre- minary or incidental to the formation of the com- pany up to the first general allotment of shares, and he has fixed the purchase-price for the eleven con- cessions to be acquired by the company, and all plant, tools, and stores now on the mines, at £ 96,000, payable as to 166.000 in fully-paid shares in the com- pany, and as to the balance of M8,000 in cash or in fully-paid shares of the company in the proportions hereinafter mentioned, thus leaving 24,000 shares available for providing working capital. The proportion of the said balance of RAOOO to be payable in cash is to be ascertained in tho following manner:— Of the present issue of 52,000 shares the proceeds of the first 12,000 shares are to be allocated to pro- viding working capital, as is also 20 per cent. of the proceeds of anv further shares which may be sub- scribed and allotted, and the remaining proceeds of such last-mentioned shares (if any) is to be paid to the vendor in cash, in :payment, or part payment, of «uch balance of £ 28,000. The original reports of Messrs Bainbridge, Seymour, and Co,, and of Mr Pulido (together with the translation of the latter), and the account sales rf the ore sold in Liverpool through Messrs Matheson and Co.. on which all the statements con- tained in the prospectns are based, together with the agreements therein, and a print 01 the memorandum and articles of association can be inspected at the offices ot the solicitors of the company up to the time of the first allotment of shares. Copies of these reports on the mines by Messrs Bainbridge, Seymour, and Co., and Mr Pulido, and on the account sales of Messrs Matheson and Co., are enclosed with the prospectus. Applications for shares should be made on the form below, and be forwarded with the amount of the deposit to the bankers of the company. It no allotment is made the deposit will be returned Is full, and when the number of shares allotted is less than the number applied for, the balance of the deposit will be credited towards payment of the amount due on allotment, and any excess will be re- tamed to the applicant. Failure to pay any inrtat- iiMnk when due will render previous ptkjneste Halite to tostsiture. A SBccbU settlement will be ibpptlad fu (m UIe Stock r public (Kumpatms, vvr. Prospectuses, with form!? of application for shares, can be obtained at the offices of the company, or from their bankers, brokers, or auditors. London, 22nd July, 1899. This form to be filled up and forwarded, with the deposit, to the company's bankers, the Manchester andLiverpool District Banking Company (Limited), 75. Cornhill, London, E.C. THE ARDILLA COPPER MINES (LIMITED). Capital, £ 120,000, divided into 120,000 shares of El each. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR SHARES. To the Directors of the Ardilla Copper Mines (Limited). Gentlemen,—Laving paid to your Bankers the sum of £ being a deposit of 2s 6d per share on shares of £ 1 each in the above-named com- pany, I request you to allot me that number of shares, upon the terms of the company's prospectus, dated the 22nd day of July. 1899, and memorandum and articles of association, and I hereby agree to accept the same, or any smaller number of shares that may be allotted to me upon these terms, and to pay the sum of 7s 6d per share due on allotment, and the balance of 10s per share as provided by the said Prospectus, and I authorise you to place my name on the register of members in respect of the shares allotted to me. And I agree with the Company (as trustee for the directors and other persons liable) to waive any claim I may have against them for not more fully complying in the said Prospectus with the require- ments of Section 38 of the Companies Act, 1S67. Signature Name (in fall) Address (in full) Profession or Occupation i Date 1899' These particulars must be written legibly. c 0 T T E R B L L ALL. PAPERS. FOR BEST DESIGNS AT LOWEST PRICES SELECT ONLY FROM c OTTPRE:LL'S JpATTERN BOOKS, OF DECORATORS AND CONTRACTORS See that every pattern has the Trade Mark; C.B. COTTERELL BROS.' SHOWROOMS AND WAREHOUSES, • 4RE STREET, BALDWIN-STREET, and MARSH-STREET, BRISTOL.. ;i 1537 SMOKE c ADLE'S gPECIAL IXTURE. I MILD AND COOL. I It does not affect the nerves or burn the tongue. Sold only in tins, d 204': IS 6d per lb. Manufactured vby PERCY E. CADLE, TOBACCO MANUFACTURED, CARDIFF. 2506 'I JgDDERSHA W'S 19 & 21, HIGH-STREET, 39, 40, & 42, ORCHARD-STREET, s WA N S E A. i GREAT SHOW OF CARPETS; ORIENTAL AND ENGLISH, IN SPECIAL ARTISTIC DESIGNS AND IN ALL SIZES, With RUGS to Match; QUALITY GUARANTEED at the LOWEST PRICES, A very large STOCK OF LINOLEUMS (Inlaid and Printed) BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS. All Floor Coverings Fitted, Made, and Laid Free 1524 .1Jf! TT7M. JQAWSON AND SONS, LIMITED, WHOLESALE NEWSAGENTS AND B OOKSELLERS, 91, ST. MART-STREET, CARDIFF. THE TRADE ARE INVITED TO APPLY FOR TERMS. A PROMPT AND ACCURATE SERVICE GUARANTEED. 852e Eat. 1809.-1had Office: BREAMS BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C, 2997 W. H. SMITH AND SON,: WHOLESALE NEWSAGENTS & STATIONERS: STRAND HOUSE, PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. Country and Town Agents supplied with all the London and Provincial Newspapers, Periodicals, and Magazines on the best terms. Country parcels despatched by earliest trains. 3013 TERMS ON APPLICATION. 861e IMNNKFOHD'S MAGNESIA. IVI A (N Lul The Best Kemsdjr for ACIDITY of the STOMACH, HEARTBURN, I GOUT, and HEADACHE, I INDIGESTION, Audi safest Aperient for Delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children, aud^Infants. DINNEFORDS 16673 591 MAGNESIA' PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900. COOK'S EXCURSION CLUB. A PERSONALLY CONDUCTED VISIT to PARIS for TEN subscriptions of 5 S. FIFTY subscriptions of I S. Apply to THOS. COOK and SON, Ludgate-circufl, London, Official Passenger Agents to Royal British Commission. Foremen and others wanted to form clubs. 1874 ORFOLE. SQUARE JJOTBL, PADDINGTON STATION, Opposite Arrival Plabform. NEWLY DECORATED AND LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED By MAPLE Sc CO. Forty Bedrooms. Splendid Dining, Drawing, and Billiard Rooms Private Sitting-rooms. Electric Light through on AfoderalbeTaxiff. Night Porter. BAKER Si CO- 3197 PBOVS moss. QUNSEARAIN SERGE (REGD.). QUNSEARAIN SERGE (REGD.). J^UNSEARAIN SERGE (REGD.). Warranted to statul,the SUN, SEA, or RAIN SUIT TO MEASURE, 50/- SOLE AGENTS s TEWART AND glTEWART THE CASH TAILORS. 271 CASTLE ARCADE CARDIFF.. 2977 Beware of Imitators. -84" e THE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING COMPLY, BRIDGE-STREET CARMARTHEN, Bill-posting and Advertising in all ts Branched throughout the Counties of Carmarthen. Pembroke, and Cardtgan. tn R. M. JAIL 5, I\USÍ11t!í5 ;Abhrtssts. T H P, s ALE, JgEN JQVANS AND 0OMPANY,. gwAKSEA, Tliis great Salo, tvhlcb begins a fortnight lator than usual, and vvlli be of shorter duration than those of former years, Is Now ON, AND WILl, CONTINUE FOR 14 DAYS ONLY. Each succeeding month sines February last has ESTABLISHED A FRESH RECORD in respect of the volume of business done, and BEN EVANS and CO, have thus been encouraged to give the public on this occasion EXCEP- TIONAL BARGAINS in every depart- ment. Regular Customers cannot fail to recognise the genuineness of the reduced prices. Anticipating an even greater flow of customers than usual at the annual Sales they have engaged an EXTRA STAFF OF ASSISTANTS in order to deal with the increased business which they con- fidently expect. The steady and continued growth in the Sales has, they venture to believe,. been due to the fair treatment accorded to their Customers, and the constant endeavour made to sell all the year round trustworthy merchandise at prices yield- ing only the MINIMUM RATE OF PROFIT. With a view of giving another impetus to the expansion of business they have just bought the Clearing Stocks of several large Manafacturers, at discounts varying from 25 TO 50 PER CENT- OFF THE REGULAR PRICES. These large consignments which have been delivered during the last few days, together with the regular Stock of Superior Goods, will be offered for Sale at prices that cannot fail to appeal to the economical. A visit of inspection is invited in the full assurance that the patrons of BEN EV AN and CO. will uot be disappointed. A 36-Page Illustrated Bargain Book Post Free JgEN JgJVANS AND COMPANY, LIMITED, g W A N S E-A., -V TO PARTIES JptJRNISHING. Before deciding, do not fail to call at OWN AND JgON'S, Where you have an ENORMOUS STOCK to select from at priceB which CANNOT BE BEATEN. Bedroom States in Stock, from 45 5s to YM. 'Dining and Drawing-room do., JM 10s to £4 ra- All goods guaranteed sound and well made; in fact, the durability of oar goods is a household word- Illustrated Catalogues Free on Application. £ 1ARPETS AND J^INOLEUMS MADE AND FITTED FREE. Carriage Paid on all. orders above.ElO, or delivered Free in our own Vans. STEAM CABINET WORKS-:— 221, HIGH-STREET AND MORRIS. LANE, SWANSEA. Established nearly half a century. Telephone No. 240. 1269 F URNITURE I F URNITURE. WHY WAIT TILL YOU HAVE MONEY WHEN p. pREEDMAN & CO" L TD"- THE CELEBRATED HOUSE FURNISHERS, 75 AND 76, HIGH-STREET, (BRIDGE APPROACH), NEWPORT, MON., ALSO; AT ELLIOT'S TOWN, NEW TREDEGAR, WILT. FURNISH YOUR HOUSES AS FOLLOWS, 4-Roomed House. 2s 6d Per Week 6 „ „ 3s 6d „ „ 8.. „ 5a Od „ „ 10. 7s 6d „ „ 25 SHOWROOMS WELL STOCKED WITH FURNITURE UP TO DATE. Dining and Drawing-room Suites, 9 pieces, £ 4.12s 6d Brass-rail Bedsteads, full size. 14s 6d, 17s 6d, 20s 6d Wire Mattress, full size Bs 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 14s 6d Bordered Carpets,newest patternsJ5s 6d,18s 6d, 22s 6d Wringers, Prams, Mail Carts Js weekly Catalogues free. Delivery free. No Enquiries. No security. Fare refunded. Distance no-object. On receipt of'postcard we will send one of our, representatives,to any address. We give the very lowest terms in the trade. Largest and best selection to suit all classes. Don't delay, but write at once to p. "jpREEDMAN & Co-, L TD., THE CELEBRATED HOUSE FURNISHERS, 75 AND 76, HIGH STREET, (BRIDGE APPROACH), 12i NEWPORT, MON.; 81e ALSO AT ELLIOT'S TOWN, NEW TREDEGAR R. J. HEATH & SONS, PIANOFORTES AND ORGANS Jt. BY ALL MAKERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR J. BROADWOOD AND SONS. AND J. AND P. SCHIKDMAYER. REDUCED INSTALMENTS AND SPECIAL DISCOUNTS DURING SUMMER MONTHS. 18 Gs. TPIANOFORTE, IRON-FRAME. 20 „ VANDERBOLDT MOftBL. 24 „ M HENRY 30 „ „ PARISIAN k 34 II „ BOARD SCHOOL 38 „ N „ ASSOCIATION 42 u IMPROVED ASSO- CIATION „ 45 QUEEN'S „ 48 « „ DRAWING-ROOM II Monthly Instalments from 10s 6d upwards, by arrangements. 5a TO 6s IN THE £ DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Carriage Paid. GUARANTEED AND TUNED FREE. Grand and Upright Pianofortes by ColKrd, Brins- meacl, KirJcra;tn, Kxard, jflevel, Bluthner, Bechsteia Steiuwaj, &K. "'i ORGANS NROM 5gs., By Mason and Hamlin. Bell. Smith, and Others. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFB. 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. &1, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. MANUFACTORY: LONDON. NO. Telephone: Cardiff, ).Q2L; Pontypridd, 21. J r, Business Abhr.essts. i' T. C, T»-\r,M13R, THE CASH TAILOR, ¡ 66, QUEEN-STHEET, i OAR,DIFF, AND 35, CASTLE-STREET,* SWANSEA. Stoe Serge Stitt alt wool, indigo £ 2 2 to Measure Gtey Worsted Suit 2 2 0 to Measure Scotch Tweed Suit (the new shades) 2 2 0 to Measure Frock Coat and Vest (silk facings) 2 2 0 to Measure Cevert Coat 110 0 to Measure Pare Worsted Trousers (Fo,abionable stripes) 0 13 0 to Measure Cyclist Snit and Cap (all wool) 2 2 0 to Measure T. C. PALMER DOES NOT ALTER UN- SATISFACTORY GARMENTS, BUT CUTS ANOTHER ONE. PERFECT IT GUARANTEED. 93 TO L AD 1 E s AN IDEAL FOOD. ROBERTSON'S JJASPBERRY JAM. MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED "G OLDEN SHRED" MARMALADE. 102e gT STONE~~& CO j UNDERTAKERS. ONLY ADDBESS I N WORKING-STREET J CARDIFF. J Telegraphic Address Stone, lJ, Working-street I f Cardiff. National Telephone. No. 839. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Contributions sent to the South Wales Daily Newt should be plainly written in ink, and invariably on one side of the paper. We desire to urge upon our numerous correspondents the value of conciseness and the desirability of curtailing the length of their communications. It cannot be too clearly under stood that brief and pointed letters receive the first attention. All communications intended for inser- tion must be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, not necessarily for pnblica tion, but as a guarantee of good faith. No notice will be taken of anonymous letters. Rejected com- munications will not be returned.

Family Notices











-__-__------_-AN UNEMPLOYED…







WEDNESDAY. JULY 26, 1899.…

._----------.---WELSH AliTIST…


----.--------LLANELLY HARBOUR…